How to get cherry stain out. We wash cherry juice correctly - important rules and methods

Cherry is one of the main summer berries, the appearance of which many look forward to. Enthusiasm wanes when cherries get on clothes and leave bright red stains, and victims wonder how to get cherry stains out with minimal damage. Throw away the thought of getting rid of your clothes instead of learning how to get cherry stains out - there are many proven ways to get rid of cherry stains without the hassle and risk to your clothes. Take some free time to read this guide so that in a few minutes you will know how to remove cherry and cherry stains, as well as what products to use for this.

We try household chemicals - what means should I take?

Since it is far from always possible to remove cherries with improvised means, and often not the first time, it is worth first talking about how to remove a cherry stain using household chemicals. There are only two options here:

  • You can remove cherry stain from light and white clothes with bleach. Before you remove cherry stains with bleach, you need to choose the right product for the type of fabric. It is worth paying attention to the composition of household chemicals - it should not include chlorine, which negatively affects the color of the treated fabric. How to remove the cherry stain in this case? Make a choice in favor of bleaches, the action of which is based on active oxygen. It does not spoil the appearance of clothes and removes stains well.
  • How to remove a cherry stain from colored clothes for which bleach is not suitable for obvious reasons? Obviously, the only worthy option is a quality stain remover. This tool will also help if you don’t know how to remove cherries from white clothes, because stain removers do a good job with white and colored things from various materials. Before removing cherry stains, you should choose a stain remover for a specific type of fabric. Must be used according to instructions.

If the pollution is small, you can not resort to the indicated methods at all, how to remove cherries from clothes. Those stains that were literally just put on can simply be washed with washing powder - this is sometimes enough. If it didn’t work out, you should resort to folk methods of how to remove stains from cherries.

6 most effective and proven folk ways to remove cherries

Our ancestors knew very well how to remove a cherry stain without household chemicals, which used to be not as widespread as it is today. Below you can learn about the most popular ways to remove cherry stain:

  1. Before removing a cherry stain on clothes, heat a sufficient amount of water to 70-80 degrees. Now gently water the area with the stain with heated water, pouring little by little. You will notice how the stain disappears right before your eyes. It is worth noting that this method of how to wash cherry stains is only suitable for fresh dirt that has not yet had time to soak deep into the fabric. Sometimes it is necessary to repeat the procedure.
  2. How to remove cherry stains from white clothes? Use hydrogen peroxide, which can be found in any home first aid kit or purchased at a pharmacy for a penny. For light-colored items, it is better to use a solution of peroxide in water, and for pure white items, a peroxide concentrate is better. Apply the product with a cotton swab, gently rubbing the stain from the edges to the center to prevent smearing.
  3. How to remove a cherry stain from clothes if there is no way to use hydrogen peroxide? Find some whey and dip the area with the cherry stain in it. How to remove a stain from cherry juice if there is no serum? You can replace with regular milk, you have to soak for 20 minutes.
  4. If none of the above is at hand, how to remove a cherry stain on white and color? Do not despair - ordinary laundry soap will help, which is not difficult to find. Just rub soap on the area with cherry juice on the fabric, leave for 15-20 minutes to absorb, then wash.
  5. Table salt is a great way to get cherry juice out of your favorite clothes. It is necessary to mix a small amount of salt with water so that a thick mass is obtained. It must be smeared on the cherry stain and wait 15-20 minutes before wiping off the cherry juice. Next, you need to wash your clothes.
  6. How to wash cherry juice on a white sweater if there is no hydrogen peroxide? You can use a mixture of vinegar and lemon juice. Mix these components in equal proportions, soak a cotton swab in the prepared solution and blot the stain several times. The procedure must be repeated until the stain disappears.

The above methods for removing cherry juice stains are the most effective, so you should try them first. Do not give up if the means to remove cherry juice from white and colored did not help the first time - repeat the procedure after a while, or choose another recipe given.

Use the knowledge gained on how and with what to remove the stain from cherry juice in practice every time you encounter an unpleasant situation. Remember - it is better to use cherries carefully than to remove stains from them.

Every housewife knows firsthand what trouble stains from berries and fruits can cause on her favorite clothes, furniture or carpets. Cherry stains are impossible to miss, as they are very bright, so they can easily ruin your favorite products or pieces of furniture. In this case, you can get modern stain removers, although they cost a fortune. But you can get by with homemade recipes. So that tasty and healthy berries do not become a reason for frustration, it is important to know how to remove stains from cherries using simple and effective improvised means.

Important Rules

In order to avoid problems with the appearance of clothing or a contaminated surface, you need to familiarize yourself with the generally accepted standards for dealing with stains.

  1. It is important to always pay attention to the icons on the product label. Not all methods are suitable for all clothes, especially for colored, white and delicate fabrics. It is necessary to take into account the temperature regime of the water, otherwise the product may shrink or shed.
  2. If you immediately find pollution, then you should not postpone its elimination for the next day or even for a couple of hours. So, if the child has just soiled his shorts or T-shirt, then he should change his clothes and soak the things in soapy water. If these measures are not taken, then much more effort and a whole range of measures will be required to eliminate the cherry stain.
  3. When purchasing a stain remover, pay attention to the instructions for its use, as there are products that can ruin your products and other surfaces.
  4. Any product should be tested on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product before use to make sure that it does not spoil the thing.

Following these simple rules when washing linen and removing cherry stains will help you save the product or restore the original look of the sofa or carpet.

Home remedies for cherry stain removal

How can you remove cherry stains from clothes, carpets and furniture at home?

Stains that have just been obtained can be easily removed with the help of improvised means:

  • With the help of boiling water. To do this, you need to warm the water in the kettle. Then you need to distribute the soiled product over the basin or other utensils so that the fabric is as stretched as possible. You can do this procedure yourself or ask someone close to help. Pour boiling water over the prepared canvas with a stain. Do this until the cherry stain is gone. This method of removing stains from cherries is not suitable for colored products. In this case, the thing may suffer - lose brightness.
  • The method used by our grandmothers is the use of edible salt to remove stains from berries and fruits. On a fresh stain, you need to pour salt in a thick layer. Distribute it according to pollution. Leave for 5 minutes. During this time, the salt crystals will absorb the cherry juice due to its adsorption capacity. Then wash the item in the washing machine. This method will help save jeans.
  • The next budget and effective remedy for removing berry stains from different surfaces is vinegar and citric acid. You will need to dissolve citric acid in the amount of one spoon in the same amount of table vinegar. Take a plain cotton pad or swab and soak it in the solution. Now you need to thoroughly wet the pollution. It is necessary to rub strictly in the direction from the edge to the center, so as not to spread contamination throughout the product. This method is effective, however, you should not use it for colored products.
  • Milk or other dairy products are examples of gentle products that can help get cherry stains out of your clothes. The product with stains should be soaked in a heated dairy product for 20 minutes. Then wash in the washing machine.

These simple methods for dealing with berry and fruit stains will help restore the old look to your clothes.

How to remove old cherry stains

Housewives do not always have the opportunity to start removing stains right away, so it is important to arm yourself with several recipes for removing old stains from cherries.

  • Although there is no guarantee that the stain will disappear, you can apply a proven method for removing it: lather with laundry soap. This must be done carefully, after wetting the place with pollution. Leave for 40 minutes, then wash off the soap composition. If necessary, repeat the procedure several times.
  • For white products, a more powerful tool will be required. One of the easiest ways to remove berry stains is to use hydrogen peroxide, which the modern housewife always has. You will need to fill the contaminated area with hydrogen peroxide, leave for 40 minutes. Then wash in the usual way.
  • Ammonia. This tool is inexpensive, but works like a powerful bleach. Provide good ventilation in the room where you work, pour the stains with ammonia, leave for 20 minutes and wash in the washing machine.

Cherry stains can be planted not only on clothes, but also on furniture, carpet and other surfaces, so it is important to know how to quickly and efficiently deal with the problem.

Removing cherry stains from carpets and furniture

To make your sofa and carpet shine again, you need to follow these steps:

  1. The gruel from the berry must be collected by hand. Absorb the juice thoroughly with a paper towel or towel. The better the surface is prepared for further work, the easier it will be to remove stains from cherries.
  2. After the remains of the berry are removed from the surface, you can simply cover the place of contamination with a dense layer of salt, let it stand for about an hour, remove the wet salt, and proceed to further fight against pollution.
  3. To cope with stains of this kind, you can use dishwashing liquid. Dilute a small amount of this product in 300 ml. warm water, using a sponge, thoroughly wash the contaminated area. The remaining foam and soap solution will need to be removed with a paper towel. Then vacuum the sofa or carpet.
  4. Dissolve a teaspoon of ammonia in 300 ml. warm water and thoroughly moisten the contamination. Remove excess liquid. Be sure to ventilate the room.

Simple home methods will allow you to remove cherry stains from carpets and furniture, wash them from clothes.

Cherry stains are a popular "decoration" for children's T-shirts. What can we say about children, if even the adults themselves, through negligence, can pour cherry juice on their favorite thing! But do not rush to say goodbye to your favorite T-shirt and transfer it to the category of home wear. Cherry stains are very easy to remove! Maybe not the first time, but forever.

What to do with a cherry stain?

To successfully remove cherries from clothes, it is necessary to eliminate the acids that are found in cherry juice. To do this, you can use the following neutralizing substances:

  • Peroxide.
  • Salt.
  • Lemon juice.
  • Vinegar.
  • Laundry soap.

Our grandmothers knew a great way to get cherry stains out without chemicals or soaking clothes. For this, ordinary boiling water was used.. The contaminated item was placed in a bowl and treated with hot water. If the spots were fresh, the contamination disappeared right before our eyes, and the dried spots had to be treated 2-3 times.

Keep in mind that you need to pour boiling water over the stain. You have to scald the thing in the truest sense of the word. If the water is just hot, there will be no effect.

How to wash colored things?

If you are going to remove cherry juice from colored items, do not use concentrated bleach or strong detergents. You will remove juice stains, but white marks will remain in their place. Therefore, for washing it is necessary to choose special powders and liquid products for delicate washing of bright fabrics, such as Vanish. The cleaner must be applied directly to the stain and left for 15 minutes. After that, wash the item in the washing machine, and to completely remove the stain, add Vanish to the machine itself.

Dishwashing detergent gently removes dirt without unpleasant consequences. Just generously lubricate the place of contamination and wash the stain. If the fabric does not clean, soak the item in water with liquid for 10-15 minutes and wash the item again. Dishwashing gel will help you out when you need to wash off soy sauce.

Laundry soap will also help to wash colored clothes from juice. Simply lather the dry stain with soap and let it dry for a while. Soften the resulting crust with warm water and repeat washing in the washing machine.

How to wash light colored clothes?

Strong cleaners can be used to clean white fabrics. Only they will remove the stain and stains from the juice completely, leaving no pink marks. Combined mixtures will help to remove cherry stains best of all:

Pour the solution prepared in equal proportions onto the stain and leave for 30 minutes. After this procedure, we wash the item in the machine with ordinary powder. If necessary, you can add a small amount of bleach: it will refresh the color of clothes and smooth out stains from stains.

Lemon juice and vinegar

Mix freshly squeezed lemon juice with 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar. Using a sponge, soak the stain with liquid and leave for 1 hour. After the time has elapsed, the fabric will be completely cleaned. Recall that soaking with the addition of lemon juice or citric acid will help remove old tea stains.

We mix all the ingredients in equal proportions and treat the stain. Leave for 20-30 minutes and wash in hot water. After that, the wash is repeated in the washing machine.

You can use all components individually. For example, First, you can try to remove the stain with salt alone.. To do this, prepare a thick gruel of salt and water and leave it on the stain until it dries completely. The resulting crust must be washed off under hot water, and then washed the thing completely. When using peroxide, work the stain from the edges to the middle: this will help remove stains from the juice.

To remove the trace of cherries from white things, you need to wash in water at least 40-50 degrees. When washing in cold water, you will not get any result.

In summer, it is simply impossible to deny yourself the pleasure of eating delicious cherries or sweet cherries. But sometimes it can turn into a noticeable and difficult to remove stain. Do not rush to despair and throw away your favorite T-shirt, today I will tell you how to remove cherries without a trace.

Before removing cherry stains from clothes, you should read a few simple but very important guidelines:

Illustration Recommendation

Always read labels.

Before washing, read the label on the clothes in detail. So you can choose the optimal temperature and cleaning agent.

Don't delay.

A fresh stain is much easier to remove than a dried old one. So as soon as you notice the remains of a red berry on your clothes, proceed to remove them.

Read the instructions on the stain remover.

If you decide to wash cherry juice with household chemicals, carefully read the instructions.

Strictly follow the dosages indicated on it, otherwise you risk damaging the fabric.

Removing cherry stains

Household chemicals: 3 options

If you think that it is better to deal with difficult stains with household chemicals, then you can use one of the following methods:

Image Instruction

Option 1. Bleach

If you are looking for how to remove cherry stains, then you can use the well-known Vanish:

  • Apply it to the dirt.
  • Wait 15 minutes.
  • Wash the item in the washing machine.

To enhance the effect of the cleaning agent, add it to the washing machine tray.

Option 2. Antipyatin
  • Apply the product to the damaged area for 15 minutes.
  • Then fill the product with boiling water.
  • When it dries, wash the item as usual.

Carefully study the label from "Antipyatin" - it is not suitable for all fabrics.

Option 3. Dishwashing liquid
  • Apply liberally to the cherry juice stain.
  • Wash the damaged area.
  • Rinse the item.

If the stain cannot be removed, try soaking the item in a solution of washing liquid for 10 minutes.

Folk remedies: 6 ways

In the process of dealing with berry traces, proven folk recipes can also be effectively used:

Image Instruction

Method 1. Laundry soap

This is one of the best cleaning products, the price of which is affordable for everyone:

  • Lubricate the dry spot with soap, creating a kind of crust on its surface.
  • Wait a while for the soap to dry completely.
  • Moisten the crust a little in warm water, and then wash the product in a washing machine.

Method 2. Boiling water

This option is best if you need to remove a stain that has just been placed on the fabric:

  • Simply stretch the soiled item over a basin or tub.
  • Pour a thin stream of boiling water over the stain.
  • Wash the item as usual.

Method 3. Lemon juice and bite

Cherry stains are well removed under the influence of vinegar and lemon juice:

  • Mix lemon juice with a couple of tablespoons of vinegar.
  • Apply the solution to the stain with a soft sponge.
  • Wait about an hour.
  • After the specified time, rinse the product.

Method 4. Hydrogen peroxide

Sweet cherries and cherries are well cleaned with ordinary hydrogen peroxide, which can be found in every home first aid kit:

  • Apply the composition to the stain, moving from the edges to the center.
  • Wait half an hour.
  • After washing the product in the usual way.

Method 5. Soda
  • Wet the damaged area well.
  • Sprinkle it thoroughly with baking soda.
  • Rub the stain gently with your fingers.
  • Leave it to rot for 15 minutes.
  • Wash the product with your own hands or in a typewriter.

Method 6. Salt

It can be used to clean denim:

  • Mix salt with a small amount of water until a thick slurry is formed.
  • Apply the resulting mixture to the stain.
  • Wait for the salt to dry and remove the crust with hot water.
  • Wash the item.

Wool processing

All the recipes I have given are most effective for things made of semi-synthetic or cotton materials. But for wool products it is better to use the following components:

Image Cleaner


Moisten a cotton pad in purified gasoline (example in the photo) and gently treat the dirt.

Baby powder

It acts as an absorbent that absorbs the coloring particles of cherry juice.

Sprinkle the stain with it, wait for it to dry and shake off the remaining powder.


Now you know how to remove cherries from clothes and you can keep your favorite things clean. Just follow the instructions given, and in the case of using household chemicals, dosages.

I also suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video in this article - it will tell you a lot of useful information. Share your experience with difficult stains in the comments.

Bright, red and juicy fruits with berries often become the culprits for the appearance of non-washable marks on things. If you notice red cherry stains on clothes, then you need to approach their removal thoroughly.

Spilled compote, drops of jam, or just traces of eating fresh fruits make housewives think about how to wash cherries, cherries or shanks, because the coloring pigments that make up them are very quickly absorbed and dry on the fabric.

If you've ever struggled with removing fruit stains, then you know that a standard wash in the washing machine won't help. Therefore, in order to remove a stain from a cherry, it must be pre-treated, since the anthocyanins that make up the fruit not only stain it, but also the fibers of the tissue that get on it.

Each hostess has in her arsenal several methods to negate both traces of cherries and other fruit stains.

But no matter what tool you use to permanently remove cherries or cherry juice from your favorite thing, you need to follow a few rules:

  • Before using any chemical compound on fabric, analyze the tag. The label contains all the information about proper care, as well as the composition of the material.
  • Act now. As soon as you notice the stain, treat it with an appropriate product, then wash the product at the temperature and mode necessary for your clothes.
  • Explore the remedy. Some chemical compounds remove dirt well, but can damage fabric fibers, especially synthetic ones.
  • Test the substance. Some types of fabric do not tolerate contact with bleaches well, as they can shed. In order not to lighten the thing, check the substance on the area from the wrong side.

Household chemicals

Since fruit marks are difficult to remove, some people prefer to go all out and choose complex chemical compounds for this purpose. So, you can trust bleaches or stain removers to remove cherries from clothes, which are used without pre-treatment of pollution.

Today, there are three main tools that can remove cherry juice from clothes quickly.:

  1. Dish cleaning gel. This tool not only copes well with fat, because it contains substances that penetrate deep into the fibers of the fabric and destroy pollution from the inside. To wash cherries with this product, apply it in a thick layer on the stained area, and then wash it.
  2. Whiteness (Vanish). If you splash fruit juice on white clothes, use bleach. But before you apply it to an item to remove cherry stains, read the recommendations on the stain remover you choose, make sure it is suitable for the type of fabric you choose.
  3. Stain remover. Such products should also be used with caution, because on some things paint can come off along with the stain. Therefore, when buying a substance, choose one that is marked "color".

Wasting no time

It's no secret that a fresh stain is much easier to remove than one that has dried up a couple of days ago, or even weeks. Therefore, as soon as you notice that purple or red traces of ripe fruit have appeared on your favorite jacket or trousers, proceed to remove them immediately.

To remove the stain from the cherry, you can use boiling water. To do this, the thing is pulled over the container with the wrong side towards you. Then they begin to pour from the kettle on the stained area left by the juice until the trace disappears.

If it was not possible to remove cherries from clothes in this way, then use soaking. For this method, a piece of material is well lathered and immersed in liquid for 20-30 minutes. If the material of the product can withstand high temperatures, the soaked item is poured with boiling water, and then washed after half an hour.

old stains

If the laundry option does not suit you, then you can take the time to remove it at home. Naturally, in order to wash off old stains, you need to put a lot of effort and patience. But the result of using folk methods may pleasantly surprise you.

Firstly, to remove a cherry stain, you can use the tools and materials at hand, and secondly, this is a stain removal experience that you will not get if you take the item to the dry cleaner.

For old stains, more aggressive substances are suitable than ordinary soap or powder. But do not forget about the type of fabric, because the wrong tool can ruin the thing completely.

How to remove a cherry stain on white

Of course, any stains are more difficult to remove from white clothes, leaving behind yellow, gray or pink traces. Usually, they stop fighting with such manifestations and remove the little thing for work clothes or simply throw it away. But a cherry stain on white, and even more so a pink trace left after an unsuccessful attempt to remove it, can be removed forever.

We have already said above that chemicals in the form of bleaches must be used exclusively on white things. Therefore, if your T-shirt has juice stains on it, you can treat it with white or add it to the powder drawer in the wash. If the fabric does not accept the aggressive effects of chemicals, then try the other removal options listed below.

Boiling water

Not all materials can withstand high temperatures, so this method is only suitable for white items sewn from natural dense cotton or linen. To remove cherry stains from a snow-white blouse or trousers, use boiling water, depending on the age of the stain. So, immediately noticing the trace of the fruit, pour boiling water on the pollution.

If the juice on the white jacket has dried up, then it is better to boil it. Water is drawn into the container, if desired, any detergent is added, as well as bleach. Clothes are lowered into the prepared liquid and put on fire. Boiling lasts no more than 20-30 minutes.

Hydrogen peroxide

To remove a cherry stain on clothes, use a more gentle brightener, which many people have in their first aid kit. A sponge or cotton swab is moistened with hydrogen peroxide. Then, with gentle movements, try to reduce the cherry juice from the white T-shirt in directions from the periphery of the stain to its center. To more effectively remove red compote or juice from white, pour hydroperite on the soiled area and wait 10-15 minutes.


An unexpected tool that can restore the whiteness of the fabric is ordinary cow's milk. With it, you can remove the stain from the cherry on products that require careful handling, such as silk or wool. To remove a red stain from a T-shirt, pour it with hot milk, wait until the traces dissolve, and then wash the thing at the appropriate mode and temperature.

If a stain on colored clothes

Before washing clothes, we make sure to sort them by color, as some products may shed and stain lighter ones. If you know that your jacket may lose color, then choose products that can remove cherries from clothes that are gentle and do not eat away paint.

It should also be borne in mind that bright things do not tolerate high temperatures. Therefore, do not attempt to remove cherry stains from colored clothing by boiling or bleaching. Each type of fabric needs a different approach, so before using any substance, test it on the inside of the fold or seam of the product. To delicately remove the juice from colored things, try applying the products that can be found in every home.

regular soda

Sodium carbonate, which many have been sitting on the kitchen shelf for years, can find a use. This white powder will help remove the stain from the cherry, if you first pour it on the stained area.

To do this, lightly moisten the stain or dilute the soda gruel in warm water, then apply to the stain with rubbing movements. Set the item aside for 15 minutes to allow the baking soda to interact and break down the anthocyanins that turn the fruit red. After rinsing and washing the products in the usual way.


Another gentle substance that can remove cherry stains is medical glycerin. It must be heated in the microwave, on fire or in hot water. Then the heated liquid is applied to the cherry stains, the thing is set aside to soak for 1 hour, and then washed.

Laundry soap

There is no such stain that 72% laundry soap would not cope with. Any stains on the fabric, even from red fruits, will not withstand its alkaline effect. Treat the area stained with juice with soapy water, soak for 20-30 minutes, and then wash.

Removing cherries from jeans

It is unpleasant when your favorite and comfortable clothes get dirty, if the stain is bright and, if not properly processed, can remain on the product forever. It is not easy to remove red traces of cherry juice from jeans, since it is contraindicated to use household chemicals in order to preserve the factory color of the fabric. But there is a way out, and, as always, it can be found in your kitchen or among medicines.

ammonium chloride

Finding a 10% ammonia solution among medicines, you will get a product that can remove cherry juice without affecting the color and structure of denim. To remove a fruit stain on jeans, it is enough to pour heated ammonia on the stained area, wait half an hour, and then launder by hand or in an automatic machine.

Vinegar and lemon

Acids do an excellent job with many ingrained contaminants. But vinegar or diluted essence can also dissolve paint on things. Therefore, before treating the stain with a solution of lemon juice and vinegar, test the fabric for color fastness.

You can use a citric acid solution to remove the stain. To do this, soak in a liquid prepared at the rate of 1 tsp. acid on a glass of water with a sponge and blot the trace of juice with it. Then rinse well or wash as usual.

Salt to the rescue

Having spilled cherry compote on a thing, you need to act immediately and without delay. The best remedy that everyone will definitely find is table salt. Remove stained clothing and blot the stain with a tissue. Then prepare a salt gruel and apply it to the spot. Wait for the gruel to dry, and then wash the thing.

We stick to simple rules

To deal with stains, it is not enough to treat them with a remedy, because the type of fabric, its color and susceptibility to household chemicals is different for each material. But knowing the simple rules for removing stains from clothes, you will return them clean almost for free, forgetting about the existence of dry cleaning.

  • If you use boiling water, then the soiled item is stretched over the container, after turning it inside out.
  • A red spot with a stain cannot be treated with bleach if the product is colored.
  • The stain must be removed with translational movements from the periphery to the center to prevent spreading (spreading).
  • Start processing as soon as possible, because dried juice is more difficult to remove.