Checkbook for February 14 templates. Do-it-yourself checkbook of wishes for a loved one: templates and examples. Checkbook of wishes template - how to come up with interesting wishes for your loved one

Another family holiday is approaching, and we are again racking our brains on how to surprise and please our loved ones. Do you want to become their goldfish? Give the hero of the occasion a checkbook of wishes! With what delight and a sly smile men accept such a gift, because it so pleases their pride! And the children’s eyes simply glow with joy!

Such a gift will undoubtedly make family life richer and more interesting, and therefore warmer relationships. You can design it in the form of a real bank book with the recipient’s monogram, or you can make an exclusive version using, for example, a dollar bill in the cover design, where instead of the president’s portrait there is his own. A checkbook would be an appropriate gift for any occasion, especially when there is a lack of time and resources.

Key Features

  • compactness (format, as a rule, A 6);
  • the present is strictly personal;
  • the number of check pages is symbolic (according to the number of years of the birthday person, an important date, just a magic number - 7, 9, 13);
  • limited to a certain period of validity;
  • the highlight is not in the gift decor, but in the text;
  • accompanied by instructions for use;
  • checks are presented only by the owner of the book, they must be executed personally by the donor, without delegation of authority;
  • The theme of each spread is often supported by clipart.

The cover and form seem clear, but how is it arranged inside? Instructions for use:

Further on the pages, wishes are formulated with a note about fulfillment, impressions of what came true, and even a comic photo report. What ideas could there be for a girl? The same as in life - serious - dreams come true, frank - for those closest to you, playful, daring, wishes of a friend and child, loved one and parents. You can collect information about the most intimate bit by bit, trying to guess true feelings and habits. For spontaneous needs, “joker sheets” are provided to fulfill any one whim. Here is an approximate list of women’s “wants” floating around the Internet.

Examples of wishes for her

What do men want

What does the average man want?

If you noticed, there is a minimum of material on both sides. If your loved one says “I want a new TV,” we write down “go to the movies with me.” We’ve decided on the idea, it’s time to start implementing it, especially since our master class is quite accessible.

Master class: let's start creating

Tools and materials

  • pictures from magazines;
  • printouts of pictures from the Internet;
  • colored paper and cardboard;
  • scissors, hole punch;
  • glue and double-sided tape;
  • pencil, ruler;
  • twine or silk ribbon.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Make an approximate wish list in accordance with the owner’s needs (you can use the tips above), delve into magazines and select pictures that suit the plot. It’s even easier to find thematic pictures on the Internet and print them.
  2. Cut out pictures of the desired size, as well as circles or squares to decorate the background. You can use curly scissors.
  3. We will make the pages from colored cardboard. We cut out identical rectangles measuring 7 x 15 cm. For adults, the pages can be aged by tinting them in a strong coffee solution. By the way, the size of a real checkbook is 21cm x 8cm (cover), 20cm x 7cm - tear-off sheets.
  4. Along the edge, retreating 1 cm, mark the boundary of the tear and draw a line with a pencil.
  5. Using a special ruler with shaped blades, we draw tear lines. You can score (mark dotted lines) with a stationery knife, crochet hook or punch, or make holes by sewing a tear line on a sewing machine without thread. A copy wheel is also suitable for this purpose.
  6. We bend the edge of the check along the intended line.
  7. We lay out the pictures on the pages and come up with a name for each check. In scrapbooking stores you can also buy special sets of Sweet double-sided paper with decorative elements and decorative stamps.
  8. We glue pictures, lace, ribbons, design inscriptions and frames.
  9. We print out the instructions for use and table of contents (see photos and recommendations).
  10. We design the cover in the same way.
  11. We punch holes for the cord or tape with a hole punch or glue the roots together, coating the intended strip with office glue.
  12. Fold the pages in the prescribed order.
  13. Secure with ribbon or twine.
  14. Print out the title of the book and paste it on the cover.
  15. All is ready!

Our list is not a strict instruction. To make a gift unique, it is very important to be creative.

And it doesn’t matter whether you get “professional” designer pieces or simple handwritten inscriptions, the main thing is that the “gift works”, because everything is in our hands, and even more so the weather in the house.

You can give the same book as a gift to a loved one for a birthday, professional holiday, New Year, Valentine's Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, March 8, and just without a wire, you can use CHKZH at a wedding as a method of payment for the bride. There are no particular difficulties in manufacturing, but they make a noticeable impression on men (and not only).

Ideas for design: fabric design looks original, textured pastes and paint are also used, leather looks advantageous in cover design. The idea of ​​printing out a poem on one page and a photo report of its completion on the other seems interesting (the proof is comic clipart).

Men's logic is rational, they are interested in the essence itself, but women are more concerned about external appearance. But no matter how the book turns out, it will take a minimum of overnight time to make it. True, it will take much more time and effort to prepare and fulfill your declared desires! But that's a completely different story!

Want to add a little variety to your love? Make your romantic relationship more exciting and filled with wonderful surprises?

We invite you to create a unique romantic gift with your own hands for your loved one - a checkbook of wishes.

This gift can be presented to your soulmate on Valentine's Day, on a significant date in a relationship, on a wedding day, etc. Becoming the owner of a checkbook of wishes from your husband is very nice!

Let's look at a couple of options here and now check books for your loved one. All you need to do is choose what you like best (shade, design and wish list), print it, cut the parts and connect everything together.

Your loved one, who will become the owner of your unique, wonderful gift, will always be able to use it. You just need to tear off one specific page and give it to the donor. In the coming days, the donor must take and fulfill what was written on the check. To avoid any disputes regarding the rules for using a check book, it is recommended that you print out the complete instructions for its use and attach it to the product itself.

To make it, in You will need the following materials:

  • Sample.
  • Printer for printing.
  • Plain paper.
  • Details for decorating and designing a book.

How to create a product that everyone will like? In order for such a gift to delight a guy, you need to add some “zest” to the product. Eg, if he likes cars, then you can stick a small photo of his favorite car, or depict a car with your own hands.

It's quite easy to create a checkbook of wishes so that your loved one will like it. Certain details need to be taken into account:

Only the owner of the book can present a receipt with wishes. The one who presented it must personally fulfill all the wishes of the owner of the book, without transferring authority to other people.

What to give for Valentine's Day?

It looks like simple tear-off coupons with different wishes. The person to whom you presented it may ask you for many things, and you, in turn, must fulfill everything at the appointed time.

Checkbook of desires in the style of “Love is...”

Everyone remembers this wonderful chewing gum with cute candy wrappers, which we bought in large quantities in childhood. You can make a product in such an original style. Just print and prepare a present for your loved one.

Checkbook of wishes with cats.

If you like to call your loved one affectionate nicknames, for example, pussy or cat, then perhaps you should create a template with adorable ginger cats.

To create a wish book with your own hands, we will need the following materials and tools:

Step-by-step description of creating a checkbook

Let's start the process of creating a product.

Advice: in addition to the instructions, you need to come up with something of your own. Your gift should be original. Take a creative approach to decorating your product. For example, this could be an erotic checkbook of desires 18+ for men or girls. And a checkbook of wishes given to mom may contain useful coupons for help with housework - washing dishes, cleaning, taking out the trash, etc. If you haven’t found the template you need on the Internet, and you don’t know how to work in editors... just print out the book in Word and decorate it in your own way. And everyone will be happy!

Another holiday is approaching, but does your loved one already have socks and shaving foam? Let's put jokes aside, because you want to surprise your loved one with something. The gift should be original, funny and unusual. A DIY checkbook of wishes for your loved one is a great idea. You will definitely surprise him with such a creative gift.

Become a fairy for your loved one

Recently, hand-made gifts have become very popular and in demand. If you approach this issue creatively and creatively, then your loved one will be pleasantly surprised. What is so missing in everyday life? Emotions, feelings, humor, freedom of action and choice.

Give your loved one a checkbook. Make a unique wish list for your loved one that will hit him in the heart. But before we exchange ideas, let's talk about some of the nuances of designing such a gift:

  • be sure to indicate who this gift is intended for and its validity period;
  • the entire book should be designed in the same style;
  • make the pages tear-off, you can take a notepad and stick checks to it;
  • Make a wish list in advance, taking into account the interests of your significant other.

Wishes will come true!

This year, your chosen one will have a checkbook of wishes. Examples of desires can be found without any problems on the global network. Or sit at your leisure and think about what your spouse or loved one is interested in. Based on this, ideas will continue to fall on your head like stars during a meteor shower.

Read also:

If things are not as good as you would like with your imagination and creative flight of thought, here are some interesting examples of desires:

  • fishing with overnight stay on the lake shore;
  • new spinning rod;
  • watching a few football games at a sports bar;
  • a box of beer with your favorite fish;
  • computer games without time limit one day;
  • a whole day of idleness;
  • the opportunity to sleep until lunch;
  • romantic dinner by candlelight;
  • preparing your favorite dish or dessert;
  • car wash;
  • role-playing games;
  • frank dance with all the ensuing consequences;

  • night of love;
  • massage course;
  • compliment day;
  • interesting photo session;
  • boat trip;
  • in bed all day;
  • breakfast in bed;
  • visiting an exhibition of your favorite artist;
  • day of silence;
  • weekend hotel stay;
  • buying a gift for a certain amount;
  • any whim.

The list of ideas for desires can be endless. Despite their similarities, all men are different. Everyone wants something that they don’t encounter in everyday life. Such a gift is a reason to refresh your relationship and add some zest to it.

When making a gift, you will find templates for a checkbook of wishes useful. You can select any option on the global network, change it on your computer and print it. Then all that remains is to fasten the individual pieces of paper together and design the cover.

Or you can even approach the issue of design creatively. To decorate your book of wishes, use everything you can get your hands on. The theme can be anything: the plot of your favorite cartoon or movie, a strict style, frank, romantic. Remember that the source of your inspiration is love for your soulmate.

Or you can take clippings from magazines or make a collage of photographs. Inscriptions on checks are made manually or printed.

Unique master class

If you decide to give your loved one such a gift, then start by designing the cover. In a matter of minutes you can process the receipts on your personal computer and print them out, but the cover is the first thing that will make an impression.

Necessary materials:

  • cardboard sheets;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • textile;
  • padding polyester or other filler;
  • 6 pcs. eyelets;
  • cord or thick thread;
  • corners;
  • stationery knife;
  • decorations;
  • brushes

Step-by-step description of the creative process:

You can go another way. Buy a loose-leaf notebook or business card holder from the stationery department. You can insert receipts into pockets or stick them on the pages of a notebook. Decorate the cover as you wish. This option is much easier and is suitable for beginner needlewomen.

A wish checkbook is a great alternative to ransom banknotes. By paying in this way, the groom remains with the money, and the bride receives something more valuable - desires that her loved one will fulfill after becoming her legal spouse.

You can find examples of wishes that can be included in the book in the article
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A checkbook of wishes, which is not at all difficult to make with your own hands, will make the redemption more interesting and fun.

To make a wish checkbook we will need:

The process of making a wish checkbook:

  1. Look through magazines and select suitable pictures.

  2. Cut out pictures.

  3. Prepare a checkbook page. To do this, using a template, cut out a rectangle measuring 7x15 cm from colored cardboard.

  4. Set aside 2 cm from the left edge of the check sheet and draw a line.

  5. Make a perforation along this line using a utility knife. Cut through the sheet with a dotted line, making cuts of approximately 2 mm every 2 mm in this way: “- - - - - - - - - -”. This perforation will make it easier to tear off the leaf.

  6. Start organizing your checkbook pages. Select the name of the page and pictures for it.

  7. Consistently glue all this onto the page of the book.

  8. Give the check sheet a finished look by laying a dotted line around the perimeter.

  9. Design the remaining pages and cover in the same way, using a regular and figured hole punch.

  10. Place all the pages of the book one after another in the right order.

  11. Punch the sheets with a hole punch.

  12. Fasten the sheets with twine, lace or satin ribbon.

The wish checkbook is ready! It can be used at ransom as a payment method or issued as a checkbook as a gift to a loved one for any occasion.

You can find other examples of checkbook design and wish options in the article “”.

How often do we face the question of an original gift for a loved one? At least several times a year. And if it’s easier with a gift for a birthday or other significant occasion, then holidays such as Valentine’s Day or February 23 often make you puzzled. An interesting gift option is a checkbook of wishes. The printable template and scrapbooking tutorials make this idea accessible too!

What it is

From the name itself it becomes clear that the gift is somehow connected with the fulfillment of wishes. This is true. This book consists of bound sheets on which wishes are directly indicated. The meaning of such a humorous but pleasant gift is that the owner presents the donor with a sheet on which a specific desire is indicated. The content of the coupons directly depends on who will receive such a book and what kind of relationship the donor has with the person.

How to make a wish checkbook? A ready-made template for printing can greatly facilitate the task and reduce the completion time. This is very important if time is running out, a holiday is coming, and you don’t have time to buy or do anything else.

Who can I give it to?

The most common checkbooks are wishes for a loved one. Patterns of this type, as a rule, have a romantic orientation. A boyfriend or husband, according to the coupon, has the right to demand from his beloved a special massage, the fulfillment of a certain desire, etc.

Another option for couples is more neutral, and in addition to the above pages, it has options such as “Going to a bar with friends” or “Go to karaoke with your friends.”

The third version of such books is intended for family use. This is more necessary for a fun family time, or to make it easier to decide exactly how to spend it. Coupons usually have signatures such as “Play board game”, or “Watch football”, etc.

The rules for using this original gift are usually placed on the inside of the cover. In addition, on each page there are inscriptions with the date and a place for a check mark next to the word “Completed”.

Available handmade

As you know, the best gift is a gift that is made with your own hands. This does not mean that you need to give something unknowable and incomprehensible, arguing with this common expression. But with some effort, almost everyone can make an original and interesting gift.

DIY checkbook

The simplest but most effective option for making a wish book for your loved one with your own hands is templates. Ready-made sample pages designed in a variety of styles are what you need to find something that will surprise your partner.

The format of checks should be a quarter sheet of A4, and for printing it is better to use not simple office paper, but paper for drawing or watercolors. Ready-made versions for printing, as a rule, contain not only internal leaflets, but also a cover and instructions for use. All that’s left to do is collect all the checks in the right order and seal them. This can be done using a stapler, or a hole punch and tape.

Scrapbooking master class

To make a scrapbooking checkbook of wishes with your own hands, you will also need templates, but in addition to them. For work you will also need:

First step. Print the receipt templates on a color printer on thick paper and cut them out along the outline. Round the corners with curly scissors. Treat the edges with stamp pads and tint them. Step back 0.3 cm from the edge and sew on a machine.

Second step. Create the basics for the pages. They should be 3-4 cm larger than the printed templates. The pages themselves are cut from scrapbooking paper. Distribute the receipts among the pages and stick them with a glue stick.

Third step. Move 1-1.5 cm from the left edge of each page to the right and make holes at an equidistant distance with a hole punch. Using a special device, install eyelets into the holes.

Fourth step. Gather the pages into rings, pass waxed cord through them and tie them in beautiful knots. Checkbook ready!

Gift without illustrations

Common coupon options for such books are popular because they are universal. In any couple, massage, taking a bath together, and other romantic and everyday little things are acceptable. However, every couple has their own intimate moments that can and should be reflected in such a gift. But it can be difficult to find the right illustration. In this case, the inscription itself can serve as an illustration.

This book is made in the same way as the previous version, but the inscriptions should be made in a beautiful calligraphic font on a background of a neutral color and be large. The contrast between the page background and the text background will create an original and interesting effect.

Common options for coupons

Despite the fact that there are a great many templates for printing, and their content is approximately the same, sometimes you want to mix two different sets. But alas, they do not match in style. In this case, you can create your own set by matching pictures to the inscriptions in the appropriate style. Inscription options:

A bonus for such a book is a coupon for repeating any wish. By choosing suitable inscriptions and illustrating them, you can make a unique and pleasant gift for your loved one.

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