How to wash a cat properly. Bathing a cat is a real science for lovers of furry pets

All owners are well aware that cats are wary of water. Those who have a pet for the first time ask many questions, such as: “How often should you wash a cat? How many times a year can you bathe a cat? How often should a house cat be washed? How often should you shampoo your cat? and many others. There is nothing shameful in this - the first bathing of a cat seems extremely difficult even for experienced breeders.

Can cats be bathed?

Even if your pet is very clean, it is also necessary to wash it.. Dirt, dust, excess work of the sebaceous glands, dead flakes of the skin epithelium, dangerous exhaust gases accumulate on the wool.

To accustom cats to water procedures should be from an early age - from three to four months. This is due to the flexible psyche of kittens and the ability to adapt to new environmental conditions. An adult cat that has not been bathed as a baby will be more difficult to bathe and will scratch and bite and thrash out uncontrollably.

Attention! Before bathing, comb your pet, trim its claws so that you do not suffer in case of a negative reaction.

How often should a cat be bathed if it is a show cat?

Pets participating in exhibitions have to be washed frequently. This is dictated not so much by necessity as by generally accepted rules. It is widely believed that a well-groomed shiny coat is an indicator of the overall health of the body, so the owners of exhibition pets pay special attention to the cleanliness of the hairline.

These cats are recommended to be bathed before each show., choosing expensive and high-quality shampoos for care that are unable to damage the hair structure or skin. Washing cats with cheap shampoo from a small veterinary shop is not recommended, as it is difficult to guess what was added to it and what consequences will appear after application.

After the shampoo, other products are used to improve the coat: conditioners, sprays, dry products.

Grooming and cleaning of the ears are also among the mandatory procedures for caring for a show pet, especially if the animal has large and erect ears.

How often can you bathe outdoor cats?

Walking pets should be washed once a month or more often if they are heavily soiled.. Various cosmetic products are suitable for this: both therapeutic and caring shampoos. If the animal is afraid of water, use sprays containing a dry powder that absorbs excess sebaceous glands and some of the dust and dirt.

How often should a house cat be washed?

If the pet does not stick its nose out into the street, it should be bathed rarely - once a quarter. Here we remind you that the frequency of bathing pets depends on the length of the coat. If it is long - bathing and combing is carried out more often; if short - less often. Hairless breeds - sphinxes - are bathed more often than others - once a week.

If it is impossible to carry out water procedures, they are wiped with wet wipes intended for children.

How many times can you bathe a cat for medicinal purposes?

Bathing with medicated shampoos is repeated after seven to ten days. When using tar soap with birch tar in the composition, water procedures are repeated three to four times with an interval of five to eight days. This is due to the fact that soap affects only sexually mature blood-sucking insects, but does not affect the larvae.

How many times a year can you bathe a cat?

Do not try to find an academically verified answer to the question asked. This is individual, and, as noted above, depends on a certain number of factors. This is the lifestyle of the pet, and the length of the coat, and the state of health. There is no single number that satisfies the question "how many times should a cat be washed?".

Bathe your pet as needed when it gets dirty or the coat becomes rough and greasy. Bathe if you find fleas in your hair, but don't bathe - bathing more than five to eight times a year can lead to dandruff and allergies.

To make taking a bath easy and pleasant for your pet, use the simple recommendations:

  1. Don't bathe your pet on a full stomach. It is recommended to limit the intake of food three to five hours before the procedure, leaving a bowl of fresh clean water.
  2. Talk to the cat, soothe with your voice. Scientists have proven that pets tolerate stressful situations more easily if supported by the owner.
  3. It is better to draw water in a basin or bathroom in advance, because the sound of water pouring from a tap scares cats much more than bathing itself.
  4. You can bathe only healthy cats. Those who have undergone surgery, patients, and animals with fever should not be bathed. Absolutely, as well as pregnant and lactating cats.
  5. To prevent water from getting into your ears, use small balls twisted from cotton wool.
  6. Do not allow your pet to lick the foam or drink soapy water!
  7. If you don't have a specialized pet cleanser on hand, it's better to use baby shampoo than the one you use. This is due to the fact that the components in baby shampoo are safe, although they do not fully correspond to the acid-base balance of the skin of cats.

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    My cat tolerates bathing calmly, but when you turn on the hair dryer, hisses and tries to escape. We love to wash, in warm water she can sit quietly in a basin and let herself be lathered)


Cleanliness is the key to health. This phrase has been heard, if not by all of us, then by many. And this is absolutely true. Indeed, if the elementary rules and norms of hygiene are not observed, the body is much more susceptible to various diseases. This applies to both us and our pets.

Therefore very it is important to keep your cat clean and don't forget about things like brushing, trimming nails, bathing, etc.

Although the cat is a very clean animal, it is necessary to bathe it for preventive purposes!

On the one hand, the conclusion is quite obvious - of course, it is necessary! After all, hygiene is so important. But if you think about it, it's not all that clear. After all, firstly, cats often and thoroughly wash themselves. Secondly, okay, if the cat is periodically on the street and it can not wash off all the dirt itself. What if an animal constantly at home? What to do then?

You can often hear that cats used to live well, for example, in villages without any bathing. But do not forget that times have changed, and the environment has changed. And before, there simply did not exist such a number of viruses, bacteria and infections, so everything was much simpler.

The answer to such questions is unambiguous - need to bathe . The animal is not able to cope with all the pollution on its own. The only difference is that a cat that is constantly kept in an apartment needs to be washed a little less often than one that happens on the street.

How to bathe a cat if she is afraid of water, resists and scratches?

It is extremely rare to find a cat that does not resist when bathing. They can meow loudly, try to escape and by any other means. prevent or stop bathing. And this, in general, is a normal natural reaction. But you still need to bathe.

The main condition for bathing to go smoothly is your peace of mind and a trusting relationship with your pet. No violence!

No violence!

In order for the bath to be normal, you need to understand that for a cat this is quite a lot of stress and you must be extremely patient. And also you need to remember the algorithm of proper bathing. By doing it right, you'll keep your bath time and your cat's nerves to a minimum.

Now a very large range of products for bathing cats. Therefore, you can easily choose exactly what is right for you and in your particular situation.

Only shampoo is not enough- so say the experts. It is better to use a special conditioner after shampoo. It is also necessary to know that, almost always, shampoos are concentrated and are used only after dilution with water.

Dry shampoos and conditioners do not give the desired result, and they can be used only in extreme cases.


So, by remembering these simple rules, you will turn bathing your pet into a pleasure for both of you.

How often can a cat be bathed? And who told you that it can be washed at all? The animal copes well without your participation all its life. For hygiene, the cat's tongue is enough. She doesn't need any of your shampoos.

When to bathe a cat

If not for one but. Sometimes the animal gets dirty in one that the owner has to wash immediately. Otherwise, the cat will lick it all off the fur. For example, I got dirty in machine oil while walking, or the paint climbed somewhere. These are the cases when you have to bathe a cat.

By the way, it is not at all necessary to wet the whole animal if there is a small spot on the coat. It can be wiped off with a special wet cloth for cleaning wool. You can buy it at a veterinary store.

Advice. Don't bathe your cat too often. Because the procedure washes off the special skin lubricant from the coat and skin. It is secreted by the sebaceous glands and has a very important function in regulating the heat exchange of a pet.

The method has a place to be, but only on short-haired breeds. Your long-haired pet, you simply suffer then to comb to remove the shampoo.

When to bathe your cat for fleas

Veterinarians do not recommend bathing the animal at all. And what about those owners who took a cat from the street? After all, not the same fleas more than the Japanese in Tokyo!

The answer is clear - swim! But strictly special shampoo for animals. Human remedies are not suitable for a cat. They have different levels of acidity, which can harm the skin and coat. And yes, where did you see human flea shampoo?

How often to wash a hairless cat

Some sources strongly advise Sphynx owners to bathe them once a week. Say, a specific lubricant appears on the skin of animals, which smells bad.

We do not recommend bathing your cat so often. Sphinxes are washed only in case of emergency. The rest of the time, the owners habitually cope with wet wipes. By the way, an absolutely healthy sphinx practically does not emit sebum.

Absolutely all sources paint a long instruction. Yes, even a kilometer list of accessories. They urge you to do everything slowly and smoothly so that the cat does not get stressed.

It even gets funny sometimes while you're reading it. Sorry, let me disagree. Your smooth movements with washing a cat can drag on for more than one hour. And do not now about trust and affectionate words. The cat sneezed at all this if it was wetted. No amount of love for the owner can overcome the instincts.

As in our opinion, it is better to listen to the warlike cries of a cat for 10 minutes than to persuade her to wash herself for 2 hours. In fact, everything is simple. You will need:

  • shampoo
  • assistant
  • 2 towels
  • bathtub and shower head with flexible hose
  • own hands

We quickly run into the bathroom with the cat that does not yet understand anything. You can start singing along with her, she will start now. We clamp the cat's shoulders directly under the chest in the left hand, if you are right-handed. And vice versa. Your active hand must be free. At the same time, the front paws of the animal are extended straight - which means it will not scratch. They are clamped close to the chest - which means they will not be able to bite.

There remains one more problem - the hind legs. So that the animal does not slash everything around with them, you just need to put the cat in the bath. At the same time, you should hold it so that it cannot jump or raise its paw. That is strictly sitting.

The assistant waters the cat from a watering can, gives you shampoo, at the end - towels, but you do all the manipulations with your free working hand. The cat flutters and yells. Let be. For her own good. Moreover, having adapted, you can really bathe a cat in 10 minutes.

Just be sure to thoroughly rinse all the shampoo from the coat. You understand that pussy can get drunk on chemistry.

Why 2 towels? The first immediately after washing absorbs the main water from the wool. The second collects the remaining moisture.

That's all, so you bathed the cat. Now put her in a warm room, at least for a few hours. Let it lick and dry.

Advice. Do not try to dry the animal or dry it with a hair dryer. Friction can provoke the formation of tangles, and the buzzing of an incomprehensible device can frighten a cat. And she is already somewhat frightened by such active bathing.

You should never bathe a pregnant cat. Or only when pollution threatens the life of the pet. It can be a toxic substance or simply a poison.

If a cat came from the street with dirty paws, you should not fly headlong into the bathroom, grabbing it in an armful. And even more so, you don’t need to bathe her entirely. It is enough just to rinse the pads with running water from sand and dirt under the tap. This can be successfully done in the sink. The way to hold a cat so that it cannot scratch or bite, we described above.

The same should be done with unclean cats after they visit the toilet. Yes, yes, it also happens that the owners with a piece of paper are waiting for the pet at the tray. Only instead of a piece of paper you can use a damp cloth. So the owner is more comfortable, and the cat will get less discomfort in an intimate place.

There are several breeds of cats that are very fond of bathing. And some owners often indulge pets. They believe that splashing a cat without shampoo in water will not bring her any harm.

Well, yes, they probably bring water from wells, from springs. The purest, without impurities of bleach and iron salts, as if the water were from the tap in the apartment. Then yes, of course, let the cat splash and have fun.

But if they poured water to a cat from a tap in the bathroom, then of course they would think what happens to the coat and skin from the constant exposure to this chemical cocktail. There is no other name for such a liquid. It is scary for a person to wash his hands in it, not like a cat to play.

Try once again not to wet the animal of a plush breed. Mostly British, Persians, Scots. They have a very thick undercoat that does not dry well.

By the way, about drying. After bathing, a cat of any breed should be kept warm until dry. Otherwise, she will just get sick.

Some sources claim that bathing helps the cat during shedding. Allegedly, water washes away unwanted hairs. Therefore, new hair grows faster. All this is nonsense.

During molting, a thorough combing helps the cat. Teach your pet to brush from childhood, so that later there are no problems. If you have adopted an already adult animal that hates combing, then you have only one way out. This is a cat groomer. He is a professional tool to quickly and deftly save your cat from unnecessary old hair.

No doubt, it costs decent money. But how often do you use such services? After all, people spend more on cigarettes per month.

Not every owner knows how often a cat can be washed. It turns out, only in case of emergency. Or if such a procedure is required by the breed of the animal. In all other situations, leave your pet alone. She will wash herself.

Video: how to bathe a cat


A few questions to know the answers to before bathing a kitten. For what? When? How often? By what means? What not to forget? So you save your cat and yourself from unnecessary stress.

Why should you bathe a kitten?

  • Dying hairs are much easier to remove when bathing, which means that even during active molting, the need for daily combing of wool disappears. Since for the most part it is removed during bathing, this saves the apartment from additional cleaning during the molting period. And in the end it saves time.
  • In the process of bathing and immediately after it, it is very convenient to carry out other hygiene procedures: clean the ears, trim the nails, wipe the eyes.
  • With regular washing, the cat has a more well-groomed appearance.
  • If kittens have fleas, ticks or fungus, then bathing can be part of the treatment.

When should you start swimming?

The sooner the kitten begins to bathe, the calmer it will behave during this procedure when it grows up. Ideally, if the kitten is accustomed by the breeder from the first months of life; if not, it is necessary to accustom the kitten from the first weeks of life in your home, as soon as the adaptation period ends.

In the first weeks of a kitten's life, there is no need to bathe, firstly, because at this age the temperature changes that are inevitable when bathing can do more harm to the baby than good, and the mother cat does an excellent job with this task.

How often to bathe a kitten?

Weekly bathing during the molting period and once every two weeks the rest of the time seems to be optimal. Although it is better to listen to the wishes of the cat itself. Some run to bathe every time the bath is filled with water!

If you find it necessary to wash more often, you need to find a product that does not dry out the coat and skin, and is suitable for your kitten.

What kind of bathing equipment should be used?

The choice of means for bathing cats is now huge. There are kitten shampoos and conditioners that remove stubborn dirt, moisturize the coat and skin, enhance the color or, conversely, whiten. But for a small kitten living in an apartment, it is better to use products for kittens, according to age.

If the first bathing experience is unsuccessful and the water causes the kitten to panic, there is an alternative to traditional bathing: the dry bathing method with dry shampoo. A special scented powder is rubbed into the cat's coat and then combed out.

However, it does not replace full-fledged bathing, and after a while, when the reaction to water weakens, you can repeat attempts to accustom yourself to traditional bathing methods.

What should be taken into account?

  • The interval between feeding and bathing should be 3-4 hours.
  • Before bathing, you need to trim the claws and comb the coat. If the cat had tangles before washing, the situation will only get worse during the washing process.
  • To switch the attention of a kitten, you can distract it with your favorite toy, soap bubbles, or a rubber ball.
  • After bathing the kitten, a reward should await. Which? You probably know best what will please your pet the most.

Every cat owner understands that the animal needs to be washed, and not many people know how often. It is necessary to accustom a cat to this while he is still a kitten, since in the future it can be quite problematic.

If you are going to wash a cat for the first time, which is about a year old, it will be a huge stress for the animal, and it is unlikely that you will be able to cope with it alone. In this case, it is necessary to keep the cat at least two, as the cat yells a lot, breaks out and can scratch. To avoid all this, you will need to accustom the animal to washing when it is still a kitten and wash the cat at least six times a year.

Now we need to find out what means to use for this and how to bathe a cat correctly. To begin with, before putting the cat in the bath, you need to remove all unnecessary items, such as washcloths, bottles, and other things that he can catch on. You also need to prepare a towel in advance and open the shampoo.

Next, adjust the required water temperature, as well as its pressure. Water should not be hot, but only warm, no more than thirty-five degrees. Quite often, cat owners ask themselves the question: is it necessary to buy a special cat shampoo for washing, or is ordinary laundry soap suitable for this?

In the event that you have a British kitten or, then you will need to take care of his coat. Laundry soap is not suitable here, since washing with such soap often causes dandruff and the cat constantly itches. You need to use special shampoos designed for washing cats. You need to buy shampoo based on the type of coat of your pet.

When you are about to put your cat in the bath, hold him by the scruff of the neck. In this case, he will not be able to scratch you. Once you have done this, wet the coat with water, but only the ears and nose do not need to be wetted. It is best to wash the animal using the shower. Thus, the cat will more easily endure this procedure. Hold the shower in one hand and hold the cat with the other.

Be sure to close the door if the cat suddenly jumps out, you could catch him quickly and put him back in the bath. If you don't, you'll have to mop up the cat water all over your apartment.

Apply shampoo to the back of the cat and rub it well with one hand, and hold the animal with the other. Stand it on its hind legs and shampoo its chest, front legs, belly, back and tail. Massage well with your hands and wash between the ears only last. Rinse only from top to bottom, as water should not get into his ears. Wrap the animal in a towel and hold it in your arms so that it calms down.

Sooner or later, there comes a time when a cat needs a real bath. If a person needs to bathe every few days, then cats have much less problems with this. Our fluffy pets have long learned to wash themselves and so often they do not need human help.

But it happens that the cat gets very dirty and it just needs to be bathed. Everyone knows how cats dislike water and water treatments in particular. But it is necessary, it is necessary!

Remember that you can’t wash a cat for no apparent reason! A cat should only be bathed if it is really dirty!

In order to wash a cat, you need to buy a special shampoo for cats. Such shampoos are more delicate to cat hair and do not have fragrances, unlike human shampoos. If there is no shampoo, you can use baby soap, but other products intended for people should not be used. You'll also need to stock up on a few towels, a comb, and a quiet hair dryer to dry your pet without adding stress. In addition, decide in advance whether you will bathe the cat in the bathroom or take a separate basin for this matter.

Before bathing a long-haired cat, be sure to comb it to avoid tangles in the future. Do not bathe immediately after feeding and in any case do not dip it with your head.

Water should be drawn in such a way that it allows the cat to stand confidently on its paws, but at the same time reaches a comfortable level for bathing. For a normal one, this is about ten centimeters.

The cat, by the way, needs to be grabbed immediately. After all, while you are running after her, the water can cool down and your pet will begin to break out more than ever. Lowering the cat into the water, it is best to put a towel under her paws so that she is not afraid to stand confidently on a flat bottom. Besides, it's not bad if someone helps you hold it.

During bathing, the foam should be distributed evenly, starting from the head and ending with the tip of the tail. Movements should be smooth and accurate. Avoid getting water and soap suds in the cat's ears and eyes, as this can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Rinse off the foam from the fur coat carefully, without frightening the cat with sudden movements. You can lather it twice if needed, but we recommend that you don't so as not to further damage the undercoat.

After bathing, the cat should be wrapped in a towel and held until it is saturated with excess moisture. If necessary, you can wrap the pet in another dry towel a second time. You need to dry the cat gently, combing her hair with a special comb. Remember that after bathing, the cat needs to be warm for at least another hour.

How to wash your pet's eyes and clean the ears?

The fur of a cat is the pride of the owner. A well-groomed cat can be seen immediately! But in personal care, cats and cats are still different. Cats lick their fur more often and more thoroughly than cats. Watching them constantly lick themselves, it seems that they are perfect clean.

In fact, their own smell is important for cats and cats, and if they are stroked, they immediately begin to lick the wool, returning its natural aroma. In connection with such cleanliness, it is often not necessary to bathe cats and cats. This is done in special cases, if the cat participates in the exhibition or is very dirty. If the cat is smeared in the toilet or slightly during a walk, then it is enough to wipe it with a cloth dipped in warm water. Long-haired cats need to be brushed before bathing.