Quick skin retouching. Face retouching in Photoshop CS5 detailed tutorial - saving a "killed" photo

After taking a lot of photos, we may find that many of them need to be improved and further edited, as well as to use photo retouching. On some images, you need to remove the notorious “red-eye” effect, on other images - to get rid of wrinkles or improve the proportionality of the face, on the third - to remove excessive redness of the skin, and so on. Usually, popular photo editing programs are used for this, like Photoshop or Pixlr, but why not use network photo editors that allow you to retouch the image online with a couple of clicks? In this article, I will tell you how to retouch a face photo online, what network tools will help us with this, and how to work with them.

The functionality of these services is quite similar to the specifics of working with stationary photo editor programs, allowing you to easily retouch photos online for free without registration. You go to the network resource I specified, upload the desired face photo (usually a portrait type), and then go to the photo editing window, where various tabs are located. By switching these tabs, and choosing between the tools available there, you make the necessary changes to the image, then click on the "Save" button, and download the result to your PC.

At the same time, a number of services have the function of automatic retouching, when all operations on your photo are performed automatically, and you almost immediately get an improved version of your photo, which you then save to your hard drive.

Instructions for adding an inscription on a photo in my past!

Face photo retouching services

Let's move on to the list of network services that allow you to retouch photos in Russian. I will list a few popular free services and explain how to use them.

Makeup.Pho.to - erases acne, smoothes wrinkles on the face

This service positions itself as an online photo editor with great features from VicMan Software, which, moreover, has released a similar mobile application Visage Lab with a fairly extensive photo retouching toolkit.

  1. To perform face retouching online using this service, go to it http://makeup.pho.to/ru/ and click on the "Start retouching" button.
  2. Choose from where you will import the photo (computer or Facebook) and upload the required photo to the resource.

After uploading the photo, the service will automatically retouch the photo online. Options such as skin retouching, wrinkle smoothing, anti-glare, teeth whitening, and so on will be automatically applied. After viewing the result, you can remove any of the options by unchecking the corresponding checkbox and clicking on the "Apply" button.

If necessary, you can click on the "Effects" tab on the left, and select any of the effects (Dreamy Retro, Poster Look, Phantasy Blue and others).

Retush.net service - whitens teeth, eliminates red eyes, and so on.

Another service that allows you to perform face retouching is Retush.net. This service allows you to work with the built-in English-language photo editor "Photocat", which has a fairly wide range of image editing capabilities.

Go to this resource, click on "Upload" and upload the photo you need to the site. On the left are the basic tabs for working with the image: “Edit” (editing), “Effects” (effects), “Retouch” (retouch), “Frames” (frames), “Text” (text), “Local retouch” (local retouch).

By switching between tabs, you can select different tools and apply them to your photo. For example, in the “Retouch” tab, you can apply effects to the figure (Figure), skin (Skin), eyes (Eyes), lips (Lip tint). By choosing the width of the coverage (Brush size) and the intensity of the effect (Intensity) you can achieve the desired quality of your photo.

To save the result, use the "Save" button on the top right.

Avatan - online photo editor

The next Russian-language service that allows you to edit photos for free is Avatan. To work, log in to this resource, click on the "Start retouching" button, and then "Go to the set."

You will be in edit mode. Click on the "Open" button, then on "Open Photo", and upload your photo to the resource.

At the top there will be various tabs (filters, effects, textures, and so on), switching between them and choosing the various tools available in them, you can edit your photo according to your preferences.

To save the result, there is a "Save" button at the top.

IMGonline - photo processing

The IMGonline service allows you to perform automatic retouching online using a minimum of settings. Just go to this resource https://www.imgonline.com.ua/retouch-photo.php , click on the "Browse" button and upload the required image to the service.

Decide on other settings (retouch level, general smoothing level, sharpness, brightness, contrast), select the output file format (JPEG or PNG-24) and click OK.

The photo will be processed, and you can download or view the result by clicking on the appropriate inscriptions on the screen.

Smartbrain - removes skin imperfections in portrait photos

Well, the last service for today is Smartbrain. This service is positioned by the creators as a free network photo editor with an excellent set of various image filters.

To work with it, click on "Upload your photo", and then on "Upload file". After uploading, you will see at the bottom the buttons for various editing options for your photo (filters, brightness, contrast, saturation, blur, tilt shift, etc.), with which you can make all the necessary changes to the photo.

To save the result, use the "Save" button at the top.


The services I have listed make it easy to retouch face photos online. In most cases, they have a fairly simple functionality, while some of them have an automatic retouching option, which is useful for those who do not want to burden themselves with unnecessary photo editing efforts. Use the services I have listed - and your photos will look much better, brighter, more representative than they looked before.

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Hello, dear readers of the Start-Luck blog. There is a lot to retouch portraits, but if you want to achieve an amazing effect, then you have no choice, you have to use Photoshop. It will allow you to create such a result that you can even hang it on the wall, even use it in a glossy magazine. All friends and acquaintances will envy your photo, and most importantly, no particularly complex manipulations.

Today I will tell you how to retouch a face in Photoshop professionally. The work is easy, but painstaking. It may take you at least an hour. But the result will exceed all expectations. It was exactly like that with me.

I will not hide it, I took one of the first videos on YouTube and tried to repeat it and did not even particularly hope for a high-quality result, but it turned out to be perfect. You can read the text with step-by-step pictures, or you can immediately go to the end of the article and try to do everything exactly the same as in the video. For beginners, I would recommend the first option, but it's up to you.

To do this, drag the topmost slider slightly towards blue, and the bottom one towards blue.

I open "Tone" - "Shadows" and do the same.

Don't be afraid, the photo won't be that blue. Hold Alt + Del, everything will return as if in its place.

Now select a white brush and stroke the pupils on the portrait. You may have already worked with . Now you are doing just that.

Lower the opacity of the layer to make the picture look more natural.

Add another adjustment layer - hue/saturation.

We make the picture less saturated.

Now Curves.

Align the colors to your liking.

The face at the moment does not look quite natural, it is too pale. Go to the red channel. And try to revive it a little.

The same can be done with blue and green.

The opacity of this layer is also better to make a little less. For naturalness.

Again merge all previous layers into a heap.

Select the filter - sharpening and add contour sharpening to the portrait.

Set the effect to 50 and the radius to 1.

Once again go to the Unsharp Mask filter, but this time set the effect to 100 and the radius from 1 to 2.

OK it's all over Now. This is how our photo looked originally.

And also upon completion of all work.

Video instruction

I believe that the text and video mode will help you understand all the intricacies and add an excellent result. If you don’t understand something in the text, you can always go to the video and vice versa. For example, I could not understand initially how to reduce all layers into one. But then I figured it out.

Well, if you want to learn how to masterfully, thoroughly, professionally and thoughtfully retouch any photos, I can advise you on the course « Photoshop for photographer » in it you will find a detailed analysis of each tool and learn how to apply them, pursuing a specific goal and knowing what you are doing and why. You will be able to learn how to use the professional program masterfully.

OK it's all over Now. See you soon and don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter.

Photoshop tutorial for beginners on retouching a portrait. Continuation of the theme according to Scott Kalby's book "Portrait Retouching for Photographers".

For competent skin retouching, a simple blur is not enough. It is very important to be able to smooth the skin of a person in the photo, while maintaining its natural structure. Professional retouchers are ready to retouch the face for hours, looking at every pore, until they achieve the perfect result. Amateur photographers are not professionals, but with the help of certain techniques they can also achieve good results in retouching the face.

Let's get to the lesson. Let's open the photo for retouching.

1. Spot removal.

You should always start by removing stains. The thing is that after their removal, further skin retouching may not be required at all. The spots can be considered as separate fragments that are located separately from each other.

Let's start working.

Create a new layer - a copy.

Select the Spot Healing Brush tool.

Zoom in on the image.

Place the pointer directly on the defective fragment and click the mouse. We do not sketch it, but simply click once. The size of the brush is adjusted to the size of the spot.

That's it - problem solved.

This is how unsuccessful fragments of small sizes are deleted: point the cursor at the problematic fragment and click the mouse.

However, if the defective fragment is located on the edge of some element (lips, eyebrows, hair, etc.), then after processing with the Spot Healing Brush tool, the edges of the retouched fragment will turn out to be "dirty". There is a capture of neighboring pixels that do not belong to the skin, but to the lips or hair. In this case, use the tool "Stamp" (Clone Stamp). Set the parameter "Hardness" (Hardness) to "75%". In addition, in the drop-down list "Sample" (Sample) select the value "All layers" (All Layers) so that the sample pixels can be selected on the background layer of the image.

Similar to the Stamp tool, the Healing Brush works. It is necessary to set the point from which pixel samples will be selected for transfer to the defective fragment. Press the "Alt" key and select the point with the "reference" pixels. We click on the defective fragment.

If we edit spots on the forehead, the skin sample for replacement must be selected to the right or left of the unsuccessful fragment. The thing is that the texture of the skin on the forehead changes from top to bottom and therefore it is advisable to choose a replacement sample to the left or right of the stain, and not below or above it. For other fragments of the face, this nuance is not significant.

Very small imperfections will be corrected in the next steps when we move on to skin smoothing techniques.

2.How to avoid the plastic skin effect.

You can see many examples of retouching, in which human skin is so blurred that it resembles plastic. There are no traces of any pores or other skin texture on the face. Against this background, the eyes and lips seem unnaturally clear. The whole picture looks fake.

Before you start smoothing the skin, make a copy of the layer on which all pimples and blemishes have been removed.

Run the command “Filter – Blur – Gaussian Blur” (Filter – Blur – Gaussian Blur). Set the blur option to "20px". Lower the opacity of the blurred layer to "50%" to reduce the blur effect created.

Hold down the "Alt" key and click on the icon on the layers palette "Add layer mask" (Add Layer Mask). A black layer mask will hide all changes.

We choose a medium-sized brush with soft edges and paint over the skin areas on the face except for the lips and eyes with white.

To quickly see which parts of the skin you've already painted and which ones you've missed, Alt-click the mask thumbnail in the Layers panel.

The layer mask will be reflected on the entire screen and it will immediately become clear which fragments are skipped.

To return to the previous image of the layer on the screen, click again on the mask thumbnail in the layers panel while holding down the "Alt" key.

Let's add an artificial texture effect.

Create a new transparent layer.

Press the "Ctrl" key and click on the mask icon on the layers palette. A dotted selection will appear. Fill it with grey. Set the opacity of the fill to 50%. Click on the "OK" button, but do not cancel the created selection yet.

We execute the command “Filter – Noise – Add Noise” (Filter – Noise – Add Noise). In the filter dialog box, set the "Amount" parameter in the range "2.5 - 3%", the "Distribution" parameter (Distribution) set to "Gaussian" and the "Monochrome" checkbox. We click "OK".

Deselect the selection with the "Ctrl + D" keys, change the blending mode of the edited layer to "Soft light" (Soft Light) to create a subtle texture, or to "Overlay" (Overlay) to create a more expressive skin texture.

Let's compare the original and retouched image.

With careful treatment of all defects, good results can be achieved.

The frame was not originally intended to be used as a portrait. This is a headshot - a shot of a model for casting. It is made with camera settings ISO 50 | 1/125 | f/9. This shot perfectly demonstrates the most common skin imperfections and shadow positions. All processing will be done in Photoshop.

1. First of all, load the picture into Photoshop. Editing in the RAW converter can be omitted. Since the photo was taken on a good camera in a studio with a set light.

2. Photography has one feature. In the pictures, all the flaws in the skin and facial structure are very clearly visible. This is due to the fact that the picture can be viewed for a long time, and in real communication people rarely look so intently into each other's faces. In addition, a conversation with a person distracts from looking at the interlocutor. A photograph allows you to consider a person's face with multiple magnification.

So, let's start processing. Let's fix some minor bugs first:

3. If you think that such processing is difficult, you are mistaken. Everything is very simple. Processing will be done with the healing brush tool. The hardness of the brush should be 100%. This will keep dirt from appearing around the edges. In each case, individual brush size settings are used.

Each processing step must be done on a new layer. This will allow you to go back a few steps if processing reaches a dead end or a critical error is made. You can't rely on history, which allows you to undo your last actions. By default, only 20 action rollbacks are allowed. In the settings, this value can be increased, but in this case, Photoshop will consume too many computer resources, the more painstaking work requires a large number of brush strokes, and no matter how many history undoes are available, they will still end at the most inopportune moment.

4. Long and painstaking processing with the healing brush tool allows you to get an excellent skin texture without serious defects:

5. Major flaws still remain:

6. Further processing will be carried out on a copy of the previous layer. For this cut, the same healing brush will be used, only a larger one. This step of processing should be treated with special attention. Correcting skin areas, you need to take into account the overall pattern, volume and light and shade composition. Having made a mistake, you can change facial features and get a portrait of a completely different person.

7. This could finish the processing, but someone may not like the presence of wrinkles under the eyes. They can be removed by repeating step 6.

8. In some cases, additional processing may be required using the Imagenomic Portaiture plugin. In most cases this is not required. Every photographer should strive to take such pictures that they require minimal processing, and, if possible, manage with standard Photoshop tools.

9. In the Detail Smoothing settings group, it is advisable to configure the plug-in to clean up only low-frequency noise, which is difficult to manually correct. Fine and Medium sliders are responsible for medium and high frequencies. We set their settings to -20 and -10. Set the Large engine to +20.

10. This treatment makes the face plastic:

11. To get rid of this unpleasant effect, you need to reduce the transparency of the Step 3, Portraiture and Retouch layers to 30% each. The face acquires a natural texture and at the same time remains clean and flawless:

12. Having finished with the skin texture, let's move on to lighting. After creating a new transparent layer, set it to mutiply blending mode. With a soft, translucent brush, paint shadows in those places where, in your opinion, they are missing.

13. Create another layer and carry out similar manipulations, only this time with highlights. Set the layer to screen blend mode.

14. the layer with shadows needs to be blurred with a gaussian blur filter with a large radius:

15. Highlights are blurred too, but the radius needs to be used smaller. The less the highlights are blurred, the more the skin will shine:

16. To get optimal lighting, the transparency of the layers with highlights and shadows is reduced.

17. To add contrast, it is best to use an adjustment layer with curves. Along with the contrast, the saturation of colors also increased, but in our case this is only at hand:

18. Create another curves adjustment layer and increase the overall brightness. It will be used to add shine to hair:

After reading this instruction on how to make a face photoshop in Adobe Photoshop, even a novice user can complete this task.

All you need is a competent and detailed instruction. The retouching methods described in the article will help you retouch a photo no worse than professionals from glossy magazines.

Remember! At the final stage of retouching, the skin of the face should not be too blurry and “plastic”. Apply all the effects and techniques in moderation and then the photo will seem natural and of high quality.

Method 1. Working with layers

Stage 1. To start open photo, which you want to edit in the main program window. For retouching, only high-resolution images are suitable, that is, those that can be greatly enlarged and consider the very texture of the face.

Now we need to start working with layers. Duplicate the layer by pressing the Ctrl and J keys. Then immediately press Ctrl + G. The layer will be copied and placed in a new group. For groups and layers, users must name them, so I'll list them as Airbrush1 and Blur1.

The created Blur1 layer is displayed in the program as follows:

Blur1 is essentially a blurry display of the skin. Next, you need to add another layer, with the help of which the skin and face will again acquire a natural embossed appearance. Again press Ctrl and J and Ctrl + G.

Double click on the previously created Blur1 filter. The layer editing window will open. To perform blurring, select the Surface Blur filter. It allows you to achieve a good degree of blur without smearing the edges of the lips, nose, eyes. Adjust the slider so that the skin looks even, but not too oily. Work out in detail each fragment of the picture, using the zoom window. Pay special attention to the edges of the lips and eyes.

After finishing editing the layer, save all the changes made and close the layers window. As a result, the main image should be very even, and the skin of the face smoothed, as shown in the figure. In this case, the eyes and lips will have a natural look, as shown in the figure:

This blur stage allows you to create a foundation for subsequent work. If it seems to you that you have leveled the layer too much and the picture looks unnatural, but the following steps will give us the opportunity to fix this problem.

Stage 2. Simultaneously press the Shift+F5 keys to open the fill window. In earlier versions of the program, the hotkey combination may not work, so open the window using the Edit - Fill menu. Set the window parameters as shown in Figure 4. Click OK to save the changes.

Rice. 4 - change the texture fill parameters

Stage 3. At the third stage of editing, you should add quite a bit of extraneous noise. This trick can make the skin of the face more natural and natural. Remember that after working with the filter, the image should not be very sharp.

Open the Filter - Noise window. Adjust the slider so that the skin has a barely visible relief, as shown in the figure below:

To leave the skin natural and remove the extra created noise on the rest of the photo, you need to use the Gaussian blur tool (Gaussian Blur). Select it by going to the Filter - Blur window.

In the window that opens, you need to set the radius of the created blur and apply the effect. We advise you to set the parameter to "1". After that, press the OK button.

Stage 4. Now we need to determine the exact skin color that is used in the blur layer. This can be done using the well-known pipette. This tool is located on the toolbar on the left side of the main program window. Select an eyedropper and click it on the area of ​​the skin, the color of which is the most natural for you. Then a color palette will be displayed, on which the color you have chosen will be determined. Click on the triangle to open the color options list window. In the list, check the HSB model. Remember the meaning of the HSB fields. This will be very useful in future work.

Stage 5. Now let's adjust the color saturation. To do this, select “Background Saturation” in the main menu of the program or press the Ctrl and U keys. The Colorized item should be checked. Next, set all three parameters to the same values ​​that the HSB model had at the previous stage.

Stage 6. Now find the layers panel. It is always displayed in the main program window. Click on the previously created Airbrush1 layer. Now on the main menu, select the "Layer" window. In it, click on "Layer Mask" and then click on "Hide All".

This action allows you to create a new layer mask. It will be completely filled with black. This area is needed to create areas that will later be used to retouch the image.

Stage 7. Press the D button on your keyboard. This allows the program to automatically detect background colors. On the Photoshop toolbar, select Brush. Set the following settings shown in the figure:

The illustration must be enlarged by 100 percent. This will help to see the skin of the face as close as possible. Now paint over the skin with the brush. If the tone seems unnatural to you, it's okay - in the next step we will even out the color. Use the brush on areas of skin that need to be corrected for bumps and imperfections. Increase or decrease the size of the brush depending on the element being edited.

As a result, those parts of the face where you used the brush will be displayed on the black texture layer in white. The skin itself should look very smooth.

Stage 8. Now we need to remove the unnatural look of the face, while leaving the skin very smooth and even. Select the layer called Texture and open the settings window for this layer by pressing the Ctrl and U buttons.

To reduce areas of red areas of the face, you can set the Hue (background color) parameter to "10". If the skin does not have a large number of such areas, it is better to leave the initial value of the parameter.

The next parameter is saturation. Its setup takes time. By decreasing the value of the parameter, you can even out the skin tone. Adjust the value until you get the desired result. Please note that the skin should not be too pale, do not overdo it.

Parameter Brightness (Lightness) also needs to be changed. While adjusting the slider, you can clearly see how the color rendering of the picture changes. Set the value that suits you best. The photo should not look too bright, achieve the effect of “daylight”.

Stage 9. At this stage, the skin still feels unnatural and a bit plasticky. You can remove this unpleasant effect by restoring individual skin details. In the main menu of the program, click on Tools. Then select External Image Channel. Now a window will appear in which you need to set the settings shown in the figure below:

As you can see in the figure, a red channel has been added to the parameters. This allows the skin to look more natural. You can also experiment with color channels to find the one that works best for you. The display of the skin in all three color channels looks like this.

The final result of the work. The final image of the face is indicated in the figure:

As you can see, the result turned out to be very successful. This technique of using an airbrush allows you to achieve very even skin and mask even its most obvious imperfections. To see the work done, zoom in on your photo, focusing on the skin texture. As you can see in the figure, the skin in our figure acquires some features of porosity. At the same time, it is very even and has a healthy shade:

This technique is universal. All the necessary tools for work are in any version of Photoshop. You can apply effects to any photo. To achieve the best result, it is advised to use images in which the face is shown close-up.

Method 2. Remove acne and wrinkles

In the previous method, we showed how to even out the tone and complexion using fairly good skin as an example. If you have visible imperfections that you would like to remove and leave the original complexion, use this method. It is very fast and can be used even in those photographs where the face is not shown close-up.

Open the photo in the program and immediately create a duplicate layer. You can do this in the layers window. Right-click on the "background" element and in the pop-up list, click on "Duplicate Layer".

Zoom in on the photo in the program. This will allow you to see and remove even the smallest skin imperfections. Use the Scale tool:

Now select the Healing Brush at the top of the Toolbox. Edit its diameter and hardness. We advise you to set these parameters as 20 pixels and 50 percent, respectively. This level of hardness allows you to paint over imperfections in such a way that the brush marks will not be visible later.

Rice. 20 - the final result of retouching using the healing brush

After applying the Healing Brush, you can adjust the color range of the image using the Color window. Adjust the brightness and contrast settings as you like.