Exclusive script for the ransom of the bride. How to meet the groom at the ransom: ideas for fun contests

Is the wedding date coming up, are the preparations in full swing? A wedding dress for the bride, wedding accessories have already been bought or at least chosen, a restaurant has been chosen, many minor issues regarding the wedding have been settled. It is important not to ignore the ransom of the bride, which must certainly be at your wedding.

The ransom of the bride is a Russian tradition, without which almost no wedding can do. Usually, the witness is involved in compiling or selecting the ransom scenario, but the bride herself can help the witness. Moreover, no one knows her groom better than the bride: what questions will put him in a stupor, what tasks will captivate the guests and the groom himself.

Even if the witness or the bridesmaids completely take over the development of the ransom scenario, in any case it is necessary to consult with the bride herself.

We bring to your attention the script. Let's try together to make the bride's ransom unforgettable, original and interesting - so that all the guests would admire and remember this day for a long time!

Bride ransom scenario: meeting the groom

The groom and his guests drive up to the bride's house, near the entrance they are waiting for guests from the bride's side, the witness, the bridesmaids, who will carry out the ransom of the bride. Once the groom and witness are out of the car and ready to listen, the witness begins:

And now we will say to the point:
We need to redeem the bride.

What kind of gentlemen have come here to us?
Why did fate bring you to us?
What do you guys need? Vodka? Beer? Lemonade?
Or what else do you want? Feel free to ask.
Why did you come to us, maybe you forgot something?

(Give time for the groom's response)

For the bride! Here are those times!
Well, do you have money?

(Response of the groom or witness)

After all, we take dearly, and we do not give change:
You came for the bride, but did you bring the ransom?

(Response of the groom or witness)

In order for us to let you into the house, you need to pay
In general, our advice is this: Fill the tray to the brim
You ... (name of the groom) do not rush - on the tray, write the name of your sweetheart with money.

As soon as the groom fills the tray with money, puts the name of the bride on the tray, you can invite all the guests to the entrance.

Bride ransom scenario: closer to the goal

The first obstacle has already been passed, the guests entered the entrance, arranged themselves so that everyone could see everything. Before climbing the stairs, the groom should put the most expensive thing that he brought to the bride into a basin or a large cup.

If the groom realizes that the most precious thing he brought to the bride is himself, then he needs to stand in a bowl or cup. Therefore, the basin should be such that the groom could stand in it with his feet.

Bride price scenario: questions on the stairs

Now you can climb the stairs, but just climbing is not interesting. During the ascent, we will ask questions to the groom, there will be one question on each step.

If the bride lives above the fifth floor, then questions can be asked every 3 steps so as not to torture the groom and guests at all. Questions on the steps can be absolutely anything, but we offer an approximate list of questions:

    What day of the week did you meet your fiancee?

    Shoulder width beloved?

    How tall is your bride?

    What color are the eyes of the future mother-in-law?

    What time is it now?

    Length of the bride's legs?

    When's your birthday?

    What day of the week was your father-in-law born?

    How old, months, days, minutes is your bride?

    The size of the hips of the bride?

    Has Gagarin returned?

    How many steps have you already taken?

    Favorite dish of the bride?

    What school did your fiancé go to?

Questions can come up with a huge number. The main thing is that the groom should answer questions immediately, and if he hesitates or is confused, he will have to pay off. Questions like “Has Gagarin returned?” they should definitely drive him into a stupor and make the audience laugh.

In the flights of stairs, you can hang posters with prints of the hands, lips or feet of the bride. The groom must guess which print belongs to his beloved, otherwise he will have to pay a ransom.

Scenario for the ransom of the bride: approached the apartment

Attached to the door are three hearts with three different keys. To open an apartment, the groom needs to choose a heart with a key.

Here you stand at the door
How to open it quickly?
Here are the hearts, they contain the keys,
Pay to get them
Pay and choose
Pick the right key.

Scenario for the ransom of the bride: we go into the room

The bride can be shown to the groom not the first time. We all went up to the room together, we enter (the groom enters first and sees a little girl instead of his bride). A little girl reads a poem:

Hello dear fiance,
I've been waiting for you
You came for the bride
And I didn't get lost!
Look at me
And think quickly
Well, why do you need her?
I'm younger, prettier!
If you did not change your mind
And (name of the bride) you want to take,
You'll have to pay
Give me a dowry.

The bride, meanwhile, is waiting for the groom in another room, to which we approach. The doors of this room are walled up with strings, the groom must cut off one thread at a time and speak affectionate words to the bride.

sealed door,
What do you do now
Need to cut the strings
And (name of the bride) gently call.

When all the strings from the door are cut, he says:

That's all the passage is open,
Come honest people
The bride sits by the window
Only next to her brother,
Bargain for a place
So that the brother is happy and happy.

Near the bride sits a native or cousin, who can only be moved by paying him a ransom for the bride. The brother begins to bargain with the groom, selling first the bride's glance, the bride's hand, a kiss, and so on.

The ransom of the bride is a classic custom that begins the modern wedding of almost any nation. By tradition, a huge number of guests and ordinary onlookers gather to look at how the groom will come to pick up his beloved at the registry office. This action is carried out, as a rule, accompanied by noisy cheerful trials through which the groom must go. This is probably the most crucial moment for the future spouse, so all participants should carefully prepare by coming up with a funny scenario for this interesting scene.

Preparing for a buyout

The process of preparing for the ransom of the bride takes place directly on the wedding day, a couple of hours before the groom arrives with his noisy company. The script has long been ready and is in the hands of the witness. It is necessary to acquaint other participants with it, which will be needed for the implementation of such a plan. And so that the ransom goes without a hitch, a few tips to help you:

  • Take care of the decor of the entrance to the bride's house and the entrance in advance. Hang balloons generously over the door, decorate an impromptu arch with ribbons, hang various posters with humorous inscriptions in the wedding theme.
  • For the convenience of performing this or that competition, put tables on the street to meet the groom. Take care of drinks and snacks. If the wedding takes place in winter, do not keep dear guests outside for a long time.
  • Prepare a special box in which you will collect money for the bride.
  • Appoint a responsible person who will carefully monitor the money. It is important that nothing is lost during the day, that it falls into the hands of the newlyweds safe and sound.
  • Select girls from among the bridesmaids who will assist in the process of conducting the ransom.

Requisites for redemption

Writing a script is a responsible business that will not succeed if you do not think about the necessary additional details. After the words are composed, interesting contests are invented, it will become clear to you what necessary accessories will be useful for the implementation of a particular scene. So, what exactly do you need to run a funny bride price scenario:

  • In advance, buy a large number of balloons with which you will decorate the entrance.
  • To design humorous posters with caricatures of the bride and groom, prepare a lot of multi-colored felt-tip pens, paints, and crayons.
  • Beautifully design a piggy bank in which you will collect money, sweets and other items for ransom. Use ribbons, bows, artificial flowers.
  • To carry out some contests you will need: a glass half filled with water, a large basin, children's photos of the bride and her bridesmaids, rope, clothespins, 10 lollipops.
  • Draw footprints of various sizes with chalk, including the natural footprint of the bride (make it along the contour of her foot).


The scenario of a ridiculous bride price provides for the presence of actors, so you should decide in advance on the people whom you will involve in your performance. Be sure to include them in the script list. You must describe in detail in your script the order of the dialogues of the participants in the event, the words that accompany certain actions. Write down the speech for each one by name. It might be more interesting if you use prose.

As a rule, the most important participants in any ransom of the bride are: the presenter (the witness who prepared and invented funny contests or toastmaster), her assistants, the groom, the witness and the rest of the assembled guests (they also help the future husband cope with certain tasks, suggest and provide moral support). At the end, the bride's parents and the beauty herself in a wedding dress appear.

Venue decoration

Much depends on how the bride meets her lover in the future family life of the couple. The first thing that should be carefully taken care of is the decoration of the venue for the merry ransom of the bride. Everything should shine, smell fragrant, talk about how welcome and looking forward to the head of the future family. Below are some tips to help you prepare and beautifully decorate the bride's yard for the arrival of the groom.

  1. Cleanliness is the key to a pleasant and impeccable impression, so it is necessary to carefully clean the yard in advance. Wash the floors of the porch thoroughly, remove unnecessary items, you may first need to make a small repair, paint some details (creating an ideal image will not hurt you).
  2. Next, proceed to the design and decorations. Tie a beautiful drapery with bows on the railing, attach small bouquets of natural or artificial flowers, some of which can be placed on the window sills of the entrance. Make generous use of colorful ribbons hanging from the ceiling.
  3. Decorate the walls with different funny caricature-style pictures or thematic inscriptions about the wedding. Everything should correspond to one theme - the ransom of the bride and a fun wedding.
  4. At the entrance to the entrance, put an impromptu arch of balls. If possible, drape the entrance with a beautiful fabric in the form of an arch.
  5. If the ransom takes place in the village, then it will be much easier to decorate the yard: you will need less material for decoration (for example, use a large number of balls).
  6. Do not forget to colorfully decorate the room in which the bride will wait for her lover.

Script for the ransom of the bride

Action one. The groom with his parents and friends drives up to the bride's house in a smart car. A meeting takes place here: the witness and the bridesmaids have gathered at the entrance to the entrance and do not let dear guests. She starts the conversation first and asks the following question:

How far are you on your way, good fellow?

Yes, I am looking for my beloved. I want to take you down the aisle!

Found the right way! However, the path to the beauty is not easy: trials await you here. Think well if you are ready for them.

Action two. Bridesmaids approach the groom with a piggy bank and the words:

Once you have firmly decided to marry - replenish the piggy bank, fill the future family budget. Let your friend not be shy and put a heel or two too!

Satisfied with the monetary tribute, the girls hand each filled glass of snacks to the guys and disperse, letting the groom get closer to the entrance to the entrance.

Action three. Trials and punishments.

Competitions for the groom and witnesses

  • First competition. The host lays out the traces drawn in advance and says the following verse:

Here the girls ran -

Very heavily trampled!

Look at your favorite footprint

To love a thousand years!

If the groom gives the wrong answer - each time he puts a part of the ransom in the piggy bank, the witness helps him.

  • Second competition. The groom with the guests moves forward and gets into the vestibule of the entrance. Here he can see funny photographs of the bride, hung on a rope, mixed with her girlfriends in childhood. He must guess the photo of his future wife. Guests help. Witness says:

Let's see now -

How is your sharp eye!

One two Three -

Where is it: find it!

  • Third contest. At the entrance, the groom must lay out the name of his beloved in banknotes. The money is then put into a piggy bank for redemption. Friend's words:

So that the future wife loves -

Write her name with money!

  • Fourth contest. Having risen to the floor above, the witnesses put a huge basin in front of the groom, with the words:

And now, well done generous,

Put a gift for the bride here.

It must be valuable

The most extraordinary.

Here the guy must guess that it is himself. Jokingly give hints to the newlywed, for example, with what object the bride will have to live together all her life, etc. Guests should give funny and funny ideas, prompt.

  • Fifth contest. "Money over the edge." The witness gives a half-filled glass to the groom, so that he pours a lot of change and water overflows. Her words:

Show the abundance of your wealth, gild the glass with coins!

  • Sixth contest. There remains the last flight with steps to the doors leading to the bride's apartment. The groom must write in chalk on each step the reason why he is getting married. The host hands him a piece of chalk and says:

And now, good fellow, you must imprint on the stone twelve reasons why you are getting married.

Better prepare the groom by advising him to come up with these reasons at home. And at the end of the competition, demand the last ransom in the form of sweets, champagne, and various coins.

Video: funny bride price

It is easy to understand that a good scenario for the ransom of the bride in one day cannot be imagined. It is necessary to look through a lot of information, ask friends what traditional competitions to fill the first minutes of this ceremony with, so that everything turns out to be interesting and fun. Feel free to use humor when compiling your bride price, use your own imagination and creativity extensively. Watch the video below on the topic of a ridiculous bride price, which will give you a better idea of ​​what it should look like in real life.

Anna Lyubimova 24 July 2018

The tradition of redeeming a bride at a wedding is inherent in many nations, but the old Slavic custom is not so much the introduction of “kalym”, but the opportunity to start an exciting event with perky and cheerful notes. That is why it is played with humor, and the emphasis is not on the amount of money “pulled out” from the groom and friends, but on the originality of the plots of the ceremony.

Features of the ransom of the bride

Relatives and friends of the newlywed take the bride, safely hiding her from the assertive groom, wanting to check whether this young man is really ready for anything for his beloved. You can beat the moment of the disappearance of the bride in completely creative stories, but the fact remains - the groom must go certain "tests" and prove true love before he gets his future wife.

Photo of the ransom of the bride according to the scenario

The beginning of the ransom is marked by the arrival of the young man to the house of his betrothed. The arrival of the groom for the bride according to the scenario should be fraught with several difficulties along the way. After all, in ancient times, the train of the groom was stopped on the road by the "outpost" of relatives and friends of the bride, blocking the path and demanding certain conditions to be met, more often to test strength and prowess. If the groom redeems the bride from his brother or sister, the young man is halfway there. Having shown the talents of physical strength, he continues to move, although the obstacles do not end there. The next stage was no longer a test of strength, but of the level of intelligence and ingenuity - it was necessary to solve riddles. True, benevolent relatives, neighbors and friends often helped in this.

At present, it is worth taking general principles as a basis, but not inventing too long and tedious tasks - because the modern rhythm of life is so dynamic

In addition, do not put up obstacles and do not invent tests that are too weighty in time and burdensome in execution, from which the groom will not only get tired, but also come into a bad mood and become irritated. It is desirable that the redemption procedure takes no more than 20 minutes.

Especially consider the character and sociality of the young newlywed, because sometimes guys, by no means, not supporters of played comedies and may simply feel uncomfortable in an unusually active and attention-grabbing environment.

What should be considered when preparing for a buyout?

In the buyout process, as a rule, active participation and insurance are assigned for bridesmaids and groomsmen. A witness should conduct the ransom, but in the process of completing the proposed tasks, a witness from the groom's side can actively help to approach his bride.

Witness conducts a ransom at a wedding

Pre need to think of a scenario, corresponding to the theme of the wedding, prepare props, costumes and, of course, tasks for the groom in advance. Also an important point is how the payment for the bride will be carried out. The ransom does not necessarily involve pulling large bills out of the groom. When ransoming a bride, you can pay in small change, as well as sweets, alcohol, flowers, and even hearts with promises.

Calculation of flowers at the bride price

Before planning a scenario, organizers often ask themselves the question of how to redeem the bride correctly? Since this custom does not currently require compliance with strict rules and regulations, you can organize an event in an arbitrary style, using imagination and creativity. The main thing is to come up with fun and funny tasks, but at the same time not put the groom in an awkward position. Better yet, take into account his talents and let him impress guests with an unusual act. For example, if a guy is an athlete and can easily pull himself up on the bar 20 times, come up with just such a task for him (just don’t need push-ups from the floor - so as not to stain the suit). If he is a talented guitar player and has a wonderful voice - let him sing a serenade.

The groom sings a serenade to the bride at the wedding

Usually, the meeting of the groom at the ransom is organized in two stages. At the first, the newlywed and his support group: the witness and friends are met at the gate, for example, at the gate, if it is a private house, or at the entrance to an apartment building. Greeting the groom at the ransom can be organized in poetic form. But it is desirable to limit ourselves to verses on this, since the whole ransom procedure, carried out in rhyme, is somewhat embarrassing, especially when the groom needs give answers to questions which are unlikely to rhyme. To go further, the future spouse must complete the proposed tasks or pay off.

The next stage is directly at the door where the bride is hidden. For ransom, the groom needs to guess the right path to the betrothed. Of course, it is necessary to play these stages with humor, giving fun and easy tasks, and if the groom does not cope, an alternative to paying off should be provided. Moreover, it is advisable to warn the groom in advance about the required amount of the buy-out "goods" so that there is no embarrassment.

And, of course, it is necessary to organize video and photography of this event, since it is an important part of the wedding celebration

How to prepare contests for the groom - ideas for a fun, cool ransom

Depending on the style of the wedding, you can play with fairy tale stories, for example, or think of neutral stories that will suit any type of wedding decoration. Very popular draws in medical style, traffic police, court session. At the same time, the task is not to let the bridegroom pick up the bride until comic documents about the suitability of the young spouse for family life are issued.

Photo of the ransom of the bride in the style of traffic police

For example, in the style of the traffic police, the spouse is met by an inspector who has prepared an exam for the groom - this can be a few comic tasks. For example, a sobriety test - the groom is invited to walk with his eyes closed along the tape laid out on the track, try to avoid obstacles, driving a toy car, pass a memory test by drawing a portrait of the bride. At the end of the "traffic cop" gives the newlywed the right to family life.

You can think of a fairy tale plot, for example, sorcerers steal a bride, and a valiant knight must free her, receiving a hand and heart as a reward. Here it is necessary to provide several accessories corresponding to the theme, depicting magicians and fairies, fulfilling the conditions of which the groom will redeem their future wife from them.

Tasks can be very different. For example, very popular game of glasses. Magicians bring 3 glasses and ask a riddle - to fill them with ringing, rustling and murmuring. The groom needs to put paper money, coins in each and fill it with champagne.

On the way to the bride’s apartment, you can put hearts on the steps, where funny reasons for marriage are indicated: “advised”, “by calculation”, “I don’t know myself”, etc. Put “out of love” on the topmost one. The task is to take the top heart without stepping on the steps with all the others. There is only redemption here, you say? But no - there are ways to complete the task, for example, the groom's friends can simply take him to the highest step, if they guess.

Another simpler interpretation is to lay out hearts of two colors on the steps: red and blue. If the groom steps on red - he says an affectionate word about his beloved, on blue - he must answer how he will scold her. Doesn't want to scold then you have to redeem yourself. Or lay out carved traces on each step with questions, for example, the height of the bride, eye color, what are her favorite flowers, etc.

Photo of the groom at the bride price

It can also be questions related to memorable dates. What dates can be written on the wedding ransom? Well, for example, when we met, the first date, the birthday of the mother-in-law and the father-in-law, the date of the wedding (oddly enough, the groom is sometimes lost in answering this question). Each correct answer brings the future spouse closer to the goal. Well, if the young man answers indistinctly, then you have to pay off. Moreover, the ransom of the bride without money is carried out using additional tasks, for example, dancing a gypsy girl with friends.

Groom dancing at the wedding

Entertainment at the bride price

Another option - offer the groom a chamomile with petals, tearing off which he must say compliments to his beloved for redemption.

Cool games for the ransom of the bride can be organized in the form of a quest. For example, make a puzzle in the shape of a heart for ransom. Each part must be hidden in a certain place and in order to get a hint, you need to complete the task. For example, guess which box contains the bride's shoe. There are several boxes to choose from, where you can put slippers, sandals, boots.

You can also hang baby photos on the doors and ask them to recognize your bride in them. After all, it is behind this door that another piece of the heart-puzzle will turn out.

When the groom collects all the parts of the heart and fastens them, he enters the finish line. You have to guess your true bride behind closed doors. There may be several girls there, ribbons tied to their hands, and the tips exposed outside the door. The groom pulls on the ribbon that he thinks belongs to the bride. Very often they come up with various jokes and ask grandmothers to participate, even men dressed up, for example, in a Baba Yaga. When the “betrothed” chosen by him comes out to the groom, they begin to assure him that this is not a dummy bride at all, but simply his bewitched lover. To disenchant her, you need to appease the sorcerers with ransom or kiss the chosen "bride". What will the groom choose?

The groom kisses the bride at the wedding

As you can see, there are a lot of options, and creativity, good humor and fantasy will certainly help you come up with completely exclusive wedding bidding ideas.

At the door of the house (if the house is multi-storey - at the entrance to the entrance), the groom and his friends are met by friends and guests of the bride.

Hello gentlemen,
Where are you from and where?
If by - pass,
If to us - why, tell me.

The groom and his friends answer:
For the bride.

For the bride. That's great.
We are waiting for you, our clear falcon.
Yes. We have a bride
Impossible to take your eyes off.
Young, slim, beautiful,
White-faced, marvelous to everyone.
But in order to achieve her hands,
You need to work hard.
After these words, the groom and his friends enter the door and see, oddly enough, steps.

There are many tender words in the world,
And the bride deserves them.
You walk up the stairs
And call the bride affectionately.
The groom is offered the first test. He must climb the stairs (if the house is multi-storey - up to the first floor). On each step of the stairs, the groom somehow affectionately calls his betrothed. The task can be complicated by writing a letter on each step and inviting the groom to affectionately name his bride with this letter. If he cannot come up with anything for this letter, the witness and the rest of the groom's friends pay a ransom. After that, the groom moves on to the next step, and so on.

When the groom overcomes this obstacle, he is offered the following. In the hands of the bridesmaid is a chamomile. On each petal of this chamomile, memorable dates for the future newlyweds are recorded in advance. This may be the date the bride and groom met, and the hour of their first date, the size of the waist or the size of the bride's shoes, and even the age of the future mother-in-law.

Here is a field chamomile,
Tear off the petal
Guess the number.
After these words, the groom tears off the chamomile petals one by one and guesses one or another memorable number. If he cannot guess what any figure is connected with, then he pays a ransom. As soon as the ransom amount suits the bride's guests, the groom tears off the next petal. The test ends when the chamomile is left without petals.
If the groom has completed this test with dignity, he is allowed to go further. (When the ransom takes place in a high-rise building, the groom is allowed to take the elevator to the bride's floor, or he must walk if the bride's friends are not happy with the ransom or the way the groom guessed memorable numbers).

The bridesmaid is standing at the bride's door holding a large sheet of paper in her hands. On this sheet, the bride and her bridesmaids leave imprints of their lips in advance.

Here you can see those lips.
Guess or not
Where is your favorite trace?
The groom is looking for the imprint of his bride's lips. The task can be complicated by writing any amount under each print. In this case, for all incorrectly guessed lips, the groom or his friends pay the specified ransom. This test may be accompanied by playful reproaches. The competition continues until the groom guesses the lips of his betrothed.
After the task is completed, the facilitator suggests the following:
The door is closed on the way
You need to find the key to the door.
Serenade, song of love
You fulfill and pass.
The groom must sing a song. If he refuses, then friends help. If the friends also refuse, then a ransom is paid. Its amount should completely suit the guests of the bride.
When the given task is completed or the ransom is paid, the door opens and the groom finds himself in front of the next locked door.

And the groom is not lame?
Come on, stomp your foot.
The groom stomps.

Don't make people laugh
Sleep a gypsy for us.
If an accordion player is present at the wedding, then he performs a gypsy. If there is no accordion player, then the tape recording is turned on. The groom, to the laughter and jokes of the guests, dances a gypsy girl or pays a ransom.

The beautiful bride loves fun
Dance not alone, but together with everyone!
The groom's friends and he himself perform the gypsy or pay a large ransom.

For the bride-darling -
Champagne bottle.
For a beautiful wife -
Chocolate "Alyonushka".
For a long dress -
A bottle of wine.
So as not to go to someone else's cutie,
Come on, paper money.
The groom and his friends after these words pay a ransom, guests can jokingly shout: "You pay little, you see, you want to go to someone else's cutie", "Do not be stingy, come on more!" etc.

After the ransom is paid, the groom is offered the next task.

In this bundle is the key to the door,
You manage to find him
If you took the wrong one - pay.
The groom is given a bunch of keys, from which he removes the keys one at a time and tries to open the door with one or another key. For every key that doesn't fit the door, the groom and his friends pay a ransom. The contest ends when the required key is found and the door is opened.
The door opens. The groom and his guests see a table that blocks the corridor.

What is your bride's name
You write money.
How to write - show!
The groom is invited to write in money the full name of his bride. He lays it out with money on the table. This action is accompanied by jokes like "Write bigger!" etc. After the groom completes the task, the table is cleared.

You paid generously
And he didn't talk about love.
So that no one doubts
You confess your love!
Shout out loud, don't melt
(name of the bride)! I love you!
The groom screams, and the guests appreciate. There may be exclamations: "Something is quiet!", "The bride does not hear anything!" etc. The groom yells a declaration of love until the guests are satisfied.

In front of the door of the room where the bride is, the groom sees a basin.

Here. You see this pelvis.
Put in it now
Neither goat nor lamb
Not a bad pig.
For the bride, put
What does she need for her soul?
Of course, the groom will not be able to immediately guess what exactly should be put in the basin, and a comic situation will arise. But the test will last until the groom realizes that he himself must stand in the basin.

After the groom has passed this test, he sees that several ribbons are peeking out from under the door behind which the bride is located. In the room, the bride and her bridesmaids are tied to these ribbons by the finger. And for more fun, you can tie, for example, a neighbor of retirement age to some ribbon. If the groom pulls the ribbon and pulls out this very matryona - there will be laughter.

Pull one ribbon
And stretch out your narrowed one.
If you pull out the wrong one,
Pay us money.
Or marry the one
What are you pulling.
The competition with laughter and jokes continues until the groom pulls his bride out. When he is wrong, the guests loudly ask for a ransom or tell the groom that he must marry the one who came out the door.

After the bride is finally guessed, the future newlyweds go hand in hand to the table, and then it turns out that the bride does not have one shoe.

You are walking with your bride
How will you marry her?
I don't have one shoe
Find her, hero!
The groom is offered several shoe boxes. One of them contains the bride's shoe. For a laugh, you can put torn slippers, galoshes or felt boots in the rest of the boxes. For each incorrectly guessed box, the groom pays a ransom. The test lasts until the groom finds his narrowed shoe.
When the groom finally overcomes all the obstacles on the way to his happiness, the host says:
The test passed
You have reached the bride!
And so now
You take the bride to the registry office!

The future newlyweds go to the table, where they accept congratulations and wishes from the guests.

Traditionally, the wedding begins with the ransom of the bride. It is held before the groom meets the bride on the day of the celebration. This ceremony is one of the unchanging traditions that accompany the wedding. It has deep roots. In ancient times, in order to take away a girl who was the first assistant in the house, one had to give something in return.

The groom tried to cover the inconvenience that would arise due to the girl leaving the house, giving valuables, cattle and other gifts in return. In our time, this rite takes place symbolically, and its task is not to bargain for money, but to give fervor, fun to the event. Let us consider in more detail how to redeem the bride, what the groom and witnesses should do, so that everyone is satisfied and the procedure does not drag on.

Often witnesses are involved in organizing the ransom of the bride. But the main part still falls on the bridesmaid.

Some couples turn to the toastmaster for help, who can develop a script for competitions and other nuances. The ransom rite consists of a series of contests and tasks for the groom and the witness.

All questions relate to the hero of the occasion. If the groom cannot answer any of them, then he must pay a certain amount or present champagne, sweets, etc.

In some cases, the redemption process can be divided into several stages:

  1. Even on the road, distant relatives and neighbors can meet the groom and demand to pay for the opportunity to travel and name the bride.
  2. In the yard of the groom, close friends of the young are waiting.
  3. Immediately before entering the bride's room, the tests are arranged by the witness and girlfriends.
  4. The task of the groom with a witness is not to deprive anyone and make some kind of payment.

The main task of all participants in the ransom ceremony is not to delay the process. Otherwise, you may be late for registration.

How to behave to girlfriends

The task of the bridesmaids is to turn the traditional groom’s bride price into a fun, well-organized event. It is better not to use poems at this stage of the celebration; make a speech in prose with appropriate funny jokes. To do this, follow certain rules:

  1. You should not force the groom and the witness to perform not very pleasant tasks. For example, eat a pood of salt or drink water with lemon. Competitions must be neutral and realistically feasible. Otherwise, you risk spoiling the mood of the groom at the beginning of the wedding.
  2. It should be remembered that the event is calculated for only 15-30 minutes at most.
  3. Try to calculate the time so that a certain period of time remains between the ransom and the trip to the registry office.
  4. Tasks are chosen so that when they are completed by the groom, the guests can see what is happening, and the photographer can take beautiful photos.
  5. When using pictures in contests, their angle should be large.
  6. When using rhyming jokes and jokes, they must be read expressively and without hesitation.
  7. In the event that the number of guests at the wedding is impressive, you should not invite everyone to the ransom. There will be enough witnesses, girlfriends, friends, close relatives.
  8. It is necessary to prepare for the ceremony in advance. Place posters and other attributes.
  9. Properly distribute responsibilities so that no one gets bored.

What to do and say to mother, sister, brother of the bride

For the parents of the bride, there are many trials on the wedding day. It is in their house that the ransom of the bride takes place and the house is full of guests. Worries begin with the bride's attire. Her mother and friends can help her.

Then the parents meet the guests after the ransom, escort them to the room where the buffet table is organized. Serving it is the task of the mother of the bride, who is helped by the bridesmaids. Treating guests with champagne is the task of witnesses. Traditionally, parents do not take part in the ransom ceremony.

But if the bride has younger sisters or brothers, then they can actively bargain for her with the groom. Girlfriends provide for this in the script. The main task of parents after the completion of the ransom before going to the registry office is the blessing of the young. Before the beginning of the ceremony, guests are asked to go outside, where they form a kind of living corridor.

After the bride and groom are blessed, they go out into the street, and the girl's mother showers the newlyweds with wheat seeds, coins and sweets for their rich, well-fed and sweet future life.

What to say to the matchmaker from the side of the groom

In ancient times, matchmaking began with certain words: “You have goods, we have a merchant,” and so on. The young people involved in the ransom should not include them in the script.

But if the task is to conduct a ceremony in the old Russian style, then this role is performed by the matchmaker on the part of the groom. It is she who begins the redemption process.

The bottom line is to present the purpose of their arrival and praise the merits of the groom.

How to behave to the groom and his friends

The ransom scenario is worked out in advance, and the bridesmaids must think over the behavior of the groom in advance. In any case, it must be prepared if the groom needs to say any words during the bidding process.

Basically, various tests are prepared for the groom, and he, in turn, performs them and answers questions in monosyllables. You can deal with this without much difficulty. The beginning of the auction is started by the organizers, the matchmaker from the groom's side can participate.

When asked by girlfriends why the groom came to them, the young man can simply answer in monosyllables “For the bride!”. It is difficult for the groom to prepare for the ransom directly, since he often does not know the scenario in advance. The witness can only partially acquaint him with individual points. Therefore, the young man has to improvise on the go.

And since basically all questions relate to the bride, it is necessary to ask her in advance some moments from her childhood, shoe size, favorite lipstick color, and so on.

Let's present a list of the main areas that the groom may encounter at the ransom:

  1. Prove your love. Here you can prepare a romantic story about the love of the newlyweds to make your girlfriends feel emotional.
  2. Present your strengths. Usually this is the answer to the question of what the groom is ready to provide the bride in the future.. Here you have to praise yourself, and try not to laugh. To facilitate the task, this can be done by a witness.
  3. How the groom will spend time with the bride during their marriage. In this regard, the groom proves that the bride will not be bored with him. And you can prove it by performing any song or dance.
  4. Important dates. Here you have to prepare seriously, as they will ask not only about the day they met, but also about the first day of the first kiss, the first trip to the cinema, and so on. Usually men do not pay attention to such trifles.
  5. The bride is the best and unique. In this direction, you need to collect a list of affectionate and tender words about your beloved.

Since the groom arrives not alone, but with a retinue of friends and close relatives, it is necessary to think in advance what to say to them.

Firstly, they can actively participate in the auction, but not allow themselves too much.

Secondly, to help the groom, suggest the right words, ideas for completing the task. The main assistant of the groom at the wedding is a witness. He can actively answer questions and even replace him in the performance of any competitions.

Usually the groom is lost from excitement, so the witness must always be ready to come to the rescue of a friend. And if the girlfriends play too much and demand an exorbitant price for the ransom, then the witness can actively bargain and bring down the price.

The ransom ceremony will be a great success if it is performed in any style or timed to coincide with a specific theme.

How to meet the groom - what to put on the table

As already mentioned, after the ransom is completed, the bride's parents invite guests to a buffet table.

This tradition is connected mainly with the fact that there is still a long process ahead, consisting of marriage and a photo session.

Sandwiches and small canapes are placed on the table so that they fit entirely in the mouth. Since the photographer is working all the time and a set table can get into the photo lens, it is necessary to think over the technique of decorating dishes in advance, remove unnecessary interior items.

A large amount of alcohol on the buffet table is inappropriate. It is enough to organize champagne, which will cheer up a little and liberate the guests.

Here is another version of the scenario for the ransom of the bride:

The rite of redemption of the bride is a traditional wedding procedure, but, nevertheless, not all newlyweds consider it appropriate. This is explained by the fact that not all guests behave adequately during competitions and auctions, sometimes forcing the groom to perform unrealistic things. It is believed that the ransom can be replaced, for example, with a beautiful meeting of the bride and groom. In your opinion, is it worth paying tribute to traditions or still introducing new creative ideas into the wedding scenario?