How to make up a child's face for Halloween. How to do easy DIY makeup for Halloween. Unusual makeup ideas. A step-by-step video tutorial on creating Jason Voorhees' scary Halloween makeup

Despite the fact that the tradition of celebrating Halloween in our country has appeared recently, this cheerful and slightly creepy holiday has managed to gain great popularity among young people. To have a good time, you should not only choose a costume, but also think over makeup.

To create the image of a zombie or a risen dead man, you need to learn how to make artificial scars and open wounds. Made by professional make-up artists, the simulated Halloween wound looks very realistic. If you wish, you can learn how to do such makeup yourself.

To give the “wound” a natural look, it is worth using professional makeup. Special kits designed to create makeup for this holiday are very convenient, they include not only paints, but also various accessories - overlays, artificial blood, etc. But if you failed to purchase special tools, you should not be upset. You can make a wound on Halloween using the usual cosmetics that almost every girl has in her arsenal.

If this is the first experience, then you should not take on complex makeup, it is better to limit yourself to a relatively simple option - a cut or scar. Consider how the creation of this makeup goes in stages.

To make an artificial wound on the arm, you must first prepare the materials. Depending on the complexity of the idea, you may need:

  • PVA glue, even better if you have silicone glue for gluing false eyelashes;
  • food coloring red and blue;
  • decorative cosmetics or make-up: foundation, blush, shadows (well, if there is a large professional palette);
  • sharp knife;
  • brushes, cotton buds and swabs, sponges for applying foundation;
  • food gelatin, two-layer napkins or toilet paper (white), plasticine.

If you want to make Halloween makeup even more scary, you can stock up on a plastic fake razor or shards of "glass". These things can be fixed in the wound to make it look realistic and intimidating.

IN important! Never try to use real blades or glass! Using these items to create makeup can cause serious injury!

Next, you need to think about how to protect the surrounding space from stains. Furniture should be covered with paper or plastic wrap. To avoid damaging the make-up when changing, it is recommended that you first put on a suit before proceeding with the make-up.

Read also: Light and natural makeup for brown eyes

If the "cut" is on the body, then you need to think about protecting the suit from staining, although if a little artificial blood gets on the clothes, the image will only benefit (of course, if you use your own suit, not a rented one). In the event that the “wound” is planned to be located on the face or neck, then it is enough to wear an apron to protect clothing.

Step two: create artificial skin

A cut is an injury to the skin. Naturally, we will try to leave our skin unharmed, so when creating an open wound on Halloween, you need to create artificial skin.

To make a realistic Halloween laceration, you can use different methods:

  • Glue for eyelashes. This is a fairly simple option, with its help you can create an imitation of small cuts or burns. Glue is applied to the skin in the place where the wound is planned to be made. If bubbles form on the surface - it's okay, the glue wound will look even worse. Now you need to sit quietly for a while, waiting for the glue to dry. To make things go faster, you can use a hair dryer, but you need to dry it with cold air, otherwise the glue will spread.
  • Glue and paper. If a large wound is required, additional fillers must be used. For example, toilet paper or napkins. To create a skin imitation, it is better to use eyelash glue or diluted PVA glue. A wound is made from napkins simply. You can glue wipes directly on the skin, but then it will be difficult to remove the makeup, it is more convenient to use double-sided tape. It is necessary to cut a blank from adhesive tape, which will be a little larger than the “wound”. On top of the adhesive tape, you need to stick several layers of napkins soaked in glue. The more layers to stick, the more voluminous the “wound” will be. Then you need to make a cut with a knife or a toothpick, cutting through the layers of napkins. If you use a toothpick, the edges will be uneven, torn. Now it remains only to paint the wound with paints and stick it on the skin.

Read also: Correct makeup for an oval face

  • Plasticine. The easiest option that can be done at home is to make an imitation of plasticine skin. Skin or white material should be used. It is necessary to form a "sausage" of the desired length and volume and fix it on the skin. The disadvantage of this option is fragility. To keep the wound better, it is worth fixing the plasticine "sausage" on double-sided tape using glue. To simulate a cut, you need to cut the plasticine. The blank needs to be painted, and covered with a matte colorless nail polish on top so that the plasticine does not wrinkle.
  • Gelatin. If you plan to insert fragments of artificial glass or a blade into the wound, then you need the material to be strong enough. In this case, it is worth making an imitation of the skin from a mixture of glycerin and gelatin. It is necessary to mix powdered gelatin with water and let it swell. Then pour glycerin into the mixture (all ingredients are taken in equal volumes). Take a tile or flat plate and lightly heat it in the oven until it is warm but not hot. The gelatin mixture must be heated in the microwave for 10-30 seconds, depending on the power of the oven. It is important that the gelatin is completely dispersed, but the mixture does not have time to heat up to a boil. Now you need to get the heated tile out of the oven and apply gelatin on it in an even layer. It is better to work with gloves so as not to get real burns. Cool the tile a little and put it in the refrigerator until the gelatin is completely solidified. After that, you can make cuts on it, insert objects into it. You can fix the "wound" on the body using double-sided tape.

All Saints Day, or Halloween, is a holiday where you can have fun with friends, reincarnated as a witch, vampire, zombie, living dead or the famous monster Freddy Krueger. To create an image, you will need the costume of the selected hero and, of course, scary makeup or Halloween makeup. You can see photos of various makeup options on the site.

The original image is created independently, or they turn to the salon master for help. For a scary make-up, you will need a set of shadows, eyebrow pencils, blush. You will also need make-up or a light-colored foundation, matting powder, lipstick, theatrical paints, decorative rhinestones, sparkles.

The subtleties of applying scary makeup

The most original scary Halloween makeup will look ridiculous if applied without following some rules. They are simple, clear, and are as follows:

When applying makeup for Halloween, it is worth choosing the right hairstyle and costume for it.

On our website there are photos that will help you make a choice.

When choosing cosmetics, you should pay attention to its safety, environmental friendliness.

This is especially important if a child's face with sensitive delicate skin will be decorated with makeup.

Halloween Makeup Options

The image of a vampire

The most popular transformation option for celebrating All Saints' Day. Despite the commonness of the option, if you show a little imagination, then the probability of being like someone will be almost zero. Women can transform into a charming vampire queen, the goddess of evil, men can become Count Dracula, the Angel of Darkness.

    First, the skin is covered with make-up, a tonal base, to give the face an unnatural pallor. Then a layer of light powder is applied on top to get an even matte tone.

    After that, shades of brown, plum or red tone are applied to the eyelids, emphasizing the cut of the eyes with colored pencils, mother-of-pearl shadows. The lower eyelid is emphasized with dark shadows, which will add color to the image.

    Lips are painted either in bright red, or vice versa - bluish-violet, pale lilac.

    The finishing touch is contact colored lenses, a trickle of blood flowing from the corners of the lips.

zombie, living dead

Original Halloween makeup. First, the face is covered with light make-up, a tonal foundation. After that, a layer of powder is applied on top, mixed with gray shadows, which will give the face a dead earthy tone. Then, with a dark pencil, the line of the lower eyelid is highlighted, “drawing” it a little larger than the upper one. To create a feeling of drawn-out lower eyelids, eyelashes are highlighted with voluminous lengthening mascara.

The lips of a dead zombie should be pale, lifeless. To create this illusion, they should not be traced along the contour, highlighting on the face. It is best to just apply purple, lilac, any other cool lipstick and make a few strokes in the center of the lips with a white pencil. The final touches are bruises, abrasions, torn seams, cuts. They can be drawn using make-up cosmetics, which are available in specialty stores for creating theatrical makeup.

Unusual makeup options for All Saints Day

To stand out from the rest, you can choose an unusual makeup option for Halloween. Photos of interesting options that will help you make a choice can be seen on our website.

All Saints Day is a unique opportunity to turn into your favorite monster, to show your imagination. The main thing is that the makeup, hairstyle and outfit match each other, create a coherent bright picture.

In order for the image created for the Halloween holiday to turn out to be solid, it is necessary not only to choose a costume and make a suitable hairstyle, but also to do makeup. To create some images, you don’t even need makeup, but rather complex makeup.

Of course, if there is an opportunity to turn to a professional make-up artist or makeup artist, then the result will be great. But in most cases, you can manage on your own.

Quite often, it is required to make a white face on Halloween, since the main characters of this holiday should be deathly pale. This makeup option must be done if an image of a vampire, skeleton, geisha, ghost bride, etc. is created. Consider how you can whiten your face at home.

What kind of white Halloween face paint can be used? The main requirement for the applied paints is their complete safety for the skin. You need to understand that by applying paint that is not intended for the skin to the skin, a person is at great risk. The reaction of the body can be unpredictable, and it’s good if everything costs the formation of a rash on the face. A more severe allergic reaction may develop, up to a deadly anaphylactic shock.

Therefore, when planning to do makeup using paints for the first time, do not be too lazy to conduct a simple sensitivity test. You just need to apply a couple of strokes of paint on the skin of your wrist or elbow and wait a couple of hours. If after removing the paint on the skin there are no traces of redness, then you can use this tool.

Read also: Create Light Halloween Makeup

How do you paint your face for Halloween? Here are the options:

  • face painting;
  • theatrical makeup;
  • artistic paints: gouache, watercolor;
  • home remedies based on flour.

Consider how to use these paint options correctly.

face painting

These are special water-based paints that are harmless to the skin. This variant of paints can be used even for children. Face painting is sold either as ordinary art paints in jars, or in dry form. In the latter case, it must be diluted with water.

If you plan to use the paint once or twice a year, then it is better to choose the option with powdered paints, since such makeup lasts longer. Face painting is sold in children's stores, entertainment centers and stores selling goods for the theater.

Paint is applied with a sponge on cleansed and moisturized skin. If you need to make a deathly pale skin, you can add a little blue or green to the white paint. It is better to apply makeup in two or three layers, the next layer should be applied after the previous one has dried. But since the makeup dries quickly, the make-up will not take long.

The make-up is washed off with plain water, if the paint accidentally gets on the clothes, you should not worry, it is easily washed off.

Theatrical makeup

Another good option is professional makeup, which is used by theater actors. This paint option can be bought either in specialized stores or ordered online.

Read also: Everyday makeup for brown eyes: the main stages of application

Theatrical makeup has not a water, but a fat base. Therefore, it is more difficult to work with it, but the effect is much better.

Makeup Rules:

  • it is recommended to pre-cleanse the skin well, it is desirable to use a scrub, tonic;
  • then you need to apply a base for makeup or any cream, you can use baby cream or petroleum jelly;
  • make-up should be applied with a slightly damp sponge, trying to apply the product evenly without gaps and streaks;
  • after applying makeup, the skin must be powdered with loose white or transparent powder, you can use talc, rice flour.

Artistic paints

You can also make white makeup for Halloween using art paints. You can use gouache or watercolors. But it is categorically not recommended to apply acrylic paints on the face.

However, the use of artistic paints does not give the best result. Gouache strongly tightens the skin, watercolor lays down worse and dries for a long time, and paint has to be applied in several layers.

But the most unpleasant moment is that the layer of artistic paint on the face begins to crack after drying. Therefore, you will need to try to keep your face still (do not talk, do not use facial expressions, etc.), which is extremely inconvenient at the holiday.

However, for some images, a cracked layer of paint on the face can even come in handy. For example, the image of a zombie or a broken doll will only benefit from this. But the cracked paint on the face will greatly spoil the image of a geisha. To make a more durable makeup, it is worth mixing white gouache with petroleum jelly. You need to mix the substances in small portions.

home paints

Fall is here and that means Halloween is coming. The holiday is mainly celebrated in the USA, Great Britain, Canada, but recently in Russia there are also many people who want to celebrate this holiday. Halloween is an unofficial holiday of magic, magic and all sorts of mythical evil spirits (vampires, witches, zombies, etc.), which is celebrated on the eve of All Saints' Day. For us, this is an occasion to have an unforgettable time, plunge headlong into the world of carnival, masks with frightening images, relax and escape from everyday problems. In Russia, it is celebrated every year on October 31st.

Of course, this holiday contributes well to creativity, because many parties and costumed carnivals are held on this day. A prerequisite for attending such an event is a costume, image, make-up and make-up in the style of Halloween. When creating an image, fantasy has no boundaries, girls dress up as witches, dolls or vampires.

Website website offers to see how it is done. Photos with makeup options will help you choose your unique and outrageous look, as well as detailed videos with makeup.

Halloween Makeup: Photo Gallery

To perform Halloween makeup, you may need:

  • Make-up paint (face painting);
  • Cosmetics - mascara, foundation, powder, eye shadow, blush, lipstick;
  • Makeup fixative spray;
  • False eyelashes;
  • Colored lenses for the eyes;
  • Wig or colored pastels for hair coloring;

A chic and interesting make-up is the image of a zombie girl. When on one half of the face a spectacular make-up is done with bright eyes, bright lipstick, a perfect complexion with a blush, and on the other side of the face a zombie make-up is done. A colored lens is inserted into one eye to enlarge the iris.

Video. Zombie Girl Makeup

Makeup and make-up can be quite intimidating. For example, a zipper is glued on, covered in a skin tone, and a bright red paint is applied under the zipper, imitating the color of blood. With this makeup, you definitely will not go unnoticed.

Lightning can be not only on the face, but also continue on the neck and décolleté.

Vampire makeup is also very popular during Halloween. For him, you will need false teeth with fangs, red paint, burgundy lipstick. The cheekbones are highlighted in brown and spectacular eye makeup is performed with long false eyelashes.

Pale skin color, clear cheekbones, bright eyes and burgundy lipstick. Ideal drawings on the skin in the form of cobwebs.

No less original is the make-up imitating a drawn person from comics. Black paint highlights the main features on the face - eyebrows, nose, lips, folds between the eyebrows, outlines of the chin and eyes. The space on the face is filled with light large dots.

Video. Halloween makeup with cobwebs

Lips can be given a different shape. To do this, the lips are first covered with a tone in skin color, powdered. After that, you can draw your own lip shape, like a doll. The same applies to eyebrows, your eyebrows are painted over to match your skin tone and already on top you can draw eyebrows of absolutely any shape. So no one will know you! False eyelashes can also be applied to the lower eyelid.

Effective makeup with a drawing of the outlines of the skull or a sewn mouth.

Doll makeup for Halloween.

On the eve of Halloween, everyone is actively starting to prepare for the worst holiday of the year: they carefully think over the image, makeup and hairstyle, and also make them themed. But what if the holiday is already very close, and you are completely unprepared for it? Today we will show and tell you in detail how to do Halloween makeup even if you have only ten minutes left before the exit.

In fact, it's not difficult to make makeup that will be related to Halloween. It is enough to add one or two details, and you can safely rush to the party! Rather, let's look!

1. Halloween makeup with blood on the face

To create the image of a bloodsucker, it is enough to outline the eyes with purple-raspberry shadows, shade them well, creating the appearance that these are your real bruises, make up your lips with a dark nude shade and create the effect of blood flowing down your lips. To do this, you can mix red food coloring with chocolate sauce or plain water.

2. Makeup with smudges on the eyes

To create the appearance of leaky makeup, first make a trendy one, deliberately scaling it a little further than the line of the upper and lower eyelids. Draw a flicker with the shadows, and then mix black or dark gray eye shadow and eye drops, making them drip with a cotton swab.

3. Pop Art Halloween Makeup

The image of a girl from comics will not leave you unnoticed at any party! To repeat it, it is enough to arm yourself with a black and white eyeliner, as well as a red lip pencil. Draw bright graphic eyebrows in black (we allow for Halloween), then make - for example, double or triple - and use the same black pencil to repeat the lines with which she outlined her face after the girl. Circle the lips with a black outline, paint over with red lipstick, and draw a crescent moon on top of it with a white pencil, creating the appearance of cartoonish voluminous lips.

4. Makeup in the style of David Bowie

Want to do the makeover that was on the cover of one of the legendary musician's many albums? Easily! It is enough to have blue and red shadows or cosmetic pencils of these colors. By the way, then David Bowie was applied (facial contouring with blush), so if you did not dare to apply this trend to life, then it's time to do it on Halloween!

5. Makeup "porcelain doll with cracks"

To transform into a porcelain doll, apply face powder two or more shades lighter than your natural skin tone. After whitening your face, apply eye makeup using a pencil or eyeliner along the lash line. Then line your eyebrows and make red lips. In conclusion, take and draw cracks on the face.

6. Makeup "halves"

Makeup, where one half of the face is beautiful, and the other half is scary, will be very popular on Halloween. To perform it, you need to conditionally divide the face into two parts: make a beautiful make-up on one part, and make a skull on the second. To draw the skull, you can use a black pencil and black eye shadow.

7. Halloween Animal Makeup

We invite you to transform into a giraffe this Halloween! Make eye makeup in gold, brown and red tones, and paint your lips with nude lipstick. Then take a triangular makeup sponge (the most common one), cut polygons out of it, and then apply a darker, more orange foundation to the sponges and print them on the neck and lower part of the face. You can also set your makeup with translucent loose powder. In conclusion, do not forget to make the image look more realistic.

8. Makeup for Halloween with bright and unusual lips

The last option that we will consider today is makeup, where the main focus is bright lips. To complete it, it is enough to make bright smokey ice and, if desired, add false eyelashes, and then do one of these terrible lip makeup options.

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    We have shown you the most interesting Halloween makeup ideas that anyone can perform, even if they lack both the time and the skills to apply makeup. Try it and be the center of attention this holiday!