How to make a doll and toys from socks. How socks are made in Belarus How to sew warm wool socks

Of course you can buy socks. But did you know that you can sew them yourself? Each of us has a lot of unnecessary things in the closet, which are a pity to throw away, because any of them had their own story. We offer to profitably use a knitted sweater, giving it a second life in the face of new socks. Socks can be sewn with your own hands from materials such as knitwear, fleece, wool and faux fur. You will learn how to sew socks in our article.

How to sew fleece socks? Pattern

Do not be upset if you do not know how to knit, but you really want warm socks. You can also sew such a product with your own hands, spending only 15 minutes of your free time. We offer you a simple version of the pattern, which even the most inexperienced seamstress can make. For work, we took a fleece fabric, where on one side there is a small pile, and on the other - just a soft surface.

The sock pattern consists of the following elements:

  • Upper part - 1 piece.
  • Heel - 1 piece.
  • Sole - 1 piece
  • Cuff - 1 piece of fabric.

Important! On the pattern, be sure to consider seam allowances (5-6 cm).

Sewing technique:

  1. We need to sew two parts: the sole and the heel. To do this, you can use both a sewing and overlock machine, or simply make a continuous seam with your own hands.
  2. Now you can connect the finished sole with the upper part of our future sock.
  3. We begin to sew the details of the cuff. To do this, we take in our hands the previously cut out rectangle, where the length is your leg circumference, and the width is at your discretion. Fold it in half along the fold line and connect it to the top of the sock.
  4. We fill all the protruding threads and turn the product inside out.
  5. We do the same actions with the second toe.

That's all manipulation! Our new socks are ready to use!

Important! When cutting, it is very important to observe the share thread. Before sewing, we recommend chopping, basting and trying on the sock so that you can still correct the situation in case of the wrong size.

How to sew warm wool socks?

It is very easy to sew socks from a sweater, as the material is very pliable and you can use a hand seam to finish the edge. These woolen socks will keep your feet warm! So, let's start to figure out how to sew warm socks.

Prepare the necessary materials and tools:

  • Woolen sweater (you can take any warm jacket).
  • Large needle with a wide eye.
  • Threads to match the sweater.
  • Well sharpened scissors.
  • Chalk or remnant for outlining the outline.
  • Elements for decorating finished socks.

Step by step instructions for sewing warm socks:

  • For the manufacture of woolen socks, we do not need the entire sweater, but only its sleeve, which we need to carefully cut off with scissors. The seam connecting the sleeve and the shoulder opening will remain on the old sweater - we do not need it.

Important! If desired, you can make a beautiful hat or scarf from the rest of the sweater.

  • Now we need to turn the sleeves inside out, fold along the side seam, use chalk to draw the outline of our future socks, leaving 1 cm for stitching. Keep in mind that any sock should have a shape - a rounded toe, a round heel and an extended top.

Important! You choose the length of the sock yourself, as it can be completely different. So, if you use the entire sleeve, in the end you will get warm stockings, the elastic band of which will be a ready-made screed in the sleeve of the sweater.

  • So, the two halves are ready, it remains only to sew them together. To do this, we recommend using a long and thick needle for hand sewing or a special needle with a large eye for working with knitwear. If your sock is too tight and does not fit well, then make a few darts on the back of the wrong side to help deal with this small problem.
  • We cut off all the excess and sew the product again with a looped seam, which will serve not only as a connection, but also as a decoration.

Important! For a sample, you can use your already “tested” sock - just put it on the bottom of the sleeve (the elastic should be on top of the sock), circle the borders, add allowances and cut out.

How to sew socks from old things? Pattern on a sweater

We offer you to sew not just socks, very warm socks-slippers that will become simply indispensable.

What we need to work:

  • Sweater.
  • Dense thread (preferably woolen).
  • Thick needle.
  • Scissors.
  • Cleaving pins.
  • Pen or pencil.

Step-by-step algorithm of actions:

  1. We cut off the entire sleeve of the sweater, put a leg into it and outline the border of the upper part of the sock.
  2. Then we need to cut out the sole from the main part of the jacket. To do this, you can use your shoe insole or put your foot on a sweater, circle the outline with chalk. Cut out the sole, taking into account the seam allowance (1.5 cm).
  3. We sew together the upper part of the sock with the sole with a thick woolen thread over the edge.
  4. Now you can turn our socks on the front side and enjoy the result of your work in practice.

Important! If the socks do not fit the leg well and often fall off, then we advise you to sew an elastic band to the upper part of the product from the wrong side. So you definitely will not be able to lose your favorite homemade socks.

We sew fur socks

How to sew socks from old things from other denser materials? Socks can be sewn from fur. Only when working with this material you need to follow a few rules, which we will talk about in the process.

We will need:

  • Faux fur (you can also take a natural edge).
  • Thick threads for basting and stitching the product.
  • Sharp scissors.
  • Sewing machine.

Let's get started:

  1. We cut out the sole and the upper part of the socks (you can use the above master classes). To avoid allergic reactions, we recommend using a respirator.
  2. With a sewing machine, we make a stabilizing stitch along the entire perimeter of the prepared parts. This is necessary so that in the future the fur does not delaminate and does not crumble.
  3. It's time to stitch the fur with a regular seam. It is very important to do this strictly in the direction of the pile, so that in the future you do not feel discomfort. In this case, you can use the technique "seam outside" or "seam butt". They are almost invisible from the outside and do not add extra thickness to the socks.
  4. Such fur socks are universal - they can be worn with the fur part both inside and out. In any case, you will be very warm and very comfortable! If you have an old fur product lying around, take the opportunity to remake it into homemade socks.

Well, now you know how to easily and quickly sew socks with your own hands. Products made with a soul are much more pleasant to wear than purchased ones. Wearing warm fleece or woolen socks, you will forever forget about what the cold is. Let comfort and harmony always reign in your home!

The holidays are getting closer, and therefore we decided to talk about how to make a sock for gifts - a well-known attribute of New Year and Christmas decor. In fact, it is related to another holiday that we usually celebrate on December 19 - St. Nicholas Day, when every kid is waiting for gifts in the morning.

A Brief History of the Origin of the Tradition

According to a well-known legend, the habit of hanging decorative socks around the house and waiting for gifts that Saint Nicholas would bring in the morning appeared after his prototype - Nicholas of Myra - arranged the fate of three sisters. According to legend, they grew up in a poor family, and therefore did not have money for a dowry. Wishing to help them out, a kind-hearted man, under the cover of night, threw three bags of real gold into the fireplace for them. It turned out that the money hit exactly three socks hung over the fire to dry. In the morning, the girls found incredible gifts in them, thanks to which they were able to arrange their future fate.

1. Old knitted socks

In order to make beautiful Christmas socks quickly and simply, it will be enough to take a pair of old knitted socks that no one needs anymore. Paint them with multi-colored paints, decorate with appliqués, beads and everything you can find at home. You can do the same with a pair of new socks specially purchased for this purpose, or knit the latter yourself.

2. Hand-sewn socks

In fact, sewing decorative socks is very simple. There are a couple of options for how this can be done, but in the absence of experience and a sewing machine at home, you can use one of the simplest methods. Its essence is as follows:

1. First you need to decide on the size of socks and their number (one, two or for each family member). Next, prepare a beautiful fabric with Christmas motifs (this can be a special piece of fabric or a kitchen towel bought for the New Year, as well as any other fabric with a pattern you like).

2. Now you need to make a template, that is, draw a sock of the desired shape on a piece of paper. If desired, its options can also be searched on the Internet, where countless ready-made patterns and models of socks are available for download. For example, it might look like this:

3. Then attach the existing template to the fabric folded in half (to its front side), trace around the contour and cut it out.

4. While the fabric is not sewn in a pile, sew / glue decorative elements on both sides of the future decoration.

5. After that, sew the sock along the contour, trying to make the stitches as neat as possible.

6. If desired, decorate the upper part of the product (toe lapel) with a ribbon, lace or just a green piece of fabric. Attach a loop on which it will subsequently hang. The decorative element is ready.

3. Socks made of paper or thick cardboard

This option for performing holiday crafts is especially simple and does not require special knowledge, and therefore even a child can handle it. All you need is to draw the shape of a sock on colored paper, cut it out and paint it with felt-tip pens, paints or other materials. True, it will not be possible to put gifts here, but such a sock will be a wonderful decoration for the house.

4. Sock from an old sweater

And here is another original, but, nevertheless, simple idea for creating socks:

As you can see in the photo, here you need to use an old children's sweater, a sock template and a needle and thread. Tip: when sewing a sock on both sides, you should not forget that the seam should go along the inside, and therefore at this stage it should be inside out.

Sock design options

As a rule, Christmas socks are made in the form of Santa Claus boots, but this does not mean that they should be exactly like that. For example, they can:

- to give the shape of clown or oriental boots with long toes bent up, decorated with bells,

- sew a small heel to them,

- decorate with name stickers, spruce branches, and any other attributes of the Christmas holidays.

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Anastasia Sergeeva

What can be done with old socks? Useful things with your own hands

Socks are an amazingly versatile piece of clothing that can make great toys, pet clothes, cleaning helpers, and more. Old socks that have already served their time are used, and those where holes have appeared ... Cool crafts can also be made from single socks without a pair. And finally, brand new, but not very beautiful socks that someone gave you will also be an excellent improvised material for needlework. What can be done from socks - we consider further.

Stylish lamp

It's hard to believe, but you can make quite a stylish light composition out of socks. Confirmation of this - these lamps made of socks, or lampshades, to be exact, which were created by British designer Jay Watson. He decided to make the first collection of lamps from his own old socks, so why don't we follow his example? Moreover, such lamps look really interesting, and the light from them turns out to be beautiful - soft and diffused.

Best of all, such lampshades will look in a minimalist interior, where they will stand out and become the main accent in the room.

Furniture decor

Another interesting design option: bright socks and multi-colored leggings can be pulled over the legs of tables and chairs in the children's room. Firstly, it looks very cute and cute, as if the table is alive, and walks in socks - the kids will love it. And secondly, socks will protect your flooring so that furniture legs do not scratch it when moving.

Bundle roller

An old sock will also help to make a fashionable fluffy bun! Cut it to the heel, then tuck it inside a few times to make a kind of "donut". Now it can be put into the base of the hairstyle to form and secure a beautiful bun. The main thing is to choose an old sock that matches the color of your hair.


But what a simple sports bandage you can make from socks so that you can comfortably go jogging and not worry that your mobile phone or music player will fall out of your hands or pocket.

Household rags

Yes, yes, such a banal, simple, but effective use can be found in old cotton socks. Why spend money on special rags for cleaning around the house, when you can successfully turn unnecessary items of clothing into the work? Of course, for the same purpose, you can use any other old clothes, for example, a T-shirt, but it is convenient to put socks on your hand to wipe the countertop with it, or put a pair of socks on food tongs and comfortably wipe the blinds.

Similarly, old and even holey socks can be put on a mop to clean the floor. They are good because they will not crawl from it, and at the end of the cleaning they can simply be thrown into the trash.

Covers for pots

If you have small pots and old elasticated socks, these can be used as colorful and pretty flower pot covers. They will remind you with all their appearance that it is time to water your plants!

By the way, a bright sock can also be used as a cover for a home garden! Try pouring black earth into the sock, into which you previously filled the seeds of some grass, and tie a knot so that the resulting bag resembles a hedgehog in shape. Sew on black beads for eyes and nose. Water the sock with water in time, and very soon the first shoots will climb out of the cover. So the hedgehog will get green "needles"!

Case for phone

Here and so everything is clear - a beautiful sock can easily be adapted instead of a smartphone case. Look how cute and cozy they look! You just need to turn it inside out, cut off the heel and toe, and then carefully stitch the edges and turn the toe back so that the ugly seam is inside.

Toys for children

From the many socks, from which the child grows up very quickly, without having time to really wear out, you can sew a funny toy in the form of a funny snake. Pick up the brightest and most similar socks, cut off the heels with socks where required, leaving only two socks intact - for the head and tail. Sew the segments together, and fill the resulting “sausage” with sintepuh or other material suitable for toys. Instead of eyes, sew on buttons or beads, but make sure that a curious child does not swallow them during the game.

Case for umbrella and dishes

Umbrella cases have one unpleasant feature - they are very often lost. But we again remember that you can make “clothes” for an umbrella out of socks! Just pick up a single sock of the desired width and pull it over the umbrella, just remember to wash it on time.

You can also decorate bottles with socks before a festive evening, or give coziness to your tea drinking by sewing a nice little case for a cup from them.

Bouquet as a gift

Wonderful roses can be made from socks if you fold them as shown in the picture below. You can use the resulting flowers to decorate your home interior, or you can make a whole gift bouquet out of them. By the way, this is a good idea of ​​how to present one of the rather useful, but the most banal and boring men's gifts in an original way. It will turn out even more original if you wrap a candy in each sock.

cozy rug

But what kind of rug can be made from old and holey socks - you don’t even have to throw anything away! See the video for detailed instructions:

Take it, tell your friends!

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Despite the huge range of purchased decor, often the choice falls on homemade jewelry. This article will look at how to make Christmas socks for gifts.

Manufacturing technique

It has a slightly different shape, which is its distinctive feature. It resembles a galosh with a winter design in bright colors.

To make a Christmas sock with your own hands, you need to prepare some materials.

  1. Thick fabric that won't wrinkle. You can choose any color, but the ideal option is bright red.
  2. Thin synthetic winterizer.
  3. Any lining fabric.
  4. Paper.
  5. A narrow satin ribbon of any color.
  6. Needle.
  7. Scissors.
  8. Threads in tone with the selected fabric.

For convenient creation of a pattern, it is better to take a leaf in a box. It is necessary to draw with a simple pencil so that the irregularities can be easily erased with an eraser. When the template is ready, it is carefully cut out, attached with needles to the fabric and circled with chalk.

For one sock, you should get two identical parts, they are cut out in turn from the main fabric (2 pcs.), Lining (2 pcs.) And padding polyester (2 pcs.).

Christmas sock (how to sew correctly):

  1. First, two parts of the outer part of the sock are sewn together.
  2. Turn it inside out and sew on the synthetic winterizer so that both seams match.
  3. Sew the lining in the same way.
  4. From above, a ribbon in the form of a loop is attached to the side part.

Move on to decorating the sock. The top can be decorated with fur, and the side part can be decorated with knitted details with a New Year's theme.

When choosing the size of socks, special attention is paid to the shape and dimensions of gifts. So that the sock does not lose its shape, the New Year's surprise inside should not hang out.

Garland of Christmas socks

The Christmas sock has many design options. One of the original ideas is a garland of such decorations.

First you need to sew miniature jewelry in different colors. The number of socks depends on the length of the garland. Then small socks are attached to the colorful ribbon.

Such a garland can serve not only as a decoration, but also as a container for sweet gifts.

Souvenir sock

Christmas sock can be used as a gift to friends or relatives.

It is necessary to prepare:

  • felt fabric;
  • paper;
  • simple pencil;
  • scissors;
  • threads;
  • decorative elements for decoration.

According to the pattern, cut out the details and sew them together.

You can decorate the sock with everything that hints at the festive theme (bows, beads, ribbons, rhinestones, etc.). For a wide design of the sock in the upper part, you need white felt.

Christmas sock knitting

In order to knit a New Year's sock, you need to prepare yarn of several colors. Preferably red and white, but you can choose other colors. Also knitting needles.

Instructions for knitting socks.

  • Socks are knitted on five needles, where there are loops on four.
  • Start knitting in the round from top to toe.
  • Gather the required number of loops and evenly distribute them on four knitting needles.
  • An elastic band is knitted in a circle, alternating the front and back loops. Its length is not more than 6 cm.
  • The length of the sock to the heel is knitted completely with facial loops.
  • The heel is made on two knitting needles from half of the loops, while the second is not touched. They make a compacted facial knitting up to 6 cm high.
  • To give shape to the heel, make a descent. The loops are evenly divided into three parts, if there are extra ones, they are attached to the center.
  • The central part continues to be knitted further and loops are gradually attached to it from the side.
  • In order for the descent of the loops to end on the front side, it always starts from the inside. Knit with 2/3 purl stitches. Then take the last loop from the center and the first from the third part, knit them together with a purl.
  • Turn the sock and knit on the front side, while at the turn the first loop is simply removed and not knitted.
  • Knit together the last loop of the central part and the first loop of 1 part. The first loop is removed (do not knit), the next ones are knitted.
  • Again turn the sock and do the same manipulations.
  • Continue knitting until all side loops are closed.
  • Next, loops are cast on the lateral parts of the heel, three loops from two rows (one loop from each second row and one additional).
  • Switch to circular knitting. To do this, they take: the loops of the central heel part and from the remaining knitting needles, again recruited from the lateral parts of the heel. Knit a row of facial viscous.
  • Then begin decreasing loops. At the end of the first needle, the 2nd and 3rd loops are knitted together. Do the same on the fourth needle. Do this until the original number of loops remains.
  • In a circle, the foot of the sock is knitted with facial viscous to the bone of the thumb.
  • They begin to knit the toe of the sock, reducing the loops. From the end of the first needle (in every second row) 2 + 3 stitches are knitted together.
  • Such decreases are made in each row until four loops remain, they are pulled together and secured with a thread.

crochet christmas sock

The size of the sock will depend on the chosen yarn.

You will need:

  • yarn of bright colors;
  • a hook that matches the yarn;
  • scissors.

Detailed instructions:

  • The sock will be knitted in the round (single crochet) from toe to heel. When knitting, the colors of the yarn alternate.
  • I row. Make a loop and knit 6 columns in it. This will be the base for the circle. It turned out six loops.
  • II row. In each loop, two columns are knitted so that the number increases to 12 loops.
  • III row. In every second loop, two more columns are made, for a total of 18 loops. The rest are knitted in one column.
  • IV row. No addition.
  • V row. In every third loop, 2 columns (total - 24 loops). The rest are in one column.
  • VI row. No addition.
  • VII row. In each 4th loop, 2 columns (total 30 loops).
  • Thus, the toe of the sock turned out. You can reduce or increase the rows.
  • VIII row and beyond. Knit in the round without adding a foot of the desired length.
  • They stop at the place where the shaft should begin. They begin to knit not in a circle, but like a canvas, in one and the other direction. Thus, the length of the foot is knitted.
  • The shaft is knitted in a circle to the desired length.

Where to hang

According to tradition, a Christmas sock is hung over the fireplace. And what if it is not there? These socks are designed to decorate the interior and give gifts. Therefore, you can hang them anywhere.

  • Next to the baby bed.
  • Above the doorway.
  • On the wall.
  • On the window frame.
  • On the cabinet door.
  • On the stair railings.

Small socks can be placed on the Christmas tree. They will become an original decoration of the festive beauty.

Gift sock can buy. You can generally do without it, handing over the packed boxes personally and bypassing the stage with cute unfolding of surprises in stockings-bags. Moreover, it is quite possible not to give anything to anyone at all! There are a lot of options, and they all depend solely on your personal aspirations and desires to make your holiday beautiful or ordinary, joyful or banal, cheerful or standard. If the choice is obvious to you, let's do it anyway. make a gift sock with your own hands- sewing, knitting, crafting and, of course, having a lot of fun at the same time, which, by and large, is generally the key point in this matter: everything we do should be done for joy. Yours or those around you - it doesn’t matter, joy is contagious: if you smile, those who are nearby will smile, and if those who surround you sincerely laugh, you cannot help but experience positive emotions. In general, let's already think about how we will do DIY gift sock and start the process of creation and creativity! It's exciting!

How to make a sock for gifts with your own hands - 5 master classes:

1. Personalized socks for gifts

If it is important that the surprises you are preparing for your loved ones go to those you are planning, personalized socks for New Year and Christmas gifts will save you. The proposed master class will help to make New Year's socks luxurious in their elegance, festivity and beauty!

2. Knitted sock for gifts

Fans of knitted projects can be advised a master class on creating New Year's socks using a hook and thread. Of course, such things will require a little more time and effort than other options, but the results will please you much more and longer - socks can be stored and used for many, many years in a row.

3. Denim sock

For those who seem to want to decorate the house with New Year's socks for gifts, and are even ready to try a little, but are not at all inclined to spend any additional money on it, the option of New Year's socks from old jeans, which can be found in every home, is suitable. Well, so that the result does not look sad and gloomy, it is worth adding a little color, and that's it.

4. Sock with pom-poms

Pompoms are a simple, inexpensive, but very, very festive decor. By and large, you can generally get by with the most banal fabric that you will find at home, not particularly bother with either the New Year's sock pattern or additional decorations: a ribbon with pompons - and the thing will shine with festive splendor!