House from the designer woodland in stages. Best Constructors Polissya rating: photos, specifications, prices, reviews. The constructor and its purpose

Any child should have a constructor, especially a boy. The designer develops creative thinking. Allows you to keep the child busy for a while. And it's just interesting to build something new. Children love it.


Now there are many different designers. We chose constructor Builder from the Polissya factory. They come in different sizes per pack. I took the one with 115 parts. It seems to me that this is the optimal amount, not too much and not too little. It cost me about 270 rubles, I don’t remember the exact price already.


The designer was packed in a transparent bag, tied with a collar. Now, of course, the designer is simply put in a toy basket. The constructor has blocks of different sizes and colors, wheels, spare parts to assemble trailers and a steam locomotive, windows, doors, trees.

child made a house

I liked the designer because the colors are bright, the plastic is of high quality. There are no small details. Only windows and doors have pins to put them in. My child has eaten almost all of them. Apparently, therefore, the age limit is indicated on the designer from 3 years. And no more small details. I think that from the age of two you can play with such a constructor.

Parts from several other Polissya constructors are also suitable for this constructor. So you can buy a few and build a whole city. In the meantime, we get a house, a train with a wagon, planes, turrets.

steam locomotive and wagon

I thought that there should be more wagons in terms of the number of blocks with wheels. And I already wanted to go to the store to change it. But it turned out that the total number of elements of 115 pieces also includes wheels. It’s good that I counted it at home and didn’t have to go to the store.

When a father and son start building something, they lack details. And the husband keeps repeating endlessly that there are few details. To which I promise him to buy a constructor for him personally so that he can play.
In the future, I plan to buy another designer. Have not decided yet, the same or different, in order to build a bigger house. It is convenient that this is how you can buy designers with a different number of parts, and they will fit together. Because children are different, someone will need a small amount, and someone wants to build something on a larger scale.

We have collected for you photos, characteristics, prices and reviews on the Best Constructors Polissya rating.

Polissya Builder 0552 Maxi – 253 (in a bag)


from 605 rub. up to 1686 rubles.

Reviews Polesie Stroitel 0552 Maxi - 253 (in a bag)


There are many details, you can build large objects - a house, a car, etc. Bright colors, odorless plastic.


At least half of the parts with weak fastening. Those. They don't stick at all when put together. It is difficult to build something, everything falls apart - just touch the structure. Some parts with poorly processed plastic - burrs, nicks, etc.

A comment

We really wanted such a constructor, it is our first, there is nothing to compare with. But very disappointed with weak mounts.


Large simple parts, thick plastic, enough variety. You can assemble houses, cars and trains (depending on the specific set)


The pins on the doors and windows are flimsy, if you accidentally step on them, you can throw them away, since there will be nothing to attach them to the openings)). Other props such as figurines of trees, a fence and road signs are useless in my opinion

A comment

The child has been playing with this constructor since 1 year. We have several kits of the designer, so you can assemble a thick house to the waist))
All in all, a good budget toy for a small child.

I am familiar with this type of toy not by hearsay, I myself loved to build and break as a child, but I only liked the designer with large details, and did not like to play with small ones. because it was very difficult to fasten them and then it is even more difficult to disassemble the object of your construction.

Such a constructor is very good, great details from which you can build anything. If a child's imagination works, then he will be able to build anything from the details that are given to him.

I do not like the fact that the child does not keep track of all the spare parts, the boys love to collect.

and then breaking, as well as breaking the building, can be completely accidental, after which the parts scatter throughout the house, that you find them everywhere during cleaning, it's just annoying. You need to understand that the child must be able not only to play, but also to collect all the items of toys behind him, he must know what needs to be cleaned up after himself, so that in the future nothing is left lying around.

This type of construction develops a child very much, helps him to think and build, you can also learn to distinguish colors, count. If a child loves this toy, then he makes sure that none of the spare parts are lost, puts them neatly in the package and saves them.

Video review

Lego CONSTRUCTION Polissya GIANT assemble a tower of giant elements Constructor Polissya builder. Cheap toys.

Colorful, no defects, not expensive, high quality and safe



A very long time ago we looked after ourselves a constructor and even bought it in small quantities at first, but recently we also purchased it additionally. Now we have a lot of elements of the "Junior" constructor from a good manufacturer JLLC "PP Polesie". Honestly, how many have already bought their toys, they are all bright, high-quality and made of good materials. In this set we have 93 elements for the cost of 550 rubles. There were also sets with 53 elements for 380 rubles, and 61 elements for 470 rubles. We decided to purchase the largest set, since building something from these elements is just a joy. The service life of toys is 5 years, but I think if you take care of them, they will last even longer. The elements of this set are compatible with the elements of the designers "Giant", "Builder" and "Super-Mix". If you suddenly have questions about the set, you can easily contact the toy manufacturers by phone or by e-mail. In addition, they have their own website and there, too, a lot of useful information can be found if anything.

After buying the designer, we thoroughly washed them in warm water and only then began to build all sorts of different figures and buildings from them. To the question: "What to build from the constructor?" You can find the answer in the photos that we specially made for those who bought the kit and don't know what to build.

1) Built a garage for cars:

2) We built the tower, the crane and the foundation of the house:

3) We tried to portray a lion cub:

4) And here we have a fish swimming among the algae:

5) Built a baby elephant and a turtle:

In general, you can build a variety of figures and buildings, the main thing is to show your imagination. A child from 3 years old really likes to play with this set and thanks to these constructors he develops his thought processes and imagination. In addition, I can say that such games can positively influence such professions as a builder, design engineer or designer in the future. All the elements themselves are safe, but I still do not leave the child without attention. There were no defects in the set, although it is unlikely that anyone will find at least some defect from this manufacturer. So, dear parents, buy such toys for your kids, let everything develop well for them.