How can you calm a baby when he cries. We understand the baby without words, or why a newborn baby cries

And yet, how to understand why a baby is crying? Maybe he got a little sick? Hungry? Does he suffer from colic? There are many options for potential negative factors, it remains only to understand the true cause and find an effective “cure”.

But it is precisely with the establishment of the true culprit that problems arise, since inexperienced parents are only learning to understand their baby. However, you can understand what a child's crying is about if you carefully monitor the reactions of a tiny little man.

A little about baby crying

The cries of a newborn baby are the first sound signal after birth. The baby in this way resists separation from the mother, protests against the change of habitat and announces to the whole world about his birth.

Such reactions can be found in many mammals, especially in baby monkeys. Previously, in general, according to the first cries of a newborn, his viability was judged. If the baby screams loudly, then he is healthy, but if he screams weakly and sluggishly, therefore, there are some violations.

Usually a newborn baby cries quite often, and if at first the parents do not understand the source of the cries, then they begin to distinguish between different causes by the duration, frequency, intensity, volume and other characteristics of crying.

Do not react to the crying of the baby, as a catastrophic event. On the contrary, it is necessary to listen to the child every time, trying to identify the source of anxiety and eliminate it.

The causes of crying in a newborn are multifaceted and can be the following features and factors:

  • colic and discomfort in the tummy;
  • hunger;
  • wet diapers;
  • low or high room temperature;
  • desire to sleep;
  • boredom;
  • discomfort in bed
  • fear;
  • health problems.

And these are just some of the possible reasons for children's discontent. Having learned to understand why the child screams during the day, parents will be able to quickly solve problems that arise or contact doctors if the situation is really serious.

Consider the main reasons for the crying of a small child in more detail.

If you ask an experienced pediatrician why a newborn is crying, then in most cases the answer will be something like this: the baby is hungry.

The ventricle of a newborn baby is very small, so babies are often fed, but with a small amount of milk or formula. But since lactation is only getting better, in one of the feedings, the baby can get a smaller amount of food, which is signaled by crying.

If a newborn baby cries a lot, the mother, first of all, needs to check if he wants to “eat”. To do this, bend the little finger and touch it to the corner of the child's mouth. If the baby turns his head towards the stimulus and opens his mouth, then the crying was provoked by hunger.

It remains for the mother to attach the baby to the breast for feeding or offer a bottle of freshly prepared formula. Usually, immediately after receiving the coveted food, the screams begin to subside, and loud crying is replaced by quiet sobs, which gradually disappear.

“Hungry” crying is distinguished by loudness, length, intensity, the baby seems to be choking. If the child has only recently become hungry, then the cries will be invocative.

If the child cries constantly, you need to track the dynamics of the set of kilograms and the volume of milk from the mother. It is very likely that the baby cannot eat and this situation requires an increase in the amount of milk or the introduction of complementary foods.

It is best to consult with a specialist.

An artificial child, by the way, may cry not from a lack of food, but from thirst. Mothers, especially in hot weather, need to keep a bottle of clean drinking water near them.

Feeding problems

If a newborn is naughty and cries directly during or after a meal, it can be concluded that there are certain problems that prevent normal feeding. Here are just a few of them:

  1. Stuffy nose. The baby may begin to suckle milk or formula, but then brushes off the breast or bottle. At the same time, snoring or sniffing of the nose is heard. With a runny nose and congestion, clean the nose with an aspirator, rinse with saline and instill the agent recommended by the doctor.
  2. The child choked. If the baby's crying during feeding is short and does not repeat anymore, and the baby clears his throat, then he probably just swallowed a lot of milk. It is enough to wait a little, and then resume feeding.
  3. Ear infection. If by all indications the child is hungry, but at the first sips leaves the chest and starts screaming loudly, he may have otitis media. In this case, swallowing only increases the discomfort. You need to see a doctor who will prescribe nasal and ear drops.
  4. Thrush. When the oral cavity is affected by a fungus from the genus Candida, a whitish coating appears in the child, and when milk gets on the tongue, a burning sensation occurs. To prevent the baby from crying and not refusing to eat, you should visit a doctor who will recommend the right method of treatment.
  5. Bad taste from milk. If a hungry child turns away from the food source and continues to cry, he may not like the taste of milk. The use of flavored products changes the indicators of milk: spices, hot spices, garlic sauce or onions. They should be avoided in HB.
  6. Air entering the digestive tract. If, immediately after eating, the baby begins to whimper and pull his legs up to his tummy, he may have swallowed a lot of air. It is enough to put the crumbs as a "soldier" so that excess oxygen comes out.

If the newborn is constantly crying during feeding, you need to consult a specialist to rule out serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

A common cause of crying in a newborn baby is colic, which is a spastic reaction localized in the tummy. Their occurrence is caused by the imperfection of the children's digestive system, which is manifested by the stretching of the intestinal walls with gas bubbles.

Children's crying in this case is loud, piercing, and can last for a long time with short pauses. A parent can guess about colic on signs such as:

  • flushed face;
  • pressing the lower limbs to the stomach with their further sharp stretching;
  • hardened abdomen;
  • clenching fists.

Of course, the problem of colic will disappear by itself at 4 months of age, when the digestive tract "ripens". However, simply waiting for this blessed time would be foolish. The baby needs to be reassured. How? For example, Can:

  • stroke the diaper and lay it warm on the baby's stomach;
  • make a light massage of the umbilical region;
  • put the baby on your stomach;
  • do the exercise "bike";
  • give the crumbs to drink dill water or a medicine prescribed by a doctor, etc.

The child does not cry after the manipulations? So you did everything right. Very soon, the unpleasant symptoms of colic will disappear, and children's anxiety will be replaced by joyful activity.

physical discomfort

If hunger and colic disappear, the mother may assume that the newborn baby is crying due to discomfort caused by uncomfortable underwear, improperly selected temperature conditions, or, most often, a wet or dirty diaper.

Let's take a closer look underlying causes for physical discomfort and methods for their elimination:

  1. The child described himself. If the baby cries, fidgets, trying not to touch the wet thing, you need to see if he did his “wet deeds” in a diaper or diaper. The solution to the problem is very simple - just change clothes and underwear, wipe the baby's skin with a napkin.
  2. The baby is uncomfortable in clothes. If the baby screams with displeasure immediately after dressing or changing the diaper, the mother may conclude that he does not like the clothes. Perhaps the seams, threads, buttons dug into the body, synthetics cause itching, or the material of the diaper is quite hard. The baby is just dressed up.
  3. The baby is uncomfortable in the crib or stroller. A whimpering newborn may be unhappy with the posture. In this case, he begins to cry, waving his limbs, trying to change his position. The way out is to shift the child into a more comfortable position for him.
  4. The baby is cold or snoring. If the child is constantly whimpering, sobbing, his skin is reddened and hot, then he is too hot. With crying and pallor of the skin, on the contrary, they conclude that the baby is hypothermic. Parents need to change his clothes, based on the temperature in the room.

How to understand a newborn who is experiencing physical discomfort? It is enough to show elementary attentiveness and track the reactions of your child.

Painful conditions

If the mother does not know why the newborn is crying, he has disturbing symptoms, the doctor will help answer all the questions. You should seek medical attention if:

  • children's crying is monotonous and monotonous;
  • the child is too lethargic, inactive;
  • body temperature is elevated.

If the child cries all the time, and it is not possible to establish the source of the cries, it is better not to hesitate and call the doctor. What else should parents know? Ways to help with some painful conditions are presented in the table.

State Peculiarities The nature of crying Other signs Ways to help
Headache This condition often occurs in children with perinatal encephalopathy. The catalyst for pain is a change in the weather (rain, wind).The child is constantly crying, screaming loudly and angrily.

  • anxiety;

  • bad sleep;

  • nausea and vomiting;

  • diarrhea.
Self-medication is excluded. You should immediately contact a pediatrician and a neurologist.
Diaper dermatitis Urine and feces irritate the skin, resulting in diaper rash and pain.The newborn cries loudly, the cries intensify when the mother changes the diaper or diaper.

  • rash and hyperemia in the buttocks and perineum;

  • baby's irritability.
The question of what to do is obvious. It is necessary to regularly change hygiene devices, wipe the skin. In case of severe diaper rash, you should consult a doctor.
cutting teeth Climbing out incisors usually occurs at 4-6 months of age.The child cries loudly, while sipping fists or any other objects in his mouth.

  • increased separation of saliva;

  • heat;

  • sometimes diarrhea;

  • gum swelling.
If a baby is teething, a teether should be purchased for him. The doctor may recommend a special anesthetic gel for the gums.

Discomfort of psychological origin is another answer to the question of why the baby is crying. The child may overwork, miss his mother or be afraid of a loud sound.

The baby is able to cry if he needs to attract parental attention. In this case, he screams invitingly for a few seconds and waits for his mother to come up. If the adult does not respond, then after a short interval the cry is repeated.

Some experts do not recommend immediately grabbing the child in the arms to calm him down. So that the baby does not grow up "tame", it is better to iron it directly in the crib. Most likely, he will quickly calm down as soon as he hears his mother's voice.

The baby may cry in protest. For example, if a newborn does not like something, then he will begin to scream sharply and loudly at the top of his lungs. Most often, children can be disturbed by dressing, cutting their nails, cleaning their ears.

A capricious newborn is an almost impossible phenomenon, since such small children cry for objective reasons. So, tears and discontent provoke increased activity during the day, communication with strangers, an excessively rich day for emotions and events.

If a newborn often cries in the evening, most likely he is overworked. Help relieve fatigue:

  • quiet entertainment;
  • airing the room and humidifying the air;
  • wiggle;
  • lullaby;
  • bedding;
  • lactation.

It is quite possible to prevent the crying and cries of the baby if you follow a certain sequence of steps in the evening. For example, you can bathe, feed, put the baby to bed, then turn off the light and sing your favorite lullaby. This whole ritual will speed up falling asleep.

Other reasons why the baby is crying

In addition to the main factors, there are other reasons why newborns cry. The child may cry during bathing, urination, defecation, falling asleep and waking up. And almost every cry experts find a logical explanation.

Crying while urinating

Some mothers and fathers note that newborns cry during urination, as a result of which they are frightened. Usually, this phenomenon occurs in healthy children, but in some cases it may indicate certain health problems.

The most common reason that the baby screams and is naughty when going to the toilet “in a small way” is the fear of what is happening. A healthy child simply does not understand the process of urination and cannot relax, and therefore begins to cry.

However, in some situations, tears and children's cries can be caused by painful sensations in diseases. So, the catalyst for an unfavorable process is:

  • urinary tract infections;
  • incorrect location of the foreskin, which is manifested by congestion, suppuration, burning.

If the child constantly cries while urinating, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician who will offer to pass certain tests.

Crying during bowel movements

If newborns whimper when going to the bathroom "in a big way", then most likely they have difficulty with bowel movements. With the adaptation of the digestive tract, almost every child goes through the stage of colic and even constipation.

With children's tears during defecation, you need to pay attention to the features of feces, and also remember what the child ate over the past few days.

The main factors in the occurrence of crying and screaming in newborns during bowel movements are:

  • constipation that occurs due to the transition to artificial feeding or a change in the mixture;
  • intestinal colic;
  • inflammatory bowel disease.

If a child regularly cries during bowel movements, and there are bloody or mucous discharges, incomprehensible inclusions in his feces, be sure to make an appointment with a pediatrician.

Many parents notice that a newborn baby screams in their sleep. First of all, you should examine the crib and the position in which the baby rests in order to exclude physical discomfort as a cause.

Experts call other reasons why the baby cries and screams during sleep. Provoke baby crying may:

  • colic, which we have already discussed above;
  • nervous fatigue;
  • cutting teeth;
  • any disease;
  • hunger;
  • horrible dream;
  • detection of mother's absence.

Many experts do not recommend waiting for the child to finally wake up, otherwise then he simply will not want to sleep. It is best to stroke the baby, shake a little. If the crying does not stop, then you can pick it up and shake it a little.

Crying while bathing

Another question that worries parents is why the child cries while bathing. The causes of tears during water procedures are many-sided. Allocate Some of the main factors that affect the behavior of the child during bathing:

  1. Uncomfortable water temperature. The baby may react negatively to excessively cold or hot water. It also affects the well-being and temperature of the bathroom. Before swimming, it is important to make sure that the water and air temperature are optimal.
  2. Bathtub too big. Some children are afraid of large volumes of an adult bath. In this case, experts advise wrapping the child in a diaper before lowering into the water. It reduces psychological stress.
  3. Fear of swimming. Negative emotions arise due to the penetration of soap foam into the eyes, water entering the mouth or ears. The child in such a situation in every possible way prevents the water procedure.
  4. Uncomfortable position. Many mothers are afraid of harming the child, so they hold him too tightly. This leads to the fact that newborns begin to express dissatisfaction and protest during bathing.
  5. related factors. The feeling of hunger, as well as colic, can worsen children's mood. To understand what exactly became the cause of discontent, the signs that we have already mentioned above will help. In order for water procedures to go smoothly, you need to get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

Some neurological problems are also accompanied by a reluctance to bathe. However, crying and screaming can also occur during sleep or eating. In this case, it is important to contact a neurologist for a comprehensive examination.

Every mother is able to find an approach to her own child if she carefully observes him. Let at first, children's crying seems always the same to parents, but then, as communication is established, literally every squeak will be filled with its own special meaning.

The long-awaited meeting of mother and baby took place, everything seemed to go as it should. But why is the baby crying? A new mother is not always clear. Only after some time, the mother will be able to understand her baby by intonation, duration of crying and other criteria. Already in the second week, you can notice that in each situation the newborn cries differently.

Very important Reasons for crying a lot
miracle hiccups
Newborn baby suffering from hiccups

There are many reasons for crying. Here are just the most basic of them, which do not relate to the health problems of the baby:

  • hungry;
  • wet diapers, diaper, clothes;
  • inconveniently located, presses clothes or seams;
  • cold or hot;
  • there are diaper rash on the skin;
  • tired, wants to sleep;
  • wants to chat
  • scary when peeing or pooping - an incomprehensible process;
  • they put him to bed, but he does not want to sleep;
  • just to get attention.

It is very important to determine the cause of crying

The following table will clearly show why a newborn is crying and how a mother or nanny can help him. Here are the most common causes and their main symptoms.

Reason for cryingSymptomsHelp
The kid is hungrySuch crying is accompanied by a prolonged cry, while the child may blush, usually pulls his hands to his motherFeed, caress
Wet diaper or diaperThe kid is whimpering, now stronger, now weaker, continuous whimpering. May have hiccupsChange the diaper, change into dry clothes, warm on the handles
awkward positionSuch crying begins with a whimper, then the child begins to scream, waving his arms and legs, trying to move into a more comfortable positionIf the baby is in a diaper, re-swaddle. At first, you can try just to change his position
Baby is hotThe child whimpers, the skin may turn slightly red, a rash may appear. The baby is trying to get rid of diapers or clothesRemove one layer of clothing, remove the cap, in hot weather, wipe with a wet diaper
The child is coldThe newborn in this case cries piercingly with gradual calming, at the end hiccups may appear. Another sign is that the skin of the abdomen, chest or back is cool.Dress warmly, cover with a blanket
A newborn cries a lot during feeding (otitis media, inflammation of the oral mucosa, stuffy nose)Eagerly swallows the nipple, immediately begins to cry sharply, throws his head backFor all three reasons, a doctor is called. And nasal congestion is removed with the help of a “pear”, then you can continue feeding.
Newborn cries a lot after feedingHe bends his legs to his tummy, frowns his forehead, frowns, yells plaintivelyFirst, you need to check if the baby is properly attached to the breast. Does it involve the entire areola of the nipple or just the nipple? When he eats, no strong smacking should be heard. Secondly, after each feeding, you need to vilify him with a “column” for 15-20 minutes.
Newborn cries from intestinal colicAccompanied by a strongly piercing cry with breaks of 5-20 minutes.The baby's tummy needs to be warmed by attaching it to your stomach or putting it on a heating pad. You can fold it several times, iron the baby diaper and also attach it to the baby's tummy. After feeding, the baby is given to drink dill water or special children's preparations that can be bought at the pharmacy
Diaper rash on the skinRedness, sores, peeling in the groin or on the buttocksTreat with special means (oil, powder, cream). Change your diaper or diaper more often
Newborn cries before going to peeHe calms down a little, as if listening, and immediately begins to cry.Call a doctor
When poopingThe process of defecation is accompanied by intense reddening of the face along with loud crying.Give water during the day if the child is formula-fed or bottle-fed
You can help cope with constipation by irritating the child's anus with the sharp tip of a thermometer lubricated with sunflower oil. You can enter a maximum of 1 cm!
The kid is just tiredIt's more like crying than whimpering.shake, put to sleep
Teeth are being cutDrooling. Bites fingers, refuses to breastfeed, appetite disappears, sleep is disturbedGently massage the gums, give a cold teether to chew, lubricate with special ointments for the gums
Wants to chatThen the newborn does not constantly cry, but as soon as the mother disappears from sight, and immediately calms down when she appearsPick up, sing a song
Doesn't want to sleepNaughty, gets out of the diaperUndress, give a little walk
excitable nervous systemCrying for no reasonRemove loud sound, bright objects, walk outside more often. Contact a neurologist

Suffering from colic?

Colic is one of the main causes of baby crying. There is still no definite opinion why they occur in a child. What it is: gas formation in the digestive system or the baby simply cannot control his emotions, maybe he is overly sensitive to everything around him.

The main sign of the presence of colic is that the newborn is pushing, and then crying. Crying continues continuously, for a very long time for no apparent reason. This anxiety begins mainly in the afternoon, it lasts until the evening, but it may well be around the clock. Therefore, speaking about why a newborn baby is constantly crying, we can safely assume that the reason is intestinal colic.

From the outside, you can see that:

  • the baby presses his knees to the tummy;
  • his fists are compressed at the same time;
  • he starts to get very active.

The child's eating and sleep are disturbed, it is no longer a question of how to calm the awake baby, the newborn is already crying in his sleep. It happens that he wakes up, looking for a breast only to refuse it with tears as soon as he starts to eat. And when he falls asleep, he wakes up with even louder cries.

This painful period begins, when the crying of a newborn occurs with or without approximately 2-3 weeks of life and lasts up to 2-3 months. By the end of this period, the crying gradually disappears, everything miraculously calms down, a calm life begins.

When to see a doctor?

Very often, on women's forums, mothers are interested in why their newborn baby cries while urinating. Of course, there may not be a problem - often crying during this process is due to the child's fear of everything new and unknown. But the reason could be much more serious things:

  • infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • incorrect position of the foreskin.

The reasons for the baby can be completely different.

In this or that situation, you need to see a doctor, who will probably send you to take urine and blood tests, and only then will make a diagnosis.

You should also see a doctor if your newborn pushes and then yells. Perhaps he suffers from constipation and gas formation, and the doctor will help you choose a diet for mom, or baby food for a child. Be sure to pay attention to the baby's stool and compare it with the food he eats.

Gas symptoms along with loose or sour stools that last for several days are a good reason to visit your pediatrician.

Why can't it be ignored?

How many child psychologists in the world, there are so many opinions about causeless crying in children and methods of dealing with it. It would be best to figure out why the newborn is restless while playing or sleeping, while eating or walking.

Our grandmothers were advised not to approach a crying child for 20 minutes, so that he would cry. Today's pediatricians are convinced that when a child cries, a stress hormone is produced that has a detrimental effect on his brain. Scientists in this field tested the saliva of a crying child and found in it a large amount of the hormone cortisol, which is very dangerous for the baby's fragile brain. Nature considered crying as a natural way for a child to draw attention to himself during that period of his life, when he still does not know how to speak.

The long-awaited baby was born. Parents rejoice and at the same time do not understand why he is constantly naughty. The diapers are dry, fed, held with a column, and he burped, which means that the tummy does not hurt, and yet, how to calm a newborn baby.

Reasons for crying baby

When babies cry, they use the only way available to them to convey their desires to their parents. They still do not know how to speak, they cannot say what is bothering them, and they are also not able to show it with their fingers. The only sure way is to cry, then the mother will guess for herself what the child needs.

The baby is capable of shedding tears for various reasons:

  • the baby is crying when hungry. In such a situation, he holds out his hands, blushes. In this situation, the baby should be fed, even if the time for feeding has not yet come;
  • the baby is tired, he wants to sleep. Take it in your arms, shake it, vilify it. Sing him a song. Many children are soothed by the sound of “shhhhh” and a pat on the buttocks. Some stop crying when they go out for a walk and immediately fall asleep;
  • perhaps the baby is worried about irritation on the skin. Try to prevent the occurrence of sweating, redness. Give him more air baths, change his diaper. Do not forget to lubricate the folds with cream.
  • the baby is in wet sliders. He experiences discomfort. Delicate skin is irritated. He cries because he is uncomfortable lying in wet underwear. The whimpering may be continuous or intermittent. Perhaps the appearance of hiccups. To calm a newborn baby, you need to change his sliders or diaper. In case of cold, cover with a blanket.

The child cries because of an uncomfortable position in clothes. Folds press on him. A string or stone got inside the clothes. A button sticks into a small body. The kid cannot stay any longer in this position, he wants to roll over. He begins to act up, wave his arms, scream.

To calm a newborn baby, it is recommended to know the cause of the anxiety.

With the help of simple actions, the baby tries to change his position. Change clothes to calm him down. Do this carefully so that unnecessary folds do not appear, and an extra object does not get inside. Then put the crumbs on another barrel.

The baby is hot. His skin turns red. Sweating appears in places. Naturally, the baby whines. He is trying to change his position, to get rid of items of clothing. Excess heat causes the body temperature to rise. So that the baby does not act up, try to dress him easier in hot weather. Do not use reusable diapers. Put on light hats, blouses, sliders.

The child freezes. This is another reason for crying. It starts out loud, then gets quieter and often ends in hiccups. Parents are able to anticipate such a situation and avoid it. In cold weather, you need to dress your baby warmer. Make sure your baby doesn't get cold. If you are with him for a walk, constantly check the condition of the arms, legs, back. When these places become cool, it's time to return home.

The baby cries while eating. In the oral cavity, perhaps, an inflammatory process takes place at this time. It hurts to suck. Tears can also appear due to inflammation of the middle ear. During otitis, it is painful for the baby to swallow. He attaches to the chest, then releases it and cries. The cry of the baby is shrill, loud. Some babies tilt their heads back.

During feeding, the baby also cries when his nose is clogged. He has a runny nose and has difficulty breathing when he eats. Only a doctor can calm a child in such a situation. Call him immediately. If only a runny nose is bothering you, use a snot suction machine and continue feeding.

The baby cries after eating. Often, air droplets enter the tummy with food. The kid pulls his legs under him, cries, frowns his forehead. To calm him down, scold him with a column. Wait for him to burp. Pain in the tummy can be avoided if you check in time how the baby takes the breast, whether he clasps it entirely. Listen to how he sucks, too loud smacking should not be heard.

How to calm a baby when he cries?

Should I comfort my baby when he cries? The question is, of course, rhetorical. Definitely necessary. Crying too long can cause hiccups.

If the baby often cries loudly for a long time, this will have a bad effect on his vocal cords. Parents should look for ways to soothe a nursing baby. The best of them will be to switch the attention of the crumbs to something else and find the reason for his tears.

How to calm a newborn baby when he cries:

  • give breast. This method helps in 90% of cases;
  • kangaroo. Here the child's disturbing colic passes, he calms down, sleeps well;
  • hold the baby with a "column";
  • switch attention to a bright toy;
  • turn on music that the baby likes;
  • in a conversation with a child, change intonation;
  • it will be possible to quickly calm the baby by singing a song to him;
  • drink some water;
  • dance with him in your arms, humming;
  • transfer the child to the arms of another family member;
  • bring to a house plant;
  • sit down sharply with him in his arms;
  • ride in a wheelchair;
  • if it's warm, you can take it out to the balcony;
  • do massage manipulations of the tummy.

How to calm a month old baby? At this age, the baby needs constant mother's protection. He is still very small, and is worried about a wet diaper, hunger or a desire to drink. Mom can calm the baby at 1 month by checking all the reasons listed above. If everything is in order, take the baby in your arms, scold him, tell him a fairy tale.

For a baby at this age, the intonation of the mother's voice is important. He will calm down from the warmth, tenderness that he will feel. When these measures are not enough, circular stroking of the tummy will help to calm a small child if he is crying. Distract his attention with toys, let him touch them, try showing him a book with bright pictures.

What to do when the baby cries from fear?

The advice in this situation can be the only one - take it in your arms, take pity, vilify, shake it. Say it's okay, just talk to him. To calm a small child if he is crying, his mother's voice will help, the warm intonation that he will hear.

However, it would be preferable to prevent fear. The children are crying at the loud ringing of the phone. If the child is constantly screaming, a quiet sound, a smooth melody will help to calm down. Do not leave the device near a child. It happens that children are frightened by unexpected loud sounds, barking dogs. When the baby is scared, take him in your arms, talk to him.

If guests came to the house, do not give them the baby immediately in their arms. Chat. Let the child get used to them, see how you calmly, affably talk. Then he will treat the guests the same way.

Often a situation arises when the baby does not want to go into the arms of well-known or native people. Do not force him, carry the crumbs yourself. Perhaps something is bothering him at this moment.

All children are different. Everyone needs to find an individual way to calm down. Try different options, only in this way you will find the one that suits your child.

The baby is crying. His face turned red and swollen, tears flow from his eyes ... A picture familiar to every parent. But what to do in such a situation? How to calm a child?

Here are 5 of the most common baby crying episodes and some effective and easy ways to quickly comfort your baby during a tantrum. This is especially important when the baby burst into tears on the street, in a clinic or in another public place.

Case 1: tantrum

Let's get the concepts straight.

A tantrum is a picture loud cry, the purpose of which is to attract attention. That is, the hysteria is designed for the presence of the viewer. At the same time, the baby feels fine, nothing hurts him, he is full, healthy, but he wanted to show off. Tantrums occur, as a rule, when a toddler tries to beg something from a parent (a sweet, a toy) or when a child tries to manipulate an adult.

Hysteria is accompanied by:

  • back arching;
  • involuntary sudden movements;
  • head tossing.

Trying to influence the child with persuasion and strict words in this case is useless.

3 ways to calm a child in hysterics

  1. Prevent!

    Tantrums don't happen in a vacuum. Until the moment when the baby falls to the floor and rolls his legs, bursting into tears at the same time, a series of events will occur. For example, a child may beg for a toy and only after a few refusals go into hysterics. Don't let this happen. Distract the baby. Show something interesting so that he stops acting up.

  2. Ignore.

    If the tantrum has already begun, the best thing to do is ignore it. Pretend you're interested in something else. Hysteria requires a viewer, but if there is none, then it gradually subsides. In addition, the baby, when he sees that you have found something interesting, will stop crying himself and show curiosity.

  3. Prepare ahead of time.

    Try to understand what causes tantrums. Is your child missing toys? Does he like sweets too much? Or did you just spoil him a lot? Whatever the cause, try to eradicate it. Tell your child how much you love him often, praise him for his achievements, play and work with him. Show that there are many interesting things in the world besides sweets and toys.

Case 2: whims

Whims can be for various reasons, so you should first find out the reason. If it lies not in the poor health of the child, but in more harmless things, you can begin to act.

6 ways to calm a cranky child

  • Method one: skip past the ears

Do not enter into an argument with the child, proving that he is wrong. Moreover, do not scold the baby, do not reproach for bad behavior. It is better to pretend that you are busy, and even better - switch the attention of the baby himself to something else.

  1. “Oh, look! The bird has flown!
  2. “Look, what a big car drove off!”
  3. “See, that cloud looks like a dog!”

Use any tricks so that the baby is distracted from whims and crying and becomes interested in something else.

  • Method two: compromise

Do not rush to calm the baby right away. Requests like "don't cry!" and "calm down!" they will only provoke the little one even more, and the whim can turn into a tantrum. It is better to ask the baby to cry more quietly. For example, so as not to wake up the neighbors or so as not to interfere with dad's work. By doing this, you give the baby permission to cry, and the permitted things are no longer as interesting as the forbidden ones.

  • Method three: speak up!

Speak! A lot, fast and energetic. At the same time, do not pay attention to the whims of the child, as if he does not cry at all, but listens to you attentively all the time. Surprisingly, little children really quickly become silent and begin to listen.

  • Method four: laughter from whims

Try to make the baby laugh. Tickle him, sing a perky song or play with a toy by changing your voice in a funny way.

You can come up with a special rite. For example, blow on your baby's face to supposedly dry her tears.

  • Method five: pills for whims

This trick is suitable for children over 3 years old. As soon as the baby begins to grumble and cry, offer her a "tasty pill." In her role can be candy, marmalade or other delicacy loved by the child. But be warned that if the "pill" does not work, you will no longer offer such treatment.

  • Method six: love

The most powerful weapon against children's tears is, of course, love. Hug your baby, hold it to your chest and sincerely say how much you love him. Love the child and don't forget to show it in both verbal and non-verbal ways.

Case 3: Pain

Does the baby cut his teeth, does his tummy hurt, or did he fall and skin his knee? No matter what triggered the pain, the child is unlikely to be able to handle it like an adult and will most likely burst into tears. You need to console him, but you should act very delicately at this time.

3 ways to comfort your baby in pain

  1. Do not swear!

    Never ever! - do not express your irritation and anger in front of a child who has something in pain. Now the baby is vulnerable and defenseless. He needs your help, support and love. If you break down on him or swear, then at best you will bring the crumbs to hysterics. In the worst case, such an attitude is fraught with psychological problems for the baby in the future.

  2. Press on the affected area of ​​the hand.

    It's no secret that people can heal with their hands. It is not in vain that when something hurts, we unconsciously touch this place with our fingers or the whole palm.

    Stroke the baby in a sore spot, saying kind words. Imagine that your palm radiates strong healing energy, and the child's pain will subside.

  3. Caress.

    In mother's arms, any pain recedes very quickly, and insults are forgotten. Do not skimp on tenderness, kiss the baby and speak to him. Say that he is the best, tell a story, sing a song. Simple human communication is often more effective than cunning psychological tricks.

The baby is crying from colic: what to do?

  • Warm the diaper on the radiator and attach it to the baby's tummy.
  • Hold the baby close to you and carry it in your arms.
  • Pour warm water into the baby bath and bathe the baby - the spasms weaken in the heat.
  • Fennel tea and chamomile help with colic, but it's best to check with your doctor before using herbs.

Occasion 4: before bed

Many babies start crying at bedtime and at night. There can be many reasons for this:

  • the baby is overexcited and does not want to sleep;
  • the baby, on the contrary, is too tired;
  • the room is too hot and stuffy;
  • the child is afraid to be alone at night.

But you never know what alarmed the baby. The main thing is to figure out how to calm him down.

4 ways to calm your baby before bed

  1. Atmosphere

    Create an atmosphere of comfort and peace in the children's bedroom. Turn on pleasant music, ventilate the room, buy a night light. By the way, a night light is a very important detail of the interior of a children's room. It not only creates a pleasant twilight, but also soothes the child, letting him know that he is safe.

  2. Ritual before bed

    To avoid whims and set the baby to sleep, come up with a ritual. It can be an evening fairy tale, a warm bath with herbs, a glass of milk with honey - one thing or all together. The child, having got used to the fact that after this or that action you need to go to bed, will no longer resist and cry.

  3. be patient

    Let your baby sleep peacefully. Do not rush him, do not rush to leave and leave the crumbs alone in a dark room. Hold his hand until he falls asleep, or lie in the same bed with him. Let the baby feel protected.

  4. saving light

    Leave the door to the nursery ajar so that the baby can see the light pouring from the corridor and hear the voices of the parents. It soothes children and helps them fall asleep quickly at night.

Case 5: Hyperactivity

Hyperactive kids are not uncommon these days. Often, out of desperation, parents go to doctors and ask them for advice on how to calm a hyperactive child. Unfortunately, pediatricians most often prescribe drugs. It can be light tranquilizers - "Fezam", "Tazepam" and others. Of course, you should not give such drugs to children, but what to do when the baby arranges noisy games and no less noisy tantrums?

It is better to approach the solution of the problem from the point of view of psychology. Use the games and techniques below.

5 ways to calm a hyperactive child

  1. remote control for baby

    Take an old TV remote and play a game with your baby. As soon as the child starts making noise, pretend to turn the volume down. The kid must follow the command.

  2. Napkin

    Explain to the child the essence of the game: you throw a napkin, and while it falls, the baby is free to do what he wants - scream, laugh, run, but as soon as the napkin touches the floor, the child will have to shut up and behave quietly.

  3. Whale

    Invite your child to play whale. He will be a whale that slowly sinks under the water (in this case, the water is, of course, imaginary), swims slowly, slowly looking for something “at the bottom”.

  4. Silent games

    Give the kid a task - let him assemble the puzzle, circle the drawings drawn with dots, color the coloring book. Any game that requires focus and patience will do. Of course, promise a reward.

  5. Repetition

    The essence of the game: the child must repeat after you all the movements and actions. Start with loud games and sudden movements, but gradually slow down. A child who repeats after you will also gradually calm down.

How to calm a newborn?

The crying of a baby is a separate issue. As a rule, the tantrums of children under one year old do not have a psychological basis and are associated solely with the inability of the baby to talk about his needs in a different way. But how to calm a crying baby under the age of one? Luckily, it's pretty easy.

  1. "White noise"

    Monotonous hissing sounds remind babies of the sound of blood flowing in the mother's womb. That is why most children of the first months of life quickly fall asleep at the sound of running water (for example, a waterfall), the noise of an untuned radio and the hiss of their parents.

  2. motion sickness

    This method is also suitable for children from birth to 6-7 months. Rocking soothes and relaxes the baby, bringing back memories of intrauterine life.

  3. Embrace

    It is often enough just to hug the baby tightly, whisper a few gentle comforting words to him to calm the child.

  4. Sucking

    Babies relax best at their mother's breasts; artificial babies can be offered an alternative - a pacifier.

  5. Breath
    An older child can be asked to "breathe with a nose." In this case, the mother herself needs to set an example and take a few deep breaths. The thing is that small children are terrible “repeaters”, and your child will probably immediately calm down and begin to repeat after you.


Despite a lot of advice on how to calm a baby when he cries, the best way is love. Do not be angry and forgive the baby for all his whims. And remember that if the baby is too spoiled, this is most of all your fault.

You may not like the idea of ​​being wrapped in a diaper. But for a screaming and restless baby, swaddling makes you feel like you're back in a cramped, familiar, and comforting womb.

Often one of the most important questions when it comes to swaddling is how much to swaddle? The answer is tight enough so that the baby cannot squirm, but the legs and arms should have some freedom.

Swaddling Articles:

  • Change of position

If you're cradling a baby on their back and that doesn't work, try a different position. can pass if you lower the baby's head on the forearm. Pressure on the tummy will help relieve discomfort.

  • appeasement

Babies have a strong sucking instinct. So see if the nipple will soothe your baby. An unexpected bonus is that studies have found an interesting fact - the pacifier can help prevent the sudden death of an infant during sleep.

  • T - s - s - s - s ...

Whispering in close proximity to a child's ear can really calm him down. Don't be too timid. The child should hear you behind his own cry.

  • take a ride

Babies in the womb get used to frequent movement. An imitation of this, or a real walk, can make him fall asleep. Rocking movements in a cradle or rocking chair can create the right sensations. Some parents take their children in a car around the neighborhood. But beware of driving if you are exhausted.

  • Massage

Remember that your touch can calm the child. Many babies love skin contact. There is evidence that children who get massages regularly cry less and sleep better. Simply undress your child and use slow, rhythmic strokes all over the body.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...


  • Carry your child

Our ancestors, as babies, spent most of the day hanging in special loops on the backs or chests of their mothers. When you place your colicky baby in a sling, he may snuggle up very close to you. And this is able to lull him, so he will sleep peacefully while you are moving (going to the store, for a walk, or doing household chores). A sling can also give your tired arms a rest and free them up to make your own sandwich.

  • Belching

A crying baby can swallow a lot of air. This can aggravate gas formation, and make his cry louder.

Try to induce a burp by gently tapping the baby's back. The classic position is with the baby's head on your shoulder. But this way it can stain your back.

Other Methods: Place the baby on your lap, or sit on one of your arms and support his chest and head with the other.

  • Take a breather

Comforting a child night after night is a terribly difficult task. It's normal to feel overwhelmed. If nothing seems to be working anymore, take a break. Give your child to your spouse or family member.

When this isn't possible, remember that it's okay to let your baby scream a little in the crib while you pull yourself together.

Most importantly, remember: this is not your fault, and this is not forever. It's just that some babies are just more prone to crying.

On the topic of crying and tantrums:

  • (part 2)