How to make a mask from papier mache. What do you need to make a papier-mâché mask with your own hands? Ideas for inspiration. DIY African mask

Papier-mâché means “torn paper” in French. This technique has long gained popularity among craft lovers. Using papier-mâché material, you can make any figures for masquerade costumes, masks, as well as room decor elements. In this article you will learn how to make your own papier-mâché mask. Depending on the occasion (Halloween, masquerade ball) and your imagination, you can give the mask any shape or make an image of your favorite character.

Materials for a papier-mâché mask

Before starting work, this is especially important for beginners, it is worth remembering a number of features. By following the basic principles of working with the material, you can make a beautiful mask. So, one of the main materials in this technique is paper. It is necessary to use newsprint, although in some cases thin paper napkins are used for the first 2-3 layers. Napkins shrink when wet, which forms folds and wrinkles on the finished product after drying. This is just right for some types of masks, for example, Baba Yaga. The paper cannot be cut, but must be torn with your hands. The edges of the torn paper are thin, which allows you to form a smooth product.

The finished mask can be decorated only after the material has dried. Papier-mâché hardens in about 2 days. Drying time depends on the size and thickness of the mask. When it comes to the base for the mask, there are several options. If you have a simple face-shaped mask, the task becomes easier. Just before applying the material, lubricate or wrap the surface of the mask with film. This is done to prevent the material from sticking to the mold.

You can also use a balloon. Subsequently, it is very convenient to remove it - the ball breaks itself when the material dries.

There is another option - forming the base for a mask from foil. To do this, fold the foil in several layers and apply it to the face. Now you need to use your fingers to give the foil the shape of a face, in other words, we make a cast.

We remove the finished base for the mask, then correct the unevenness and cut out holes for the eyes and nose.

You can correct the shape using plasticine. This type of base also requires lubrication.

Technique for making a papier-mâché mask

In order to make a mask, you will need the following materials:

  • mask mold;
  • paper;
  • glue;
  • brush;
  • paints and other mask decorative elements.

The paper must be torn into strips, their sizes depend on the size of the finished product. For a standard mask you will need pieces 2-2.5 cm wide and 8-10 cm long.

Now you need to prepare the glue. You can use regular PVA glue or wallpaper glue. At home, paste is most often prepared. To do this, mix half a glass of flour or starch with a glass of cold water. The composition must be mixed until smooth. When there are no lumps left, pour the mixture into a pan of hot water. There should be about 5 glasses of water. Cook the glue until it thickens, stirring constantly to prevent lumps from forming. Cooking time is approximately 2-3 minutes. After cooling, the glue is ready for use.

Now you can make the mask itself. Apply a layer of paper soaked in water to the prepared form. One layer is enough.

Then dip pieces of paper into glue and apply to the mold.

Make 2-3 layers, smooth out the paper, removing air and smoothing out unevenness, and leave to dry. Then you can continue laying out the remaining layers.

Make the mask thick enough so that it is dense and strong. The last layer can be made from thick white paper or pieces of cotton fabric.

The holes in the mask for the eyes and nose, if they have not been made previously, must be made at this stage, while the mass is wet.

The same applies to the holes for the ribbons.

The finished mask dries in about 1.5-2 days.

Now you can start designing the finished mask. First you need to align the edges. File them down with sandpaper or a file and smooth them out. You can seal the edges with masking tape. The mask itself can also be adjusted using sandpaper.

Now it's time to apply the primer. For this, water-based paint or water-based putty is used. It must be applied with a brush. If several layers are required, then each subsequent one is applied after the previous one has dried.

After drying, you can start decorating the finished mask. For drawing you can use gouache or acrylic paint. It is easier to apply the main tone with a foam sponge, and it is more convenient to paint small details and patterns with a thin synthetic brush. Rhinestones, sparkles, small chains, beads, braid and lace are most often used for decoration. Decorative elements are attached with glue or small sewing pins. Venetian masks are often covered with velvet fabric. It will be enough to paint the Halloween mask with colored paints.

Participation in a masquerade or carnival requires the presence of an appropriate costume. Since ancient times, people began to complement it with a face mask. It gave them the opportunity to be in the center of the event without the risk of being recognized. This tradition has continued to this day. If it is not possible to purchase this accessory in a store, you can always make it yourself. You just need to know a few rules on how to make a papier-mâché mask.

History of origin

Despite the French name, China is considered the birthplace of papier-mâché. To make it, they use paper, the invention of which humanity owes to scientists from Ancient China.

Over time, this technique became popular first in Japan and Persia, and then in Europe. With the help of papier-mâché, they began to make various accessories for holidays, make dolls and home decor items. The peak popularity of using this material came at the beginning of the eighteenth century. At the same time, the papier-mâché technique, thanks to Peter I, became famous in Russia.

Tools and materials

Today, many people are keen on crafts made from this versatile material. It is used to make magnificent dolls, various models and crafts in kindergartens and schools. It is used to create masks for children for matinees and for adults for carnival parties.

Before you make a papier-mâché mask, you need to prepare all the necessary materials and tools. . During the work you will need:

To decorate a papier-mâché mask with your own hands, you can knit lace details, use rhinestones, sequins, beads, thin ribbons and feathers. The appearance of the product depends only on the skill and imagination of the one who makes it.

Step-by-step instruction

There are many ways to make a mask with your own hands, but papier-mâché is the easiest way to make a carnival accessory.

First you need to decide on the basis. This can be an old mask that fits in size, or you can make the base yourself. For those who will create a mask for the first time, Experts recommend using an inflated balloon. Its flat and smooth surface is ideal for creating crafts on it. The ball does not stick and is easy to remove when finished.

Face cast

Often, a ready-made mask, due to the fact that it does not fit tightly to the face, begins to slip at the height of the holiday and has to be constantly adjusted. What fun then. Therefore, if you make a mask based on a face cast, it will not only be original, but also very comfortable.

The ideal material for the base is soft plasticine or clay. The material is kneaded and then rolled into a pancake 1-1.5 cm thick. Before applying the cast to the face and giving it the required shape, a thick layer of fatty cream must be applied to the skin of the face. Next, the future base is made with your fingers. To ensure that the mask holds well, special attention should be paid to the area around the eyes, nose and cheekbones. Having finished sculpting the “face”, the cast is carefully removed and laid out on a flat surface, where it should remain until completely dry.

Forming a mask

After 3-4 days, you can begin the procedure of forming the mask. This needs to be done in several stages:

On the still raw workpiece, it is necessary to make holes for a ribbon or lace, with the help of which the finished product can be attached to the face. In addition, you must make holes for the eyes and nose.

A mask made in this way should dry for 3-4 days at room temperature. To avoid deformation, it is recommended to remove the workpiece from the mold when it has completely hardened.

Decorating and coloring

After the mask is completely dry, you can begin to design it. First, using a simple pencil, you need to make a sketch of the drawing that will decorate the craft. Next, along the contours you need to decorate the craft with acrylic paints. It is convenient to apply the main tone to a large surface using a foam sponge. It is better to paint small strokes with a thin brush. You can fix the dye with strong hold hairspray.

You can also decorate the craft using fabric. To do this, you need to first cut the fabric to the shape of the mask, not forgetting about the allowances, and cut holes for the eyes and nose. Then the fabric is glued to the mask with transparent superglue. It is imperative to ensure that the material fits neatly onto the mask and that no creases or wrinkles appear. Next, the seam allowances need to be folded inside the mask and secured there.

For a mask to become a real masterpiece, it needs to be decorated. It can be made bright and unique using beads, sequins, rhinestones, and complemented with velvet ribbons and decorative feathers. There are no instructions or rules here, but only a flight of fancy and personal wishes.

Since ancient times, masks from magical Venice have been extremely popular. Everyone who is lucky enough to walk along its cozy and fabulous streets will definitely acquire the symbol of this magnificent city. But you can try to make a Venetian mask with your own hands. A master class with step-by-step instructions can always be found on the Internet, you just have to type a query on this topic into a search engine and step by step follow the recommendations of experts.

The carnival accessory must be made a few days before the holiday. The work uses glue, and it takes 3-4 days to dry.

To make the product smooth and even, do not cut the paper with scissors. You need to carefully tear the leaves into approximately equal small pieces no larger than 1.5 by 1.5 centimeters.

The base will be stronger if it is soaked in gelatin diluted in water.

The craft should be painted and decorated only after it is completely dry.

In order for the mask of negative heroes to be truly realistic and scary, the last layer must be made from paper napkins. They shrink beautifully and once dry they look like wrinkles and folds.

Hockey masks are made using the same method., like carnival ones, but they should be much denser. Therefore, the base must be made of clay and 10-15 papier-mâché balls should be placed on it. After a few days, the protective accessory can be painted. Traditionally, the color chosen for this is white, but you can use your imagination and draw a funny or scary face.

There should always be a place for celebration and fun in a person’s life. It's very easy to turn a simple party into a colorful masquerade ball. You just need to call your friends and mention the dress code that you must come dressed as, for example, Shrek, Baba Yaga or another hero.

Attention, TODAY only!

This master class describes step by step how to make a papier-mâché mask with your own hands.

The lesson is designed for beginners, as it does not contain complex decor or professional painting. A frame is used as the final decoration, so the end result is a beautiful panel that is ideal for a gift or home decor. As decoration, you can take ready-made flowers or make them yourself from foamiran, guipure or paper.

Materials and tools

In order not to be distracted by small things while working and not to look for what you need, prepare everything you need in advance.

Materials you will need:

  • PVA glue (thick);
  • white printer paper;
  • any vegetable or mineral oil or petroleum jelly;
  • newspaper;
  • cotton fabric;
  • white wood putty;
  • white paint (aerosol);
  • clear varnish (aerosol);
  • paints for design;
  • drapery fabric;
  • background material;
  • frame and artificial flowers to decorate the panel.

To form a mask, you need a plastic face base; such papier-mâché blanks are sold in a craft store.

You will also need:

  • cup of water (1-2 pcs.);
  • oilcloth or large bag;
  • stationery knife;
  • sandpaper coarse-grained or medium-grained and the finest-grained;
  • stapler;
  • glue gun with glue sticks.

If you have never done the proposed needlework, before you start making a papier-mâché mask, study. The intricacies of the work and possible difficulties are described in more detail there.

Mold making technique

Spread the oilcloth. Tear the printer sheets, newspaper and cotton cloth into pieces and set everything aside separately.

Place the printed paper in a cup of water and let it dry thoroughly.

Spread the base with oil to make the craft easier to separate from the surface.

When making a papier-mâché mask with your own hands, it is important to observe sequence of layers:

  1. Paper.
  2. Newspaper.
  3. Textile.
  4. Paper.
  5. Newspaper.
  6. Textile.
  7. Paper.

Different types of paper are important for even coverage. If it is of the same type, then during the work you may not notice that some places are empty, and in other areas there is a layering. The fabric layer is necessary to give greater strength to the frame.

Start placing the wet white paper pieces onto the prepared base. Try avoid empty spaces so that in the future they do not show through, and the next layers of papier-mâché, which will be bonded with glue, do not stick to the mask.

Add thick PVA glue to a cup of water until it reaches the consistency of thick cream.

Add pieces of newspaper to the cup with the diluted glue and let it soak a little, two minutes will be enough.

Start applying the second layer. It's no longer scary if you layer the paper. It will stick together and will not interfere with the separation of papier-mâché from the mask.

The third layer of papier-mâché will be fabric. Add the material to a cup of glue and water. Keep posting.

Then layer the white pieces again. And so on until there are seven of them.

Set the craft aside in a dry place to harden for 2-3 days. Please note that you cannot make a papier-mâché mask with your own hands in a day. You will need to leave the work to dry several times.

Applying putty and sanding

Inspect the paper and fabric papier-mâché blank and make sure it is completely dry. Trim off any uneven edges with a utility knife. Special attention pay attention to the holes.

Separate the papier-mâché from the plastic mask. It should come off easily and not become deformed. Place it back on the plastic base. This point is very important, because if it is done at the very end of the work, when the putty is applied, the putty may crack.

Now that the paper-fabric base is prepared, proceed to applying the putty.

The layer should not be too thick, otherwise it may crack when drying. To make sanding and polishing the surface easier in the future, smooth the putty with your hands dipped in water.

Leave the papier-mâché mask to dry. In no case do not dry with a hairdryer or near a radiator, since this disrupts the crystallization process.

No earlier than 24 hours later, apply a second layer of putty in the same way and leave until completely dry for at least two days.

Decorating a Venetian mask

Once the base is completely dry, remove it from the plastic base again and put it back in place.

Now start sanding and polishing. To do this, you will need sandpaper, which can be purchased at any hardware store. Sanding should be done from sandpaper with a larger grit to a smaller one.

The result should be a smooth papier-mâché blank for the Venetian mask, as in the photo.

Take white spray paint and apply it to the surface. Spray outdoors or in another room, because the aerosol can damage furniture.

Distribute the paint evenly and do not try to cover the entire surface at once. If you overdo it with the quantity, smudges may appear. It is better to carry out this procedure again as needed. Then set the craft aside until completely dry.

The beautiful Venetian papier-mâché mask is almost ready. Decide on the finishing decor and materials for decoration.

Take any design paints and start drawing.

Secure the result with clear varnish from a can. In this form, the Venetian mask can be used for its intended purpose. But if you are not going to the carnival in Venice, then make a wall panel for yourself or as a gift.

How to make an original panel

To decorate a panel with a Venetian mask according to our master class, prepare a frame and a cardboard background. Cover the cardboard with fabric and secure with a regular stapler. Make sure that the staples do not peek out from under the frame itself. Try to attach closer to the edge.

Create a composition and finally decide on the location of the central figure.

Use a glue gun to attach the mask to the background. Add flowers and drapery fabric around it, following the photo.

This is such a beautiful decor! Caring for papier-mâché is easy; carefully remove dust with a dry microfiber cloth or fluffy cleaning brush.

If you enjoy creating beauty from affordable materials, check out our other lessons for this handicraft. How do you like red? Or ?

A master class on making a papier-mâché mask for beginners was prepared by Elena Kuzina, especially for the online magazine “Women’s Hobbies.”

A fun activity with which you can express yourself and a great opportunity to use the mask itself both at a costume party and as a gift.
This article contains step-by-step instructions for making a mask, accompanied by examples for a clearer understanding.
1. Sketch.
Draw a sketch that will contain all the details of the future face to facilitate subsequent work. If it is planned that there will be some unusual details on the face (clown nose, absence of a nose), it is necessary to display this on the sketch and, if possible, calculate the size of these changes.
For reference: approximately a person's face measures 24 by 16.5 cm.
2. Model made of polystyrene foam.

  • From three pieces of 40mm polystyrene foam, cut out ovals the size of the required face. A hacksaw blade for metal is suitable for cutting.
  • Glue the resulting figures together using PVA glue. Apply glue closer to the middle, not along the edges.
  • Give the layout the approximate shape of a face (without nose, eyes, etc.).
  • Clean the resulting layout with fine sandpaper (number 240).

For reference:
  • Instead of polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam is also used, but it crumbles a lot.
  • Expanded polystyrene and polystyrene foam can be purchased at hardware stores.
  • You can use polystyrene foam of a smaller thickness, but then you need to make more layers (for a thickness of 20 mm you need 6 pieces, etc. The total thickness should be approximately 120 mm or 12 cm).
3. Application of sculptural plasticine.
  • Cover the model with plasticine, then sculpt the facial features.
  • It is necessary to cut off a layer of plasticine from the most convex parts of the face so that when further covering with papier-mâché, these areas do not look bulky.
For reference: instead of sculptural plasticine, colored plasticine is used.

4. Papier-mâché coating.
Wrap the workpiece in cling film or, if it is not available, grease it with vegetable oil (this is done to make it easier to separate the workpiece from the papier-mâché later).
Apply papier-mâché to the workpiece.
  • Leave the mask to dry for approximately 48 hours.
  • Separate dried papier-mâché from plasticine and polystyrene foam.

For reference:
  • Instead of papier-mâché, polymorphus is used; in addition, it dries less.
  • If papier-mâché is not available, you can make it at home.
To do this you need glue, toilet paper and some soap.
  1. Tear the toilet paper into small pieces.
  2. Pour water into a saucepan, put it on fire and put pieces of toilet paper in it.
  3. Stir while waiting for the water to boil.
  4. Place a towel over the sink drain and carefully pour the contents of the pan onto it. The steam is hot!
  5. After the resulting mass has cooled, wrap a towel around it and squeeze well.
  6. Add PVA glue and a little soap to the resulting mass so that it does not stick to your hands.
5. Painting.
  • Before painting, sand the mask with coarse sandpaper.
  • Apply a layer of wood putty and wait for it to dry.
  • Clean the mask again.
  • Mix putty and PVA glue and apply another layer to the mask (it will take about 4 hours to dry).
  • Clean the mask again and cover with a thin layer of PVA.
  • Paint using acrylic paints to make the mask last longer. It is better to mix paint in the palette, and not on the mask, so that there are no unnecessary stains.

The master class outlines the basic techniques for making masks at home using the papier-mâché technique.

Making papier-mâché masks is very exciting and interesting. From simple and affordable materials, you can make not only a New Year's mask for children's parties, but also repeat the masterpieces of makeup from Hollywood films.

Beginning craftsmen should practice on small crafts in the form of mysterious Venetian masks. Those who are familiar with papier-mâché first-hand can try to create their first masterpiece with relief detailing of all the features of the “second person”. A skillfully sculpted and painted mask will become the main decoration of any themed party.

Preparation: choosing a form

The creation technology is simple and complex at the same time. Simplicity lies in the minimum number of steps. In fact, you just need to choose the right shape and cover it with paper. The difficulty lies in the correct application of the material, especially when it comes to detailing. Let's try to understand all the intricacies of creating it yourself.

First of all, you need to choose a suitable form, which is pasted over with papier-mâché paste. There can be several ideas for a blank form, it all depends on the planned end result.

Let's consider a detailed description of the possible forms: the simplest thing that can be used as a layout is a ready-made plastic element. Such a blank can be purchased at a store for creativity or carnival costumes. It is well suited for Venetian and simple designs that do not involve large relief elements. The plastic blank can be glued both outside and inside:

You can paste over your own face as a form. The first layer of paper pieces must be moistened with water, the next layers are moistened in a paste of flour and water. It is quite difficult to glue newspaper scraps evenly on your own, so it is better to do the work with an assistant. After applying 5-6 layers, leave the structure on the face until completely dry. The workpiece is accurate, repeats the anatomy of the face, but may be inconvenient to prepare:

Foil is an alternative to the previous option. Crumpled foil is applied to the face, repeating its relief. After obtaining the required impression, the foil is removed and trimmed by hand. Now you can cover the workpiece with newspaper scraps:

Plasticine is an excellent material to sculpt into the desired shape. In this case, there is no need to sculpt individual large elements: all features and curves can be made from plasticine. This blank is well suited for masks with a large nose, for example, a plague doctor or Baba Yaga. Before applying layers, it is recommended to cover the workpiece with polyethylene or coat it with thick cream so that the finished product can be easily removed from the plasticine:

The plaster element of the face requires careful preparation. First, the future blank is molded from plasticine and then filled with plaster. Plaster is glued on the inside. The main advantage of gypsum blanks is reuse.

A plastic bottle or wooden block is suitable if anatomical accuracy is not important. A plastic bottle is ideal for creating decorative African ones.

The balloon is suitable for children who do not care about detail. The ball is inflated and covered with paper either on one side according to the shape of the face, or on all sides. After drying, the layers of paper are removed from the ball. If the ball was covered on all sides, then it must be burst and removed through the hole. A hollow round workpiece is cut into 2 halves:

A simple one can be formed from crumpled newspaper. To secure the newspaper structure, it must be wrapped with tape. Also, the side that will be subsequently pasted over must be protected with several layers of tape.

If the form is prepared, then you can proceed to the next stage.

Nuances of applying the material

It would seem that everything is simple: there is a form that needs to be covered with pieces of newspaper soaked in PVA and left to dry. However, papier-mâché is a long process that cannot be rushed. In addition, due to its shape and thickness, it has nuances in execution.

There are several options for preparing the material, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at the basic materials for masks.

The mass will be made from egg trays and paste (starch or flour). To do this you need to: tear the trays into small pieces, add water and put on low heat. When the mass becomes homogeneous, remove the pan from the heat and cool, stir the resulting mass with a mixer, and then squeeze:

Boil 500 ml of water and add 3 tbsp. spoons of flour (starch); Stirring, cook the mixture until transparent. When the paste has cooled, it must be added to the previously prepared dried mass and the raw materials must be kneaded:

The paste can be replaced with wallpaper glue or PVA, and the trays can be replaced with toilet paper and napkins. In this case, you can do without cooking. However, you will have to soak the paper in water and then in glue for quite a long time.

The main disadvantage of this material is porosity. In addition, mass is not well suited for fine detailing. For example, it will be quite difficult to sculpt small, neat lips, but it is possible to create a fleshy nose, cheekbones, and brow ridges. At the final stage, papier-mâché is primed, painted and varnished.

To avoid the hassle of preparing the mixture yourself, you can use a ready-made dry mixture. It’s easy to knead using the included instructions. The finished mass is very plastic, easy to sculpt, and evenly applied to the surface. However, it is better to dry the applied mass naturally, away from heating devices. Otherwise, cracks and severe deformations will appear. After drying, sanding and priming will be required.

Using newspapers, napkins and toilet paper involves placing layers on the base crosswise (1 layer along, 2 across, etc.). However, there are several nuances here:

  • the first layer is applied without glue: the strips are soaked in water;
  • so that it looks velvety from the inside and sits pleasantly on the face, you need to lay the first layer with strips of paper towels or thick napkins (just not with newspaper!);
  • for the strength and elasticity of papier-mâché (so as not to burst), newspaper strips should be alternated with bandages or gauze;
  • layers are laid gradually, after drying (3-5 layers - drying for a day, etc.);
  • PVA, paste or pure wallpaper glue is used as a binding material (diluted glue makes the structure soft).

Thus, there are 2 methods of applying the material - modeling and mashing (gluing layers). Let's consider step by step how a mask is made using each method. African is well suited for modeling. To create you will need:

  • weight;
  • base (newspaper, bottle, board, foil);
  • stacks;
  • a container of water (to wet and rinse your hands);
  • sketch;
  • PVA glue;
  • acrylic paints;

Step-by-step instructions: distribute the kneaded mass onto the base, giving it the desired shape. Based on the sketch, we make the nose, eyes, cheeks, and ears with our hands.

We detail all the elements using stacks (moisten them with water if necessary), cover the molded form with PVA and leave to dry:

We paint the dry blank with acrylic paints and varnish it.

Carnival mask at home

The forms can be the most incredible and fantastic. For children's matinees and performances, animal masks are suitable, which are easily made on the basis of a plasticine blank. The muzzle of the desired shape is strengthened by mashing, and individual elements (ears, beak, feathers) are formed by sculpting. In this case, you can create masks that cover the entire face, and half masks:

Not a bad idea for Halloween - zombies. A plastic blank is suitable as a mold. Teeth, eyes, pieces of skin are molded from the mass. It is recommended to use still frames from zombie films as a sample.

Inspiration for creation and design can be gleaned from the photo:

To make it pleasant to the touch, without sharp edges, it is recommended to cover it with gauze on both sides before painting. At the same time, tuck the edges of the gauze inward.

Final stage: strengthening and painting

The most creative stage remains, after which the mood will appear. But first, it needs to be well dried and primed - this will give it strength and discolor it. After this, the papier-mâché surface is painted with acrylic paints:

Depending on the theme, you can paint it with patterns and ornaments, draw eyes, cheeks, lips, teeth and much more. To decorate a Venetian craft with a fancy pattern, it is recommended to use a ready-made diagram, which must be carefully transferred to the base. Dot painting looks beautiful on masquerade accessories. You can also decorate it in decoupage style. Ribbons, sparkles, and rhinestones are suitable for final decoration:

And now we invite you to look at the work of professionals and find out what types of these holiday accessories there are.

Venetian from papier-mâché:

Video: Making a Venetian mask

DIY African mask

A Venetian mask is created by machining. For step-by-step MK you need to prepare:

  • base (face, plastic or plasticine blank);
  • newspapers, napkins, paper towels;
  • bandages, gauze;
  • PVA glue;
  • container for glue;
  • water;
  • sketches;
  • fatty cream or Vaseline;
  • putty;
  • scissors and stationery knife;
  • pencil;
  • acrylic paint and varnish;
  • decor.

Procedure: lubricate the base with thick cream (if the base is the face, you should lubricate the skin with the cream and stick cling film on top). Pour the glue into a container (if it’s thick, dilute it with a little water). Tear wide strips (about 3 cm) from a paper towel, moisten with water and stick lengthwise onto the workpiece (the forehead, nose, upper part of the cheeks are pasted over). Tear strips from the newspaper, dip them in glue and stick them across the workpiece:

Apply a third layer of gauze lengthwise and leave to dry. After drying, continue working, alternating layers lengthwise and crosswise and not forgetting to glue with gauze (you should get 8-9 layers in total). Leave the papier-mâché until completely dry. Draw the contours of the eyes, lines of the forehead and cheeks. Remove the workpiece from the base, trim off all excess, cut out the eyes:

Paint the blank, stick on the decor:

What masks can you make with your own hands?

Hare mask:

Papier-mâché frogs: