What is the best thing to wear on a date? Style secrets: what to wear on a first date to a girl. What to wear on a date at different times of the year

The first date leaves an indelible impression of a man and leaves an imprint on subsequent relationships. That is why it is important to take care of your image, carefully choose an outfit. After all, as you know, they are met by clothes. In addition, knowing how to dress for a girl on a first date, you can hide figure flaws, give yourself confidence, which is also important at the first meeting.

First of all, you do not need to strive to create the perfect image. If the fictional picture does not match reality, this can greatly spoil the overall mood. The main thing is to be natural in order to feel comfortable. It is best to use the usual style of clothing. At the same time, in order to gain greater confidence, it is necessary to ensure that the reflection in the mirror pleases oneself.

Avoid items of clothing that will restrict movement: tight blouses, short tight skirts, uncomfortable high-heeled shoes. This also includes new, unworn shoes that you want to throw off as soon as the date is over. A new piece of clothing can behave unpredictably, diverting attention to itself. At some point, all thoughts will be occupied with the fact that the legs hurt, the skirt rides up too high and flaunts what was not included in the plans, etc.

Clothing and shoes made of synthetic materials are also prohibited. They do not allow the skin to breathe, sweating in them is more intense, which is completely undesirable when meeting.

It is desirable to give preference to outfits that give femininity to the image. This will subconsciously arouse in a man a desire to win, protect a woman, continue a relationship with her. And that's exactly what's expected of a first date.

You also need to understand where and under what conditions such an image will be suitable, and take this into account. To begin with, it is worth finding out about the plans for the evening from the man in advance, and then choose how best to dress. So, high heels and an evening dress will be of little use during a walk. This would be, to say the least, somewhat absurd.

What to wear in summer

Even with excessively hot temperatures outside, you should not dress too revealingly for a first date.

Tops, short skirts and T-shirts are prohibited. It is best to wear a tunic or blouse and a knee-length skirt. A dress or a summer sundress would be ideal, but, again, everything should be in moderation.

In shoes, preference should be given to ballet flats or sandals.

What to wear in spring or autumn

In warm, clear weather, it is likely that the date will take place on the street in the park, on the alleys of the city - in this case, it is recommended to dress accordingly. In cool cloudy weather, most likely, you want to spend time in a cozy place, and this should also be guided by. At the same time, the status of the institution itself is important, the choice of clothes depends on it.

What to wear in winter

Note! In winter, when it is cold enough outside, it becomes not up to any conventions. It is much more important to stay warm so as not to overshadow the impression of a date with a cold for the whole next week.

It would be appropriate to wear warm jeans, complemented by a jacket or sweater, decorated with large beads, with which the image will be brighter.

Date in a cafe

If a young man proposes to spend the evening in a cafe, it is recommended to give preference to a skirt that emphasizes femininity, rather than trousers or jeans. Shoes are selected according to clothing.

Date in a restaurant

In this case, you can not do without an evening dress. To him, you need to pick up jewelry and elegant high-heeled shoes. In winter, it is permissible to replace shoes with no less feminine ankle boots. With what to wear winter ankle boots, read.


Nature, park, city streets - in the warm season, it is better to prepare beautifully finished ballet flats or more athletic shoes for a walk. There is nothing worse when all thoughts during a date are only occupied with how to quickly throw off uncomfortable shoes, and the conditions do not always allow you to walk barefoot. At the same time, clothes should also be comfortable enough for walking, so that you do not have to endlessly adjust a high skirt, a treacherously slipped shoulder strap, etc.

Movie date

Comfortable attire is best for a first date at the movies. A short skirt will not allow you to sit comfortably in a chair and relax, switching your attention to watching a movie. We must also not forget that, most likely, you will have to make your way to your seat through other seated spectators, which creates a risk of clothes catching on the chair, legs - it is better to choose an outfit in such a way that this does not happen.

Finally, after the film is over, the gentleman will certainly want to take his companion home. If the cinema is not far from it, then most likely it will be a walk, which should also be taken into account.

Image examples

In the summer, it is easiest to create a romantic look: a light flying dress, pumps or ballet flats.

If the dress is inappropriate, it can be replaced with light summer trousers and a light romantic blouse. As shoes, you can choose comfortable shoes or sandals with a stable low heel.

In both cases, one should not forget about accessories: light, non-provocative beads or a beautifully tied scarf will complete the look. Just follow the measure. If you choose beads, read how to wear them correctly.

Note! For a chilly evening or spring day, grab a stylish cardigan or blazer to throw over. Read about choosing a cardigan in our article.

If the weather allows, you can give your preference to shorts or a skirt above the knee, but pairing them with a thin jumper will keep some intrigue. In general, there is no need to unnecessarily open, and if the skirt is short enough, then the deep neckline of the blouse in combination with it will be too vulgar. While the same blouse with trousers or a floor-length skirt will look much more elegant.

In autumn, when it’s not hot at all, it’s worth warming up. Jeans at this time of the year will be more than appropriate. A warm jumper and a fitted trench coat will be good for them.

In cold winter, warm jeans and a sweater will be the most relevant - they are both comfortable and cozy, while the image can be quite feminine and sophisticated if you correctly choose the texture, length and shape the silhouette.

Photo of outfits for the first date

First date… Just the thought of him makes my heart beat twice as fast. Choosing clothes is one of the biggest problems that a guy or girl faces when going on a date. By planning ahead and allowing enough time to prepare, you will be able to dress appropriately for your first date. After reading this article, you will get some universal tips that will help you look great on your first date and make a good impression on your date.


Part 1


    Find out the details related to the date. Regardless of who initiates the date, you or the person you plan to spend time with, figure out where your first date will be. Knowing this, it will be easier for you to choose your outfit. So figure out where your first date will be. Thanks to this, you can easily find the right clothes.

    • If you are going out to dinner or to a movie together, wear nice and trendy pieces of clothing. Don't forget to discuss where your date will be. Thanks to this, you will be able to look decent.
    • If you are planning a walking tour together, casual jeans and a T-shirt or tracksuit is a great option for such a date!
  1. Go shopping. There's nothing wrong with updating your first date wardrobe, especially if you're planning on doing something out of the ordinary and don't have the right pieces of clothing for it.

    • While it's not necessary to change your wardrobe, wearing a new piece of clothing for a date will show that you've put in the extra effort to prepare for it.
  2. Consider several options. Before deciding what to wear on a date, consider a few options. It is possible that when you put on the selected items of clothing, you will find that they do not fit well with each other. Therefore, you should have an alternative option ready.

    • If you're going to be moving around a lot during your first date - perhaps you'll be dancing or riding horses - make sure you're able to move around freely and comfortably in your chosen attire.
  3. Wear comfortable clothing. As a rule, the first date is always associated with a large number of experiences. So, if you don't want to add to your anxiety even more, don't choose uncomfortable, tight-fitting, see-through garments. Also refrain from clothing with a large neckline.

    Choose clothes that express your personality. Everyone wants to look perfect on the first date. If you are not planning to attend a Halloween party, make sure that your outfit does not match the image of someone present. Choose items of clothing that emphasize your personality.

    • You will feel more relaxed, and the person who accompanies you will enjoy communicating with you.
  4. Make sure your clothes are clean. You don't have to wear a brand new outfit or expensive clothes to impress the person you like. First of all, your clothes should be clean, neat and ironed. Get your clothes in order beforehand.

    • If you are going to wear new clothes on a date, be sure to remove the price tag and similar items. It is unlikely that you want the person who invited you on a date to find such a find on your piece of clothing.
    • To keep your clothes clean and tidy for a long time, store them, as well as additional accessories, in your closet in a clothes bag.
  5. Decide on a hairstyle and practice doing it in advance. Depending on where you are going to spend your first date, choose the appropriate hairstyle. A few days before the expected date of the date, practice doing the chosen styling. Thanks to this, you will be able to see if your hairstyle matches your clothes. You are unlikely to want to fuss with a hairstyle in the last minutes before a date.

    • If you're planning on doing makeup, be sure to try it out a few days before your date. You need to be clear about what you want and how your makeup will go with your overall look.
  6. Shave before your date. If you are a young man, your date should see your freshly shaved face on a date. If you are a girl, wax your eyebrows a few days before your date so that the young man does not see the inflamed eyebrow area. This will make you look flawless.

    • While self-care routines are important, don't put yourself through dangerous routines for the sake of a date. If it seems to you that your appearance is all that can affect a person, believe me, it does not suit you. You deserve to be loved the way you are!

Part 2

  1. Double check the weather. Double check the weather before dressing. Even if you plan to spend most of your time indoors, you still need to be outside to get to your destination. Your clothes must remain dry and clean.

    • Bring a raincoat if it's raining, or ditch the idea of ​​wearing a long-sleeved shirt and trousers if it's hot outside.
    • If it's slushy outside, you can take an extra pair of shoes. In one you will get to your destination, the other pair you can put on before a date.
    • If you know your companion's clothing size, bring an extra sweater, umbrella, or raincoat if the weather is bad and the person forgets to bring essentials. Your companion will be impressed by your act and will be pleased that you have thought of everything in advance.
  2. Take a shower. Even if you participate in a marathon on your first date, you will be pleased if you smell fresh and clean when you meet a person.

    • If you need extra time to wash and dry your hair, make sure you have it.
  3. Take enough time to get dressed. When you're stressed or in a hurry, there's usually something wrong. Anything can happen: a button comes off, a lock breaks, or an arrow goes off on pantyhose. If you are prepared in advance, you will be able to handle an unpleasant situation and avoid the fuss. Dress in advance and make any necessary adjustments if necessary.

  4. Prepare and pack a change of casual clothes. Even if you plan to dine at a posh hotel or visit the theater, be prepared for the fact that plans can change. For example, you will have so much fun that you will want to take a walk and eat ice cream or watch good old movies all night long.

    • Take something comfortable so you can enjoy your time together in peace!
  5. Double check that you have everything you need. Make sure you have everything you need. It could be a wallet, a bottle of water, or something similar.

    • Make sure your mobile phone has enough power in case of an emergency.
    • Be sure to take some extra money in case your date doesn't end the way you'd like and you have to drive home on your own, or if your date doesn't want to pay for your extra dessert.
anna base

On the eve of an important event, both girls and guys ask themselves the question “how to dress for a first date?”. It is important to choose the right wardrobe items in order to make a lasting impression on your soulmate.

Approach this issue correctly and select the necessary elements, because the first words of the proverb “meet by clothes” have not yet been canceled.

The right clothes for a first date

The basic criterion for choosing clothes for a girl's first date is convenience. Free movements will testify in your favor. Things that constrain movement cause a feeling of insecurity.

Dress appropriately for the meeting place. If this is a walk around the city or in nature, give up heels. Wear attractive yet comfortable shoes that won't distract you from the conversation. During the cold season, wear warm clothes and shoes. Be sure to wear a hat.

As outerwear, choose a jacket, raincoat, down jacket, suitable for the weather.

In autumn and spring - demi-season jackets or light coats.
In winter, a warm down jacket or fur coat.

This way you can spend more time together and get to know each other better. Try not to stand out from the crowd, as this is the time for the two of you.

No need to buy new things, put on proven outfits. Believe that too wrinkled clothes or material that rubs at any turn can spoil the mood. Prefer delicate, flowing textures with a vegetal or floral print. Lace fabrics, ruffles with frills look appropriate. They bring femininity and tenderness to the image.

Psychologists advise choosing something from burgundy, blue, gray and pale pink shades as the main color. Dark colors will help mask those areas that you find unattractive.

Emphasize the dignity of the figure

Choose things that suit you. Young ladies with voluminous hips are better off refusing tight skirts and skinny trousers. Give priority to dresses with a flared bottom and a narrowed waist. Visually enlarge a small bust with ruffles, patch pockets and other elements. Accentuate your slim waist with a wide, smooth-textured strap.

Intrigue the young man. Leave the neckline moderately open, but do not immediately demonstrate the chest and shoulders.

Choose opaque fabrics and a slightly form-fitting silhouette. You must attract attention and arouse interest. Give the opportunity to see your inner qualities, so that the young man appreciates, along with appearance, the manner of speaking, plasticity, and the ability to carry on a conversation. Remember that you go on a date and be a true lady.

Complete the look with accessories. Earrings, bracelets, a brooch, a chain with a pendant - pick up the tone. They should complement the main outfit without causing discomfort.

What should be the image for a first date?

When choosing the right outfit for a first date, remember that a man creates the impression of the whole image, while a woman looks at the details. If you have already decided how to dress for the first date, take care of the surroundings.

Makeup. Choose a natural option. Apply a transparent gloss on the lips, lightly tint the eyelashes. You can draw neat arrows to enlarge the eyes. You can remove irregularities on the face with powder or foundation, just do not overdo it. On the first date, you can not apply several layers of corrective means.

Apply perfume only on the earlobes, elbows, and wrists. Try spraying perfume into the air and enter into a fragrant cloud. The droplets will settle evenly, and a subtle aroma will emanate around you with every movement. Choose floral notes, they are light and create a pleasant impression. You should smell nice, you can’t choose a sharp aroma that will “eat” after a few minutes of communication.

Manicure is an important part of your image. He must be perfect. Apply a bright color in one tone - men are attracted to this or leave your nails without polish if you can not apply a new coating

Comb your hair in the usual style, giving it volume. As a decoration, you can pin a beautiful hairpin or wear a hoop. If you decide to make a new hairstyle, practice with it in advance to see how comfortable you are.

If you have a short haircut, it should be neatly styled. Tidy up the ends of dyed hair. Be natural and feminine to win the heart of a man the first time!

How should a guy dress for a first date?

Remember that women pay attention to details, so think through every little thing. Clothing must match the situation. To go to a cafe, choose a stylish shirt and casual jeans or trousers.

In the restaurant, pick up elegant things: a nice shirt and dark gray slacks. A tie and a jacket are optional, but the vest in this union looks harmonious. For a walk around the city or in nature, informal jeans, a T-shirt, a sweater or a sky-colored shirt are suitable.

Get rid of T-shirts with "cool" inscriptions. They are definitely not suitable for a first date. It is rare that a girl will appreciate a T-shirt with a saying “I love sex” or “Real boy” print. In general, give up dark, dull shades. Choose noble colors as a basis: maroon, green with an emerald tint, blue. If you are not afraid of experiments, put on a dark purple shirt.

Take care of your shoes first. For an informal meeting, sneakers or moccasins should be in the wardrobe. For a date at a restaurant, pick up a pair of classic shoes. Depending on the color of the clothing, the color may be dark brown or black.

The finished image will look harmonious if you are in a comfortable state. Avoid clothes that make you uncomfortable. Choose what you always wear so that the girl does not expect from you in the future what you have nothing in common with.

If you wear a tie and jacket on a first date, she'll think it's your natural style. Think how surprised she will be to see you in frayed jeans and a stretched sweatshirt. Wear familiar clothes. Leave experiments for other occasions. Uncertainty, discomfort, the girl will quickly notice and take it personally.

Be unique

Show your personality on the first date, but don't go too far. Let the girl see that you are different from your peers, but do not boast about it. Find the balance that will allow you to express yourself without overdoing it.

Choose colors that go well with eye and skin tones. Light, warm shades will help pay attention to brown and dark eyes. To emphasize green, blue eyes will help cold shades: blue, gray. Are you nervous that the skin on your face is in poor condition? Forget reds and whites. They accentuate redness and imperfections.

Try on clothes and see how they fit. Avoid too loose and too narrow cut. Tight pants look out of place, and too wide - casually. They give the impression that you don't care how you dress. If you are unhappy with how the clothes look, contact the atelier to adjust things to your figure.

Keep Hygiene

To create an impression, you need to look presentable, which is impossible without observing the rules of hygiene. Take a shower and shave before your date. If there is vegetation on your face, put it in order. Items must be washed and ironed. During a date, you will be close to the girl, so everything should be perfect.

When applying cologne or specialty spray, follow one rule: less is more. Apply cologne with 1-2 sprays. Perfume spray - 2-3 sprays. The scent should be enticing, not suffocating.

At this point, refrain from the desire to "add smell".

Dress according to your image

Girls and young people, in order to make an effort and create an image that does not correspond to reality. After a while, they are disappointed, as it is very difficult to maintain non-existent ideals.

In another case, the girl imagines what a man would like to see her and is disappointed, realizing that she does not correspond to these ideas. Thinking through non-existent scenes, she dooms herself or the young man to failure in advance.

Be yourself and give this opportunity to a man. Dress comfortably but tastefully. Joke around and ask questions. Let the first conversation take place in a “real” format, and not according to a simulated plot.

February 10, 2014, 12:02

There is no doubt that the vast majority of serious relationships between a man and a woman begin with a first date. Let me be old-fashioned, but the first date, like the first impression, is a decisive factor in the further development of events between the couple. If you want to make a good impression, then first of all, you need to know how to dress for a date.

Today we will analyze a few tips that will help a man decide what to wear on a first date. It doesn't matter if you're dating "blindly" or have known each other for many years. You have to pick the right date outfit to be confident in your style.

Do you think that by captivating a girl with your charm and charm and inviting her on a first date, you have done the main job?! No matter how. Perhaps you were able to take the phone from her and forced her to succumb to your invitation to a cafe or restaurant, but this is just an excuse and an opportunity to see each other again. No more.

How to dress for a date

On the way to your goal (for someone it is to find a person for life; for someone it is to find a girl to spend evening and night with her), there should be as few mistakes as possible, because there may no longer be a second chance . Where to begin?

First, you must decide where exactly you are going to go on your first date. I will not give my recommendations, which is better, go to a restaurant or go skating. But, in my opinion, going to the cinema, for example, is not the best option. Sitting for 2 hours, while chewing popcorn and trying to ridiculously throw a hand on a girl is the plot of a classic comedy.

Secondly, the recommendations and style that I will be covering should not be a strict plan for action. I hope you understand that the sense of style itself should be gradually developed in you yourself. Therefore, if you think that this or that part of the wardrobe does not suit you, feel free to change it. The main rule is to feel confident! But we'll talk about this a little later.

So, how to dress for a date and what tips a man can take note of, we will analyze further.

Date in nature / walk in the park or city

Who hasn't had a date in nature or in the park? Each teenager, not having a lot of money, arranges a date in the park in 90% of cases (statistics “out of my head”, I did not look for reliable sources). In younger years, a walk under the evening lights seems to be something magical and unforgettable, and a picnic on the lawn is the best opportunity to get to know each other in an informal setting.

The best choice of clothes for dates in nature is practical,. If you do not know where you will be taken, it is better not to wear white or light ones. As soon as you sit on the grass or a bench, immediately plant a spot. The best choice would be denim jeans in dark blue or indigo, as well as chinos in dark colors: blue, dark blue, dark gray. From above, I would advise you to wear and be sure to bring a sweater with you, or even better -. If it gets cool, you can cover your girlfriend's shoulders and prove yourself a gentleman. From shoes, it is best to choose classic borg, monks or moccasins (you can read more about men's classic shoes). If you are going to walk a lot - white classic sneakers.

Date in a cafe / dinner in a regular restaurant

There are situations when it is convenient to arrange dates in a cafe or an ordinary, not “pretentious” restaurant. For example, after the end of the class, you can go with a classmate to the nearest cafe and have a cup of coffee with a piece of cake.

In this case, I recommend adding a little formality to the casual dress code and instead of a T-shirt and sweater, wear a casual shirt and a casual jacket / . If you do not have a jacket, you can replace with a V-neck. From shoes - classic men's shoes or good classic (not sports!) sneakers in white. It turns out practically, in which you can even go to a club with a girl.

Dinner at a good restaurant

If you have invited a girl to a good restaurant, and this is already a very serious date, then you should dress appropriately.

You must have at least one . It must be worn on dates where it is required to comply. In addition to the classic suit, there should be light colors. Putting on a suit, you should pick up classic shoes. In addition, accessories such as a tie can also be recommended.

  • Do not wear black or overly bright, provocative wardrobe items. You have a holiday - the first date, why wear mourning black? Bright colors, such as red or bright orange, will distract your interlocutor or even worse, annoy. Recommended colors: dark blue, beige, brown, white. I do not recommend: black, orange, bright green, red. Colors for the bold and self-confident: dark green, burgundy, dark purple.
  • Your clothes must be clean and tidy. . . Socks without holes.
  • For the first date, wear what you feel comfortable in. But this does not mean that you should come in sweatpants and a sports jacket.
  • Do not wear newly purchased clothes if you are not 100% sure of them. New shoes can rub. A new suit may not be tailored to your figure. A new shirt may come with a label that will rub against the neck or body. Why bother with these misunderstandings?

Personal care

An important detail that should never be neglected is self-care.

  • Rule number one - hair must be cut and properly washed. Nails must be trimmed. Read . If you have a beard, make sure it is neatly trimmed and styled. If you shave, you should shave without cuts. I recommend reading the article with tips. I hope you don't need to be reminded that before a date you need to take a shower?
  • Rule number two - choose a good one with a light scent. But do not overdo it with its quantity! There is nothing worse than a man who, at a distance of 5 meters, smells of caustic perfume.
  • Rule number three is fresh breath, but preferably without chewing gum.
  • Rule number four - put a regular cotton handkerchief in the back pocket of your trousers / pants or the inside pocket of your jacket. Believe me, sometimes a handkerchief offered to a girl in time works wonders.

In conclusion

Having analyzed a few tips and tricks, I think you have understood the general principles of how to dress for a date and not lose face. The main thing to remember is not what you wear, but how you wear it. If you have never worn a business classic suit, then you should not wear it on a date. I assure you, at first glance you can see whether a person wore trousers, a jacket, shoes or not. The first date is not a field for experimenting in clothes, so you should follow these tips for a man who is going to meet a lady.

I wish you luck on your date!