Business game for educators on ecology “Improving the environmental competence of teachers. Teachers' Council - a business game on the topic: "Connoisseurs of ecology School business games on ecology

Business game for educators of preschool educational institution "Ecology next to us"

Target: to intensify the activities of teachers; to facilitate their acquisition of teamwork experience; improve practical skills of professional activity.

The business game consists of 4 parts. Each stage of it is regulated, at the end a general result is summed up. The game is attended by teachers of all age groups.

The game "Names". Participants take turns calling their names and characterizing themselves by the first letter of their name or, by agreement, by all letters.

Fauna game. Each participant chooses which animal, bird, fish or plant he will try to depict using gestures, facial expressions, movements. The rest of the participants guess which animal was depicted.


Environmental education is becoming the most important direction of childhood pedagogy in our time. Why? Firstly, environmentally competent human behavior is the key to the survival of mankind in a common home for all of us - on planet Earth. Secondly, in the process of learning about nature, children develop the ability to think creatively, perception and imagination become more acute, and a desire to acquire new knowledge appears. Curiosity and cognitive interest are valuable qualities of a person and express an attitude towards the surrounding life and nature. The main condition for their development is the wide familiarization of children with the phenomena of the surrounding world, nature and the education of an active, interested attitude towards them. Ecology is the science of the relationship of plant and animal organisms to each other and to their environment.

Raising an ecological culture is a long way to form the right ways for children to interact with nature. Its result should be not only the acquisition of certain knowledge and skills, but the development of emotional responsiveness, the ability and desire to actively protect, improve, and ennoble nature. A person who does not see the beauty of nature is worse than a blind man: he has blindness of the soul. And from one whose soul is blind, do not expect kindness or honesty, devotion or courage.

In order for a child to learn to understand nature, to feel its beauty, to read its language, to protect its wealth, these feelings must be instilled in him from early childhood - at a time when interest in the surrounding flora and fauna is great. We must try to awaken in children, first of all. Interest in nature, encourage them to observe natural phenomena, teach them to compare, draw conclusions. The great teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky accurately noted: “Observations are necessary for a child like the sun, air and water are necessary for a plant, and in order for a child to learn to see the sun in the palm of a dandelion, a girl in a white sundress in a white birch, - for this you need to be in nature, stop, look to see."

1 part. Warm up.

  • What does the term "ecology" mean?
  • What are the main environmental problems around the world and in our city?
  • What is the main essence of ecological education of children? Why do they need to be engaged from preschool age?
  • What is the impact of the environment on children's health?
  • What do you see as the reasons for the careless, sometimes ruthless attitude of children to nature? What exactly do you take responsibility for as an educator?
  • What is the main role of the teacher in the environmental education of preschoolers?
  • In what joint activities with children can you practically contribute to nature conservation?
  • What, in your opinion, should work with parents in preschool educational institutions.
  • List the classics of Russian and foreign literature who sang of nature in their works.
  • List the proverbs and sayings about nature that you know.
  • Remember and briefly list folk signs about nature.

2 part. Presentation of didactic games(teachers present 1 didactic game on the ecology of their age group).

3 part. The game "These funny animals"

  • Book of records of nature.
  • The longest tongue at .... (chameleon)
  • The smartest animals ... (dolphins)
  • The strongest sense of smell in ... (butterflies)
  • Most eyes in ... (flies, dragonflies)
  • Hears best of all ... (owl)
  • The fastest flies ... (swift)
  • The most vigilant ... (eagle)
  • Longevity champions… (turtles)
  • The most toothy ... (sharks)
  • Swallowing champion ... (boa constrictor)
  • Diving champions… (whale, turtle)
  • Who are they? Very often familiar animals hide under unusual names.
  • Fin whale - herring whale
  • Fenech - desert fox
  • Kalan - Kamchatka beaver
  • Serval - a cat from Africa
  • Kozhan - bat
  • Igrunka - a small monkey
  • Warthog - boar
  • Musk deer - deer
  • bottlenose dolphin
  • Pika - hare
  • Try to explain the names of famous animals, birds, insects.
  • minnow - lives in the sand
  • Tench - sheds, changes color from yellow to pink
  • Tit - sings "zin - zin"
  • Kulik - shouts "quick"
  • Dragonfly - chirp
  • Goldfinch - dandy, dandy
  • Nightjar - and winds around the grazing herds
  • Horsefly - bites so painfully that it is dark in the eyes, you go blind.
  • The wolf drags its prey
  • Insect - notches on the body

4 part. The solution of the crossword "Plants next to us."

In kindergarten, much attention is paid to the developmental environment - that is, what surrounds the child every moment in kindergarten and what influences him - develops, enriches mental, playful and labor activity. Much attention is also paid to the environment that forms the ecological space. This crossword puzzle contains the names of plants that are in kindergarten and, according to the program, should be in group corners of nature. All of them are familiar to you, just be more attentive, and you will easily guess them. A word will appear in the highlighted cells if all the names are guessed correctly.

1. In the word FOCUS, the letter O

Replace in an instant

And you recognize him.

Name the plant (Ficus)

2. The kids wanted to run away from their mother,

But my mother managed to keep them.

That's how those bunches hang - youngsters.

On the threads of green plants - babies (Chlorophytum).

3. Lights among the leaves -

Vanki wet flowers.

That is what the people called him.

He drinks a lot of water.

And what is the correct name -

Try to guess (Balzamin).

4. I have a creeper growing

In a tub near the sofa.

Its leaves are carved

They have through windows (Monstera).

5. From a leaf - surprisingly -

You can grow a plant.

I'll pick a flower - it's not a pity,

There will be a new ... (violet).

6. All covered in thorns, ugly,

But once everyone marvelously

In the summer it began to bloom -

So that you can’t take your eyes off (Cactus).

7. In our room grows,

It never blooms.

Leaves are like feathers

And the people have a belief -

Where in the forest it will bloom,

A person will find a treasure there (Fern).

8. Tree stems,

Leaves sword-shaped.

Maybe he lives a hundred years?

What do you say in response? (Aloe).

9. Stems and flowers smell,

Pubescent leaves.

You get up early in the morning

And fields your ... (geranium).

These are all indoor plants, they can be monitored and cared for in a kindergarten.

5 part. Solving pedagogical situations.

Situations are given to the whole team.

1 . Four children from five to seven years old are playing in a forest clearing. The smallest one shouts: “Let's catch a butterfly and set fire to its wings!”. A man walking by and hearing this call stops the boy and asks: “Why do you set fire to the butterfly’s wings?” He replies “Just like that…”

How can one explain such cruelty of children? What are the methods and techniques for educating preschoolers to respect nature?

2 . Ira walked home from kindergarten through a park planted with currant bushes and loudly told her mother how they watered them here with the whole group. But the mother was occupied with her own thoughts.

- Why are not you listening to me? Ira asked and pulled her hand away.

– What are these whims?! - the mother flared up, breaking a young currant branch, whipped the girl at her. And then she threw angrily: - Who needs your troubles, it's just child's play! Enough conservationists without you.

What are the negative consequences of the mother's action?

3. You go to work. Two mothers are talking peacefully on the path. At this time, their children nearby break the branches of a young tree. Both of them already have a large armful in their hands.

Do you think the children are just naughty or no one told them not to harm the plants? Will you silently walk by, condemning mothers (children) in your soul, or will you stop and talk to mothers (children)?

4. You went outside with your child. After bright sunny days it became cloudy and windy. “The weather has turned bad again,” you might think. What do you say to a child? What will you talk to him about?

5. The son approaches his mother, who is washing clothes:

Mommy, let's go to the forest today, the birds have nothing to eat there. We will bring them food.

Do something, son, you see, I'm busy, she replies.

What would you do in this situation?

6. Walking through the meadow gives you the opportunity to see many wild flowers, sometimes very rare. You met blue-eyed bells. There are so many of them that the meadow seems to quietly ring from their swaying heads. The child's hand reaches out to pick a flower, another. What will be your actions?

7. While walking in the forest, five-year-old Pavlik saw a beautiful butterfly with orange wings. Mom did not know what it was called, but suggested that her son carefully examine it and remember its appearance: “At home, we will look in the book and find out its name.”

Did mom do the right thing? Should you always answer all your child's questions at once? What did mother contribute to by setting such a task?

8. While mom was talking with her friend, a two-year-old kid plucked flowers from a flower bed. Mom is outraged and "gives" the child a portion of spanking. The baby is crying. Analyze the behavior of the child and mother. What could be the reasons for the described act of a two-year-old baby?

6 part. Express Questions.

Questions are quickly asked in turn to each teacher, the answers should also be instant:

  • Why does a squirrel need a long and fluffy tail?
  • Which branch does not grow on a tree?
  • Why does the fox run all winter while the bear sleeps?
  • Which fields do not grow grass?
  • What kind of comb will not comb your head?
  • Does a chick breathe in an egg?
  • Can an ostrich call itself a bird?
  • How does day and night end?
  • When is the sky lower than the earth?
  • Forty in three years, what happens?
  • What does a toad eat in winter?
  • Who has ears on their feet?

Summing up the game.

A lot depends on the correct relationship between man and nature, including the well-being of man himself. Respect for nature should become the norm of human behavior. A child must be taught from childhood that loving nature means doing good, and make him think about what can be done to make our land more beautiful, greener, richer.

Far from everyone is endowed with a feeling of love for nature, as well as an ear for music. Therefore, it needs to be developed. We, the educators of the preschool educational institution, together with the parents, are the first guides of children into nature.

Thus, by forming in children a system of knowledge about the features of adaptation of different species to the environment, involving them in environmental activities, holding holidays, matinees, environmental games and involving parents in the work, the educator contributes to the environmental education of the child, the development of an active and responsible attitude to nature. And this, in turn, contributes to the development of cognitive interest and curiosity in children.

Methodical development on ecology "Ecology and children". Business game for kindergarten teachers


Consolidate the knowledge of teachers on the topic environmental education.

To acquaint with some forms of work with children in a preschool educational institution.

Uniting the teaching staff, establishing an emotionally favorable environment in the teaching environment.


cards with images of birds, animals, crossword puzzles, markers. ball, tokens, medals, diplomas.

Rules of the game:

The results of the game are summed up by counting chips, the players of the team that scored the largest number are the winners of the game and receive the Diploma of the winner of the "Business Game".

You remember not a big country,

What did you travel and find out.

Do you remember the Motherland - such,

How did you see her as a child?

I propose to split into two teams "Orange" and "Rainbow". (I give out emblems). Choose a jury (2 people) for each correct answer, the team receives a token.

Sun: Our game begins with a warm-up

2 team

A relatively new name for experiments in nature (Experimentation.)

1 team

They color and display the emotional and poetic side of acquaintance with nature. (Poetry)

2 team

It is both touristic and ecological. (Trail)

1 team

What medicinal herb does the blind know? (Nettle)

2 team

What berry replaces lemon? (Cranberry)

1 team

A book that lists rare and endangered species of plants and animals. (Red)

2 team

What do you understand by the term ecology? What is the meaning of this word?

Eco is a house, logic is a science.

Ecology is the science of the home, the common home.

Part - theoretical

What is ecology in your concept?

Ecology is a science that teaches us to take care of the world around us, the Earth.

Let's continue our game. Tasks for teams

1 task "What grows in the native land?"

The host names the trees and shrubs. Cotton marks those plants that do not grow in our area. (for the correct answer, a token is awarded to each team)

1 team:

Spruce, birch, saxaul, sea buckthorn, poplar. (saxaul)

2 team:

Cherry, pine, chestnut, banana, oak, cypress. (chestnut, cypress)

Aspen, rowan, tangerine, plum, willow, orange. (tangerine, orange)

2 task. All about animals. (delivery of tokens)

Name the animals that are somehow connected with the production of medicines. (badger - fat; bear - bile; bees - honey, propolis; snake - poison; goat - milk, etc.)

2 team

Name all domestic animals and explain why they were domesticated.

(Cat, dog, cow, pig, horse, rabbit, buffalo, yak, sheep, camel, etc. Give wool, meat, milk; use for protection; as a vehicle)

Task 3 "Who will be who?" (delivery of tokens)

Rules of the game: the leader throws the ball to the player, who must quickly answer and return the ball to the leader.

1 team:

Chicken, kitten, mouse, calf, foal, duckling.

2 team:

Squirrel, puppy, cuckoo, wolf cub, hare, chrysalis.


Something we sat down. Come on, girls, come out and show your talent. I propose to turn on your imagination, show facial expressions, gait and sounds:

1. alarmed cat;

2. sad penguin;

3. enthusiastic rabbit;

4. angry pig,

5. a wet crow.

6 biting crocodile

5.task. "Find and show" (tokens)

1 team is offered an envelope with "portraits" of 20 birds, among which you need to find a nightingale.

Team 2 is offered an envelope with "portraits" of 20 animals, among which you need to find an ermine.

Task 6: Quiz "We love nature."

A set of questions for each team: (tokens)

1 team:

1. Who drinks blood: mosquitoes - females or mosquitoes - males? (females)

2. What do male mosquitoes eat? (nectar)

3. Which of the snakes is safe for humans? (already)

4. Do snake parents feed their cubs? (No)

5. What is the most venomous snake in the world? (cobra)

6. Which animals are protected by color? (squirrel, hare)

7. Where are the grasshopper's ears? (on foot)

2 team:

1. Why is the Red Book called red and not green? (Red is a danger signal.)

2. What does a toad eat in winter? (does not eat anything, she sleeps) *

3. What is the thinnest thread in nature? (Web)

4. What grass do cats like? (Valerian)

5. Grass from 99 diseases. (St. John's wort)

6. Is the penguin a bird or an animal? (Bird)

7. What kind of hunting is allowed in the forest at any time of the year? (Photo hunting)

7 task. Guess who they are talking about? (giving tokens)

Who is this? (This is an owl.)

Owl since 1964 is under state protection. One owl destroys 1000 mice during the summer, which are capable of destroying 1 ton of grain.

2 team

“I know that I am not beautiful. And if I'm around, many shied away, or else they would throw a stone or kick me. For what? I benefit greatly." (It's a toad.)

One toad saves a whole garden from caterpillars and worms. If there are cockroaches in the house, bring a toad and they will disappear.

Last competition

8 task "Crossword" (handing over tokens)

Dear colleagues, our game has come to an end.

Today we talked about ecology. I would like our gatherings to remain in your soul for a long time, and the knowledge that you remembered or acquired today helped you in your work with children.

After all, saving the native nature you save your soul

In the hearts of grateful descendants you gain immortality.

I ask the jury to announce the results of the competitions. (Presenting diplomas and medals)

Marina Mokretsova
Teachers' Council - a business game on the topic: "Experts in ecology"

Purpose of the game:

1. Clarify the knowledge of teachers and their competence in the formation of environmental knowledge in preschoolers.

2. Develop the ability to discuss and agree on the proposed issues.

Rules of the game:

1. Take an active part in the game.

2. Be able to listen to others.

3. Develop a common solution to the issue.

4. Observe the culture of speech and tact.

5. Do not dispute the jury's scores.

GAME progress.

Vedas: Nature, man, morality are identical concepts. Today we,

unfortunately, we acknowledge: there is not much to return today from what

trampled, ruined, etc. We are aware that everything wasted and

what has been destroyed must be restored bit by bit. Grow,

protect and protect.

How to convey the basics to children environmental knowledge - that's what we're talking about

today we will remember during the business game« Connoisseurs of ecology» .

Vedas: Now each of you will teach a fragment of the illustration. Stack them up

full illustrations.

Vedas: We got two teams. Come up with a name for your

teams and select captains.

1 Task - "Warm-up".

Vedas: And we will start our competition with a little warm-up.

Vedas: Name what programs you know about environmental education?

Our home is nature. N. Ryzhova

Young ecologist. S. Nikolaeva

Semitsvetik. ashikovs

Gossamer. Vasyakin-Nikolaev, etc.

Vedas Q: What do you understand by the term « ecology» ? What is the meaning of this word?

Vedas: Word « Ecology» derived from Greek "eco"- home and "logos"- the science. That is

ecology in a broad sense - the science of the house in which we live.

Vedas: How can you formulate a goal environmental education?

(Target: to teach children how to build relationships with the world around them).

Vedas: Expand this goal more widely.

(Formation of a consciously correct attitude to phenomena, objects, living and

inanimate nature.

Acquaintance with the surrounding world.

Formation of knowledge and skills for the implementation of interaction with the environment


Vedas: Please finish phrase: "In order to environmental education and

education brought the greatest effect and benefit in the development of children ... ":

Sufficient knowledge of ecology

ecological upbringing should become an integral part of the entire upbringing and educational process and include all types of activities.

2 Task - "The word is a relay race" (each team takes turns saying the rules).

Vedas: What rules of behavior in nature should know kids?

Do not break

Don't tear

Don't bust

Don't light fires

Do not litter, etc.

3 Task - « Connoisseurs of the technique» .

Vedas: Try to simulate how environmental education can

integrate with other educational areas?

4 Task - "From Grandma's Chest".

Read poems, proverbs and sayings about nature.

5 Task - "Make the Right Question".

Vedas: For conversations with children, we use questions that we have compiled in advance.

Select questions by topic:

"Trees and Shrubs"

"Domestic and Wild Animals".

6 Task - "The postman brought the package" (fruit and vegetable tasting).

Vedas: Describe what you tried.

7 Task - "Meditation".

Vedas: Solve pedagogical situations.

1. The children came for a walk in the flower meadow. Everyone wants to pick a flower. How to prevent it? What methods will help stop the desire of children to pick a flower?

(Consideration of flowers and insects that fly to them for honey. Telling a fairy tale about flowers, their beauty, benefits for insects and animals, people).

2. While sledding, children hit plants and break them. Your actions?

(The branches are fragile, crying. A letter from the branches. Compiling fairy tales, stories about branches. Contest: "Who will build a safe sledding track?").

List of used literature:

Belaya N. B. Pedagogical Council in preschool education institution: Preparation and conduct. - M .: TC Sphere, 2004 (Series "Library of the head of the preschool educational institution".

Magazine "Preschool Pedagogy" No. 10, 2012

Ryzhova N. A. Program "Nature at home" M.: "KARAPUZ-DIDACTICS", shopping center "SPHERE", 2006

Natalia Vetrova
Business environmental game for preschool teachers

Business ecological game with teachers (at the teachers' council)


To develop the creative potential of teachers, their competence in the field of ecology;

To improve the professional skills of teachers and the effectiveness of their activities,

Establish close cooperation between teachers.

Event progress:

Dear Colleagues! Today we will conduct a business environmental game.

1. And so, what is ECOLOGY?(answers of teachers)

Ecology is the science of the relationships between plant and animal organisms and the communities they form between themselves and the environment.

In order to form in children the need to communicate with representatives of the animal and plant world, a cognitive interest in them, the ability to see and understand beauty, the need for self-expression in creative activity, conditions are created in the kindergarten where children can replenish their knowledge in conditions of daily free access, realize the need for communication with nature.

2. Name the elements of the subject-developing environment of the kindergarten used for the environmental education of preschoolers.

Participants take turns calling:

Corner of nature:

Models and schemes;

visual material;

nature calendar;

Card files of labor, observations and experiments;


Educational panels;

Methodical, encyclopedic and fiction;

Mini-gardens in group rooms;

Ecological collections and mini-museums;

3. You have task cards, try to emphasize and prioritize the following principles for creating an ecological room in kindergarten (put the most relevant, in your opinion, provision in the first place):

Presence of as many plant and animal species as possible;

The presence of inanimate objects (soil, stones, shells, etc.);

Providing comfortable conditions for all representatives of wildlife, the habitat and care they need;

Safety (lack of dangerous species of animals, insects);

Providing opportunities for children to take care of plants and animals;

Providing opportunities for children to observe wildlife;

Providing opportunities for children to experiment with objects of inanimate nature;

The weather has always interested people. The closer a person was to nature, the more his life depended on rains and droughts, on frosts and thaws.

And although these long-term observations, reflected in signs and riddles, proverbs and sayings, are not all accurate, they can be fully used to familiarize children with nature, folk traditions, and to develop their creative abilities; observations provide an opportunity to experience the joy of discovery, to feel the taste of research work. Weather forecasting based on folk signs brings up respect for traditions, provides a link between generations.

4. I offer you a small blitz tournament “Think and answer”.

(About spring.)

1. Which snow melts faster, dirty or clean, and why? (Dirty, because the sun burns more to the dark.)

2. Why are young birch leaves sticky? (Resinous substances protect leaves from frost.)

(About animals.)

3. Who dug up a garden in the forest? What did you plan to grow on it - tops or roots? (The boar does not plant, does not sow, but harvests. It plows with its snout, like a plow, sniffs out with its heel, crushes with its teeth. Everything is suitable for it: tops and roots, beetles and snails, meat and fish.)

4. The Christmas tree is slashed like an iron rake. The aspen is stripped - as if a fitter climbed on the "cats". Holes in the ground, as if someone was spinning on their heels. Who left these marks? (And bullies and holes are all marks of a bear. “Know everything: I live here.” Another bear will see his signs and understand that the place is occupied.)

(About plants.)

5. Why can not fly agaric be destroyed? (The red fly agaric serves as medicine for moose.)

6. What is grass for? (For beauty, like animal feed, fragrances for making perfumes, purifies the air.)

(About birds.)

7. Why do birds have a tail? (With the help of the tail, the bird controls the flight, like a steering wheel.)

8. Why is June called the month of silence? (Birds sit on nests, incubate chicks.)

9. Which insect has ears on its feet? (At the grasshopper.)

10. How many legs does a spider have? (Eight.)

(About insects.)

11. What do ants build their houses from? (From coniferous needles, leaves, pieces of bark, twigs.)

12. Where do insects go in winter? (They hide under the bark of trees, under dry leaves, hide in the cracks of houses, crawl underground, hibernate.)

5. FAQ:

1. What is the name of the writer whose work can be correlated with this statement: "He has a happy combination of two skills, two talents: a storyteller and a draftsman." (E. Charushin)

2. This writer - naturalist called his works "fairy tales-non-tales". The form of these works is fabulous: animals and trees talk, think, receive, love. (V. Bianchi)

6. And now your attention is invited to guess one crossword puzzle.

1. Runs through the snow, but there is no trace (drifting)

2. In the morning, the beads sparkled, they sent all the grass with them, and went to look for them in the afternoon - we are looking - we are looking, we will not find (dew)

3. When everything is covered with gray snow and the sun says goodbye to us early? (winter)

4. Our chocolate garden is empty, cobwebs fly into the distance. And cranes stretched to the southern edge of the Earth. The doors of schools were flung open, what came to us in a month? (September)

5. Clean, sunny, mushroomy, warm, sonorous. Mischievous. Pulls grass, rye to the sky. Hard worker - summer ... (rain)

6. We all love her when she makes noise, murmurs, splashes, and the cat does not love her - he washes his paw (water)

7. White, like milk, clouded everything around. (fog)

(The final word is nature Yes)

1. Someone slowly inflates a red balloon in the morning, and when he releases it from his hands, everything will become light around (sun)

2. He will answer a call with a call, a word with the same word. To laughter - will answer with laughter, it is called ... (echo)

3. I am transparent, I am solid, they walk, they ride on me.

I do not drown in water, I do not burn in fire (ice)

4. At night she walked through the sky, dimly illuminated the earth. “I’m bored, I’m bored alone, but my name is ...” (moon)

5. Floor - cakes over the houses, do not get it with your hands (month)

6. How many do not go along it - everything will run ahead (shadow)

(The final word is the sun ce)

7. Decision of pedagogical situations.

First team

In the garden for children of older groups and their parents, a task was offered to make bird feeders. Children with passion and joy show and tell how they made, someone with dad, someone with uncle, grandfather feeders. Only 5-year-old Anton sat quietly watching everyone. One of the girls turned to him: “Why didn’t you bring a feeder? You don't feel sorry for the birds!" And Anton answered: “Mom always works for her once, but I don’t have a dad!” All the children laughed.

Your actions?

Second coma nde

The garden is preparing for the New Year. The Christmas tree has already been decorated in the music hall. The New Year holiday is passing merrily and joyfully, but then 6-year-old Kira comes up to the teacher and asks:

“- Anna Ivanovna, why was the Christmas tree cut down, because you can’t break and destroy trees. After all, after the holiday, throw it away.

Your actions?

Summing up the results of the competition between the teams.

Scenario of the extracurricular event "Business game" Firm "for students in grades 7-8

Author: Polyakova Svetlana Vladimirovna, teacher of Russian language and literature, MKOU "Mikhailovskaya secondary school", p. Mikhailovka, Tretyakovsky district, Altai Territory.
Material Description: This scenario will be useful for deputy directors for educational work, senior counselors, class teachers. The material is intended for students in grades 7-8. In the educational process, the event is held for the purpose of environmental education of students.

Extracurricular event "Business game "Firm"

Target: creation of conditions for ecological education of students.
- develop thinking, creativity, imagination;
- develop teamwork skills;
- improve the environmental awareness of students.
Preliminary work:
* prepare cards with inscriptions: advertising and design department, music department, screenwriting and directing department, competition and surprise department.
* Prepare paper, writing utensils, business cards.
Hall decoration:
1. Posters:
“Nature has a pure heart.”
- "We have one Earth - there will never be another."
Game progress:
Leading: Hello dear friends!
Today our meeting is devoted to a very important event - the opening of a company with the beautiful name "Rainbow".
The need to open our company is due to the fact that only by concerted actions can we draw attention to the problems of environmental safety.
We are earthlings. The Earth is just an infinitesimal part of the Universe, but only on it, one of all the planets known to man, there is life.
The nature of the Earth is one, and every person is affected by its troubles: whether it is the death of Yaroslavl elks from pesticides, the disappearance of herring, the most common fish off the coast of Kamchatka, or the sad fate of the famous American mustangs.
Why has environmental protection become one of the most important tasks of our time?
In the era of the scientific and technological revolution, nature turned out to be defenseless before man, dependent on him. Rivers are blocked by dams, rockets are launched into space, the deepest wells penetrate the earth's crust. Willingly or unwittingly, a person interferes in the course of natural processes, violating the natural balance. As a result, the climate is changing, rivers are dying, animals and plants are disappearing. This disaster is called the ecological crisis. In our time, the science of ecology is developing intensively. People of different ages should have an idea about the inseparable connection between all organisms on Earth, about the huge impact that humans have on nature and how important it is to take care of it.
Our common task is to save the planet. More and more often we hear from Nature a prayer for salvation.
"Stop! Think again! .. ”the forest whispers to a man. “Do not bare the earth… Do not turn it into a desert…” “Have mercy! - echoes the earth. “You cut down trees… it deprives me of moisture… I wither, I grow old… soon I can give birth to nothing… neither cereal nor flower…”
The humble inhabitants of the Earth give voices of supplication. They remind a person of blood relationship with Nature. But modern people have forgotten how to understand the language of grasses, birds, the language of forests, animals, the rustling of autumn leaves, the singing of sand ...
Our planet is tired of smoking chimneys, humming turbines, chemicals flowing into rivers, wars, explosions - how carefree, unreasonable, ruthless man treats it. Do you hear? Nature asks for help!
(Music plays in the background. Earth enters the stage.)
- Listen to me. I am the Earth! I'm in trouble! I am unable to correct the evil that man does. I am unable to save the dying animals and birds, to clear the air of smoke and burning ... I cannot destroy as much rubbish as man has scattered on Earth.
Only you children can save me. (Exits.)
Leading: The Earth asks for help and we must help her. The task of our company: through the creation and implementation of creative projects, to attract everyone's attention to the conservation of the nature of the Earth, the knowledge of its secrets, the formation of a sustainable interest and need for active practical work to protect the environment.
I, as the head of the Raduga company, want to introduce the main provisions of the Charter. The company was created for active participation in the business game of developing projects. The company "Rainbow" can engage in any creative activity: create scripts, gain experience in holding actions in defense of nature, collective creative activities and release these products into the world.
Today we will create a holiday project “We have one Earth - there will never be another!”
There are four departments in our company: advertising and design, music, screenwriting and directing, competition and surprise.
The advertising and design department will think over the design of the stage and the hall, the advertising of the holiday, and the invitation to the holiday.
The music department provides musical accompaniment, lighting effects.
The scenario-director's department will have to think over the entire scenario of the holiday.
The competition and surprise department is responsible for the games and competitions that will be held at this holiday, for surprise moments.
You can start, you will succeed.
Students create a project for the celebration.
Working with viewers / See Attachment/
Protection by departments of their projects.
-We have worked together, I see you are ready.
Each member of our firm has a voice, but to keep the discussion organized, I propose that three ad hoc groups be formed to represent the views of optimists, realists, pessimists. This role will change. When one of the departments defends its project, the rest perform the above-mentioned roles. It all starts with the script and director's ideas.
- A word to the script-directing department.
Group discussion of the project.
The facilitator makes a summary.
- A word to the advertising and design department.
Group discussion of the project.
The facilitator makes a summary.
- A word to the competitive-surprise department.
Group discussion of the project.
The facilitator makes a summary.
- A word to the music department.
Group discussion of the project.
The facilitator makes a summary.
-Our project of holding the holiday “We have one Earth - there will never be another!” ready. You are great! Your project turned out great!
Let's continue to cooperate in our company.
I say thank you very much for the accumulated project of the holiday. Our company will take part in all actions for the protection of nature. So that you have a connection with me, as with the head of the company, I give you my business card.
Thanks again and see you soon!
List of used literature
1. "We read, study, play" No. 11, 2003
2. "Read, study, play" No. 3, 2004
3. "Pedagogical Council" No. 1, 2005
4. "Pedagogical Council" No. 5, 2006
5.B.B. Balandin "1001 questions for the very smart (with tips for the rest), Ripol Classic, M., 2003, p. 7-12.
The host asks questions, the audience answers.
What ancient Greek god's name translates as "wife of the Earth"? (Poseidon).
Where is the largest amount of fresh water in the world? (At the poles).
Every day the Earth adds 400 tons of weight. Due to what? (Due to cosmic dust).
What, according to the ancient Romans, equalized the globe? (Equator).
Once every 285 years, the solar system makes one revolution in the galaxy. What changes as a result on Earth? (The poles are reversed).
A ball in Greek is a sphere, but how will it sound in Latin? (Globe).
What is the name of the river that flows around the whole earth in ancient Greek myths? (Ocean).
The probability of this event, which happened a long time ago, is compared with the probability of the assembly of a fully functional Boeing 747 as a result of a hurricane flying over a garbage dump. But, if this event had not happened, no one could dispute its possibility. What is this event? (The origin of life on Earth).
What was the name of the mythical king of Libya, who allegedly made the first globe? (Atlas).
It is known that in the atmosphere at an altitude of 15 km there is an ozone layer that protects all life from harmful ultraviolet rays. According to scientists, freons and some other gases destroy it, and what factor is the main reason for its reproduction? (Ultraviolet).