What can you do to a kitten with your own hands. Fur toy-mouse for a cat

Games . But the bow needs a special, rustling one. It is very easy to make it. Take a newspaper or an A4 sheet. Fold it in half. Then make an "accordion" out of the sheet. Tie in the middle with a long twine. The toy is ready. Attach it to the doorknob so that the bow does not reach the floor a little. The kitten will be happy to play with this trinket.

You can improve this toy a little to give your pet even more pleasure. When tying the bow to the rope, leave the tip 10-15 centimeters long. String beads of different sizes on it. You can also use the boxes inside the chocolate eggs (they store toys). The beads will rattle on the floor, and yours will be completely delighted.

Cats - and love to hunt for prey. Play hunter and prey with your pet. Of course, you will be the victim. Or rather, a special toy that came to life in your hands. You will need: a twig or stick 30-50 cm long, rooster or pieces of fur. Tie the fur or feathers tightly to the tip of the twig. Move in front of your nose. Hide behind a corner or behind a closet, leaving only imaginary prey outside. Let your pet feel like a real predatory animal.

From the same toy boxes obtained from chocolate eggs, you can make a wonderful rattle. Put beads, nuts or screws inside. Throw the toy on the floor. Your pet will drive her from corner to corner like a real football player. Or give the baby a ball of wool, let him roll it around. Just do not forget to untangle the naughty from a pile of threads later.

If the flooring allows, you can arrange fishing for the kitten. Pour water into a basin and throw in small pieces of foam, squares of thick cardboard, matchboxes. Plant the fluffy angler by the water tank. Show how to get things out of the water. Your pet will be happy to support this fun.

Kittens, at times, require as much attention as small children. Don't deny them this. Play with your animal, stroke it, caress it. Trust me, it will please both of you.

Cats often find toys on their own. And if the pet does not find anything, its tail will be great fun. Cats are solitary hunters by nature, so they play with anything that moves. How to make toys for cats with your own hands? You can make a toy for your pet out of almost nothing.

Decide what your pet loves. After carefully observing the cat for several days, paying attention to how she spends the active phase of her time, what objects attract her, what actions increase activity, you can understand what and how to make a toy for a cat with your own hands.

Every cat loves boxes. She climbs inside, sits in ambush, closely watching those passing by. Cardboard boxes are a good and easy material for making toys. How easy is it to make toys for cats with your own hands out of cardboard? Everything is very simple:

This is how a toy for a cat turned out in such a simple way. You can still do it out of the box.

Using physiology

Like any nocturnal hunter, a cat, in addition to vision, uses smell and hearing. That's just the pet's good hearing and you need to use it to create toys. For this, either rustling objects are suitable: bags, newspapers, wrapping paper, foil. Or hollow objects with small filling: a plastic bottle with coins, a kinder surprise egg. A little ingenuity and as a result: the whole apartment is a do-it-yourself playground for cats.

Various fun

And how many fun you can think of with a mirror. How to make a toy for a kitten using this household item? Little kittens are very curious. After all, I wonder where the cat from the mirror goes, they like to play with their image. Let's put a mirror in front of the kitten, and he is busy with interesting work. Cats of all ages love chasing sunbeams.

On a bright sunny day, playing with a small mirror, you can give pleasure not only to your pet, but also to yourself. Instead of a mirror, you can use a laser pointer. We direct the beam to the floor and the laser toy for cats is ready.

Care must be taken, the cat's eyes are very sensitive, and the laser in the pointer is powerful and can damage the retina.

You can and should use small objects that can roll on the floor: pencils, wine corks, small balls, ping-pong balls. Familiar and everyday objects can greatly interest a cat and give her a lot of pleasure from a quick and successful hunt. True, you need to be prepared to look for all this around the house.

Do not forget about the "classic of the genre", a ball of thread. Any cat will quickly roll away balls from a gaping hostess. You can use this and make a wonderful toy. Wind up unnecessary threads, fasten the ball, piercing several times with a needle and thread on each side. Leave 30 centimeters of thread so that you can hang the ball.

Cat and mouse is a favorite game of cats, and owners sometimes play it with pleasure. It is not difficult to figure out how to make a toy in the form of a mouse for a cat. The mouse does not have to be gray, eared and with a tail. Take 2 pieces of fabric measuring 10x10, sew, leaving one side unsewn. We turn the stitched blank and stuff it with scraps of fabric, yarn, pieces of foam rubber. You can add dried mint.

We sew the remaining side, attaching a thread of the desired length. Pieces of fur, flannel or drape are suitable for toys. Thin fabric will quickly tear from the claws of the hunter. A similar toy can be made by wrapping a skein of yarn in foil or wrapping a small plastic object with a layer of thread.

You can temporarily take the cat with a working TV or computer. Moving images on the screen, even if not a mouse, are interesting for a cat. The pet reacts to movements on the screen in the same way as in reality, if the mouse runs around the screen, it is prey for cats.

Adults are sometimes very lazy, and it is not proper to rush around the rooms with a ball, entertaining a cat. Laziness can push the creative process in the right direction. Let's make a rod. A one and a half meter straight branch or a plastic rod of similar length is suitable. You can use the knee from an old fishing rod. We attach a mouse, a ball or a bow to the rod with a thread and you can play with the cat without looking up from the TV.

Pet play area

All the previous fun in making is practically free, except that you have to bribe pencils or garbage bags.

Having spent quite a bit of money, you can make for your pet not just an interesting toy, but also a durable do-it-yourself play complex for a cat.

A very convenient material for such crafts are plumbing materials: sewer plastic pipes, corners, corrugated hoses. These products are light, durable and almost every man can easily handle them.

You can entertain your pet in many ways, cats and cats will be delighted with any opportunity to play. If you have free time and desire, you can design toys for cats with your own hands. A selection of interesting ideas awaits you in our article.

Banal piece of paper on a thread - yesterday! Today we propose to improve such a design without burdening it with excessive details.


  1. Sufficiently strong and, if possible, rustling paper is twisted into a roll. We wind one of the ends to the stick, and from the second we begin to cut the paper into narrow strips. Such a panicle will greatly please the cat, and for additional entertainment, you can also attach bells, feathers or small toys from below.
  2. Bend a small piece of cardboard in half and tie a thread to it. Fix the resulting structure to any support so that the cardboard acts as a pendulum. The pet will be able to play for hours with such a simple device.
  3. You can use the straw after paper towels or toilet paper. Having made several holes, you can either tie it to a string, or simply wind it over a thread (hair ties are also suitable). Despite the simplicity of the idea, cats and cats willingly play with such a toy.
  4. Even an ordinary wad of wrapping paper(they rustle more strongly) can be an excellent toy for a cat. The main thing is to make sure that the animal does not swallow pieces of paper during the game.

All toys made for a pet must be durable and easily withstand the onslaught of teeth and claws. The fallen pieces will not only contaminate the room, but also pose a danger to the animal if accidentally swallowed.

That is why, for those who like to try everything on the tooth, paper toys will not work.

Yarn toys

A ball of woolen threads is a favorite pastime of many pets. If your purr is not indifferent to yarn, you can make an original toy from the remnants of old threads.

Idea options:

  1. The simplest is to give the old unnecessary ball of thread to the cat to be torn to pieces. It is advisable to select the size of the ball, based on the dimensions of the animal. The end of the thread must be fixed so as not to turn the house into an impenetrable maze later.
  2. With simple crochet skills, you can make a suitable toy for your pet in a matter of minutes. It can be a small ball, a spirally twisted thread and just a chain of air loops, rounded at the end. Such a toy can be tied under the seat of a chair, a battery and near the pet's house.
  3. A knitted mouse is a work of a more complex level. Your pet will definitely like such a gift, especially if you provide a toy with a long tail.
  4. Using a crochet hook, you can tie several wine corks together by adding small bells, beads and ribbons to them. This design is ideal for small kittens that are teething.
  5. Colorful yarn pompoms are an exciting toy for cats. They are very easy to make and the applications are endless. You can decorate the pet's house with pom-poms, as well as tie it in several places in the room so that the cat is not bored in any circumstances. In addition, you can just play with a cat tied on a long thread or a stick with a bright pom-pom.

It is advisable to play games under supervision, especially when it comes to kittens. A tragic accident can happen when certain parts of the toy are swallowed, and also if the animal plays a lot (mechanical injuries, falls).

Other ideas

An original toy for a cat can be made from any improvised means. For this, there is no need to buy additional materials and master new techniques. We offer you several options for simple toys for your pet's interesting leisure time.

DIY creative toys for a cat:

  1. sausage toy will appeal to active pets. To do this, the remnants of the felt fabric must be sewn with a tube, turned out and filled with a suitable material. After that, from the front, tie with threads at an equal distance. The resulting bundle of sausages is sure to please a fluffy pet. The diameter of the "sausage" must be selected so that the cat can easily take it in his teeth.
  2. Most cats love cardboard boxes. so they can also be used as a toy. To do this, holes are cut in the box, you can also glue several pieces together and arrange a real maze for your pet. To decorate this design, you can use bright fabric, paper and stickers.
  3. It is very simple and easy to sew a mouse toy according to the following instructions. Sew a piece of fabric in the form of a cone, turn it inside out, and pour granular filler or just small cereals inside. Tie the end of the bag tightly, remembering to leave a sufficiently long thread that acts as a tail. This mouse is sure to please the kittens.
  4. As a toy, you can use a lone glove or an old sock. Inside, you can put cotton wool or a soft cloth, and tie or sew up the hole. Such models are often decorated with buttons, ribbons or sewn pieces of fabric.
  5. A very original and unusual toy will turn out if you take a narrow cardboard box. On the one hand, it is necessary to make several round holes in it about 4 - 5 centimeters in diameter. Put several diverse items inside the box, for example, balls, small toys, nuts, skeins of yarn. They can be larger or smaller than the diameter of the holes, the main condition is unhindered movement inside. The pet will be very interested in such a design and will be willing to explore its contents.
  6. As a variant of the previous device, you can make the same design from a large narrow plastic container. The “stuffing” for such a puzzle can be changed periodically so that the pet never gets bored with such a game.
  7. An empty bottle of pills should not be thrown away. You can put a few beads, a bell, beans or peas in it. After you show your pet how the jar rolls well on the floor, he will be happy to play with it. You can periodically change the contents so that the sound of the movement is also varied.

Our article discusses original ideas on how to make a toy for a cat. A simple creation will surely delight an inquisitive pet. By taking a little time and turning on your imagination, you can please your pet with new entertainment.

A cat is a cozy and domestic animal with which you do not feel lonely. But cats get bored too. That is why modern pet stores are full of a variety of amusing toys for pets. However, not everyone can and wants to spend money on low-quality and short-lived fun. Yes, this is not necessary, because you can do it yourself, the main thing is to know how to make a toy for a kitten with your own hands.

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Why do pets need toys?

Getting into an unfamiliar place away from his brothers and mother, the kitten initially experiences stress. And then, gradually getting used to it, he begins to feel bored, because before he was surrounded by the same kittens and they certainly didn’t have to be bored there. But cat games not only relieve pets of boredom, but also carry a developing character. Why do kittens need games and toys?

There are several important reasons for this:

  1. Games develop in cats the skills they need for life. Kittens get a lot of positive emotions during the games, because this is an imitation of their hunting life and chasing prey. The game is a physical training that is strengthening for their health.
  2. A bored pet is a damage to your property. A kitten is like a small child, if it is not occupied with the game, then it will spoil the wallpaper or furniture. Spending time with a toy will help the animals release their energy, which will allow several cats to coexist quite peacefully in the same apartment. This brings the owner closer to the pet and helps the animal to realize who his owner is and feel love for himself.
  3. So, cat games contribute to the development of cats both physically and psychologically. They allow kittens to develop harmoniously and make life easier for their owners. That is why, along with the acquisition of a kitten, you need to immediately take care of buying toys for him. But if finances do not allow this, then you can do it yourself or find a toy for your pet.

Homemade toys from improvised materials

All cat owners know that they are very fond of everything rustling and moving. Often, a hand that scratches and moves along the carpet can become a toy for them. The main thing in cat toys is movement and pleasant tactile sensations for cats. The game for these animals is hunting. The more forbidden the item, the more they like it. Even the simplest candy and paper wrappers for a kitten are a great toy. Toys can be divided into several categories according to their nature.


Homemade paper toys for kittens are all kinds of wrappers, simple sheets of paper that have been crumpled up and thrown on the floor. All cats are individual, someone needs to tie a candy wrapper on a thread and lure a pet, while someone just needs to throw a crumpled piece of paper on the floor and the fun begins. Here it is worth watching your pet and trying it.

Newspapers can also become full-fledged toys for a cat. Cats love to crawl under the spread of a paper newspaper, rustle and crumple the pages. Thus, paper, even toilet paper, is the simplest toy for a cat.


Boxes are a separate category of toys for kittens. There is even a story that if you want to catch a cat, just put an open box in the middle of the room. What cat would miss such a moment and not try to sit or lie down in a box? Videos and photos of these fun moments can be found on the Internet. And if you cut a couple of holes in such a box, then you can’t even take the box away from the cat. After all, it's so much fun: jumping, crawling or squeezing into a regular box!


You can collect toys for cats with your own hands on the street, no matter how strange it may sound. This category includes cones, acorns, chestnuts, nuts and other round things. True, then, when cleaning, you will have to get all this from under cabinets or sofas, but are positive emotions from a cat's game more important?


You can use a mirror to let sunbeams across the floor and then neither the cat nor the owner will be able to stop. We'll have to entertain her until the sun goes down. You can use a laser, but you have to buy it.

improvised means

Everything that lies badly will become an excellent homemade toy for a kitten. For example, poorly lying pens, pencils, clothespins, balls and spools of thread, pill jars, etc., they are happy to drive around the house. Everything that rolls, rustles or moves will be doomed to eternal kitten games.


You can make toys for cats with your own hands using fabrics and cat pathogens. For example, a sewn mouse with a long tail, covered in pile and stuffed with catnip, would be a great option. A ball stuffed with foam rubber or mint will also do an excellent job of entertaining your pet. He can play with the ball even in your absence. Photos or videos of the manufacture of such toys can be found on the Internet in the public domain.

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Do-it-yourself toys for kittens can be made from plywood. For the toy, you need to take four rectangular pieces of plywood as walls and two long pieces for the bottom and lid. Cut holes in each of them, smoothing their edges with sandpaper. Glue or pin all the pieces together to create a box. After that, all you have to do is show it to your pet and throw a ball or a ball there in front of his eyes. He will definitely be interested in where the ball has gone, and he will get it.

There is a video about the creation of such a box on YouTube video hosting.

Purchased toys and their variety

If you don’t really want to make toys for kittens with your own hands and don’t really want to waste your time, you can go to the nearest pet store and buy something there that will allow the kitten not to get bored and have fun. Today, the choice of toys for cats is simply huge. Purchased toys come in different types, electronic lasers and fishing rods, tracks and mice are popular, which make the pet jump and drive tirelessly.

You can find simpler toys in the form of mice of absolutely incredible sizes and abilities. Mice can ride, squeak and are always very pleasant to the touch with long tails and long fur. Kittens are especially pleased to run into such claws. You can find plastic, rubber and textile mice. You need to focus on the preferences of your kitten.

Fishing rod toys or just toys hanging on rubber bands. You can simply hang these on the doorknob and watch your cat jump. The advantage of such toys is that you won’t lose them and you won’t roll them under the sofa.

Interactive electronic cat toys are especially popular today. These include maze feeders, massage centers and interactive fishing rods. All of them allow your pet to play and have fun without your participation. Such fun also includes a cat toy "Happy cat".

Toy-track "Run the ball"

This toy is a design that has a groove and a ball, and a scratching post. The principle of the game is very simple: the kitten is trying to catch the ball, which all the time eludes him along the groove, and if desired (which will certainly arise) and sharpen his claws on the scratching post. Thanks to this track, the cat will actively spend time and the furniture in the house will not suffer.

Pets need attention and toys for them are not a waste of time and money, but the care and love shown to the pet. Because they need it.

Video "Ideal toy for a cat"

What should be a toy for fluffy and how to make it with your own hands, see this video. Do something nice for your pet!

A kitten in the house is always a holiday. So you want to please your little pet with something interesting! A great option would be a toy for a kitten. Made from improvised materials with her own hands, she will give joy not only to the pet, but also to its owners.

Paper crafts for kittens

We all remember how, in childhood, we made an ordinary paper bow on a string for kittens and hung it on a partition between the legs of a chair. This is the easiest do-it-yourself paper toy for a kitten. Even a first grader will build it. You take a piece of paper, fold it like an accordion, tie it in the middle with a thread. That's all wisdom.

There are also slightly more complex options. On the same thread, cardboard figures are strung with a needle. They can be made multi-colored to attract the attention of a pet. It is better to take the figures of different lengths, and tie a knot on the thread between them so that they move freely relative to each other.

Add to all this noise toys for kittens. With our own hands, we can modernize the same figures on a string by adding bells or bells to them, which can only be found at home. The main thing is that they make maximum noise at the slightest touch. From such a toy, the pet will be delighted. He will play with this craft for a long time.

Cardboard scratching post for a kitten

New and relatively expensive toys for kittens have appeared in online stores. It is not difficult to make them with your own hands if there are several cardboard boxes or just sheets of corrugated cardboard at home.

The essence of this claw toy is that cats are offered a wide sheet of cardboard layers glued together with a transverse cut, where you can see the waves of the corrugation added to make the cardboard stiff.

We do it on our own. We cut the cardboard into strips 7-10 cm wide. The more there are, the wider the toy will turn out. Then we glue them together, laying one on top of the other. The result should be a high stack of strips glued together.

Already at the stage of creation, your kitten will be interested in crafts. Therefore, just leave it on the floor and watch how the pet will study it, and then start playing. So that in the future the scratching post does not fly all over the room, it is better to fix it on the wall near the kitten's sleeping place.

Using feathers to make toys

If you don’t know what kind of toy you can make a kitten with your own hands, look for feathers. I'm not kidding. All cats just love to play with feathers. It is in their nature as a predator. Let's play on a similar preference.

For the toy, you will need several feathers, preferably multi-colored, but those that are constantly knocked out of the pillow are also suitable. We also take glue, a small strip of paper and a thread.

We tie a knot on the thread, and more. We drip a little glue on it and apply prepared feathers on all sides. From above we make one turn of a strip of paper and leave a free edge. Glue the feathers on the paper with another layer and wrap the remaining segment again. We repeat this procedure until we achieve the desired splendor of the toy. At the end, wrap the remaining paper around the toy and glue it.

When the glue dries, the do-it-yourself toy for the kitten is ready. You can offer it to your pet, who will gladly start playing with it.

Mouse on an elastic band

Mice are the most favorite toys for kittens. It is easy to make them with your own hands. The main thing is to show a little imagination.

To work, take a small piece of fabric. It can be anything: a flap, a piece of an old T-shirt, or even a sock. The cat doesn't care what it's made of. We cut out a blank from it, which, after stitching, will look like a mouse. Outwardly, it resembles a drop.

On the muzzle we sew a nose and eyes made of beads or small buttons. We stuff the workpiece with cotton wool and sew on the tail. This is a very important part of the toy, because its movements will attract the kitten's attention. It is better if you use a small piece of natural or artificial fur as a ponytail. Feathers are perfect. But you can take a ribbon.

We fasten a thread, an elastic band behind the back of the resulting mouse. This is necessary so that the toy "runs away" from the kitten when he drags it far away. The whole structure can be fixed on a small stick. This is extremely important if children will play with the cat. After all, during a stormy fun, kittens tend to release their claws, and they can accidentally injure someone who is next to them. And the wand will protect from danger.

Mouse on a spring

Here is another interesting toy for a kitten. It is not difficult to build it with your own hands if the house has a small wooden base and a spring. The latter can also be done independently by winding the wire around the rod and stretching it a little.

How to make a mouse, we described earlier. Only in this case, the toy is attached not to the back, but to the stomach. It is best to sew the mouse to the spring, but in addition we also glue this place with reliable glue.

We paste over the base with decorative twine or cover it with a dense fabric such as denim. In the center we fix the spring with the mouse. Here it is also necessary to take care of a strong fixation, since during the game the kitten can easily pull the spring out of the base.

Put the finished toy in the room and watch how the pet begins to actively beat the mouse with its paw, which will swing in different directions.

The simplest do-it-yourself toy for a kitten from a cardboard box

And finally, remember how much cats love boxes. Using this fact and any box that is in the house, you can captivate your pet for a long time. Close the box and poke a few small holes in it for your kitten to fit through. Leave the design on the floor. The pet will quickly notice the novelty and begin to master it.

You can make different interesting toys for kittens with your own hands. The photos in the article show only some examples. Based on them, feel free to invent new varieties, improve them, create with your children and play with your kittens.