Historical love stories. Love stories and romantic life stories

Deep night. Somewhere a quiet breeze runs through, dispersing the last dust on the damp pavement. A little night rain added freshness to this stuffy, tortured world. Added freshness to the hearts of lovers. They stood embracing in the light of a street lamp. She is so feminine and tender, who said that at the age of 16 a girl cannot be feminine enough?! Here age does not matter at all, only the one who is nearby, the closest, dearest and warmest person on earth, is important. And he, most of all, is glad that she is finally in his arms. Indeed, they really say that hugs, like nothing else, convey all the love of a person, no kisses, only a gentle touch of his hands. Each of them in this minute, the minute of hugs, experiences unearthly feelings. The girl feels safe knowing that she will always be protected. The guy takes care, feels responsible - an unforgettable feeling in relation to his beloved and the only one.
Everything was like in the finale of the most beautiful film about happy love. But, let's start from the beginning.

Real life love stories that will not only make you think, but also warm your hearts and even make you smile.

  1. Today, my 75-year-old grandfather, who has been blind for 15 years due to cataracts, said to me: “Your grandmother is the most beautiful woman on earth, right”? I thought for a second and said, “Yes, that’s exactly what she is. Perhaps you really miss this beauty - now that you do not see it. “Honey,” my grandfather answered me. - I see her every day. To be honest, I see her much more clearly now than when we were young.”
  2. Today I married my daughter. Ten years ago, I pulled a 14-year-old boy out of a minivan engulfed in flames after a serious accident. The doctors' verdict was unequivocal - he would never be able to walk. My daughter visited him several times with me in the hospital. Then she began to go there without me. And today I saw how, contrary to all predictions and smiling broadly, he put the ring on my daughter's finger - standing firmly on both legs.
  3. Today, approaching the door of my store at 7 o'clock in the morning (I am a florist), I saw a soldier in uniform waiting for her. As it turned out, he was on his way to the airport, from where he was supposed to fly to Afghanistan for a whole year. He said, "I usually bring my wife a beautiful bouquet of flowers every Friday, and I don't want to let her down just because I'll be away from her." After these words, he ordered 52 bouquets of flowers from me and asked me to deliver them every Friday evening to his wife's office until he returned. I gave him a 50% discount on everything - such love filled my whole day with light.
  4. Today I told my 18-year-old grandson that in all my school years I never got to the school ball because no one ever invited me there. And imagine - this evening, he, dressed in a tuxedo, called my door and invited me to a school ball as his partner.
  5. When she woke up from an 18-month-old coma today, she kissed me and said: “Thank you for staying with me, for telling me these wonderful stories and for always believing in me ... And yes, I will marry you.”
  6. Today I, passing through the park, decided to have a bite to eat on a bench. And just as I unwrapped my sandwich, a car of an elderly couple stopped under an oak nearby. They rolled down the windows and turned on jazz music on the turntable. Then the man got out of the car, opened the door and offered his hand to the woman, and after that they slowly danced for half an hour under the same oak tree.
  7. Today I operated on a little girl. She needed the blood of the first type. We didn't have her, but her twin brother also had the first group. I explained to him that it was a matter of life and death. He thought for a moment, and then said goodbye to his parents and held out his hand. I didn't understand why he did it until after we took his blood, he asked, "And when will I die?" He thought he was really sacrificing his life for his sister. Luckily, both of them will be fine now.
  8. Today my father has become for me the best father that I could only dream of. He is my mom's loving husband (and always makes her laugh), he's been to every football game I've played since I was 5 (I'm 17 now), and he provides for our entire family by working as a construction worker. This morning, when I was looking in my father's toolbox for pliers, I found a folded, dirty piece of paper in the bottom of it. It turned out to be a page torn from my father's old diary, and the date was marked on it a month before my birth. It read: “I am nineteen years old, an alcoholic, college dropout, unfortunate suicide, child abuse victim, and former car thief. And next month, a “young father” will be added to all this. But I swear I will do my best to make sure my baby is fine. I will become for her such a father as I myself have never had. And... I don't know how, but he did it.
  9. Today my 8-year-old son hugged me and said: "You are the best mom in the whole world." I smiled and asked him: “How do you know this? You haven't seen all the mothers in the world." My son, in response to this, hugged me even tighter and said: “And you are my world.”
  10. Today I saw an elderly patient with Alzheimer's disease. He barely remembers his own name and often forgets where he is and what he said just a few minutes ago. But by some miracle (and I think this miracle is called love), every time his wife comes to visit him for a few minutes, he remembers who she is and greets her with the words "Hello, my beautiful Kate."
  11. My 21-year-old Labrador can barely stand up, can't see or hear much, and doesn't even have the strength to bark. But still, when I enter the room, she happily wags her tail.
  12. Today is the 10th anniversary of our life together. My husband and I recently got fired from our jobs, so we agreed not to spend money on gifts for each other. When I woke up this morning, my husband was already on his feet. I went downstairs and saw that our entire house was lovingly decorated with beautiful wild flowers. I counted over 400 of them - and he really didn't spend a dime on them.
  13. Today I met a guy I dated in high school and never expected to meet again. He showed me a picture of the two of us that he kept in the lining of his helmet for the 8 years he was in the army away from me.
  14. Both my 88-year-old grandmother and her 17-year-old cat have long gone blind. Grandmother got herself a guide dog to help her move around the house, which, in general, is normal. But lately he has started taking the cat around the house too! When she meows, he comes and rubs against her and then leads her to a bowl, a sand box, or where she sleeps.
  15. Today I was horrified to see through my kitchen window my 2 year old daughter slipped and fell into our pool. But before I could reach her, our Retriever Rex jumped after her and pulled her shirt over the collar to where it was shallow and she could stand up.
  16. My older brother has already given me bone marrow 15 times to help me fight cancer. He talks about it directly with my doctor, and I don't even know when he does it. And today the doctor told me that it looks like the treatment is starting to help. "We are seeing a stable remission," he said.
  17. Today I was driving home with my grandfather when he suddenly turned around and said, “I forgot to buy flowers for your grandmother. Now let's go to the store on the corner and I'll buy her a bouquet. I quickly". “Is today a special day?” I asked him. “No, it seems not,” my grandfather replied. “Every day is something special. And your grandmother loves flowers. They make her smile."
  18. Today I re-read the suicide note I wrote on September 2, 1996, two minutes before my girlfriend knocked on my door and said, "I'm pregnant." Suddenly I felt like I wanted to live again. Today she is my beloved wife. And my daughter, who is already 15 years old, has two younger brothers. From time to time I reread my suicide note to remind myself how grateful I am to have a second chance to live and love.
  19. Today, like every day since I returned from the hospital two months ago with burn scars on my face (I spent almost a month there after the fire that burned down our house), I found a red rose. I still don't know what it takes to get to school early every day and leave me those roses. I even tried a couple of times myself to come early and catch this person - but each time I found a rose already in place.
  20. Today is 10 years since my father died. When I was little, he often hummed a short tune to me when I went to bed. When I was 18 and he was in a hospital room battling cancer, I was already singing that tune to him. I haven't heard it since then, until today in bed with my fiancé we looked at each other and he started humming it under his breath. It turned out that his mother also sang it to him in childhood.
  21. Today, a woman who lost her vocal cords due to cancer enrolled in my class for learning the language of the deaf and mute. Her husband, four children, two sisters, brother, mother, father, and fourteen best friends signed up with her to be able to communicate with her even though she lost her voice.
  22. My 11-year-old son is fluent in the language of the deaf and dumb because his friend Josh, with whom he grew up together from infancy, is deaf. I am so pleased to see how their friendship blossoms every year.
  23. Due to Alzheimer's disease and dementia, my grandfather doesn't always recognize his wife in the morning. A year ago, when it just started, she was very worried, but now she understands what is happening to him and helps him in any way she can. She even plays with him every morning, trying to get him to propose to her again before breakfast. And every time she succeeds.
  24. Today my father died of natural causes at the age of 92. I found his body in a chair in his room. On his hip were three 8x10 framed photographs of my mother, who had passed away 10 years ago. She was the love of his life, and, most likely, he, feeling the approaching death, wanted to see her again.
  25. I am the proud mother of a 17 year old blind boy. Even though my son was born blind, that didn't stop him from becoming an A student, a great guitarist (his band's first album has already surpassed 25,000 downloads online) and a great boyfriend for his girlfriend Valerie. Today, his little sister asked him what attracted him to Valerie, and he replied: “Everything. She's beautiful."
  26. Today I served an elderly couple in a restaurant. How they looked at each other ... it was immediately obvious that they loved each other. Husband mentioned that today they are celebrating an anniversary. I smiled and said, “Let me guess. You've been together for decades." They laughed and the wife said, “Actually, no. Today is our fifth anniversary. We both outlived our soul mates, but fate gave us another chance to love and be loved.”
  27. Today my father found my sister chained to the barn wall. She was abducted near Mexico City almost 5 months ago. A week later, the police called off an active search. Mom and I came to terms with the loss and arranged a funeral. Our family came to them, her friends - everyone except my father. All this time he had been looking for her without ceasing. He said he loved her too much to give up. And now she's home again because he didn't let them down then.
  28. There are two high school boys at my school who openly love each other. In the last two years, they had to endure a lot of abuse, but they continued to walk, holding hands. And despite the threats and the frequent break-ins of their school lockers, they came to the school prom today in identical costumes. And they danced together, smiling from ear to ear, in spite of all the envious people.
  29. Today my sister and I were in a car accident. At school, my sister is Miss Popular herself. She knows everyone and everyone knows her. Well, I'm a bit of an introvert - I always communicate with the same 2 girls. My sister immediately posted a Facebook message about the accident. And while all her friends were leaving comments and expressing sympathy, two of my friends showed up at the scene of the accident even before the ambulance arrived there.
  30. Today my fiancé returned from an army trip abroad. But yesterday he was just my boyfriend ... well, that is, I thought so. Almost a year ago, he sent me a package that he asked me not to open until he returned home in two weeks - but then his business trip was extended by almost 11 months. Today, when he finally returned home, he asked me to open that same package, and when I found a beautiful ring inside, he knelt down in front of me and proposed to me.
  31. Today, for the first time in months, my 12-year-old son Sean and I stopped by the nursing home on our way home. I usually go there alone to check on my mom who has Alzheimer's. When we entered the lobby, the nurse said, "Hi, Sean," and let us in. I asked my son: "How does she know your name"? “Ah, yes, I often run here after school to visit my grandmother,” he replied. And I had no idea about it.
  32. Today I found in our papers my mother's old diary, which she kept in high school. It contained a list of the qualities she hoped to someday find in her boyfriend. This list is almost an exact description of my father, and my mother only met him when she was 27.
  33. Today at school I did a chemistry experiment with one of the prettiest (and most popular) girls in the whole school. And, although I had never worked up the courage to even talk to her before, she turned out to be very kind and sweet. We spent time in the laboratory talking, joking, but in the end we still got fives (yes, she turned out to be smart too). After that, we started talking little by little. Last week, when I found out that she hadn't yet decided who to go to the prom with, I wanted to ask her if she would go with me, but again I didn't have the heart. And today, when I was sitting in the school cafe, she herself came up to me and asked if I would like to go there with her. I agreed, and she kissed me on the cheek and whispered: “Yes!”
  34. Today, on our 10th anniversary, my wife gave me a suicide note she wrote when she was 22, the very day we met. And she said: “All these years I didn’t want you to know how stupid and impulsive I was then. But even though you didn't know before... you saved me. Thank you for everything".
  35. My grandfather always kept on his nightstand an old, faded photograph taken in the 60s, in which he and his grandmother laughed merrily at some party. My grandmother died of cancer when I was 7 years old. Today I looked into his house, and grandfather saw me looking at this photo. He came up to me, hugged me and said, "Remember - just because nothing lasts forever doesn't mean it's not worth it."
  36. Today I tried to explain to my two daughters, aged 4 and 6, that we would have to move from our four-bedroom house to a two-bedroom apartment until I found a new, well-paying job. The daughters looked at each other for a moment, and then the youngest asked: “Will we all move there together?” "Yes," I replied. "Well, that's all right then," she said.
  37. Today on a plane I met the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Realizing that after landing we might not see each other again, I told her how beautiful she was. She smiled charmingly at me and said: “No one has told me this for 10 years.” It turned out that we were both in our early thirties, unmarried, had no children, and lived literally 5 miles apart. And next Sunday, after we get home, we have a date.
  38. I am a mother of 2 children and grandmother of 4 grandchildren. At 17, I became pregnant with twins. When my boyfriend and friends found out that I was not going to have an abortion, they all turned their backs on me. But I didn’t give up, without leaving school, I got a job, graduated from the institute and met a guy there who has been loving my children for 50 years now as if they were his own.
  39. Today, on my 29th birthday, I returned home from my 4th and last military deployment to distant countries. A little girl who lives next door to my parents (who, to be honest, is no longer a little girl - she is 22) met me at the airport with a beautiful long rose, a bottle of my favorite vodka, and then invited me on a date.
  40. Today my daughter agreed to marry her boyfriend. He is 3 years older than her. They started dating when she was 14 and he was 17. I really didn't like this age difference then. When he turned 18 a week before she turned 15, my husband insisted that they end the relationship. They remained friends but dated other people. But now that she's 24 and he's 27... I've never seen a couple so in love with each other.
  41. When I found out today that my mother had come down with the flu, I stopped at the supermarket to buy her some ready-made soup. I stumbled upon my father there, in a cart with 5 cans of soup, nasal spray, tissues, tampons, 4 DVDs of romantic comedies and a bouquet of flowers. It made me stop and really think about everything.
  42. Today I was sitting on the balcony of the hotel and saw a couple in love walking along the beach. It was clear from the way they moved that they were crazy about each other. When they got closer, I was surprised to see that they were my parents. No one would say that 8 years ago they almost got divorced.
  43. I'm only 17, but my boyfriend, Jake, has been dating for 3 years now. Yesterday we spent the first night together. No, we didn’t do “this” before, nor this night. Instead, we baked cookies, watched two comedies, laughed, played Xbox, and fell asleep hugging each other. Despite my parents' fears, he turned out to be a real gentleman and the best guy.
  44. Today, when I knocked on my wheelchair and said to my husband, “You know, you are the only reason I would like to be freed from this squalor,” he kissed me on the forehead and replied: “Honey, I don’t even notice it.”
  45. Today, my grandparents, who were over ninety and had lived together for 72 years, both died in their sleep, not having lived an hour without each other.
  46. My father came to my house today for the first time in six months since I told him I was gay. When I opened the doors, he hugged me with tears in his eyes and said, “I'm sorry, Jason. I love you".
  47. Today my 6 year old autistic sister said her first word - my name.
  48. Today, 15 years after my grandfather's death, my 72-year-old grandmother is getting married again. I am 17 years old, and in all my life I have never seen her so happy. How nice it was to see two people so in love with each other, despite their age. And now I know it's never too late.
  49. Today, in a jazz club in San Francisco, I saw two people insanely passionate about each other. The woman was a dwarf, and the man was under two meters tall. After a few cocktails, they went to the dance floor. To slow dance with her, the man knelt down - and they danced all night.
  50. This morning my daughter woke me up and called my name. I slept in a chair in her hospital room, and when I opened my eyes, I saw her beautiful smile. She was in a coma for 98 days.
  51. On this day, almost exactly 10 years ago, I stopped at an intersection and another car drove into me from behind. Her driver was a student at the University of Florida - just like me. He looked very guilty and constantly apologized. While we were waiting for the police and the tow truck, we started talking and soon, without restraint, laughed at each other's jokes. In the end, we exchanged numbers, but the rest, as they say, is history. We recently celebrated our 8th anniversary.
  52. Today, when I was working in a cafe, two gay men walked in holding hands. As expected, a good portion of the visitors began to openly stare at them. And then a little girl sitting at a table not far from me asked her mother why these two men were holding hands. Mom replied: "Because they love each other."
  53. Today, after being separated for 2 years, my ex-wife and I finally settled our differences and decided to meet for dinner. We chatted and laughed for 4 hours straight. And before leaving, she gave me a large, plump envelope. It contained 20 love letters that she had written in those two years. The envelope was signed "Letters that I did not send because of my stubbornness."
  54. I had an accident today that left a deep abrasion on my forehead. The doctor wrapped a bandage around my head and told me not to take it off for a whole week - although I don't like it at all. Two minutes ago, my little brother came into my room - and his head was also wrapped in a bandage! Mom said he didn't want me to feel miserable.
  55. Today, after a long illness, my mother died of cancer. My best friend, who lives 2,000 miles away, called me on the phone to give me some comfort. “What would you do if I showed up at your house right now and hugged you tightly?” he asked me. “Well, I would definitely smile,” I replied. And then he rang at my door.
  56. Today, when my 91-year-old grandfather (military doctor, order bearer and successful businessman) was lying in a hospital bed, I asked him what he considers his greatest achievement. He turned to my grandmother, took her by the hand and said: "That I have grown old with her."
  57. Today, when I saw my 75-year-old grandparents acting like 14-year-olds in love and laughing at each other's stupid jokes, I realized that I managed to briefly see what true love is. I hope someday I will be able to find it.
  58. On this day exactly 20 years ago, I risked my life to save a woman who was being swept away by the fast current of the Colorado River. That's how I met my wife, the love of my life.
  59. Today, on our 50th wedding anniversary, she smiled at me and said, "I wish I had met you sooner."
  60. Today my blind friend told me long and colorful how beautiful his new girlfriend is.

Only real experts on the human soul can create short stories about love. It is not so easy to display deep feelings in a work of short prose. The Russian classic Ivan Bunin did an excellent job with this. Interesting short stories about love were also created by Ivan Turgenev, Alexander Kuprin, Leonid Andreev and other writers. In this article, we will consider the authors of foreign and domestic literature, in whose work there are small lyrical works.

Ivan Bunin

Short stories about love... What should they be? In order to understand this, it is necessary to read the works of Bunin. This writer is an unsurpassed master of sentimental prose. His works are an example of this genre. The famous collection "Dark Alleys" includes thirty-eight romantic stories. In each of them, the author not only revealed the deepest experiences of his characters, but was also able to convey how powerful love has power. After all, this feeling can change the fate of a person.

Such short stories about love as "Caucasus", "Dark Alleys", "Late Hour" can tell more about a great feeling than hundreds of sentimental novels.

Leonid Andreev

Love for all ages. Talented writers devoted short stories about love not only to the pure feeling of young people. For an essay on this topic, which is sometimes asked at school, the material can be the work of Leonid Andreev “German and Martha”, the main characters of which are extremely far from the age of Romeo and Juliet. The action of this story takes place in one of the cities of the Leningrad region at the beginning of the century. Then the place where the tragic event, described by the Russian writer, happened, belonged to Finland. According to the laws of this country, people who have reached the age of fifty can marry only with the permission of their children.

The love story of Herman and Martha was sad. The closest people in their lives did not want to understand the feelings of two elderly people. The heroes of Andreev's story could not be together, and therefore the story ended tragically.

Vasily Shukshin

Short stories about if they are created by a real artist are especially heartfelt. After all, there is nothing in the world stronger than the feeling that a woman feels for her child. This was told with sad irony by the screenwriter and director Vasily Shukshin in the story "Mother's Heart".

The protagonist of this work was in trouble through his own fault. But the mother's heart, although wise, does not recognize any logic. A woman overcomes unthinkable obstacles in order to get her son out of prison. "A Mother's Heart" is one of the most heartfelt works of Russian prose dedicated to love.

Ludmila Kulikova

Another work about the most powerful feeling is the story "Meet". Lyudmila Kulikova dedicated it to the love of her mother, whose life ends after the betrayal of her only beloved son. This woman breathes, talks, smiles. But she no longer lives. After all, the son, who was the meaning of her life, did not make itself felt for more than twenty years. Kulikova's story is heartfelt, sad and very instructive. Maternal love is the brightest thing that a person can have. To betray her is to commit the greatest sin.

Anatoly Aleksin

A short story called "Homework" is dedicated to love, both maternal and youthful. One day Aleksin's hero, the boy Dima, discovers a letter in an old thick encyclopedia. The letter was written many years ago, and its author is no longer alive. He was a tenth grade student, and the addressee was a classmate with whom he was in love. But the letter remained unanswered, because the war broke out. The author of the letter died without sending it. The girl to whom the romantic lines were intended graduated from school, college, and got married. Her life went on. The author's mother stopped smiling forever. After all, it is impossible to outlive your child.

Stefan Zweig

Long and short love stories were also created by the famous Austrian prose writer. One of these works is called "A Letter from a Stranger". When you read the confession of the heroine of this short story, who loved a man all her life who did not remember her face, not her name, it becomes very sad. But at the same time, there is a hope that a real sublime and selfless feeling still exists, and is not just an artistic fiction of a talented writer.

Everything happens in life! And Love has not only Everything, but Everything in the World!

"Zhenya plus Zhenya"

There lived - there was a girl Zhenya .... Does this start remind you of anything? Yes Yes! The well-known and wonderful fairy tale "Flower-Semitsvetik" begins in almost the same way.

In fact, everything starts differently .... A girl named Zhenya was eighteen. Just a few days left before graduation. She did not expect anything special from the holiday, but she was going to participate (attend) in it. The dress has already been prepared. Shoes, too.

When graduation day came, Zhenya changed her mind even about going where she planned. But Katya's friend "tuned" her to previous plans. Zhenechka was surprised that for the first time (in her entire life) she was not late for the event. She came to him a second in a second and did not believe her watch!

The reward for such a "feat" was her acquaintance with the guy of her dreams, who, by the way, was also Zhenya's namesake.

Zhenya and Zhenya met for nine years. And on the tenth day they decided to get married. Decided and made it! Then we went on a honeymoon trip to Turkey. In such a romantic period, they also did not leave themselves without "humor" ....

They went for a massage. They carried out this pleasant procedure in the same room, but by different people. Since the masseurs did not speak Russian well, the atmosphere was already special. Of course, it was interesting for masseurs - a specialist to know the names of their "guests". The one who massaged Zhenya asked her name. The second masseuse learned the name of Zhenya's husband. The coincidence of names, apparently, really liked the masseurs. And they made one big joke out of it ..... They began to purposely call Zhenya so that he and she would turn around, react and shudder. It looked funny!

"The long-awaited boat of love"

The girl Galya was educated in a private and prestigious institution of higher education. The years went by very quickly for her. In their third year, they "gained" a run as Galochka met her true love. Aunt bought her a two-room apartment in a good district, and Sasha (her boyfriend) made repairs for her. They lived peacefully and happily. The only thing Galya got used to for a long time was Sasha's long business trips. He is a sailor. Galya did not see him for four months. The guy came for a week or two and left again. And Galya missed and waited, waited and missed ....

It was more boring and dreary for her that Sanya was against dogs and cats, and Galya was lonely to wait for his return. And then a classmate of a girl who needed an apartment (a room in it) “turned up”. They began to live together, although Sasha was against such living.

Tatyana (Gali's classmate) changed her life like no other. This quiet woman, who believed in God, took Sasha away from Gali. What the girl went through is known only to her. But a little time passed, and Sasha returned to his beloved. He begged her for forgiveness, because he was aware of his "tough" mistake. And Galyunya forgave .... Forgive but not forgotten. And they are unlikely to forget. As well as what he said to her on the very day of his return: “She was very similar to you. Your main difference is that you were not at home, and Tanya has always been like that. I'm leaving somewhere - I'm calm, I'm not worried that she will run away from me somewhere. You are something else! But I realized that you are the best and I don’t want to lose you.”

Tanya passed away from the life of lovers. Everything started to improve. Now Galka is waiting not only for a boat of love with the owner of her heart, but also for their wedding day. It has already been appointed and no one is going to change the date.

This life story teaches us that true love never dies, that there are no obstacles in true love.

"New Year's breakup - the beginning of a new love"

Vitaly and Maria fell in love so much that they were already going to get married. Vitaly gave Masha a ring, confessed his love a thousand times .... At first everything was as great as in the movies. But soon the “weather of relations” began to deteriorate. And the couple celebrated the New Year no longer together .... Vitalya called the girl and said the following: “You are very cool! Thank you for everything. I was incredibly good with you, but we are forced to part. It will be better not only for me, but also for you, believe me! I'll call again." Tears flowed from the girl's eyes in streams, lips, hands and cheeks trembled. Her boyfriend hung up... Beloved left her forever, trampling love .... It happened almost at midnight of the New Year….

Maria threw herself on the pillow and continued to cry. She would have been glad to stop, but she did not succeed. The body did not want to obey her. She thought: “This is the first New Year's holiday that I am destined to meet in utter loneliness and with such a deep trauma ....”. But the guy who lived next door “created” a different turn of events for her. What did he do so unearthly? He just called and invited her to celebrate a magical holiday. The girl hesitated for a long time. It was hard for her to speak (tears interfered). But a friend "beat" Maria! She gave up. She got ready, put on her makeup, took a bottle of delicious wine, a bag of delicious sweets, and ran to Andrey (that was the name of her friend - the savior).

A friend introduced her to another friend of his. Who, a few hours later, became her boyfriend. And so it happens! Andryukha, like the rest of the guests, got very drunk and went to bed. And Maria and Sergey (Andrey's friend) stayed to talk in the kitchen. They did not notice how they met the dawn. And none of the guests believed that there was nothing but conversation between them.

When it was necessary to go home, Seryozha wrote his mobile number on a crumpled piece of newspaper. Masha did not answer the same. She promised she would call. Maybe someone will not believe it, but she kept her promise a few days later, when this New Year's bustle subsided a little.

When did the next meeting of Masha and Earrings take place .... The first phrase that the guy uttered was: “if you lose something expensive, then you will find it better, for sure!”.

Serezha helped Masha forget the person who brought her millions of suffering. They immediately understood that they love each other, but were afraid to admit it to themselves ....

Continuation. . .

A beautiful love story is the most common plot for films and books. And not in vain, because the ups and downs of love are interesting to everyone. There is not a single person on the planet who has not experienced sincere affection at least once, who has not felt a storm in his chest. That is why we invite you to read real love stories: people themselves have shared these stories on the Internet. Honest and very touching, you will love it!

History 1.

My parents divorced a year and a half ago. My father moved away from us, I live with my mother. After the divorce, my mother did not meet with anyone. Was constantly at work to forget about dad. And about 3 months ago, I began to notice that my mother seemed to have someone. She has become more cheerful, dresses better, stays somewhere, comes with flowers, etc. I had mixed feelings, but one day I come home from the university a little earlier than usual and see my father, who is walking around the house in rags and brings coffee my mom in bed. They are together again!

History 2.

When I was 16, I met a guy. It was a real first love, mine and his. The purest and most sincere feelings. I had a great relationship with his family, but my mom didn't like him. At all. And she started fighting: she locked me in the room, locked the phone, met me from school. This went on for 3 months. My beloved and I gave up, and each went his own way. After 3 years, I quarreled with my mother and left home. Happy that she would no longer be able to decide everything for me, I came to him to tell him about it. But he greeted me rather coldly, and I left, choking on tears. Many years later. I got married, gave birth to a child. The godfather of my child was a friend of that guy, my former classmate. And then one day his wife told me the love story of their friend, the story of our love, without even knowing that I was the same girl. His life did not work out either, he was married many times, but there was no happiness. He only loved me. And on the day when I came to his house, I was just confused and did not know what to say. I recently found him on social networks, but he has not visited his page for many years. At the age of 16, my daughter met a guy and has been dating him for a year and a half. But I won't make my mom's mistake, even though I don't like him. At all…

History 3.

3 years ago my kidney failed. There are no relatives or relatives. With grief, she got drunk in a nearby bar and burst into tears, there was nothing to lose. A 27-year-old man sat down next to me and asked what happened. Word for word, she spoke about her grief, got to know each other, exchanged numbers, but I never called. I went to the hospital, and who was my surgeon? That's right, the same one. Helped recover after surgery, we are planning a wedding.

History 4.

I am a perfectionist. Recently, they recalled how I once stood in line at the post office and some guy was in front of me. So, on his backpack, the zipper was not completely fastened. I tried to restrain myself, but in the end I boldly stepped forward and buttoned it all the way. The guy turned around and looked at me indignantly. By the way, we remembered it with him, celebrating 4 years of relationship. Do what you want - maybe it's fate ...

History 5.

I work in a flower shop. Today a buyer came and bought 101 roses for his wife. When I was packing, he said: "My girl will be happy." This buyer is 76 years old, he met his wife at 14, and now 55 years of marriage. After such cases, I begin to believe in love.

History 6.

I work as a waitress. My ex, with whom I am on good terms, came and asked for a table for the evening. Said he wanted to propose to the girl of his dreams. Okay, everyone's done. He came in the evening, sat down at the table, asked for wine, two glasses. She brought it, was about to leave, he asked me to sit down for a couple of minutes to talk. I sat down and he knelt down, took out the ring and proposed to me! TO ME! Do you understand? I'm in tears, my face is still in shock, but I sat down to him, kissed him and said yes. And he told me that he always loved me, and we broke up in vain. This will cement our relationship forever! God, I'm happy!

History 7.

Nobody believes me, but the stars sent me my husband. I am not beautiful, I am overweight, and the boys did not indulge me with attention, but I really wanted love and relationships. I was 19, I was lying on the beach at night, looking at the sky and sad. When the first star fell, I made love. Then the second one, on which I thought to meet her that same night, and decided that if the third falls, it will definitely come true ... And yes, she fell, literally right away. That same night, my future husband wrote me by mistake on a social network.

History 8.

At the age of 17 I had my first love, but my parents did not approve. Summer, warm nights, he came under my windows (1st floor) at 4 o'clock in the morning to call me to meet the dawn! And I escaped through the window, although I have always been a house girl. We walked, kissed, chatted about everything and nothing, were free as the wind and happy! He returned me home by 7 am, when my parents were just getting up for work. No one noticed my absence, and it was the most adventurous and romantic act of my life.

History 9.

I was walking with a dog in the courtyard of high-rise buildings and saw how one elderly man walked and asked everyone about the woman. He knew her last name, her place of work, her dog. Everyone brushed aside, and no one wanted to remember this certain woman, but he went and asked, asked. It turned out that this was his first love, he came many years later to his hometown and the first thing he went to find out if she lives in the house in which he first saw her and fell in love. At the end, a couple of guys about 14 years old called this woman. You should have seen their eyes when they met! Love doesn't just disappear!

History 10.

My first love was crazy. We were madly in love with each other. On August 22, we “married” by exchanging silver rings on the roof of an abandoned construction site. Now we have not been together for a long time, but every year on August 22, without saying a word, we come to this construction site and just talk. That time was the best in my life.

History 11.

I lost my wedding ring a year ago, I was very upset, but my husband and I could not afford to buy another one. Yesterday I came home after work, there was a small box on the table, in it was a new ring and a note "You deserve the best." It turned out that my husband sold his grandfather's watch to buy me this ring. And today I sold my grandmother's earrings and bought him a new watch.

History 12.

With my first love were together since the cradle. And we had a cipher in which each letter was replaced by a serial number in the alphabet. For example, “I love you”: 33. 20. 6. 2. 33. 13. 32. 2. 13. 32, etc. But in the end, already in adulthood, life separated us on different banks, and we almost stopped communicate. She recently moved to my city for work, and we decided to meet. We walked for several hours, and then dispersed to our homes. And closer to the night I received an SMS from her: "Let's try again." And at the end those numbers.

History 13.

My boyfriend and I had an anniversary a week ago, but we live in different cities. I decided to surprise him and come that day to spend it together. I bought a ticket, went to the station, I'm late. I run without looking back to my car ... Fuh, I made it. The train moves off, I sit, look out the window and who do I see? Yeah, my boyfriend with a bouquet of flowers. It turned out that he decided to make the same surprise to me.

History 14.

And my beloved and I got along thanks to a fucking sense of humor. Once, when he was still just my neighbor, I asked him to look at a broken outlet. This joker, having touched the socket, began to imitate an electric shock - twitching and yelling. When I was ready in a panic to push him away from the socket with a just torn off plinth, he sank to the floor with a lifeless look, and then jumped up with a cry: "Ahaaa." And I ... And what am I? I clutched my heart and very naturally portrayed a heart attack. As a result, they laughed all evening, soldered each other with cognac and never parted again.