The girl with the blackest skin. Khudiya Diop is an unusual African model with charcoal skin. Albinos from generation to generation

Meet the most famous Senegalese model, her name is Khoudia Diop, for her extremely black skin color she received the nickname "melanin goddess". She is the darkest skinned model in the world.

Her skin has such a rich black color that it seems that it is artificially dyed.

It is this unique feature that has become the reason for the popularity and demand for Hoodia among fashion designers; leading agencies in New York and Paris order her services.

By the way, the second half of the model is the complete opposite of the girl. Hoodia's favorite is a white-skinned guy who often keeps her company at photo shoots, playing on interesting contrasts in their appearance.

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The word "Negro" itself means "black" and comes from the Spanish Negro. The word is perceived by many representatives of this race as offensive, as it carries a racist meaning, and is also associated with a long period of history when blacks were slaves.

To answer the question why blacks are black, you need to remember where their natural habitat has been for many centuries. Blacks come from Africa, where the scorching sun, heat and heat. The sun's rays are not only heat, but also destructive ultraviolet rays. However, in nature, everything is arranged reasonably: in response to exposure to ultraviolet radiation, the skin produced more melanin, which made the skin darker and thus protected the skin from burns. In the conditions of the African climate, people with darker skin color adapted better to such an environment. This led to an increase in the population of swarthy people. Interestingly, in the northern latitudes, a completely opposite process took place, when, with a lack of sun, in the cold, fair-skinned people survived better.

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Melanin is a pigment that is present in the skin of every person and directly affects its color. The substance itself, called melanin, is brown in color, therefore, a greater presence of the substance is observed in blacks due to the climatic conditions with which their ancestors had to somehow get along. After all, dark skin helps to transfer direct sunlight more easily, therefore, forty-degree heat with dark skin is perceived better than if the skin was white like a European.

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Before the advent of scientific explanation, it was believed that black people were born slaves due to the curse that Noah placed on his son. Blacks were considered descendants of Ham, one of the sons of Noah - he disrespectfully treated his father, for which he received a curse in the form of slavery. It was believed that Ham was swarthy, i.e. negro. So then they justified slavery, into which people of the black race were usually driven from time immemorial. It is clear that such an explanation has nothing to do with reality and that racial differences between people are explained by living conditions in certain climatic conditions - Negroes are black not because they are worse or better, but because such a feature helped and helps them live more comfortably under the scorching rays of the African sun.

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Moffy Gathorn Hardy

Moffi's star was lit in 2013, when the young model was invited to work by Storm Models agency, where Kate Moss once started her career. Moffy has a beautiful figure, and the agents were not embarrassed by her strong squint. Moreover, it became her highlight, and Moffi has repeatedly appeared not only on the catwalks, but also on the covers of fashion magazines.

Shantel Brown-Young

We know Shantel under her creative pseudonym Winnie Harlow. At the age of 4, she was diagnosed with vitiligo: with this incurable disease, melanin pigment spontaneously breaks down in various parts of the skin, forming characteristic white spots. Given that Chantelle is dark-skinned, the manifestations of vitiligo are especially noticeable. And it was they who helped her gain worldwide popularity! While participating in the America's Next Top Model project, the audience was delighted with the special beauty of Chantal, the jury appreciated her, and the girl became a successful model.


Melanie Gaidos

Since birth, Melanie Gaidos has been suffering from ectodermal dysplasia: a rare genetic disease that is not fatal in itself, but greatly affects a person's appearance. Patients have no hair on the face and body, teeth suffer greatly, often after the loss of milk permanents do not grow at all. Now Melanie has only 3 baby teeth. The appearance of Melanie Gaidos is radically different from the generally accepted standards of beauty, but thanks to the support of loved ones, Gaidos did not in the least complex because of her features, moreover, she was sure that it was her extraordinariness that would help her make a career as a model. And so it happened! In New York, a photographer came out to Melanie, who was looking for models with a non-standard appearance. Almost immediately, the photo project attracted attention, and Gaidos began to be invited to shoot more and more often.

Harnaam Kaur

At the age of 11, a young British woman of Indian origin was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome. This pathology provoked intense hair growth throughout the body and on the face: in fact, as if Harnaam was a man. The more desperately the poor girl tried to get rid of her hair, the thicker it became. At the age of 16, she joined the Sikhs (a branch of Hinduism), one of the postulates of whose religion is a ban on hair removal and cutting. The community supported Harnaam and publicized her case: unexpectedly, Harnaam's case attracted the attention of international organizations, and then representatives of the fashion industry. Kaur paid for her studies at a modeling school, and after a while she was already defiling on the catwalk during London Fashion Week. Harnaam's career is on the rise: she is the face of the beauty brand Illamasqua Cosmetics. And she got into the Guinness Book of Records as the youngest female in the world with the longest beard. Today, the length of Harnaam's beard is about 15 cm.

Hoodia Diop

A 19-year-old black native of Senegal struck the world with an unusual skin color even for representatives of the Negroid race: she is not just dark-skinned, she is coal-black! Incredible beauty "ebonite girl", as they called Hoodia, today collaborates with many modeling agencies in Paris and New York.

Tando Hopa

Tando Hop has the opposite: she is an albino. This, however, did not bother many companies that actively invite the girl to shoot. Not so long ago, Tando starred in a Vichy commercial, and there are many more projects ahead. At the same time, Tando does not fully devote herself to the modeling business: she is a fairly successful lawyer who is engaged in the protection of human rights in African countries.

Nikia Phoenix

American model Nikia Phoenix stands out from the crowd: dark skin, natural hair, freckles covering her entire body. The unusual appearance of the girl was noticed by one of the members of the Alternative Apparel firm, which produces branded clothing, at the moment when Nikiya went to drink a cup of coffee in a small cafe. The model became the main face of advertising campaigns for Coca-Cola and Target.

Girls with rich jet-black skin are very popular on social networks and are of interest to modeling agencies.

The title of the most dark-skinned model was awarded Hoodia Diop(Khoudia Diop). Due to her extremely black skin color, she earned the nickname "Melanin Goddess".

The girl's skin is so saturated with black that it feels like it is artificially dyed.

The unusual appearance of Hoodia Diop attracts fashion designers, and she is already on the catwalks of New York and Paris.

For contrast, Khoudia Diop's partner is a white-skinned guy who often keeps her company at photo shoots, playing on the opposition of their appearance.

Niakim Gatwech was born in Sudan and is 24 years old. Now she lives in the USA and became famous for her very dark color, which distinguishes the girl even among her compatriots.

Niakim Gatwech is called the "queen of darkness" and her appearance is used to create unusual photo shoots.

Niakim Gatwech herself claims that “black is the color of strength and pride. Look at me, I'm not like anyone else. And it's not an illusion. This is a gift from God. It is the color of glory and envy. If I wasn't black, I wouldn't be me."

The black model teaches people not to be shy about skin color, no matter how unusual it may be.

She proudly accepts the nickname "Queen of Darkness", which she received in the modeling business and remarks: "Black is beautiful, bold and can be compared with gold.

Behind the account Lola Chuil(Lola Chuil) has about 400 followers on Instagram. A schoolgirl from Los Angeles conquers everyone with her unusual beauty. The girl has jet black skin.

Combined with high cheekbones, blue eyes and naturally plump lips, her appearance is stunning.

Already, Lola Chuil is tipped to be the heiress of Naomi Campbell, they call her black Lolita and Barbie, they predict a dizzying career in the modeling business. While the girl is in high school, she is studying languages ​​and it is not known how her future fate will turn out.

Meanwhile, each Lola Chuil photo with the nickname “black Hannah Montana” on Instagram collects tens of thousands of likes.

Moreover, it is obvious that these are not professional photographs, but ordinary pictures taken in passing, just like that, “for memory”, at home.

Recently, young Senegalese model Khoudia Diop has become an internet star thanks to her unusual charcoal skin. Khudiya became famous thanks to the Colored project, which aims to find people with unusual skin tones. Khudiya's melanin-rich skin has taken the internet by storm and her page is currently in Instagram"Melaniin goddess" (Goddess of melanin) has over 222 thousand subscribers. People are crazy about her natural skin tone, and constantly compliment Khudiya, but her positive attitude and self-confidence give her a special beauty.

Despite her current popularity, Khudiya admits that her dark charcoal skin was once the object of ridicule and mockery.

"Hooligans used to tease me about Darky, daughter of the night and mother of the stars, thinking it was meant to offend me, but you know, I liked all those nicknames," Khudiya said.

At the moment, many African girls use brightening creams to make their skin even a little lighter.

More precisely, in Nigeria 75% of girls, Togo - 59, South Africa - 35%.

This is due to global beauty concepts that are currently dominated by Eurocentric standards.

However, Khudiya does not follow these trends, as she appreciates herself and her skin as they are.

Khudiya wants to teach African women to feel comfortable in their skin

Khudiya surrounded by other models, some of whom also have unusual skin tones

Khudiya once again proved that if you love yourself the way you are, then others will love you too. It seems we all have a lot to learn from this girl.