How to do a quick pedicure at home? Learning to do a pedicure at home

Keeping your feet in perfect condition isn't just for summer. At other times of the year, they are always hidden under linen and shoes, and therefore are more vulnerable to dryness, peeling, and irritation on the skin. Are you familiar with these feelings? Then you need to learn how to properly care. Our article will help you with this, which will tell you everything about pedicure at home for beginners.

Set of pedicure accessories

Previously, women had to use improvised tools to get a pedicure at home. Now in stores you can buy all the tools for both professionals and beginners. To ensure yourself the opportunity not to visit the beauty salon once again, buy everything you need for a pedicure. You will definitely need the following:

  • Basin or foot bath.
  • Polypropylene file.
  • Towel.
  • Orange sticks.
  • Emollient oil and cream.
  • Sea salt.
  • Scraper for a pedicure.
  • Scissors or nippers.
  • Nail coverings.

The composition of the pedicure set is different for everyone. Someone prefers to use special devices, auxiliary substances and tools. Others are limited to a minimum of funds, while managing to look perfect. To increase the level of comfort in the process of conducting a pedicure at home, beginners can additionally purchase a few more devices:

  • Hot tub.
  • Massage Mat.
  • Socks for self-massage.
  • Scrub.
  • Peeling.
  • Polyethylene socks for the mask.

The stores sell ready-made pedicure kits. However, many girls prefer to collect them from individual elements.

Step-by-step instructions for performing a classic pedicure

This section tells you how to do a pedicure at home correctly. The classic procedure consists of several stages:

  1. Warm up the water and pour it into the tub. Add fragrant oils, foaming products and, of course, sea salt. To relieve fatigue and tension, you can enrich the water with lemon juice. Soak your feet in the bath for 15 minutes. During this time, the skin of the feet will steam out and soften.
  2. Dry your feet with a towel. Give the required length to the nails, file them. Try to keep the free edges of the plates in the shape of a square - this will protect them from growing into the skin.
  3. Apply cuticle oil to cuticles and push them back with an orange stick. Some masters recommend cutting it, but this requires skill. It is believed that after removal, the skin grows even faster. Therefore, to remove the cuticle, it is better to use special tools. They are applied to the treated area and left for 5-6 minutes, after which the remnants of the skin are removed with a swab or file.
  4. Then proceed to the processing of the skin of the fingers. Clean all irregularities and roughness with a file, and then apply a softening cream to the epidermis.
  5. The skin of the feet is treated with a professional scraper. It is suitable for removing calluses and corns. After removing traces of peeling, apply cream to the feet. After the procedure, the skin will become perfect, like a baby's.
  6. Buff the surface of the nail and apply a nail polish. Currently, many ideas have been developed for the design of the nail plates on the legs. Choose it according to the style of manicure design.

With such a simple instruction, it will be easy for beginners to learn how to do a pedicure at home. Having mastered the technology, you can begin to explore other types of care for the feet and toenails.

SPA care at home

Doing a spa pedicure on your own is not at all difficult. Although the procedure is lengthy, it will not take your time. its main part consists of mask night care. Pedicure is performed in the evening and consists of the following steps:

  1. Take a bath with essential oils.
  2. When the skin softens, dry your feet and scrub them.
  3. Remove the remaining scrub and apply a nourishing mask. Wrap your legs in plastic, put on your socks and go to bed.
  4. In the morning, take off your socks, remove the plastic and wash your feet in warm water.

Spa pedicure at home is ideal for beginners. For those who do not want to use improvised means for such a responsible procedure, you can purchase special preparations for professional spa care.

Of course, it is right that you decide to do a pedicure at home, but be prepared to face difficulties. It is possible to protect yourself as much as possible from unpleasant moments during the procedure only if the following recommendations are observed:

  • Do not use excessively hot water for steaming. Its temperature should not exceed 35 degrees.
  • To remove corns and corns, use only a professional scraper, nail files and natural pumice. You can additionally treat dry skin with a scrub or peeling, but in no case cut it off with a razor and scissors.
  • Do not cut the corners of the nails and do not cut them at the root. This will make them easier to decorate, and the square shape is also safe for the health of the fingers, as we already mentioned in the previous section.
  • Do a pedicure 2-4 times a month. It is not recommended to carry out such a procedure too often, and if you neglect it, then your legs will never become perfect.

With experience, you will have your own tricks to keep your feet in perfect condition. While you are a beginner, use other people's advice, do a pedicure at home correctly, and you will be guaranteed the beauty and well-groomed appearance of your feet.

You can put your legs in order on your own, without asking for help from the masters. A home pedicure will not take much effort and time if you follow the sequence and important recommendations. The technique includes several stages, you should not neglect them in order to achieve the desired result.

Required tools:

  • towel;
  • foot cream;
  • medical varnish;
  • colorless finish varnish;
  • colored varnish;
  • manicure set;
  • cuticle softener;
  • nail polish remover without acetone;
  • separation pads for pedicure;
  • components for the preparation of the bath;
  • peeling ingredients.

Preparing for a pedicure

Before proceeding with the procedure, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory activities that work in the complex.

Stage number 1. Foot baths
Below are the bath recipes. Choose the option that suits you and start cooking. The baths will soften the skin, relieve the legs of an unpleasant odor, heal cracks, steam out calluses and corns. Hot water is not able to fully steam the skin so that dead skin particles are removed without difficulty. The components that make up home remedies are designed for 5 liters of warm water. Choose a comfortable temperature for yourself so as not to get burned. The duration of the procedure varies from 25 to 40 minutes.

  1. Mix 80 gr. crushed sea salt with 60 ml. ammonia. Wait for the dissolution and lower the legs into the composition. You can also use only sea salt, while its amount per 5 liters of water should be doubled.
  2. Brew 150 gr. strings, 100 gr. plantain, 60 gr. parsley and 40 gr. mint leaves. Insist half an hour.
  3. Cut 2 lemons into thin slices, brew it in 5 liters of boiling water. To this add 100 ml. corn oil, 50 gr. ground cinnamon. Cool the mixture to a comfortable temperature, pour in 150 ml. warm full fat milk.
  4. Pour boiling water over 120 gr. oregano, 50 gr. burdock, 40 gr. plantain and 80 gr. horsetail. Wait 1 hour, heat the mixture, drip sandalwood essential oil, lavender essential oil and geranium essential oil.
  5. Take 60 gr. yarrow, 50 gr. Melissa, 50 gr. calendula. Brew the plants, leave for 50 minutes, then heat the mixture, add 30 ml. chamomile infusion, 10 ml. rosemary ether and 15 ml. lavender ether. Infuse for another 20 minutes, after which the bath can be used.
  6. In hot water, steam 100 gr. sage, 100 gr. oak bark, 40 ml. birch sap and 10 gr. baking soda. Cool to an acceptable temperature, then add 50 ml. vegetable oil.
  7. Dilute 200 ml. boric acid in 4 liters of water. In another container, brew 100 gr. chamomile in 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 40 minutes. Mix both compositions, keep the legs in the bath for about a quarter of an hour.
  8. Brew 50 gr. bedstraw grass, 60 gr. parsley seeds, 60 gr. flax seeds and 100 gr. basilica. Infuse for 20 minutes, then add 50 ml. lemon juice and dip the legs in a bowl.
  9. Fill with hot water 100 gr. St. John's wort, 50 gr. nettle, 50 ml. aloe vera juice and pour 100 gr. sea ​​or edible salt. Steam the skin for no longer than 25 minutes.
  10. Drop 30 ml into warm water. potassium permanganate, the solution should turn out to be pale pink. Do the procedure for no longer than 20 minutes to avoid burns.

Stage number 2. Treatment of rough skin
Use a pumice stone or pedicure grater to remove dead skin in circular motions. Always start with your heels, treat a small area at a time, then lower your feet back into the bath. Repeat the steps until the result suits you.

Do not use pedicure blades to remove dead skin particles. This method does not find approval among the masters, since it removes not only the upper layer of the epidermis, but also living areas of the skin. If you do the treatment incorrectly, you risk treating the foot until it bleeds, after which it will be painful to step on it.

Stage number 3. Foot peeling
After you have treated the feet with a hard pumice stone, it remains to remove minor particles to smooth and soften the skin. The peeling procedure does not have a specific duration, look at the condition of the skin. Intermediate excess can be removed with warm water or a dry cloth. It is allowed to combine several formulations in one application.

  1. Mix 100 gr. sea ​​salt, 50 gr. oat bran and 120 gr. coffee grounds. Pour in 70 ml. vegetable or corn oil, and then proceed to the treatment of the feet.
  2. Grind in a combine or meat grinder 1 lemon, 100 gr. apricot pits and 1 tomato with peel. Add 130 gr. food or sea salt and 10 gr. soda.
  3. To prepare this peeling you will need 70 gr. coarse oat bran, 1 radish, 50 gr. fat foot cream (suitable for children) and 50 gr. salt. Peel the radish, grate it on a coarse grater and squeeze out the liquid with gauze. Connect the gruel with the rest of the components, proceed to the procedure.
  4. Mix in a homogeneous composition 150 gr. cane sugar, 50 gr. cocoa powder, 100 gr. chopped dried orange zest and 70 ml. olive oil.
  5. Grind 100 gr. walnut in a convenient way along with the shell. Add 80 gr. fat sour cream and 100 gr. thick honey. Mix thoroughly and treat the feet.
  6. Dry in the oven 70 gr. orange or tangerine zest, 100 gr. lemon zest. Cut 1 banana into thin slices and also send to dry. Grind all the ingredients and add 70 ml of milk.

Pedicure technology at home

After you have gone through all the preparatory steps, softened the skin and removed dead particles, you can proceed to the direct processing of the fingers.

  1. Squeeze a little cuticle product onto a cotton swab, and gently work the skin along the nail. Do not touch too large a surface, you only need to soften the cuticle. Wait a quarter of an hour, then with a dry cotton swab, begin to remove the softened areas, pressing a little. After you have treated all 10 fingers, wipe them with a dry cloth.
  2. With a nail spatula, carefully push back the cuticles that could not be softened with the product. Move from the edge of the nail, moving inward and upward. Now you need to carefully cut it off with nail clippers, start from the sides, moving towards the middle. For girls whose cuticle is barely visible, it is better not to touch it. A pedicure will not look worse from this.
  3. Move on to nail work. With a glass nail file, carefully file off the glossy layer and possible irregularities. Do not get carried away, otherwise the nails will exfoliate as they grow back. Trim the free edge with nail scissors, stick to the optimal length of 1.5-2 mm. Otherwise, the edges will grow into the skin, which will lead to pain. If your nails are extremely hard, soak them in hot water for 5 minutes, then dry well. Now take your usual hard nail file and file the edges, moving from the center to the edges. Give the thumb a straight shape, the rest - rounded.
  4. Apply the cream on the feet and massage. Knead your toes, heels and flexion area well. Remove excess with a tissue, wipe nails with acetone-free nail polish remover or use a disinfectant. It is necessary to degrease the surface before applying the varnish.
  5. Cover the plate with medical varnish in 2 layers. The restorer of the Smart Enamel series, which is sold in every pharmacy (the price is about 140 rubles), has proven itself well. The tool will not allow the color coating to be absorbed into the nail, thereby eliminating brittleness and delamination. Also, Smart Enamel contains calcium and iodine, which strengthen nails.
  6. Place spacer pads between your fingers. If you have the talent of an artist, make an interesting design. Otherwise, cover your nails with a solid color varnish in 2 layers. Let dry and apply another coat of clear coat to set the result. Wait for it to dry and voila, you are the happy owner of well-groomed fingers!

How to do a spa pedicure

The technique is widely used in Thailand, but no one forbids adopting the technique for carrying out the procedure at home. The technique is similar to a regular pedicure. Start by pampering your feet with a foot soak free of harsh ingredients like lemon juice and boric acid. Then exfoliate your feet to rid the skin of rough particles.

Apply a fat cream and massage for 20 minutes. After that, remove the product with a dry cloth and make another layer, but already much thicker. Put plastic bags or special pedicure molds on your feet. From above, wrap them with woolen socks and lie down to rest for 3 hours. You can easily do housework, after removing the "outfit" the feet will be soft, like a baby's.

Now you know how a pedicure is done at home. Prepare the necessary ingredients for baths and peels in advance, make sure you have the right tools in your manicure set. Do not neglect the stages of preparation, pedicure is not only beautiful nails, but also delicate and well-groomed skin of the feet. Perform simple actions every 10 days so that the legs delight you around the clock. Look after yourself and be irresistible!

Video: classic pedicure

The summer season or the season of sandals makes women take intensive care of the appearance of their feet. In this article you will find useful tips on how to make a beautiful pedicure at home and step by step photos for beginners will help you with this.

Unfortunately, after the winter, when we wore thick socks and heavy boots for a long time, many women often neglected pedicures (you can’t see it anyway). During this time, our legs were covered with a thick layer of keratinized epidermis, and the nails took on an unsightly appearance. And to wear sandals you have to sweat a lot.

Neat legs and beautifully painted nails make us sexier. Pedicure must be precise and perfect. Of course, you can do a pedicure in the salon, but if you are not lazy and want to save money, you can do it at home. This method is suitable even for beginners. In order to have beautiful legs, you need to apply just a few steps, which are detailed below. Photos are attached step by step:

Pedicure at home in stages:

1. The whole procedure starts with removing old varnish for nails. Here it is better to use products without acetone. Indeed, otherwise, all products with acetone adversely affect the nail plate.

2. Then we prepare a special foot bath. To do this, prepare a bowl of warm water with various additives and hold the legs in it for about 20 minutes (add a little hot water all the time so that the water is not cold). In a bowl of water, you can add: bath foam, salt, honey, milk, and even a few drops of your favorite essential oil.

Many readers claim that there is one easy way to remove corns. To do this, you need to use the usual hydrogen peroxide. We take 1.5 liters of hot water, wait a little, so that it cools down to the temperature so that you can hold your legs. Next, pour a jar of hydrogen peroxide into the water. Lower the legs and hold for 5 minutes. In areas where there are dead cells, the skin will turn white. Carefully clean it with a file. These baths will also help you get rid of the unpleasant smell of the feet.

After the legs are well steamed, we begin to do peeling to clean off dead cells and keratinized skin. We do this with a pumice stone, first with one foot, then carefully with the other.

3. Wipe the legs dry, especially carefully wipe the area between the fingers. Next we need to trim the nails, push back the cuticles and remove them. We cut the nails with tweezers, give the nail a square shape. Do not cut off the edges of your nails, otherwise ingrown nails may occur.

We move the cuticle with a wooden (bamboo stick) and carefully remove it. We file pointed and curved corners, and also carefully lightly polish the nail plate.

If the cream does not absorb well, then put regular bags on your feet and wrap them with a towel (or use socks). Hold for 20 minutes. This is enough to make your legs smooth.

5. Then we remove the bags and wait 5 minutes so that the legs have time to dry. Now we apply varnish. You can choose any color you like. It can be multi-colored nails, with drawings, with stickers, with stases or regular French. It is better to use gel polish, because it lasts longer on your nails.

Before applying varnish, first hold it in a warm hand (squeeze in the palm of your hand). This is to ensure that it is then well distributed. We begin to apply varnish from the base of the nail to the end of the plate. If you inadvertently go beyond the nail, then remove the excess with an ear stick dipped in the remover.

Pedicure Options

6. At the end of the work, you can process the legs foot deodorant and feel free to wear sandals. Now you are amazing and stunning!

The most common mistakes when doing a pedicure at home:

All tools that you use must be disinfected before and after work. Even if these are your personal tools, disinfection should not be neglected.

Do not use too hot water for the procedure (30-35 degrees is enough). Very hot water can adversely affect your body, and you can also get burned.

When wiping your feet dry, just pat them dry. No need to scrub vigorously. The spaces between the fingers must always be kept dry, otherwise a fungal infection may occur.

To remove keratinized skin, use only special files, scrapers or pumice. Do not use a blade, scissors, or forceps, as you may injure yourself and cause an infection.

Do not cut the cuticle, otherwise it will quickly grow back in an ugly shape. On the toenails, it only needs to be pushed back with a wooden stick.

Trim your nails properly. They should be cut in a straight line, leaving a space of 2 millimeters.

Don't polish your nails too hard. Otherwise, you will make them thin and weak. If your nails are healthy, this procedure can be done once a month. If not, then the irregularities on the nails must be dealt with with a therapeutic coating.

Do not do a pedicure at home before relaxing on the beach. If you completely remove the dead skin on your legs, and then walk on hot sand or pebbles, you will get discomfort.


Summer is coming, and that means the time of open sandals and shoes. You can afford to show off in fashionable open-toe shoes only if your feet are in perfect order. Of course, over the winter, the legs have become somewhat coarsened, so now is the time to pay attention to them.

Many girls and women prefer salon procedures. There is an opinion that only a professional master can do a quality pedicure. In fact, a pedicure at home is not as difficult a task as it seems.

What are the types of pedicure

Well-groomed nails have an attractive, healthy appearance, which significantly affects self-esteem. In total, there are 4 types of pedicure:

  • . As the name suggests, it is carried out using a special machine for manicure and pedicure. For this, different nozzles are used that polish the nail, remove dead tissue and calluses.
  • Classic or edged pedicure. Its peculiarity is that the cuticle is removed mechanically
  • European or French pedicure. In this case, the skin is softened with the help of special means, without damage.
  • SPA pedicure and men's pedicure. The word SPA in the title speaks for itself. SPA pedicure is any pedicure that is combined with care products, and men's foot care includes the prevention of fungal diseases, removal of calluses and polishing of the nail plate.

How to do a hardware pedicure at home

Hardware pedicure at home is not difficult to do. But since the work is done with the help of a special device, it is worth considering some important points. First of all, the manicure and pedicure machine that is used in the salon is different from the machines intended for home use. This difference lies in the power, the number of nozzles and the degrees of adjustment of the apparatus.

The main advantage of hardware foot care is that small nozzles can remove dead skin where it is impossible to reach with conventional care products. At the same time, this is a radical remedy in the fight for the beauty of the legs, although calluses and corns are removed very carefully. You absolutely do not risk damaging the skin, especially since you control the intensity of exposure yourself.

  • In order to take care of your feet on your own, you first need to prepare the skin of the feet. To do this, use special means to soften corns and corns. If there is nothing at hand, you can make a regular foot bath with salt or oils, only after that you start removing rough skin.
  • Next, you need to process the nail with the help of nozzles, building the shape of the nail and removing the cuticle. The smaller the size of the nozzle, the easier it is to work with small hard-to-reach areas.
  • At the last stage, do not forget to soften the skin of the legs with a special cream.

Classic pedicure

The main feature of the classic pedicure is that corns, etc. removed mechanically with special tools. In order to properly do a classic pedicure, the feet must be well steamed before starting. The foot bath will serve as a source of hydration for the skin and can be removed without problems. If the feet are not sufficiently prepared, then the procedure can be somewhat painful. No matter how trite it may sound, the secret of a classic pedicure at home is in a certain skill, which is acquired with experience.

  • The first step is to soften the feet. For this, baths with oils, salt and other aromatic additives are suitable. By the way, if you need to relieve tired legs, add lemon juice to the water.
  • While the legs are in the water, you can already begin to process them with files with different grain sizes, removing dead skin particles.
  • The next step is to remove the old varnish, but only after the feet are dry and proceed directly to the formation of the nail. Although the stages of manicure and pedicure are almost the same, it is not recommended to round the toenails in order to avoid ingrown into the skin, i.e. the line of the hole of the nail should be straight. Remember: in order for the nail plate of the thumb not to exfoliate, it is better to cut it off in several steps.
  • Then the fun begins, namely, cutting the cuticle. You need to act especially carefully, since the first time there is a high risk of injuring the skin. Cuticle trimming is done either with special tweezers or nail scissors with rounded blades. You can trim the cuticle only if the legs are sufficiently steamed.
  • In conclusion, it will not be superfluous to pamper yourself with special foot creams. It is useful to combine edged (classic) pedicure with other types of foot skin care, such as paraffin baths, massage.

french pedicure

It is often called "European", and it differs in that the skin is first softened with the help of special tools, and then gently removed without the use of cutting tools. The softened cuticle is simply pushed back with an orange tree stick (suitable for those who have close vessels and a dense cuticle). With a regular European pedicure, the cuticle slows down growth.

This type of pedicure is considered the most gentle and safe, because. the skin is not damaged. The disadvantage of this method is that the effect will become noticeable only after 8-10 procedures. A French pedicure can be combined with spa treatments or massages, and doing this pedicure at home is quite simple.

  • First, a cuticle softener is applied to the skin around the nails. After 5-10 minutes, it is gently wiped with a cotton pad.
  • Next, the cuticle is pushed back with a wooden stick. Here, too, you need to know the measure. If there are unpleasant sensations, this is a sign that you do not need to work with the cuticle anymore.
  • Calluses are also removed with brushes after a softening agent has been applied to them.
  • The final stage is skin peeling and moisturizing.

Doing a spa pedicure

Of course, it is almost impossible to make a full-fledged Spa pedicure at home like in a salon, but this does not mean that there are no ways to pamper yourself.
Here are some simple spa treatments you can do at your home:

To be in good shape:

  • In a bowl of hot water, add 2 tbsp. salt, 1 tbsp. ground coffee, 2-3 drops of lemon, mint or orange oils. Soak your feet in there for 10 minutes
  • Dry your feet and rub the cuticles with a mixture of white clay and lemon oil, then push back the cuticles.
  • After that, you can apply a simple but effective mask from the same sea salt. Olive oil and rosemary. Hold for 10-15 minutes.
  • Do a foot massage, starting from the toes and going to the ankles. For more effect, wrap your legs or put on warm socks.

Getting rid of edema:

  • Add dried rosemary to the water, 5 drops each of cedar and mint oils. Soak your feet for 10-15 minutes.
  • After drying your feet, remove the cuticles by first lubricating them with a brown sugar and olive oil scrub.
  • Treat your feet with such a scrub: mix soda in equal proportions. Ground coffee and dried mint. Wash off the scrub with warm water.
  • Apply the following mask: 1 yolk, ½ avocado, 1 tbsp. honey, 10 drops of mint oil. Keep no more than 10 minutes and then wash off.
  • Lastly, brush your feet with coconut or olive oil.

For relaxation

  • Add 5 drops of peppermint oil, 3 drops of rosemary and pine oils to the water. A pinch of salt wouldn't hurt.
  • Dry your feet with a towel and apply a pink clay and peppermint oil cuticle scrub. Alternatively, use finely ground coffee.
  • After removing the cuticle, apply a scrub on your feet: 2 tbsp. sea ​​salt and 2 tsp. iodine. Keep no more than 5 minutes. If the legs become stained with iodine, that's good. Iodine is used to prevent arthritis and arthrosis.
  • At the end, do a massage with any cream and put on cotton socks.

It is impossible to imagine well-groomed feet without a pedicure, besides, in summer, bright nail polish emphasizes the image and gives self-confidence. And it is not at all necessary to visit expensive salons to take care of your feet. If desired, a mini-salon can be organized at home, despite the fact that doing a pedicure at home is much easier than it seems.

How often to do a pedicure? Experts advise doing a pedicure once every 8-10 days. With regular care of your feet, the skin on your feet will become like that of a baby, and your nails will look neat.

Before a pedicure, you need to wash your feet well and remove old varnish. Take a pedicure kit and sanitize all the tools.

Now we proceed to the main stage of the procedure.

Steaming the legs

To begin with, the skin of the legs must be softened. Prepare a bath for a pedicure with warm water, add soap suds to it (this can be a shower gel or shampoo). To enhance the effect, it is also useful to add a little sea salt to the bath. Soak your feet in water for 5-15 minutes to soften dead dry skin cells. Now we wipe our feet with a towel and proceed to the next, most important stage of the pedicure.

We process nails and cuticles

To do a proper pedicure, take nail scissors or nail clippers and cut off the protruding part of the nail in a straight line. The shape of the toenails should be square to prevent the nail from growing into the skin. Using a nail file, trim the cut and rough tips of the nail in the direction from the edges to the center.

Using a nail spatula or orange stick, gently push back the cuticles. To facilitate the pedicure, you can apply a special preparation to the cuticle, which softens and removes excess skin, then remove the residue after 5 minutes. Using a spatula, try to clean the nail plate from adhering cuticle particles. Run the stick under the nail to clean away dirt and dry skin cells that have accumulated there.

Now with a nail file you can clean your fingertips from rough dry skin, as well as remove cracked skin on calluses.

To make the nail plate look smooth and shiny, it must be polished with a double-sided pedicure file. With the dark blue side of the nail file, gently run over the nails from all sides, especially in the cuticle area. On perfectly smooth nails, the varnish will last much longer.

Pedicure at home. Foot care

For your home pedicure to be perfect, you need to pay due attention to the soles of your feet. Our goal is to remove excess rough skin. Your first assistant in this matter is a pumice stone. If the skin is not softened enough, keep your feet in a warm bath for another 10 minutes, then treat your feet and heels with a pumice stone. Peelings and foot scrubs also help to get rid of coarse skin particles.

After such a procedure, cleansed skin needs to be moisturized and nourished, so lubricate the heels with a nourishing cream and do a light massage.

A little tip: if you suffer from excessive sweating of the feet, lubricate the feet with a special deodorant cream.

Cracked heels and bumps

If the skin on the heels is too neglected, you have dense corns or cracks on the heels, the situation cannot be corrected using the usual pedicure procedure. There are proven folk methods that will help make the skin on the heels soft and silky in a couple of weeks.

To remove hardness and cracks, apply a nourishing mask to the heels, wrap them in cellophane and put on socks. It is recommended to keep the treatment mask all night, and in the morning wash off and lubricate the feet with a moisturizer. After a few procedures, the result will surprise you.

If you have enough time, you can pamper your feet with a spa pedicure at home. The treatment includes a pleasant relaxing foot bath with essential oils and a moisturizing nourishing mask.

Prepare a bowl of warm water, add your favorite aromatic oil, dip your feet in the water and enjoy for 10-30 minutes. When the skin on the legs softens, massage the feet with a scrub. Thus, you will cleanse the feet of rough skin, they will become soft and smooth.

The next stage of a home spa pedicure is a moisturizing nourishing foot mask. To do this, you can take your favorite nourishing cream and apply a thick layer on your feet. Then wrap your feet in cellophane and put on your socks. This mask should be kept for at least 2 hours, and preferably all night. After a few procedures, your heels will become tender, like a baby's.

As a mask, you can use special SPA-sets for pedicure, which include various caring preparations.

They have an excellent caring effect, which can be prepared at home. With regular use, they will give your legs a perfect look.

The final stage of the pedicure - apply varnish

The last stage of a pedicure at home is the application of varnish. It all depends on your taste. You can simply apply a colorless polish to shine and strengthen nails. Refined women of fashion can afford a real masterpiece of bright painting on nails.

First of all, you need to degrease the nail plate from the remnants of the cream and cosmetics. If this is not done, the varnish will not lay down well and will not hold.

Now let's get ready for applying the varnish - put cotton swabs or special spacers between your fingers so that the varnish is applied neatly and does not smear.

The first layer is recommended to apply a colorless base. Thanks to this, the nail will be protected from the toxins contained in the colored varnish, in addition, the surface of the nail will become smooth and the varnish will be fixed much stronger. Your beautiful pedicure will keep a fresh look for a long time.

Wait for the colorless base to dry completely, then you can start applying a colored layer of varnish. To always look fashionable and stylish, choose the actual color of the pedicure for each season. Fashionable colors of pedicure varnish in winter are usually calmer - white, beige, transparent. Summer pedicure can be done in bolder, original shades that will be in harmony with the color of your clothes or suit you.

It is advisable to apply colored varnish at least two layers to get a rich, stable color.

At the end of a professional pedicure, it is desirable to apply a layer of fixative varnish. It will help keep the polish on your nails for a long time.