Essential oils for the body. Fragrant baths, massages and body scrubs with essential oils. Essential oils: we use for health, beauty and household purposes

Nature provides man with a real treasury for restoring the beauty of the body. These are essential oils that are extracted from various aromatic plants. How to properly apply essential oils for the body and legs is described in the material on this page. Homemade recipes for creams, scrubs and other nutritional formulations are given.

Homemade foot cream recipes with essential oils

Essential oils for feet act on biologically active points located on the feet. A foot cream recipe can be used to solve a variety of problems. The following are homemade foot cream recipes using essential oils.

Oil against excessive sweating of the feet. To 1 tablespoon of any vegetable oil, add 3 drops each of thyme and sage essential oils, as well as 2 drops of rosemary oil. Rub the resulting oil into the feet daily before going to bed.

Cream nourishing. Cocoa butter (10 g), beeswax (6 g), coconut oil (20 ml), St. John's wort oil (25 ml) put in a glass jar and put in a water bath. After dissolving all the components, add hot mineral water 50 ml (50-60 degrees). Beat everything thoroughly with a mixer until a homogeneous mass is obtained. When the mixture has cooled, add essential oils: 5 drops of lavender oil, 4 drops of lemon oil, 3 drops of marjoram oil and 7 drops of tea tree oil.

Instant nourishing cream. To one teaspoon of body cream, add 2 drops each of orange and lavender essential oils, as well as a drop of nutmeg oil and 4 drops of ylang-ylang oil.

Aromatic peeling. Mix 10 g of olive oil with 1 teaspoon of table salt and 5 drops of lavender oil. Massage your feet thoroughly after removing corns twice a week. Then rinse off with warm water.

Ways to use essential oils for the body

Body oil is used both in everyday life, in the organization of care, and in solving specific problems. The method of applying body butter depends on the condition of the skin. The following is about the use of essential oils for the body in various situations.

Essential oils are used for body care in the same way as for facial skin care. They can be used by adding to baths (5-7 drops of oil per bath, after diluting the oil in 1 tablespoon of an emulsifier - milk, honey, sea salt, etc.). During massage: 6-8 drops of oil per 15 g of the main massage agent. In the bath, sauna: 6-8 drops per room of about 15 m2. Or by adding 2 drops of oil to 15 ml of body cream.

We tighten the skin after childbirth or sudden weight loss. Regularly lubricate problem areas of the body after a shower with the following composition: to 2 teaspoons of jojoba oil and 1 tablespoon of hazelnut oil, add 2 drops of rosemary essential oil, 3 drops of petitgrain oil and 3 drops of anise essential oil.

For the beauty of arms and shoulders. To a mixture of a tablespoon of hazelnut oil and 2 teaspoons of jojoba oil, add 2 drops each of petitgrain and peppermint essential oils, as well as 5 drops of rosemary oil and 4 drops of limette essential oil.

Recipe for oil and folk remedies for stretch marks after childbirth

Stretch marks after childbirth folk remedies can only mask and make more invisible. The following is a stretch mark oil recipe that you can use at home.

Mix essential oils of neroli, petitgrain, lavender, limette and mandarin in a ratio of 1:2:2:1:2. Apply the resulting mixture to problem areas of the skin and leave it as a mask for 15 minutes, after which, gently massaging, rub the wheat germ oil.

Get rid of scars and scars. To 2 tablespoons of any vegetable or cosmetic oil, add 2 drops of geranium and rosemary essential oils, as well as a drop of lemon and lavender oils.

Mix everything thoroughly, rub into the damaged areas of the skin several times a day.

For the elasticity of the skin of the thighs. Mix 1 tablespoon of cosmetic jojoba oil and 10 drops of neroli essential oil with 1/2 cup of olive oil. Store the bottle in the dark. Rub nourishing oil into the skin of the thighs and buttocks every evening.

We fight cellulite. Take a tablespoon and add 2 drops of lavender, eucalyptus and essential oils to it. Massage problem areas of the skin every two days after a shower.

How to use body butter

Here's how to use body butter for luxurious results. After exposure to the sun, shower, bath or sauna, rubbing with avocado oil is useful. It should be applied to a damp body. It softens the skin, promotes the regeneration of damaged skin areas, eliminates peeling and redness. For more benefits, add 15 drops of lavender essential oil to 6 teaspoons of oil.

We tighten the stomach. To 1.5 tablespoons of cosmetic grape seed oil, add 4 drops of fennel essential oil and 7 drops of petitgrain oil. After a shower or bath, rub the oil into the skin of the abdomen, massaging it in a clockwise direction. Residual oil should not be removed within 30 minutes.

Oil for elastic breasts. To 2 teaspoons of jojoba oil and a similar amount of wheat germ oil, add essential oils: geranium (2 drops), fennel (4 drops), limette (1 drop) and hops (2 drops).

The resulting mixture is regularly rubbed into the skin of the chest after a shower. It is better for pregnant and lactating women to refrain from using this remedy. You can use a simple blend of jojoba and wheat germ oils without the addition of essential oils.

Breast firming tonic. In one glass of water (preferably mineral), drip the following oils: 2 drops of ylang-ylang, 1 drop of hops, 1 drop of fennel and 4 drops of geranium.

Store the resulting tonic in a tightly closed container. Wipe the skin of the chest daily with a cotton swab dipped in this composition.

Nourishing oil for normal skin. In 75 ml of soybean oil, add 10 ml of avocado cosmetic oil, as well as 20 drops, lemon - 2 drops, geranium - 1 drop.

After bathing or showering, apply a little of this oil to the palms of your hands and massage thoroughly into damp skin.

Moisturizing oil for dry skin. To 2 teaspoons of avocado oil and the same amount of cosmetic almond oil, add 60 ml of soybean oil, as well as essential oils: 5 drops of geranium and lavender oils and 20 drops of tea tree oil.

After a bath or shower, apply a little oil to the warmed body and rub it thoroughly into damp skin.

An all-in-one moisturizing body milk. Melt the wax (4 coffee spoons) in a water bath with vegetable oil (120 ml of almond or apricot cosmetic oil). Remove from heat and carefully add mineral water (120 ml) and then essential oils: neroli - 4 drops, petitgrain - 4 drops, orange - 5 drops, bergamot - 3 drops, geranium - 2 drops, rosewood - 2 drops. Also add 12 capsules of vitamin E oil solution. Whisk until smooth. The composition is stored for two weeks.

Aromatic massage oil. Melt 3 tablespoons cocoa butter (shavings), 1 tablespoon shea butter and 1 teaspoon peach butter in a double boiler. When the mixture has cooled, add 5 drops of lemon, bergamot, grapefruit essential oils, and 1-2 drops of ylang-ylang oil. Pour the mixture into a container and store in the refrigerator.

1 year ago

BeautyHack editors tested 22 bestselling oils and delivered their verdict.

Body Butter, Bio Oil

Xenia Wagner

I heard about this oil from Tutta Larsen and many of my mom friends, they all praised it as a super remedy for stretch marks during pregnancy. But I tested it not in "pregnant", but in beach mode - I took it with me on vacation to the Crimea. The first thing I liked was the absence of a pungent smell, which is typical for many oils. The second is lightness: it is not viscous, but almost like water. The third is a compact bottle made of lightweight plastic (great for a vacation suitcase). And of course, the result is fast absorption without any film and skin like a peach. Solid softness, tenderness and no "pancake" effect, when the skin shines obscenely. The composition of the product includes a complex of oil pomace of chamomile, calendula, rosemary, lavender, as well as vitamins A and E.

Price: 499 rubles.

Huile Mirific Gold Body Butter, Guinot

Tested by the Creative Director of BeautyHackXenia Wagner

Let's start with the fact that Guinot is a serious brand of care, procedures on which have been done in Moscow almost since the late 90s (I remember how, as a high school student, I went through their institute near Arbatskaya when I was walking from school). Therefore, the formula a priori inspires confidence - you can not be afraid of comedones or "overdrying" that low-quality oils sin. But the main word to describe Huile Mirfic Gold Body Butter is a hoaxer. Yes, yes, this oil before our eyes turns Snow White with bruises and other imperfections into a southerner with a Mediterranean tan. Glitter on the skin is noticeable, but I personally like it - isn't summer the time to flirt and return to the days of cheerful youth, when sequins painted everyday life in all the colors of the rainbow? It is especially good to use Huile Mirfic Gold for legs - if you urgently need to put on a mini, you can’t imagine a better sos product. And you can not be afraid of greasy traces - the oil is absorbed in 5 minutes and does not leave a “pancake” shine (only shine from sparkles!). It also smells like vacation - flowers, waves and warmth of the sun. As part of the active ingredients - blue passionflower and monoi de tahiti.

Price: 3 260 rubles.

Shimmering body butterSoleil Plaisir Sultry Shimmering Oil Darphin

The first thing I am grateful to the developers of this thing for is a small convenient bottle with a dispenser, from which the oil does not pour out in a slippery stream, but is disciplinedly applied to the skin drop by drop. Moreover, by some miracle, the balance of the actual oil base and shimmering bronze particles is maintained, which should give the skin of the body a slight tan and radiance. By the way, as a “happy” owner of photodermatitis (that is, an allergy to ultraviolet), I don’t go to the beach and generally avoid the sun, so I really appreciate cosmetics that can imitate a tan. This tool works. I put a few drops on the décolleté area, on the arms and legs - the skin does not shine treacherously, but delicately shines, becomes soft and smooth, which is not surprising: it contains nourishing and moisturizing oils of almond, safflower, sesame and sunflower. And for a long time I am accompanied by a marvelous smell of exotic flowers.

Price: 3 090 rub.

Slimming Body Oil, Anti-Eau Contour Body Treatment Oil, Clarins

Tested by BeautyHack special correspondent Marina Syutaeva

For me personally, this is a legendary remedy, and here's why. Three years ago, being deeply pregnant, I suffered from leg swelling. My feet looked like those of Tolkien's hobbits - such plump, delicious paws with toes like sausages. And the ankles evoked associations with elephants from children's books. Edema pursued me and was not going to leave for anything, because it was August and the heat was below 40 degrees, and I had a couple of dozen kilograms gained and a sedentary lifestyle. And when I was completely desperate to return the divine look to my legs, Clarins sent me a whole package with must-haves for expectant mothers, where they found a bottle with the telling name Anti-Eau - “anti-extra-liquid”, if in Russian.

The product had a life-affirming and energetic smell of bitter zest and spicy herbs, and contained natural oils of lemon, bitter orange and marjoram. Cheered up, I applied it after the shower with massage movements, from the ankles to the thighs (as best I could, of course). The feeling of heaviness instantly disappeared, as far as possible, lymphatic drainage improved, swelling became less, although it did not completely disappear. Now I also use this oil - but now as a supportive anti-cellulite therapy. And I massage the problem areas with a brush to even out the bumps and pits. And it does work.

Price: 3 550 rubles.

Oil with anti-stress effectStress-Fix Composition Oil, Aveda

Tested by BeautyHack special correspondent Marina Syutaeva

The label states that this product is intended for bath, body and scalp care. But I have significantly narrowed the scope of his duties. I don’t add oils to the bath, because I don’t want to scrub this very bath from the greasy film for a long time and hard. As for the scalp - not at once either. If you have ever tried to wash your hair from oil, then you understand that this is an endless process: you will have to apply, lather and wash off the shampoo several times in a row - it's a pity for time.

In general, I have my own way to apply this product for its intended purpose and with maximum comfort. I brought the bottle to work. Whenever I get nervous after a long beauty shoot or tired from an endless stream of letters, I drip oil on my elbows and forearms. Then I rub the texture well, as I would with dried lavender and sage (it is their aroma in the composition that has a calming effect), and I inhale the cool, tart smell with pleasure. Olfactory receptors react as they should, transmitting an impulse-message "relax!" to the brain.

Price: 3 360 rubles.

Coconut oil for bodyExtra Virgin, You Need It

Karina Andreeva

When you open the jar, you see a product similar to rice pudding - airy texture, vanilla-coconut aroma. When applied, the skin becomes covered with a film that seems very oily, but when rubbed, it disappears in one or two. I have very dry skin in the elbow area, but after a couple of days of use, the product heroically coped with dryness and flaking and made it smooth and nourished. It claims to be 100% organic cold pressed coconut oil.

Price: 750 rubles.

Body OilFluide De Beauté 14, Carita

Tested by senior editor of BeautyHackKarina Andreeva

I love this remedy for the incredible lemon smell, which reminded me of the “Rise” lollipops from my childhood (they were always given on airplanes). At the same time, the fragrance stays firmly on the body - it is hard to kill it with perfume, but this is rather a plus - it does not bother and even soothes. I liked the convenient sprayer - the process of distributing the product on the body does not take more than 30 seconds: a couple of sprays, and then I rub it into the skin with massage movements. As part of hazelnut and corn oils, as well as a vitamin complex (A, E, F). After it, there is no oily film left, and the skin becomes nourished and hydrated.

Price: 3 500 rubles.

Perfumed body oilJ'adore, Dior

Tested by senior editor of BeautyHackKarina Andreeva

Very often, body products smell so much that they interrupt the smell of perfume. The alternative is perfume oil. Tried it for the first time at Dior. I fell in love with a product with a relaxing aroma of Grasse rose, Indian jasmine and neroli. I added a couple of drops of oil to the bath, and after that I applied the product to the body. Despite the excellent nourishing effect (it instantly softened dry areas of the skin, as part of the ylang-ylang extract), the product was completely absorbed in a couple of minutes and did not leave a sticky film. But the fragrance remained on the body for several hours and easily replaced the perfume.

Price: 6 170 rubles.

Dry oil Huile Prodigieuse, Nuxe

With Nuxe universal body, face and hair oil, we fell in love with the first drop. At first I tried to apply it on my face - the product immediately justified its title of “dry”, instantly absorbed. I have oily skin. But the oil left no shine, providing a matte, velvety effect. To give softness and smoothness to the hair, one drop of the product, rubbed between the palms, is enough. Even if you overdo it, don't worry. As part of vitamin E, St. John's wort, borage, almond, macadamia, hazelnut and camellia oils, which improve hair structure. I didn’t apply it to the body, but added a few drops of the product to the shower gel and balm - the effect exceeded all expectations: the skin became soft, small peelings disappeared after the third application.

Price: 1 945 rubles.

Oil Marula Oil, Paul Mitchell

Tested by BeautyHack editor Natalya Kapitsa

The main active ingredient of the product is marula oil. The plant is common in South Africa, it contains oleic, ascorbic, linoleic and other acids. The tool from Paul Mitchell is universal: it can be applied to the body, face, scalp, hair. The aroma is barely perceptible - a great option for allergy sufferers. I have fairly thin, unruly hair - the oil made it heavier, creating the effect of staleness. But for my hair type, I had to choose a different concentration - an elixir. Now I use Marula Oil before washing my hair: I put it on the tips for several hours. Try it, the hair will say "thank you" for such a mask - they are easy to style and do not push.

Price: 4 700 rubles.

Body Butter Elixir Dry Oil, Payot

Tested BeautyHack editorDilyara Telyasheva

I read the trendy book "Magical Cleaning" and began to appreciate the space in the house: for example, I minimized the number of bottles on the side of the bathroom. Payot oil helped me cope with this task - the "elixir" of golden color of caramel cockerels is suitable for the body, and for hair, and for dry skin of the face. The bottle also decorates the bathroom: it is not plastic, but made of thick glass. I apply oil every day and almost used up the product in three weeks - a sign of a good oil for me! With its "elixir" smell, Payot reminded me of a fragrant citrus Indian essential oil. Not only in smell, but also in texture - it is quite dense, the oil quickly begins to be absorbed (in ten seconds it is simply impossible to distribute it over the body). Why do I love him? For the effect of Monica Belucci's skin from the movie "Malena": radiant, hydrated, healthy and even. If you distribute a couple of drops of oil on the ends of your hair, they will look well-groomed and shine in the sun. I recommend applying the "elixir" on the face only before going to bed - the dense texture gives a feeling of well-groomed, but oily skin (the effect is not for everyone).

Price: 3 075 rubles.

Birch anti-cellulite oil, Weleda

For a visible effect, Weleda recommends using this oil twice a day for a month. I had two weeks to test, but during this time the results appeared. I applied the oil with massage movements in the morning and in the evening after a shower. The main component is an extract of birch leaves. It stimulates lymphatic drainage, improves metabolism and removes toxins. I do not believe in the complete elimination of cellulite without exercise and proper nutrition. But in itself, regular massage made the skin smoother and more hydrated.
It also has a very pleasant citrus scent. The composition contains an extract of needle roots, rosemary and lemon leaves, which leave the very subtle aroma on the skin.

Price: 1 530 rub.

Bourbon Vanilla Body Butter, Yves Rocher

Tested by BeautyHack editor Julia Kozoliy

The oil has a very thick, dense texture and a rich vanilla aroma. If not for the “hot” summer, I would have postponed this remedy until winter, but now it came in handy. The smell of bourbon vanilla is like a cloud into which you dive with pleasure, escaping from bad weather. Contains jojoba, macadamia, safflower, apricot kernel and coconut oils. I do not advise to apply a lot - the product is not immediately absorbed. But the aroma will be with you throughout the day.

Price: 399 rubles.

Oil Skincare Oil Indulges & Regenerates, Freiöl

Tested by BeautyHack editor Julia Kozoliy

A German brand with a half-century history appeared on the L'Etoile network only in June (we talked about it). I had a month to evaluate one of the most popular products in German pharmacies - Skincare Oil. This is my absolute favorite in skincare right now! The most important pluses: the oil has a light, barely perceptible fragrance, and it is instantly (in fact!) absorbed. This is very convenient, considering that after application, the skin does become smooth, but there is no feeling of a film. The composition does not contain parabens, SLS and SLES, dyes and mineral oils.

Price: about 1,400 rubles.

Dry nourishing oil for face, body & hairAromanutrition, Decleor

“For the face, body and hair,” it says on the transparent amber bottle, which is especially pleasing, “I love multifunctional products. The first thing you notice is the amazing delicate aroma. The word “subtle” is rarely suitable for powdery sweet compositions, but here it really fits. A delicate trail of notes of incense, musky rose and camellia stays with you for a long time, and you don’t even want to use any perfume. By the way, there are no perfume fragrances, as well as dyes and other chemicals in the product. Decleor specializes exclusively in natural vegetable oils.

The second thing I want to note is the declared texture. “Dry” is, of course, a convention, but the oil is really quickly absorbed and does not leave greasy and sticky marks. We got out of the shower, shook off the splashes of water with a towel and immediately sprayed the product (the dispenser is a convenient spray) all over the body. The skin immediately becomes soft and well-groomed, dryness decreases even in the most dehydrated areas - elbows, knees, feet.

But for the face in the daily care format, the product seemed a little heavy to me, I would advise using it only in situations where you really need additional nutrition and hydration. And for hair in the summer season - that's it! For extra shine, spray the product on dry strands from a distance of 25-30 cm. It also helps to care for overdried and split ends.

Price: 3 290 rubles.

RegeneratingoilForbodyJapanese Camellia Body Oil Blend Elemis

Tested by BeautyHack Special Correspondent Veronica Shur

This nourishing mix of natural sweet almond and Japanese camellia oils is recommended as a preventive measure against pregnancy stretch marks or weight fluctuations. If you use it regularly for several weeks, you really notice that the skin becomes not only more hydrated, but also elastic.

Of the important nuances: the oil is not absorbed very quickly, but it is great for massage. This is not the option when you quickly applied something and ran. It is better to apply it immediately after a shower with leisurely massage movements, thoroughly working out the hips, abdomen, legs, and chest area. Another feature of Japanese Camellia Body Oil Blend is a subtle, completely unobtrusive aroma. If strong odors irritate you (and many natural oils do!), this body wash is perfect for you.

Price: 4 050 rub.

Oil Huile Sacree Polynesia, Thalgo

This oil has many benefits. The texture is non-greasy and rich at the same time, perfectly moisturizes and nourishes. The scent is sweet and sunny. A color that instantly revitalizes pale skin, while the golden glow is not intrusive and looks completely natural. And the composition: oils of the flowers of the meadow grass (not to be confused with seed oil), apricot kernels and sesame oil are adjacent to the oil of the sacred monoi flower, plus algae extract, without which it is impossible to moisturize the skin (and present the most famous thalasso brand in Russia). In general, five plus.

Price: 2 850 rubles.

Oil Huile D "Avocat Ligne, St. Barth

Tested by BeautyHack columnist Tatyana Yakimova

I love oils "for everything" - in the bath, and on the body, and on the hair ... And this is just that. True, my hair is thin, and I don’t practice oil masks, but I discovered the technique of smoothing the temples - I apply Huile D "Avocat after washing my hair and styling on those strands that should fit to the head, but at the same time look textured, - and I get the desired result.Better and healthier than any styling products.It was perfect for the skin too - it was quickly absorbed and did not leave a sticky film.The composition of the oil is simple: the purest avocado oil, which provides the most intensive care.

Price: 4 140 rubles.

Almond Body Butter, L'Occitane

Tested by BeautyHack editor Olga Kulygina

Body products from the almond collection of the Provencal brand L’Occitane have been my favorites for more than a year. I am happy to buy both shower oil and body oil in the form of a spray. I apply body butter to slightly damp skin immediately after the bath.
The first thing you notice when you press the spray pump is the incredible scent! In the summer, when I wear T-shirts and dresses without tights, I feel this train from time to time during the day. The oil smells like sweet almonds - I think this is the recognizable scent of L'Occitane!
The texture of the oil is liquid, but not like water - it envelops and nourishes the skin until you wash it off. I have heard more than once that this oil is good to use during and after pregnancy - there will not be a single stretch mark left.
The philosophy of L'Occitane sounds like "art de vivre" - the art of living, enjoying mental and physical comfort. Products with natural ingredients and fragrant essential oils help a lot with this!

Price: from 650 rubles for 75 ml.

Divine oil Divine, Caudalie

Tested by BeautyHack editorial assistant Anastasia Speranskaya

I have long been in love with the fragrance of the Divine Caudalie series - only oil was missing in my “collection”. Now this multifunctional tool has settled in my bathroom for a long time. The oil is suitable for the body, hair, face, nails, you can massage it with it and add a couple of drops to the bath for relaxation. I have tried everything - and in no case did the remedy disappoint me. Every day I apply it after a shower on a damp body and face, then lightly blot with a towel. The oil does not form a greasy film, is quickly absorbed and leaves a truly divine aroma on the skin. By the way, the composition was created by the famous perfumer Jacques Cavalier - he skillfully combined notes of Bulgarian rose, grapefruit, pink pepper, vanilla and white musk. Separately, I was pleased with the composition of the product with five natural oils - grape, sesame, hibiscus, argan and shea butter. It is this diverse set that makes the tool universal. And the oil is also consumed very economically - I will take it with me on vacation to the sea and will, without regret, apply it after sunbathing.

Price: 3 095 rubles.

Huile de Magnolia, Leonor Greyl

Tested by BeautyHack special correspondent Mur Soboleva

Leonor Greyl makes hair products (and very good ones), but this oil is specifically for the face and body. It cannot be called greasy, but it is not dry either - the texture is classic, sorry for the tautology, oily. The brand advises using Huile de Magnolia both for removing make-up, and as a soothing agent after sunbathing, and just for the body after a shower. I went the last way and am satisfied: the oil nourishes perfectly (I apply it on wet skin, although the instructions require dry skin) and it smells absolutely unrealistic of an adult, non-suffocating magnolia. Contains 97% vegetable oils rich in vitamin A.

Price: 4 420 rubles.

Coco Mademoiselle Velvet Body Oil Chanel

Tested by BeautyHack special correspondent Mur Soboleva

The brand traditionally has a lot of bath products in support of commercial fragrances, and Coco Mademoiselle, as the main hit, has plenty of them. Body butter is dry, it does not leave a film, it lays down thinly and is instantly absorbed. The fragrance is very strong and long lasting - able to linger even after a shower - so this is a great option to go without perfume if you don't feel like it.

Price: 4 585 rubles.

Similar materials from the rubric

The main problem that worries a huge number of women of all ages is cellulite. Cosmetics and medicines designed to fight this defect improve cell metabolism, lymph flow and blood circulation, remove toxins and toxins, soften the skin, break up dense fat accumulations, and improve the outflow of water from problem areas.

Many natural products have the same properties. aromatic oils. They can be added to anti-cellulite products, used for massage or baths.

If you are also worried about this problem - memorize simple and effective recipes.

Essential oils for the body. We take a bath

For anti-cellulite procedures are best citrus oils. If you are not allergic to citrus fruits, and you are not going to sunbathe today, start right now.

1. Add 7-9 drops of lemon oil to the bath and sit in it for 15-20 minutes. After that, it is best to lie down in warmth (wrap yourself in a warm blanket).
2. Mix 7 drops of lemon or orange oil with a glass of milk and 1-2 tablespoons of sea or ordinary salt. Take a bath for 20 minutes.
3. For 1 cup of kefir, take 2 drops of black pepper, ginger and geranium oils, add a teaspoon of honey. Mix everything well and pour into the bath. This procedure will help improve blood circulation, which is very important in the fight against cellulite.

Essential oils for the body. Doing a massage

An excellent remedy for hard fatty formations is massage. In beauty salons, manual modeling, hardware, vacuum massages are done. But you can handle it well on your own.

With manual massage, knead with vigorous movements, pinch and roll the skin in problem areas, not forgetting the massage lines. Be especially careful with the inside.

An excellent remedy in the fight against cellulite is cupping massage. A set of two silicone jars can be purchased at. It is necessary to attach them to the body in the problem area so that the skin is pulled in as much as possible. It will hurt and even bruise, but if you want to achieve a result, do not feel sorry for yourself! Move the cans in spiral, straight and zigzag movements 5 times. After a couple of months of daily practice, you will see amazing results.

For massage, you can use special creams, gels or anti-cellulite oils. Give excellent results massages with grapefruit, orange, tangerine, grape seed, hazelnut, rosemary, wheat germ oils.

A stunning effect can be achieved by massaging problem areas with honey. To do this, take a tablespoon with a slide of liquid honey, drop 3-5 drops of orange, lemon or grapefruit oil there, mix well. Press your palms firmly against the skin lubricated with the composition and tear off with force until the honey turns into foam. The duration of the massage is on average 10-15 minutes.

You can also cook mixtures of different oils.
1. Grape seed oil (10 g) mixed with 3-5 drops of avocado.
2. Add 3-5 drops of hazelnut and wheat germ oils to ordinary vegetable oil (10 g).
3. Mix 3 drops each of lemon, fennel and juniper oils.
4. Prepare a mixture of 3 drops of juniper, 2 drops of citrus oil and 2 drops of black pepper oil.
5. To 3 drops of juniper, add 1 drop of sage, rosemary, geranium.

Do not forget to add 10 g of any vegetable oil as a base to the mixtures.

By using essential oils You can not only get rid of cellulite.

For example, a bath with a few drops of bitter orange, cypress or myrtle perfectly deodorizes the skin, making it silky and supple.

If you have irritation or acne on your body, a bath with lemon balm oil will help you.

Massages and rubbing with essential oils of rosemary, rosewood, neroli, mandarin prevent stretch marks. And jasmine and patchouli will help the elasticity of the chest, muscles and abdomen.

Basil and cinnamon will soothe insect bites, and lavender can even cope with a snake bite.

If a little lavender oil put on the body - the most impudent mosquitoes will fly around you.

And, of course, we must not forget about such annoying phenomena as bruises. They always appear at the most inopportune time in the most visible place. As soon as you get ready for a party in a short dress, a bruise will immediately show up on your leg. And if you decide to go out with bare shoulders or back - be sure they will appear there too. One of the best ways to help you is cypress oil.

Applying essential oils for the body, remember that although this is a natural product, it also has its contraindications. Read the label carefully and try to buy essential oils in a pharmacy or specialty store and remember that natural extracts cannot be cheap. Don't skimp on beauty.

Alexandra Panyutina
Women's magazine JustLady

It is impossible to name any one ideal and suitable oil for every woman. Everyone has different skin and different problems, in addition, its effectiveness will depend on the general state of health and age. It is also necessary to take into account the time of year, in winter the skin dries and flakes, and in summer it burns easily.

The face, body, hands, feet have skin of different structure and needs, so the oils are selected in a complex, you should not smear yourself with one product from head to toe.

Below we list seven of the best and most famous cosmetic oils for body care, reveal their benefits and main uses.

Olive oil for hydration

It can be found in the kitchen of every housewife, it is a valuable nutritious product. Olive oil has long been used as a cosmetic product. It is extracted exclusively from ripe and juicy fruits of the olive growing in the southern latitudes.

Olive oil is rich in vitamins A and D, which are necessary for skin health, contribute to its restoration and accelerate the healing of minor wounds. It also contains vitamin E (slows down aging), a complex of fatty acids and minerals that prevent moisture loss and keep the skin supple.

It has a pleasant sweet aroma, the care procedure turns into a pleasure!

If you decide to take olive oil straight from your kitchen cabinet, read the label. It comes in refined and unrefined. More useful substances contain unrefined oil, as it undergoes less chemical processing.

Cosmetics for the face and body of many manufacturers are made on the basis of natural olive oil.

When choosing a ready-made product, study the composition indicated on the bottle so as not to buy a cheap fake. Usually, manufacturers enrich the base oil with other components (vitamins, essential oils) for greater efficiency.

But artificial flavors and fragrances should not be, as well as other chemical compounds! They are added to reduce the cost of the product, since natural high-quality ingredients are not cheap.

If you choose a foreign-made oil, look for a special body * mark. High-quality oil contains olive oil* and extract (…)* ingredients.

Ways to use olive oil:

Since it is able to moisturize and retain moisture well, it is recommended to use it for those areas that are prone to severe dryness and flaking. These are feet, elbows, palms, decollete area. But it can also be used all over the body. Do this after taking a shower, when the skin is still slightly damp, with light movements of the palm.

You can use it for the face, but then you need to take refined, as the face has thinner skin and there is a risk of clogging pores.

For hands and nails, a bath is made by simply dipping them in warm oil. Keep at least half an hour. Nails stop exfoliating and crumbling, peeling and irritation on the skin disappears.

Perfect for massage. To do this, it should be slightly warmed up, and if you take food, then add a drop of essential oils to it:

    cinnamon- causes a rush of blood and warms.

    tea tree- disinfects and heals.

    grapefruit oil- tones, relieves swelling and muscle tension.

*( body (English - body); oil (English - oil); extract (English - extract)).

Almond Body Butter

Receive it from stones of almond nuts, it possesses specific tart aroma. Almond oil contains a special oleic acid, which promotes the penetration of the oil into the deeper layers of the skin, vitamins A and F (its deficiency leads to many skin diseases, such as acne, eczema, etc.). Has a delicate scent.

Ways to use oil:

This oil is part of many ready-made creams and massage mixtures. You can use it at home, in pure or enriched form.

To moisturize very problem areas, it is better to use in combination with a ready-made cream or other oils.

For massage, like other oils, it is heated. Massage until absorbed. The skin softens, becomes smooth, smells good.

For the face, they take only high-quality almond oil, apply it strictly along the massage lines. It is perfectly absorbed and does not leave a greasy film, the skin breathes. To enhance the action, you can add drop by drop:

    Lavender essential oil - relieves inflammation, treats acne.

    Juniper ordinary - reduces pores, the skin is leveled

    Mint - tones, gives a slight blush.

Grape seed oil

It is obtained in two ways - cold pressing and hot extraction from grape seeds. Obtained by the first method is much more useful, and therefore more expensive. You need more than half a ton of these berries to get just a liter of oil. But it's worth it!

It is unique in its composition, contains several times more vitamin E than olive oil, flavonoids, valuable fatty acids, a special complex of substances that protect cells from aging and destruction. As well as the substance resveratrol, which prevents the development of cancer.

This oil has a very beneficial effect on women's skin, as it contains phytoestrogens - substances that are similar in structure to female hormones.

Creams based on grape seed oil have a pronounced rejuvenating effect. Even rather deep wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin is filled with radiance, becomes elastic.

Ways to use oil:

Most often used for facial care, but it is also part of massage oils, nail strengthening products. You can add it to any of your usual cream, it will give it greater effectiveness, or apply in its pure form. This should be done before going to bed, on thoroughly cleansed skin.

Avocado Body Oil

It is squeezed out of the pulp of the avocado fruit. It is a very good natural moisturizer, great for mature skin. Rich in vitamins A, D and E, proteins, lecithin.

  • With regular use, it will help get rid of age spots, cope with sunburn.
  • Regenerates and rejuvenates the skin even with pronounced age-related changes, eliminates itching.

How to use:

Apply all over the body or just the face. You can take a ready-made cream, you can cook it yourself, it will be no less effective.

In its pure form, it is also used quite often, it does not need additional enrichment, does not clog pores.

Perfect for massage, especially useful for problematic and flaky skin.

Shea butter (shea butter) for the body

Extracted from the seeds of fruits of the shea tree (karite), growing in Africa. They call it the "tree of life". It reaches the age of 300 years, and begins to bear fruit only at 20 - 25 years. Therefore, this oil is quite expensive, and its production is a complex process.

In appearance, it is rather a solid fat, on the surface of the skin it begins to melt and penetrate into its inner layers. Rich in a large amount of fatty acids of various compositions (stearic, palmitic, oleic, linoleic), triglycerides and carbohydrates.

The main actions they have on the skin are softening and protection from adverse external factors. In addition, this oil promotes collagen synthesis*, regenerates and rejuvenates.

How to use:

On its basis, a huge range of cosmetics is prepared - creams, soaps, shampoos, lip balms, moisturizing lotions and emulsions. Apply it in its pure form after a shower, on the whole body or individual problem areas. Prevents moisture loss, peeling, saves from irritation and wind in winter, and from the sun in summer.

Treats many skin diseases, allergies, eczema, psoriasis. Helps with inflammation after insect bites.

Helps smooth out scars and stretch marks.

It is applied both on the whole body and on problem areas, depending on what problem you need to solve or just moisturize the skin.

*(Collagen is the main building protein of the skin).

Sesame oil

It is obtained from sesame seeds and has been used in Asia to care for the beauty of the skin for many centuries. Now this wonderful oil is known to us. It does not cause allergies, it can even be used to treat and moisturize children's skin. Contains vitamins B, E, magnesium, lecithin, protein, fatty acids.

Ways to use sesame oil:

It is so light and so well absorbed that it is even applied to the skin around the eyes. It perfectly smoothes wrinkles, saturates and tightens. Best used daily as a cleanser, nourisher and moisturizer. Can be added to your usual cream.

Suitable for massage, the skin becomes elastic. In addition, it tones, burns excess fat and eliminates cellulite. Its use is the main secret of the harmony of oriental women. Slows down the growth of unwanted hair.

Jojoba oil for moisturizing

In our country, they learned about him not so long ago. This exotic oil has been extracted for more than two thousand years from a shrub that grows mainly in South America. It contains proteins, vitamins (especially a lot of vitamin E), unsaturated fatty acids.

Its structure is wax. It has a very long shelf life, which also applies to products made on its basis.

Protects from negative environmental influences. Heals wounds, heals, helps fight acne. Does not make the skin greasy, suitable for all types.

Ways to use jojoba oil:

Ideal for aging and sagging facial skin, can be used instead of a night cream or applied as a mask (hold for 15-20 minutes)

    Eucalyptus essential oil - heals, relieves acne.

    Geranium, lavender, lemon, sage, lemon balm - will give the skin dullness and velvety, normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands.

This oil is also ideal for massage, it has a dense texture, melts only on the skin, but does not spread. Will put in order even tired and irritated skin, you will look younger in a few sessions!

It helps very well with weathered skin of the lips, softens it and heals.

All these wonderful natural remedies are sure to help you keep your face and body in perfect condition, you just need to choose your own. You can buy ready-made products or prepare homemade creams and masks. The main thing is to find a high-quality natural remedy, and also do not forget that only its regular use will bring a good result!

Perhaps you already have experience in home cosmetology, or are you ready to recommend a good series of finished products? Share your reviews, tips, signature recipes for skin care in the comments!

Essential oil is a fragrant volatile substance isolated from flowers, seeds, roots, leaves, fruits, wood or resin of plants.

Oils give plants their fragrance. The properties of oils depend on the type of plants, their growing conditions, the part used, as well as the method of production. Often, from different parts of the same plant, oils of different composition and smell are obtained. Essential oils are obtained by distillation (from greens and bark), extraction (from inflorescences, petals and roots) and pressing (from peel and fruit).

Essential oils have a wide spectrum of biological activity. Some of them are antiseptics, others are antispasmodics, others regenerate cells, others calm or, on the contrary, excite the nervous system. At the same time, essential oils are potent agents that can not only help, but also harm, if you do not follow the recommendations for use.

The table will help to understand the pharmacological properties of essential oils.

The use of essential oils

Essential oils should not be applied to the skin without a base. You should take care of your eyes. Keep oils out of the reach of children. It is not recommended to use essential oils for pregnant women, as well as people prone to allergies.

Essential oils do not mix with water and are not used in their pure form. In cosmetology and medicine, essential oils are used with a base. It can be wax, honey, milk, cream. But most often these are the so-called transport oils.

Transport (base) oils- these are vegetable oils, both solid (for example, shea butter) and liquid (olive, sea buckthorn, almond, jojoba and others). They promote the penetration of essential oil into the body and provide a mild therapeutic effect.

Bath and bath

Yanik Chauvin/

An aromatic bath is a great way to relax after a hard day. Relieves stress and relaxes sandalwood, geranium, lavender, rose oil. Muscle tension (for example, after a workout) will help eliminate vervain and juniper oil. During colds, baths with pine or lemon oil are recommended.


  • Before taking an aroma bath, you need to wash yourself.
  • Water temperature - 36–38 ºС.
  • As a base, you can use honey, kefir, whey, milk, sea salt or transport oil.
  • Do not use gel, shampoo, foam or other cosmetics during the procedure.
  • Frequency and time - 5-25 minutes no more than three times a week.
  • After taking an aromatic bath, do not rinse and wipe dry.

In the bath, essential oil is added to a ladle of water to give it to the heater. Recommended oils that improve breathing: cedar, eucalyptus, spruce and others. In addition, brooms can be moistened with a mixture of base and essential oils.


Essential oils enhance the healing properties of massage, improve skin condition and affect the nervous system. Different oils will have different pharmacological effects. So, cloves accelerate warming up and stimulate blood circulation. Nutmeg relieves rheumatic pains, citrus fruits contribute to the breakdown of adipose tissue, and rose, jasmine and sandalwood have a lifting effect.


  • Massage mixture recipe: 3–5 drops of essential oil + 10–15 ml of base oil (for the body - peach, olive, apricot, almond; for the face - jojoba, macadamia, avocado).
  • Choose oil not only for pharmacological properties, but also for smell. It should be pleasant to the person who is being massaged.
  • During the massage, give preference to soft circular movements.
  • After the session, you need to lie down for 10-20 minutes, you should not go outside for an hour.


Image PointFr/

Inhalations with essential oils are an excellent remedy for flu (thyme, ginger), bronchitis (eucalyptus, pine, thuja), stomatitis (orange, calendula), as well as for cleansing the face (oregano, tea tree).

People with asthma and other serious respiratory diseases should take inhalations with the permission and under the supervision of their doctor.

Cold inhalation

  • Apply a few drops of oil to a cloth or paper towel.
  • Inhale the aroma through your nose evenly and deeply for 5-10 minutes.

Hot inhalations

  • If available, use a special inhaler.
  • If you don't have an inhaler, add 2-4 drops of oil to a container of hot water. Cover your head with a towel and inhale the vapors for 5-10 minutes. It is recommended to carry out the procedure with your eyes closed.


Aroma compresses help relieve pain in the joints, back and soft tissues. Essential oils penetrate the skin to the problem area and have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antispasmodic effects.

For chronic diseases, consult your doctor about the possibility of using aromatic compresses.

Cold compresses effective for tumors, sprains, bruises.


  • Wet a flannel or other cotton cloth with cold water and apply 3-5 drops of essential oil to it.
  • Apply to damaged area. Secure with an elastic bandage.
  • Or prepare a mixture of basic and essential oils (30 ml - 15 drops), soak a cloth with it and apply it to the diseased part of the body.

Warm compresses treat chronic diseases, they relieve pain and inflammation. Useful for rheumatism, osteochondrosis and sciatica. The rules are the same, only warm water is used, and the compress is wrapped up.

Antonova Anna/

Oriental beauties have been using ethers since ancient times as a means of personal care. Oils add to the cosmetic also a therapeutic effect.

Cosmetics with a neutral composition should be enriched. Products designed to address specific concerns (such as anti-aging products) are best used without additives.

There are many recipes for home cosmetics with essential oils. Here are some of them.

  • Mask for the face: for 1 tablespoon of clay powder, 2-3 drops of essential oil, then you need to add water to achieve a paste consistency. Apply the mask on your face, avoiding the eye area, leave to dry and rinse with warm water.
  • Face cream: take any neutral cream (for example, for children), prepare a mixture of base and essential oils. The first should correspond to the type of skin (dry, normal, combination, oily, problematic), and the second - the purpose of use (fighting rashes, moisturizing, and so on). The approximate dosage is 10–15 drops of the mixture per 150 g of the base.
  • Skin lotion: dilute the infusion of medicinal herbs with water (in equal proportions), dissolve 2-3 drops of essential oil in 1 teaspoon of alcohol and add to the filtered solution. Apply lotion to face and neck.
  • Aromaled: Mix 1 teaspoon of honey with 1-2 drops of essential oil, dissolve the resulting mixture in water, pour into molds and freeze. Use flavored ice cubes to rub your face to relieve redness.
  • Shampoo: use a product with the most natural composition, add oil to the palm of the shampoo directly when washing (1-2 drops) or into a bottle (13 drops per 100 ml).

Aroma lamps and aroma stones


Aroma lamps and aroma stones are used for indoor aromatization and aromatherapy.

(or aroma incense burner) is a bowl where water is poured and essential oil is added, and a candle is placed under it. As the water heats up, the air is filled with the vapors of the essential oil.

Aromatization with a lamp

  • Ventilate the room.
  • Pour warm water (50–55 ºС) into the bowl. The volume of the bowl is at least 50 ml, otherwise the water will evaporate too quickly.
  • Add essential oil: 2 drops for every 5 sq. m area.
  • Light a candle. The minimum distance from the flame to the bowl is 10 cm.
  • The duration of the procedure is from 20 minutes to 2 hours. Add water periodically. Do not leave the lamp unattended.

aroma stone has a porous structure and retains odors for a long time. You can buy it or make it yourself from gypsum. The peculiarity of the aroma stone is the locality of action. If the aroma from the lamp spreads throughout the room, then from the stone - only a short distance. Therefore, the aroma stone can be used even in the workplace.

Aromatization with stone

  • Apply 2-4 drops of oil to the stone.
  • Place the stone on a table, in a closet, bag or pocket.
  • Add oil as the scent dissipates.

They also make sachets with essential oils. An aromatic bag with rose oil will give a pleasant aroma to linen and clothes, and a sachet with lavender on the bedside table will give you a sound sleep.


(or aroma medallions) is an accessory made of porous clay that easily absorbs and retains odors for a long time.

Its wearing is especially important during influenza epidemics. Ginger, cedar, eucalyptus, mint and other oils help the body fight viruses and strengthen the immune system.

How to use aroma coulombs?

  • Choose the oil according to its properties and smell.
  • Put 2-3 drops into the pendant.
  • Refill the pendant after three days.

These are the basic principles for using essential oils.

How do you use essential oils?