Dyslexia in younger schoolchildren: types, signs, corrective exercises. Dyslexia. Types of dyslexia. Prevention and correction of dyslexia

Dyslexia in children is a specific developmental disorder of the child, which is expressed in the partial defeat of the ability to write and read. This kind of disease occurs more often in boys than in girls. Scientists and doctors cannot fully determine why this disease tends to develop in children, but they are more inclined to believe that this disease is hereditary.

How dyslexia manifests itself in children: symptoms and forms of dyslexia in the table

Dyslexia is neurological in nature and is clearly manifested in younger students who are completely immersed in learning. It is almost impossible to identify dyslexia in preschoolers, as children are just beginning to learn new skills and may make mistakes when reading and writing.

The main signs of dyslexia in children are:

  • Systematic errors in reading, namely: incorrect pronunciation of letters, substitution of syllables, substitution of sounds, misunderstanding of what was read.
  • Incorrect translation of letters into sounds (decoding of information).
  • Inability to correctly and quickly recognize words.
  • Difficulty understanding basic spelling skills.

Dyslexics also face the following problems:

  • Complete disorganization.
  • Loss of coordination and fine motor skills.
  • Difficulty in perceiving information.
  • Bad memory.
  • With a high level of intelligence, poor reading skills.
  • It is difficult for the child to show the top and bottom, gets confused in the definition of the right and left sides.

The disease is divided into several types, which determine the form of dyslexia. This table provides complete information about the forms of this disease.

Types of dyslexia in children

Type of dyslexia Features of children with a certain type of dyslexia
Phonetic This form of the disease is characterized by an underdevelopment of the functions of the phonemic system, which manifests itself in the fact that the child cannot distinguish sounds that differ in meaning. For example, “house-tom-com” or “saw-linden”. Such children mix sounds and get confused in reading words.
Semantic In this case, the baby cannot understand the read text as a whole or the meaning of individual sentences. This form of dyslexia does not affect reading speed or intelligibility. The child cannot retell the information read and highlight the essence. In this case, the child's thought process is disturbed, since he perceives all the words separately.
Agrammatical This type of dyslexia is accompanied by underdevelopment of speech. The kid incorrectly declines words, illiterately pronounces the end of words. For example, “beautiful day, beautiful girl”, as well as the baby incorrectly uses the ending of the verbs “I am sitting, not sitting; I speak, but I do not speak, ”etc.
Optical For a kid who is studying at school, the greatest difficulty is writing letters that consist of similar elements. For example, "C-O, L-S, N-P."
mnestic With this form of dyslexia, it is difficult for the baby to determine which sound corresponds to a particular letter.

Why is it difficult for a child to read: the reasons for the development of dyslexia in primary school students

The main cause of dyslexia is brain dysfunction, which is accompanied by both biological and psychological factors. It is worth comforting parents by explaining to them that the cause of dyslexia is not in the mental or intellectual abilities of the child, but in the malfunctioning of a certain part of the brain.

Possible causes of dyslexia in a child:

  • Pathologies of intrauterine development.
  • Difficult childbirth, which entailed asphyxia, cord entanglement, placental abruption.
  • CNS damage in a child.
  • genetic inheritance.
  • Head injury, severe blows, concussion.
  • Inhibition of some areas of the brain in a child.

Effective methods for correcting dyslexia in schoolchildren

Ronald Davis Method

The doctor R. Davis, who developed his own system for the treatment of dyslexia, himself effectively overcame this disease. According to the doctor, dyslexics are gifted people who have a rich imagination. This disease was also observed in A. Einstein, Walt Disney, W. Churchill and many other famous personalities who achieved such success not because of dyslexia, but rather thanks to it. This is how Ron Davis describes this disease in his book The Gift of Dyslexia. What is his methodology?

The essence of the technique: help the child start his brain by "turning off" disorientation and learn to perceive the world around him without distortion. This technique helps children fill in the gaps in memory and teach the perception of letter forms. In 99% of cases, the R. Davis method helps children get rid of dyslexia.

The technique consists of complex procedures that help the child overcome dyslexia. The R. Davis technique consists of classes called:

  • Perception Ability . Teaches the child to create mental images and explore the world with the help of the "mind's eye".
  • Switching. Exercises aimed at "turning on and off" disorientation.
  • Discharging and checking. The child learns to discharge the imagination with special exercises.
  • Fine tuning. The kid learns to find a point of orientation.
  • Coordination. The child learns to recognize "right" and "left".
  • Mastering symbols.
  • Easy reading.
  • Mastering symbols in relation to words.

Kornev's technique

A.N. Kornev developed a methodology for the early diagnosis of dyslexia in children in 1982. He proposes to fight the disease through certain tests, such as:

  • Advocacy.
  • Rhythms.
  • Subtest "repetition of numbers".
  • Fist-rib-palm.

Many interesting methods for correcting dyslexia can be found in the books of S. Orton "Disorders of writing, reading and speech in children", M. Critchley "Developmental dyslexia", Z. Mateychek "Disorders of reading formation".

Oksana Makerova, a speech pathologist, identifies the following methodsWorking with dyslexic children:

  • Respiratory, visual and articulatory gymnastics.
  • Method of kinesiology correction.
  • Stimulating massage and self-massage of hands and fingers.
  • Rhythmic speech, music and vitamin therapy.
  • Mirror-symmetrical drawing with both hands.
  • Exercises for the development of visual-motor coordination, operational field of reading, anticipatory perception of the word.
  • Modified visual dictations Fedorenko-Palchenko.
  • Intellectual and educational word games: anagrams, isographs, rebuses, cryptograms, shifters, magic chains, word labyrinths, matryoshka words and others.
  • Search tables for the words "Photo eye".
  • Voiced reading method.
  • Method of verbal anagrams.
  • Automation of operational reading units according to special syllabic tables.

How to conduct classes with children with dyslexia: 3 effective exercises for correction

Correction of dyslexia consists in specially designed exercises that restore oral and written speech gradually. When working with a child, do not load him with a large flow of information, because he will not be able to learn everything at once. The exercises presented below gently and naturally affect the mind of the child.

Exercises to correct dyslexia in children

Exercise "Correction test"

Every day for 5 minutes, provide the child with any text and ask him to cross out the letters you named in it. First, the consonants "a, o, etc." Then the consonants. When the child can clearly cross out the desired letters, complicate the task and offer to circle the vowels (name any), and underline the consonants. For example, circle all "o" in a circle, and underline all "in". Focus on those consonants and vowels that are most difficult for a child. This exercise will allow the baby to memorize letters and save him from mistakes in reading and writing in the future. Should be done every day for 2 months.

Exercise "Ring"

This educational game will help with memory, attention, speech and eliminates the signs of dyslexia. Show the baby the following action: alternately touch with your fingers, locking each finger into a ring with your thumb. Start with the index finger and end with the little finger. Then start the countdown. First, the exercise is performed with one hand, and then with two. You need to deal with a child for 10-15 minutes in the morning and afternoon for two months.

Exercise "Mirror Drawing"

This exercise actively affects the brain, improving its work in general. Place a blank piece of paper in front of your child. Give him his favorite markers or pencils. Start drawing mirror-symmetrical patterns or letters with both hands. First, take on drawing with the baby so that he understands the principle of the exercise, and then let him try to draw something on his own. Exercise should be done daily, without missing a single day.

Dyslexia in children - the opinions of experts and doctors

Dyslexia is a product of thought and a specific way of responding to feelings of confusion ( R.D. Davis)

A child who has difficulty learning to read is not necessarily dyslexic: many children who are slow to learn to read at an early stage successfully catch up with their classmates (on their own or with the help of their parents). But there is a special group of children who experience enormous and persistent difficulties in learning to read, despite normal intelligence, the absence of visual and hearing impairments, and regular school attendance. The ability to master the skill of reading in such children is an order of magnitude worse and lower than the ability to read other subjects. It is this group of children that experts call dyslexics. (Candidate of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical Academy, Vice-President of the Association of Speech Pathologists of St. Petersburg, author of the books "Dyslexia and Dysgraphia in Children" A.N. Kornev)

As such, there is no diagnosis of dyslexia or dysgraphia, they are included in a general group of disorders called "delayed psychoverbal development." Moreover, such a “sentence” cannot be called a disease, it is only a consequence of circulatory disorders of the brain. From my experience, I can say that almost all dyslexic children have problems with the blood circulation of the cerebral vessels, but their diagnosis is carried out too late. The reason for this is the lack of education of our parents and the “old” methods of treating such diseases, because the standard scenario for the actions of parents who notice alarming symptoms in their child is a trip to a pediatrician who sends them to a speech therapist. The best course of action: from the very beginning, fully examine the child (consult with a psychologist, neuropathologist, speech pathologist, psychiatrist), be sure to conduct tomography and ultrasound diagnostics of the brain. Only then can a final diagnosis be made and, depending on the form of the disorder and the degree of neglect, an individual course of treatment be prescribed. Most children manage only corrective therapy. Medical intervention is possible only in severe forms of dyslexia, which is observed in a child in combination with other mental illnesses (with cerebral palsy, autism, etc.). A mild form of "verbal blindness" with timely detection can be eliminated in 3-4 months. ( doctor of the medical center "Truth" I. Babiy)

Dyslexia - problems with reading skills - is not at all as common as it seems. True dyslexia is neurological in nature, and the one that we encounter, as a rule, arises from the fact that it is not customary to read anything in the house at all. It's as if I said that 99% of today's children suffer from the inability to build a fire. And where will they get this ability if they have never seen how their parents make fire? And where will they get reading skills if they never see their parents with a book in their hands?

Most stars (and not only Hollywood ones) spend half their childhood not with a book in their hands, but grimacing in front of a mirror, and then give interviews, complaining about a hard life. Summary: there are many cases of dyslexia, but in most cases this is a pedagogical problem, not a medical one. (pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky)

Prevention of dyslexia - how to teach a child to read correctly

In order to reduce the risk of dyslexia in a child and, it is necessary from an early age to engage in special exercises with him, which are aimed at mastering the norms of literate speech and writing. Prevention of dyslexia should be based on educational games, and not on special lessons of 45 minutes.

Games contribute to the mental development of children, and also help to think, analyze, navigate. It is important for children at the initial stage of learning to show as many images as possible: letters, animals, words. It is easier for them to perceive information visually. All these images are stored in memory, and in the future they will not have such problems as dyslexia. Even in kindergarten, children are always presented with information in the form of pictures and colorful cards.

Games for the prevention of dyslexia

  1. Offer your child the following game: write an easy sentence so that each word is written on different cards. Give the child a sentence and ask him to make it up from the available words.
  2. You can also use the "Write aloud" technique. Dictate to the child a short passage from his favorite fairy tale and watch how he writes. The main thing is that the text that you dictate to him should be liked by the baby.
  3. To develop phonetic abilities, play the game "Find the word" with your child. You must prepare different pictures and sign them on the back. Naming the word, the child must find the corresponding picture. For example, a tree or the sun. You can also collect syllables. Write the names of animals in syllables and ask the baby to add the words. For example, "so-va" or "so-ba-ka".

With such games, you will teach your child not only to read correctly, but also to write, because the visual memory of children is very developed, so it is easier for them to remember everything “by eye”, so to speak.

You may have heard that many children write words in a mirror way. Or they read words backwards, sometimes replacing sounds in them with similar ones. Is this normal for a child? Yes, but sometimes these signs can be a wake-up call. What is dyslexia and what are its symptoms?

Short description

Dyslexia is a disorder of reading skills due to poor formation or decay of some mental functions responsible for the processes of reading and writing. The disorder is expressed in constantly recurring shortcomings in reading and writing.

If considered from the point of view of psycholinguistics, then dyslexia is a violation in the connections of the visual, speech-motor and speech-auditory analyzer. The fact is that reading involves all analyzers, it forces you to gradually turn on visual perception, connecting letters with sounds, merging these sounds into syllables, and then, into words, merging words into sentences, and them into a story.

In this case, there is a gradual processing of information, including not only reproduction, but also understanding of what has been read. If this fails, dyslexia begins to appear.

Forms of dyslexia

There are several classifications of forms of the disease, however, the most common is the one described below. It includes types such as:

  • phonemic;
  • semantic;
  • agrammatical;
  • optical;
  • mnestic;
  • tactile;


The mechanism is based on the general underdevelopment of the functions of the phonemic system. A dyslexic in this case, when pronouncing, confuses sounds that differ in a semantic difference (b-p, s-sh, etc.). There may be a rearrangement of letters and some parts of words in words when reading and writing.


Often referred to as "mechanical reading" due to the fact that the understanding of the read words, sentences and entire texts is impaired. At the same time, the reading itself does not suffer. With semantic dyslexia, words are perceived only partially, which is why their connection with other words in the text is lost.


The form is characterized by changes in case endings, the number of nouns, various kinds of agreements, as well as in verb endings. Most often occurs in children with systemic underdevelopment of speech.


With optical dyslexia, it is difficult for a child to learn and distinguish letters that are similar in spelling. In this case, the letters may differ slightly (C-O, R-B) or consist of similar parts, but with their different arrangement on paper (G-T, P-N).


This form is characterized by difficulties in understanding letters. The child cannot associate sound with a specific graphic image of it.


Maybe only in blind children. It is expressed in problems with understanding the letters on the Braille table.

Causes of dyslexia

Recent studies of the disease have shown a strong influence of hereditary predisposition. Foreign doctors are inclined to believe that dyslexia may be associated with latent left-handedness.

The main cause of dyslexia is brain dysfunction, which can be caused by exposure to some biological factors, for example:

In the perinatal period, dyslexia can cause brain damage which can lead to:

  • maternal anemia;
  • heart disease of the mother and fetus;
  • asphyxia;
  • protracted childbirth;
  • fetoplacental insufficiency;
  • premature detachment of the placenta;
  • entanglement and abnormal development of the umbilical cord;

Toxic lesions of the central nervous system, which could give:

  • alcohol and drug intoxication;
  • hemolytic disease of the fetus;
  • jaundice in a newborn;

Dysfunction can also infectious lesions due to: diseases transferred during pregnancy (measles, rubella, influenza, etc.);

damage the brain mechanically possible with:

  • fruitful manipulations;
  • protracted childbirth;
  • intracranial hemorrhages.

Even if the child did not have any of the above, after birth there is factors leading to delayed maturation of the cerebral cortex which leads to dyslexia. These factors include:

  • neuroinfection;
  • infections like rubella, measles, chickenpox, polio, and the like;
  • severe chronic diseases;

Dyslexia may accompany:

  • mental retardation.

This is due to pathologies of brain areas.

There are also social disadvantages, For example:

  • lack of verbal communication;
  • pedagogical neglect;
  • bilingualism.


It may seem that dyslexics, due to problems with pronunciation and writing, may have a developmental delay. Actually it is not. For all their shortcomings, they are very often talented, sometimes even brilliant people. Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, Marilyn Monroe, Walt Disney, Vladimir Mayakovsky - they were all dyslexics, but this did not prevent them from becoming worthy famous people.

The study of dyslexia has shown that dyslexics:

  1. have a broad outlook;
  2. curious about the phenomena of the surrounding world;
  3. have a great imagination;
  4. have developed intuition;
  5. can evaluate and consider things familiar to us from other angles.

Dyslexia can manifest itself in different ways, depending on the age of the patient. For ease of perception below, the symptoms are divided into several subgroups.

early signs

These symptoms are placed in a separate category, since their presence may indicate a neglected process of the development of the disease. If you notice more than 5-7 of these signs, you should seek the advice of a doctor.

  • changing the order of letters when composing words;
  • unwillingness to read aloud and write essays;
  • changing the order of letters, words or numbers during writing and reading;
  • difficulties with learning the alphabet, multiplication tables;
  • confusion in the simplest orientation (right-left, etc.);
  • inattention;
  • bad memory;
  • difficulty following simple instructions;
  • clumsy grip of the handle;
  • Difficulties in learning spelling and reading principles.

At preschool age

  • Late onset of language development.
  • Difficulties in pronunciation and learning words.
  • Poor memory, especially for words (confuses or cannot remember the right word for a long time.
  • Problems in communication with peers.
  • Problems in mastering the simplest skills of reading and writing.
  • Confusion in the arrangement of words and letters in words, when retelling or telling.

Junior School

  • Problems with decoding words.
  • Replacing some words with others, often similar in sound and meaning (box - box).
  • Transposition and inversion during reading.
  • Reversal of words and letters (uh, etc.).
  • Confusion in arithmetic signs (instead of + -).
  • Difficulty remembering facts.
  • Impaired coordination of movements.
  • Impulsiveness and awkwardness.
  • Slow learning of new skills.

high school

  • The reading level is lower than that of classmates.
  • Persistent unwillingness to read and write aloud.
  • Poor memory, which also affects planning.
  • Difficulties in communication and finding a common language with peers.
  • Poor perception of body language and facial expressions.
  • Poorly readable handwriting.
  • Difficulties with pronunciation and spelling of words.

High school

  • Slow reading with lots of errors.
  • Insufficient writing skills.
  • Problems in retelling, presentation and generalization of the material.
  • Wrong pronunciation of words.
  • Poor perception of information.
  • Bad memory.
  • Slow operating speed.
  • Difficulties in adapting to any changes.


  • Difficulties in the perception of sound and written information.
  • Bad memory, inattention and distraction.
  • Hard to understand pronunciation.
  • Confusion in the sequence of numbers and words, inability to reproduce them in the correct order.
  • Lack of writing skills or their underdevelopment ().
  • Problems with planning and organizing your time.
  • Weak organizational skills.


The diagnostic study begins with a visit to the pediatrician, who, having considered all the signs, should refer the child to a speech therapist.

The speech therapist begins the examination by taking a detailed history, including aspects such as:

  • How was the mother's pregnancy?
  • whether there are genetic predispositions to such diseases;
  • whether the child has congenital diseases;
  • How did the development of the child proceed in the first years of life.

After collecting an anamnesis, the speech therapist finds out:

  • the formation of speech, writing and reading skills in a child;
  • features of the formation of these skills;
  • the state of the articulatory apparatus;
  • state of motor skills;
  • student's progress in Russian language and literature.

After collecting the data, the doctor may perform several tests, including:

  • reading aloud;
  • copying text;
  • listening letter.

Depending on the results of the examination, you may need to consult a neurologist and an ophthalmologist. Hardware examination in this case includes EEG and EchoEG.

Dyslexia Test

Recently, foreign scientists have created a special test for dyslexia, suitable for children from 3 years old. It takes about 10 minutes to complete, and is designed to identify problems in young children who have not even begun preschool education.

The test mechanism is based on the fact that when building words, children are especially attentive to the pronunciation of sounds. If a child has problems with pronunciation, then there may be problems with reading and writing. So, along the way, children can also be diagnosed with dysgraphia.

To diagnose dyslexia, classical tests can also be performed, which take 1.5–2 hours. They are carried out by a speech pathologist.

Treatment and correction of dyslexia

The traditional method of treating dyslexia is speech therapy correctional work. This method involves working on the correction of all pathologies of speech and non-speech processes.

The method of speech therapy correction depends on the specific form of the disease:

  • Optical dyslexia requires work on visual-spatial representation, visual synthesis and analysis.
  • Tactile involves working on the analysis and understanding of schemes and the development of spatial representation.
  • With mnestic, it is necessary to develop auditory-verbal and verbal-visual memory.
  • With a phonemic form, it is required to correct the sound pronunciation, to form ideas about the sound-letter composition of words.
  • Semantic requires the development of syllabic synthesis and vocabulary, to carry out work on the child's assimilation of grammatical language norms.
  • In the agromatic form, work should be carried out on the formation of grammatical systems.

In adult dyslexics, correction methods involve more extended activities. However, in terms of mechanisms, they do not differ from classes with children.

Watch a video that addresses the causes and correction of dyslexia:

The problem of dyslexia is very common among children of preschool and school age. These children have difficulty learning to read and write. Difficulties occur even for those whose level of intellectual development is high, as well as those who do not have problems with hearing and vision. Problems arise in the perception of the written text, there are failures in the coordination of movements, it is difficult to master the spelling basics. Such children end up with hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder.

Children with dyslexia have trouble reading and writing


The root cause of the problem lies in the disruption of the brain, as a result of which psychological and biological factors come into force. Parents should not be afraid that their baby is mentally retarded or has a bad mind. It's all because of the dysfunction of the mechanism of a separate part of the brain.

What are the causes of this disease:

  • diseases during fetal development;
  • complicated childbirth, resulting in asphyxia, cord entanglement and placental abruption;
  • damage to the central nervous system;
  • genetically determined factors;
  • traumatic head injuries, concussion (we recommend reading:);
  • inhibited functioning of certain parts of the brain.

It cannot be ruled out that the general underdevelopment of speech (OHP) or mental retardation (ZPR) will be to blame.

OHP is characterized by a backward development of the sound and semantic aspects of speech, which is manifested in the unformed phonetic, lexical and grammatical skills.

For the most part, complex diseases of ZPR and ONR lead to the appearance of the disease we are considering.

It is ZPR or ONR that can be the cause of dyslexia


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The neurological nature of the disease makes itself felt as clearly as possible during early schooling. Before calculating the presence of symptoms of this disease is almost impossible. Early diagnosis is unrealistic, since children are just beginning to learn new skills (reading and writing), it is absolutely natural for them to make mistakes at first.

The disease can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • the child constantly makes mistakes when reading: he pronounces letters incorrectly, replaces syllables, sounds, does not understand what he read;
  • the child cannot correctly translate letters into sounds;
  • the baby does not know how to recognize words quickly and correctly;
  • the child cannot master elementary writing skills.

In addition, in children with a similar disease, the following disorders occur:

  • total disorganization;
  • dysfunction of fine motor skills and coordination of movements;
  • difficulty in perceiving information;
  • poor memory performance;
  • reading skills at zero, even with a highly developed intellect;
  • difficulties in determining the parties and provisions.

A sign of dyslexia is the inability to read, even with a developed intellect

Types of dyslexia in children

The disease is of several types. They will affect the very form of the disease.

Phonemic dyslexia

With phonemic dyslexia, the system of the language of the same name suffers. Its manifestations consist in the fact that it is difficult for a schoolchild to distinguish sounds that affect the semantic function.

The underdevelopment of a number of functions of the phonemic system makes it possible to divide the disease into 2 forms. So, phonemic dyslexia is expressed in the following violations:

  1. Incorrect reading, which is associated with the unformed perception of phonemes. With this development of the disease, it is difficult for a child to learn letters, and there is also a frequent replacement of sounds that are similar to each other in acoustic and articulatory terms (d - t, w - w, b - p, s - w, etc.)
  2. Incorrect reading associated with underdevelopment of the ability to analyze phonemic sound. This variant of the disease is characterized by such violations: spelling, incorrect combination of sounds and syllables.

With phonemic dyslexia, words can be distorted due to the omission of consonant sounds - for example, instead of “mark”, “mara” is read. It is also not uncommon to insert vowels between consonants, for example, instead of "pasla" - "pasala". There is a violation in the permutation of sounds: instead of "duck" - "fat". With various forms of phonemic dyslexia, syllables can be rearranged and omitted: instead of “shovel”, there can be both “lata” and “lotapa”.

With the manifestation of semantic dyslexia, there is no distortion of sounds, words and sentences, but the child does not understand at all what he is reading about. A similar situation most often occurs when a child reads in syllables. Syllabic reading interferes with the perception of whole words. Children cannot even recognize familiar words if they read them in syllables. The problem lies in the difficulty of synthesizing and restoring fragmented parts into a single whole.

With semantic dyslexia, the child cannot connect the parts into a single whole.

Semantic dyslexia prevents children from doing the following tasks:

  • combine sounds into a single word if these sounds are pronounced separately with short pauses, for example, “w - a - b - a”;
  • read the words and sentences arranged in syllables: “ko-ro-va zhu-et tra-vu”.

The correct perception of sentences is hindered by the insufficient formation of concepts about the relationship of words within a sentence from the point of view of syntax. All words in a sentence appear to the child separately, without connection with other words. Read below to learn how to correct semantic dyslexia.

Agrammatical dyslexia

The grammatical structure of speech in agrammatical dyslexia, as well as the possibility of generalizing syntactic and morphological structures, has a general underdevelopment. This dyslexic variant manifests itself in the following disorders:

  • incorrect case endings and numbers (“from under the bench”, “to the guests”, “dog” - “dogs”);
  • erroneous agreement in case, gender and number of adjectives and nouns (“an interesting fairy tale”, heavy rains”);
  • incorrect formation of the number of pronouns ("all" - "all");
  • erroneous formation of pronouns belonging to nouns (“our panama”, “this museum”);
  • violation of the formation of verb forms of the 3rd person in the past tense (“it was a good day”, “life swept by”);
  • erroneous formation of verbs in different tenses (“spoke” - “says”, “hears” - “heard”).

Who is most likely to develop agrammatical dyslexia? Most often it affects schoolchildren with systemic insufficient formation of speech.

The problem most often affects school-age children.

mnestic dyslexia

All letters with mnestic dyslexia are extremely difficult to learn. Their undifferentiated replacement is associated with failures in the processes of establishing sound-letter connections, as well as with problems in speech memory. When pronouncing, the order is broken, the number is reduced, and sounds or words are skipped. This is how mnestic dyslexia manifests itself.

Letters that are similar in spelling are extremely difficult to remember. They eventually become interchangeable. The letters are mixed, changed to others, similar. All this is the result of the inability to dismember forms at the visual level. Insufficient development of visual-spatial perception and representation is supplemented by failures in the work of visual recognition, synthesis and analysis.

Visuo-spatial perception and recognition are impaired in optical dyslexia. Optical dyslexia makes it somewhat difficult for children to draw simple drawings (repetition from a pattern or writing from memory), but the reproduction of more complex objects leads to inaccuracies if the child draws from a pattern. When drawing complex things from memory, the kid makes mistakes even more often.

With optical dyslexia, the child cannot convey what is intended in the drawing.

The child simplifies the given object, reduces the number of elements, and also violates the arrangement of lines. Children hardly recognize letters if one of them is written on top of the other. The misspelling of a letter is not always recognized by children with a disease of this kind. They cannot add missing elements to the proposed letter.

Children who have started going to school find it very difficult to master the letter of letters that are similar in spelling. As an example, we can name the letters C and O, b and Y, H and P.

Tactile dyslexia

This tactile type of disease is characteristic of blind children. They have difficulty distinguishing tactile Braille. The child begins to confuse letters that are similar in the number of dots, as well as those letters in which the dots are mirrored, for example, E and I, Zh and X, or those that differ by only one point: A and B, L and K.

Blind children with tactile dyslexia are poorly oriented in time and space, and also have a number of other disorders. Among others, we will name a delay in the development of speech.

When reading a word, the child "sees" it separately, without connection with others. There is no general perception of the text, he reads only individual letters. A blind child has difficulty in reading due to the fact that he is constantly forced to look for a missing word or sentence. Misses in reading are caused by frequent substitutions and omissions. Fingers when reading move in jumps, intermittently. All of these features define the concept of "tactile dyslexia".

Tactile dyslexia is characteristic of blind children


To detect the disease, the child must undergo a series of examinations, during which his ability to read, listen and talk is tested. Children must be diagnosed by a psychologist. During this survey, it turns out what are the features of the development of the child and his ability to learn, the most appropriate type of education is selected.

Among other studies, another one is being conducted: how well the child perceives what is read or listened to. It is this type of analysis that makes it possible to conclude which method of learning will be most effective for each particular child. All studies characterize active and passive speech, evaluate language and pronunciation, as well as the work of memory and attention.

The diagnostic activity of a psychologist includes the establishment of an emotional state that affects the difficulty of reading. You can find out this feature by collecting an anamnesis - information from the family "tree", which will list emotional disorders and psychological disorders.

Speech therapists and psychologists use a speech map in their diagnosis. Such a map is universal, suitable for both professional examination and systematic study of the child's speech development. A speech map is able to give a detailed description of the speech of each individual child, which can subsequently help to identify the best options for correcting a speech disease.


At the heart of the treatment of any type of dyslexia, as well as ZPR and ONR, are corrective work on speech therapy. The method has proven to be effective and copes well with the elimination of speech disorders and non-speech processes. The form of dyslexia will determine how it is treated:

  • optical: corrected by active influence on visual-spatial perception;
  • tactile: requires work on learning and understanding patterns;
  • mnestic: should be treated by developing speech, visual and auditory memory;
  • phonemic: corrected by correcting pronunciation skills, as well as by forming an adequate idea of ​​the sound-letter composition of words;
  • semantic: requires learning the norms of language grammar and practicing the skill of syllabic synthesis;
  • agrammatical: requires intensive work on the creation of stable grammatical systems.

Among adults, there are also cases of dyslexia, mental retardation, or ONR. The treatment methodology for them will be somewhat different, they will be engaged in an expanded manner, but in general, the mechanism of exercises is similar to that used in classes with children.

Dyslexia in adults is treated a little differently than in children.


Correction of dyslexia is carried out through medical classes. They mean various techniques and exercises that are aimed at improving the mental and mental health of children:

  • Exercise "Corrector". To work, you will need an arbitrary text with the task for the child to cross out only those letters in the words that you will call him. Start with vowels, then move on to consonants. Once you've mastered this exercise, make it harder. Now invite your child to circle the vowels and underline all consonants. For example, voice the task like this: “Please underline all the “p”, and circle all the “i”. Focus on those sounds that are most difficult for the child. Such an exercise will help the baby quickly remember all the letters, teach them to write and not make mistakes when reading and writing (see also:). It is recommended to engage in at least 2 months with daily workouts.
  • Exercise "Ring". An educational game for the correction of dyslexia is aimed at developing fine motor skills, and also helps to stimulate the work of memory, speech and attention. This task will be a good tool to eliminate the signs of the disease. Each finger in turn should be folded into a ring paired with the thumb. You should start with the index finger and end with the little finger. After completing the action in one direction, begin the reverse action. Initially, do the exercise with one hand, and then complicate it by offering to draw with both hands at the same time. The technique will be effective if carried out daily for 10-15 minutes. The minimum course is 2 months.

"Ring" effectively develops fine motor skills
  • Exercise "Mirror Drawing". The exercise is aimed at activating the work of the brain. To work, you need a blank sheet of paper. Give it to your child, also providing pencils or felt-tip pens. You should simultaneously draw the same mirror figures or letters with both hands. To get started, do this activity with your child. Having mastered his principle, give him the opportunity to do everything on his own. For effective correction, be sure to do this exercise every day!


Correction of dyslexia in younger students can be carried out through dictations. Small texts of 200 characters will be completely untiring for children, which means that the number of errors will be less. You don't need to correct any mistakes. They need to be marked in the margins with a pen of a contrasting color (green or black, but not red). After making notes, let the baby find his own flaws. Such tasks are designed to save the child from mistakes in words and sentences, to speed up the overcoming of the disease.

Articulation training

A good method for correcting dyslexia in preschoolers is when you require the child to read slowly or pronounce words while copying. Give your little one a sense of accomplishment during home games as they need support after all the failures and fails at school. Speed ​​reading is not required. It is a huge stress for a child, even when he reads slowly and makes mistakes. Excessive pressure can only aggravate the situation and cause neurosis.

Reading aloud should be practiced in a playful way without making the child feel like an exercise.

It is important to work not for quantity, but for quality. Do not rush yourself and do not rush the child. It is optimal to write or read little, but with a minimum number of errors. For more ideas on how to work with your child at home, you can watch thematic videos.


Speech therapy sessions with a specialist are of great importance. Treatment in such conditions will be most effective. Game tasks of a speech therapist will be interesting and useful. The child is asked to find a certain letter in a small passage, or for a capital printed letter, a younger student needs to find a capital letter. Another task may be cutting out letters and reading some letter combinations. To work, you need a magnetic alphabet. Such exercises will help the child quickly master the skill of pronouncing sounds and words.

For training, the speech therapist chooses a variety of exercises. Among others - writing a dictation, repeating words over and over again, picking up word forms.

Classes with a speech therapist will help get rid of the problem faster

Prevention of dyslexia

It is possible to reduce the risk of dyslexia and dysgraphia if you do special exercises for prevention. The purpose of such tasks should be to master the basis of literate writing and speech. Prevention of dyslexia is based on the example of games, not lessons. Total duration - 45 minutes:

  1. A game with cards on which one word will be written. From these words, you can make a sentence that you voice. Then you ask the child to build a sentence by ear on their own from the available cards.
  2. For prevention, the “Write aloud” method is good. Read a short passage from a familiar fairy tale to your child and observe the process of his writing. It is advisable to choose a text for dictation that the child would like.
  3. You can develop phonetic skills with the help of the game "Find the word". For work, you will need prepared pictures signed on the back. Having named the word, the baby must independently find a picture that corresponds to it. The word can be anything - for example, "table" or "cloud".
  4. A good game of making words out of syllables. It is necessary to come up with the names of animals or objects by syllables, and then ask the child to make a word out of them - for example, "carrot" or "cat".

Such game tasks for the prevention of dyslexia will help the baby learn to read and write competently. Such exercises are very good, as they are based on visual memory, because it is much easier for a child to perceive “by eye”.

In a broad sense, mnestic dyslexia is a neurological disease, which is based on difficulties in mastering reading and writing. At the same time, the child retains the ability to fully learn. The term "mnestic" means that the patient hardly or does not remember the appearance of the symbols at all ("mnesis" is translated as memory). In a narrow sense, which has developed mainly in Western medicine, dyslexia is a cumulative concept denoting a writing disorder.

The same term exists in pedagogical practice, where the concept of dyslexia means a reading disorder caused by the immaturity of the higher cortical functions of the brain. Reading is accompanied by many similar and repetitive errors.

Syllabic fusion is the foundation on which dyslexia stands. This concept is characterized by a persistent inability to read and write whole words. So, already adult children read and write in syllables. In addition, the disease is accompanied not only by a violation of the actual reading, but also by an incomplete understanding of the essence of the material read.

Reading is a complex psychophysiological process that involves many areas of the cerebral cortex. This means that if these departments are damaged, the child develops dyslexia. There are many factors that can disrupt the performance of higher cortical centers. In general, all causes can be divided into three groups: internal or organic, social and psychological.

Mechanisms of dyslexia

At the heart of violations of reading and writing are damaged mechanisms of auditory-speech memory. At the heart of memorization as a mental function are the processes of formation of associations - neural networks, chains. When information arrives, a chain consisting of individual links is activated. Each link is a specific area in the brain. So, if one or more links are damaged, the integrity of the network is violated, which causes dyslexia.

In a broad sense, in violation of reading and writing, several common mechanisms can be distinguished:


Dyslexia mnestic is a type of reading and writing disorder. In addition to mnestic defects, there are other variants of dyslexia:

  1. Phonemic appearance: a person has difficulty distinguishing the sound component of a syllable and a word. So, the patient confuses words that are similar to each other according to sound information: cold-hunger, door-animal, scarf-skating rink.
  2. semantic option. The essence of the violation is that the child does not understand the meaning of the material read. At the same time, he retains the ability to read and write correctly.
  3. The agrammatical form of dyslexia is manifested by the incorrect grammatical component of the sentence. Also, the semantic and morphological component of speech is partially lost. With this variant of the disorder, altered pronouns and cases are observed in the child's speech.
  4. Optical dyslexia. People suffering from this form have trouble learning similar letters. So, children do not distinguish letters according to their external features: L and M, G and T.

There are other classifications:

According to the level of pathology:

  • literal: the child does not learn letters;
  • verbal: having difficulty reading whole words.

For sensory systems:

Diagnosis of dyslexia

You can suspect dyslexia if you have the following signs:

If you suspect such symptoms in your child, you should first contact a speech therapist. The specialist will assess the level of speech abilities and determine the level of pathology (psychogenic or organic). If the reading and writing disorder is of a psychological nature, a speech therapist, together with a psychotherapist, will begin correction.

When the disease is caused by organic causes, treatment is carried out after consulting a pediatric neurologist and a series of examinations: an objective examination, an electroencephalogram, an echoEG. An ophthalmologist is also involved to determine the cause. Consultation with a psychologist is another way to diagnose. So, the causes of dyslexia can include emotional disorders. The psychologist will be able to identify these problems and give an appropriate assessment.

Dyslexia Correction

The basis for the treatment of the disorder is the activation of all parts of the brain. In the process of correction, specialists try to stimulate the activity of the right hemisphere. At the first stages, the child works with images and spatial thinking. Children sculpt letters from plasticine, cut out numbers from paper, and guess symbols by touch. For the best effect, sensory stimuli are connected to the figure: color, shape, temperature, sounds.

Corrective work of mnestic dyslexia consists of a set of exercises and games. The study of printed letters is most easily given by tracing their contours. Outlines are best outlined with bright colors. Also, letters can be laid out from beads or beads and matches.

The game "wonderful bag" contains a set of exercises. The big letters are in the bag, and the blindfolded child should get them. The child, taking out the letters, calls them.

An exercise on contaminated letters (two existing letters are combined into one non-existent one). The task allows the child not only to learn letters, but also to develop imagination.

Forecast and prevention

Like any disease, the sooner the diagnosis is made, the sooner the effect of treatment will come. It is extremely important at first to notice at least a few symptoms in a child in order to show it to a specialist. With the timely study of speech and written skills, the prognosis is favorable. However, the running variant of the flow does not have a good end.

With age, the human brain becomes less and less trainable, mental processes become rigid. Prevention consists in the constant and purposeful development of the mental functions of the child with the help of ordinary reading and writing.


Cognitive-behavioral therapy is one of the ways to cure a child of dyslexia. In the course of work, the following principles are used:

  • explanation to the child of his illness;
  • providing attention;
  • patience and kindness;
  • praise for the actions performed;
  • stimulation of mental abilities;
  • teach the child to find their own mistakes;
  • observe occupational hygiene: correctly distribute working hours and take timely short breaks for rest.

The concept of "dyslexia" is not familiar to the average person, so when faced with it, many parents panic. Even those families who, before the child entered school, were actively involved in his development, can hear such a diagnosis. An outwardly perfectly healthy baby, who is able to memorize a huge poem, draw a beautiful picture and show a gymnastic trick, may have this specific ailment. It is important for parents to take steps to correct dyslexia as soon as possible.

Dyslexia and its causes

Dyslexia is a neurological disorder or mental disorder in which some structure of the cerebral cortex blocks the work of the analyzer, which is expressed in a violation of general learning and the correct perception of numbers, signs and letters. There are several types of pathology: phonemic, agrammatic, optical, mnestic or semantic.

Violation is found in the preparatory group of kindergarten or in the first grade of school, when the child is trying to learn to read and write. Until 1887, such children were considered unteachable, but the doctor Rudolf Berlin investigated this problem and noted that children with this disorder can have a high IQ and extraordinary abilities.

Dyslexia is found in 4.7% of children entering school. More often, the disorder occurs in boys, as well as in children who use their left hand for writing and have a right-brain type of thinking.

Congenital factors in the formation of dyslexia

Scientists agree that the disorder is often congenital, which is facilitated by the following reasons:

Causes of Acquired Dyslexia

In rare cases, the loss of the ability to correctly perceive signs, letters and numbers is acquired after birth. The problem may appear due to the malfunctioning of a separate part of the brain, provoked by some reasons:

Mechanism of dyslexia

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The skill of reading and writing as a psychophysiological process is possible due to the coordinated work of such brain analyzers as visual, speech-auditory and speech-motor. The human brain, in the process of reading, goes through several stages:

  1. perceives letters, recognizes them and distinguishes them;
  2. correlates them with the corresponding sounds;
  3. puts sounds into syllables;
  4. combines syllables into words, and then into sentences;
  5. understands and comprehends what is read.

With dyslexia, there is a violation of the mechanism of perception or a complete inability to complete any stage due to a particular underdevelopment of mental functions that ensure the normal reading process.

The child cannot reproduce the information that has just been read; when reading, he confuses sounds, rearranging them.

Classification: varieties of dyslexia and their accompanying symptoms

Specialists distinguish several types of such pathology as dyslexia. Parents need to know and understand the features of each of them, because they have specific features that require different diagnostics:

Diagnosis of dyslexia

At an early stage of a child's development, it is already possible to self-diagnose manifestations (especially the phonemic and mnemonic form), indicating a possible predisposition to this pathology. Observant parents should pay attention to the following symptoms, which appear at 5-6 years old, in order to contact specialists in time for further verification and correction:

  • late start of speaking;
  • inattention and unwillingness to read aloud independently;
  • confusion with the definition of top - bottom, right - left;
  • impaired coordination and fine motor skills;
  • clumsy way of holding a pen or pencil;
  • poor memory and slowly replenished vocabulary;
  • replacement of words and letters in the retelling of the viewed cartoon and heard story.

If you notice any symptoms, you need to contact a speech therapist who will collect a detailed description and test according to the method of the Soviet doctor A. N. Korneev. The specialist will ask the child to perform several actions: list the days of the week and seasons, copy the suggested gestures (for example, clap, clench your fist, wave your hand), repeat any logical chains, repeat difficult words, form the plural form for the proposed noun and adjective .

In addition, the child should visit an otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist and neuropsychiatrist to identify problems with vision, hearing and mental development. Genetic predisposition is detected by analysis of the DCDC2 gene.

Correction methods

Dyslexia is a disease that can be completely cured with timely access to specialists (up to 10 years of age), adequate and careful observance of all necessary conditions. Each subtype of pathology can be treated with special exercises in accordance with the manifestation of its characteristic symptoms, slowly and difficultly, but improvement will be in any case.

Modern medicine offers several methods to help solve the problem of dyslexia in a baby:


It will be easier to cope with the problem if you start treatment, prevention and performing simple game techniques at home in advance.

Specialists have developed many tasks that help not only cope with the manifestations of the disease, but also develop the thinking of a preschool child:

Forecast and preventive measures

Parents do not need to be afraid and panic when the doctor says that the child has problems, regardless of the type of diagnosed pathology. At the same time, the kid can show extraordinary abilities in music, drawing, biology and other areas of scientific knowledge. He only needs help to overcome difficulties with reading and writing, which, with persistent correction and application of methods for getting rid of dyslexia, do not interfere with a happy life.

Attentive parents who are worried about the success of their child in school and adult life will develop fine and large motor skills from birth, offer various games to overcome symptoms and mistakes, improve memory, attention and visuospatial function. From early childhood, it is not necessary to deprive the baby of communication with parents, peers and just people around him. Parents should try to speak properly at home, excluding weedy words and foul language.

The mental abilities of children are negatively affected by too frequent “communication” with electronic gadgets and a computer. It is necessary to limit the preschooler's stay near the monitor to 30 minutes or one hour a day.