How to make a tank out of paper. Passenger car made of cardboard - TT scale (1:120). We chop cabbage

Labor training lesson in 4th grade

Topic: "Making an open box from thin cardboard"

Teacher: Sedochenko Yu.A.


"Making an open box from thin cardboard"


1. Practice cutting cardboard according to the markup with a knife (marking). Teach children to connect the sides of the box using flaps. Continue to work on developing the ability to plan your activities.

2. Correct fine motor skills, visual-figurative thinking, oral speech, voluntary attention, long-term memory, spatial representations.

3. To educate the basic emotions of the individual: diligence, accuracy, a positive attitude towards work, responsibility.

Equipment: rectangular blank for a box with marked lines, a stack, a ruler, a glue stick, word cards for drawing up a work plan, cards with proverbs, cards with suggestions for reflection, a box with pieces of various materials, a bag with three boxes (for sweets, for tea , for washing powder).

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment

Teacher. The bell has rung for you.

Everyone walked quietly into the classroom.

Everyone got up at their desks beautifully,

Greeted politely.

Sit quietly, back straight.

I see our class at least where.

We will start the labor lesson.

2.Activation of mental activity

- A guest came to our lesson.

(A student comes in wearing a crown, cape, with a handbag over her shoulder and a box in her hand)

I am the queen of material.

We can’t count different products,

But for a dress, a pen, a spoon

The material is different.

Fabric, paper and rubber

Everyone needs to work.

Material please take

And rather guess.

Take it out of the box with your eyes closed and identify the material by touch.

(cardboard, metal, rubber, glass, leather)

- Determine by eye what the queen's crown and cape are made of.

Which of these materials did we work with in the last lesson? (cardboard)

– What did we do?

3. Announcement of the topic of the lesson

Today we will continue the work of making an open box and make the same one that the queen brought us. When making it, we will learn how to connect the sides of the box with the help of valves and repeat the "stitching" technique.

4. Work with a proverb

– In our work, we must follow this wise saying.

For a working hand, all work is easy.

Read and explain the meaning.

5.Checking the workplace

- List the tools and materials that we will need in the lesson.

6.Dynamic pause

7. Drawing up a work plan

On the board are cards with the words: we will cast, sculpt, bend, embroider, decorate, glue.

Remove the names of actions that are not suitable for making this box.

Arrange the remaining words in the order in which they were done.

1. Let's cast.

What does it mean?

What is riving for?


To bend the sides of the box, you need to cut along the line one side of the square at the corners. It turns out valve for gluing. (a new vocabulary word is posted on the board)


4. Decorate.

We will decorate the box according to the model. To do this, cut out circles from crane paper, leaves from green paper and stick them on the sides of the box.

8. Repetition of safety rules when working with glue and scissors.

For two operations we need scissors.

What should you keep in mind when working with scissors?

Pictures are posted on the board, according to which the children give answers.

9. Independent work

Children perform work with pronunciation of the nearest operation

1 stage of work.

2 stage of work.

Dynamic pause.

3 stage of work.

4 stage of work.

10. Exhibition, grading

The Material Queen assists the teacher in grading.

11.Practical application of the product

The Material Queen left various boxes in her bag. Guess what these boxes are made for.

What are our boxes for? (for labor lessons, for counting material in mathematics lessons, etc.)

12. Reflection

What did we make?

What did you learn in class? Choose an answer from the suggestions on the board.

Make line markings.

Cut the cardboard with a knife.

Glue the box with valves.

Express your attitude to the lesson using emoticons.

Cardboard wagons

“Dedicated to folk crazy people”

If your desires in building a model railway exceed the possibilities of mass production, it's time to think about how to make your own models. There are different materials and technologies - here we consider the manufacture of cardboard.

First of all, stock up on everything you need.

First you need a good white cardboard (preferably 0.35 - 0.5 mm - determined by eye on the ruler).

You also need the right tools:

  • mechanical pencil with a 0.5 mm lead,
  • PVA glue,
  • ruler 30 cm,
  • corner,
  • eraser,
  • threads (preferably not very fleecy),
  • transparent plastic, double-sided tape,
  • emery of two types (large and small),
  • paper knife, regular scissors,
  • manicure scissors,
  • clothespins (preferably plastic with flat surfaces),
  • as well as some other little things, which will be discussed later.

And most importantly - you need a sincere desire to make a layout!

Here we will consider the production of a model on an already finished chassis. As a donor, you can use cars from the TT-model or VTTV.

When producing any layout, reference materials are needed in the form of drawings and illustrations of the modeling object. To save time I also used the CMV from the TT model.

So, let's begin. If a drawing is used, then all dimensions must be recalculated in the appropriate scale, in my case - 1:120. Next, on a sheet of cardboard, you should draw a basic scan of the car WITHOUT a roof (the result should be an elongated parallelepiped without a floor) ( Rice. 1).

On it we draw everything that should be on the walls of the car, i.e. windows, doors, lines where stiffeners should be, etc. After everything is drawn, we cut through all the windows with a knife.

Now it is necessary to increase the rigidity of the future body- on the reverse side, you need to stick a second layer of cardboard with already cut windows on the walls so that the windows coincide with each other ( Rice. 2).

Since cardboard, when wet, has a bad property of swelling, it is not necessary to smear a lot of glue, but you need to quickly and thinly smear one side and immediately press it firmly and put it under a press.

Now let's take a look at the stiffeners. They are made from threads that are glued along the drawn lines: first, an adhesive strip is applied, on which a thread is then applied and pressed with a finger. The bottom line is to soak the thread with glue and remove excess glue from the surface. When all the edges are glued, it's time to outline the doors. To do this, cut a thin groove along the contour of the door with a knife. After that, we coat the cut out contours of the doors and the already glued threads. When everything is dry, you need to carefully walk on the surface of the threads with fine emery and coat with glue again. With all the smearing, we try to leave as little glue as possible so that unnecessary irregularities do not come out later. Handrails are made from thin strips of cardboard.

Now it's time to start assembling. We push the folds on the back side with scissors. Then cut out, carefully bend and glue ( Rice. 3).

Roughly protruding cardboard in the places of gluing is carefully sanded.

Roof. To get the shape of the roof, you first need to create a box of layered cardboard, the height of which is equal to the height of the roof itself (usually painted gray). The width and length should be 1 and 2 mm greater than the width and length of the car blank, respectively (these are approximate indicators). This is necessary so that after gluing the roof (by the way, it is also desirable to glue it with a press), it can be sanded from the sides and thereby fit the size of the car. Next, the roof needs to be given a convex shape - for this, we draw a roof profile from the ends and cut off the excess longitudinally. After that, we grind first with a large emery, and then with a fine one. After that, we coat the roof with glue and wait until it dries. We process with fine emery and repeat the operation. Now you can glue the roof. If you find something to press it while it dries, it will be good. If there are stiffeners on the roof in the original, then they are made in the same way with the help of threads. We coat the joint of the roof with the body with glue. After that, air intakes can be attached to the roof. We glue cardboard on the ends of the car to hide the joint, although, depending on the situation, you can do without it. With the help of toothpicks, transitional soufflés are made ( Rice. 4).

Let's talk a little about the insides. First you need to make a floor of 2-3 layers of cardboard. Next, on it we mark out the scheme of partitions, which, after cutting out, “put” on the glue. The total height of the interior with the floor must be selected taking into account the height of the undercarriage. We glue the upper shelves to the walls, and the lower ones, most likely, will have to be glued to the floor. After that, a strip of cardboard 1 cm wide and 2 cm less than the length of the car is glued over the partitions.

Now you can paint. It is advisable to use indelible paints. You can use spray, regular oil or special model paints. Next, use tape and brushes of different sizes to obtain the desired color.

When everything is dry, we glue strips of transparent plastic on the inside of the walls of the car using double-sided tape. From the inside, we stick double-sided tape on the roof, and then we press the inside of the car to it. From below, on the floor of the car, we again glue double-sided tape and press the chassis to it ( Rice. 5).

The car is ready!

See also the video on how to make a freight car out of cardboard:

Read also:

Craft Van “Ice cream” | Country of Masters

A third-grader son was asked to make an Ice Cream truck for the holidays. I had to help - I made a sample ...
The work of Mary Poppins helped to orientate
In the technology workbook, we took the cabin diagram (see below), and made the body from a cube (the cube diagram was found on the Internet).
The edge of the cube is 6.5 cm.

I was more interested in embellishment - inscriptions, volumetric headlights ..., and my son - in functionality)))
He wanted the wheels to turn.

The son repeated all the work in stages and his van turned out no worse.
Moreover, he still made the wheels of his van spinning.

I put the juice caps on a plastic tube (you can use juice or a stick for balls), fixed them inside with plasticine.

In the workbook (Technology grade 3, Rogovtseva N.I.) there is a cabin diagram.

I hope my brief description of the work will be useful to you.

Craft "Space rocket" do-it-yourself - Vector-success.rf

DIY craft "Space rocket" is designed for children 6-8 years old. You can bring the craft to class or decorate your piggy bank of works.

Materials and tools

How to make a craft "Space rocket" with your own hands? Step by step instructions for children and adults.

1. Let's prepare colored paper, a sheet of white cardboard, a sheet of red cardboard, glue, scissors, a ruler, a pencil, a compass.

2. We make a markup of 15X13 cm on white cardboard and cut out a rectangle.

3. We twist the resulting rectangle into a cylinder so that the height of the rocket is 15 cm.

4. Glue the ends of the rectangle and press firmly. The result was a cylinder - the blank of our rocket.

5. Cut out 2 strips 4x1 cm in size


6. We take a compass and draw a circle with a diameter of 3 cm on white cardboard.

7. Cut out the circle with scissors and cut to the center of the circle.

8. We turn the circle so that we get a cone and glue it.

9. Cut out 2 strips of white cardboard measuring 4x1 cm and glue to the cone from opposite sides.

10. We take yellow colored paper and cut out 3 circles - these are the windows of our rocket. Glue them in a row from top to bottom.

11. We take a sheet of red cardboard and mark out a rectangle measuring 8x6 cm. The cardboard must be double-sided. Cut diagonally.

12. For the resulting triangles, we bend 0.5 cm at a greater height for gluing to the rocket body. Apply glue and stick.

13. First, glue the rocket wing on one side so that it is flush with the bottom of the rocket, and then the second wing on the opposite side.

14. Craft "Space rocket" with your own hands is ready!

Kurushina Nellya Nikolaevna (a21vu_1347)

“Making a mock-up of a wagon (cistern)” (grade 4)

1. Self-determination for learning activities.

Motivate students for future activities

conversation, exercise

Leave on the desk: instruction cards, a simple pencil, ruler, glue stick, scissors, colored cardboard and paper (check before the lesson by the attendants).

Guys, hello! Run all to me. Let's stand in a circle and get to know each other. My name is Anna Alexandrovna. And what is your name? Say your name in a circle.

Guys, now I know the names of all the designers of the car building plant.

To make it easier for us to design trains, let's reset all unnecessary emotions. Guys, imagine that we went outside and beautiful snowflakes began to fall from the sky. Let's put our feet shoulder-width apart, raise our hands through the sides up, as if we are catching snowflakes and lower our hands smoothly down.

There was so much snow, what can you play? Snowballs. To throw a snowball at us you need to bend down, take some snow, straighten up, make a snowball, swing(do not hurt each other when we throw it) and dumping snow. There was a lot of snow, let's make more snow.

We were playing snowballs with you, and suddenly out of nowhere, in the distance we saw a train. He was driving down a small mountain and was buzzing like “Uhhhhh ..!”.

But there was still a hill ahead, it was getting harder and harder for him to go up the hill. Let's help the train. To do this, you need to stand up straight, and then sit down with the sound “wow!”, Hands forward, straighten up.

What good fellows you are! We helped the train, he climbed the mountain and wishes you a good mood. Smile at each other.

Guys, now take your seats.

Have a seat.

Personal ( have motivation for learning and creative activities)


2. Actualization of basic knowledge and methods of action. Identification of the problem.

Together with the children, formulate the topic and objectives of the lesson through a problem situation.

Statement of the problem situation conversation, explanation, demonstration

In the previous lesson with Irina Alexandrovna, you studied the history of the railway, the types of trains and wagons, what the wagons are made of. I saw how interested you were.

I also prepared for you a very interesting and difficult work. I think you can handle it. First, let's play the game "Wheel of Fortune"

(include 1 slide)

The rules of the game are as follows: (rules twice)

we are divided into two teams. We spin the drum. The first team answers their question. The first team answered. We spin the drum, and the second team answers.

For each answer, I give out a card with words. As a result, you should get the topic of our lesson. I will keep score on the board.

So let's split into two teams and let's go.

Which of the teams can name the topic of our lesson.

Yes. Guys, subject of our lesson Production of a wagon model (cistern)»

Well done, guys, the spirit of competition conquered me too.

Then purpose we will have a lesson:

learn how to make different types of tanks using different geometric bodies (cylinder, rectangle)

Regulatory(determine the most effective ways to achieve the result)

Communicative(answer questions, draw conclusions; recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own, express their opinion and argue their point of view and assessment of events)

3. Statement of the educational task


Plan the tasks of the lesson, find the answer to them.

Conversation, explanation, example, demonstration, creation of a situation of success

Guys, let's define the objectives of the lesson. What will we do in the lesson?

- Guys, do you know what a tank is?

Guys maybe you know what is a cistern, and you know how they look, what they carry. We will talk about this today. So this will be the first task of our lesson.

Guys, since this is a lesson in technology. What do they do in technology classes? (manufacture of various products)

What is the topic of our lesson? (Making a model of a wagon (Tank))

So what are we going to make in this lesson? (tank model)

And in order to make it, what do you need to compose in order to make a model of a tank?

This is the second task of our lesson, tank layout plan

And the third task will be making the model of the tank from cardboard

Guys, so where do we start our lesson?

(find a solution to the first problem)

Dima, read the first problem

(what is a cistern)

Guys, in the previous lesson you made models of the trolley, and in this lesson we will make a model of the tank. We'll have the whole lineup. But in order for him to go, he drove a whole train, what do we lack? (locomotive)

Guys, I give you this locomotive. Now we have a driving force.

What can be included in the train?

(trolleys, refrigerator, hopper-dispenser, tanks)

What will our train consist of, what do we have and what will be?

(bogies and tanks, locomotive)

A whole train can consist only of tanks, but several carts can also be attached to it. What is a cistern anyway?

A cistern, what do you think, a freight car or a passenger car?


Since it is a freight car, it means that something is being transported in it. What can be transported in tanks? (liquid substances: water, oil, kerosene, gasoline, oil, acids)

The tank is a special metal boiler, so it is safe to transport liquid hazardous substances in them.

Guys, we have just talked about the tank, what kind of car it is, what is transported in it. What is a cistern?

A tank car is a freight car that transports liquid substances.

Guys, we learned what a tank is. Have we solved the first problem?

Regulatory(form the ability to plan, control and evaluate learning activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation, determine the most effective ways to achieve results;)

cognitive(complement the idea of ​​the types of wagons)

Communicative(master the ability to proactively cooperate with the teacher, classmates)

5. Building an output project


find a solution to the tasks

Conversation, explanation, encouragement, exercise, creating a situation of success.

(solve the second problem)

Kolya, read the second problem.

(production of the model of the tank)

To start making a tank, what do we need to compose?

(plan for the manufacture of a tank model)

Look carefully at the tank that I made for you, and just like a locomotive, I will give it as a gift.

Now we need to make a plan on how we will make a model of the tank.

Guys, look carefully at the tank, what does it even look like? What form is it?

This is a cylinder. How do we make this cylinder? (twist)

Is it possible to get a ready-made form somewhere?

Where in life can you find this figure?

(glass, hat, rocket)

Can. For example, I took the cylinder and pulled it out of the toilet paper. It is strong and small, just like the truth, after all.

Here we already have a cylinder, compare it with my tank model by color.

(children's answers)

How do we make this cylinder of the same color?

(glue over)

How are we going to wrap it?

(cylinder itself and two side parts)

We will glue it with the help of markings. Look, I took a larger cylinder so that you can see better. Imagine that the board is colored paper. I put the cylinder on colored paper, and make a markup. We circle. It turned out a circle.

We need to add a centimeter to attach the side part to the tank, then I cut it out. To make it easier to stick, I make cuts with scissors. And we did such things 2 times, because there are two side parts.

We glued the side parts, and now what we will glue.

the cylinder itself. We take it in hand and put it to the edge of colored paper, make markings. She took a pencil in her hands, and I have chalk and noted where the length of our cylinder ends. Then take a ruler and draw a line. Cut out. Wraps the cylinder col. paper. We cut off the excess. Apply glue to the edge. paper, wrap and fix with glue too. We covered the tank.

“The cistern has a hundred more. What is the tank made of?

(chassis, tank itself)

The tank consists of a chassis and the tank itself, that is, it remains to make the chassis, you already know how to make it. Look carefully, the trolley has one running gear, and here there are two.

Let's make a plan. What do we do first, second ...

Drawing up a work plan

1. Let's mark the side parts, cut out, glue.

(marking, cutting, gluing)

2..Let's mark the facade of the cylinder, cut it out, glue it.

3. Manufacture of the running gear (2 pcs)

4. Finished product (gluing all parts of the tank)

5. (optional) you can write what exactly the tank is carrying.

Regulatory(determine the most effective ways to achieve the result; use sign-symbolic means of presenting information to create models of the objects and processes under study, decision schemes)


Communicative(master the ability to proactively cooperate with the teacher)

6. Independent organization of activities


consolidate new knowledge

Practical work, conversation, exercise, encouragement, creating a situation of success.

Guys, what have we done now?

(completed the second task)

(production of the model of the tank from cardboard)

Get started. Who needs help, raise your hand.

cognitive(highlight the features of the studied objects on the basis of comparison; draw analogies between the material being studied and their own experience)

Lesson summary on technology in grade 4 SKOU 8 types on the topic “Practical work on making boxes from thin cardboard. Pasting the box - 4th grade - Technology - Catalog of files


Lesson #22

Subject. Practical work on the manufacture of cardboard boxes. Covering the box with paper.

Tasks. To teach, at the direction of the teacher, to measure certain dimensions on a sheet of cardboard for making a box. Develop the ability to independently navigate the task, plan the manufacture of the product, exercise self-control; to consolidate the ability to perform cardboard drawing, to follow the rules of safe work with tools. Cultivate accuracy and precision in the execution of the product.

During the classes.

1. Organization of students.

2. Repetition.

On the teacher's questions, the children name the properties of cardboard, show how to hold the tools correctly, remember the techniques for applying ribbing, the rules for safe work with cutting tools.

3. Message of the topic of the lesson.

4. Organization of the workplace.

5. Orientation in the task.

Students look at a sample box. The teacher draws their attention to the fact that the walls of the box are connected with valves. In addition to the sample, you should also have a development of the box, the outer walls of which are painted and differ in color from the valves. If it is folded correctly, then the whole box will turn out to be the same color. The scan is needed for students of the second and third groups, who find it difficult to orient themselves in the task, so that they understand the relative position of the walls and valves. The teacher offers the pupils of the second group to consider it, draws their attention to the color and asks them to fold the box so that it turns out to be the same color. The students of the third group are given a folded box: its walls are connected to the flaps with paper clips.

The teacher points out the location of the flaps, offers to remove the paper clips, unfold the box, compare the color of the flaps and the box, and fold it again, focusing on the color.

For an independent description of the box, first a student of the second, then the third group is called.

Focusing on the working conditions, students determine which tools and devices can be used to complete the task.

6. Work planning according to the subject-operational plan, which should reflect the main operations: marking along the ruler, applying the ridge, notching the valves (squares) along the fractional side of the reamer, folding the box, gluing the valves;

Semi-finished products are placed by the teacher in disorder. All third graders take part in their correct placement, the children of the second and third groups tell the plan.

7. Making a box. First, along the ruler, mark the lines of folds and cuts. The marked cardboard is slightly incised along these lines, the squares are cut along the long sides of the scan; then, when folding, the valves are connected to the long walls of the box - so the product will be stronger. The box is folded in the sides opposite to the incisions; valves are smeared with dextrin glue or paste and glued on the inside of the walls; the glued parts are pressed with a load.

In the manufacture of the box, the attention of students, as necessary, is drawn to the subject-operational plan. The teacher provides additional assistance to students of the second and third groups: they receive a sheet of cardboard already marked and drawn along two lines; so that there are no errors when determining the location of the incision of the valves, they are invited to draw a finger along the cut line, put the finished scan on their workpiece and put marks on the cut line with a pencil.

Before applying the glue, everyone must fold the box - this is a control operation, it allows you to check the correctness of the cuts and the placement of the valves. The teacher shows the children how to fasten the walls of the box with the help of valves and helps them to perform it correctly.

8. Pasting the box with colored paper.

Students independently measured the length and width of the sides of the box, mark the dimensions on a sheet of colored paper, cut out and paste over the box.

9. Progress report. Students report on their own. The teacher monitors the completeness of the answer, the observance of the sequence of presentation, the correct naming of operations, tools, and the indication of spatial characteristics.

10. Evaluation of the quality of finished products. Students note the evenness of the drawing and cuts, the correct gluing of the valves, the observance of the same height of all walls, the cleanliness and accuracy of work.

11. Summing up.

Summary of a lesson on manual labor in grade 4 "Product open box made of cardboard and colored paper"

Lesson plan for manual labor in grade 4

teacher: Ovsyannikova A.N

Topic: "The product is an open box made of cardboard and colored paper"

The purpose of the lesson: to teach the technology of making cardboard boxes by folding paper based on the basic form "Pancake"

Tasks: educational (didactic):

    Repeat information about geometric shapes, angles.

    To update knowledge about cardboard and paper, about bending techniques.


    Develop logical thinking based on exercises in analysis and synthesis.

    Develop visual memory through memorization exercises.

    Develop coherent speech during the preparation of a report on the work.

    Develop fine motor skills of the hands through finger gymnastics.


    Cultivate accuracy, diligence in work.

    Raise interest in the lesson through the use of gaming techniques.

Materials and equipment: manual labor textbook, colored paper and cardboard 20 * 20 cm, scissors, ruler

Lesson plan:

    Organizing time

    Lesson topic message

    Introductory conversation

    Orientation in the task

    Work planning

    Practical work

    Progress Report

    Evaluation of the quality of the work performed

    Summing up the lesson. Reflection.

During the classes:


Teacher questions: Guys, what lesson do we have now?

Labor lesson

Teacher questions: How did you know that now is the lesson of labor?

Suggested student responses: On the desk is colored paper, cardboard, scissors.

Well done!

    Lesson topic message

Teacher questions: Today at the lesson we need colored paper, cardboard. We will fold an open box out of paper and cardboard

    Introductory conversation

Guys, tell us what you know about paper and cardboard, what else can be made of them?

Corrective exercises

Teacher questions: What paper folding techniques do you know?

Suggested student responses: bending a square from corner to corner, bending a rectangle in half.

Teacher questions: What two figures can a square be divided into if it is bent from corner to corner?

Suggested student responses: Two triangles

    Orientation in the task

Today we will fold a box from a paper square paper folding method based on the basic form "Pancake"

Work planning

Stage 1. Bend the square from corner to corner

Stage 2. Fold the left corner down.

Stage 3. Fold the right corner down.

Stage 4. Fold the top and bottom corners down. Guys, let's repeat the plan all together. What will we do first? What will we do next? What is the next stage of work? What do we do at the last stage?

We chop cabbage, chop,

(alternating movements with straight palms up and down)

We salt-salt the cabbage,

(put your fingers in a pinch and alternately stroke the fingertips)

We three or three cabbage

(rubbing fist on fist)

We press the cabbage, press.

(clench and unclench fists)

And put in your mouth

(we send a pinch to the mouth and say: “Yum-yum!”)

Practical work (textbook pp. 111-112)

    Progress Report

Teacher questions: Guys, what did we do today at the lesson?

Teacher questions: What material?

Teacher questions: What geometric figure was the basis?

Teacher questions Q: What was your first job?

Teacher questions: What did you do then?

    Evaluation of the quality of the work performed

– And now let's look at your work and choose the most accurate one.

You tried, worked carefully and for this everyone gets good grades.

    Summing up the lesson. Reflection.

Teacher questions: Guys, what did we learn to do in the lesson today?

Teacher questions Q: Were you interested in the lesson?

Each of you has a sun and a cloud on your desk. If you were sad at the lesson, put a cloud in front of you, and if you were in a good mood during the lesson, it was interesting for you to work, put the sun.

The lesson is over. Thank you all for the good work!

2. You should get an X-shaped fold at each end of the rectangle. Now you should form each corner so that you end up with a multi-layered triangle. To do this, you need to fold each of the two inner corners to the center of the letter X, bring the corners together and give them a little.

3. For the second end of the rectangle, repeat the same steps. This should be done from the “wrong side” so that as a result a two-sided arrow is formed, which has sharp ends, but these ends should be located in opposite planes to each other.

4. Bend the corners of the upper part of the “arrow” so that a rhombus is formed on one edge, which consists of two corners.

5. Unbend one of the corners on the opposite side so that it joins the bottom part, and bend its edge up. You will form a valve that should be bent in the opposite direction. Repeat the same action with the other corner. On this side, you will also form a diamond as a result.

6. Place the product towards you with the wide side, lift its side parts and insert one part into the other. An arc is formed with paper flaps fixed on top. The formed arc is your paper tank, at the top of which there is a real “tower”.

7. The tank is almost ready. It remains only to add caterpillars and a muzzle (cannon) to it. The missing parts are quite simple to make: bend the side edges of the tank and form caterpillars from them. For a paper muzzle, roll up the tube and insert it into the hole that is in the "tower" of the tank.

Now the paper tank is done!

Also watch the video on how you can make other tanks out of paper!

If you use the knowledge of creating paper tanks from this article, then you will definitely succeed. Successful creation of paper tanks!

From ordinary paper, you can make a rather original origami tank with your own hands! It will take a little time and effort to create such paper armored vehicles. In addition, children can be involved in such a creative process!

In this master class, the process of creating a paper tank with your own hands is described step by step!

You will need materials such as:

- colored paper;
- glue stick.

The sheet of paper used must be rectangular! The shade of the craft depends on the preferences of everyone, you can even use white paper.

The sheet should be folded in half.

After, bend it back, and then do the same with the opposite side.

You get lines like this.

The same process must be repeated with the right side of the sheet. It should turn out like this.

After, you need to fold the product along the marked lines. The side folds must be brought together so that they are inside the triangle.

Do the same on the other side. This is how the preparation will turn out.

All lines should be carefully and well ironed!

Then, bending the triangles and equaling their fold line, fold the side edges of the workpiece inward. And then, fold again but in the opposite direction.

Do the same with the other edge of the workpiece.

Then, turning the workpiece on the reverse side, fold it into a ring.

So that the triangle and rhombus are closed!

The "ears" of the triangle must be fixed in a rhombus.

After, they need to be filled into the fold of the diamond.

Do the same with the second "ear". It turned out the tank tower.

After that, it is necessary to carefully straighten the tank tracks and give the tank body the necessary shape.

The tank is almost ready, it remains only to make a gun! To do this, you need to take a small piece of paper and a glue stick.

Twist the leaf into a tube, and fix its edge with glue.

After that, the resulting cannon must be inserted into the tank's turret.

In the end, this is such a wonderful tank!

The final look of the craft. Photo 1.

The final look of the craft. Photo 2.

If desired, in the future it can be painted with paints and varnished! The child will be very happy with such a handmade toy!

The final look of the craft. Photo 3.

We will show you and describe step by step how to make a paper tank with your own hands. This tank model is the most popular. For their manufacture of a paper tank with their own hands All you need is a sheet of A4 paper and scissors.

Instructions for making a paper tank with your own hands.

First, let's prepare everything you need for origami, namely two sheets of paper first A4 format 30x21 centimeters, the second 5x3 cm and scissors. You can also use colored paper. In this case, your origami will immediately take on a unique look.

1. Place a large sheet of paper in front of you as shown in the photo.

2. Fold in half along the long side.

3. Bend and then straighten one corner first.

4. Then do the same with the second corner.

5. On the second side of our sheet, do the same (points 3-4)

6. Next, we need to carefully fold both sides so that the center point formed from the two diagonal lines is on the fold line. For clarity, you can see the photo.

7. Fold the corners inward along the fold lines. There are 8 corners in total.

8. We place the figure in front of us and bend down the upper corner on each side.

9. We fold the top of the workpiece until it touches the center line.

10. We fold the same strip in half, bending the bottom edge up.

11. After we bend the corners to the other side, so that for now they do not interfere with us. We do the same as described in paragraphs 9, 10.

12. Unfold the corners in different directions, as they were originally made.

13. Place the figure on the table as in the picture. Fold the top corners in half.

14. Flip the tank model over to the other side.

15. We fold the layout with a ring. Our figure should be fixed, and large angles should be on top.

16. We make the tower of our tank. We fill, large upper corners in the folds of the triangles located below.

17. As a result, we will get just such a model of a paper tank, only without a gun.

18. Now it's the turn of a small piece of paper, which we prepared at the very beginning of the master class. We make a tube out of it.

19. We install the gun in the hole in front. We unfold the folds on both sides at the base, thereby obtaining caterpillars.

20. Congratulations, you made a paper tank with your own hands.

How to make a paper tank video.

Do not be discouraged if the craft did not work out for you the first time. In this case, try again to do all the steps of assembling origami. Now you know how to make a paper tank.

Don't forget, we take criticism well, if you didn't like the description of any step to describe origami, leave your feedback in the comments.

UMC: perspective

Lesson topic: Making a wagon model ( Tank).

Lesson type: a lesson in mastering new knowledge and methods of action

Lesson Objective: To learn produce different types of tanks using different geometric bodies (cylinder)

Planned result:

    Personal: have motivation for educational and creative activities; show interest in professions, have a positive attitude towards physical activity

    M metasubject:

    regulatory UUD (formation of the ability to carry out cognitive and personal reflection, learn to make appropriate adjustments; form the ability to plan, control and evaluate learning activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation, determine the most effective ways to achieve results; use sign-symbolic means of presenting information to creating models of objects and processes under study, solution schemes)

    cognitive UUD (the ability to extract information from the text, complement the idea of ​​​​the types of cars; highlight the features of the objects under study based on comparison; draw analogies between the material being studied and their own experience)

    communicative UUD (master the ability to proactively cooperate with the teacher, classmates; answer questions, draw conclusions; recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own, express their opinion and argue their point of view and assessment of events)

    Subject: get acquainted with the design of the tank, its types; learn to mark parts with a ruler, make different types of tanks using three-dimensional geometric bodies (cylinder, rectangle)


    Educational: be motivated for learning and creative activities; show interest in professions, with a positive attitude towards physical activity


    regulatory UUD (to form the ability to carry out cognitive and personal reflection, to teach to make appropriate adjustments; to form the ability to plan, control and evaluate learning activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation, determine the most effective ways to achieve results; use sign-symbolic means of presenting information to creating models of objects and processes under study, solution schemes)

    cognitive UUD (be able to extract information from the text, supplement the idea of ​​the types of cars; highlight the features of the objects under study based on comparison; draw analogies between the material being studied and one's own experience)

    communicative UUD (to master the ability to proactively cooperate with a teacher, classmates; answer questions, draw conclusions; recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own, express their opinion and argue their point of view and assessment of events)

    Educational: to acquaint with the design of the tank, its types; learn how to mark parts with a ruler, make different types of tanks, use three-dimensional geometric bodies (cylinder, rectangle)

Learning principles:






Methods of training and education:

Teaching methods:

1. Method of organizing educational and cognitive activity (Method of obtaining new knowledge: verbal (explanation, conversation), visual (demonstration); practical (exercises, practical work)

2. Method of stimulating educational and cognitive activity (encouragement)

3. Methods for the development of mental functions, creative abilities, personal qualities of children (Statement of a problem situation, creative task).

Education methods:

1. Methods for shaping the social experience of children (a situation of free choice, an example).

2. A method for children to comprehend their social experience, motivation for activities and behavior (conversation, story).

3. Methods of stimulating and correcting the actions and attitudes of children in the educational process (creating a situation of success).

Forms of organization of students' activities: frontal, individual, pair, group


    Individual: instruction cards, simple pencil, ruler, glue stick, scissors, colored cardboard and paper

    Demo: slide presentation, did. game "Wheel of Fortune", cards with the theme of the lesson (2 pcs.),

Information sources:

    GEF NOU: text amended. And extra. For 2011 / Ministry and Science Ros. Federation. – M.: Enlightenment, 2011.

    The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia in the field of general education: a project / A.Ya. Danilyuk, A.M. Kondakov, V.A. Tishkov. Russian Academy of Education. - M.: Enlightenment, 2009. - 00 p. – (Standards of the second generation)

    Technology. The work program and technological maps of lessons according to the textbook by N.I. Rogovtseva, N.V. Bogdanova, N.V. Shipilova, S.V. Anaschenkova

    http :// www . fife . plus . en / (five plus)

    http :// www . children . world . en / (Child's world)

    http :// www . rzd expo . en / (history of carriage building)

Lesson plan:

1. Self-determination for activity (org. moment). (1-2 min)

2. Actualization of basic knowledge. (5 min)

3. Statement of the educational task. (5 min)

4. Building an output project. (3 min)

5. Independent practical work. (20 min)

6. Reflection of educational activity

During the classes

Stages of the lesson, tasks

Methods and techniques of training and education

The activities of the teacher, students

Planned result

1. Self-determination for learning activities.


Motivate students for future activities

conversation, exercise

Leave on the desk: instruction cards, a simple pencil, ruler, glue stick, scissors, colored cardboard and paper(check before the lesson by the attendants).

Guys, hello! Run all to me. Let's stand in a circle and get to know each other. My name is Anna Alexandrovna. And what is your name? Say your name in a circle.

Guys, now I know the names of all the designers of the car building plant.

To make it easier for us to design trains, let's reset all unnecessary emotions. Guys, imagine that we went outside and beautiful snowflakes began to fall from the sky. Let's putfeet shoulder-width apart, raise our hands through the sides up, as if we are catching snowflakes and lower our hands smoothly down.

There was so much snow, what can you play? Snowballs. To throw a snowball at usyou need to bend down, take some snow, straighten up, make a snowball, swing (do not hurt each other when we throw it)and dumping snow. There was a lot of snow, let's make more snow.

We were playing snowballs with you, and suddenly out of nowhere, in the distance we saw a train. He was driving down a small mountain and was buzzing like “Uhhhhh ..!”.

But there was still a hill ahead, it was getting harder and harder for him to go up the hill. Let's help the train. To do this, you need to stand up straight, and then sit down with the sound "wow!", arms forward, straighten up.

What good fellows you are! We helped the train, he climbed the mountain and wishes you a good mood. Smile at each other.

Guys, now take your seats.

Have a seat.

Personal ( have motivation for learning and creative activities)


2. Actualization of basic knowledge and methods of action. Identification of the problem.


Together with the children, formulate the topic and objectives of the lesson through a problem situation.

Statement of the problem situation conversation, explanation, demonstration

In the previous lesson with Irina Alexandrovna, you studied the history of the railway, the types of trains and wagons, what the wagons are made of. I saw how interested you were.

I also prepared for you a very interesting and difficult work. I think you can handle it. First, let's play the game "Wheel of Fortune"

(include 1 slide)

The rules of the game are as follows:(rules twice)

we are divided into two teams. We spin the drum. The first team answers their question. The first team answered. We spin the drum, and the second team answers.

For each answer, I give out a card with words. As a result, you should get the topic of our lesson. I will keep score on the board.

So let's split into two teams and let's go.

Which of the teams can name the topic of our lesson.

Yes. Guys, subject of our lesson Production of a wagon model (cistern)»

Well done, guys, the spirit of competition conquered me too.

Then purpose we will have a lesson:

learn how to make different types of tanks using different geometric bodies (cylinder, rectangle)

Regulatory ( determine the most effective way to achieve results)

Communicative (answer questions, draw conclusions; recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own, express their opinion and argue their point of view and assessment of events)

3. Statement of the educational task


Plan the tasks of the lesson, find the answer to them.

Conversation, explanation, example, demonstration, creation of a situation of success

Guys, let's define the objectives of the lesson. What will we do in the lesson?

Guys, do you know what a tank is?

Guys maybe you knowwhat is a cistern , and you know how they look, what they carry. We will talk about this today. So this will be the first task of our lesson.

Guys, since this is a lesson in technology. What do they do in technology classes? (manufacture of various products)

What is the topic of our lesson?(Production of a wagon model (cistern))

So what are we going to make in this lesson? (tank model)

And in order to make it, what do you need to compose in order to make a model of a tank?

This is the second task of our lesson,tank layout plan

And the third task will bemaking the model of the tank from cardboard

Guys, so where do we start our lesson?

(find a solution to the first problem)

Dima, read the first problem

(what is a cistern)

Guys, in the previous lesson you made models of the trolley, and in this lesson we will make a model of the tank. We'll have the whole lineup. But in order for him to go, he drove a whole train, what do we lack? (locomotive)

Guys, I give you this locomotive. Now we have a driving force.

What can be included in the train?

(trolleys, refrigerator, hopper-dispenser, tanks)

What will our train consist of, what do we have and what will be?

(bogies and tanks, locomotive)

A whole train can consist only of tanks, but several carts can also be attached to it. What is a cistern anyway?

A cistern, what do you think, a freight car or a passenger car?


Since it is a freight car, it means that something is being transported in it. What can be transported in tanks? (liquid substances: water, oil, kerosene, gasoline, oil, acids)

The tank is a special metal boiler, so it is safe to transport liquid hazardous substances in them.

Guys, we have just talked about the tank, what kind of car it is, what is transported in it. What is a cistern?

- A tank car is a freight car that transports liquid substances.

Guys, we learned what a tank is. Have we solved the first problem?


Regulatory ( form the ability to plan, control and evaluate learning activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation, determine the most effective ways to achieve results;)

cognitive (complement the idea of ​​the types of wagons)

Communicative (master the ability to proactively cooperate with the teacher, classmates)

4. Physical Minute.


Relieve stress


Fizminutka "Train"

Personal: have a positive attitude towards physical activity

5. Building an output project


find a solution to the tasks

Conversation, explanation, encouragement, exercise, creating a situation of success.

We rested a little. What will we do next?

(solve the second problem)

Kolya, read the second problem.

(production of the model of the tank)

To start making a tank, what do we need to compose?

(plan for the manufacture of a tank model)

Look carefully at the tank that I made for you, and just like a locomotive, I will give it as a gift.

Now we need to make a plan on how we will make a model of the tank.

Guys, look carefully at the tank, what does it even look like? What form is it?

This is a cylinder. How do we make this cylinder? (twist)

Is it possible to get a ready-made form somewhere?

Where in life can you find this figure?

(glass, hat, rocket)

Can. For example, I took the cylinder and pulled it out of the toilet paper. It is strong and small, just like the truth, after all.

Here we already have a cylinder, compare it with my tank model by color.

(children's answers)

How do we make this cylinder of the same color?

(glue over)

How are we going to wrap it?

(cylinder itself and two side parts)

We will glue it with the help of markings. Look, I took a larger cylinder so that you can see better. Imagine that the board is colored paper. I put the cylinder on colored paper, and make a markup. We circle. It turned out a circle.

We need to add a centimeter to attach the side part to the tank, then I cut it out. To make it easier to stick, I make cuts with scissors. And we did such things 2 times, because there are two side parts.

We glued the side parts, and now what we will glue.

the cylinder itself. We take it in hand and put it to the edge of colored paper, make markings. She took a pencil in her hands, and I have chalk and noted where the length of our cylinder ends. Then take a ruler and draw a line. Cut out. Wraps the cylinder col. paper. We cut off the excess. Apply glue to the edge. paper, wrap and fix with glue too. We covered the tank.

The tanker has a hundred more. What is the tank made of?

(chassis, tank itself)

The tank consists of a chassis and the tank itself, that is, it remains to make the chassis, you already know how to make it. Look carefully, the trolley has one running gear, and here there are two.

Let's make a plan. What do we do first, second ...

Drawing up a work plan

1. Let's mark the side parts, cut out, glue.

(marking, cutting, gluing)

2..Let's mark the facade of the cylinder, cut it out, glue it.

3. Manufacture of the running gear (2 pcs)

4. Finished product (gluing all parts of the tank)

5. (optional) you can write what exactly the tank is carrying.

Regulatory (determine the most effective ways to achieve the result; use sign-symbolic means of presenting information to create models of the objects and processes under study, decision schemes)

cognitive (highlight the features of the studied objects on the basis of comparison; draw analogies between the material being studied and their own experience)

Communicative (master the ability to proactively cooperate with the teacher)

6. Independent organization of activities


consolidate new knowledge

Practical work, conversation, exercise, encouragement, creating a situation of success.

Guys, what have we done now?

(completed the second task)

(production of the model of the tank from cardboard)

Get started. Who needs help, raise your hand.

cognitive ( highlight the features of the objects under study based on comparison; draw analogies between the studied material and their own experience)

7. Reflection of educational activity.


Organize self-assessment activities.


(Exhibition of finished products, evaluation of works, composition of tanks and carts)

What knowledge was useful in the lesson?

What universal learning activities have you mastered?

What did you do best?

What was the difficulty?

When will the knowledge gained in the lesson be useful to you in life?

Regulatory UUD

(formation of the ability to carry out cognitive and personal reflection)