Girl playing with a small child. Bathe babies games

Why? Perhaps all because of the high quality, vibrant graphics, interactivity and versatility. And indeed, electronic baby dolls look at us from the computer screen as if they were alive. Such “babies” react to all our movements: they cry when they feel comfortable, laugh when they are having fun, are perplexed when they feel in an uncertain situation. Accordingly, a computer baby can be fed, warmed up, watered, taken to a doctor, etc.

Baby care games appeal to young ladies because of their memories of when they were babies not too long ago and how their parents took care of them. And now the little girls themselves are in the place of mothers. Such games bring up love, kindness, attentiveness, responsibility. Motherhood is a difficult and troublesome, but happy part of a woman's life.

Having learned all the nuances of being a mother in the game Baby Care Online, the child will be happy to help parents look after their younger brother or sister. And all this because Baby Care reproduces all the stages of caring for children. And let the child not think that if this is not real, then there will be no demand. No matter how it is, the virtual baby is very picky, capricious and reacts to every step of the player.

So, feeding. Feeding a baby on the computer is not an easy task. It's a fun and at the same time challenging process. It must be remembered that the electronic baby will not eat everything. What you love is not the fact that he will also like it. And in general, children at this age what do they eat? That's right, porridge. A virtual baby would not refuse her portion. But the porridge still needs to be cooked. Remember where the mixture is, where the milk is, where the bottles are and go ahead to combine the ingredients. Just make sure the consistency doesn't get too hot. As expected, after eating, the baby becomes a little dirty. So don't forget to wash your child well.

Walking is a very important moment in the period of raising a child. The little one needs fresh air, so think over the route in advance and what to dress the baby in, and most importantly - how. During the game, you will have to choose which elements of clothing are put on first, which are second, third, etc. With each wrong attempt, the virtual child will cry, and you will have to start the process again.

Bathing is one of the main elements in the process of caring for a child. It is necessary to prepare the bath by filling it with water at the optimum temperature - so that it is not too hot or too cold. One problem - the baby does not really like to swim and will be capricious in every possible way. You just need to complete the task.

Online child care games are, first of all, a test of yourself, a test of responsibility. During the game, the girl will be aware of the degree of responsibility for the virtual baby. After such tests, the child can be trusted and, as a sign of this, give a long-begging puppy or kitten. Girls love Baby Care games because they provide an opportunity to look at least one eye into the adult world.

The baby, although it is virtual, needs to be fed, bathed, taken for walks and put to sleep on time. If you bring down the rhythm of life of the crumbs, then she can be naughty, feel bad, or even get sick. And sometimes you have to resort to some clever tricks. For example, if the baby does not go to bed for a long time, he can sing a song or tell a fairy tale. In general, it is impossible to play without logical thinking. Think like your mom is in your shoes. What would she do at one time or another? Project the behavior of the parent onto your own and soon you will notice that you will succeed.

I would also like to note that such processes as dressing for a walk or swimming before going to bed contribute to the development of memory and accustom the little player to order. For example, it is very important to remember what things make the Internet baby happy and what, on the contrary, make them angry. You need to keep the information received in your head, since no hints will pop up during the game, so you can only rely on yourself.

There are a huge number of online baby care games for girls. They are all so different and at the same time the same. It makes no sense to list the differences, but a similar element is the same everywhere - this is a full-fledged process of raising a child, which is incredibly similar to the real one. That is why the girls, starting to play, very often cannot tear themselves away from the monitor for a long time. Therefore, we repeat that this is not a cause for concern. On the contrary, one should be glad that the girl is gaining experience and practice, based on her own desire.

On our site - all kinds of games Baby care online. It will be useful for every girl to know how to behave with a child from the first days of life, because such information will certainly come in handy sooner or later in life. Perhaps replenishment is expected in the girl's family. In this case, after the game, she will not be jealous of her mother for the newborn, but on the contrary, she will treat the parent with understanding and, quite possibly, will begin to help take care of the baby.

All Baby Care games are free on our website. Come in, choose your favorite game and create your own virtual baby! Something, but such a theme simply cannot leave indifferent any girl. Playing Baby Care online is interesting, instructive and fun.

Bathe Babies Free Online Games

Vanellope von Cupcake: Bathe the baby. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you have to take care of baby Vanellope von Keks. The very girl who will grow up and become a princess at the age of 9 is a glitch in the game “Sweet Fast and the Furious” in the cartoon “Ralph”. Remember?! And so, you are the babysitters of this baby. Baby loves to take a bath. Bathe her, wash her hair. So that the baby does not act up during hygiene procedures, entertain her with toys. After bathing, dry the baby, change her diapers and dress up the baby in charming clothes. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Vanellope Von Cupcake: Bathing the Baby

We take care of Ladybug (Baby Ladybug). Game for girls and girls! "Take care of Ladybug (Baby Ladybug)" is a great game for our little girlfriends from the series of baby care games. Little Ladybug has always been famous for her desire to save someone. Because of this, the baby quite often became a participant in dirty stories. Today is no exception. So rather pour a bath for the brave rescuer and start bathing her, and then take care of dressing her and other equally important, children's affairs. Play with the mouse. Good luck!

Taking care of Ladybug (Baby Lady B

Caring for the Boss Baby. Game for girls and girls! Boss Baby Care Game for Girls and Girls No matter how cool Boss Baby is - a baby, almost a baby in age, with the mind and acumen of a real boss - he still needs a nanny. And that nanny for today will be you, girls. It's time for Little Boss to take a shower. Bathe the baby, wash his head. And then dry the baby and dress. Play with the mouse.

Caring for the Boss Baby

Mermaid baby care. Game for girls and girls! Mermaid baby care - games for our little girlfriends. In this game, girls, you have to be a nanny for a baby mermaid. The little one woke up. At this time, she is used to taking a bath. Dear nannies, pour some warm water for the baby. Add foams. For flavor, add fragrant flower petals. Now wash her head and body. Such crumbs cannot focus on one activity for a long time, so from time to time the baby's attention will have to be switched to her favorite toys. After bathing the baby, dry her, comb her hair, give her a light massage and powder especially sensitive places. The mouse will be your assistant in this lesson.

Mermaid baby care

Shower for baby ice queen. Game for girls and girls! Hello girls, in this game you have to be a nanny for the little daughter of the Ice Queen Elsa. The child woke up after a night's sleep and needs a refreshing shower. Start caring for your baby by washing her head. During hygiene procedures from time to time do not forget to entertain the baby with her favorite toys. After bathing the baby, dry it with a towel and a hairdryer, put a clean diaper on it and give the baby a massage. Now get on with dressing her up. Play with the mouse.

Baby ice queen shower

Bath for baby Snow White. Game for girls and girls! Girls, get your bath ready. Today you have to bathe the baby. Pour warm water, add fragrant foam and flower petals to it. So that the baby does not get bored from time to time, do not forget to entertain her with her favorite toys. Baby hygiene products will make bathing not only useful, but also enjoyable. After bathing the baby, dry her, change her diapers and give the baby a light massage. And now it's time to tidy up the head of the princess and dress her up in a beautiful dress. Play with the mouse. Enjoy your leisure time.

Bath for baby Snow White

Day care for baby Marissa. Game for girls and girls! Baby Marissa Day is the best baby care game for our little friends. Marissa's parents are away and therefore, girls, you have to devote today to taking care of this baby. At this time, the girl is used to basking in the bath. So, girls, take off the dirty dress from the crumbs and start bathing her. And after bathing, our lovely nannies, dress up the baby in a beautiful dress. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Caring for baby Marissa

Bath for baby Moana. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you have to get acquainted with the little princess Moana, who lives in a distant, tiny country of Oceania, located in the Pacific Ocean. This baby is destined to become the protector of her people and a reliable assistant to her father, the leader of the tribe. But this is in the future, but for now the baby herself needs the care of her nanny, whose role in this game you girls will play. You need a mouse to control the game. Good luck!

Moana's baby bath

Bathing baby Ladybug. Game for girls and girls! Bathing Baby Ladybug is a game for girls about taking care of babies. Baby Ladybug loves to have fun in the bathtub after playing outside. In order for the baby to swim, she needs the help of a nanny. The role of a nanny in this game is up to you, girls. You need a mouse to control the game. Enjoy your time!

Bathing baby Ladybug

Bath for baby Moana. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, fate will take you to the small country of Oceania, located in the Pacific Ocean, where a little princess named Moana lives with her family. Today this cute baby needs a nanny. And you girls will play the role of this nanny. Usually at this time, the baby takes a bath, so girls, if you don’t want princess tears, it’s better not to abuse her patience. Pour a bath and start bathing the crumbs. Having completed the procedures necessary for the baby after bathing, you can proceed to the next stage of the game - dress her up. You need a mouse to control the game. Good luck!

Bath for baby Moana

One day with a little princess. Game for girls and girls! Girls, hello! If you are ready to spend one virtual day with a little princess, then hurry to her house. Tiny princess needs a caring nanny. She will help her start the day with a bath. To activate the necessary functions of the game in this case, click on the buttons that will appear at the bottom of the game screen. Having bathed the baby, you can start dressing her, and then take care of the design of the nursery for the baby. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

One day with a little princess

Sleep time for little Pinky. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you have to be a nanny for the charming baby Pinky during the absence of her parents. Look carefully at your ward. Everything shows that it's time for baby Pinky to sleep and it's time for her to go to the cradle. Girls, if now you arrange a warm bath for a tired baby, this will help her sleep well. Wash your baby gently and patiently. So that a child who is tired of monotony does not want to be capricious, entertain her with toys. Lastly, dress Pinkie in her sleepwear and don't forget to kiss her before putting her to bed. Play with the mouse.

Bedtime for Baby Pinky

Bath for tiny princess Belle. Game for girls and girls! Bath for tiny princess Belle is a fun baby care game for girls. In this game, girls, you have to test yourself in the role of a caring nanny to take care of her majesty - tiny princess Belle. At the moment, you were instructed to bathe the baby. Baby Belle loves to take a bath, but like all small children, the child does not know how to wait. When you start your duties, you girls should remember this. Otherwise, the child will cry, which means that you are not doing your job. So, get to work, girls! Play with the mouse.

Bath for tiny princess Belle

Baby bubble bath. Game for girls and girls! Girls, this baby loves to take bubble baths. Give her warm water and start bathing her. So that the baby does not get bored, give her toys in the bath. After finishing the bathing procedure, go to the kitchen with the baby. It's time for the little one to have breakfast. Get drinks, milk and other baby food from cupboards. After feeding the baby, start dressing her. You need a mouse to control the game.

Baby bubble bath

Bathing baby princess. Game for girls and girls! Girls, in this game you have to bathe a little princess. Pour a bath for the baby, add fragrant foam and fragrant flower petals to it. And don't forget her favorite toys. You, of course, know that bathing a baby should begin with washing the head, and then wash the whole child. Well, it's done. Now move the baby to the crib and dry her with a towel and hair dryer. Then change the baby's diapers, give her a light massage with baby oil and comb her head. It's time for the baby to go for a walk. Dress her up in a beautiful dress and don't forget the tiara. Use the mouse to control the game.

Bathing baby princess

Bubble bath for Masha. Game for girls and girls! While the caring Bear was doing household chores, the restless Mashenka was walking in the yard. Oh, that sweet, playful child! She returned to the house all smeared. And now, girls, she needs a good bubble bath. Mishka has no time, so it's up to you, girls, to bathe her. Play with the mouse and have fun!

Bubble bath for Mashenka

Princess Jasmine bathes her daughter. Game for girls and girls! Princess Jasmine and Aladdin have a wonderful baby. She is as beautiful as her mother. Girls, do you want to see the baby? Then hurry up! A young princess with her mother in the bath. Join them and start helping the princess take care of her daughter. Play with the mouse.

Princess Jasmine bathes her daughter

Bathing baby Elsa. Game for girls and girls! Girls, in front of you is the future queen of Arendelle - Princess Elsa. Now she is at that tender age when she needs your help to take a bath. Bathe the baby, and then take care of her head and dress her in a beautiful outfit. Play with the mouse.

Bathing baby Elsa

Bath with foam for daughter Elsa. Game for girls and girls! Elsa loves her daughter. But all little children are so restless and require so much attention that by the end of the day the princess is very tired. After all, she is going to become a mother again, so today you girls will help her baby take an evening bath with her favorite fragrant foam. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Bath with foam for daughter Elsa

Bathe baby Rapunzel. Game for girls and girls! Baby Rapunzel is looking forward to the moment when she can plunge into a warm bath. So, girls, do not tire your child with waiting. Pour warm water, add foam, flower petals, toys and invite the baby to the bath. The child will bathe and get great pleasure from water procedures. After bathing, dry the baby, change her diaper, do a light massage. Now, after her favorite bathing procedures, the little princess Rapunzel will calmly endure the care of her head and dressing. Play: mouse.

Bathe baby Rapunzel

We bathe the twins. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you have to take care of charming twin sisters. The babies have a wonderful, cheerful disposition, so taking care of them is a pleasure. The little ones woke up. Pour a bath for the little ones, wash their heads. bathe them. So that the crumbs do not get bored with the monotony, along with bathing procedures, entertain them with toys. Now give the kids a light massage, change their diapers and start dressing. Don't be stingy! Be generous! Reward the kids with kisses for their diligent behavior! Play with the mouse.

bathing twin babies

We bathe baby Valya. Game for girls and girls! We bathe baby Valechka - a cool game for our little girlfriends about caring for babies. Girls, pour warm water into the bath. Now you will bathe little Valechka. The baby loves fragrant baths, so do not forget to add rose petals to the water. Bathing Valya, start by washing her head, and then wash it all. After bathing the baby, dry it with a towel and a hairdryer. Then comb her hair and change her wet diapers. Babies quickly get tired of the monotony. Switch her attention to games for a short time, and then finish her dressing. Play with the mouse.

We bathe baby Valya

SPA salon for cute babies. Game for girls and girls! Kids, like adults, love to take spa treatments. Choose one of the crumbs and start caring for her. First of all, prepare a soothing and relaxing bath for the baby. It must be at a certain temperature. To provide hygiene procedures for children, special foams, shampoos, gels are used. If the child is sad for some reason, entertain him with toys. A clean baby, move to a crib and change his diapers. Now use the baby's wardrobe and dress her up in a cute little dress. Good luck!

SPA salon for cute babies

Bath for Baby Strawberry. Game for girls and girls! While walking in the garden, our tiny Strawberry got dirty and now needs a bath. Today, you girls will take care of the Baby. Pour the bath and get ready to fulfill all the wishes of Charlotte. For bathing the Baby, use only baby care products. So that the child does not get bored during the bath, give her her favorite toys. After bathing, dry the Baby with a towel and hair dryer, change her diaper. Dress a well-groomed child in beautiful children's clothes. Use the mouse to control the game.

Bath for Baby Strawberry

Taking care of Baby Rose. Game for girls and girls! Baby Rose Care is the best baby care game for our little friends. Girls, you will recognize this cute child with hair covered with bugs, cockroaches, soiled in mud and, moreover, all scratched. This is Baby Rose. She walked in the yard after a warm rain and now you girls will have to take care of a good bath for her, clean clothes and treatment of her scratches. Play: mouse.

Caring for Baby Rose

Bath for Baby Rapunzel. Game for girls and girls! Bath for Baby Rapunzel is an exciting game about taking care of the little princess Rapunzel. Baby Rapunzel does not need to be asked to take a bath, she is ready to splash in the water all day long. So, girls, pour warm water and invite the baby. The child will bathe and get great pleasure from water procedures. After bathing, dry the Baby, change her diaper, give her a light massage. Now, after her favorite bathing procedures, Baby will calmly endure the care of her head and dressing. Play: mouse.

Bath for Baby Rapunzel

Good night, baby. Game for girls and girls! Good Night Baby is the best baby care game for girls. A day full of different events and impressions is coming to an end. It's time for the little one to get ready for bed. But before Baby goes to bed, she definitely needs to take a bath. She's so used to it. This is not only a hygienic procedure for a child, a bath helps the baby to relax, promotes easy falling asleep and sound sleep. And so, dear nannies, you bathe the Baby, brush her teeth and send her to the crib, where you continue to set her up for sleep. Light massage, gentle kisses allow you to relieve tension, calm the baby and prepare her for sleep. It remains only to put comfortable pajamas on the baby, put your favorite toy next to it, and a few gentle strokes on the tummy will finally dispose the child to a deep night's sleep.

good night baby

Bathing Babies before going to bed. Game for girls and girls! Bathing Baby before bed is the best baby care game for girls. A day full of events and impressions is coming to an end. A little more and it's time for Baby to go to bed. But before that, she must take a bath. An evening bath has become a familiar ritual for her, it calms her down, helps her fall asleep faster and sleep soundly throughout the night. And so, girls, get to work!

Bathing baby before bed

We bathe little princesses Elsa and Anna. Game for girls and girls! Bathing little princesses Elsa and Anna is a cool game about taking care of little princesses. Girls, pour a bath, it's time for little princesses Elsa and Anna to bathe. Now these babies are still at that tender age when they cannot take a bath without the help of a nanny. And besides, they, like all small children, are very impatient. So get to work as soon as possible. Follow their desires and do not make the Babies wait long for what they want. To maintain a good mood, do not forget to entertain the kids along the way with toys. Having bought the kids, take care of their hair, dress them in beautiful dresses, entertain them with toys and be sure to read your favorite fairy tale to them.

We bathe little princesses Elsa and Anna

Bathe Baby Elsa. Game for girls and girls! Bathe Baby Elsa is a great game for girls about taking care of Babies. Today is Baby Elsa's birthday. Girls, help the little princess to swim, and then dress her up in the most beautiful outfits. And most importantly, do not forget to decorate her head with a little princess crown. Play: mouse.

Bathe Baby Elsa

A bath for dirty Baby Rose. Game for girls and girls! Dirty Baby Rose Bath is a cool game for girls about taking care of Baby Rose. Girls, get ready. You have to bathe a cute baby. The baby had fun and landed with the ball in a rain puddle. Girls, before Baby bursts into tears, quickly go home with her to the bathroom. Bathe her, wash her head, put a clean robe on her. And don't forget to reward Baby with her favorite candy for good behavior.

Bath for Dirty Baby Rose

Monster High. Bath for Baby Monster. Game for girls and girls! Monster High. Baby Monster Bath is a cool Baby Care Game. Draculaura has been asked to look after Baby Monster. Oh, girls, it would be better if she did not agree! When Draculaura decided to bathe the Baby, she demanded something and did not agree to go to the bath. Girls, if you do not help Draculaura now, then tears will flow in a stream not only from the eyes of the Baby. You will have to reassure the nanny as well. It turns out that the child is used to a different routine. Her mother started the day by cleaning Baby's room. Then she and Baby played with their favorite toys. Having played enough, Baby in a good mood went to the bath. So, girls, do not make Baby resent. Better help Draculaura to fulfill the usual mother's duties. And the child will be happy! Good luck!

What girl in her childhood did not like to play "daughters-mothers" and take care of babies? This game is known to people of all generations. Our great-grandmothers, grandmothers, mothers played it, we ourselves and our daughters love to play today. After all, it is so important for a child to feel like an adult and independent. Children see adult life in their own way, and they really want to be like adults, especially their beloved mother, and imitate her in everything. This page of the site offers you a good selection of baby care games for free.

This is a great alternative to the famous game. Every little one wants to grow up as soon as possible and turn into a beautiful mother. In the meantime, the girl is still small, she will not miss the opportunity to play pretend mom and learn how to take care of babies with great pleasure.

The best baby care games for girls

Take care of children in a private, newly created kindergarten for small children.

The little girl has a birthday today. Put her in order and prepare for this holiday.

Play, feed and my newborn babies.

A game where you become a babysitter for funny twins.

Ever After High babies are in need of care at a very young age.

Clean up the girl Sophia by washing her hair.

Look after Bonnie, get her medicine and clothes.

Bathe Lizzie in the outdoor inflatable pool.

Become a nanny in a kindergarten for a while and take care of little kids.

Little Draculaura needs your care and attention, help her.

Take care of small children in the new kindergarten.

Look after and take care of the children brought to you by busy parents.

Take care of little girl Daisy from the moment she wakes up..

The little prince will be grateful to you if you spend the day with him and take care of him.

Take care of the girl Alice in the game

Take care of little Sofia beautiful.

By playing free baby care games, she will be able to fully immerse herself in a wonderful world where she will meet baby Barbie and try to put her to bed, learn how to take care of baby Elsa, and become a nanny for baby Justine while her parents are away. Feed the baby from a bottle and swaddle him when he cries for his mother. She will be able to prepare the child for the children's beauty contest and help Sophia get ready for her friend's house. The girl will have the opportunity to bathe little Cinderella and create a fabulous pair of shoes for her and choose a wonderful dress. The baby will even try to cope with bathing two babies at once, who were born on the same day and are used to doing absolutely everything together. She will also work as a nanny in a wonderful family, where she will learn how to change the diapers of her ward Polly, and try herself as a super nanny who takes care of the different children that her parents bring to her. And this is not all interesting acquaintances and exciting activities that a child will have.

Benefits of these games

Baby care games will teach a little future mother how to take care of children, instill in her a love for babies. The child will learn to be responsible and make independent decisions. After all, he will face not simple tasks that require immediate decision-making. For example, how to dress a baby outside so that he does not freeze and does not get sick, what to do so that he does not cry, how to bathe him in the bathroom and what to feed him so that there is no allergy.

They contribute to the development of memory and ingenuity, because the baby will have to guess for herself how to act correctly in a given situation. And they will undoubtedly give a lot of useful information that will certainly come in handy in the future of the little lady. After all, the information received in childhood is stored in the memory of a person throughout his life.

By playing child care games, the child will learn to respond to the feelings of other people, to be kind, responsive and provide assistance when others need it. Develop your creativity by creating fabulous outfits and beautiful jewelry, as well as decorating the rooms for your charges.

Bright, colorful games contribute to the development of visual memory and spatial thinking.
In the world of fun, fabulous and exciting baby care games, the baby is waiting for a lot of surprises and discoveries that will not leave her indifferent and will allow her to spend the precious time of childhood in an interesting and useful way.

Free Online Play Baby Care

Baby princess care. Game for girls and girls! Baby Princess Care is the best game for girls about taking care of princess Jasmine's tiny daughter. In this game, girls, you have to play the role of her nanny. According to the rules established by mom Jasmine, her baby is used to starting her day with a warm bath. We do not recommend violating the established order. Pour the bath and start bathing the crumbs. During the day you will have to feed the child, entertain, put to sleep. The main thing is that you do not make the crumbs wait long. Little kids don't know how to wait. Good luck! Control the game with the mouse.

Baby princess care

Daughter Taylor: A Study Guide to Nursing and Parenting. Game for girls and girls! Most recently, the American mega star Taylor Swift had a daughter. In order for the baby to grow up healthy and independent, her parents try to adhere to certain recommendations, borrowed by them from the tutorial on caring for babies and raising them. According to these recommendations, mommy and daddy have planned an important event for today. They will go to the pool with the whole family so that, girls, with your help, they will teach their little one how to swim. But that will be a little later. In the meantime, you will have to wake up the baby, feed, entertain, change clothes and put her head in order.

Daughter Taylor: An Educational Guide to Nursing and

We take care of cute babies. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you have to be a nanny for four babies at once. Caring for such a nice company will not be easy. After all, babies are very impatient. In addition, children can want something at the same time. But, if you are attentive and patient enough, you will succeed. Don't let the little ones cry. To do this, you will need to bathe the crumbs, put them to bed, entertain them, feed them. dress. The main thing is to do it on time. Good luck! Control the game with the mouse.

Caring for cute babies

Baby Hazel hair care. Game for girls and girls! Baby Hazel has grown up. Her hair has also grown. It's time to fix her head. Here is the first visit to the hairdresser. Like any baby, everything new causes anxiety in the crumbs. In order for the Baby to calmly endure this procedure, you girls will have to distract her. To do this, you will use her favorite toys. Good hairdressing salons for kids always have colorful toys. Baby Hazel will play with her favorite toys or explore new ones with interest, and at this time you will calmly give her a haircut. Good luck!

Baby Hazel hair care

We take care of mommy Elsa for her baby. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you have to take care of her charming baby together with mommy Elsa. First of all, you will need to go to the store with mommy to buy everything you need for her crumbs. Be careful when buying. Make sure that you buy everything you need and in the right quantity, otherwise you will not get home. Having delivered the purchases home, you will have to bathe the baby, change his diaper, feed him and dress him. And then you still have to work on the design of the baby's room. Good luck with your creativity!

Taking care of mommy Elsa for her baby

Babysitter for Baby Hazel. Game for girls and girls! Girls, today you have to be Baby Hazel's babysitter. Do you hear the baby cry? This baby woke up and she has a little problem. The baby has a wet diaper, which gives her delicate skin a lot of trouble. Hurry up to change it. The little one needs so little to be happy! Put a clean, dry diaper on her and your baby will thank you. And now, warming up the milk, give them a little drink. If necessary, give the crumbs napkins on time, or pouring milk over them, an upset child will cry bitterly. If you want your baby to always be happy, then try not to test her patience. Good luck!. Control the game with the mouse.

Babysitter for Baby Hazel

Nanny for a wonderful baby. Game for girls and girls! "Nanny for a wonderful baby" is an exciting game for our little girlfriends. Today you have to be a nanny for this charming baby. The baby has just woken up and now you need to dress her. Choose a hat for her. Then choose a hairstyle for her. You are like real wizards, if you do not like the color of her hair, eyes and skin, you can change them. However, as long as the baby is in a good mood, you should continue to dress her. And, of course, don't forget the pacifier. The baby is nowhere without her.

Nanny for a wonderful baby

Naughty Elsa's Children's Day. Game for girls and girls! On the screen you see two children. In the crib is tiny princess Anna. Next to the crib is her older sister Elsa. While mom will be doing other household chores, she instructed Elsa to look after her younger sister. Due to her young age, Elsa does not quite understand how responsible her mother entrusted her with the task. She is bored. Therefore, in parallel with caring for the baby, she tries to do her own thing. She has 5 such cases. They are in a row at the very bottom of the game screen. But she can’t take care of the child and have fun at the same time. If mom notices this behavior of Elsa, she, of course, will regard it as pranks. Girls, save the day. Since Elsa still won't give up trying to do her pranks, in this case, your best bet is to help her deal with them as soon as possible. And you need to do this so that her mother does not find it. Good luck! To control the game "Pranks: Naughty Elsa's Children's Day" you will need a mouse. Good luck!

Naughty Elsa's Children's Day

Taking care of baby Lily. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you have to be a nanny for baby Lily. You will bathe her, change her diapers, put her to bed, cook healthy meals and feed her baby. In addition, you have to deal with a crumb of entertaining and educational games. The baby especially likes piano lessons. Lily is so small, but already now she loves beautiful outfits. So, if you take care of her dressing up, this baby will only be a joy. Good luck! Control the game with the mouse.

Taking care of baby Lily

A day with sick little Lily. Game for girls and girls! Girls, in this game you have to take care of a sick little Lily. You are her nanny and medical nurse at the same time. In your actions to care for a sick child, you will also be guided by the doctor's instructions. The baby has difficulty breathing through her nose in her sleep. In addition, it is time for the child to take an injection. Carefully wake up the baby and offer her a bottle of milk or juice. Doesn't take? Distract her with a toy and follow the doctor's instructions at this point. And then, to make it easier for the baby to breathe through the nose, prepare a special solution and inhale it. Lily has an itchy rash all over her body. By performing several prescribed procedures for her, you will alleviate the condition of the child. Now is the time to feed the baby. Prepare easy-to-digest food for her and feed her. And then change the baby and entertain. Good luck! Use the mouse to control the game.

A Day with Sick Baby Lily

Vanellope von Cupcake: Bathe the baby. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you have to take care of baby Vanellope von Keks. The very girl who will grow up and become a princess at the age of 9 is a glitch in the game “Sweet Fast and the Furious” in the cartoon “Ralph”. Remember?! And so, you are the babysitters of this baby. Baby loves to take a bath. Bathe her, wash her hair. So that the baby does not act up during hygiene procedures, entertain her with toys. After bathing, dry the baby, change her diapers and dress up the baby in charming clothes. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Vanellope Von Cupcake: Bathing the Baby

A fun day with little Elsa and Anna. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you have to spend the whole day in the kingdom of Arendelle with little Elsa and Anna. Today you will be their nannies. You will feed the crumbs, bathe, dress. If you love little children the way we love them, you will be interested and fun with them. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Fun day with little Elsa and Anna

Nanny Ocean takes care of baby Moana. Game for girls and girls! Baby Princess Moana was born on a hot island surrounded by the waters of the Ocean. For the inhabitants of her tiny kingdom, the Ocean is everything. The ocean gave them a place to live. It is a source of food and a place of rest. And for children born among the endless waters, the ocean is often a nanny. Girls, do you want to see how it goes? Then you need a mouse. Good luck!

Nanny Ocean takes care of baby Moana

Sweet kids-3. Game for girls and girls! Girls, imagine yourself in the role of a caring nanny for sweet children in kindergarten. In the first section of the game you have to take care of one little boy. As you know, at this tender age, babies are especially fickle and impatient. If you want the baby to be happy, then do not give him a reason to be indignant. If the baby wants to play with the puppy, do not forbid it. The baby wants to do the count, either in the shower or he is tired and ready to go to the crib - so be it. For work from grateful parents you will receive money. For them, you can improve the conditions for the stay of sweet children. On another level, you will have more babies. Coping with work will be more difficult. But you will succeed. Play with the mouse.

Sweet kids-3

Dress up a sleeping baby. Game for girls and girls! Sleeping Baby Dress Up is a dress up game for our little girlfriends. The kid was tired and fell asleep soundly. Let the baby sleep. And you, girls, without disturbing the baby's sleep, change him into other outfits. Operate with the mouse. Good luck!

Dress up a sleeping baby

My little sweet princess. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you have to take care of a cute little princess. The princess used to take a bath every morning. Pour warm water, add foam to the bath and invite the child to SPA treatments. So that the baby does not get bored, add toys to the bath. When you are finished with water procedures, dress the baby in a beautiful dress and go with her to the dining room to feed her a delicious, healthy breakfast. The baby at breakfast loves to be capricious. Therefore, in order to feed the little princess, you girls will have to persuade her ...

My little sweet princess

A day in the company of little Kara. Game for girls and girls! Meet! This girl's name is Kara. She currently needs a nanny. Not that the baby is completely helpless. It's just that the baby needs someone who can control her, and at the right time help her and tell her. Start your morning with your little one by taking care of your teeth. Then help her take a bath. The little girl loves to dress up. So after the bath, you will have to take care of her wardrobe. Play with the mouse.

A day with little Kara

We help the mother of three children. Game for girls and girls! Our heroine has three children. Can you imagine what it's like for her? Very hard! But she loves her babies and finds the strength to do everything for them. And of course she's not crazy. Just to keep the little ones happy all the time, she has to do everything at crazy speed. Today you girls will be nannies for babies. Help mommy babies feed, bathe, entertain. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Helping a mother of three

Super Nanny Emma. Game for girls and girls! Everyone who loves to mess with kids is invited to this game. Here you have to play the role of a caring super nanny named Emma. Your wards will be two charming crumbs. But be warned, these kids are big rascals! Ready? Then get started! A lot of interesting things are waiting for you. You need a mouse to control the game. Good luck!

Super Nanny Emma

Tooth Fairy. Game for girls and girls! The baby’s milk tooth was sick for a whole day and staggered, but for some reason it was in no hurry to fall out. Closer to the night, the tooth fairy came to the aid of the baby, and the tooth left its refuge. There is such a sign. If the tooth fairy takes the fallen milk tooth, then another, strong, beautiful tooth will grow in its place. In the hope that the fairy would take her tooth, the tired baby put it under the pillow and calmly fell asleep. Sleep, sweet little one! Your dream is protected by a fairy sorceress. She will take your tooth. And in the morning, when the fairy disappears, they will continue to take care of you, girls!

Tooth Fairy

Super daddy. Game for girls and girls! Today, you girls have to go to one cute family, where daddy remained as a nanny for a tiny baby. Super Daddy loves his baby, but this is the first time he's ever been a babysitter. In addition, he is too addicted to TV. So, girls, you'd better look after both. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

super daddy

Barbie daughter's rest time. Game for girls and girls! For you girls, this is the best game in the series of baby care games. You have to take care of your daughter Barbie. The game is represented by 6 levels. Whatever you do in the game - whether you dressed the baby, bathed, performed hygiene procedures for her, put her to bed, woke up the baby after sleep - all these events will look so realistic that you will forget that this is happening to you not in reality. Good luck! You need a mouse to control the game.

Barbie daughter's rest time

Crazy mommy and caring daddy. Game for girls and girls! Let's face it, an excited, caring mom, rushing between two tiny fidgets, like crazy, from the side causes a feeling of pity. Yes, and daddy, loving but calm, like a tank, even at the moment when the crumbs roll up in tears, does not seem quite adequate. But united, mommy and daddy are the perfect team to raise their two babies. Girls, this does not mean at all that today our lovely family will refuse your help. Connect and be a babysitter for the little ones. Make breakfast for the kids. Feed and drink them. And when it's time for the kids to take a bath, give them a bath. Remember, all babies can't wait. Therefore, do not bother the little ones with expectations. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Crazy mommy and caring daddy

Nanny for newborns. Game for girls and girls! Babysitter for newborns is the best baby care game for our little friends. Girls, start caring for babies by bathing them. After completing this procedure, dry the crumbs with a towel and change their diapers. And then dress them in beautiful suits or dresses and decorate the children's room.

Nanny for newborns

Nanny for children of mothers with many children. Game for girls and girls! Being a caring mother even for one baby is not easy. And our heroine has three of them! Today, you girls will take care of them, and let mommy rest. Whatever you do for the crumbs, be patient and attentive with them. Don't make kids wait too long for what they want. They don't know how to do it. And now, dear nannies, it's time to feed, bathe, and entertain the kids. Play with the mouse.

Nanny for children of mothers with many children

Princess Rapunzel feeds her daughter. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you have to help Princess Rapunzel take care of her daughter. It's time for the little one to eat. Heat milk to prepare breakfast for her. And when Rapunzel starts feeding her daughter, make sure that breakfast for the baby is accompanied by kisses and toys. So you will be able to keep the baby in a good mood. After the baby is fed, mother and daughter will be ready to go for a walk. Use the mouse to control the game. Good luck!

Princess Rapunzel feeds her daughter

Birthday of a little princess. Game for girls and girls! The little princess has a holiday today. On this day, the baby has a birthday and she expects many friends to visit her. Girls, make sure that the little princess remembers this day with happy events. However, start the baby's day with quite ordinary things - bathing, dressing, caring for the head. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Little princess birthday

Baby Moana takes a sea bath. Game for girls and girls! In Oceania, where baby Moana lives, everything is different. On this island, even tiny children with the ocean on you. Girls, arm yourself with a mouse. Now you will go to an island located among the endless waters of the Pacific Ocean. There, baby Moana takes a sea bath. Guess who is her babysitter? Imagine - this is the Pacific Ocean!

Baby Moana takes a sea bath

Babysitter for the day. Game for girls and girls! Babysitter for a day is a cool game for our little girlfriends about taking care of babies. That's it! This baby needs a caring nanny today. This babysitter will be you girls. It is morning now and you, at this hour, by all means, must organize a bath for the baby, because her mother always did this. Then, moving to the nursery, dress up the baby in a beautiful suit. The baby's mother always keeps her room in perfect order. Therefore, so that the crumbs do not have a feeling of anxiety, take care of restoring order there. Play with the mouse.

Babysitter for a day

Baby Hazel: Newborn Baby Brother 2. Game for girls and girls! Baby Hazel: Baby Brother 2 is the best Baby Hazel game for girls. Baby Hazel just had a baby brother, Matt. The little girl loves her little brother. But she herself is still so small that she needs helpers in caring for her little brother. Today, you girls will be her assistants. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Baby Hazel: Newborn Bro 2

Caring for the Boss Baby. Game for girls and girls! Boss Baby Care Game for Girls and Girls No matter how cool Boss Baby is - a baby, almost a baby in age, with the mind and acumen of a real boss - he still needs a nanny. And that nanny for today will be you, girls. It's time for Little Boss to take a shower. Bathe the baby, wash his head. And then dry the baby and dress. Play with the mouse.

Caring for the Boss Baby

Mermaid baby care. Game for girls and girls! Mermaid baby care - games for our little girlfriends. In this game, girls, you have to be a nanny for a baby mermaid. The little one woke up. At this time, she is used to taking a bath. Dear nannies, pour some warm water for the baby. Add foams. For flavor, add fragrant flower petals. Now wash her head and body. Such crumbs cannot focus on one activity for a long time, so from time to time the baby's attention will have to be switched to her favorite toys. After bathing the baby, dry her, comb her hair, give her a light massage and powder especially sensitive places. The mouse will be your assistant in this lesson.

In role-playing games, little princesses repeat everything that their mother did with them, and this brings them a lot of joy and positive. Playing with dolls like this, girls, they are future mothers, learn to take care of their loved ones and relatives. No wonder they say that girls have a maternal instinct at birth, so they prove it by spending time with their baby dolls.
Many parents are even very happy that their first child is a girl. After all, if a second child appears in the family, help will be provided to the mother. The game will move from dolls to baby, and here the skills and abilities to spend time with a baby doll will come in very handy.

Games - baby care online

Baby care games are very interesting and exciting. Most of all they attract girls-princesses. To imitate adults, especially mother, is very exciting and responsible. With the help of such games, children develop an understanding of care, independence and responsibility.
In order for girls to develop these skills, it is not necessary to buy a kitten or a puppy, think about the appearance of a second child, but simply show the princesses exciting games. Let's take a closer look at this game world. After all, everyone is interested in what awaits a small copy of mom in the gaming spaces.

Baby feeding in play

Every child knows and understands that it is very important to feed the baby. This activity is interesting. And in order to understand what can be given to a child and what is not, you need to show the girl this game.
In this application, she will understand how to cook porridge, how to sterilize a bottle, how to prepare a mixture. And that it is very harmful to give ice cream and cake to a little one, and that they can be replaced with more healthy products.
In this game, the baby will cry until he is given the right and tasty food, and then they put him in order. After all, everyone knows - babies get very dirty during feeding.

Games where you have to walk with children in strollers

It is simply necessary for all young children to be in the fresh air, and a little mother-girl should think about how to dress the baby. After all, every season needs its own outfits. Sometimes the baby may freeze or vice versa - sweat. The main task of this game is to choose the right clothes for the baby. Here the girl will have to think about what to wear on the baby. Perhaps it will be a T-shirt or a dress, or do you still need to put on tights and socks first? This game will have a large selection of clothes. And even if the first time you fail to find the right option, then you should not be upset, because everything can be started all over again.

bathing baby

Also very common games are - bathing a baby. In such applications, girls need to find out the temperature of the water in which they can bathe the baby. After all, if the water turns out to be very hot or cold, the baby may be scared. To avoid such situations, water will need to be measured with a thermometer.
You also need to feed the baby and put him to bed. Perhaps in order for him to fall asleep, sing him some song. And before that, be sure to buy and dress in the appropriate outfit. Thanks to such applications, your daughter will be able to do this easily and naturally. After all, the genre of games "baby care" is very similar to the life of a mother. And imitating her is a lot of fun. To date, the gaming abundance in this area is very large. And thanks to such computer applications, you can easily relax and have fun. Adults and children will enjoy such entertainment.
Mom is not only affection and care, it is also a responsibility. Mom spends most of her life caring for a child, so the game of daughter-mother online is very relevant and popular. Baby care apps are a full-fledged modern copy of the mother-daughter game, only more interesting.

Baby care game. Build a kindergarten

Not a small part of games for girls offers to develop themselves in commerce by building and opening their own kindergarten. Everyone knows that most parents are very busy and therefore send their kids to kindergartens. There they will be supervised by adults. Your duties will include some services. Children should be fed, looked after and happy. If these conditions are not met, then the children will not be joyful and this will affect the trust of parents. If the child and parents are upset, you will not be paid for your services. And if everything goes well, the reputation of your garden will begin to grow, thereby increasing the number of children and earned money. This will improve the kindergarten and expand its boundaries.
In order for the business to develop, you need to please customers and invest in improving the kindergarten. By decorating the room and furniture, you will attract many more customers to your garden.
You also need to pay attention to the clothes and behavior of children. If the child is dressed in a monster costume, then the behavior will be bad, and if the baby was brought in an angel costume, the behavior will correspond to this costume.