"Rich Woman" Kim Kiyosaki. "Rich Woman" by Kim Kiyosaki Introduction by Sharon Lecter

It's good when in a woman's life there is a man you can count on. It’s good when you don’t have to think about how much money to buy food and clothes with. But what if such a man is not around? And it also happens that he suddenly leaves, and the woman is left completely without a livelihood. Of course, when you get married, you don't think about divorce. But divorces still happen, and therefore it is worth taking care of your own independence, it will not be superfluous in any case. That's what the book "Rich Woman" was written for. Its author is Kim Kiyosaki, the wife of the successful and well-known Robert Kiyosaki, who teaches financial literacy.

Why is this book not suitable for everyone if there are general rules for dealing with finances? The thing is that a woman and a man have a different approach to solving this issue, there are some psychological differences that were taken into account when writing the book. The author tells how not to fall for his own tricks, overcome the fear of risk and finally take action, having understood all the nuances of financial management. This book gives a powerful impetus and confidence that everything will work out, there would be a desire! It will give you the opportunity to stop worrying about tomorrow and start living calmly.

On our site you can download the book "Rich Woman" by Kiyosaki Kim for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.

So what is she - a rich woman?

Money opens up more roads for us, gives us more opportunities and freedom. But along with this, many rich women go through many crises and struggle with many fears, which only makes them stronger and richer internally.

Is the advice of that Rich Woman valuable?

A woman who achieved everything herself, walked with her husband “in one bundle” in sorrow and in joy, in wealth and poverty, led a house, built her own business, formed her investments, studied, developed.

Definitely - Yes!

How can you unlock your true potential?
How to find the strength and confidence to make important decisions?
How to realize your true essence and understand what is really important to you?

Only a woman can answer these questions.

Therefore, I hasten to inform you that this year for the first time a woman who is known to the whole world arrives in Russia.
Author of the book "Rich Woman", co-author of the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad", wife of Robert Kiyosaki, practicing investor, financial coach for women No. 1 in the world - KIM KIYOSAKI.

On October 13-14, Kim arrives in Moscow with her Rich Woman team for the First Women's Investment Forum "Rich Woman".

The first part of the speech program by Kim and her team will be devoted to the questions asked above.

And the second part of the program reveals ways of profitable investment and business management in a feminine way.

How to distinguish

  1. a profitable investment from a losing one?
  2. a profitable business from a losing one?

All speakers have a fantastic store of knowledge, which they will share in a simple and understandable language.

« You will think of finances, investments and business not as numbers, but as a very creative and exciting process. Excuses such as lack of money, time, knowledge that often stop you will disappear
© Kim Kiyosaki

Kim Kiyosaki uses real life examples to inspire women to take charge of their lives, start successful businesses and enjoy the life of their dreams.

Analyzing a lot of collected data and thanks to her rich experience, Kim noticed certain trends; she found the clearest path to a woman's financial freedom.

You can spend a day or a day and a half focusing on yourself and your true desires. There will be like-minded women around you, united by similar dreams and goals. Incredible association of women!

I believe that our education is the most important investment in ourselves today.
Women are often so busy caring for others that maybe it's time to put yourself first in your life and start investing in yourself?

The wife of millionaire Robert Kiyosaki, author of the best-selling Rich Dad series, wrote this book for those of the fair sex who seek financial independence from a husband, relatives, employers, or the state.

If you no longer want to worry about money, want to control your financial future yourself, are tired of waiting for a rich prince and dream of true freedom, then you should definitely read it!

book characteristics

Date of writing: 2006
Name: rich woman

Volume: 280 pages, 5 illustrations
ISBN: 978-985-15-2317-3
Translator: I. V. Grodel
Copyright holder: potpourri

Preface to The Rich Woman

They say that behind every successful man is a strong woman. In my case, this is true. I would never have achieved such success if not for my wife Kim. Sometimes I ask myself what would happen to me now if we had not met.

At first I was attracted by her beauty. On the first date, it turned out that in addition to her pretty face, she also had a bright head. Kim is a very smart woman. When we got to know each other better, it turned out that her inner beauty even surpasses her outer one, and then I fell in love. If there is such a thing as a kindred spirit, then I found mine.

But all the strength of her character manifested itself in the most difficult periods of our lives. Her resilience helped us overcome all adversity, and without my wife I would hardly have coped with them. Many times - when we had no money, a roof over our heads and even a means of transportation - she consoled me, and I cried like a child. Kim was my rock and believed in me even when I was losing faith in myself.

As in any family, we had quarrels and disagreements. But the most important thing is that, having gone through all the hardships and hardships of life, my love for my wife grew into deep respect. This woman is truly admirable. Kim is quite independent and does not need my guardianship. She is modern, cheerful, rich, kind, beautiful and independent.

When we play golf together, Kim takes the first shot from the same mark as the men. She does not ask or wait to be given a head start just because she is a woman. And, unfortunately, she beats me very often. Thank God, she does not turn her victory into an event and does not make fun of me.

When we met, I had nothing but debt, a load of past mistakes, lessons learned from them, and a dream. Kim was ready to share my life with me and help make this dream come true. But we managed to do not only that - we managed to do much more, and today we live in a way that we did not even dream of.

I know that she did not marry me for money, because at that moment I simply did not have any. When it comes to investing, I tried to teach her everything I learned from rich dad. Kim immediately felt at home in this area like a fish in water, and she turned out to be a much better investor than me. This is a self-made woman. Wealthy woman.

Therefore, I am honored to write the preface to the first of her many future books. In my opinion, Kim is a model of a modern woman: cheerful, friendly, beautiful, independent, smart and rich. When it comes to money and investing, rest assured she knows what she's talking about. Once upon a time, Kim was completely ignorant of these matters; she literally turned from an amateur into a real expert right before my eyes. She herself does what she teaches others. It is with great pleasure that I write this foreword for Kim, my best friend, business partner and wife.

Intro Sharon Lecter

Kim and I have been friends for ten years and have been doing business together. I am very pleased that she asked me to write a preface to this book, and I am very glad of this opportunity.

Many people think that Kim is easy to invest because she is Robert's wife. It is often heard in her address: “It’s easy for you to talk!” But being the wife of such a prominent and charismatic personality, it is even more difficult to achieve success and independence on your own. For over twenty years Kim has traveled the world with Robert teaching people how to manage their money and how to invest. In parallel, she was engaged in her investment plan and today she has already created her own multi-million dollar real estate empire.

I sincerely see Kim as a completely independent woman, driven by a strong inner desire to help other members of the fair sex achieve financial freedom. She could easily enjoy a good life, satisfied with the success of our company and her own investments. But Kim decided to devote herself to a good cause: to teach women how to control their lives.

When Rich Dad was being formed, Kim, Robert and I decided that Robert should represent the brand. He was and always will be the brightest personality in our company. In addition, Robert is a famous bestselling author. Kim and I give him every support in the development of the company. Now that twenty-three Rich Dad books have been translated into more than forty-five languages, now that our company's products are sold in ninety-seven countries, now that Rich Dad Poor Dad has been on The New York bestseller list for more than five years. Times, we decided it was time to set new goals for ourselves and for our company.

Over the past year, Robert has repeatedly said to Kim and me, “Thank you both. You helped me make my dreams come true, now it's your turn. It's time to focus on what you want." We are starting the Rich Woman series with this book and plan to continue this theme in other books. The Rich Family series will soon begin with a book that I am writing.

Kim's passion is helping all women achieve financial independence. My passion is helping parents educate their children so they can not only survive but thrive in today's financial world.

As you read this book, you will most likely recognize yourself in one of its characters. Kim lists many reasons why women justify their reluctance to invest:

"My husband will take care of me"

"I work so hard"

"I want to receive what was promised from the employer",

"I have no time",

"I have no money",

"I'm out of my mind"

"The kids need me"

“I don’t need these chores,” and talks about how to overcome each of these obstacles.

When getting married, a woman, of course, does not think about divorce. But, unfortunately, not all marriages work out well, and many of us are forced to maintain such unhealthy relationships - forced for material reasons.

When it comes to your career, the more successful you are, the less time you have for other things. In investing, the opposite is true: the more success, the more free time. Investments will work hard for you and provide the necessary income, and you yourself will no longer have to work for money.

In the past few weeks, I have lost my father and a close friend. My mother and this friend's wife are now alone and fearful of the future. Both are very smart and worked before marriage. Now they will have to relearn how to manage their finances. This just goes to show that women need to learn more about investing.

Life exposes us to unexpected trials. From this book you will learn how to learn to rely only on yourself in difficult times. Regardless of your background, education, current financial situation and regardless of any other "obstacles", you can find the strength and desire to change your own life.

The best learning tool is personal experience. Kim talks about the challenges she faced early in her investment career, how she overcame them, and how she ended up building her own financial empire independent of Rich Dad. Whether you are a newly divorced mother, a single elderly woman, a widow, or a happy wife worried about her future after retirement, know that you are not alone in this world.

The first step is often the hardest. By taking control of your financial future, you will gain the self-confidence that will help you succeed in other areas of your life. With this confidence, you will win freedom and be able to have everything you want.

Rich Woman - Kim Kiyosaki (download)

(introductory fragment of the book)

And finally, we offer you to watch an interesting video


rich woman

Women's Guide to Investing

Dedicated to my parents, Winnie and Bill Meyer


They say that behind every successful man is a strong woman. In my case, this is true. I would never have achieved such success if not for my wife Kim. Sometimes I ask myself what would happen to me now if we had not met.

At first I was attracted by her beauty. On the first date, it turned out that in addition to her pretty face, she also had a bright head. Kim is a very smart woman. When we got to know each other better, it turned out that her inner beauty even surpasses the outer one, And then I fell in love. If there is such a thing as a native duta, then I found mine.

But all the strength of her character manifested itself in the most difficult periods of our life. Her resilience helped us overcome all adversity, and without my wife I would hardly have coped with them. Many times - when we had no money, a roof over our heads and even a means of transportation - she consoled me, and I cried like a child. Kim was my rock and believed in me even when I was losing faith in myself.

As in any family, we had quarrels and disagreements. But the most important thing is that, having gone through all the hardships and hardships of life, my love for my wife grew into deep respect. This woman is truly admirable. Kim is quite independent and does not need my guardianship. She is modern, cheerful, rich, kind, beautiful and independent.

When we play golf together, Kim takes the first shot from the same mark as the men. She does not ask or wait to be given a head start just because she is a woman. And, unfortunately, she beats me very often. Thank God, she does not turn her victory into an event and does not make fun of me.

When we met, I had nothing but debt, a load of past mistakes, lessons learned from them, and a dream. Kim was ready to share my life with me and help make this dream come true. But we managed to do not only that - we managed to do much more, and today we live in a way that we did not even dream of.

I know that she did not marry me for money, because at that moment I simply didn’t have any. When it comes to investing, I tried to teach her everything I learned from rich dad. Kim immediately felt at home in this area like a fish in water, and she turned out to be a much better investor than me. This is a self-made woman. Wealthy woman.

Therefore, I am honored to write the preface to the first of her many future books. In my opinion, Kim is a model of a modern woman: cheerful, friendly, beautiful, independent, smart and rich. When it comes to money and investing, rest assured she knows what she's talking about. Once upon a time, Kim was completely ignorant of these matters; she literally turned from an amateur into a real expert right before my eyes. She herself does what she teaches others. It is with great pleasure that I write this foreword for Kim, my best friend, business partner and wife.


Kim and I have been friends for ten years and have been doing business together. I am very pleased that she asked me to write a preface to this book, and I am very glad of this opportunity.

Many people think that Kim is easy to invest because she is Robert's wife. It is often heard in her address: “It’s easy for you to talk!” But being the wife of such a prominent and charismatic personality, it is even more difficult to achieve success and independence on your own. For over twenty years Kim has traveled the world with Robert teaching people how to manage their money and how to invest. In parallel, she was engaged in her investment plan and today she has already created her own multi-million dollar real estate empire.

I sincerely see Kim as a completely independent woman, driven by a strong inner desire to help other members of the fair sex achieve financial freedom. She could easily enjoy a good life, satisfied with the success of our company and her own investments. But Kim decided to devote herself to a good cause: to teach women how to control their lives.

When Rich Dad was being formed, Kim, Robert and I decided that Robert should represent the brand. He was and always will be the brightest personality in our company. In addition, Robert is a famous bestselling author. Kim and I give him every support in the development of the company. Now that twenty-three Rich Dad books have been translated into more than forty-five languages, now that our company's products are sold in ninety-seven countries, now that Rich Dad Poor Dad has been on The New York bestseller list for more than five years. Times, we decided it was time to set new goals for ourselves and for our company.