Color circle. Theory in practice. Design lessons: how to choose a combination of colors for the interior Color selection circle

Many fashionistas are afraid to choose an image that combines more than three colors, the rest are at risk, often making annoying mistakes.

In fact, correctly combining the colors of clothes and accessories is much easier than it seems at first glance. Fortunately, color harmony obeys the laws, which it is advisable to familiarize yourself with for everyone who has difficulty choosing colored clothes.

The basics of color science are based on the theory of the "color wheel", which represents all the colors visible to the eye.
Color matching by contrast is one of the winning options. Considering that this is a circle, draw a line-radius through the center of the circle, for example, from green - and it will lead you just in time for the color of fuchsia. This will be the optimal contrast combination.

If you are afraid of the brightness of the contrast, choose deaf or pale shades. When choosing contrasting colors, it is advised to take them not in equal proportions. For example, a suit in dark shades, and red - only a scarf, collar or handbag.

One of the most difficult combinations is an achromatic color palette, when an image is built around black, white or gray, without using other colors.

A more reliable combination in a combination of colors of clothes is a harmonious combination. This combination is the most pleasing to the eye, these are the colors, as it were, passing into each other, devoid of contrast and challenge.

How to match colors in clothes

There are six basic color combinations. Each of them can give an infinite number of different color palettes.

Take the following combination options for the base: monochrome, complementary and triadic.

  1. With monochrome, consisting of colors of one sector of the circle, combine several shades of the same color.
    A monochrome combination can be diluted with a neutral color. Nearby colors on the wheel are perfectly combined and produce a harmonious and pleasant impression.
  2. With complimentary, where two opposite colors are used in the circle, choose tones that beautifully set off each other and give the color a "play".
    A split complementary scheme is a scheme in which one of the opposite colors is replaced by two adjacent colors on a circle.
  3. With triadic A combination of three equally spaced colors on the color wheel is chosen.
    Primary scheme It is a combination of the three primary colors (red, blue and yellow).
    secondary scheme is a combination of three secondary colors (orange, green and purple). They are obtained by mixing primary colors (red and yellow make orange, yellow and blue make green, and blue and red make purple).
    Tertiary scheme is a combination of three equidistant tertiary colors (red-orange, orange-yellow, yellow-green, green-blue and blue-violet). They are formed by mixing primary colors with secondary ones.

By simplifying it to 12-16 shades, you can more accurately determine the options for approximate combinations. Such a color wheel is convenient for selecting harmonious color combinations from 2, 3 or 4 colors. In each example, the lines connecting different colors can be mentally rotated in a circle, getting new combinations.

2 opposite colors: combination with high contrast. 3 colors: classical triad, colors arranged in a triangle. 3 contrasting colors: two colors are almost related, one is contrasting.


emerald green+yellow-orange+purple
cobalt blue + light green + orange
azure blue+lemon+red

Example: green + yellow + pink.

Very close variant:
4 colors: 3 related and 1 contrast.
3 related colors: weak combination. 4 colors: two mutually reinforcing.

Example: yellow + blue + purple + pink.

Example: lilac + shades of pink.

Example: blue + salad green + pink + warm beige instead of orange.

Examples of color combinations in clothes

Consider the color wheel, color combination schemes and simple examples.

Combination of analog colors - soft, calm combination of three neighboring colors of the spectrum. Choose the main, complementary and accent tone, be sure to use shades of color that are different in brightness.

A combination of opposites(complimentary) colors. According to color theory, each warm color is harmoniously combined with the opposite cold one. These pairs are easy to identify using the spectral circle (color wheel).

The combination of combined complementary colors - a less contrasting variant of the combination of opposites. Such a scheme, when one color is combined with two opposite, close to each other, is perceived by the eye more harmoniously.

Classic triad - a combination of a combination of 3 colors that are located at the same distance from one another (at the vertices of an equilateral triangle). It is also worth choosing one dominant color, and the other two - shading and complementing the main one.

Rectangular pattern combination consists of two pairs, each of which contains the opposite color and its corresponding analog. This option is more diverse, but requires precise balance between the primary and secondary colors.

Color harmony is not limited to 4 color combinations. A hexagon can also be inscribed in the color wheel, the vertices of which will indicate extended color harmonies. Bright, juicy color combinations can be diluted with universal ones - black, white, gray and beige. This is a good way to expand the color range without risking overdoing it and looking like a rainbow.

Color saturation

The color may be lighter or darker. In other words, the color has saturation. To show saturation, the color wheel has several rings; two large rings for dark shades and two small ones for light ones.

Each color can be used in varying degrees of intensity. In the color wheel below, each color is divided into 6 rows - from light pastels to muted, in the middle - bright and pure colors.

The most contrasting combinations will be:
1. Bright colors.
2. Pastel and muted colors.
3. Pastel and muted shades of the same color.

Combinations with weak contrast.
1. Between pastel colors.
2. Between muted colors.
3. Between shades of the same color, close to each other in saturation.

You also need to remember that color induction is of great importance for visual perception, i.e. change in the characteristics of one color under the influence of another. If dark and light colors are placed side by side, then the dark will appear darker, and the light - lighter.
According to,,

By the way, you can print (or draw: o) a color wheel, throw it in your purse and go shopping!

In moments of uncertainty, remember the color wheel and the basic laws of color harmony, the rest of the time - trust your intuition and inspiration!

Good luck to you!

Most of the information about the world around us is visual impressions, and color plays a huge role in the perception of visual images. The ability to notice the slightest shades has greatly contributed to the survival and development of the human species. Almost all people have a subconscious reaction to color: the soft colors of nature soothe, while unnaturally bright ones cause anxiety. Given this fact, in order to create a comfortable interior, it is important to understand the principles of the influence on the psyche of both individual colors and their combinations.

The impact of color in the interior on a person

Physicists say that colors do not really exist - they are just waves of light of different lengths, which the brain interprets in one way or another. It is quite difficult to believe in this thesis, because we can absolutely accurately determine the shade of any object in the material world, and it remains unchanged regardless of the place or time of stay. Be that as it may, each person feels the influence of the color palette that surrounds him. The mechanism of this influence is not fully understood, but psychologists still know some common features.

For convenience, the colors are divided into categories according to the main characteristics: dark and light; pastel and saturated; bright and muted. Depending on the temperature, warm, cold and neutral colors are distinguished. Black, white and gray are called achromatic, all others are called chromatic. The latter include the three main colors: red, green and blue, as well as all the options resulting from their mixing with each other or with a black and white palette. The result is amazing - a person is able to recognize up to ten million shades.

Considering the psychological influence of color, it is worth noting that we are talking primarily about pure tones. Any admixture changes the quality of perception. So, for example, soft coral will have a calming effect, while rich scarlet will excite the nervous system.

In general, warm colors such as red, yellow and orange are considered tonic: they speed up the heartbeat, improve appetite, increase attention. Cold shades of blue, light blue, green relax, lower pressure and somewhat slow down the reaction. The abundance of light (white, pastel colors) the body subconsciously perceives as a sunny day, automatically increasing the level of energy, while gray, black, dark blue and gloomy purple set the person up for the upcoming dream.

In order not to make a mistake when choosing a color for the interior, it is necessary to take into account the optical effects inherent in them. For example, if you put two objects of the same size of different colors next to each other, then the brighter one will always seem larger. Dark muted tones visually reduce the volume, light and glossy ones increase it. Using these features, you can adjust the width of the walls, the height of the ceiling, place accents and zone the space.

How to choose "your color"?

Throughout life, each person forms his own attitude to the color palette. The choice can be influenced by personality traits, individual experience, mental associations, mood, and even health status.

When decorating the interior, you should carefully consider the sensations that arise when interacting with certain colors. For example, it is recommended to recall the design of the most comfortable places for you: your favorite restaurant, friends' apartment, grandmother's house, finally. You can borrow a palette from nature - it can be the sea coast, the edge of the forest, a flowering garden or a mountain landscape.

A wonderful source of inspiration can be beautiful pictures from the Internet. Find an image to your liking and try to mentally repeat it in the interior - transfer the background to the walls and ceiling, reflect bright details in furniture elements, textiles and decor. At the same time, it is desirable to observe the proportions of colors inherent in the picture, so that the same harmony is obtained in the end. It is not necessary to choose a design photo - take anything: a bouquet of tulips in a jug, a rustic landscape, shells on the seashore or a chocolate cream dessert. This method allows you to independently create very natural and pleasing compositions.

Color combination table in the interior

The combination of shades is a whole science. It is necessary to understand the basic rules, under which the colors placed together will complement and emphasize each other, enhancing the sense of style. The best color combinations in the interior are obtained using the following methods:

1) Monochrome - shades of the same color that are different in depth and saturation are used. Using red as an example, it can be a pastel pink background with brick and burgundy accents. In the blue palette - it is possible to combine light blue, turquoise and ultramarine. In the green scale - the colors of lime, olives and moss.

2) Related shades. Close tones are located in the neighborhood, in one quarter of the color wheel. Examples are blue, purple, pink; yellow, orange, red; blue, green, yellow.

3) Contrasting colors. Here, harmony is built on opposites - in the color wheel, the shades are strictly opposite to each other, and their dissimilarity creates a dynamic and noticeable pair.

4) Related-contrasting combination. In this case, the shades are combined due to the admixture of some third color in them. So, for example, in light green and orange there is yellow that unites them, and this triangle looks great together.


Compatible with colors: all pastel and pure bright colors, black, gray, gold; with warm it is better to use cream, with cold - snow-white.

Not compatible with colors: no (combines with all).

Color effect: creates a feeling of cleanliness, spaciousness and daylight. A glossy white room can seem too sterile and also resemble a laboratory.

Suitable for: interior of bathroom, bedroom, hall.


Compatible with colors: yellow, red, orange, green, purple, pink, blue, black, white.

Not compatible with colors: golden, brown.

Color effect: psychologically neutral, in itself does not cause emotions. Associated with shade, rainy weather, winter. Monochrome gray interior can cause depression.

Suitable for: studio apartments, bedrooms, kitchens, home office.


Compatible with colors: white, gray, gold, red, green, orange, purple.

Not compatible with colors: all pastel, blurry, shaded; with yellow - a danger sign (road signs, warning signs of radiation and high voltage electricity).

Color effect: status, suitable for creating an atmosphere of luxury. Reminiscent of deep night, visually reduces space.

Suitable for: studio apartments, large rooms.


Compatible with colors: black, white, gray, gold, brown.

Not compatible with colors: purple, pastel shades; with blue and green looks extravagant.

Color effect: excites the nervous system, increases activity. In children, it can cause aggression and anxiety.

Suitable for: interior kitchen, living room.


Compatible with colors: brown, green, purple, pink, blue.

Not compatible with colors: no (combines with all).

Color effect: friendly, warm color. Reminds me of summer, sun and oranges. Increases sociability, energy, creates a good mood. Does not promote relaxation, contraindicated in hot climates.

Suitable for: kitchen, children's room, living room with windows to the north side.


Compatible with colors: brown, orange, light green, white, gray, purple.

Not compatible with colors: no (combines with all).

Color effect: warm, open, joyful. Sunny yellow gently illuminates the room, gives vivacity, promotes concentration, increases curiosity. Prolonged exposure to a saturated shade can overwork.

Suitable for: kitchen, children's room, office.


Compatible with colors: brown, grey, white, black, yellow, pink.

Not compatible with colors: red.

Color effect: the most natural color, harmonious and pacifying. Refreshes, gives rest to the eyes, restores strength. Pale shades of green in large quantities can cause melancholy.

Suitable for: bathroom interior, nursery.


Compatible with colors: white, beige, grey, pastel blue.

Not compatible with colors: red.

Color effect: feminine pink creates a soft and serene atmosphere, eliminates depressive thoughts. Active and overly tense people, this color can be annoying.

Suitable for: living room, bathroom, nursery, bedroom.

The selection of colors is a rather responsible task. The combination of colors in design has always been one of the main tasks. Be sure to attach importance to color combinations, this is important!

The color scheme should not strain or unnerve you in any way, but, on the contrary, return the harmony spent during the day. Choosing a color scheme starts with deciding what you really want from a color design. Only in this way you will be able to choose the optimal combination of colors.

The hottest color is orange. The coldest is blue, always associated with cool water and ice. Moving from blues through greens and yellows, the colors warm up, holding a “heat” on reds, burgundy, browns and some shades of pink and purple, and then “descending” back to cold through lilacs and blues. However, the presented gradation is very conditional, since the boundaries between cold and warm are barely perceptible. For example, lime is more of a yellow hue, but is a cool color. Conversely, a deep, rich purple can be both warm and cold, depending on whether it is dominated by red or blue.

And yet it is warm or cold palettes that can transform a room. So, for example, in order to expand the walls of a small room, it is advisable to use not just light, but light cold tones.

And vice versa, warm shades will help to make a too spacious and therefore empty room more comfortable. They will also add a little sunny mood if it lacks natural light, and fluorescent lamps are used. Whereas a richly lit hall with large windows can be “dressed up” in cold colors.

The colors of the interior of the kitchens are distinguished by a special breadth. If you are designing a kitchen, keep in mind that juicy warm colors - orange, grassy green, egg yellow - increase appetite, while blue and white help you keep yourself within limits and eat food in moderation.

The bedroom - whether it's a corner to relax from the harsh everyday life or the very embodiment of romance - also requires a special approach. In the first case, it is better to paint it in cool colors that take away from the problems that need to be solved. In the second, of course, the first roles belong to red and its various shades, or any other color that you like and belongs to the warm range. This color will allow you to quickly restore strength, as if transferring your energy and warmth to you. Color combination rules

Of course, there are fashionable color combinations in every season. But when you select color combinations, you should still be based on the color combination table and your own feelings.
There is no right combination of colors, there is only a successful combination of colors.

In order to choose color combinations, there are several approaches. The first type is monophonic

The color scheme varies within the main color, it only becomes darker or lighter. For example, dark blue, blue, blue. However, a room designed in this way can be slightly diluted with “blotches” of a different color that does not attract too much attention. For example, a room in blue and blue tones can be complemented by white and light sand. The second type is harmonious

If you want variety, but not so radical as to talk about contrasts, "paint" the room in a harmonious combination of colors. The most winning examples of color combinations that can be safely combined with each other:

  • For red: pink - purple and orange - egg yellow
  • For orange: red - pink and egg yellow - yellow
  • For yellow: orange - egg yellow and lime - light green
  • For green: lime - light green and aqua - blue
  • For blue: green - the color of the sea wave and lilac - purple
  • For purple: blue - lilac and pink - red

The third type is a game of contrasts

For lovers of original and bright design - a game of contrasts. Each color on the palette has its own "antipode":

  • Red Green
  • Orange - the color of the sea wave
  • Egg yellow - blue
  • Yellow - lilac
  • lime - purple
  • Light green - pink

Even if it seems to you that you don’t react to color in any way (you absolutely don’t care what color the objects around you are), your eye picks up the slightest shades of it (up to one and a half million!), And your subconscious mind and genetic memory fix all color “messages” .

As a result, staying in a certain color range of rooms invisibly guides your emotions and actions.

"Unfavorable" colors and color combinations
Red - creates nervous tension (may even cause hypertension).

Black (and also purple) - "eats" the space.

Brown (including woodgrain finishes) - causes melancholy, can lead to depression.

Gray - sadness and despondency.
Blue - a feeling of cold and uncomfortable. Favorable color scheme

  • Shades from yellow to green - a calm and optimistic range, relieves fatigue.
  • Pastel shades from yellow to beige are “reconciling” and comfortable colors.
  • Turquoise - gives a feeling of freshness (suitable for the bathroom).
  • Light blue - calms, causes drowsiness - ideal for bedrooms and rest rooms, but in offices and work areas it is contraindicated.
  • Dark blue - "cools" space and ardor (for example, at the negotiating table), is considered a serious and business color.
  • Yellow and orange - stimulates and tones (not suitable for a bedroom), suitable for a room facing north.
  • White - can cause a feeling of cold and discomfort, on the other hand - a "blank slate" is an ideal backdrop for any design decisions. Red or terracotta in the form of accents - invigorates, uplifting.
  • Black in the form of accents - gives the interior a graphic and special style.
  • Light gray in a "mix" with other colors - a business environment.

Combinations of related-contrasting colors represent the most extensive type of color harmonies. In the color wheel system, related-contrasting colors are located in adjacent quarters. These are: warm (yellow-red and yellow-green colors) and cold (blue-green and blue-red colors).

Combinations of colors that are located in the color wheel at opposite ends from each other have a special harmony. This is explained by the fact that there is a double bond between such pairs of related-contrasting colors: they consist of an equal amount of the unifying primary color and equal amounts of contrasting colors. In practice, one rarely encounters compositions that contain only two colors. The simplest harmonious combination of two related-contrasting colors is significantly enriched by adding a color from the tone range of the same colors, bleached or darkened.

Also, color harmony can be formed by a combination of colors located at the vertices of an equilateral triangle inscribed in the color wheel. By turning such a triangle inside a circle, you can get any combination of colors, while it will be necessarily harmonious. A successful combination of colors and colors in the interior is a guarantee of comfort in the house.

Color combinations in clothes is a very important moment when choosing a wardrobe, designing a new model when knitting. Harmonious means well-matched in combination.

  1. The harmony of colors in clothes is based on the principle of a combination of related or contrasting colors. In clothes, you can talk about harmonious combinations, based on shades of the same color, then this is one-color harmony.
  2. Harmony can be built on a combination of similar colors, i.e. adjacent colors of the color wheel, for example, yellow and yellow-orange, orange and red-orange.
  3. Harmony can be built on contrasting colors. This means that colors are selected from adjacent sectors of the color wheel. The colors that are located at an angle of 90 ° in neighboring sectors are best combined with each other. Another kind of contrasting harmony are combinations of colors that are to each other in the color wheel at an angle of 180 °.

The main colors are considered to be 4 pure colors: yellow, red, blue, green. All others are considered intermediate (yellow-red, yellow-green, green-blue, blue-red).
Pairs of "yellow-blue", "red-green" are considered additional, contrasting combinations. Colors can be arranged in the form of a circle with axes: “yellow-blue”, “red-green”.
There are 3 types of color combinations: related, related-contrasting, contrasting.
Contrasting - these are combinations of opposite quarters of a circle (the angle between them is 180 °), a total of 44 combinations.
Related-contrasting - these are combinations of colors from two adjacent quarters of a circle (the angle between them is less than 180 °), a total of 36 combinations.
- these are the intervals from this color to the next main one. Related are yellow and any in-between yellow-red (but not pure red).
Color harmony is understood as color balance in harmonizing colors of quantities of primary colors (pure yellow, blue, red and green).
Related colors will be harmonious with equal lightness and saturation, if the same number of primary colors is achieved in them.
Harmonious in related-contrasting color tones will be all pairs of colors located at the ends of chords parallel to the layers connecting the primary colors (since they contain an equal number of primary and secondary colors).
Based on these harmonic pairs, more complex multicolor harmonies can be built. In this case, three rules must be observed:
1. To two harmonizing related-contrasting colors, a third can be added - the main color, their related, weakened saturation. For example, yellowish red, yellowish green, and yellowish white can all be balanced with the same yellowness.
2. To two harmonizing related-contrasting colors, you can add a third and fourth, balanced with them. For example, a harmonious combination of orange and yellow-green can be complemented by purple and blue.
3. You can create harmonies of related and complementary colors. For example, the harmony of yellowish white and leafy green can be complemented by purple.

Unfavorable combination of colors in the interior

Black and purple tones make the space compressed, depressing.

Brown color causes a depressive mood, melancholy.

The red background is unnerving and can increase blood pressure.

Gray coloring brings despondency, depression, sadness into the atmosphere.

The blue color irritates with a feeling of cold.

The colors in the decoration are the main thing, if you correctly understand the psychological characteristics of the household: lifestyle, habits and needs. People choose their habitat according to their color tastes, not fashion trends. This speaks of the growing culture of modern man. Any color combination in the interior it should be beautiful, comfortable and of high quality - and all this in equal measure. And most importantly, it is intended for a specific family.

Suppose a person visited Bali, looked at how people live there, gained new color impressions, returned - and wanted to remake everything into a “lurid jungle”. And tomorrow he went, say, to America - and again he wants to change everything into a fashionable psychedelic scale. This can go on ad infinitum. However, a color project is like a painting: sometimes you can't "improve" it, you can only spoil it.

The magical combination of colors in the interior

In the palette of colors, each paint has its own pole, thanks to which the interior becomes bright, fantastic or unusually stylish. Helps create contrast color combination in the interior table antipodes:

Orange and marengo.

Blue and yellow (yolk).

Purple (indigo) and lime.

Pink (flamingo) and light green.

Delicate yellow and lilac.

Green and fiery red.

If you are a fan of futuristic diversity, but want to avoid sharp contrasts, saturate the interior with an elegant atmosphere, then choose color harmony from classic combinations.

Gray - with blue, blue, yellow, green, black, red, pink.

Violet - with yellow, light green, golden, orange.

Lilac - with chestnut, gray, light purple.

Pink - with burgundy, brown, gray.

Green - with black, gray, red, orange, burgundy, yellow.

Brown - with pink, yellow, golden, beige, gray.

Blue - with gray, red, golden, burgundy.

Blue - with orange, red, light purple and blue.

Color mimicry

Exquisite color composition is an integral part of our life - its colors, rhythm, dance. Created according to the laws of cosmic beauty color combination in the interior transfers its energy to a person. Communication with color calms, helps to relax, forget about troubles.

Coloring is just like people: it can saturate the house with feelings, has a temperament, inspires sympathy and antipathy, imitates the owner. At the same time, the truth of harmony lies precisely in the concept, a favorable fusion of colors.

White and sandy background, stones and marble create a welcome coolness.

Bamboo-colored furniture will be held in high esteem when using the patio-style design.

Rooms, abodes of red hues and striped blue-white nuances, enclose the world inside the house and catch bright lighting with all walls.

Terracotta connects spaces in and out, internal and external. Inside, it can turn into the color of ceramics, outside - oak doors.

For some, monochromatic colors seem boring monotony, while others are attracted by the traditional color combination in the interior, thanks to which the home interior retains its unique appearance, sings its song, circles and invites you to a waltz. But all this is nothing more than different ways of self-expression. Therefore, if you want to become related to the interior, to make it part of your history, just paint the house in your style.

The color wheel will help you figure out how tones interact with each other: their construction; simple, effective color schemes. Photo.

Itten's color wheel is a model of the interaction of shades with each other: separation by primary and secondary colors, by wavelength, into cold and warm tones, and also builds the order of combination.

The color wheel was invented as a tool for working with paints for beginners. This little picture showed the parent properties of the primary colors: yellow, blue, and red. The triangles on the sides of the central figure are child tones. So green is the result of mixing yellow with blue, and orange is red with yellow, in turn magenta is the result of red with blue. The shell, in the form of a circle, describes the spectrum (the dependence of color on the light wave): from red (the longest wave) to violet (the shortest), the connection between its two ends is purple, which has no wave. It turns out that the purple tone combines positive and negative infinity, thereby describing the biological peculiarity of the relationship of color with the human eye: if red and purple hit the retina at the same time, we see phantom purple.

Color wheel colors

However, the color wheel is a flat (in the literal sense of the word) representation of the overall color model, we are not limited to 12 colors, but use thousands and thousands of shades. The full model looks like a ball, where the shades of the color wheel are the equator, and the poles are white and black:

And the spread will already contain information about the interaction of shades in the color ball: from pastel to dark tones.

Inside this ball there is an axis: from white to black - medium gray. This allows any section of the ball to see a gradient from gray to light or dark tones of any color.

If we imagine not an exaggeratedly segmented ball, but with an iridescent gradient, then all possible shades will fit into it.

Circle of color combinations

Despite the fact that the tool was developed a long time ago, its practical application is still relevant. It not only gives an idea of ​​​​color and the construction of shades, but also teaches how to combine them effectively.

The color combination circle has a set of color schemes.

Bicolor harmony of complementary colors. If you mix these colors on the palette, they will give a dirty brown tint, but in theory, when mixed, they should be gray. These shades are the most contrasting to each other, sometimes they look defiant. Such combinations are often used in art to achieve more vivid images.

Extremely remote couples. This combination is bright, but softer, unlike complementary colors. It is more acceptable for clothes and interior.

Adjacent and similar colors do not form a contrast, but can maintain harmony. They are used to emphasize the main shade or as an addition to multi-color harmony.

Triad combination on the color wheel begins with similar shades, which, like two similar ones, do not create contrast, but maintain harmony.

Classical triad and contrast triad- this is a scheme of a three-color combination along the color circle according to the principle of a triangle: equilateral and acute. The most beautiful combinations can be created on the principle of acute, but equilateral gives soft, balanced combinations.

There are 4 options for a four-color combination on the color wheel:

This is a four-color contrasting harmony: it was created on the basis of the contrasting triad and is its close relative. Such combinations are catchy, impressive.

Four color classical harmony a relative of harmony based on an equilateral triangle. It is softer, but full in tone.

Square Harmony and Rectangular Harmony- these are four-color combinations, like two rectangular ones, have the same dependence. Determining colors using a square gives a softer gamut than a rectangular method.

Six color harmony created using the shape of an equilateral hexagon. This is a complex combination that is very difficult to pick up on your own, so the usefulness of this tool is obvious.

Compiling combinations is a rather difficult job, and not everyone, even people professionally associated with color, can build an ideal harmony in their heads that would suit them in all respects. Therefore, in order to work with color in any conditions, there is a cardboard tool -.

If we take into account the color ball, then the color wheel itself can contain many shades, for which the principles of compatibility along the classic circle will be relevant.

Many fashionistas are afraid to choose an image that combines more than three colors, the rest are at risk, often making annoying mistakes.

In fact, correctly combining the colors of clothes and accessories is much easier than it seems at first glance. Fortunately, color harmony obeys the laws, which it is advisable to familiarize yourself with for everyone who has difficulty choosing colored clothes.

The basics of color science are based on the theory of the "color wheel", which represents all the colors visible to the eye.
Color matching by contrast is one of the winning options. Considering that this is a circle, draw a line-radius through the center of the circle, for example, from green - and it will lead you just in time for the color of fuchsia. This will be the optimal contrast combination.

If you are afraid of the brightness of the contrast, choose deaf or pale shades. When choosing contrasting colors, it is advised to take them not in equal proportions. For example, a suit in dark shades, and red - only a scarf, collar or handbag.

One of the most difficult combinations is an achromatic color palette, when an image is built around black, white or gray, without using other colors.

A more reliable combination in a combination of colors of clothes is a harmonious combination. This combination is the most pleasing to the eye, these are the colors, as it were, passing into each other, devoid of contrast and challenge.

How to match colors in clothes

There are six basic color combinations. Each of them can give an infinite number of different color palettes.

Take the following combination options for the base: monochrome, complementary and triadic.

  1. With monochrome, consisting of colors of one sector of the circle, combine several shades of the same color.
    A monochrome combination can be diluted with a neutral color. Nearby colors on the wheel are perfectly combined and produce a harmonious and pleasant impression.
  2. With complimentary, where two opposite colors are used in the circle, choose tones that beautifully set off each other and give the color a "play".
    A split complementary scheme is a scheme in which one of the opposite colors is replaced by two adjacent colors on a circle.
  3. With triadic A combination of three equally spaced colors on the color wheel is chosen.
    Primary scheme It is a combination of the three primary colors (red, blue and yellow).
    secondary scheme is a combination of three secondary colors (orange, green and purple). They are obtained by mixing primary colors (red and yellow make orange, yellow and blue make green, and blue and red make purple).
    Tertiary scheme is a combination of three equidistant tertiary colors (red-orange, orange-yellow, yellow-green, green-blue and blue-violet). They are formed by mixing primary colors with secondary ones.

By simplifying it to 12-16 shades, you can more accurately determine the options for approximate combinations. Such a color wheel is convenient for selecting harmonious color combinations from 2, 3 or 4 colors. In each example, the lines connecting different colors can be mentally rotated in a circle, getting new combinations.

2 opposite colors: combination with high contrast. 3 colors: classical triad, colors arranged in a triangle. 3 contrasting colors: two colors are almost related, one is contrasting.


emerald green+yellow-orange+purple
cobalt blue + light green + orange
azure blue+lemon+red

Example: green + yellow + pink.

Very close variant:
4 colors: 3 related and 1 contrast.
3 related colors: weak combination. 4 colors: two mutually reinforcing.

Example: yellow + blue + purple + pink.

Example: lilac + shades of pink.

Example: blue + salad green + pink + warm beige instead of orange.

Examples of color combinations in clothes

Consider the color wheel, color combination schemes and simple examples.

Combination of analog colors - soft, calm combination of three neighboring colors of the spectrum. Choose the main, complementary and accent tone, be sure to use shades of color that are different in brightness.

A combination of opposites(complimentary) colors. According to color theory, each warm color is harmoniously combined with the opposite cold one. These pairs are easy to identify using the spectral circle (color wheel).

The combination of combined complementary colors - a less contrasting variant of the combination of opposites. Such a scheme, when one color is combined with two opposite, close to each other, is perceived by the eye more harmoniously.

Classic triad - a combination of a combination of 3 colors that are located at the same distance from one another (at the vertices of an equilateral triangle). It is also worth choosing one dominant color, and the other two - shading and complementing the main one.

Rectangular pattern combination consists of two pairs, each of which contains the opposite color and its corresponding analog. This option is more diverse, but requires precise balance between the primary and secondary colors.

Color harmony is not limited to 4 color combinations. A hexagon can also be inscribed in the color wheel, the vertices of which will indicate extended color harmonies. Bright, juicy color combinations can be diluted with universal ones - black, white, gray and beige. This is a good way to expand the color range without risking overdoing it and looking like a rainbow.

Color saturation

The color may be lighter or darker. In other words, the color has saturation. To show saturation, the color wheel has several rings; two large rings for dark shades and two small ones for light ones.

Each color can be used in varying degrees of intensity. In the color wheel below, each color is divided into 6 rows - from light pastels to muted, in the middle - bright and pure colors.

The most contrasting combinations will be:
1. Bright colors.
2. Pastel and muted colors.
3. Pastel and muted shades of the same color.

Combinations with weak contrast.
1. Between pastel colors.
2. Between muted colors.
3. Between shades of the same color, close to each other in saturation.

You also need to remember that color induction is of great importance for visual perception, i.e. change in the characteristics of one color under the influence of another. If dark and light colors are placed side by side, then the dark will appear darker, and the light - lighter.
According to,,

By the way, you can print (or draw: o) a color wheel, throw it in your purse and go shopping!

In moments of uncertainty, remember the color wheel and the basic laws of color harmony, the rest of the time - trust your intuition and inspiration!

Good luck to you!