How and with what to clean, refresh, renew a dark, white and sheared mink coat at home after winter: folk methods, tips, mink fur cleaner. How to clean or wash the lining of a mink coat? How to clean a mink coat in d

White mink products in the process of wearing quickly lose their attractive snow-white shade. Under the influence of environmental factors, the fur becomes yellow, which is difficult to get rid of. To mink from yellowness at home, you can independently prepare an effective remedy. As components for bleach, hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, vinegar, blue, citric acid and other active ingredients are useful, allowing you to quickly restore the original appearance of white fur.

You can clean mink fur at home using dry bleaching methods. For this, substances are used that absorb excess moisture, dirt, and remove dust deposits. As dry bleaches, such gentle components are used as:

  • semolina;
  • starch;
  • talc;
  • bran;
  • sawdust.

The main feature of this cleaning technique is that it does not require the use of liquid, so the product will not need to dry.


Semolina grains perfectly absorb dirt and also remove dust. For processing, the product should be placed on a table or a clean floor. If you need to clean the hat with semolina, you need to put it on a three-liter bottle wrapped in a towel.

To clean the fur with decoy, follow the instructions:

  1. Problem areas are sprinkled with a small amount of semolina.
  2. The entire surface is gently combed with a brush with soft bristles.
  3. After the semolina turns gray, it is removed. If necessary, cleaning can be repeated.

You can remove the semolina by shaking the product, or by vacuuming it. In the latter case, only weak devices should be used.

Gasoline based blends

A mass made from potato starch and gasoline will help to cope with yellowing. Both components are mixed until a porridge-like mass appears. The mixture is distributed over all contaminated areas and left to dry completely. The fur is carefully combed out with a fine-toothed comb. If desired, the applied product can be removed with a low power vacuum cleaner.

Another effective remedy is sawdust soaked in a small amount of gasoline. The resulting product is distributed over the yellowed pile, and then gently rubbed into the product and left for 2 hours. The sawdust is shaken off, and the pile is carefully combed out with a comb.

wheat bran

The fur collar can be cleaned with wheat bran heated to 60 degrees. The product is heated in a clean pan, while it should be stirred regularly. Hot bran is poured in an even layer on the pile, and then gently rubbed into it with a soft brush.

Remove the applied product only after it has completely cooled. To remove small particles of bran, it is necessary to comb the pile with a comb with fine teeth.

Talc, chalk, comb out with a comb

To clean a fur coat or hat from dirt and dust, white talc will help, which is poured in an even layer on the product. The ingredient is gently rubbed into the pile with a brush or fingers. After 2 hours, the talc is shaken off, and its residues are combed out with a special brush.

In a similar way, chalk or potato starch can be used to clean a fur coat or hat. For processing, chalk powder is used, which you can buy or prepare yourself by grinding the bar.

Wet ways to eliminate yellowness

In addition to dry methods to combat yellowing of fur, there are wet methods. They consist in the use of products prepared on the basis of active liquid components. After such cleaning, the fur product should be dried or cleaned of the applied agent with a damp sponge moistened with running water.

It is necessary to dry the product only in a natural way, hanging it on a coat hanger or on stands. Drying near batteries, other sources of heat or ironing should be completely abandoned, as such exposure can damage the fur.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

You can quickly and effectively clean white mink fur from yellowness using a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. To prepare the product, you need to make a solution of 1 teaspoon of a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and 1 cup of water. 3-5 drops of ammonia are added to the resulting liquid, everything is thoroughly mixed.

It is required to apply bleaching liquid to the fur carefully, using cotton balls. After processing, the product is combed and dried in the fresh air. You can hang the product on the balcony, if it is glazed, the window should be slightly opened.

soap solution

There are several ways to clean white fur from yellow plaque using soap solutions. Each of them has its own characteristics.

  1. Pet shampoo can be used as a cleaning agent. The composition of these products includes a blue coloring pigment, which allows you to completely neutralize the yellow tint. The basin is filled with warm water, a small amount of pet shampoo is dissolved in it. To enhance the effect, you can add 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to the solution. The fur product must be carefully treated with a sponge dipped in the prepared product. The sponge should be guided in the direction of the pile. After the procedure, the fur is washed with a damp cloth and dried.
  2. If the yellow tint is unsaturated, you can deal with it with ordinary liquid soap. The detergent must be white or transparent. 3 drops of liquid soap are added to a basin of water, the water is thoroughly foamed. A clean sponge is moistened in a soapy solution, squeezed out. The pile is wiped several times with a damp sponge, combed and dried.

Liquid soap can be replaced with shampoo or shower gel, which does not include a coloring pigment.


In this way, not only natural fur, but also artificial fur can be cleaned. Use this tool very carefully, as its excess can lead to a purple tint on the pile.

A small amount of blue is dissolved in the basin so that the liquid acquires a pale blue tint. The resulting composition is poured into a spray bottle. The product is sprayed evenly over the entire fur product. The applied solution does not require rinsing. After processing, the fur is dried and then carefully combed.

Alcohol and salt

To prepare bleaching liquid, dissolve 1 teaspoon of fine salt in a glass of warm water. 1 teaspoon of ammonia is added to the saline solution, everything is mixed and used for cleansing.

  1. The sponge is moistened in an alcohol solution, and then the entire yellowed surface is treated with it.
  2. The product is dried in the fresh air so that the smell of ammonia is completely eroded.
  3. Complete the procedure by combing the pile.

When removing a faint yellow tint, the use of ammonia can be abandoned by treating the pile with saline.

Vinegar with lemon juice

This tool effectively removes yellow spots on the pile. It should be used pointwise, avoiding processing the entire fur product. To prepare the product, you need to mix 1 teaspoon of vinegar and the juice of a quarter of a lemon.

A cotton swab is moistened in the prepared liquid, and then all stains that appear are wiped with it. The yellowness is gently rubbed with a brush with soft bristles, and then the fur is dried.

Any method described will allow you to quickly and effectively eliminate the yellow tint on a product made from mink fur. These products should be used very carefully, avoiding strong mechanical impact on the pile or its excessive wetting with prepared liquids. Otherwise, the fur may lose the attractiveness of its structure, lose its luster. If, during the cleaning process, the hostess did not calculate the amount of the necessary product, and the fur product lost its attractive appearance, you can restore the shine to the pile by rubbing it with a 10% glycerin solution.

Mink coats, hats, coats and vests are a symbol of luxury and prosperity, and besides, they are very beautiful and versatile, suitable for any style and age. But not everyone knows how to clean mink fur at home, and therefore often expensive products become unusable ahead of time.

Dry cleaners do not always accept valuable furs, and even more so, they do not guarantee safety and quality results. And you don't need to! It is quite possible to do it on your own, cleaning mink fur is not so difficult, because it is short-haired and not so fastidious.

How to understand that a mink coat or hat needs cleaning? The main care for a fur coat is regular combing and airing.

If you do this before putting on a fur coat after storage, and after putting it back in the closet, wearing it carefully and carefully, then the need for total cleaning will not arise for a long time.

To understand that your mink still needs cleaning, you can conduct the following test:

  1. Shake the fur coat and blow on the fur so that the mezdra becomes visible.
  2. A funnel should form. Stop blowing and see what happens. If the fur lies flat in place - everything is in order, you can simply air the fur coat. If not, cleaning is necessary.
  3. Point the fur with a stream of cold air from a hair dryer, then turn off the hair dryer and smell the fur coat. The presence of even a slight unpleasant odor indicates that it is time to clean it.

In appearance, it is also easy to understand that you need to refresh your treasure. If the fur has lost its luster, lies unevenly, has become uneven in color, the villi have stuck together - get ready for cleaning today, do not postpone this procedure.

Dry cleaning methods

Dry cleaning is best for mink fur. If dirt spots just appeared on the fur coat, first the product is dried on a hanger, and then the dirt is combed out with a brush. The brush should have short, thin metal bristles. You need to brush with a brush strictly according to the growth of hairs, and after cleaning, shake the product well.

If the fur has darkened and lost its luster, then you will need to use additional funds, in this case one brush is not enough. What will do? Reviews of experienced mink owners recommend:

  1. Refined gasoline. It is enough just to moisten the brush in the liquid and process the fur coat - remember that you need to brush strictly according to the growth of the villi. then the fur coat is ventilated on the loggia or veranda. But this method is not suitable for a silver or light mink - the fur can turn yellow.
  2. Semolina. Semolina is an ideal home remedy for cleaning light-colored mink products. First, the fur coat is laid out with the fur up on a horizontal surface, sprinkled with semolina and rubbed lightly. Small grains will absorb all the dirt and dust, and at the same time return a beautiful shine to the fur. After half an hour, the semolina is combed out with a brush, after which it is recommended to ventilate the product.
  3. For cleaning dark and light mink fur, many advise using bran. First, they are dried in a pan or in the oven, and then laid out on the surface of the fur coat and lightly rubbed. The movements should be the same as when washing a delicate item by hand. After half an hour, all that remains is to shake out the bran - and the fur coat is again clean and shiny.
  4. The silvery mink will be perfectly cleaned, the shine will be restored and the unpleasant odor will be eliminated by maple sawdust. Apply them in the same way as bran in the previous recipe.
  5. Starch. This is a universal home cleaner for any fur. It is used like semolina: applied, lightly rubbed into the fur, after half an hour combed out well. But it is important that the product is absolutely dry, otherwise the starch will swell and it will not be so easy to remove it from the hairs. Although some, on the contrary, recommend cleaning the mink with a starch solution.

Sometimes dry cleaning does not give the desired effect, especially if the fur coat is very yellowed and stained. In this case, wet cleaning of mink fur at home will help.

Wet cleaning methods

Usually fur treatment with any solutions is needed if the fur is very yellow. The easiest way is to prepare a mild soapy solution and gently brush the fur coat with a brush. It is impossible to wet the fur strongly, if the moisture saturates the mezra, after drying it will become brittle and may decrease in size.

Instead of soap, you can use hair shampoo - this is a softer and more gentle remedy. It’s better to forget about washing powder, it will shorten the life of your mink for several years, and maybe completely ruin it after the first wash.

The most proven and safe means for wet cleaning mink fur products at home are:

  1. Vinegar. One part of vinegar is taken for five parts of water, a cotton pad is moistened in the resulting solution and they begin to wipe the fur along the growth of the pile. You should not wet it too much, and after drying, the fur coat needs to be combed.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide. Also an excellent remedy for light mink, which has lost its whiteness and luster. It doesn't need to be diluted. The product can be poured directly from the vial onto a cotton pad and immediately treated with a fur coat. Dark marks will be visible on the cotton wool - when it gets too dirty, the disk is changed. then they act in the same way as after cleaning with acetic solution.
  3. Ammonia. And this substance can clean both light and dark fur. It perfectly eliminates stains, glazing, unpleasant odors and restores the luxurious shine of mink fur. It is used diluted with water: 3-4 parts of water are needed for one part of ammonia, depending on the degree of contamination.

Before using any of the products, you should test on a small piece of fur - this will save you from unpleasant surprises and disappointments.

What Not to Do

There are several strict taboos regarding mink fur. It is better to remember them - the experiment can be expensive. In no case, even with your hands, you can not wash mink coats, vests, collars, etc. You can not dry a fur coat near the radiator or on heaters.

And if creases appear on it after storage, the iron is strictly prohibited - the fur coat just needs to be allowed to hang. By the way, you need to store a mink coat on a coat hanger strictly in size in a linen case so that the fur can breathe. And don't forget the moth sachet.

How to clean different types of honey at home? How to keep shine, remove yellowness and stains? Features of cleaning, washing and storage. Mezdra care.

The content of the article:

Fur has long ceased to be a luxury item. Fur products are in the closet of every woman. However, in order for them to have a presentable appearance, it is important to know the rules for wearing, storing and cleaning at home. Then the fur will delight for a long time. Despite the apparent complexity, fur cleaning will become an easy procedure if you have certain knowledge.

Common types of fur

The skins of fur-bearing animals and marine animals are considered the most valuable raw materials. These are arctic fox, fox, marten, rabbit, mink, seal, muskrat, and you can even use cat fur. The overall value of fur is determined by: hairline, luster and softness, pattern and color, degree of hair curling and skin thickness. Different styles are sewn from fur products: fur coats, coats, capes, muffs, hats, vests, gloves, capes.

Service life of fur products

Fur outfits are quite wear-resistant. For example, rabbit fur wears out most quickly (4 years), arctic fox will last 7 years, mink can please the female eye up to 12 years, but beaver and otter fur is the most resistant (20 years).

Signs of dirty fur

Before you start cleaning the fur, you should determine whether he needs it. Over time, signs of wear become noticeable: coarsening of the leather tissue, spots, yellowness, tears and cracks. Often in these places intense baldness is formed. Indications for hair cleaning are dust pollution, raids, loss of color uniformity, the presence of debris between the hairs. From this, the fur loses its natural luster and silkiness.

You can determine the degree of general contamination and find the most worn areas with a hair dryer. To do this, direct a cold stream of air from a hair dryer onto the product. If the villi fly freely and lie back easily, then the fur is clean. Otherwise, it must be cleaned.

What can not be done with fur?

Before you start cleaning, remember that you should never do anything with fur products.
  1. Wash. Mezdra, i.e. the skin on which the fur rests will get wet, hardened and cracked. The product is bald and deformed.
  2. Dry with a hair dryer, in direct sunlight and on a radiator. This can be done outdoors and in a well-ventilated area.
  3. Iron, and even from the inside out.
  4. Clean with household chemicals: bleaches, rust removers and enzyme washing powders.

How to store things from fur?

Cleaned products must be carefully packed for storage for the summer. It will depend on how long it will last in the future and what appearance it will have next winter.
  1. First, dry the fur coat in the shade in the fresh air. When it dries, carefully beat it out.
  2. Pack the product in a thick paper bag. If the cover is made of polyethylene, then air flow must constantly flow to it.
  3. Hang a fur coat, coat or vest on a convenient special frame hanger in a melted form. Place hats, gloves, etc. on a shelf or cardboard box.
  4. To keep the fur coat in shape, stuff the sleeves with fabric or paper.
  5. The place with fur products should be away from batteries, heaters and direct sunlight. The room should have a low temperature and moderate humidity.
  6. Fur should "breathe" and not lie close to other clothing.
  7. For a white product, choose a blue case. This will protect it from yellowing. It is the blue fabric that will keep the brightness of the light fur for a long time.
  8. Fur can absorb odors, so do not smoke or use strong-smelling essential oils near it.
  9. Protect fur from moths. Apply tobacco leaves, citrus peels, geranium leaves, or store-bought moth repellents.

How to clean natural fur?

How to clean a fox product at home?

  1. Make a solution of 0.5 liters of warm water, 1 tsp. ammonia and 1 tsp. detergent. Soak a sponge in it and apply to the pile. Spread the composition evenly over the entire surface with your palms. Wipe with a sponge moistened with water and wrung out, and then with a dry cloth. Dry the fur product naturally in a ventilated area.
  2. Spread dry semolina or potato starch evenly on the fur and do not remember much with your palms. Shake the product and remove the residues with a vacuum cleaner at low power.
  3. Prepare a weak solution of one of the products (gasoline, hair or pet shampoo, silk or wool detergent). Soak a rag in it and comb the fur or treat the surfaces with a spray bottle. Finish cleaning by wiping the product with a dry paper towel.

How to clean a silver fox product at home?

  1. In 200 ml of water, dilute 1 tbsp. l. 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. For greater effect, pour a few drops of ammonia. Dip the sponge into this mixture and work the product so as not to wet the core. Then dry, shake and comb through.
  2. With chalk or tooth powder, rub the fur in the direction of the pile, shake and comb.
  3. Sprinkle starch on the yellowed fur, and spray the soapy solution from the delicates on top. Remove the remnants of the cleaning agent with a brush and dry the fur coat.

How to clean a mink product at home?

  1. Sprinkle some talc or flour on the mink. Rub and shake the fur coat with your hands or remove the remnants of loose substances with a vacuum cleaner. It is advisable to give preference to talc, because the moth does not like it.
  2. Make a solution in the same proportion of water, table vinegar and medical alcohol. Soak a sponge or brush in this composition and clean the fur. Then wipe the mink dry with a piece of cloth.
  3. Pure gasoline or a composition of 3 tbsp. l. salt, 1 tbsp. l. ammonia and 0.5 ml of water, treat the saline area with a damp swab.

How to clean a rabbit product at home?

  1. For 1 st. water, take 1 tsp. hydrogen peroxide and 1-3 drops of ammonia. Spray the solution on a fur coat and dry in bright sun for no more than 1 day.
  2. Apply starch to the product and rub it with your hands. Shake the fur from the remnants of loose substances.
  3. Sprinkle the white rabbit with hot grain bran and gently knead with the palms of your hands.

How to clean a muton fur coat at home?

  1. Hang the product on a coat hanger and clean it with a solution of soapy water. Then rinse off the remaining foam and dry.
  2. Treat the pile with semolina or starch. Then shake the fur coat and remove the remnants of the products.

How to restore shine to fur?

  1. If the product has lost its luster because it is dusty, then wrap it in a damp sheet and lightly beat it out.
  2. Vinegar restores shine. Soak a swab in it and lightly comb the sheared product.
  3. Wipe the dark pile with walnut powder, wrapped in cheesecloth, folded several times.
  4. At a distance of 70 cm, slowly spray a special spray paint for suede on the fur and immediately comb this area to remove excess paint and separate the sticky villi.
  5. Apply lemon juice, a weak solution of acetic acid or glycerin to the pile with a spray bottle and wipe thoroughly with a paper towel.
  6. Mix 1 liter of boiling water, 100 g of fish oil and 10 g of laundry soap with ammonia. Cool the solution, apply it to the sponge and process the fur.

How to remove stains from fur?

  1. Stains from fur can be removed with a solution of ammonia and denatured alcohol in equal proportions. Wipe the fur with the mixture, then blot with a clean towel and shake in the fresh air.
  2. On light fur, remove stains with gasoline and starch. Mix potato or cornstarch with refined gasoline. Apply a mushy substance to the dirty area and gently rub with a sponge. Then clean the fur from the mixture and hang the product in fresh air to eliminate the smell of gasoline.

How to get rid of the yellowness of natural fur?

  1. Soak a cotton ball in hydrogen peroxide and run it all over the hair. Then clean the fur coat with a damp sponge.
  2. Dissolve 1 tbsp in 200 ml of warm water. table salt and 0.5 tbsp. ammonia. Apply the solution with a soft cloth, dry and comb.
  3. Combine 200 ml of warm water and 1 tbsp. pet shampoo. Beat the foam and apply the solution to the pile with a sponge for 5 minutes. Then remove the foam with a clean, damp cloth, dry and comb.

How to care for mezdra?

If the leather base of the fur product has coarsened, then wipe the product from the wrong side with a mixture: 1 liter of water, 1 tbsp. l. glycerin or petroleum jelly and one egg yolk. Slightly remember the core and stretch it, then remove the remnants of the mixture and leave the thing to dry inside out.

  1. Wipe items with short or cut pile over or against the coat. On long fur, apply products according to its growth.
  2. When using any product, first test it on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​the product. For example, under the arms.
  3. Some tint their fur coats with regular hair dye of a suitable color. However, this is a risky method, since you do not know how the paint will behave on the product.
By following the tips and tricks, you can keep the fur in excellent condition until next winter. Thanks to careful care, the outfit will last for many years, will decorate and warm in severe frosts. And at the end of the article, we suggest watching some useful video tips.

Fur cleaning at home:

How to clean natural fur from yellowness at home?

Dry-cleaning of fur - bio-cleaning at home.

The winter season is coming to an end, and the issue of cleaning outerwear becomes relevant. It is realistic to clean a fur coat at home on your own, although there is some risk, but if everything is done according to the rules, then it is minimal. It would seem that it is easier to take it to dry cleaning and not mess around, but not every salon accepts fur products, and those that take on cleaning often do not give any guarantees. And yet, when there is a hard-to-remove stain on a fur coat - for example, from wine or chocolate, it is better to entrust its removal to dry cleaning, however, they don’t even try to fight some pollution there: traces of foundation, stains from perfume.

If your product is sewn not only from fur, but also has inserts from other materials, first of all it concerns leather, then the chances of ruining a fur coat in dry cleaning increase. Here, a lot depends on the professionalism of the dry cleaning salon workers, whether they will bother with each item of clothing that requires a different cleaning method than the main material. Often, after cleaning in the cabin, it turns out that the fur coat has slightly decreased in size, the fur has begun to crawl out, therefore, with small pollution, it is better not to risk it, but try to deal with them on your own at home. In any case, dry cleaning is not recommended for even the longest-lived natural fur coats more than 6 times during the entire period of use. There are some other tricks associated with fur coat storage.

How to clean a white or light fur coat

For cleaning white fur coats, starch is most often used. Sprinkle it on dirty places, and then comb it out with a brush or beat it out. Instead of starch, you can take semolina.

Remove individual stains with gasoline, but only high quality aviation gasoline.

Try to bleach yellowness with a solution of peroxide, for this, take peroxide and water in equal proportions. First, make sure in an inconspicuous area that the peroxide will not harm. When bleaching with peroxide, try to touch only the top of the fur.

A good effect, especially for removing greasy plaque, and other stains, is ammonia. In order to clean a white or light fur coat, it must be diluted in a ratio of one to two in water. This consistency allows you to safely bleach yellowed fur. Dip an unpainted sponge or cotton pad into the solution and rub the stains.

Cleaning a mink coat at home

Mink fur products do not like frequent cleanings, but if the fur is greasy, or the fur coat has been splashed, then it is worth starting to remove the dirt. Mink prefers dry cleaning. Before cleaning, the fur coat must be properly dried by simply hanging it on a coat hanger at room temperature. Drafts and heaters can ruin the fur.

To clean a mink coat, you will need a brush, which can be purchased either in fur stores or in pet supplies. These brushes consist of frequent short metal bristles that fluff up the pile. Small dirt is easy to remove with such a brush.

However, if a mink coat needs a thorough cleaning, it must be treated with semolina. The groats will act as an adsorbent, collecting all the dirt on themselves. Lay out the coat on the surface. Dirty places - for example, the edges of the sleeves, sprinkle with semolina and rub as if you were washing. Only the movements should be light so as not to damage the pile. Then shake off the grits from the fur coat, and comb the rest with a brush.

How to clean a mouton coat with home remedies

Usually dirt comes off the Mouton fur quite easily. To clean the mouton fur coat at the end of the season from street dust, if there are no more severe pollution, it is enough to knock it out through a damp cloth. To do this, take a sheet or thin cotton fabric, moisten it, cover it with a fur coat hung on a coat hanger. Now walk over the fur coat with any device suitable for knocking out dust, or simply slap your palms over the entire surface.

After that, comb the fur coat with a brush and wipe it with vinegar solution (1 spoon per liter of water) so that the fur shines and does not have an unpleasant odor.

How to clean fur coats from other natural fur

Each type of fur has its own nuances in care. However, there are also general rules. Fur coats made of natural fur are not washed in water, do not iron. Do not dry with a stream of air and directly at heaters. Using a vacuum cleaner when cleaning fur coats is not good for fur. To finish caring for a fur coat, you need to comb it with a special brush.

The zigey coat tolerates wet cleaning well. Hang it on a hanger above the bathtub. In a basin, prepare a rich soap suds from a hand wash powder. Now, using a regular clothes brush, apply foam to the surface of the fur coat. You don’t need much, it is important to ensure that the fur does not get too wet. Thoroughly brush over areas such as hem, sleeves, collar. Then change the water in the basin to clean. Go over the brush again, only now removing the remnants of soap suds, again, try not to wet the fur with water. Swipe the brush over the surface of the fur coat, rinse the brush in clean water, shake off the drops, move on to the next section. Leave the wet coat to dry naturally.

Rabbit fur is delicate and must be handled with care. Fur coats from this fur are cleaned mainly with bran or potato starch. For a white rabbit, starch is more suitable. Lay the fur coat on a suitable surface, sprinkle the fur with a small amount of starch, rub it in lightly, and then shake it out. Comb your coat.

Bran for cleaning must first be heated in the oven to a hot state, then poured onto a fur coat. Then rub the bran into the fur, as if you were washing it, and then carefully comb it out along with the absorbed dirt. The work is labor intensive. At the end of cleaning, the fur needs to be given a shine. This can be done by rubbing it with glycerin. Or nuts, crushed in a coffee grinder and wrapped in gauze.

To clean a beaver fur coat, you need ordinary river sand. To clean the sand, rinse thoroughly, dry and heat. Scatter warm sand over the surface of the fur, gently rub inward, shake off. It is advisable to repeat the procedure.

Raccoon fur is also cleaned with adsorbents. Light shades of semolina, and for others use sawdust from deciduous trees. Pour water into the basin, add a little alcohol, pour out the sawdust so that they get wet. Scatter wet sawdust over the surface of the fur coat, rub lightly with your hands, then shake it out.

Fox fur coats can also be cleaned with bran or sawdust, or with a soap solution prepared from shampoo. Wrap a cloth soaked in the solution on the brush, rub the surface of the fur coat, trying not to touch the skin, then again go over the entire fur coat with a clean cloth. Dry.

How to clean the lining of a fur coat

If the lining of the fur coat is dirty, you will have to carefully rip it off. After that, washing will not be difficult. Wash with cool water to keep the lining from shrinking. Iron the dried lining and sew back.

A mink coat requires special attention and proper care. At the end of the winter season, the item must be cleaned. You can take it to dry cleaning, but you cannot be sure that the thing will not be spoiled there, besides, this service is not cheap. An alternative solution to the issue is cleaning a mink coat at home. There are several simple ways with household improvised means. Following the instructions, the fur coat can be restored to its former shine, eliminate unwanted creases, remove shiny spots and dirt.

Such a delicate and expensive thing as a mink coat requires special handling. In order for a thing to last longer, it is necessary to follow certain rules during its operation.

Ill-considered actions while cleaning a mink coat at home can lead to damage to an expensive item. Therefore, you need to remember about those actions that are categorically unacceptable when handling the product.

  • It is impossible to wash a mink coat at home, this can lead to coarsening and dryness of the leather base, the fur may fade.
  • When carrying out wet cleaning of a fur coat at home, it is not worth speeding up the drying process with a hair dryer, fan, radiator or other means. A fur coat damp from rain or snow can be dried without damaging the fur with a leather base by hanging it on a hanger in a dry room away from direct sunlight and heating objects.
  • Taking out a fur coat to wear in the winter, you can find ugly creases on it. To get rid of them, just hang it on a proportional shoulder. After a while, the skin will stretch under the weight of the product, all the creases will straighten out. It is unacceptable to use an iron to straighten the surface, it will not be able to cope with creases, but it injures the fur and the base.
  • It is highly undesirable to spray the fur coat and its lining with toilet water or perfume. Odors can mix and form an unpleasant odor. It will be quite difficult to get rid of it; table vinegar and hydrogen peroxide are used for this.
  • For fur products, fat-based cosmetics are detrimental: foundation, lipstick, and others.
  • It is advisable to store fur products in a special dark-colored rag case that does not let in sunlight, so you can prevent the product from yellowing.
  • When storing a fur product for a long time, it is recommended to ventilate it periodically, it is permissible to use moth remedies.

Removing dirt at home

To return shine, to eliminate spots on the front surface of the fur coat, ordinary household products will help. Guided by the methods of caring for a mink coat, one should remember the delicacy of actions with an expensive product.

Dry cleaning of mink products

In order not to damage the surface and not injure the backing of the product with wet products, which can lead to creases after drying, shrinkage of the leather backing, you should choose alternative dry cleaning products. Gentle ways to care for fur items include the use of improvised household products.


Dry talc perfectly absorbs odors, dirt and fat deposits on the fur villi. The powder is especially effective for the care of white mink products.

  • First you should spread a fur coat on a table or any other flat surface, put on rubber gloves.
  • Evenly sprinkle talcum powder over the surface of the fur coat, paying special attention to problem areas.
  • Touching the fur with your hands, you need to rub the talc on the surface of the fur product without much effort.
  • At the end of the treatment of the entire surface, take the fur coat outside and shake it thoroughly.
  • To remove the remnants of talc, sort out the fur in some places or comb it with a comb with rare teeth.

Potato starch

Starch is an analogue of talc, but it is undesirable to use it, as this culinary remedy attracts insects. Insufficient cleaning of the starch after harvesting, combined with wet weather, will cause the lint to stick together.

The procedure for cleaning with starch is similar to the actions with talc: sprinkle, sort out the fur to distribute the powder, shake and sort out the fur to clean the fur.


A gentle home method, similar to industrial fur cleaning, involves the use of sawdust. In places where products made from natural materials are sewn, sawdust is often used to clean animal skins.

For the procedure you will need:

  • sawdust, suitable material: aspen, oak, linden, maple;
  • capacity for sawdust;
  • medical alcohol.

You can buy sawdust at any veterinary store, put it in a container and pour it with alcohol. Other sources recommend using pure gasoline instead of medical alcohol, while cleaning will not be worse, however, a persistent unpleasant odor after cleaning is also guaranteed. Sawdust must be mixed with alcohol.

  • Lay out the coat on a flat surface for easy access to problem areas.
  • Sprinkle the fur with sawdust, distributing it over the surface, slightly rubbing the fur coat with them.
  • The sawdust will absorb dirt, so it is recommended to rub it with light movements, sort through the sawdust in problem areas until the dirt disappears.
  • When finishing cleaning, shake the fur coat, knocking out the sawdust from the pile. Fine residues are cleaned with a medium bristle brush.


Semolina will help to clean a mink coat, restore the silkiness of the fur, shine, get rid of dirt, dust, stains of any composition. Groats are used in the same way as potato starch.

  • The fur coat is spread on a flat surface, groats are scattered on problem areas and rubbed into the fur.
  • With movements imitating washing clothes, rub the semolina, which is adapted to absorb dirt.
  • The fur coat is shaken, the remnants of the semolina are combed out from the surface of the fur with a comb with sparse teeth.

It is convenient to use semolina for cleaning cuffs, collars, places where the fur could darken, fade, lose color.

hot sand

Clean sand when hot is an excellent free-flowing cleaner. It allows you to get rid of strong pollution. Pre-river sand is washed under running hot water and heated in a frying pan.

The sequence of actions when cleaning with sand is similar to using semolina:

  • Scatter hot sand on the most polluted places of the fur coat.
  • Going through the fabric of the product, they achieve a uniform distribution of sand, wait for it to cool completely on the pile.
  • Shake the fur coat and comb out the remaining sand with a brush with soft bristles.

Methods for wet cleaning of fur things

The use of some means will allow you to wet clean mink things if they have stains and severe dirt. However, they must be used with care so as not to damage the product.


The villi of mink fur are similar to human hair, so washing with a moisturizing shampoo is a gentle method of wet cleaning. To do this, you will need: shampoo, two water containers, a brush with soft bristles and a bristle of at least 2 cm, clean cotton rags for wet and dry cleaning, paper napkins.

  • Pour water into one container and dissolve the shampoo in it until a thick foam cap forms, pour warm clean water into another container.
  • With a brush, distribute the foam over the pile of the product, easily rubbing it without much pressure.
  • Wipe stains until they disappear completely.
  • After cleaning the problem area with shampoo, remove its residues with a cloth dipped in warm clean water.
  • Remove excess moisture with a dry cotton cloth or paper napkins.

You can return the fur villi to their previous state after wet cleaning by combing a dry product with a comb with sparse teeth.

table vinegar

A familiar kitchen remedy allows you to get rid of not only strong dirt, yellowness, but also foreign odors - repeated use of perfumes and mixed aromas, the smell of fish and others. With the help of vinegar, it is recommended to clean the white mink, the main thing is not to overdo it with this aggressive liquid.

Vinegar is diluted with water to obtain a 5% solution. With the resulting composition, a cotton pad or cotton cloth is wetted, which is rubbed with problem areas of a mink coat. Movements should be without much pressure and in the direction of fur growth. At the same time, dirt remains on the cleaning cloth, the pile acquires its former shine and silkiness.

Hydrogen peroxide

Compared to other methods of wet cleaning a fur coat, hydrogen peroxide is most suitable for white mink products. Moisten a cotton pad with hydrogen peroxide and apply to the fur with rubbing movements. When cleaning, you should try not to get the solution on the base of the mink product. This can lead to blemishes.

Proper lining care

When removing a fur coat for storage after winter, the general condition of fur contamination, individual places (collar, cuffs), including lining, is assessed. Often the lining requires more frequent maintenance than the pile of a fur product.

To clean the lining qualitatively, without affecting the fur and leather base, you can only unfasten it or rebuff it. The lining is washed by hand or in an automatic washing machine, carefully choosing the washing mode. For silk and other fabrics that require delicate care, a washing mode with a temperature of up to 40 degrees is suitable. Cotton fabrics can be washed at high temperatures. After washing, the lining fabric is thoroughly rinsed out so that there are no stains from the detergent. At the last stage, the lining is ironed and sewn into place.

Owners of mink products sometimes hesitate to tear off the lining, fearing that they will not be able to re-sew it with high quality. In this case, it is permissible to clean the gasket without removing it from the base. To do this, you will need a soap solution, a brush with soft bristles, a rag and dry paper napkins. With a soapy solution, without touching the leather base and its reverse side, the dirt is gently brushed off with a brush. With a damp clean cloth, remove excess soap composition and possible foam. Residual moisture is removed with dry paper towels.

In wet weather, the lower part of the fur coat is most often the first to get wet. You can protect the product from severe contamination of the lower part of the lining by sewing on a safety fragment. From a fabric that is suitable in color and structure, a piece is cut out from 20 cm to half a meter in length. The fragment is sewn on top of the lining and, at the first contamination, it is torn off, washed and sewn to the same place.