Ideas for New Year's costumes for kids with their own hands. New Year's costumes for children: do it yourself. The best children's books

In anticipation of the arrival of the New Year, both children and adults carefully think over New Year's images in which they will celebrate the holiday. Looking through bright photos of New Year's costumes, it is not always easy to make a choice, because they are presented in a fairly wide range.

Among the variety of outfits, both children and their parents will find a suitable option.

Beautiful Christmas Fairy costume (with photo)

Here in the photo are New Year's costumes for girls, among which you can see fairy-tale characters, princesses, and animals:

If you cannot find a suitable outfit for a certain New Year's look in stores, the most correct way out is to make it yourself.

Pay attention to the photo of a beautiful New Year's costume for a girl, where she is in the image of a fairy-tale character - fairies:

It is not difficult to make it with your own hands, for this it is enough to put on the baby a dress of a delicate color - pink, lilac or cream, attach wings, and use a magic wand as a mandatory attribute of a fairy.

Wings can be bought at fancy dress stores, but if desired, parents can make their own.

To do this, you can use two options:

Cut out a frame for the wings from cardboard or make it out of wire and cover it with a transparent material - old guipure or mesh, for decoration, you can paint the material with glitter varnish.

When a girl walks, such fairy wings will flutter in time with the movements of the child.

You can make wings out of fabric by cutting them in the shape of a half-flare, make rubber bands at the ends and put them on your fingers.

New Year's costume for a child "Amanita" (with photo)

In these photos, a do-it-yourself New Year's costume for Amanita:

It is better to dress in such an outfit in the case when the child should appear in this image at the children's matinee.

The outfit is suitable not only for girls, but also for boys. A white turtleneck will perform the upper part of the festive costume, leggings or panties of the same color - the bottom. The main role in creating the image of the Amanita is given to the headdress.

To make a mushroom cap, follow these steps:

Measure the baby's head with a centimeter tape and, according to the measurements made, cut a strip from a wide elastic band.

Cut out a circle from cardboard, approximately 45 cm in diameter, glue it with a red cloth on the outside, and white on the inside.

Glue white circles on top of the red fabric.

Sew the elastic to the inside of the fly agaric hat.

The upper and lower parts of the Christmas mushroom costume can be decorated with rain. Shoes can be chosen according to your choice.

Children's New Year's costume Squirrels (with photo)

Not a single New Year's children's party is complete without such a character as Squirrel.

In the photo, the children's New Year's costume for Belochka looks bright and elegant:

The main attribute of the attire of this furry animal is a large and fluffy tail, pulled up.

That is why work on creating such an outfit for the New Year should begin with a pattern of a luxurious tail:

Draw a tail on cardboard, cut it out.

Transfer the pattern to a piece of red, gray or brown fur, fix it with pins and cut it out. Do not forget about the seam allowances - add 1.5-2 cm on each side. Sew the details of the tail on the sewing machine.

The finished tail will need to be securely attached to the suit. To do this, it is important to make a fastening system: sew a button from the wrong side to the tail, thread a fishing line into it. Turn the tail out, bring the ends of the fishing line out.

Further, in order to fix the tail in a vertical position, it is necessary to make another design: cut three pieces from a wide elastic band - two on the shoulders of the child, the third - to fix these two parts on the back. Tie the ends of the fishing line that hold the tail to an elastic band located in the middle of the child's back.

For the squirrel, you still need to make ears. To do this, take two hangers, a headband, some fur, organza and an orange satin ribbon. Wrap the rim with a satin ribbon, fixing its edges on both sides with glue. Cut out two ears from the shoulders, wrap them with organza so that on one side it is folded once, on the other - twice. Then carefully sew them to the headband with the side where the organza is folded once. Sew some fur to the tips of the ears.

As a costume for Squirrel, put on a turtleneck and a skirt of the same color as a ponytail. If there is a fur vest, it will be a great addition to the New Year's outfit.

In these photos, children's New Year's costumes for girls are presented in a wide variety of options:

At the children's party, you can appear in the costume of the Little Red Riding Hood, the Snow Queen, the New Year tree, the Snowflake.

Beautiful New Year's costumes and photo images for boys

Among the New Year's costumes for the boy in this photo, all parents will certainly be able to pick up a beautiful fancy dress:

You should not dress up a child in a bear, wolf or hare costume if he does not play the role of one of these animals.

Pay attention to the beautiful New Year's costumes for boys in the photo and choose the original version:

The image of Carlson is perfect for mobile and active kids. The costume of this funny character consists of large plaid shorts and a T-shirt or shirt.

Sew a large bright button on the front of your pants, make suspenders from a wide elastic band or ribbon. To complete the image of Carlson, who lives on the roof, a bright orange wig will help.

Other New Year's costumes for the child in the photo below:

For the New Year, boys can be dressed up in the costume of a Musketeer, Aladdin, Batman, a pirate.

Do-it-yourself New Year's astronaut costume with step-by-step photos

Many boys dream of becoming astronauts. For a while, all parents can make a child's dream come true if they make an astronaut suit for their son.

One of the options for a do-it-yourself New Year's astronaut costume in the photo with step-by-step instructions below:

The main attributes of the astronaut's suit are a helmet and a balloon. We will make a helmet using the papier-mâché technique.

For this you will need the following materials:

  • air round ball;
  • old newspapers;
  • flour;
  • water;
  • white latex paint.

Helmet do this:

Tear the newspaper into small pieces. Mix flour and water, you should get a mass resembling sour cream.

Inflate the ball about twice as large as the child's head, and on top of it in layers, begin to carefully lay out wet pieces of newspaper soaked in a water-flour solution. Please note that the bottom of the balloon must remain unglued.

The balloon must be pierced and removed from the helmet. Now top coat this important astronaut accessory with white latex paint.

Draw a hole for the face with a pencil and cut it out with scissors. On the contour you need to stick a white adhesive tape to hide all the bumps.

To make a balloon, use two bottles, scotch tape and an old hose from the washing machine. Connect two bottles with tape, wrap with tape, attach a hose.

Use a sports suit as clothing for an astronaut. If you have such old clothes, cover them with silver spray paint on top.

Rubber boots are the best footwear.

New Year's costumes for adults and photos of the best images of 2018

Parents do not want to lag behind their children, so they also carefully consider the image for the New Year.

Pay attention to the photo of New Year's costumes for adults:

A woman can choose the outfit of an angel, a pirate, a mermaid, a witch, a fairy or a good sorceress.

Men often choose the costumes of Zorro, Batman, Spider-Man, Superman to celebrate the New Year. Kids will love this superhero dad.

The costumes look beautiful in pairs, when both the man and the woman are dressed in outfits of famous characters. For example, Jasmine and Aladdin, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood.

Your attention is presented to the best New Year's costumes of 2018 in the photo below:

Each of us remembers with what impatience in childhood we expected the onset of the New Year's party, how we dreamed of the most amazing carnival costume. How they imagined that this costume would transform us beyond recognition, and then make us the queen of the ball. And you didn't have to buy New Year's costumes: do-it-yourself our mothers made them simply unique. Each of us can do it today.

At the New Year's carnival, animal costumes have always been and will be the most popular. Here is a wolf sewn from an old gray pita. Will he find his Little Red Riding Hood?

For the suit you will need gray, yellow and black fleece.

Where the wolf ran, the fox-sister will surely appear.

But this tiger and tigress can be sewn from old coats.

There are many traditional costumes - favorite animals, heroes of fairy tales, cartoons. These outfits are very popular with kids and their parents. And this is despite the fact that they are found at every matinee more often than other costumes and absolutely do not pretend to be original. And although they are often made from worn clothes, the attractiveness of the outfits does not decrease from this. After all, who can leave indifferent the costume of a BUTTERFLY or a MOTH. And to embody the image of an insect-girl, you just need to put on a child an elegant light blouse and dark (and even better black) skirt, tights and shoes. On the head it will be necessary to make a hoop of black fabric on a cardboard basis, on which mustaches of wire with beads or balls at the tips should be attached. The main work will be the manufacture of wings. To begin with, a piece of light monophonic silk is taken - white, blue, pink or yellow. From it, a semicircle-shaped blank is cut out for wings, stretched and painted with watercolors or aniline dye according to your desire and imagination. The only requirement for the drawing is to maintain symmetry. After the final drying of the pattern, the fabric is collected in the center and fastened on the neck, and the tips of the wings - on the wrists.

For the moth costume, you only need a mask, a pink dress and bracelets.

Little snowman and sun. A wonderful, albeit dangerous, tandem.

It is easy to make such owls if you find a skillful use of the patches.

But so easily you can turn a moth into a cat and vice versa.

For a cunning animal, you will need a red robe or dress and a white jacket.

To make a Christmas tree outfit, you will only need a little over half an hour. First, a sundress and a cap are made from corrugated paper, naturally green. The sundress is decorated with glued paper toys and garlands, and the top in the form of an asterisk or icicle is attached to the cap.

Christmas tree with real lights. Below we have given a master class on its manufacture.

Stock up on supplies, buttons, green cloth and a garland.

Make a pattern on an old newspaper. Hint: you can make it from an old t-shirt.

Transfer the pattern to the fabric. Choose a thicker fabric.

Measure twice, cut one, make the back and front of the Christmas tree.

From the wrong side, mark the cutouts for the garland with chalk.

Insert small pieces of wire - they will hold the garlands.

Secure the garland with wire.

For safety, you need to sew a lining, because the costume is for children.

It remains only to connect the garland to the batteries, here you can’t do without dad.

Shine Christmas tree!

Often do-it-yourself children's Christmas costumes remake from a dress-bag of the desired length or a sundress. For example - SNOWMAN: a child puts on boots or thick white socks, puts a hat made of shiny paper like silver foil on his head, or you can put on a real small bucket. The lower edge of the headdress is sheathed (or glued) with “hair” - rain, thin synthetic winterizer, white fur or woolen threads. Further, a white sintepon sundress is put on a white turtleneck and girdled with a rain ribbon. On the nose, you can attach a paper carrot on a soft rubber band.

If you have a funny hat, a red scarf and a white turtleneck, then you don't have to worry about the Snowman costume.

For the Clown, you will need something striped and insanely bright.

Striped tights and red wigs will turn you into a charming clowness.

It is also easy to build a fly agaric costume, for the embodiment of which you just need to put on red velvet breeches with a lace white blouse or a jumpsuit decorated with an appliqué on the chest. Well, the red cardboard hat, of course, is pasted over with white circles. No special material and physical costs will be required in the manufacture of the GNOME costume. Again, red breeches are taken, a lush lace blouse, on which a yellow vest is put on. The blouse can be replaced with a shirt with removable cuffs and a puffy collar. It remains only to adapt a cap made of red fabric, a nose with potatoes - with an elastic band, a beard made of white or yellow foam rubber (can be replaced with fringe, padding polyester or fur). And, of course, the gnome costume will not do without a small flashlight, which will be the finishing touch for this fabulous image.

Such a hat is made on a wire frame.

If you need to make do-it-yourself New Year's costume for a girl, then you can start with the image of a SNOWFLAKE. He, as in Soviet times, today remains the cherished dream of every girl. So what if this idea is not too new and original. So what if we ourselves once flaunted in such an image. Probably, the time has come to dedicate a daughter to Snowflakes. So, the basis of the image of a snowflake is a white dress, light and flowing. The dress made of half-transparent airy fabric with lurex trim looks the most beautiful. An unlimited number of ruffles, lace and frills in an outfit will only be welcome. You can also decorate the dress with rain and blue and blue details. Shoes and tights can be chosen in white or light blue. The girl's hairstyle can be decorated with a diadem. Gloves or mitts to match the dress will complement the image of a crystal snowflake.

Do not like to sew, make a Christmas tree out of cardboard and soft toys.

Your little lover of fairy tales will be very happy if you invite her to make a RAPUNZEL costume with her. This is a cartoon princess with magnificent endless hair, which is not only capable of magic, but has long become the secret dream of many girls. And it is possible to become like the beloved beauty-goldilocks just on the eve of the New Year holiday. And it’s good that you, the most important wizards in your daughter’s life, can do it. Sew this one do-it-yourself New Year's costume for a child even a mom who is not very skillful with a needle can. The main thing is to find what to make a golden braid from, as well as pick up a beautiful fluffy dress of lilac or lavender color. Thank God, today you can buy a dress for every taste. Of course, if you sew it yourself, then this will only add delight to your mother in the eyes of your child, and also make the outfit simply exclusive. But, so that our ever-busy mothers do not waste precious time sewing a dress on their own, it is easier to buy it by choosing the right length and color, and then just redo it a little. The main distinguishing feature of Rapunzel's outfit is the sleeves in the form of flounces on the dress. It is desirable to pick up its top corset, which is laced up in front. Then the dress is decorated with organza, ribbons, lace, because this dress is intended for the most beautiful princess in the world! Then things get more complicated: to be able to make a long golden braid. Although, there is nothing unusual here either: a simple hair band, to which golden or yellow yarn is attached with a hot glue gun. First you need to decide on a long braid, which should slightly exceed the height of the girl. Then you need to prepare strands of yarn of the required length, while making sure that the threads do not tangle. The hair from the rim is left for a short length, modeling the semblance of a wig, and then braided into an ordinary classic long braid, and golden rain, ribbons and flowers will gradually need to be woven into it, thus decorating the hairstyle. Then a pigtail is braided from the threads shorter, which will correspond to the length of the base - the rim. Using the same glue gun, the braid is glued to the rim on its outer side, decorating the hairstyle and hiding not very aesthetic moments in it. This is how you can please your beloved daughter, showing only a little imagination and patience.

This cloud is made of cotton wool and sintepom.

Adorable cardboard snowflakes.

A real crown for the Snow Queen.

Four components of the costume: a tiered skirt, a crown, a white T-shirt and a cloak with fur.

Corrugated hairstyle and red lipstick.

Floral ensemble. Sew artificial flowers on a t-shirt and panties and the costume is ready.

As for a girl, there is nothing particularly difficult in making a New Year's costume for a boy with your own hands. Moreover, there are more than enough suitable ideas. And you can also realize your own ideas, because behind your own childhood with a lot of memories of New Year's celebrations. For example, even today the boys are crazy about the MUSKETERS, whose costume is the embodiment of adventurous adventures, male fearlessness and charm. And it consists of a white shirt, breeches, decorated with bows on the cuffs, as well as boots, complemented by spurs, which can be cut out of thick cardboard, glued with foil, pierced with wire and fixed on boots. The musketeer's cloak is cut out of bright satin fabric in the shape of a semicircle, decorated with a cross painted in gold or cut out of golden brocade and sewn onto the front of the cloak. The hat is glued from black thick paper or simply black-painted drawing paper. It is decorated with a strap with a "golden" buckle, as well as real feathers or cut out of white paper. A headdress will look richer when its brim is fairly wide and the feathers attached to it are long and thick. And of course, what a musketeer without a sword! You can buy it in any toy store or make it yourself from a hard wire rod, for example.

Funny minions. And it's not that hard to make them.

Prepare a bowl, paint, hard cardboard and a drill.

Drill a bowl, making "hair"

Glue the bowl and cardboard cylinder with tape, cut out the hands.

Now take care of the teeth and eyes.

The matter remained for the small one - a branded apron.

Your minion is ready. Charm, right?

The minion does not walk by himself, make friends for him.

Easy and fast sew a New Year's costume with your own hands it is possible for the image of a COWBOY. Such an outfit for a modern boy, as they say - cool! So, suede fabric is taken and a vest is sewn from it. Although, you can limit yourself to the purchase option. Further, a fringe is made on the vest. The shirt is taken light, ideally - white, rather loose. Then jeans are selected, preferably worn and worn with wide legs, which can also be decorated with fringes. A bright scarf is tied around the neck. A cowboy hat is a common variant of a men's beach hat. You can buy it in the store, or you can borrow it from good friends. The image is complemented by "brutal" shoes and suitable accessories in the form of a lasso and cowboy pistols.

Do-it-yourself beard of Santa Claus? And why not do it.

Out of time and fashion and a PIRATE costume. By the way, it is even easier to manufacture than the previous options. So, frayed old jeans are cut off below the level of the knees so that the cut line looks deliberately shaggy and uneven. A couple of patches are sewn onto the jeans, as well as a rough application on the theme of "gold coins". Also, the boy dresses up in a vest, knits a scarf-bandana on his head, and ties a bright handkerchief around his neck. Of course, it will be good if, in addition to traditional pistols, this hero is also put on the shoulder of a green parrot. And there is nothing to argue about the final touch to the costume - about the black eye patch: without it, the costume will be incomplete. A more modern version of this outfit is the costume of the pirate JACK SPARROW. In this case, you will need a “real” wig, which can be made from fabric - black and red knit patches. Moreover, the red fabric must be folded like a bandana. From black fabric, you will need to cut strips, which are subsequently attached to the bandana on both sides and braided into braids. Beads and ribbons are also woven into them. The fabric in the hairstyle can be replaced with thick yarn, making braids out of it. Lace cuffs and the same collar can be attached to the white shirt of this aristocratic pirate. To make a pirate vest, you can use an old jacket with cut off sleeves, sewing massive pockets and large bright buttons on it. The vest must be dark. If trousers can be simple, but also necessarily dark and short, then boots are needed up to the knees themselves and even higher. If desired, you can convert them into "real" over the knee boots. But the belt needs to be prepared in a light tone with a massive buckle. And we should not forget about the most important accessories of this image, which will be an extra reason for you to show your extraordinary imagination. And this pirate has a lot of jewelry of all kinds: from belts to rings, from bracelets to pendants, from a sword with a pistol to a compass. Perhaps now your son will be delighted!


Nobody looks forward to the New Year as much as children! Already at the beginning of winter they begin to write, learn poems for a festive matinee and dream of the most beautiful. For girls, New Year's parties are an occasion to transform into beautiful princesses, fairies and cartoon characters. The rhythm of life does not always allow you to make a desired and beautiful costume for your child. So a lot of parents buy their little ones boring outfits that do not particularly claim to be original. But if you have an hour or two, use our advice - and you can make a festive attire for a child quickly and without any special material costs. We offer you several options for charming outfits for girls!

Angel costume

You can make wings from feathers, paper and even Christmas tree rain!

The most tender and touching Christmas image. To make a costume you will need:

  • piece of white fabric
  • sequins, rhinestones, feathers
  • wire
  • yellow garland - "rain"

Step by step instructions for making angel wings

The basis of the outfit is a white dress, the length is unprincipled. Sew a dress according to the pattern. And if there is no way to do this, just find something similar in your child's wardrobe or buy it in a store. Decorate the dress with sequins and sequins. Cut out the wings from white cardboard, carefully grease with glue, sprinkle with feathers and rhinestones.

DIY halo for an angel

A halo will be a decoration on the head. It is easy to make it from wire wrapped in a shiny "rain". Well, cute curls will complement the angelic image well.

Rapunzel costume

Lilac dress with lacing will be the basis of Rapunzel's outfit

The princess with long fairy hair is a favorite character of many girls. Many of them dream of becoming like a golden-haired beauty. The New Year is the perfect time to turn your dreams into reality. The main details of the Rapunzel costume are long blond hair and a purple dress. When sewing or buying it, you need to remember the distinctive features of the princess' outfit. This is a corset bodice with lacing at the front and flounced sleeves.

You need to decorate the dress elegantly: ribbons, lace, organza. After all, Rapunzel is the most beautiful princess in the world! The most difficult thing to make the main element of the costume is long curls. In order to make them, prepare:

  • hair band
  • yellow or gold yarn
  • golden rain
  • flowers and ribbons for decoration
  • glue gun

Step-by-step instructions for making a braid

The braid should be slightly longer than the girl's height. Carefully measure and cut the threads to the length you need. When working, make sure that they do not get confused. In the middle of the "hair" braid a pigtail that matches the length of the headband. Glue it to the outside of the hoop with a glue gun. Then make a classic braid with the remaining strands, using ribbons, flowers, or other embellishments. A little patience - and a delightful outfit is ready!

Christmas tree costume

Christmas outfit with flashing Christmas tree lights

One of the unusual options for New Year's costumes for a girl is the outfit of a forest beauty. To make it you will need:

  • green fabric
  • led light bulbs
  • AA batteries
  • soldering iron
  • sewing machine
  • glue gun
  • decorative stones, beads, sequins

Measure your child's measurements. To accurately draw the neckline and armholes, you can take the girl's dress or sweater as a template. Transfer the pattern to the newspaper, adding two centimeters for the seams. Since the costume will use garlands with wires attached from the inside, you need to sew two dresses and fasten the wires between them. So the child will be more comfortable. When sewing the first dress, leave one shoulder seam open to make the outfit easier to put on.

Cutting fabric for a Christmas tree costume

In the second dress, sew only the side seam. Turn the top of the suit inside out. Draw lines diagonally, starting at the shoulder seam, at the same distance from each other. Mark the places where the light bulbs will be attached. Next, you need to pierce the fabric with the “leg” of the light bulb in the marked places, and then bend the “antennae” so that the positively charged “antennae” points up and the negatively charged one points down.

Then connect the antennae of the LEDs with wire. To prevent the fabric from stretching, you need to prepare a wire longer than the distance between the bulbs. Now sew the dress, leaving one shoulder seam open. Connect the light bulbs so that the wire runs in a circle and connects to the battery box. So that the ends of the unbent "antennae" do not prick, fix the places of their connection with the wire, using glue for this.

Fixing light bulbs and wires on a festive outfit

You can decorate the finished product with any shiny jewelry: beads, decorative ribbons. Sew both dresses around the neckline and armholes. Attach a piece of wire rolled into a ring to the bottom of the product from the inside. As a headdress, you can use a headband with a glued star or a high one.

Suits with a tutu skirt

A tutu skirt is a versatile option, based on which you can make interesting outfits for girls. They don't even need to be sewn! Just complete the skirt with decorations: wings, ears, a crown and so on. To make a tutu, you will need an elastic waistband and tulle. Given that the width of the roll of fabric is three meters, and the waist of the child is 50 cm, then for a skirt 50 cm long, three meters of tulle will be needed.

How to knit knots on a tutu skirt

Calculation: the number of stripes 15 cm wide and long, which is equal to "skirt length x 2 + 3 cm." There will be 20 lanes across a width of three meters. Cut two lengths + 3 cm that will go to the knot. Roll along the length and cut the roller into pieces 15 cm wide. You will get two long tulle ribbons. Sew a belt for a skirt from an elastic band. Its length is equal to the volume of the child's waist - 1 cm. For the belt, you can use a satin ribbon tied with a bow.

Step by step instructions for creating a pack

Tie tulle ribbons, folded in half, onto the girdle. When you tie the whole circle completely, the skirt will be ready. To make a Snowflake costume, add a white T-shirt to the tutu skirt and decorate it. For the fox dress, make a skirt from black, white and orange tulle. Complement it with a black or red sweater and fur ears that are attached to the headband.

New Year's outfits with a pack - Snowflake and Christmas tree

Similarly, you can make a cat costume. It is enough to attach a piece of a black downy boa for a ponytail to the wire, and sew the fur ears to the hair bands. Complete the image of the princess with a crown, and make the skirt double: the lower fluffy skirt plus the upper one, of a different color. Divide it into segments and tie at the bottom with ribbons. If you have artificial flowers, choose a tulle to match them - and the image of a flower fairy is ready!

New Year's costumes for children: do it yourself

Adults, unfortunately, are losing their naive childish faith in miracles and the ability to immerse themselves in a fairy tale or even turn reality into a fairy tale with the power of their own imagination.

Adults - yes, but not children! And if on ordinary days they can still afford to doubt something like that, then the time of the New Year holidays leaves no chance for doubt.

And, by the way, adults are also infected with this universal anticipation of a miracle, especially if they take an active part in preparing for the New Year's children's holidays. And children (especially girls) are waiting not only for gifts and holidays, but also for the New Year's masquerade, when you can try on the outfit of a fairy-tale hero, turn into a princess or a wizard for a while, become a dashing cowboy or an omnipotent Goldfish. By the way, many images can be brought to life by making children's New Year's costumes with your own hands. Here, for example, what outfits for girls are moms and grandmothers able to make?

Malvina costume

If you are good at sewing, you can start sewing Malvina's beautiful fluffy dress, and in addition to it, make pantaloons with lace trim. However, there is a simpler option that will suit even those mothers who do not know how to sew and cut, but want to make a costume with their own hands.

So, the dress. For a Malvina costume, almost any elegant pastel-colored dress is suitable. But it is best if it is blue or pink. An option with knickers for those who do not know how to sew - pajama pants in a suitable color. Just insert the elastic bands at the bottom of the legs and sew a lace or tulle frill along the edge. If you don’t want to mess with panties, then make a fluffy skirt for the dress from a cut of organza, tulle or chiffon, which will be white or the same color as the dress, but will cover the legs below the knees. Embroider the dress with ruffles of lace or stripes of the same organza, or nylon ribbons. And, by and large, the main part of the costume, made by hand, is ready.

Hairstyle. If there is an opportunity to buy a ready-made wig with blue hair - great! This means that another problem has been solved. The second option (suitable for a girl with long hair) is to do without a wig, and make a hairstyle from the child’s own hair, winding doll curls. The main accessory of Malvina's hairstyle is a huge butterfly bow, which can also be made with your own hands from satin, nylon, chiffon, organza and attached to the headband. It is desirable to decorate the belt on the dress with the same bow, and place the bow at the back.

Shoes. Any white, pink or blue shoes, as well as Czech shoes that you will turn into Malvina's doll shoes with your own hands, if you simply attach bows to them, made in the image and likeness of what Malvina flaunts on her head. That's all. Add white stockings or tights to the costume and make your Malvina the appropriate makeup - blue shadows, rosy cheeks, pink lips. Your Girl with blue hair is ready to go to the masquerade ball.

Golden Fish Costume

Consider that the Golden Fish costume is already ready for you if the girl’s wardrobe has any elegant dress in yellow, orange or even red. And if there is a golden dress, then the fish will turn out just perfect. You will have to do only two things with your own hands: a headdress and a cape (cape). By the way, to heighten the effect, the dress of your Golden Fish can be sheathed along the hem with gold Christmas tinsel, and if the style of the dress allows, then also decorate the bodice and sleeves.

Now the cape. In principle, if you have a golden dress, there is no need for a cape. But if there is such a need, then sew it from any golden fabric. Cape can

make it long (on the floor), and short and fluffy, like a cape. This element of the costume will not require special skills from you, and almost any mother can make it with her own hands.

Headdress. Here you have two options. Firstly, if you go the simple way, then the easiest way is to make a crown out of wire and gold tinsel. First you put the tinsel on the wire, and then bend this wire in the form of a crown.

The second way will be more difficult, but the image with its help will be more recognizable. In this case, you will have to make a cap in the form of a fish out of cardboard or whatman paper with your own hands. To do this, you need to draw two silhouettes (in mirror image) of some cute cartoon fish and paint them with ordinary gouache, depicting eyes, gills, fins, a tail, and, of course, scales. By the way, the fish needs to be drawn in the crown, and its tail can be decorated with a golden Christmas tree rain. Now you need to fold both fish together (with the painted sides out) and glue both parts along the upper contour, making a kind of pioneer (or army) cap out of the fish. You put a cap on a child's head, fasten it with invisible hair and admire the outfit of the Golden Fish, which, by the way, you made with your own hands.

Little Red Riding Hood Costume

Let the idea of ​​this costume seem beaten or even outdated and worn out to you, but your child, believe me, has a completely different opinion. For him, everything in this world is new, and the image of Little Red Riding Hood, which appeared back in the seventeenth century, is just as relevant for your daughter (granddaughter) as it is for you at her age. So, without particularly bothering, try to make a Little Red Riding Hood costume with your own hands.

The main element of the costume is a red cap (panama hat, beret). All other parts of the costume can also be found in your child's wardrobe or rented from relatives or friends. A white blouse is in the wardrobe of any schoolgirl. But not only a blouse is suitable, but also a turtleneck or a long-sleeved T-shirt. Vest of any dark color (blue, black, burgundy, green). Finding this element of the costume for you is also not difficult, like almost any fluffy skirt. By the way, to complete the image, you can sew lace along the hem of the skirt or even sew an underskirt, the edge of which will peek out from under the hem of the top.

The apron is the last important detail that you may have to sew with your own hands. And, of course, a wicker basket will complete the Little Red Riding Hood costume. You can put a bouquet of artificial flowers in the basket or even put cookies and sweets that Little Red Riding Hood can treat her friends to.

Bee costume

A very popular New Year's costume for girls of any age. For both babies and schoolgirls, the basis of the costume will be a short dark-colored dress or trousers with a turtleneck. Your task is to embroider this costume with yellow stripes of fabric. As an option - a yellow skirt and a striped T-shirt. Another option is black trousers and a yellow turtleneck trimmed with black stripes. By the way, fashionable colors in the style of "beeline" can be found on knitted gloves or golfs. If you have these, or you suddenly acquire them on occasion, then they will become

a great addition to the Bee costume. And, by the way, you can knit yellow-black striped leggings or mitts with your own hands in a couple of evenings.

The hardest part is making the wings. To do this, you will need a strong but soft wire, such as aluminum. Fold the wire into a figure-eight and fasten it at the crosshairs and at the ends. Then find a suitable translucent fabric (tulle, nylon, organza or even tulle) and wrap the wire with this fabric. White nylon tights are also suitable for this purpose, in which you need to cut off the legs and cut the upper part of the tights into two parts along the front and back seams. In extreme cases, wings can even be made from thin paper.

The New Year's costume of the Bee is completed by a rim with pom-pom antennae. These headbands are easy to purchase at the store or even make your own by attaching the same wire with pom-poms or large beads at the ends to a regular headband.

Snow Maiden

The outfit of the Snow Maiden, despite the current popularity of Disney characters, will always be relevant, especially among those who are not enthusiastic about secondary roles. In order to make a Snow Maiden outfit, you need to get a blue children's dress, which can be easily turned into a New Year's outfit: we sew snowflakes on it, we trim the bottom of the sleeves and the hem with faux fur or white fabric.

We select a hat in that outfit. To the hat, you can sew a white braid made of cotton wool. If, after all that has been done, you still have white fur, you will get a beautiful muff!


One of the most touching New Year's reincarnations is the image of an angel. What will we need? Without a doubt, it is worth stocking up on white fabric, sequins, feathers, rain, rhinestones and everything that you could not fit on a Christmas tree.

The basis of the costume is a white airy dress. Wings for our angel can be bought at any market for a symbolic price. If you are ready to create wings with your own hands, then you need to cut them out of cardboard, spread them thickly with glue and sprinkle with feathers.

A halo should be made on the head of a little angel. To do this, you can resort to using a wire wrapped in serpentine or rain. The most suitable hairstyle for an angel, of course, will be charming curls.

Pippi - Longstocking

Does your girl have the opportunity to braid her pigtails? Put on a colored sarafan.

Braid two braids with ribbons of different colors. On one you can build a bow, and on the second an untied bow (but so that the pigtail does not unravel).

On the face very carefully apply large freckles.

You put on long, striped stockings of different colors on your legs, and a toy monkey in your hands.

The image is ready.

Snake costume - a symbol of 2013

The upcoming 2013 is the year of the Snake, so the snake costume will become the most relevant at the New Year's celebrations. We suggest you try to make a snake costume with your own hands.

How to make a snake costume with your own hands - step by step instructions.

(information provided by the site 2mira.rf)

Step 1. We prepare materials. Buy green fabric. For a snake costume, it is better to choose a fabric that stretches - it will fit better on the figure. You will also need: red fabric or felt for the snake's forked tongue, yellow or white fabric, and black oblong buttons (all of which will come in handy for creating the snake's eyes). Oblong snake pupils can be simply embroidered.

Step 2. We carry out basic measurements. We take measurements from the future owner of the snake costume. We need to know: the diameter of the child's head, the height of the head - from the top of the head to the collarbones, as well as the height of the child (based on the height, we can calculate the length of the snake's tail).

Step 3. Getting ready to cut out the suit. Fold the fabric in half.

Step 4. We create a pattern: a hat and a tail. Mark the silhouette of the snake costume on the fabric. In fact, we should get a deep hat with a long tail behind. The window for the face can be cut out immediately, or you can leave this work for later.

Step 5. Shape the suit. We sew the head of the costume along the edge - we get a hat. Trying on a suit. If it sits well, you can sew the edges of the snake tail, and then stuff the resulting pointed “sausage” with synthetic winterizer. The tail of the snake can be left unsewn (then it will lie on the back like a narrow cloak).

Step 6. We finalize the details. After the main work is done, it remains to finalize the details. Cut out the snake's eyes and tongue from fabric or felt (you can also use fleece). It is better to attach them to the costume when it is put on the child. So you can arrange the details in their rightful places: the tongue is above the child's nose, the eyes are above the eyebrows.

Step 7. Decorate the costume. If desired, the snake costume can be decorated with sequins or made of shiny material. You can run a chain of black diamonds along the back (cut the black felt into squares) - this will remind you of snake scales.

Suit "Fox"

Suit "Snowflake"

Suit "Asterisk"

Suit "Butterfly"

cowboy costume

There is nothing easier to make a cowboy costume for your son. This image among boys remains popular to this day.

So, we take a suede fabric and sew a vest out of it (or take a ready-made one). Now on the vest you need to make a fringe. Take a light shirt, preferably even white.

Jeans choose quite well-worn and frayed. We tie a bright scarf. By the way, you can also attach a fringe to jeans.

The easiest way to buy a cowboy hat is in a store or borrow it from friends if you don’t have one. We complement the image with suitable shoes and accessories: lasso, cowboy pistols.

Costume "Indian"

Suit "Mushroom"

The last days before the New Year are a wonderful period when the atmosphere around us is saturated with sparks of magic and the aroma of a winter fairy tale. Even the most ardent skeptics secretly dream that their wish, made under the Christmas tree, will come true, and the festive night will be marked by some amazing event. And even if adults burdened with troubles become romantics and dreamers on such days, then what can we say about kids!

For them, New Year's celebrations are the time of holidays, concerts and matinees, when long-awaited ones are sure to be under the tree. However, a good holiday is not organized by itself! Parents do everything to give their children a fairy tale - they choose the fluffiest Christmas tree, write letters for a kind wizard together with the kids and, of course, make sure that the child has an unusual costume for the matinee.

It always seems to the parents of girls that other moms and dads are lucky with boys - after all, little princesses are much more capricious about. However, a good costume for a boy will require no less, if not more, effort, because if a baby can still be dressed up in a spectacular dress, add accessories and get a fairy or a princess, then for boys, most often you have to build a fancy dress from scratch. Especially if you want the baby to stand out from the army of bears in brown shorts.

Prepare the best New Year's costume for your child for the matinee!

Of course, no one forbids busy moms and dads to find at the box office or buy outfits of harlequins, wolves or bunnies at the nearest market. However, there are some pitfalls here - inexpensive clothes can be found in other children, and the quality of their performance leaves much to be desired. The rental option will be beautiful and spectacular if you pay a decent amount of money for it. In addition, it is worth looking for it already two months before the New Year's event, as the best options disperse like hot cakes.

The third scenario for preparing for the matinee is to make a carnival outfit for the son with your own hands. Of course, for this you will need to allocate a couple of evenings, but what is the time spent compared to the sincere joy of a child who has received a costume of his favorite hero? By the way, do not think that sewing a New Year's costume for a boy is a task for real needlewomen. We have prepared for you a lot of ideas that are quite simple to implement and do not require huge expenses for the purchase of materials!

Idea #1: Penguin

For the New Year, you can dress up the little one in a funny soft penguin

These funny and slightly clumsy flightless birds are always endearing! In their natural habitat, they can be seen in the Southern Hemisphere region - for example, penguin colonies are found in Antarctica, off the coast of New Zealand and on the Galapagos Islands. However, no one bothers you to bring such a character to the New Year's party, because the penguin is a creature that both children and adults associate with winter and snow.

Such outfits look especially good on the smallest participants in New Year's parties, because the boys who take their first steps very much resemble the movements of little penguins, and just as amusingly roll over from foot to foot. The penguin outfit consists of the following elements:

  • overalls - the main fabric for such a suit is black velvet, and white inserts form the tummy area and the lower part of the wings;
  • beak - a yellow velvet or felt beak must be sewn onto the hood of the overalls. However, to make it more convenient for the baby to turn his head, you can make not a hood, but a hat;
  • bow - the outfit of the penguin is very reminiscent of a tailcoat, so it is most often complemented with a satin bow tie;
  • a cylinder is another decor option for real dandies. The cylinder can be sewn from black velvet, stuffed with padding polyester and sewn to a hood or hat;
  • paws - the yellow flippers of a penguin can be sewn from knitwear, taking a sock as a basis so that the boot-foot sits tightly on the leg.

Idea #2: Piglet

The piglet outfit is the most themed option for the upcoming 2019

If a New Year's event is planned in honor of the New Year 2019, then you can't do without a funny pig! Everyone is already aware that this calendar period will be held under the patronage, which means that the outfit in the form of a pig will be more relevant than ever. By the way, such a costume may come in handy for you in the future, because the tale of the three little pigs is included in the program of kindergarten productions for the smallest. You can turn your boy into a piglet if you prepare the following elements of the outfit:

  • elongated shorts-knickers or panties made of pink plush or satin;
  • a vest made of the same fabric as the lower part of the suit. For beauty, it can be decorated with a fringe of pink or white faux fur;
  • gloves-mitts to match the outfit;
  • knitted T-shirt or turtleneck;
  • hat in the shape of a pig's head. The hat can be stylized - then ears are simply sewn on it. You can choose another option - a hat-. In this case, on the cap you need to build a muzzle of a piglet with a piglet, eyes and ears. If such an outfit is conceived for a little one, then experienced mothers recommend replacing the hat with a bonnet with ties so that the baby does not lose the headdress when he goes to dance around the Christmas tree.

Idea #3: Snowman

The peppy snowman will be the main guest at all New Year's parties!

A fairy-tale hero, which is often found in New Year's cartoons, can inspire you to create an unusual themed outfit for a New Year's party. The main advantage of this costume is its undoubted simplicity of execution and the minimum of materials needed to create it. Let's see what it may take to turn a crumb into a New Year's snowman:

  • white jersey or satin. There can be several options for making the main part of the outfit. For the smallest children, a knitted jumpsuit-man is suitable. For older boys, you can sew a jumpsuit with cropped pants and a voluminous top, which you need to separate with an elastic band at the waist. The most difficult option is a multi-component suit of three layers imitating snow globes;
  • hat - a snowman's headdress can be represented by an imitation of a velvet bucket, a high black top hat or a hat with brim, as in different countries snowmen are decorated with a variety of headdresses;
  • pompoms - they are used instead of buttons on a suit;
  • a bright scarf is an indispensable component of a snowman's outfit.

If desired, you can create a carrot nose from a felt cone by securing it with an elastic band.

Idea number 4: Pinocchio

Pinocchio is a bright and funny image that will suit mischievous boys

The mischievous hero, whom adults and children know from the tale of Alexei Tolstoy, has become an "icon" for many generations of boys. Of course! Pinocchio is the best role model; he is cunning and quick-witted, easily gets out of the most dangerous troubles, protects his friends and never lose heart!

Parents know that a lot of useful things can be learned from the biography of a cheerful wooden boy. In the process of growing up, he comes to important conclusions - that you need to study, not upset dad and appreciate friends. Pinocchio's costume itself looks incredibly impressive, because there is no place for boring colors and dull colors in it. To create this outfit you will need:

  • knee-length (or slightly lower) pants made of green or blue velvet;
  • a jacket or vest made of orange or red velvet fabric;
  • white satin shirt with lace collar and cuffs. You can do it easier - sew a bright shirt, replacing it with a jacket, or put on a white T-shirt or golf under the vest;
  • striped golfs;
  • an indispensable attribute is a cap that can be sewn from striped cotton fabric. If desired, twisted strands of thin felt or yellow paper can be glued around the circumference of the cap to imitate sawdust hair, as in a Soviet film;
  • nose. This attribute can interfere with the child, so you can do without it. Well, for a photo from the holiday, you can prepare a felt nose-cone with an elastic band;
  • Golden Key. The easiest way is to cut out the key layout from thin plywood, covering it with gold paint. The second option is a cardboard key wrapped in gold-colored foil.

Idea #5: Musketeer

Musketeer outfit will make the boy feel like a real hero

Perhaps the most authentic image of a musketeer for the inhabitants of the post-Soviet space is the one that was embodied in the mini-series of Georgy Yungvald-Khilkevich. This musical TV movie riveted millions of boys to the screens, who then embodied skirmishes between the guards of the cardinal and the glorious guards of the French king in courtyard battles.

The most filmed work of Alexandre Dumas gave the kids a lot of ideas for games, because what could be more interesting than fencing with swords, imaginary horse racing and saving the queen's diamond pendants? To embody the outfit of a musketeer, you need to make the following items of clothing:

  • a cape made of blue or light blue satin - it will need to be sewn on the distinctive sign of the musketeers in the form of a cross made of white or golden satin fabric;
  • satin or velvety pantaloons, so that it is convenient to add boots lapels to the suit;
  • over the knee boots - imitation is quite suitable for a carnival outfit. It is necessary to make high tops with voluminous cuffs from eco-leather and attach them to the legs, or think over a fastener and put them on over trousers;
  • a satin shirt with lace cuffs and a collar - you can also take an ordinary knee-high, cut off the collar and sew lace to the cuff area, and then add a collar with ties. A wide cape will hide that the costume has been slightly modified for convenience;
  • hat - any hat with a wide brim will do. One side of the hat needs to be rolled up in a dashing way (attached to the crown with a thermal gun), and then decorated with a lush feather and a buckle.

The sword, of course, is a mandatory attribute of a musketeer, but it will interfere during a round dance and active games. You can make an imitation of a sword in a sheath and wear this element for a festive photo.

Idea #6: Chess King

White chess king - an outfit for truly royal people

We offer you another spectacular character for the New Year's event - which, by the way, is not so common! So if you want to create a simple, but extraordinary costume for a boy, we advise you to take a closer look at this idea. The chess king is suitable for a child in the older group of kindergarten. For this outfit you will need:

  • classic black trousers and a white shirt, which are in any boyish wardrobe;
  • the mantle of the king of chess - it can be made from a piece of satin white fabric, decorated with a black and white cage and a wide collar. Black and white chess pieces can be sewn onto the mantle;
  • crown - white cardboard or thick felt is suitable for its creation;
  • the staff is an optional element, which, however, will add showiness to the image. Take a thin plastic tube, decorate with gold or silver plating and attach a satin flag with checkerboard patterns.

Idea #7: Gnome

Any kid can become a fun gnome or Christmas elf!

Gnomes are characters that are found in many fairy tales and cartoons. It is they who live in the fairy forest in which Snow White has found refuge; these are the main characters of the popular cartoon "Gnomeo and Juliet" and its sequel "Sherlock Gnomes"; and the Smurfs, by and large, are the same gnomes, only without beards and blue! We will not suggest that you paint the boy with blue paint, but to create a classic gnome carnival costume, we have a couple of ideas. For such an image for a matinee, you need to have:

  • bright satin shirt;
  • velvet pants to the knee or slightly lower;
  • a vest made of velvet fabric to match the panties;
  • cap to match the main suit;
  • high striped socks;
  • gnome shoes - you can make them on the basis of any comfortable shoes (for example, Czechs). Shoes with long and curved socks should be pulled over the Czechs. The toe of such a shoe should be cut out with a “bend” and tightly stuffed with sintepuh;
  • beard. You can make a stylized beard from several layers of felt, cut into thick fringes and slightly curled, or build it from artificial hair strands (chignons).

Idea number 8: Brownie Kuzya

Invite your son to try on the image of a cheerful and funny brownie

Before you is a wonderful, and most importantly - a very simple costume for a toddler! Little boys look so cute in this outfit. To create a costume of an economic, economical and skillful "hereditary brownie", you will need the following items of clothing:

  • a red shirt with large white peas - Kuzi's shirt is quite long, so when creating a pattern, make sure that it reaches the baby's knees;
  • white tights - the cartoon brownie, of course, didn’t have any tights, but since the matinee takes place in winter, it’s better to warm up additionally. And there is absolutely no need to do this in the modern world with the help of canvas footcloths;
  • bast shoes. There are two options for creating shoes for Kuzi. The first is to knit bast shoes like booties and leave long threads as ties. The second is to take Czechs in size and braid them with satin ribbons as is done when creating baskets or hedges. Just remember to attach the tapes to the glue from the heat gun so that they do not slip off. In addition, you need to consider an additional sole (for example, from other Czechs or rough socks) so that the baby does not slip when it circles around the Christmas tree;
  • hair - you can make brownie hair from exactly the same material as in the cartoon, that is, from yarn for knitting.

It remains to apply freckles with paint, and your personal “happiness” in the form of Kuzenka is ready!

Idea #9: Cowboy

American cowboy costume - an option for brave and active boys

This outfit can be safely called a classic "boy" costume for a carnival. American Shepherds are heroes that boys of all ages love to imitate, because they are famously controlled with a lasso, shoot without a miss and know how to ride the most restive horse! In addition, this outfit is very easy to perform, because most of the elements of the costume will surely be found in your child's wardrobe. For a cowboy outfit you will need:

  • old jeans or corduroy trousers. Pants will need to be supplemented with leather or suede leggings, as in a cowboy suit;
  • waistcoat in jeans or velveteen to match the trousers. The vest can be decorated with suede fringe or leather inserts;
  • checkered shirt;
  • wide belt with buckle;
  • bright colored bandana A neckerchief is a mandatory attribute of a cowboy, because it is very dusty on the prairies;
  • wide brim hat.

Complete the outfit with a rope lasso or a holster that should hold a toy revolver to complete the authentic look. Another additional attribute is a lace tie, which is easy to make from a thin rope and a button. If desired, make an addition to the vest in the form of a sheriff's star from foil cardboard and a pin.

Idea #10: Fixik

The fixie outfit is a fun option that has not yet become familiar on matinees

These funny characters, who can repair any device and eliminate damage, have become real heroes of our time! Now it is impossible to find a boy who does not like this wonderful cartoon, and the fixies themselves are found not only on the television screen, but also in amusement parks, on store shelves and in the form of life-size puppets at performances. One of the brightest representatives of this cheerful family is Nolik. Here we will try to recreate it in the form of a New Year's costume! For the outfit you will need a fixie.