How to make a small wedding interesting. How to organize a small wedding? Tips and savings for you. Best Small Wedding Ideas

A small wedding is a celebration with no more than 20 guests. This has its own charm, because only the closest and dearest people will surround you. There is no need to try to please everyone, behave decorously and pose "in public". Let's look at the most interesting ideas for a small wedding. In such an environment, young people can really enjoy their wedding day.

Features of organizing a small wedding

If you decide that you don’t want to arrange a magnificent celebration, then a small wedding will be a great solution. You can organize an unforgettable outdoor ceremony with a small banquet for guests. Where is the best place to arrange it? There are a lot of options: in the forest, on the roof, in a cozy restaurant, on the banks of the river. However, so that the wedding does not turn into an ordinary picnic, you need to take care of its organization and think over the scenario. Arrange a magical performance for your loved ones and loved ones, let them remember this day. What are the benefits of a small wedding?

  1. Saving. A small budget is the main plus of a modest ceremony. If you decide to have a small wedding, you will have the opportunity to save a large amount of money. So, about three thousand dollars is usually spent on a regular event, and a small holiday is easy to organize for just a thousand. The savings are significant. Moreover, you can use the money not spent on an expensive celebration for anything, for example, go on a honeymoon trip.
  2. Calm. There is no need to puzzle over which restaurant to choose so that 200 guests can fit there, how to take them there and where to seat them. The beauty of a small wedding is that the organizational part associated with the event is greatly simplified. You can easily arrange a small holiday yourself. Perhaps some girls do not want to give up pre-wedding hassle. But for those who do not like the fuss, this wedding option will provide peace of mind on the eve of the most important day.
  3. Small number of guests. This is the dream of almost all newlyweds. Who wants to watch a huge number of unfamiliar, and sometimes completely unfamiliar people at their holiday? A small wedding assumes that only the closest people will surround you. And since there will be few guests, all of them will be able to participate in fun games and competitions. Nobody will be bored.
  4. Choice of cafe/restaurant. If the young people intend to hold a small wedding with their parents and friends, then choosing an institution for a small number of people will be much easier. You do not have to save on dishes, you can safely pamper yourself and your guests with the most delicious and expensive treats.
  5. Originality. Ideas for small weddings can be different. If young people love extreme sports and adventures, then it is worth flying with guests in a balloon or helicopter. Such a plan is feasible only with a small number of invitees, so why not take advantage of it? Such fun will require additional costs, but your loved ones are guaranteed to receive a lot of positive impressions and appreciate the efforts.
  6. Everything's under control. A small wedding, unlike a regular one, is much calmer. Even if any problems arise, it will be much easier to resolve them, since only the closest and most understanding people are among the guests. A modest celebration will not give young people cause for concern, but will allow them to enjoy this beautiful day in peace.

Where and how best to hold a small wedding?

A nice detail of a mini-wedding is that you have the right to organize the day the way you want, without thinking about the wishes of numerous guests. A modest celebration will take place in a close circle of relatives and friends who will accept any of your decisions. No one will judge the bride if, instead of the traditional white puffy dress, she puts on a light summer sundress, and decorates her head with a wreath of fresh flowers instead of a diadem.

A small wedding allows young people to come up with an original holiday and enjoy it without fuss and worries. For example, newlyweds can rent a cabriolet and go to a neighboring city together, or go hiking, on a picnic, or make a parachute jump. The main rule that should be followed on your wedding day is do what you want!


If the young people decide to organize a small wedding in nature, it must be held in such a way that it differs from the usual picnic trip. Hire a host, take care of decorative elements, use the services of a photographer. The advantages of such a wedding will be fresh air, unlimited time for celebration, and a spacious area. There will be an opportunity to create your holiday schedule, so as not to wait in line at the registry office, but to register your marriage on the road. Arrange a photo session against the backdrop of picturesque nature - the pictures will definitely please you.

In a cafe or restaurant

If you prefer the option of celebrating just the two of you or in the company of your closest people, you can afford to go to an expensive institution. Order everything your heart desires that you could not afford at a banquet with a huge number of guests. Perhaps you want to focus on the original design of the premises or the interesting concept of the restaurant. Choose what you like. The bride does not have to wear a wedding dress. An evening dress would be appropriate for such a celebration, especially since you can wear a practical thing in the future.

Modest wedding at home

Do you want to organize a holiday at home to reduce costs and enjoy the atmosphere of home comfort? Then the important point will be the preparation of the premises for the arrival of guests. Furnishing rooms is task number 1. Do not forget that people invited to the wedding will not only eat, but also dance, participate in competitions, and relax. Create appropriate conditions for this. So that guests do not get bored, the scenario of a small home wedding should be no less vivid than in a restaurant.

Options depending on the season

Ideas for holding a small wedding, one way or another, depend on the time of year for which the celebration is planned. Each season has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's see what period of the year and why is more successful for a wedding celebration, and what options for organizing a holiday should be considered, taking into account a small company of invited guests.

Spring Summer

Spring weddings are rarely held, despite the fact that this season is considered the most romantic. The advantages of such a marriage are the low cost of wedding dresses, the absence of queues at registry offices, lower prices for the services of event organizers and rental of premises. The disadvantages include the high cost of vegetables, fruits and the ban on weddings due to Lent.

Summer is the most popular time for weddings. Favorable weather is a great opportunity to organize a celebration anywhere: from a restaurant to the sea coast. By choosing a summer wedding, you can organize an outdoor ceremony outside the city (for example, invite guests to a country house or to nature). The abundance of inexpensive vegetables and fruits is an important plus for summer celebrations. And young people can spend their honeymoon at this time of the year, wherever their heart desires. The disadvantages of summer weddings will be high prices for paraphernalia, including costumes, and unimaginable queues at the registry office.

In spring and summer it is possible to organize a small tourist wedding or a picnic. Young people can come to the painting in T-shirts and jeans, and a buffet table should be arranged in nature. The details of a traditional wedding are out of place here, so you won't need to spend money on them. A modest ceremony means saving on wedding dresses, floristry, and a host.

An ideal, and most importantly, original solution would be a small wedding on a boat. Here it is worth giving free rein to your imagination. Arrange everything in a pirate style (young people can take the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean" as a basis) or organize a simple romantic holiday with nautical themes. Put wine, seafood and vegetables on the table. Fresh sea breeze, waves beating against the sides, the sound of the sea - this will make an indelible impression on the guests. When evening comes, invitees should be offered cozy cabins to relax.

Autumn winter

The advantages of a wedding in the fall will be low prices for the necessary attributes, products and fresh flowers. Discount promotions for dresses after the past season should also be attributed to the bonuses of the autumn celebration. However, there are significant disadvantages of holding a wedding during this period of the year: unstable weather and the need to purchase additional accessories for the bride's outfit (warm capes).

You can organize a small winter wedding at the lowest prices. Many restaurants offer good discounts for young people for holidays. In winter, very beautiful photographs are obtained against the backdrop of the beautiful landscapes of this season, which should not be forgotten either. The disadvantage of a winter wedding will be only the lack of an assortment of fresh fruits and vegetables and the limited choice of venue for the celebration.

Despite the fact that weddings are now rarely celebrated at home, this option has not been canceled. If you and your family have a spacious house or apartment, feel free to celebrate the holiday there. This solution would not be suitable when it is necessary to accommodate a hundred guests, but since the young people have chosen a modest small wedding, this option will be successful. The holiday will be cozy and sincere, which will not be offered in a restaurant or cafe.

Video: an example of a wedding with a small number of guests

The scenario for a small wedding can be unusual and interesting. A big plus of a modest celebration is that there is no need to worry about a large number of guests. As a result, many frames and restrictions will be removed. So, not only guests will be pleased with the celebration, but also you. The light format of the wedding will bring positive emotions to all those present, including the young.

Ideas for a beautiful photo shoot for a small wedding

On horses. Thanks to the wedding photo shoot with horses, the newlyweds will have wonderful pictures. In the future, they will bring a lot of joy to spouses when they remember a happy day and a romantic walk with noble animals. Horses will help create a magical atmosphere on a festive day, cause a lot of positive emotions. You need to decide on the plot and location of the photo shoot.

Picnic. Since most weddings take place in the summer, the idea of ​​a picnic-style photo shoot is a good idea. There are no minuses in shooting a romantic picnic, but solid pluses. Young people will not even have to go out into nature for this, since in every city there are beautiful park areas with lots of greenery that will be a great backdrop for photos.

Amusement park. Why not organize a photo shoot in a place that is saturated with magic and reminds you of a happy childhood? The main thing is to approach the process with humor, stock up on bright props and have fun from the heart! These photos will be a farewell gift to a carefree youth, before the start of family life. On the other hand, you can wait until evening when the rides turn on the lights, and have a romantic shoot in the style of Paris.

A small wedding is always an atmospheric and cozy event that takes place in the circle of the closest and dearest people. The number of guests, as a rule, does not exceed twenty people, which is very convenient for organizing such a mini-celebration. However, a small number of guests does not mean the absence of a real holiday. If you're planning a small wedding, you can come up with the most incredible ideas that fit within your budget. In a small company, you can gather not only in a restaurant, but also climb the mountains, sail on a sailboat, hike in the forest and much more, which is enough for your imagination. One way or another, your holiday will be the brightest and most unforgettable!

On the site portal you will find out what advantages a small wedding has and how you can hold your cozy celebration in an original way. Choose the brightest idea and start implementing it!

How to organize a small wedding - important points

When planning any event, you should carefully consider all the important points so as not to lose sight of anything. Even the organization of a small wedding you need to approach with attention and responsibility.

What to consider when organizing a small celebration?

Best Small Wedding Ideas

There are a large number of options for how and where you can celebrate a mini-style wedding. The most important criterion when choosing a place should be your desire to fulfill your old dream and go where you feel good and comfortable.

How to hold a small wedding?

Fun for a Small Wedding: Three Cool Ideas

Not a single wedding is complete with just a festive feast, because both the newlyweds and the guests want to have fun and spend time actively. What entertainment is suitable for a small but very creative holiday?

Three options for wedding entertainment:

Today, newlyweds often prefer to hold chamber weddings for 15-20 people, rather than magnificent celebrations with a large number of relatives, friends and acquaintances. Ideas for holding a wedding with a small company are so diverse that they will surely leave a mark on the soul of every guest.

Someone wants to spend their honeymoon there as soon as possible, someone wants to share their joy only with the closest people, and someone cannot afford to widely celebrate the marriage due to limited budgets.


Newlyweds who choose the format of a chamber (budget) wedding appreciate, first of all, its comfort and warmth, because on this day only relatives will be next to them. A small wedding itself has other advantages:

  • Budget savings. A modest ceremony allows you to save money that can later be spent on the first family vacation or on the arrangement of an apartment.
  • Feeling of comfort and tranquility. Unlike a large wedding, in organizing which the newlyweds face a number of difficulties, preparing a small wedding is associated with a minimum of hassle. In addition, knowing that the ceremony will be attended by the closest, the bride and groom are less nervous on the eve of the celebration and do not worry that they may find themselves in an awkward position in front of dozens or hundreds of acquaintances if any unforeseen difficulties arise.
  • Warm atmosphere. Only the closest people will be around. This means that each guest can personally congratulate the couple on their marriage, say kind words. In addition, in such a company, the invitees themselves will feel comfortable, relaxed and willing to take part in the proposed entertainment.
  • Choosing a place for the celebration. Ideas for a small wedding for 10 people involve holding a holiday in a cafe or restaurant. It will be easier for young people to find a suitable institution and not have to save on dishes.
  • Original holiday. What will be a small wedding - it depends on the preferences of the newlyweds, because there are a lot of ideas for holding it! Entertainment for guests can also be original or even extreme.

Ideas for a small wedding, of course, allow you to reduce costs, but this does not mean that you need to save on wedding attire, a banquet, makeup stylist, or give up a photo shoot. Despite the fact that only relatives and best friends will come, it is necessary to spend the holiday at a decent level.

If the young people opted for a restaurant, then you should not choose a banquet hall that is too large - it will look a little ridiculous, because there will be few guests. It is better to gather in a circle of loved ones in a cozy and bright cafe. Other or apartment. If the budget does not allow celebrating a holiday in a cafe or restaurant, then a banquet can be held at home. In this case, you can beautifully decorate the room and hold a theme party. And if the weather permits, you can hold a wedding outside the city in nature, having prepared a site for this in advance.

Do not forget that this day does not cease to be solemn, despite the small number of guests. The moments of an important event must be captured on film in order to be remembered: the morning of the bride and groom, fees at the registry office, marriage, the first dance, a walk, a banquet. You can arrange a thematic photo session by preparing the necessary attributes in advance, or go to the park for good shots.

How to celebrate

Ideas for a small wedding are connected with the seasons: summer, autumn, winter and spring. A spring wedding has its advantages: low prices for wedding dresses, many free dates in registry offices, discounts for renting premises. In the summer, there are many more ideas for organizing a small celebration: you can choose, for example, an outdoor ceremony and it’s more pleasant to go on a honeymoon trip at this time.

A good option for a spring or summer chamber wedding is a boat trip and a “sea” holiday with appropriate paraphernalia. A small wedding in the fall limits ideas somewhat, as does a winter celebration. But you can always find an interesting way out. Ideas for a small summer wedding are more varied and budget friendly.

The first thing to think about when preparing for the wedding - Of course, when there are few guests, you can call them all and invite them simply by phone, but it will be much nicer if each friend and relative receives an individual invitation to the ceremony. Postcards should be decorated in accordance with the style of the wedding, and you can also give a small present along with them.

wedding planner

It is a mistake to believe that you do not need to invite a host to a small wedding, because it is he who will help to hold the celebration at the proper level: competently beat awkward situations, announce the names of congratulators. Singers or dancers will make the holiday magnificent.

Elena Sokolova


Ideas for a small wedding for 20 people do not exclude entertainment, because guests should not get bored.

Yaranov Artyom

A small wedding - how to hold it in order to successfully implement the ideas of the newlyweds? First of all, you need to choose the format of the celebration: perhaps it will be a theme party, offsite registration or a wedding on the beach. The bride and groom will not go wrong if they decide to hold a ceremony in the bosom of nature and organize a family dinner under the canopy of trees.

But the classic version with a painting in the registry office and a celebration in a restaurant is also excellent. However, regardless of the venue, it is necessary to try to make the atmosphere joyful, cozy, romantic and not create the feeling that this is an ordinary family dinner, and not a wedding. Each guest should be comfortable and not bored.

If the celebration will take place in a restaurant, then you can choose an institution with a homely atmosphere, where instead of the usual strict chairs there are soft sofas. Guests will not sit at separate tables, but at one large one. This will allow you to sit comfortably and feel at ease throughout the evening.

But it is important to take into account that even a small company will need a platform for dancing and competitions, as well as photo zones, zones of congratulations, where those present will be able to leave their messages and parting words to the newly-married spouses in a special book.

If young people are not supporters of the classics, they can choose unusual places for the ceremony and gala dinner, for example, a forest clearing, a river or seashore. The main thing is to prepare in advance: put a table, chairs, armchairs, get pillows and blankets, take care of the awnings.

For the best venue for the celebration - a country house with a fireplace. A real winter fairy tale and magic: guests can be treated to delicious mulled wine, homemade dinner. Each of those present will definitely take with them a piece of warm memories associated with gatherings by the fireplace, an unusual photo shoot in the winter forest.

As for the menu of a small wedding, which is held in a restaurant, the list of dishes must be discussed with the chef in advance. If the feast is organized in nature, then it makes sense to use the catering service. Of course, the menu is also discussed with the company in advance, and it should be thought out taking into account the chosen style. So, a Russian wedding cannot do without caviar on the table, dumplings, mushrooms and cucumbers. A "marine" wedding will be reflected in fish dishes, seafood delicacies, etc.

The variety and size of dishes depends on the number of guests. It is much easier to organize a feast for a narrow family circle, because, knowing the taste preferences of your loved ones, you can accurately choose snacks and main dishes, drinks that guests will definitely like.

Images of the groom, bride and guests

Every bride wants to look perfect on her wedding day, even if her closest ones are there. Choosing the format of a chamber celebration, which, one way or another, helps to save a significant part of the budget, some brides prefer not to look at the price of the dress and choose the option to their liking.

Others believe that at a modest celebration, the dress should not be too pretentious and choose an outfit at an affordable cost. For a small wedding, they are well suited, including colored ones, which will emphasize the natural beauty and add brightness to the image. In addition, such a dress can subsequently be worn for various events.

In addition, the bride can choose a puffy princess outfit that suits almost any type of figure, an Empire style dress, a straight-cut model or a Mermaid dress. Be sure to take care of accessories: veil, tiara, jewelry, shoes, as well as makeup and hair.

Deserves special attention. The choice of colors and shades should be approached carefully: they should be perfectly combined with the dress and the color scheme of the groom's boutonniere. Recently, flower arrangements of many buds of small roses have been popular, which do not fade for a long time, retain freshness and beauty.

The groom can wear both a traditional suit and a modern fashionable outfit. The most important thing is that the images of the bride and groom are harmoniously combined with each other. For a small wedding in a relaxed atmosphere, a convenient option is suitable. Guests can also choose outfits to their liking, but it would be great if the bridesmaids choose dresses of the same color scheme.

Important! The wedding stylist will competently select the right one, taking into account the type of figure, the color type of appearance and the style of the wedding.

Entertainment for 10-20 people

A small wedding implies that special attention will be paid to every detail. So, in the morning you can arrange a photo session on the theme of the preparations of the bride and groom, then go for a walk and to the registry office, and after that - for dinner at a restaurant or a country house.

As entertainment, various board games, creative contests with memorable gifts are suitable. For young people, a quest with a variety of tasks and an unexpected ending will be an excellent option. If an even number of guests are invited to the wedding, they will be able to split into two teams and have a battle for the grand prize!

Budget planning

When planning wedding expenses, it is necessary to take into account how many guests are invited, as this affects the cost of the restaurant and the rental of the cortege. If the budget is modest, it is worth giving up an expensive car and reducing the cost of a banquet by choosing a smaller hall and decorating it yourself. But what you should not save on is outfits, accessories, a festive table, a presenter and artists, fireworks.

Important! You can save money by setting the wedding date on a weekday in the autumn, winter or spring month.

It is important to remember that organizing a small celebration is a serious task: you need to find a venue, prepare a program and ideas for a photo session. To create a memorable, romantic wedding, it's important to take a few tips from the experts:

  • The end of the holiday should be original and memorable: fireworks, balloons or Chinese lanterns.
  • Take care of background and dance music by making a playlist of your favorite songs, or invite a professional DJ.
  • Be sure to hold a joint photo session with guests.


The format of a small wedding is very popular today, thanks to the simplicity of organization, a minimum of worries and a special warm sincere atmosphere. If you have a small wedding planned, ideas for 10 people will make the celebration truly intimate. At such a celebration, the newlyweds will be surrounded only by close people.

What kind of wedding to arrange, each couple decides individually: in accordance with their wishes, style of celebration, budget, etc. Recently, so-called small weddings have been organized more and more often. A wedding is considered small when about 20 guests are invited. This format of the holiday attracts with its simplicity of organization, less hassle, special warmth and sincerity. At such a celebration, you will be surrounded by the closest, dearest people, thanks to which you can fully enjoy your own wedding.

Of the positive aspects of a small wedding, we can distinguish:

  • Small number of guests
  • Intimacy, sincerity, sincerity of what is happening;
  • You can pay attention to all invitees;
  • The host will be able to find a common language with all the guests, cause their activity;
  • It is easier to abandon the standards and organize a themed wedding;
  • Less problems, there is no panic about the fact that you will not have time for something.

One of the advantages of a small wedding is the ability to save money. But remember that even with a reduction in the number of guests, it is not advisable to save on a wedding dress, cortege, banquet, services of a host, hairdresser, makeup artist, photographer. After all, you are organizing a wedding, not a banal gathering with friends.

It is important to bear in mind that organizing a celebration for a small number of guests is the same responsible and serious task as planning a large-scale event. It is required to choose a special site, take care of preparing an interesting program, think over a walk and a photo shoot. Therefore, in order to create a memorable, sincere, touching wedding, it is important to heed our advice.

Wedding photo session

Even a small wedding should remain in our memory. A photographer will be able to help in this matter, who will be able to take into account the peculiarities of your celebration, choose the best type of work (photo or video shooting). Indeed, for such a holiday, it may be more relevant to perform a slide show with separate video inserts that capture the best episodes: an approaching limousine, a newlyweds walk, the first dance of the bride and groom, numbers of the show program, etc.


In the case of a small celebration, it is easier to plan and organize a walk, since, depending on the number of guests, one or more cars will be required. If desired, you can conduct an exit registration and a walk in one place. In this case, you will be able to spend the solemn part of the wedding surrounded by bright greenery of the forest or on the banks of the river, and you will not have to waste time on trips. With a small number of guests, any kind of entertainment can be organized: horseback riding, hot air ballooning (if possible), boating, etc.

Venue of the celebration

. Holiday in a restaurant or cafe

There are practically no restrictions in choosing a venue for the celebration. For a wedding of this format, the classic option is perfect - a restaurant or a cafe, when choosing which the requirements change somewhat. In this case, huge ceremonial halls are not quite suitable, small cozy rooms may be the best choice. At the same time, it is important to take into account that even a small company will need a place for dancing, competitions, and entertainment. You can seat guests not at several separate tables, but at one - a large family table. In a restaurant or cafe, you can think of separate zones, for example, for photo shoots, for wishes, where guests can leave letters to the newlyweds in the future or entries in a special book.

. Unusual places for a banquet

You can also opt for unusual places for a ceremony and a banquet: a clearing in the forest, the sea coast, a gazebo on the river bank, a country cottage. In the fresh air, you can install comfortable sofas, armchairs, pouffes, prepare blankets in case of a cool evening, take care of the rain canopies.

Given that the holiday is intended for the closest people, you can organize two days of celebration for them: the first - in a cafe, the second - in nature outside the city. An alternative to a banquet can be a buffet table. On separate buffet tables you can place cold, hot snacks, sweets, tea, coffee, fruits. Although the wedding is small, it is worth paying attention to the preparation of the menu, as it is desirable to take into account the tastes of a few relatives and friends. Moreover, having saved on the number of guests, you can treat yourself to their more expensive, gourmet dishes.

Holiday program

The guests of such a wedding are often parents, close relatives, friends. A small number of guests may suggest that for such a company, the services of a professional presenter are not much needed. Before deciding whether to invite a toastmaster or organize entertainment yourself, you need to evaluate all the pros and cons of each of the options.

. Organization of the entertainment part on your own

In this case, you can choose a leader among the guests. This person should be a real "ringleader" who will make toasts, provide the floor for congratulations to those present, lead to certain moments of the celebration, for example, to perform the first dance, take out the wedding cake, present gifts. Also on his shoulders will be the preparation and holding of competitions, the organization of the musical part of the evening. If there are not too many guests, various board games, logic tasks, short and not very difficult contests can be prepared for entertainment. It would be nice if all the winners and participants in the entertainment received memorable gifts.

. Host Invitation

Applying for services to the host is the traditional, most advantageous option. After all, a professional will be able to properly organize the format of your holiday, will be able to cheer up and “revive” a small company, create the necessary atmosphere, skillfully fill in awkward pauses, and bring romantic moments to the celebration. The host will take into account the peculiarities of the holiday, the number of guests, their age, on the basis of which he will prepare the best competitions, entertainment and will definitely discuss them with you so that no awkward situations arise.

A small wedding will be calmer and more comfortable than a big one. Even if some problems arise during the holiday, it will be much easier for you to settle them, because only the closest, loving, understanding people gathered for the wedding.


Today, chamber wedding ceremonies are back in fashion. Only the bride and groom and their witnesses or close relatives or friends can attend the wedding. Restaurants for a small wedding - venues for 10-20 people. It can be a standard banquet hall, a summer terrace for a modern buffet table, a VIP room for a cafe or a karaoke club. You can find the perfect place for a holiday with our help. We offer fast and profitable solutions for organizing celebrations. Don't forget to order!

Restaurant search criteria for a small wedding

It is best to start choosing a hall for a celebration at least 1-2 months in advance. Before you start searching, decide on the exact date of the wedding and the number of guests. It is best to make a list of invitees by name. So, you can understand which restaurant for a small wedding is ideal for you. Focus on the following points when searching for a site:

  • photos of restaurants for small weddings;
  • user reviews;
  • site descriptions;
  • the presence of additional services and services.

All this you can find on the pages of our website. We provide only objective information about metropolitan establishments.

Help in choosing a restaurant for a small wedding

In order to find a venue, set the main parameters in the search form - the date of the celebration, the type of party, the number of guests. You can narrow your search by using additional filters. If you need help, please contact us by phone. We will find a restaurant for a small wedding in a matter of minutes, and if your wedding is in the summer, rate it.

The IQ-Banquet service is absolutely free for users. Our site contains the largest database of real restaurants in Moscow. The most up-to-date information, discounts on related services, a convenient search system - all this is only with us.