How to get rid of swelling of the face and eyes quickly. Swelling under the eyes - how to eliminate harmless causes and when to see a doctor

By eye swelling we should not mean a change in the structure of the eyeball, but the appearance of a pathological process in the area of ​​the lower or upper eyelid, in which an excess amount of interstitial fluid is concentrated in the tissues of these anatomical areas.

Why does swelling occur under the eye? The causes, on the one hand, should be sought in somatic diseases, and on the other hand, this phenomenon is provoked by external influences (injuries, bruises, allergic reactions, fatigue, etc.).

Causes of swelling under the eyes

The human body is more than half water. Most of the fluid is concentrated in the cells of the body, and a smaller part is concentrated in the intercellular space.

Through the water-electrolyte balance provided by the body's systems, this ratio remains at a certain level. When it is violated, as a rule, pathological processes occur in the body, causing swelling.

What are the treatments?) The photos presented in this article can provide a visual representation of the problem.

Why is puffiness clearly visible under the eyes?

This can be explained by the anatomical structure of the tissues around the eyes:

  • the skin in these areas is thin;
  • loose;
  • sebaceous glands are absent;
  • low level of muscle activity;
  • This area contains a large number of large and small blood vessels.

What is the difference between puffiness and bags under the eyes?

It is necessary to distinguish between concepts such as swelling and bags under the eyes.

Bags under the eyes are caused by the skin losing its elasticity and firmness. As a rule, this is an age-related change. The skin is no longer able to support the fat layer located around the eyes. Edema appears due to somatic diseases or external provocateurs.

Why does swelling occur under the eyes? The causes and treatment will be described in this article.

Swelling under the eyes may indicate the presence of somatic diseases

They can be observed in people with dysfunction of such organs as the thyroid gland, heart, kidneys. Swelling also occurs when the pituitary gland is damaged and the venous outflow is abnormal. Such edema has a special development and course. Most often, the process affects the lower eyelid and is more pronounced in the morning.

With pathology, it usually goes away within a day. But if the process manifests itself in the evening, one can judge the damage to the cardiovascular system.

In somatic diseases, puffiness under the eyes is characterized by symmetry.

Causes of edema in women

Why do the fairer sex experience swelling under the eyes? The reasons for women may be the following: hormonal imbalance and pregnancy.

An increase in estrogen levels before menstruation contributes to fluid retention in the body tissues, which also results in puffiness under the eyes. This phenomenon can be observed during puberty, menopause and hormonal therapy.

Many women complain of swelling during pregnancy. They are especially characteristic of the third trimester.

If swelling is observed throughout pregnancy against the background of severe weight gain, the expectant mother should seek help from a specialist. In this case, swelling may indicate the presence of a serious somatic disease. First of all, you should pay attention to the condition of the kidneys, since a malfunction in their functioning can cause dropsy in pregnancy.

Swelling due to allergies

As a rule, during an allergic reaction of the body, swelling is localized above the upper eyelid. Swelling under the eye may appear on one side or on both. The process develops very quickly and disappears just as quickly. This condition can be provoked by cosmetics, food products and plants.

Unfavorable genetic background

It happens that puffiness around the eyes appears in childhood or adolescence. In this case, there are no predisposing factors, but parents also experience a similar syndrome. In this case, we can talk about the genetic predisposition of the organism. This condition is caused by excess fatty tissue around the eyes.


When you spend a long time looking at a computer monitor, driving a car, reading books in dim artificial light, or watching TV for a long time, the eye muscles are subject to tension, which disrupts the blood supply to the eyelids.

General fatigue leads to disruption of sleep and wakefulness. A person cannot fall asleep for a long time, and awakening is difficult. Lack of normal rest manifests itself in the form of puffiness under the eyes.

Age factor

As we age, the skin under the eyes becomes thinner, the muscles around the eyes weaken, and the bone tissue becomes more fragile and unable to support the fatty tissue around the eyes.

In adults, kidney function is disrupted and electrolyte balance slows down. All this leads to chronic swelling of the eyes in old age.

Increased salt content in the body

It is known that salt promotes water retention in the body. It is especially harmful to eat it before bed. With constant consumption of salty foods and canned food, fluid will accumulate around the eyes, which will cause swelling.

After eating salty and spicy food, thirst arises. It makes you drink more fluid. And because of the salt, it is difficult to remove from the body.

Lifestyle influence

The causes of swelling may lie in improper sleep and wakefulness. Those who like to have fun with friends at night risk getting puffy eyes the next day.

Swelling can be caused by drinking alcohol or drugs, sweet and carbonated drinks, bright lighting, and short sleep.

It is also not recommended to drink strong drinks and coffee before going to bed. Smoking and alcohol should be completely avoided. And, as it may not sound surprising, you should drink more liquid throughout the day. The amount of fluid consumed should be approximately 2 liters, and most of it should be consumed before 14:00. When there is a lack of fluid, the body turns on its reserves and strives to stock up on water for future use, which can cause swelling.

Tears before bed

Many of us have noticed that tears cause puffiness under the eyes. More often it appears in the morning. This is explained by the fact that tears contain salt, which prevents the removal of fluid from the tissues.

Tears act in two directions: on the one hand, they prevent the removal of fluid from the tissues, on the other, they contribute to irritation of the skin under the eyes. And given the fact that a tearful mood can cause insomnia, it is not at all surprising that you will wake up with swollen and, in addition, blue eyelids.

Application of cosmetics

Cosmetics themselves cannot cause swelling, but their incorrect use can.

In this case, you need to follow a number of rules:

  • wash off makeup a few hours before bedtime;
  • To remove decorative cosmetics, use special makeup removers;
  • after washing, pat your face dry with a soft towel rather than rubbing it;
  • carefully study the composition of your cream; it should not contain components that contribute to the appearance of edema.

Swelling under the eyes in the morning

What can cause, besides an incorrect daily routine, swelling under the eyes? Reasons in the morning may indicate damage to the kidneys and liver. If the process is revealed gradually, one can judge about damage to the cardiovascular system.

Treatment of swelling with massage

Alternative medicine advises using massages. By making light circular movements towards the ears, you help stimulate active biological points located in the cheekbone area. To soften the massage, it is recommended to moisten your fingertips with essential oil. But using it in its pure form is not recommended. It must be diluted with cosmetic.

This method is not suitable for people suffering from hypertension. In this case, it is recommended to use ice cubes for massage. The effectiveness of the procedure will be higher if you freeze chamomile infusion instead of water or make cubes from parsley or green tea infusion.

You should carefully move the cubes towards the cheeks, as if squeezing the swelling downwards. But do not massage for too long, as you may freeze the skin. The face should not be overcooled, otherwise you risk getting a cold or sinusitis.

The use of contrast baths

Contrast baths have a beneficial effect. You should take two bowls. Pour cold water into one (add a little salt to it), and warm water into the other. It is necessary to wet the towel alternately with water of different temperatures and apply it to the eyes, but do not press too hard. Then you need to rinse your face with warm water.

Application of compresses

Compresses with green or black tea are excellent against puffiness under the eyes. They contain caffeine and tannin. Tannin tannins help relieve swelling, as they have an astringent effect, and caffeine constricts blood vessels.

Chamomile tea should also be mentioned separately. Chamomile is known to have an anti-inflammatory effect and can soothe the skin and relieve irritation. You can treat bags under the eyes using cotton pads soaked in chamomile infusion. They are applied to the eyes for 15-20 minutes.

Vitamin E soothes and relieves skin irritation. Add a few drops of this vitamin to cool water and mix thoroughly. Then you need to soak cotton pads in the solution and apply to your eyes for 20 minutes. This compress has not only a preventive, but also a cosmetic effect. It helps nourish and soften the skin around the eyes, making it elastic.

Treatment with medications

Radical methods of treating swelling around the eyes include injections with the addition of Pinoxide. Recently, this drug has been used to relieve puffiness under the eyes, as experiments have shown that the drug helps optimize blood circulation. It causes the swelling to resolve.

To eliminate edema, it is necessary to remove excess fluid from the body. If external methods do not provide any help, you should turn to diuretics. But we must remember that such drugs contribute to the leaching of beneficial substances from the body. For example, the amount of potassium and calcium in tissues decreases. Therefore, before using them you need to consult a specialist.

If there is swelling under the eyes, you should not self-medicate. When the exact cause of swelling under the eyes is found, the pathological process is eliminated faster. Indeed, in this case, the doctor selects the necessary therapy aimed at eliminating the internal or external provocateur.

Cause of puffiness under the right eye

In some cases, swelling may be asymmetrical. Many people are interested in why swelling appears under the eye? The reasons, on the one hand, lie in diseases of the internal organs, on the other, they represent an allergic reaction or injury.

Often this phenomenon provokes an inflammatory process. In this case, the skin around the eyes turns red, the temperature around the eyes rises, and the person experiences pain during palpation. The inflammatory process can be caused by furunculosis, chalazion, as well as common flu or runny nose. Swelling can be caused by sinusitis, meningitis and inflammation of the gums. As a rule, the upper eyelid swells.

Conjunctivitis provokes not only swelling, but hyperemia and itching, as well as the discharge of pus. After some time, the disease may affect the second eye.

Mechanical injuries also cause swelling of the eyes. It can occur not only due to damage to the upper or lower eyelid. This phenomenon can be caused by bruises, burns, insect bites, injuries to the scalp and facial bones. The damage disrupts the integrity of the blood vessels, and blood with intercellular fluid descends into the eyelid area. Such swelling, as a rule, disappears without treatment in a fairly short time.

Various surgical interventions in the head area, especially the face, also cause swelling. This phenomenon is also observed with venous and lymphatic outflow. Cosmetic procedures can lead to disruption of the outflow of lymph and venous blood. As a result, intercellular fluid accumulates near the eyes. Impaired lymphatic drainage occurs as a consequence of increased venous pressure in people suffering from heart failure or pericardial disease.

An insect bite, which may not be noticeable at first, also causes swelling, which appears after a few days.

Hypothyroidism, which is expressed in decreased thyroid function due to iodine deficiency, is also dangerous. There is a disturbance in protein metabolism, which is expressed in swelling under one eye or throughout the body.

Why is there swelling under my right eye? A specialist will determine the reasons.

What measures should be taken

If swelling appears under the right eye, you should first exclude causes such as alcohol abuse, overeating foods containing salt at night, working at the computer for a long time, not getting enough rest, or sleeping on the right side. If they are the cause of swelling, you should use tea lotions or chamomile decoction. If you suspect an infectious inflammation of the eye, you should consult a specialist.

Puffiness under the left eye

What causes swelling under the left eye? The reasons may be as follows:

  • excess fluid accumulates in the skin of the eyelids;
  • adipose tissue pushes the skin forward, which contributes to an increase in periorbital tissue;
  • blood accumulates in the eyelid, coming from vessels located on the face due to injuries to the bridge of the nose and forehead.

Swelling under the right or left eye

Why does swelling occur under the eye? The reasons on one side (under the left or right eye - now it doesn’t matter) may lie in sinusitis or allergies.

If the right upper jaw is inflamed during sinusitis, then the right eye swells, and vice versa. Swelling of the eye in this case is accompanied by pain and redness. In acute cases, antibiotics and physiotherapeutic procedures are used.

Sometimes puffiness under the left or right eye can be caused by the body's reaction to a cosmetic product.


So why does swelling under the eye occur? The reasons, on the one hand, lie in somatic diseases, and on the other hand, can be caused by external influences on the eyelid. In any case, you should seek help from a specialist. It will help eliminate puffiness under the eyes. The causes and treatment can be explained to them.

Puffiness under the eyes can ruin your mood for the whole day. Swollen eyelids visually make the eyes smaller and add extra years. The face looks tired and unattractive. Cosmetics do not help completely hide this defect. How to quickly remove the hated puffiness under the eyes at home?

It is important to first understand the cause of the problem, and then declare war on it.

Swelling under the eyes appears for many reasons. Chronic disease, genetics, injury or an unhealthy lifestyle contribute to the formation of this cosmetic defect. Sometimes even in a healthy body, fluid accumulates and edema forms. Common causes of swelling are:

  1. Some diseases of the kidneys, heart and other internal organs are accompanied by swelling on the face.
  2. Excessive amounts of salt, liquids, spicy foods, and alcohol contribute to swelling.
  3. Allergies to cosmetics, animals, and foods lead to swelling of the eyelids.
  4. Mechanical injury to the blood vessels of the orbit causes swelling of the retina, in the treatment of which the use of medications for eye diseases is combined with folk remedies.
  5. After visiting a solarium or intense tanning in the sun, swelling from the forehead descends to the bridge of the nose and eyelids.
  6. Over the years, metabolism slows down, fluid accumulates under the lower eyelids and provokes swelling.

When you see swollen eyelids in the mirror, do not panic. This problem can and should be dealt with. There are many home methods.

Symptoms and manifestations

The skin under the eyes is sensitive, so the body quickly reacts to any changes with the appearance of circles and swelling. Methods for eliminating edema depend on the symptoms of this unpleasant defect.

Swelling of the retina of the eyeball is associated with serious illnesses and is accompanied by partial loss of vision. Treatment of retinal edema in patients with diabetes or hypertension at home is possible only under the supervision of an ophthalmologist. Home folk remedies will help normalize intraocular pressure and prevent swelling from developing, but will not stop pathological processes in the body.

Often the eyes swell after sleep among lovers of home tea gatherings or beer parties who do not know what to do about it at home.

For students after a sleepless night, grandmother's methods of treating swollen eyes will be effective ways to combat the symptoms of morning swelling.

Swelling of the eyelids occurs in women who use cosmetics incorrectly and do not wash off eyeliner or mascara before bed. And in the morning they see redness and swelling in the mirror.

How to remove puffiness under the eyes at home

Do you want to know how to quickly relieve swelling under your eyes at home in the morning? Take advantage of several methods.

You will need water, which can easily be frozen at home. Apply ice cubes from your home refrigerator to the swelling, and you won’t notice how the cold will increase the outflow of fluid in a few minutes, narrow the blood vessels and quickly remove swelling from the eyes.

Contrast lotions are another home way to combat swelling. At home, we relieve swelling of the eyes by alternately applying cotton pads soaked in cold and hot water, which we quickly remove as soon as warmth or cold is felt.

Everyone knows how quickly tea leaves, which every housewife can find at home, relieves puffiness under the eyes. Apply sponges soaked in tea to your eyelids. Such lotions will reduce swelling and relieve fatigue within 15 minutes.

The services of a cosmetologist are expensive; not everyone can afford to visit a specialist. There are effective home ways to get rid of unsightly swelling.

Folk remedies for puffiness under the eyes

Folk remedies increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin and relieve puffiness under the eyes. Decoctions, compresses, lotions and masks made from homemade materials are available to every woman.

Anti-edema masks

It is important to know how to quickly prepare a homemade mask in the morning to remove swelling from the eyes. For decongestant masks, they use common products that are found in every home kitchen. The purpose of the procedure is to quickly remove excess fluid. Masks for the skin around the eyes are effective against swelling if done regularly at home.

A cucumber mask, like no other remedy, at home helps relieve puffiness under the eyes, promotes overall rejuvenation, and accelerates metabolism at the cellular level.

Preparation and use: grate one medium-sized cucumber, squeeze out the juice. Apply the resulting paste to your eyelids and cover with a napkin for 15 minutes.

M boiled potato aska

Potatoes are a potent anti-puffiness agent. Potato tubers are rich in vitamins B, C and K and do not cause allergies. Homemade potato masks are suitable for dry and oily skin.

Preparation and use: peel the boiled potatoes, mash them, add warmed milk. Two teaspoons of the mixture is enough. Apply the cooled mixture to closed eyelids. After 10 minutes, rinse with cool water.

M fresh potato aska

Preparation (method 1): peel the medium tuber and grate it. Add warm milk or sour cream and one tablespoon of wheat flour. Mix thoroughly until it becomes a paste.

Preparation (method 2): Add olive oil to finely grated fresh potatoes instead of milk and flour.

Application: place the resulting mass on a cotton pad or wrap it in a linen napkin and apply to the swollen areas. After 15 minutes, rinse with cool water.

Parsley will help with swelling, pigmentation, fatigue, and reduce expression wrinkles.

Preparation and use: mix finely chopped parsley with one spoon of chilled sour cream. Apply to clean skin under the eyes for half an hour. Rinse with warm water or chamomile infusion.

Compresses and decoctions for swelling

Decoctions and compresses for swelling of the eyelids are deservedly popular. These home remedies of traditional medicine improve blood circulation and draw out excess fluid from facial tissues.

Herbal compress

Compresses made from homemade infusions of medicinal herbs effectively relieve swelling under the eyes.

Preparation and use: you will need a glass of hot water. Pour boiling water over a mixture of dry herbs - 5 grams. thyme, 5 gr. chamomile, 5 gr. plantain. Leave for 30 minutes. Add 10-15 drops of rosemary oil. Strain the warm infusion and make a lotion on your eyelids using cotton swabs. The procedure should last half an hour. This compress will help get rid of bags under the eyes.

Compress with essential oils

Tea tree oil is effective for swelling. Essential oils are successfully used as compresses in cosmetology. Such compresses tone the skin well and relieve swelling at home.

Preparation and use: mix a few drops of verbena, rosemary and tea tree oil in equal proportions.

Dip cotton swabs into the mixture and place on the skin around the eyelids for 15 minutes.

Essential oils can cause an allergic reaction and should be used with caution. Test yourself for allergies by applying a drop of oil to the inside of your wrist. If there is a burning sensation, wash it off immediately.

Lemon-cucumber lotion is good for swelling. This is the easiest home remedy to prepare.

Preparation and use: take 1 tsp. cucumber juice and 1 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice. Mix the ingredients. Moisten cotton pads with the mixture, place on closed eyelids, remove after 5 minutes.

Massage for swelling

A special massage of the skin around the eyes will protect against swelling. It is not necessary to contact an expensive cosmetologist; you can learn some home massage techniques yourself.

Execution order:

  • Using light stroking movements around the eye, draw circles with your fingers. Execution time – 5-10 minutes.
  • Rub the swollen skin in a circular motion towards the ears.
  • From the outer corner of the eye, move towards the nose, lightly tapping with your fingers.

Wet your fingers with flaxseed, coconut or olive oil. Facial cosmetics will enhance the effect of the massage.

Preventive measures

  • The main preventative measure in the fight against swelling and bags under the eyes is a healthy lifestyle. Eat only healthy foods that are rich in microelements and low in salt. Avoid stress.
  • Normalize your drinking regime and do not abuse alcohol.
  • Choose cosmetics for skin care. Find a good eye cream. But remember, a simple home remedy such as a cotton ball soaked in iced tea is often enough to solve the problem.
  • To permanently remove permanent swelling under the eyes, you need to identify and remove the causes of the swelling, which is not always possible to do at home. You need to undergo a full examination under the supervision of a doctor.

The accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues of the body causes swelling under the eyes. There are not many people who have never encountered this unpleasant and unaesthetic problem in their lives. Very often this phenomenon is observed in the morning after a sleepless night, or after stress and nervous shock, which were accompanied by severe crying.

To find out what causes led to the appearance of eye swelling - harmless, physiological or pathological process (when swelling is a sign of a disease), it is necessary to conduct a thorough analysis of this condition.

Causes of puffy eyes

The term “eye swelling” refers to a process in which excess interstitial fluid accumulates in the eyelid. A larger volume of fluid is localized in the cells of the body, the rest in the intercellular space. When the water-electrolyte balance is disturbed, which mainly occurs as a result of certain pathologies, edema occurs. The fact that they are very noticeable on the eyelids is explained by the physiological characteristics of this area, which are as follows:

  • the skin on the eyelids is very thin;
  • there are no sebaceous glands on it;
  • there are many vessels here;
  • muscle activity is quite weak.

You should know that puffiness under the eyes and bags are different concepts. The latter are formed as a result of the skin becoming less elastic and elastic (usually these are age-related changes) and is not able to retain the fatty tissue located in this area.

Edema is excess interstitial fluid retained as a result of disruptions in metabolic processes.

There can be many provoking factors:

  1. Inflammation. The main manifestations of this process are redness of the skin, a local feeling of heat, and the appearance of discomfort or pain when touching the area of ​​inflammation. The causes of the inflammatory process are usually some diseases: barley, furunculosis, chalazion. A common cold or runny nose can also lead to this. In most cases, the lesion affects the upper eyelid.
  2. Allergy. Swelling may be an allergic reaction to some external factor. Usually one eyelid swells, the swelling develops rapidly and goes away just as quickly. Any substance can act as an allergen - medicine, cosmetic product, food, flowers and plants. In addition, local reactions may occur if the allergen gets on the mucous membrane. As a result, it turns red, itching, burning, and a feeling of “sand” appear in the eyes.
  3. Internal illnesses. Swelling of the eyelids is one of the manifestations of diseases such as pathologies of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, heart and vascular disease, kidney disease, and problems with venous outflow. Such swelling develops and proceeds specifically. Processes, localized in most cases in the area of ​​the lower eyelid, more pronounced in the morning, indicate kidney disease. Edema that appears in the evenings signals diseases of the heart and blood vessels. In the presence of internal diseases, swelling is usually located symmetrically, that is, it occurs immediately under both eyes. To establish the exact cause, you need to visit a doctor who will prescribe the necessary diagnostic procedures.
  4. Hormonal imbalance and pregnancy. The increased production of estrogen, which occurs before the onset of menstruation, causes fluid retention in the tissues, which causes swelling under the eyes. In addition, swelling can occur due to changes in hormone levels, which occurs during puberty, menopause, and drug therapy with hormone-containing drugs. Some women notice swelling that appears during pregnancy, especially in recent months. If swelling occurs throughout pregnancy due to excessive weight gain, you should consult a specialist. In this situation, the formation of edema may be a signal of some disease. Most often these are kidney diseases or dropsy.
  5. Mechanical damage. This item includes various traumatic injuries (burns, bruises, insect bites), accompanied by tissue swelling and the appearance of bruises. Swelling can appear not only when the eyelids are injured, but also in the head sections located above. This is due to the fact that with such damage, the blood vessels are damaged, as a result of which the blood, under the influence of pressure, falls into the lower parts - into the eyelid area. A characteristic feature of such edema is that it goes away quite quickly on its own, even if left untreated.
  6. Impaired outflow of venous blood and lymph. Some surgical procedures on the head, especially the face, can lead to this phenomenon. For example, cosmetic manipulations to rejuvenate the skin near the eyes can cause stagnation of blood and lymph, and this will lead to the accumulation of fluid and the appearance of swelling of the eyelids.
  7. Heredity. If the skin around the eyes began to swell in childhood or adolescence, while there are no health problems, and there are no provoking factors, then this is most likely a genetic factor. Especially if one of your close relatives also has the same problem.
  8. General fatigue and increased eye strain. Both of these factors often cause swelling of the eyelids. This problem is familiar to many people who, due to the nature of their profession, are forced to spend a lot of time in front of a computer monitor, driving a car (especially at night and in unfavorable weather conditions), as well as those who read a lot in artificial light and watch TV shows. . All this leads to the fact that the eye muscles are constantly tense, which is why the eyelid area is less well supplied with blood. Such a violation causes fluid to penetrate into the interstitial space, resulting in the formation of edema. It does not allow blood circulation to normalize, it turns out to be a vicious circle. Chronic fatigue leads to disruption of the daily routine: it is impossible to sleep at night and to get out of bed in the morning. Lack of rest affects your appearance, including the appearance of puffiness under the eyes.
  9. Age-related changes. The skin of the eyelids is very thin and sensitive. And over the years it becomes even thinner and weakened. Due to its fragility, bone tissue is not able to provide tissue support in the same way as in youth. Because of this, they begin to go beyond normal boundaries. In addition, the older a person is, the worse the functioning of his internal organs, including the kidneys, all processes become slower. The removal of fluid accumulated in the tissues does not occur as quickly as before. All this becomes the reason that in older people, swelling of the eyelids is a constant phenomenon.
  10. Excess salt. Everyone knows that salt can retain fluid in the body. Especially when it penetrates him in the evening hours, before the person goes to bed. If you regularly consume excessively salty foods or canned foods, you will experience a constant accumulation of fluid in the fatty tissue of the lower and upper eyelids. In addition, after eating such products, you feel thirsty all the time, because of this, even more water enters the body, which is retained in the body, again due to salt. So, everything goes in a circle: over-salted dishes - water - fluid retention - swelling.

What else can cause swelling of the eyelids?

In addition to physiological factors and diseases, the occurrence of edema can occur due to individual characteristics. First of all, this is due to lifestyle, consumption of certain foods, addiction to cigarettes and alcohol.

So, the following can lead to the appearance of edema:

  1. A sleepless night. Those who like to have fun until the morning run the risk of seeing swelling under their eyes when they wake up. This is due to a number of reasons: abuse of alcohol or energy drinks, artificial light, short sleep, as a result of which a person does not feel rested.
  2. Tears, especially at night.
  3. Use of cosmetics. You should not forget that decorative cosmetics that are applied in the morning should be washed off at night; it is advisable to do this at least a couple of hours before going to bed, otherwise the skin will not rest.

Methods for treating puffiness under the eyes

You can get rid of swelling of the eyelids and the entire face on your own if you regularly carry out the following procedures alternately:

  1. Contrast wash. If you notice swelling on your face in the morning, you should immediately wash it first with warm, then cool water. Thanks to this procedure, blood circulation will improve, the skin will be filled with energy, swelling and stagnation in the tissues will disappear.
  2. Gently massaging the face and area under the eyes: massage the eyelid area with delicate tapping movements, as well as patting movements on the rest of the face.
  3. Ice cube massage. Compresses made according to traditional medicine recipes help well against puffiness of the eyes. However, when you don’t have time to prepare the product, you can use ice cubes to massage your eyelids.

At the moment, there are many remedies that help locally eliminate puffiness of the eyelids and circles under the eyes. But they can be used only after it is precisely confirmed that the cause of the phenomenon was not any pathology. Otherwise, the desired result from the use of cosmetic procedures and folk recipes will not be achieved, since the provoking factor will not go away, and swelling will form again under the eyes.

Traditional medicine recipes help well with puffy eyes, especially when they are not a symptom of some disease. Below are the most effective ones.

  1. Tea compresses. Both black and green varieties are suitable. The tea contains caffeine and tannin - these components help to constrict blood vessels, reduce swelling, as they have an astringent effect, and eliminate swelling of the skin. When talking about remedies for puffy eyes, one cannot fail to mention chamomile tea. The product effectively fights inflammation, has a calming effect, relieves irritation, redness and swelling. You can remove puffiness by applying cotton pads to your eyelids, after moistening them in freshly brewed tea.
  2. Eye mask. To prepare this cosmetic product, you need to chop parsley (1 tsp) and add fresh sour cream (2 tsp), mix well. Apply the composition to the problem area for 30 minutes. Then remove the residue with plenty of water. The next stage is applying your usual care product. There is another recipe for an anti-edema mask, which is made from lemon balm. You need to take about two large spoons of the crushed plant and squeeze out the juice. Soak two pieces of bread crumb with the resulting liquid and place on your eyelids, leaving for a third of an hour. Remove any remaining product with cold water.
  3. Parsley compress. The plant must be finely chopped and the juice squeezed out. Take two gauze napkins, moisten them in parsley juice, place them on the swollen area, and leave for 15 minutes.

As a preventive measure against the appearance of edema, it is necessary to ensure proper nutrition with a minimum amount of salt and plenty of water.

The formation of puffiness in the morning is greatly influenced by the position in which a person sleeps. The best option is to sleep on your back, with your head slightly higher than your body. This will prevent liquid from accumulating under the eyes.

Video: how to remove bags under the eyes

Swelling under the eyes is a very big problem for women, which is not only a cosmetic defect, but also often a signal of some kind of disease or disorder in the body. But swelling under the eyes can and should be dealt with using very effective methods. Today we will not talk about plastic medicine, but we will present to your attention some effective traditional medicine recipes for puffiness under the eyes.

Why do puffiness under the eyes and swelling of the face often appear?

If swelling under your eyes has only recently begun to appear, and they look like small swellings in the morning, disappearing by noon or evening, then you need to eliminate harmful factors from your life that can provoke their formation. Main reasons, which may cause swelling under the eyes:

  • Insufficient time for sleep at night , chronic fatigue, sleeping on a high pillow, sleeping in an uncomfortable body position.
  • Unbalanced diet , an abundance of fried, spicy, salty foods, alcohol.
  • Stress, anxiety, depression, fears, unpleasant thoughts and worries.
  • , including passive smoking.
  • Excessive amount of ultraviolet radiation , excessive tanning.
  • Using low-quality cosmetics , as well as cosmetics that are not intended for the area around the eyes.
  • Excess body weight , obesity, abundance of white bread, sugars in the diet.
  • Drink plenty of fluids and eat at night.

The best recipes for puffiness under the eyes

If swelling under the eyes bothers you and you want to get rid of them, use the advice of traditional medicine, which we give below.

  1. Contrast compresses on the eye area.
    For compresses, you need to brew any dry herb (chamomile, parsley, oak bark, mint, eyebright, sage, cornflower, linden blossom, or black or green tea are best suited for these purposes) at the rate of 2 teaspoons per half glass of boiling water. When the infusion has cooled, divide it into two parts, add 3-4 ice cubes to one of them. Soak cotton pads in warm infusion and apply to the eye area for 1 minute. Then soak cotton pads in the cold infusion and apply to your eyes. Alternate the compresses 5-6 times, always ending with a cold one. Perform the procedure daily. These compresses can be done in the morning, or better yet, in the evening, before bed.
  2. Camphor night cream.
    If the next morning you experience swelling under your eyes almost every day, you can prepare an excellent remedy for their prevention - eye cream with camphor oil. To prepare the cream, mix unsalted pork fat (melted in a water bath) and camphor oil - one tablespoon of both ingredients. Pour the mixture into a glass jar with a tight lid and store the cream in the refrigerator. To prevent morning puffiness under the eyes, apply a thin layer of cream to the area around the eyes before going to bed.
  3. Express compresses from frozen vegetables.
    Cut cucumber and potatoes into slices and freeze. For compresses, cut one plate taken out of the freezer in half, place it in thin gauze napkins and immediately apply it under the eyes, in the place where swelling appears. Keep compresses for 3-5 minutes.
    Important warning: Never apply very cold compresses from the freezer to the eyeball area!
  4. Cucumber and lemon compress.
    Mix one teaspoon each of freshly squeezed lemon and cucumber juice. Moisten cotton pads with this liquid and place them on the area under the eyes, hold for 4-5 minutes.
  5. Express compress for swelling made from cucumber.
    Remove the cucumber from the refrigerator and cut it into slices. Apply cucumber slices to the area under the eyes and hold the compress for 5 to 10 minutes.
  6. Tea compress for swelling.
    Pour boiling water over two tea bags (it can be black tea, green tea, or better yet, chamomile tea). Remove the bags from the boiling water after 30 seconds, squeeze them a little and place them on a saucer in the freezer. After 10 minutes, apply these bags to the area of ​​swelling under the eyes, lie with them for 5 to 10 minutes.
  7. Raw potato compresses.
    Raw potatoes can be grated, or you can simply cut them into thin slices. Place grated potato gruel on two small gauze pads and apply to the area under the eyes. Slices of raw potatoes can be placed directly on the skin of the eyelids and under the eyes, with gauze napkins placed on top. Potato compresses can be made daily, in the morning or evening, for 5 to 15 minutes.
  8. Compress of boiled potatoes “in their jackets”.
    For the compress, boil a whole, cleanly washed potato in its skin in advance, and cool in the refrigerator. To make a compress, cut off potato slices and place them on the swollen area for 10 minutes. After the compress, you need to lubricate the area around the eyes with an eye cream that suits you.
  9. Parsley leaves compress.
    For a compress, take two tablespoons of chopped parsley. Crush the greens with a fork to release the juice, then place them on two small damp gauze wipes and apply them to the area under the eyes (parsley to the skin). Keep the compress for 8-10 minutes.
  10. Anti-puffiness lotion under the eyes made from birch leaves.
    Take a glass of fresh birch leaf and cut it. Pour this mixture with a glass of sparkling mineral water and close the jar tightly. After 2-3 hours, strain (you can keep the infusion for 1 night), pour the lotion into a glass jar and put it in the refrigerator. It is recommended to lubricate the area around the eyes with this lotion in the morning and evening; you can use it to make cold compresses on the area of ​​puffiness under the eyes. The lotion can also be frozen in ice cube trays and wiped with ice cubes in the morning not only the area under the eyes, but also the entire face, neck, and décolleté - it perfectly tones the skin.
  11. Sea salt compresses for puffy eyes.
    Make a concentrated solution of sea salt, cool it in the refrigerator. For compresses, soak cotton pads in the solution, squeeze slightly to avoid contact with the eyes, and place on the swollen area around the eyes, hold for 5 to 10 minutes. After the compress, you need to lubricate the skin of the eyelids with any eyelid cream that suits you.
  12. Horsetail lotions.
    Dry horsetail herb (one tablespoon) must be poured with a glass of boiling water, and then boiled over very low heat for about 20 minutes. Cool, strain. You need to moisten two cotton wool or gauze swabs in a warm broth, and then apply them to your eyes for 15-20 minutes. Store the horsetail decoction in the refrigerator in a glass container for 2 days. Lotions with a decoction of horsetail can be done daily, morning and evening, they help get rid of not only swelling, but also dark circles, bags under the eyes, nervous tics and eye fatigue.
  13. Anti-puffiness mask under the eyes made from lemon balm and white bread.
    Squeeze the juice from fresh lemon balm (about 2 tablespoons are needed). Moisten two pieces of bread crumb with juice and apply them to the area of ​​swelling under the eyes. Keep the mask on for up to 20 minutes, then rinse it off with cool water.
  14. Mint lotions.
    Fresh mint lotions will help eliminate swelling and refresh the skin around the eyes. To do this, you need to chop the mint greens very finely, put a tablespoon of the pulp on two gauze napkins soaked in cool green tea and apply to the area under the eyes for 15 minutes.
  15. Olive oil massage.
    Massage with fingertips is good for eliminating swelling under the eyes. You don’t need to take a lot of oil – just lubricate your fingers with it. It is easy to massage the oil into the area of ​​swelling, tapping the skin with your fingertips for about 5 minutes (moving along the lower eyelid area along the bone, from the temple to the bridge of the nose). Then wipe the swollen area with an ice cube, a cool decoction of any herbs or chilled tea.
  16. Gymnastics for puffiness under the eyes.
    Place your index fingers on the outer corners of your eyes when they are closed, using your fingertips to gently fix the skin for the entire duration of the gymnastics. Close your eyes very tightly for about 5-6 seconds, then open them and relax your eyelids for the same time. Repeat this simple exercise up to 10 times, without removing your fingers from the corners of your eyes. After the exercise, wipe the skin under the eyes well with an ice cube or a cool herbal decoction or tea. This gymnastics can be performed up to 3-4 times a day.

So that swelling under the eyes no longer appears, n normalize your daily routine and nutrition, drinking regimen and sleep . Find for yourself exactly those anti-edema remedies that help, and use them daily to prevent swelling in the future. If you find that, despite all your efforts, swelling stubbornly continues to appear, in the morning they are very strong and do not disappear even before lunch, then to identify the cause of swelling under the eyes you need consult a doctor and undergo a full examination . Perhaps, in this case, the cause of swelling under the eyes is some kind of incipient disease, which until now has not manifested itself in any way with obvious symptoms.

Every girl has woken up with puffy eyes at least once. You go to the mirror, and there, instead of a clear look and a beautiful smile, you see the face of a panda, at best. There are many reasons for this effect.

Causes of swelling under the eyes

Speaking in medical terms, periorbital swelling, that is, bags under the eyes, is just an accumulation of fluid around the eyes. Most often it is found only on the lower eyelid, but sometimes it can occur around the entire eye. The second option occurs only in people with very thin skin or those over 40. Fluid around the eye accumulates due to the fact that your body has not coped with metabolic processes and has not been able to remove fluid or fatty tissue.

Bags under the eyes can be caused by the following factors:

  • Lack of sleep - interrupted sleep cycles are one of the most common causes of puffiness, which is why morning puffiness sometimes affects all of us.
  • Fluid retention - it can occur due to pregnancy or hormonal changes that occur in girls every month. Such swelling may not go away for a couple of days if you don’t make an effort.
  • Wrong diet - if there is too much salt in your menu, then swollen eyes will accompany you for a long time. Also, excess sugar and complex carbohydrates can cause swelling in some people. Add fiber to your diet and watch the amount of salt and fluid you consume so that bags don't bother you every morning.
  • Crying the day before - swelling often accompanies tears, which contain salt. It irritates the skin and contributes to the formation of severe swelling.
  • Aging - after a person turns 40-45 (depending on genetics), the skin around the eyes becomes thinner, begins to sag, and folds with fluid and fat form. If the skin of the eyelids is not taken care of, a gradual increase in the size of the ocular fatty tissue and weakening of the muscle mass will lead to the accumulation of waste in this area.
  • Allergies - allergic reactions can lead to ruptures in the subcutaneous capillaries. Because of this, blood will accumulate under the dermis, which will contribute to metabolic disorders in this area of ​​​​the skin and the accumulation of fluid.
  • Bad habits - constant smoking and drinking alcohol lead to the accumulation of toxins and some hormonal changes. As a result, the body cannot cope with the removal of harmful substances and fluids.
  • Chronic fatigue - when the body is under stress, all its systems do not function at full capacity. The liquid does not come out, but accumulates on your face.