Breathing exercises as a way to improve the course of pregnancy and childbirth. Proper breathing during childbirth. Video of breathing exercises for pregnant women Strelnikova breathing is it possible for pregnant women

One of the key conditions for a painless and easy delivery is proper breathing. It is this technique that is primarily taught in courses for expectant mothers.

Doctors recommend learning to control your breathing from the very beginning of pregnancy, because such exercises, in addition to preparing for childbirth, greatly help your body cope with numerous stresses, improve health, soothe and relax.

Special breathing exercises will help you master the technique of proper breathing.

Unfortunately, pregnancy is perceived by many as a kind of painful condition in which complete rest is needed.

As a result of the lack of any physical activity and inactivity, a woman faces a lot of problems, where the most harmless are weight gain and the inability to put her figure in order after childbirth.

Of course, during pregnancy you should not set sports records, but elementary physical activity is still needed, especially since there are special fitness classes, yoga or aqua aerobics.

However, in any complex there will be breathing exercises - they are usually done before the main complex, but if physical exercises are contraindicated for you (be sure to consult your doctor), then breathing exercises are done separately.

Its benefits cannot be overestimated:

  • Thanks to the technique of proper breathing, you will learn to concentrate your attention and relax, so breathing exercises are often called relaxation exercises - the ability to calm down, get rid of tension, anxiety and relax will be a real salvation for a pregnant woman.
  • Insufficient oxygen supply to the body negatively affects not only your well-being, but also the condition of the baby inside you - by learning to breathe correctly, you will significantly improve blood circulation and increase the amount of oxygen in the blood, which, in turn, will contribute to the full functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems, normalize blood pressure and improve the functioning of all your organs.
  • During contractions, it is very important to breathe correctly - this significantly reduces the pain effect, speeds up the process of childbirth, makes it easier - both for you and for the baby.

The benefits of exercise in the first trimester

You can start exercising literally from the first weeks of pregnancy - this will help your body quickly adapt to the changes that occur to them.

With the help of breathing exercises, you can strengthen your immunity and reduce the manifestations of toxicosis. By starting to breathe properly, you will ensure increased blood circulation in all internal organs, including the uterus, placenta (placental blood flow improves and the fetus receives everything it needs in the proper amount), as well as the intestines.

In the first trimester, many pregnant women complain about poor bowel function: they suffer from constipation, flatulence, bloating, abdominal pain, so it is very important that it works well. Thanks to breathing exercises, you can normalize its peristalsis and forget about problems with the intestines for the entire period of pregnancy.

The importance of gymnastics in the second trimester

When the first trimester is over, and your baby continues to grow day by day in an expanding tummy, the technique will help compensate for the decreasing lung capacity.

As the uterus grows, it begins to take up more and more space, shifting both the diaphragm and all the organs of the abdominal cavity upward, compressing them and making it much more difficult for them to work. That is why there is a decrease in lung volume, and the movement of the diaphragm is also difficult.

Due to these changes, the child may not receive enough oxygen, while his need for it is constantly increasing.

With the help of breathing exercises, you can facilitate the access of oxygen to the placenta and baby, relieve stress from the cardiovascular system, improve the drainage functions of the respiratory tract, strengthen the bronchi and increase the respiratory volume of the lungs.

The need for gymnastics in the third trimester

In the last months of pregnancy, your main task is to physically and psychologically prepare for the upcoming birth.

During breathing exercises, you must learn how to control your breathing in such a way as to be able not to get confused and concentrate at the most crucial moment:

  • it will help you distract from pain and discomfort;
  • facilitate the period of contractions;
  • will allow you to consciously control the process;
  • soften the tension of the perineum and prevent injury;
  • reduce the risk of hypoxia in the child.

By properly distributing efforts, you can relax and tighten the right muscles, so uterine contractions will not be as painful, but at the same time more effective.

As for the benefits of gymnastics in the third trimester, with its help you will be able to get rid of the increased tone of the uterus, jumps in blood pressure, pain in the legs, lower back and back, nervousness and insomnia.

Features of mastering the technique of proper breathing and precautions for a pregnant woman

Breathing exercises are practically the only type of activity for which there are no medical contraindications. On the contrary, doctors recommend mastering the technique of proper breathing for all pregnant women and not only.

However, it is necessary to distinguish between static and dynamic gymnastics. Expectant mothers are often advised exactly the static type of exercises, since they do not require any movements, are performed in a comfortable and relaxed position and do not pose a danger;

As for dynamic gymnastics, one of the most well-known methods is Strelnikova’s paradoxical breathing exercises, then she may have certain contraindications (threatened abortion, placenta previa, etc.), because when doing exercises you will need to make quite active movements that can cause miscarriage or premature birth.

If you want to do such gymnastics, then you should definitely consult with your doctor.

Otherwise, you will need to follow only simple rules.

  • Gymnastics should be done daily, doing exercises, as a warm-up before the main complex or as a relaxation.

Ventilate the room well before class. It is better to set aside time for exercise in the morning, but keep in mind that at least an hour must pass after eating.

  • You can start with five to ten minutes, gradually increasing the workout time to half an hour, but no more than that, because if oxygen saturation is too sharp, your body may react with the appearance of dizziness and weakness or a drop in pressure.

In general, the breathing exercises themselves will take you all the same ten minutes, and the rest of the time will be spent on pauses for rest, relaxation between exercises, and breathing warm-up.

  • Your classes should bring you pleasure, so if you experience the slightest discomfort or discomfort, it is better to stop training or take a break.
  • Try to relax completely during the exercise, do not be distracted by anything and do not talk.

For an emotional mood, you can turn on calm melodic music.

  • Do everything slowly and calmly, without sudden movements.

Remember that you need to breathe through your nose, with the exception of only a few exercises.

  • Perform breath holding exercises very carefully - it should not be long so that the child does not experience a lack of oxygen. Many complexes recommend avoiding such exercises.

If you doubt your abilities, then spend the first workouts with a trainer to understand how and what exercises to do. Then you can do them at home on your own.

A lot of useful information about breathing exercises for expectant mothers, as well as some exercises, are presented in this video.

An approximate set of breathing exercises for expectant mothers

In the process of doing gymnastics, you will need to master different types of breathing: chest and diaphragmatic (also diaphragmatic or abdominal), shallow, deep and full, jerky and rhythmic.

Each exercise should be repeated up to eight to ten times - in several cycles, making pauses between them to rest a bit.

  • Do a warm-up at the start of your workout.

Turns and tilts of the head, circular movements of the head, raise and lower the shoulders, circular movements of the shoulders, while inhaling, take the shoulders back and try to open the chest as much as possible so that the shoulder blades come together, and while exhaling, return them back.

  • Practice abdominal or diaphragmatic breathing.

To do this, place the palm of one hand on your stomach, and the other on your chest. After exhaling, take a deep breath, but not with your chest, but with your stomach (check yourself so that the hand lying on the chest remains motionless). The abdominal muscles should work, but not overstrain, you just have to, as if massaging the internal organs with your stomach while breathing.

  • Practice chest breathing.

The meaning is the same as in the previous exercise, but now you need to breathe with your chest, that is, while inhaling, the stomach remains motionless, and the chest moves. Then, spreading the elbows to the sides, place the palms of the hands on the ribs so that the fingers are connected. When you inhale, your elbows should slide out to the sides and your fingers should separate while your stomach and chest remain motionless.

  • Perform a deep or harmonious breathing exercise.

Inhale slowly, successively filling the stomach with air first (it will seem to protrude), then all the sections of the lungs - from the lower to the upper (the chest should expand to the sides), and finally the chest, which will rise up. Just exhale slowly, relaxing all the muscles in reverse order.

  • Now try the shallow breathing exercise.

Here, only the upper part of the chest will be involved, and the stomach remains motionless. Inhalation is the same duration as exhalation, breathing is light, fast, silent and rhythmic.

  • Very useful is the exercise for intermittent breathing, it is also known as "doggie".

The essence of the exercise is to imitate the breathing of a dog that is hot: you need to open your mouth and stick out your tongue, and then inhale and exhale noisily and quickly in a rapid rhythm (one breath and exhale per second). Breathing is carried out by the upper part of the chest. This skill will be very useful to you in the process of childbirth and will help relieve pain.

  • The following exercises are excellent for training the respiratory system.

Inhale, holding your breath for a few seconds, and then slowly exhale through closed teeth (with your mouth closed) - you will get a special hissing sound when you do this. Then try to imitate blowing out a candle by exhaling through the lips extended into a tube (the exhalation will be longer than the inhalation).

  • rhythmic breathing.

You can train on two-phase, three-phase and four-phase exercises - while taking a deep breath (from four to six seconds), you need to hold your breath for two to three seconds, in the third phase, exhale deeply through your mouth (this should also take four to six seconds), and on fourth, hold your breath again for two or three seconds.

  • If you are a little familiar with qigong practices and hatha yoga, you can use voice accompaniment: sing the “Om” mantra, concentrating the sound behind the sternum, or simply mumble softly on the exhale with your mouth closed.
  • At the end of the session, just relax and unwind.

As for the paradoxical gymnastics of Strelnikova, it is used to treat a number of diseases. It was called "paradoxical" because when you inhale here, the chest should contract, and when you exhale, it should expand.

Pregnant women are recommended to practice this technique from the second trimester, if there are no contraindications (threat of interruption, bleeding, high blood pressure). There are also some restrictions on certain exercises. In any case, you should first consult with your doctor.

Breathing exercises will be useful to you throughout the entire period of pregnancy and will provide significant assistance during childbirth. The main thing is to practice regularly and do all the exercises correctly.

Breath according to Strelnikova kitusha wrote in July 9th, 2010

It was created at the turn of the 30-40s as a way to restore the singing voice, because A.N. Strelnikova was a singer and lost him. By activating nasal breathing, gymnastics provides a high level of oxygen supply to the whole body, improves metabolic processes, and improves immunity. (Indications: diseases of the respiratory, cardiovascular and digestive systems, stuttering, neuroses. Gymnastics relieves fatigue, removes depression, increases sexual activity). Observed improvement functions of the liver, digestive system, disappearance of headaches. Edema is removed, pressure is regulated (especially low), sugar (if elevated), angina pectoris disappears.
It is useful to know that breathing during pregnancy has some features:

A) The growing uterus shifts the abdominal organs and the diaphragm upward, which leads to a decrease in lung volume.
B) The chest expands, the minute volume of breathing increases.
C) The need for oxygen increases after the 24th week of pregnancy.
D) More frequent and shallow breathing is characteristic (the so-called physiological hyperventilation)

Therefore, it is also very suitable pregnant!

How to perform - short, sharp and noisy breaths through the nose are performed simultaneously with movements that compress the chest (with an absolutely passive exhalation, the mouth is slightly open, exhalation occurs mechanically after inhalation), this enhances internal tissue respiration and increases the absorption of oxygen by tissues, and also irritates that vast zone of receptors on the nasal mucosa , which provides a reflex connection of the nasal cavity with almost all organs. That is why this breathing gymnastics has such an unusually wide range of effects, it helps with a lot of various diseases of organs and systems.
You should always start the exercise on the left. Do 2 hours before or 2 hours after meals.

The main complex consists of the following exercises:





    "Hug your shoulders";

    "Big pendulum";

    "Turns of the head";


    "Pendulum head";

    "Rolls" with the right foot in front:

    "Rolls" with the left foot in front;

    "Forward step";

    "Back step".

The norm of each exercise is 3 “thirty”, i.e. 3 times for 32 breaths-movements. This is 96 breaths-movements, or Strelnikov's "hundred".

Do the whole complex at each lesson (and not several “hundreds” of one exercise). Exercise in the morning (30 minutes) and in the evening (30 minutes). If you feel unwell, do Strelnikov's breathing exercises several times a day. And you will feel better. Do not change the order of the exercises of the main complex. Any deviation from the rules will not allow you to achieve the positive therapeutic effect that you expect to receive from our gymnastics.


  • During pregnancy (starting from the 6th month), as well as urolithiasis, do not raise your knees high. If there are any difficulties, it means that a lot of air is taken during inhalation. Remember: the breath should not be voluminous, but active. A sign of the correct exercise is tingling and dryness in the nose, redness of the eyes, slight dizziness.

More dignity!

The famous surgeon-otorhinolaryngologist, doctor of medical sciences, professor Valentina Alexandrovna Zagoryanskaya-Feldnam wrote:
“For more than thirty years I have been observing the magnificent therapeutic effect of Strelnikov’s breathing exercises in singers and actors with various diseases of the vocal apparatus. It is useful for everyone and at any age, especially children, with frequent colds and acute respiratory infections. By improving the overall metabolic processes, this breathing exercise strengthens the entire body of the child, makes him healthy.

Breathing exercises relieve fatigue, invigorate, increase vitality, improve mood, memory, which is especially important for schoolchildren.

Gymnastics Strelnikova helps to get rid of stoop, forms a light, springy gait, makes the body more flexible and plastic.

With regular training, you can achieve excellent results in adolescents suffering from scoliosis. It gives a very good effect with progressive myopia: gymnastics either stops the deterioration of vision, or improves it by 2-3 diopters.

Strelnikov's gymnastics has an excellent strengthening and tonic effect on the genitourinary system of children and adolescents: it eliminates bedwetting. In girls, it helps to normalize the menstrual cycle, often helps with algomenorrhea (painful menstruation).

Strelnikovskaya breathing exercises have a good therapeutic effect in case of varicose veins of the spermatic cord in adolescents and young men. When using special additional exercises, phimosis and cryptorchidism are eliminated. In the vast majority of cases, it is this gymnastics that contributes to the normalization of sexual function.

Bearing a child in many families is perceived as a condition similar to a serious illness. Therefore, households are trying to protect the future mother from any stress and unnecessary activity, which is completely wrong. Inactivity is recommended for pregnant women only in cases where there is a real threat of interruption. In the later stages, rest and rest is recommended for mothers who are at risk of premature delivery. But if the gestation proceeds fully, then it is quite possible for mothers to do positional and breathing exercises for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester. Of course, you don’t need to focus on training. It's just enough to go about your normal daily activities and devote some time to the breathing techniques that many pregnant women combine with yoga.

It is useful for expectant mothers to breathe sea air

The third trimester is the final stage of intrauterine development of the crumbs, so more attention should be paid to preparatory activities for delivery. That is why, in addition to traditional gymnastic exercises, breathing exercises are recommended for pregnant women, which helps during contractions. The beginning of active growth of the tummy falls on the 2nd trimester, and by the last trimester it reaches an impressive size, so at this time most of the gymnastic exercises for moms become impossible.

In order not to harm the baby, during pregnancy in the 1st trimester, as well as during the second and third gestational stages, it is forbidden to perform any exercise on the abdominal muscles, weight training equipment or jumping are contraindicated. Sharp movements are also prohibited; when changing the position of the body, you need to move smoothly and slowly, while avoiding pressure on the tummy.

If during the training there were unpleasant or painful sensations, the heart beat faster than usual, or there was severe shortness of breath, you need to stop exercising, restore breathing and relax. Any training should bring mommy pleasure, joy, only then they will work for the good.

The benefits of breathing exercises

Very important in prenatal preparation is given to the mother's ability to maintain peace of mind, maintain peace and self-control in critical, stressful situations. Breathing exercises help to cope with psycho-emotional, nervous overexcitation, mood swings and excessive irritability, which also improve well-being, have an analgesic effect during the labor period of childbirth. Breathing exercises are useful and this is a fact:

  • It helps to get rid of anxiety, makes the body relax;
  • The activity of all intraorganic structures is stimulated and significantly improved;
  • Due to the ever-increasing uterus, the working lung volume decreases, and breathing exercises help to breathe correctly, increasing the supply of oxygen to the fetal bloodstream, as a result, nutrition and oxygen are actively supplied to both the mother and the fetal organisms;
  • Against the background of proper respiratory activity, there is a noticeable improvement in the functionality of blood circulation and the cardiovascular system;
  • If you start practicing breathing exercises already in the 1st trimester, then such exercises will help minimize toxic ailments;
  • Breathing techniques teach to relieve nervous tension and relax;
  • It helps to strengthen the immune defense, normalize blood pressure, cleanse the bronchopulmonary system.

Breathing exercises help relieve stress and calm down. Mommy has the opportunity to do something pleasant, mentally imagining her future baby. Such breathing exercises help to relax, improve well-being and blood circulation, placental nutrition, which favorably affects the condition of the crumbs.

Gymnastics techniques

There are several types of breathing exercises: dynamic and static. The dynamic technique is complemented by a certain motor activity and is not always suitable for late gestational periods. The static technique involves performing elements in a comfortable and relaxed position, therefore it has no contraindications and is safe for the third trimester.

For the correct implementation of special techniques, it is advisable to consult a specialist.

Experts identify several common gymnastics methods for pregnant women, the most popular of which is the Strelnikova program. This technique is clear and easy to use, contributes to the supply of oxygen to all intraorganic structures, improves material exchange processes and increases the immune status.

A special advantage of the Strelnikova program is its high effect, which is manifested in the normalization of pressure, the elimination of depressive states and fatigue, and if classes are carried out regularly, the frequency of catarrhal pathologies decreases many times. Experts recommend starting breathing exercises from the first days, as soon as mommy finds out about her situation.

In the presence of uterine tone, breathing exercises help eliminate tension in the myometrium of the uterine body and relieve mental stress, improve mood and vitality. With hypertonicity, you can perform two types of gymnastics: active and passive. Active involves the presence of a light load, and passive is carried out in a relaxed position and a comfortable position.

The essence of breathing training during gestation is calm and shallow breathing, which is gradually deepened, making the inhalation / exhalation more complete and deep. When performing this technique, the muscle structures of the diaphragm and the press are included in the work. These workouts can be successfully combined with swimming, Pilates or yoga for pregnant women.

Strelnikova complex

The gymnastic complex, developed by Alexandra Strelnikova, is effective not only for pregnant women, but also helps to overcome many childhood diseases, stuttering, ailments like asthma, and heart problems. The basic program includes 12 simple elements to perform.

  1. Hands. Warm-up exercise. Stand up, bending the limbs at the elbows, place the palms with the inner side away from you. When inhaling, the palms are tightly squeezed, while exhaling, relax, with this exercise only the fingers work.
  2. Shoulder straps. Get up, hands at your sides. Bend your arms, pressing your fists to your stomach. Tighten your arms and shoulders, inhale, sharply unclenching your fists and lowering your arms down. As you exhale, return your hands clenched into a fist to your stomach and tighten your shoulders.
  3. Cat. Stand with a straight back, legs slightly apart, arms at your sides, but bent at the elbows. On inhalation, you need to sit down a little and turn to the side, as if grabbing air with your hands, while exhaling, smoothly return to and. n. Perform, alternating turns in different directions.
  4. Pump. Stand straight, stretch your arms at the seams, lower your head, rounding your back. Slowly lean forward as far as the pregnant woman's tummy allows, but not more than 90 °. At the end point, quickly inhale and return back without straightening your back.
  5. Ears. This exercise is done sitting or standing. You need to tilt your head, trying to reach your shoulder with your ear. Inhale to bend, exhale to come back. Only the neck should work when performing this element.
  6. Pendulum head. An element is performed by analogy with the ears, only tilts are performed forward / backward.
  7. Head turn. Perform the exercise while standing and with a straight back. While inhaling, turn the head to the sides, exhaling between turns.
  8. Hugs. Stand up straight with a straight back, bend your arms at the elbows, raising them as if at a desk. When inhaling, they grab the left shoulder with the right hand, and the right shoulder with the left, so that the elbows come together at a point.
  9. Big pendulum. This element combines the hug exercise and the pump. On one breath, the girth of the shoulders is performed, then on the exhale they take and. p., on the second breath they make a pump, on the exhale again and. P.
  10. Rolls. Stand up straight with your foot slightly forward. On inspiration, load all the weight on the limb extended forward, which should sit down a little. On the exhale - and. n. Perform alternately for the left / right leg.
  11. Step forward. It's like walking in place. At the first breath, raise the leg bent at the knee to the stomach, sit down on the other. On the second breath, the legs change.
  12. Step back. Similar to the previous exercise, only the limb is pressed against the buttock, and on the second they squat.

Daily performance of the elements of the Strelnikova complex will help strengthen the immune status and increase protective functions without additional intake of any vitamins and immunostimulants.

Other elements of gymnastics

With the favorable development of gestational processes, breathing exercises can be started from the earliest possible dates. For pregnant women, in the absence of contraindications, physical education is very useful, and if you supplement it with elements for breathing training, then the benefits of such exercises will increase many times over. In the later stages, when mommy is already at the finish line and is already pretty tired of being overweight, swelling and aching back, such workouts will help to relax, and in the future will facilitate and anesthetize delivery. Experts offer several common breathing techniques.

In any case, the most important thing is not to overdo it.

It is necessary to take the most comfortable position, even lie down, placing a small elastic roller under the limbs. Slowly inhale through the sinuses, as if filling the abdominal cavity with air. Hold for 3-5 seconds, then slowly release the air, but through the mouth. During the execution of this element, all muscle structures must be relaxed as much as possible. This is a chest breathing technique.

There is also diaphragmatic breathing, in which you need to quickly inhale air through the nose, sticking out the stomach forward, while the chest should remain immobilized. Hold your breath for a couple of seconds, then slowly exhale.

Four-phase breathing is another effective element of breathing training. You need to slowly inhale for 5 seconds, hold your breath for a couple of seconds, then exhale also for 5 seconds and again linger for 2-3 seconds. Perform the exercise for 2 minutes.

Dog breathing helps a lot with contractions. To train him, you need to sit comfortably and breathe often, superficially and quickly through your mouth. This technique helps to relax all the muscles and anesthetizes with too intense contractions.

Training Rules

In the process of performing breathing gymnastic training, you should monitor the breath holdings, they should not be too long so that the baby does not accidentally experience a lack of oxygen. You need to do half an hour a day.

For classes, it is recommended to choose the most comfortable clothes that do not constrain the tummy, and ventilate the room in advance. After eating, it is better not to exercise, wait at least a couple of hours. The most optimal time for training is the period of 16-19 hours.

Other workouts in the 3rd trimester

In the third trimester, the tummy becomes very large, therefore, physical exercises are selected with reduced loads. At this stage of gestation, the goals of physical education for pregnant women are of preventive importance and are aimed at preventing the development of hemorrhoids, hyperedema and varicose veins, as well as at supporting general organic tone.

If during exercise the pregnant woman does not feel well, feels unwell, discomfort and other unpleasant manifestations, then it is better to refrain from training, limiting herself to walking and breathing exercises.

Do not engage in extreme, overly active sports that can provoke injury. Yes, it is better not to be zealous with stretching, because the articular-ligamentous structures under the influence of hormones are too extensible and can easily be damaged.

Positional gymnastics

In the last trimester, patients are often recommended positional gymnastics, which does not apply to breathing, but at the same time perfectly trains the mother’s respiratory structures, helps to effectively prepare muscle tissues for the upcoming birth loads, training the pelvic, dorsal and oblique muscles. The complex positional program includes fairly simple elements.

For example, a butterfly. When performing this element, it is necessary to sit comfortably on the floor, bringing the limbs of the foot to the foot. It is necessary to slightly press on the knees, stretching the step muscles.

Another popular exercise is the cat. When it is performed, the load from the lumbar-dorsal region is removed, mothers feel real relief. You need to sit on all fours, rounding your back with an arch, and press your chin to your chest. Then you need to throw your head back, at the same time bending your back down, like a cat.

Very useful in the last trimester and knee-elbow gymnastics, when from and. on all fours, you need to get down on your elbows and stand in this position for about 10 minutes. This element of positional gymnastics helps to relieve pressure and tension from all intraorganic structures of the mother.

In order not to swell the brushes, it is useful to collect the palms in the castle and rotate the brushes for 3 minutes. From swelling in the legs and varicose veins, rotation of the feet helps. If the baby has taken the wrong position, then doctors recommend from the knee-elbow position to perform alternate leg raises to the sides, more often to perform the cat exercise. There is no need to worry too much, panic and become depressed if, after several workouts, the baby does not roll over, very often the children take the correct head position a couple of days before the upcoming delivery.


Mommy should clearly understand that such loads, both physical and respiratory, will go to the baby and herself exclusively for the good. Do not beware of light physical exertion, even at the last stage of gestation. With the correct implementation of the recommended exercises, mommy will only feel better, more cheerful and cheerful.

With the regular performance of such simple, but at the same time highly effective exercises, the immunity of the pregnant woman will noticeably strengthen, the body will always be on an active wave. In order to avoid undesirable consequences, it is recommended to discuss all exercises and the safety of their implementation with the obstetrician-gynecologist leading the pregnancy.

This gymnastics has a long and glorious history. It was created over 80 years ago and was a method to restore the voice of a professional singer. It was this fate that befell Alexandra Strelnikova, who became the author of this technique.

Method of Alexandra Strelnikova

This gymnastics is not just an invention of the mind of an ordinary woman. The state patent for the technique was obtained back in 1972, and Alexandra Strelnikova received a copyright certificate for it under the number 411865.

Since then, Strelnikova's gymnastics has become famous not only in our country, but also abroad. As it turned out, it is also used in many Western clinics, because it has an amazing healing effect on the body.

As a result, the technique turned out to be useful not only for opera and pop performers, but also for people suffering from various ailments. In particular, Strelnikova's breathing exercises for pregnant women have become almost a standard procedure for a modern woman in labor.

Evaluated its effectiveness and pregnant women. Not surprising, because this gymnastics helps to normalize blood pressure, reduce joint pain and temperature, improves vision and significantly increases efficiency. Strelnikov's gymnastics is also very effective for postpartum depression.

This method allows you to improve the entire body through a unique approach. It lies in the fact that a short and noisy breath through the nose is performed simultaneously with movements that are designed to compress the chest.

As a result, this ensures the training of the muscles of our respiratory organs, which are saturated with oxygen. At the same time, metabolic processes in the cells are activated, and the vital indicator of lung capacity rises up to 30%.

Exercise helps to saturate the blood with oxygen, thereby lowering blood pressure. Moreover, Strelnikova's gymnastics also contributes to the internal strengthening of blood vessels.

The work of the cardiovascular system improves, the hormonal background and the work of the organs responsible for the production of hormones normalize.

Gymnastics is useful not only for the mother herself, but also for her baby, whose immunity is being strengthened. And of course, Strelnikova's breathing will help mom prepare for the birth itself.