How are boys potty trained? How to choose a potty for a child. Which pot is better to choose for a child, a description of designs and a rating of manufacturers

The issue of potty training does not bypass any parent. It doesn't matter if you decide to introduce your little lady to the potty at 6 months, when babies usually start sitting, or wait up to a year. The first thing this event begins with is the purchase of this accessory. It is a mistake to think that the potty is a universal item, on the contrary, there are models for girls and boys.

It is not enough to buy the first pink potty that comes across, it is important to know how to choose a potty for a girl. Below you will find some tips for this important purchase.

What is the main difference between a potty for a girl?

If you take a closer look at the pots presented in children's stores, not paying attention to the design, colors, the presence of musical and other elements, you will notice that they can be conditionally divided into two categories. Some are round and others are oval. Pots of a more elongated shape usually have a splash guard in front and are intended for boys due to their physiological characteristics. The best potty for a girl is round because you can sit on it with your legs together. A small leg divider on the front won't hurt, but keep in mind that the larger it is, the more uncomfortable it will be for your little one to sit on the small toilet.

Another important point - the hole should be the size of a young lady. The baby will fall into a too large pot, and it is very uncomfortable to use a too small one. If the child himself does not feel the convenience of the potty, he is unlikely to use it.

Safety first!

The second thing you need to pay attention to is the compliance of the “night vase” with safety standards. Make sure the material the pot is made of is harmless. It is better that it be non-toxic plastic, and even better if it is with an antimicrobial additive.
Examine the pot for nicks, uneven seams, cracks, and hard-to-reach spots. They can not only scratch the baby, but also become a place of accumulation of dirt.

  • Unstable pots are a big danger.
  • A good pot model has a downward extension or stable legs.
  • The high back will allow the little girl to sit comfortably and support the unstable spine.

Choose a design

Many experts advise purchasing a regular standard potty so that the baby quickly understands the purpose of this accessory and is not distracted by entertainment elements. In addition, it is these pots that are offered in kindergartens. But other models also have their advantages.

The potty chair can be used as a regular highchair even before the start of training. In addition, they are usually made in a beautiful design, so it can even stand in the living room and not spoil the interior. If the baby does not want to use the potty in any way, she must be attracted to a potty toy or a music pot.

But still, when choosing a pot among the abundance of bright models, remember that, first of all, it must be functional!

We present to your attention an overview of pots for girls of different configurations, among which, perhaps you will find the right one.

~ 300 rub.

Comfortable potty with anatomical seat suitable for girls from 8 months, made of high quality plastic. Its bowl is easy to clean, and the bright colors are sure to grab baby's attention and make potty training fun.

~ 500 rub.

A pink potty made of durable plastic with a high back, protective sides and a removable bowl for easy washing is suitable for a girl over 6 months old.

~ 400 rub.

A stable potty chair with legs and comfortable corrugated armrests will definitely appeal to a little girl with its design with an appliqué on the back. It can be placed in any room in the house, and the removable tank is easy to clean.

Potty and footstool pink-white 2 in 1 SUMMER INFANT (CAMMER INFANT)~ 1600 rub.

This wonderful potty "grows up" with your little princess. At first it is convenient to use it as a potty chair. When the baby grows up, one part is used as a toilet seat, and the other as a footrest. For greater comfort, a rubber edge that prevents slipping and armrests.

Travel potty (includes a set of disposable bags) MINI POTTY GREEN HAPPY BABY (HAPPY BABY)~ 600 rub.

This lightweight foldable potty is convenient to take with you on a visit or on the road, so as not to pause training. It consists of two parts (seat and base), between which disposable bags are attached. After use, the pouch is easy to remove and discard, and the pot remains clean. For children over one and a half years old.

BABIES music pot~ 1500 rub.

This cute comfy potty makes going to the toilet a fun game! As soon as the baby "does things" the music will play, which your girl will definitely like. In addition, it is convenient to use it as a footrest. The removable seat can be used as a toilet seat when your little one gets older.

Soft toilet seat with handles BABYMOOV~ 1600 rub.

A baby toilet seat is simply an indispensable item for further progression to an adult toilet! It is soft, easy to clean, and the handles make it easy to install. The little girl will love the delicate pattern and the fact that now she can use the toilet herself "like an adult."

One of the main criteria for a child growing up is his potty training, because it not only indicates a fairly developed consciousness, but also greatly simplifies the parents in putting things in order in the house. Of course, the child will quickly get used to the product that is convenient for him and does not cause any discomfort, so at least the first copy should be selected carefully. Choosing the right baby potty for a girl means laying an excellent foundation for the manners of a growing lady. However, not everyone knows how to do it.

When should you start?

In the modern world, there is a rapid acceleration in the development of children, which many parents gladly play along with. Some begin to potty train babies even before the age of one, with the logic that the sooner you start, the sooner the habit will form and the apartment will become clean. Experts in this situation usually just shake their heads.

Let's just say that experimenting is not forbidden at any age - there will definitely be no harm from this. Moreover, it is possible that the baby, sitting on a comfortable potty, will do his “things” at the same time, but you should not see his own wish in this. By the age of one, most children, if they do not walk confidently, are already ready to experiment with walking with all their might, but they still cannot control their needs, so at the initial stage they will have to get used to the puddles, because even diapers rarely provide one hundred percent effect.

The middle age, when the child begins not only to cope with the needs as they arise, but to endure until a certain point, experts believe one and half year. For some, this period comes even a little earlier, the parents of others will have to be patient. In any case, the pot can be bought in advance, but you should not be angry with the girl if at an earlier stage she does not want to demonstrate the expected result.


Before deciding on a specific model, it is worth taking a closer look at the existing range. Today, there are quite a few varieties of such children's accessories, and each of them may have its own advantages.

  • Classic pots are usually round, they are distinguished by minimalism in the number of details and shape. Most often, girls, at least as a first copy, are recommended to buy just such a product.

  • Anatomical pots are equipped with a back at the back and a ledge at the front, they monitor not only the convenience of coping, but also the correct posture in the process. They often have a ledge in front, thanks to which children sit on it with their legs apart - this moment often scares off the parents of girls, but is appreciated by the parents of boys.

  • Models with a "skirt" suggest the presence of a flat footboard around the potty, on which the baby stands instead of the floor. Such a wide base of the structure does not allow the child to overturn the product, which once again contributes to the order in the apartment.
  • potty chair it is not called so in vain - it really is very similar to an ordinary piece of children's furniture with legs and a back, only it has a hole in the seat, under which there is a removable intake. Thus, the girl will learn to sit on the potty and on the high chair.

  • The pot can perform more and cleanly entertainment function- if it is made in the form of an animal or a car (however, this is closer for boys). The main thing when using such a model is to explain to the child in time that the pot is only his personal version of the product.

  • Musical Models demonstrate the possibilities of using modern technologies, using schemes similar to those that are relevant in the process of training animals as a mechanism for training. For the right action, the child needs praise, but with such know-how, a person does not have to be nearby for this - the pot itself turns on music that is pleasant for the child when he correctly understands his purpose.

Of course, such a product costs much more, and is often also criticized by experts - they say, not all children then want to abandon such an accessory in favor of an ordinary toilet bowl, which does not want to give solemnity to everyday needs.

  • All of the above models are purely homemade solutions, however. in recent decades, with the growth in the number of private cars, the variety of camping pots. The principles of such a design can be completely different, but it almost always differs either in improved tightness, or in significantly reduced dimensions and light weight.

  • In the category of pots, special toilet pads for kids, which allow the child with his small dimensions to use a wide adult cover. However, such a model is definitely not suitable as the first pot, and, in general, such a solution is not so often in demand.

Selection logic

It is quite obvious that among two pots, even chosen from the same category, one is likely to be significantly more convenient than the second. Reviews of experts indicate that in some cases the reason for the delay in conscious urination is not age, but an unsuccessful plumbing product, therefore parents should take a responsible approach to its choice. To do this, pay attention to popular tips that help you achieve the desired result faster.

  • Many parents, deceived by thoughtful marketing, are willing to pay large sums just to buy their child the best model, which is often served as a music pot or potty toy. On the one hand, such a product will really attract the attention of the girl and make her study it, on the other hand, in general, it is not a fact that the baby will correctly understand its purpose. The abundance of available functions makes the main one not obvious, and the child may not find the right association, and in the future, as already mentioned, he will not appreciate the more “boring” type of plumbing.

In addition, a child tends to spend quite a lot of time on a potty that is too interesting, but for now he should not sit for a long time - this is harmful to the muscles of the pelvis and perineum.

  • Often for parents, the defining moment is the lid on the potty, however, in most cases, its presence is not so important. A small child is not always able to open it, and for him such a challenge will be an additional reason not to use the product. If the parents also regularly wash the pot, cleaning it after each use, then the presence of a lid is not at all justified.
  • When choosing children's plumbing, you should look at it at least from the point of view of whether it is comfortable to sit on it at all. The hole should be of medium size - the girl should not fall into it, but she should not aim too much. As practice shows, too small an “entrance” usually provokes the fact that the bumpers dig into the baby’s body and cause him pain.
  • One of the fundamental tasks of any baby potty is to help maintain hygiene throughout the entire apartment, so it is extremely important to choose a sustainable model. Such plumbing is usually made as light as possible, and a child, although not on purpose, can easily overturn the product, and then the use of it will only be relative - the puddles have not gone away. In this sense, models with a “skirt” are very popular, because a wide base simply will not allow the design to roll over.

  • Another pretty good solution is the rubber bottom of the model - it does not prevent tipping over, but at least it does not slide on the floor, reducing the likelihood of splashing.
  • Previously, pots were exclusively enameled (if you don’t go into history, when they were made mainly of ceramics), however, today they are worthy of competition from plastic products. As is often the case, the variety of options is due to the fact that none of them is ideal, having its own advantages and disadvantages. An enameled product, of course, is much stronger - its metal base will not allow it to be deformed or pierced by weak children's hands, but this design only weighs quite a lot, and its surface always remains cold, which is why it is simply unpleasant to sit on such a pot.

In this context, children like plastic pots that can retain heat much more, and it is much easier for mothers to take out such lightweight models; but most plastic models can be broken with one strong blow.

  • If the choice fell on a model made of plastic, the material is subject to more thorough study. Not all types of plastic are completely safe, and although it is difficult to distinguish between dangerous and non-dangerous at first glance, smell can help in this - a really good material simply does not have it, since it does not emit any fumes at all. It is also necessary to evaluate plastic in terms of strength, because in general this material can be used in very serious industries, and it can crack from strong pressure.

Finally, you need to study the quality of the product itself, because the surface of the plastic is not always smooth, and any cracks or burrs pose a risk of injury to the child.

  • The pot almost always has a handle, but it is quite important that it is comfortable. This is practical not only for the mother, but also for the child himself, at least if this is not his first product and he is already quite large. The fact is that many children are ready to pour the contents of the tank into the toilet on their own, but at this moment it is important to ensure reliable control of the position of the product so that it does not splash out its insides onto the baby.
  • A good pot can easily become a potential breeding ground for germs, so it's important to choose one that doesn't have hard-to-clean spots. This requirement is especially relevant in the case of collapsible models, in which the gaps between the contacting parts often require some skill to clean.

If you ignore this moment, you should not be surprised that the pot does not lose its unpleasant smell even after cleaning, and the child has caught some strange disease.

Reading time: 10 minutes

Parents want to surround their child not only with love and care, but also with the best clothes, toys and functional items. A potty for a boy can be in the form of a toy, a highchair, make sounds, have a warm or antimicrobial coating - manufacturers offer many options. It often depends on its convenience and design how quickly a child learns to relieve himself in a specially designated place. Which potty to choose for a boy, you decide on your own by examining the offers of online stores in Moscow, St. Petersburg or other cities of Russia.

Baby pots for a boy

The choice of this accessory for boys should be made taking into account the anatomical features of the child. The pot for the boy differs in several ways. To ensure the correct position of the crumbs during urination, an accessory is capable of:

  • has an elongated shape resembling a saddle;
  • follows the contours of the baby's body, ergonomic;
  • equipped in the front with a special ledge that prevents splashing of urine;
  • corrects posture with a special back.

Potty chair for a boy

This baby potty for boys with comfortable handles is designed for toddlers to pee while seated. The design is similar to a highchair, into which a special removable container is inserted. Baby Ok offers such a convenient option:

  • model name: Pasha, Baby Ok;
  • price: 550 rubles;
  • characteristics: anatomical shape, with a back, material - plastic;
  • pluses: splash protection, stable construction;
  • cons: takes up a lot of space.

Experts do not recommend buying a potty chair for boys from low-quality materials. Poor edging can cause injury to the child. To save money, pay attention to discounts, sales, promotions that stores often arrange. In this case, you can buy an option that was expensive for an affordable amount. A high-quality and popular accessory is offered by Baby Bjorn:

  • model name: Baby Bjorn potty chair;
  • price: 1949 rubles;
  • characteristics: high armrests, splash protection;
  • pluses: rubberized base;
  • cons: the inner part is not sufficiently elongated, it can cause inconvenience when used by older boys.

A convenient accessory of decent quality, which is cheap, goes on sale from the Russian company Little Angel. The design is equipped with a cover for comfortable operation:

  • model name: Little King, Little Angel;
  • price: 379 rubles;
  • characteristics: material - polypropylene, cover included;
  • pluses: bright colors, affordable cost;
  • cons: not found.

urinal pot

From a certain age, boys pee standing up. For such cases, manufacturers offer to equip the toilet with a children's urinal. The design is a fixed base and a removable bowl. The original urinal for babies in the shape of a frog goes on sale under the TM Roxy kids:

  • model name: Roxy kids Frog with scope;
  • price: 942 rubles;
  • characteristics: fastened with suction cups or mounted on legs, material - plastic;
  • pluses: two installation options, a curved shape does not allow splashes to scatter;
  • cons: can not be used for defecation.

Under the Russian TM Bytplast, you can buy an inexpensive urinal that can be fixed with self-tapping screws, double-sided tape or glue.

  • model name: Bytplast Plastishka;
  • price: 223 rubles;
  • characteristics: dimensions - 216 * 210 * 326 mm, material - plastic;
  • pluses: affordable cost;
  • cons: no removable bowl, for washing you need to remove the entire structure.

Using the urinal for their natural needs, the child feels grown up and independent. The laconic design and strict forms of the following products are the choice for serious boys:

  • model name: Edu-play Urinal WB-U7328;
  • price: 512 rubles;
  • characteristics: material - plastic, weight - 0.495 g;
  • pluses: compact size;
  • cons: no removable bowl.

Toilet bowl

In the difficult task of potty training a child, every detail matters: color, shape, safety and ease of use. Let your little one feel like an adult with this Maltex toilet bowl accessory:

  • model name: Maltex Baby Potty Throne;
  • price: 645 rubles;
  • pluses: hinged cover;
  • cons: takes up a lot of space.

Another option for an accessory that looks like an adult toilet is offered by Summer Infant. The design includes a special compartment for storing wipes, a ledge is designed to protect against splashing, and as a reward for their efforts, kids can press an interactive handle that will turn on the sound that simulates a flush. With the presented accessory, you can easily teach boys to pee in the toilet:

  • model name: My Size Potty, Summer Infant;
  • price: 3710 rubles;
  • characteristics: material - polypropylene, for children from 1.5 to 5 years;
  • pluses: has a comfortable back, is stable;
  • cons: high cost.

If the previously presented models had a strict design that mimics a classic adult toilet bowl, then the Fisher Price fixture is a fun design on duck legs:

  • model name: Fisher Price Cheerful duckling;
  • price: 2430 rubles;
  • characteristics: material - plastic, permissible weight - up to 45 kg, built-in music;
  • pluses: removable seat and reservoir;
  • cons: takes up a lot of space.


Pots-transformers are designed for long-term use. At first, it is a traditional design, and as the baby grows up, they are transformed into a toilet seat cover. ROXY-KIDS offers such a device:

  • model name: ROXY-KIDS 3 in 1 transforming potty;
  • price: 1810 rubles;
  • characteristics: it is converted into an overlay and a footboard, with a back, weight - 0.9 kg;
  • pluses: anti-slip coating of the steps;
  • cons: no lid.

The original Babies convertible potty has a handlebar that the child can hold onto to sit down. The boy will not be bored sitting on such an accessory:

  • model name: Babies P-65C;
  • price: 1399 rubles;
  • characteristics: material - plastic;
  • pluses: cover included;
  • cons: no back.

warm pot

The comfort of the baby largely depends on whether it is cold for him to sit on his accessory. Special heated designs have not yet been invented, but manufacturers offer plastic products as warm ones. The material at room temperature will not cool too much, but under the influence of the warm body of the boy it will quickly warm up. An anatomically shaped plastic product for boys is offered by Maltex.

  • model name: Maltex Zebra;
  • price: 520 rubles;
  • characteristics: material - plastic, musical;
  • pluses: anatomical shape, lightweight, compact;
  • cons: no removable tank.

ТМ Combi offers an improved warm accessory. For the comfort of the boy, it is equipped with a velor cover:

  • model name: 127486 Combi;
  • price: 3900 rubles;
  • characteristics: with handle, removable bowl, transforms into a toilet seat;
  • pluses: removable velor seat cover;
  • cons: high cost.


The hard work of a baby who is learning to go to the toilet should be rewarded. Producers offer a cheerful melody as a prize to a child who has done his "work". One of the available options for such an invention goes on sale under the TM Tega:

  • model name: Tega Safari;
  • price: 616 rubles;
  • characteristics: musical function, type - high chair;
  • pluses: removable pallet, the presence of a back;
  • cons: the design on the legs is not stable enough, the child can tip it over.

Although musical accessories are in demand, experts talk about their imperfection. The melody causes peculiar reflexes in crumbs. Hearing a melody, they can do their “business” in a completely inappropriate place. Parents rarely pay attention to this feature and actively buy products with sound. For example, a variant from Pilsan:

  • model name: Pilsan Horse Potty;
  • price: 2300 rubles;
  • characteristics: potty toy, musical, plastic body;
  • pluses: cover included;
  • cons: no back.


Traveling with children will not be burdensome if you take a potty with you. Roxy Kids offers a convenient design that can be used as an everyday or travel accessory, or transform into a child's toilet seat:

  • model name: Roxy Kids HandyPotty;
  • price: 1050 rubles;
  • characteristics: material - polypropylene, child's weight - up to 25 kg;
  • pluses: carrying bag included;
  • cons: not found.

Another convenient travel option is produced under the My Carry Potty brand. It folds into a sealed suitcase, which the boy can easily transfer without spilling the contents:

  • model name: My Carry Potty Cow;
  • price: 1878 rubles;
  • characteristics: capacity - up to 0.5 l of liquid, material - plastic;
  • pluses: disposable bags are not needed;
  • cons: the lid can make it difficult for the child to sit.

For a comfortable trip, take a hiking accessory from Happy Baby with you on the road. Disposable bags are inserted into the familiar design, which are easy to dispose of. This system makes it easier for your baby to toilet train outside the home:

  • model name: Happy Baby Mini Potty;
  • price: 690 rubles;
  • characteristics: oval shape, splash protection;
  • pluses: 10 disposable bags included;
  • cons: there is no back, it takes up a lot of space, since such models do not fold out.


Sometimes parents are in no hurry to purchase plastic pots for environmental reasons. In this case, you can order a regular round metal pot. Enamel bowls are not very comfortable for boys. Due to the anatomical features, it is more convenient for them to use structures that have an oval shape. Round opening without protective collar increases the risk of splashing. Several enterprises produce such products, for example, TK VBK LLC:

  • model name: night pot for children enameled with a lid;
  • price: 475 rubles;
  • characteristics: volume - 3 l, material - metal;
  • pluses: durable material;
  • cons: uncomfortable shape.

Under TM Magnitogorsk, enameled steel products are manufactured. Simple design without drawings and decor:

  • model name: enamel pot, Magnitogorsk;
  • price: 308 rubles;
  • characteristics: volume - 1.5 l, with a lid;
  • pluses: affordable cost;
  • cons: cold material.


Accessories that can be inflated and deflated have been on the market for a very short time, but many children have already experienced this invention by purchasing through the mail. Such products take up little space during transportation, so it is more convenient than a folding seat when traveling. A good option from Roxy kids:

  • model name: Roxy kids PocketPotty
  • price: 429 rubles;
  • characteristics: material - PVC, polyethylene, 3 disposable liners included;
  • pluses: there is a back, high, stable;
  • cons: requires inflation before use, which is not always convenient.

Another option for an inflatable structure that a boy can use for its intended purpose in any environment is offered by Baby-Krug:

  • model name: Baby-Krug 692052;
  • price: 502 rubles;
  • characteristics: child's weight - up to 20 kg, material - PVC film;
  • pluses: compact, lightweight;
  • cons: low, uncomfortable to sit.

potty toy

It will be easier to interest the child in the process of using the potty if you choose an option that is interesting for him. A great idea is to give the design the shape of a toy: an animal, a cartoon character, a car. Such a product from Little Angel will definitely appeal to the baby:

  • model name: Little Angel Bunny 2710LA-YL;
  • price: 370 rubles;
  • characteristics: with handles, oval shape;
  • pluses: bright design, the presence of a back;
  • cons: due to the design features, it is difficult for a child to sit down on his own.

A funny toy and functional device will become your faithful assistant in the difficult task of toilet training a boy:

  • model name: Pilsan "Duck";
  • price: 2300 rubles;
  • characteristics: musical, material - plastic;
  • pluses: stable, handle-holders in the design;
  • cons: takes up a lot of space.

A bright and comfortable potty from Fisher-price in the form of a funny frog has splash protection. The option is in demand among parents of boys:

  • model name: Fisher-price Green Frog;
  • price: 1299 rubles;
  • characteristics: material - plastic, with handles and back;
  • pluses: removable capacity;
  • cons: not found.

How to choose a potty for a boy

Due to the huge range of products, it is difficult to determine unambiguously which potty is best for a boy to purchase. Focus on the goals that you set for this accessory. If you need the baby to just do his natural needs, look at the simplest designs. If your task is to draw attention to this subject with all your might, interest the baby with options in the form of toys, with melodies and other fascinating elements. With any choice, it is important to keep a guideline for the quality of the accessory:

  • the design must be stable, without sharp edges and gaps;
  • choose light and durable plastic, non-toxic;
  • the size of the accessory should correspond to the age of the child so that the baby is comfortable to sit on it.

Often, young parents are faced with the question of which potty for a child is better to choose. Manufacturers of children's goods offer a wide range of products. It is important to know the criteria that will help you choose the right pot. The safety of the design and material, the age of the baby, gender, comfortable seating and ease of washing are taken into account. There should be no distracting details.

There is a wide variety of pots for small children. The product differs in shape, color, size, availability of additional details and functions. The standard model is made of plastic, has a shallow leg divider and a small backrest. It is better to start accustoming to just such a potty, especially if the child will soon go to kindergarten.

Each type of pot is characterized by its own list of positive and negative sides. Therefore, before buying, it is important to familiarize yourself with the description of the goods.


On vacation or on a visit, you can take with you a model that inflates or folds. The inflatable version of the pot takes the necessary shape with the help of a pump. The disadvantage is that after use you need to wash the product with water. Only after that they start blowing. The folding potty is convenient to use on the road.

The kit includes bags that are placed on the bottom, and thrown away after use.

high chair

The model stands firmly and safely on four separate legs, is distinguished by the presence of a comfortable, high back and armrests. The tray is removable, so it is easy to care for and wash.

Toilet seat

The seat is useful for older children over 3 years old. Inside soft filler. The surface is made of a material that is easy to clean. The seat helps to sit comfortably and safely on a regular toilet.


The model is universal, suitable for daughters and sons. The model assumes the presence of a back, rim and cover. In its original form, the pot does not differ from standard models. As soon as the child grows up, the upper part of the structure can be removed and moved to the rim of a conventional toilet.


Special sensors built into the design react to the liquid. When liquid gets on them, music starts to sound. But the model is not suitable for teaching purposes. It is highly likely that the baby will perceive it as another entertaining toy.

Toilet seat

The seat-nozzle is considered convenient for children. The model provides for a design with a step and handrails. The step is adjustable in height so that the child's legs can reach it. The presence of handrails eliminates the contact of handles with plumbing. A similar prefix is ​​​​connected to the toilet, and the baby calmly takes a comfortable position.

Is there a difference between a boy's potty and a girl's potty?

Universal models have rounded outlines, slight protrusions in the front, so you can sit with both divorced and joined legs.

Selection Options

It is important to choose the right pot among a wide variety of models. Parents should take into account the age and gender of their child, the safety of the material and the strength of the structure as a whole. The purchase should be made in specialized stores, where the seller can present a certificate of quality and reliability of the goods.

Manufacturing material

Models should be chosen from plastic with a soft color. It cannot be guaranteed that bright colors do not emit harmful substances and do not cause allergic manifestations. The plastic itself should not include harmful components that can cause allergic manifestations. The surface must be smooth without damage.

Do not choose models that contain metal parts. The baby will sit on it cold and uncomfortable. In addition, the product will be heavy for the child.

Baby's age

How to choose the first potty for the baby? Each item must be labeled by age preference. You should not buy a product for several years in advance.

Some models are designed for toilet training, others are suitable for older children.

Anatomy and convenience

In order for the baby to quickly get used to the potty, it is important to choose the right model:

  • It is desirable to have a backrest that serves as a support for a comfortable seat for the child.
  • It is better if the base is wide. This will allow you to stay stable on the surface and not roll over.
  • The edges of the hole should be smooth, wide, without sharp bends.

In addition to these parameters, there are other important selection criteria.

Hygienic and easy to clean

The edges and curves of the pot should be smooth, without protrusions and depressions. This will allow you to wash every corner of the product faster and cleaner with disinfectants.

Stability and strength

The potty must stand firmly on the surface, which will not allow the child to fall or roll over. It is desirable that there is an anti-slip coating that will prevent slipping.

Gender of the child

When choosing a product, sexual preferences are based not only on colors. There are differences in the structure of the structure:

  • Girls fit round models, without dividers, so that you can freely connect the legs.
  • For boys, an oval model of the product is selected with a small protrusion for the legs, which additionally protects against splashing. It is desirable to have a back.

Experts advise purchasing several types of pots so that the child gets used to going to the toilet not only in the usual one. In this case, there will be no problems in the garden and other places.

The most popular manufacturers and brands of children's pots

Models of children's pots from the following best manufacturers are considered famous:

  • Fisher Price;
  • BytPlast;
  • babycare;
  • Tega;
  • Chicco;
  • happy baby.

The first thoughts about the beginning of the process of accustoming the baby to the potty come in different ways, some parents are already ready for training classes from six months, some from a year. But as psychologists say, the age of 1.5 - 3 years is considered the best time for acquaintance and "friendship" of a baby and a pot.

By this time, the child's nervous system has matured to such an extent that the baby can already control the urge to defecate and "tolerate" the potty, and begins to understand that wet pants are unpleasant.

An important role in the process of accustoming is played not only by time, the perseverance of parents, but also by the hero of the occasion - the pot. The most important thing is that this device is convenient for the child, comfortable and safe.

So what are the criteria for choosing the right potty for a child, so that he helps in the learning process, and does not slow him down?

Difficulties of choice

Parents are offered a wide range of products and different types of pots:

  • Classic - this is an ordinary round-shaped pot familiar to parents from childhood, and resembles those that were in their childhood;
  • Anatomical - a more modern model, made in the form of a saddle, with a backrest and a front ledge. On such a pot, the baby sits with his legs apart;
  • Pots with a "skirt" - have a convenient footboard in the front, which does not allow the pot to tip over when the baby gets up or sits down;
  • Pot - its shape and design are reflected in the name. The pot is equipped with a back and stands on legs. Instead of a seat, a container that should be easily removed;
  • Pot-toy - the most extensive group of goods, made in the form of cars, animals, etc.;
  • Musical - a new word in the "potty industry", the most modern model, which is equipped with many additional features - a musical sensor that is triggered when the collection is full. There may also be light sensors, etc.;
  • Folding - designed for travel and visiting guests. It is made in the form of a rigid seat and a soft folding liner, which, after filling, is disposed of. We can say this is a small version of the dry closet.

Almost all models of modern pots are made of high quality plastic, but if you wish, you can find enamelled specimens, some of them may even have lids.

Rules for choosing a potty for boys and girls

It's no secret that there are physiological differences between boys and girls that must be considered when choosing a potty, but these requirements and features cannot be called rigid.

According to experts and Dr. Komarovsky, it is best for girls to choose a round potty, since this design allows you to sit on it with your legs together.

Due to the main anatomical features of boys, the pot for them should have a front protrusion. Boys can sit on such a potty with legs apart, as in a saddle, and the front side ensures that urine enters the container of the pot, and not on the floor.

How to choose a children's potty: selection rules

The variety of pots in stores confuses parents. Bright colors, bizarre shapes - not all that you need to pay attention to. So how to choose a pot according to what criteria?

The main criterion for choosing a pot is its main purpose, and when choosing, parents should not be distracted by additional functions. For example, a musical pot in the form of a toy is certainly an interesting model, but more harmful than useful. The pot reacts to the ingress of liquid into it, and with constant use, the child may form an incorrect reflex - if music is playing, then it's time to write.

In addition, the interesting design and the possibility of playing on the potty makes them sit on the potty for a longer time, which will not be very good for the baby's crotch.

The holes and sides of the potty should be wide enough, only in this case, its sides will not dig into the body of the child and the baby will be comfortable.

For children's potties, it is very important that they are stable, pots with a footrest, or an anti-slip rubber pad, are ideal. Plastic models are definitely more practical than enamel ones.

Plastic can also be disinfected, but the model is much lighter. In addition, the kids themselves like the warmer plastic.

The pot should have a comfortable handle, because it will be more convenient for older kids to pour its contents into an adult toilet bowl on their own.

Alternative to baby pots

A modern alternative to a baby potty would be baby, padded seats. Sometimes, toddlers will stubbornly ignore nursery pots and will try to imitate their parents, including going to the bathroom.

For even greater convenience, you need to take care of a child's fit - which will allow you to put the legs, and will not allow free hanging. In addition, if it is available, the baby will be able to sit on the toilet himself.

All children's harnesses can be divided into universal ones, suitable for toilet bowls of various shapes and sizes; individual - suitable only for certain plumbing. By analogy with pots, the seat can be of the usual anatomical shape or classic.

Parents who visit often can use a folding child seat. As a rule, it quickly unfolds and can be firmly attached to the toilet, and is suitable for plumbing fixtures of various sizes.

Parents can purchase a whole structure - a seat attachment, consisting of a seat, a stable support, which is both a ladder and handrails. The whole structure moves or moves away from the toilet as necessary. There is a folding function.

The main and typical mistake of parents who are eager to quickly potty train a baby is the presence of these devices in every room of the apartment.

It is worth remembering that the problem of potty training lies not so much in the availability of the potty, but in the ability to control the process of urination and defecation. A potty in every room will mislead the baby.

When choosing a potty, in order for it to be really correct, you need to take the baby with you and choose from the proposed models, and sit on each one. With such a simple test, you can see all the disadvantages and advantages of a particular model.

Choosing a pot is certainly an extremely important and responsible matter. But this is not enough. About how to potty train a child, we are told by a child psychologist Nadezhda Plotnikova in her article.

We will be glad to the comments of parents on the selection and operation of children's pots! Share your experience: praise, scold, recommend, advise - we and our readers will be glad to any comments!

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