How to pack a gift in gift paper beautifully with your own hands: without a box, in an envelope, in the form of a candy. Round, flat, large: step by step instructions. Original DIY gift wrapping

Helpful Hints

When a holiday and we begin to select the right gift, we want everything to be perfect.

You can doubt the gift or be absolutely sure that this is exactly what you need, but beautiful packaging is not enough to complete the picture.

It is not necessary to order or buy special gift packaging - you can decorate the gift yourself.

On our website you will also find:

  • How to make a box
  • DIY Christmas packaging
  • DIY gift wrapping
  • 15 smart and original packages
  • How to make Christmas gift wrapping

Beautifully wrapping a gift (be it a New Year's or a birthday) is not difficult, you just need to know a few secrets.

It is worth noting that there are many ways to decorate a gift, and you can find out about the most interesting, original, simple and not so here.

How to wrap a gift in paper. The easy way.

How to make a gift with your own hands

You will need:

Wrapping paper

decorative ribbons


Tape measure

Double sided tape

First you need to determine the right amount of wrapping paper. To do this, cut out a rectangle.

* To find out the required width of the rectangle, measure the perimeter of the box with a tape measure. After that, you need to add 2-3 cm to the hem.

* To find out the length, you just need to know that it is twice the height of the box.

Helpful advice: in case you are doing gift wrapping for the first time, test it out on a regular newspaper. This way you can determine the correct dimensions.

1. You cut out a rectangle of the desired size from wrapping paper. Place the gift box in the center of the paper.

2. Now you need to bend the left or right vertical edge by about 0.5-1 cm and stick double-sided tape to the fold.

3. The gift box must be wrapped tightly. Remove the film from the tape and stick the folded edge of the wrapping paper.

4. The top of the wrapping paper needs to be folded as shown in the picture. It must be pressed tightly against the end of the box.

5. The side parts must also be bent and pressed firmly.

6. To secure the lower part neatly, you need to bend it and press it against the end of the box. After that, you need to bend this part and bend it again, but now in the middle.

7. Glue tape to this part and attach to the end of the box.

8. Repeat the same process on the other side.

How to decorate a gift Option 1.

First you need to cut a paper strip of a different shade. Wrap this strip around the box and tape the ends together. You can add a decorative cord.

How to decorate a gift with your own hands. Option 2.

This option can be used if you have a bilateral wrapping paper. Leave more paper wide and use this part for decoration.

How to decorate a gift box. Option 3.

Try using several satin ribbons in different colors.

How beautiful to decorate a gift. Option 4.

A lace ribbon can also help decorate a gift. Wrap it around the gift wrap and secure the ends with double-sided tape.

How to wrap a gift beautifully

You will need:

Roll of wrapping paper

Double sided tape


bright ribbon

1. Prepare a roll of gift paper, unfold it on a flat surface (table) with the pattern down (wrong side up).

2. Take the gift box and turn it upside down. Next, place the box on gift paper.

3. Cut the paper, leaving a margin of about 2-3 cm.

4. Stand on the side where you have the roll. On the opposite side, stretch the paper and fasten it with double-sided tape.

5. Unwind the wrapping paper roll and cover the entire box with paper. You also need to cover the part of the box that is slightly covered on the opposite side. The paper should protrude from the edge of the box by about 2-3 cm.

6. Bend the stock of 2-3 cm inward and fix it on the box along the fold using double-sided tape.

7. Side protruding ends of the paper must be folded inward. You need to make four flaps that bend at a 45 degree angle. Next, fold the paper along the flaps.

8. The top sash must be carefully bent to obtain even corners. To achieve this, you need to bend along the top edge of the gift. Next, the sash needs to be bent again to get a line along which you can cut off the excess with scissors. After you cut off the excess paper, glue it to the box.

9. Do the same with the bottom sash.

10. Repeat steps 7, 8 and 9 for the other side of the box.

11. Prepare a bright ribbon, which should be about five times the length of the box. Put the wrapped gift upside down on the ribbon, stretch it and wrap the gift as shown in the picture.

12. Turn over the box. The ribbon must be tied into a double knot, and make a bow.

13. You can cut a triangle at the ends of the tape.

How to pack a gift with your own hands. wedding option.

You will need:

Light colored wrapping paper

Satin ribbons



Double sided tape



1. First you need to measure the right amount of wrapping paper - just take the necessary measurements. It is worth noting that in this case, the width of the paper must be calculated so that the gap between A and B is about 1-1.5 cm, taking into account that edge A is bent by 0.5 cm.

2. Apply a strip of tape to edge B of the wrapping paper. This must be done from the front side and at a distance of about 1-1.5 cm from the edge.

3. Prepare a lace ribbon - its length should be 2 times the length of the wrapping paper.

4. Remove the protective film from the double-sided tape and glue the lace to the paper.

Before the festive event, we think about the gift that we will give. Every little thing matters here. Of course, you can give a gift in a package, but still it looks much better decorated with original gift paper. If you have a need to make a paper box, then this is not at all difficult. Our detailed master class will tell you how to properly pack a box in gift paper.

Our task is to pack a gift box in paper, regardless of whether the box is square, rectangular, large or small. The box must be closed with a lid. We pack ourselves, choose any paper. The main thing is to understand how to do it easier and more accurately. Paper we take colored or plain crepe paper. Recently, crepe paper has become very popular in decor. After all, as you know, minimalism, simplicity and naturalness are in trend now.

For work you will need:

  1. Wrapping paper.
  2. Double-sided tape or PVA glue.
  3. Scissors.
  4. The tape is decorative.

In order for the packaging to come out beautiful and neat, it is necessary to place the box on paper at the optimal point. To do this, one side of the box must be closed by ⅔, and the other side must be completely closed. Approximately as in the photo, we cut off the excess paper - this is what is left:

In order to properly pack the box in gift paper, it is necessary to wrap the paper completely around the box. The stock of paper in this case should be 4-5 cm. The longitudinal section of the paper is located on the side, 4-5 cm from the edge of the box. Subsequently, this will be the bottom of our package.

Secure the paper with tape or glue. A strip of tape on the edge and then the sheet on itself. We press firmly, as tightly as possible.

Fold the paper towards the center to form an envelope. To pack the box correctly, take a small piece of tape or glue and stick the resulting valve to the wrapping paper.

Bend the sides to the center and, slightly bending the edge of the "envelope", fix it with adhesive tape or glue.

To beautifully pack the box, turn it over and do the same on the opposite end of the box.

It remains to wrap the package with ribbon, you can decorate it more. Decorations are listed below.

Types of gift decor

We learned how to quickly wrap a box with gift paper. If there is no colored paper at hand, plain crepe paper, or plain offset paper, is suitable for these purposes. Plain paper can always be decorated with a homemade print.

Homemade printing for decorating wrapping paper can be made from potatoes with your own hands. To do this, select a medium potato, and draw on it with a pencil the figure that we will cut out. We will have an asterisk. You can make a smaller star out of the second half of the potato.

Cut out the shape with a knife.

We take an ordinary sponge for washing dishes and smear with paint. It is better to use acrylic paint, but in the absence of any other will do. The most important thing is not to smudge it and let it dry properly.

You can decorate paper with natural decor: twigs, leaves, flowers, textiles. If you add more ribbon, twine, bow - you get an ideal and unique package. You can also use lace, especially knitted with your own hands, yarn for knitting, braid. Crepe paper is an inexpensive paper, it is usually used by the post office, in large hardware and furniture stores it is free, usually at the exit of the store. Beautiful packaging is obtained from corrugated paper. We hope you find the right packaging decor for you.

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Now hand-wrapping of gifts is actively coming into fashion, and I decided to figure out what's what - find out what trends are in gift wrapping, what you should focus on, and how you can even pack a gift for any holiday with your own hands.


Nowadays it is no longer enough to pack a gift in gift paper - the days when half a meter of sparkling paper with a ribbon bow were considered the best packaging are gone. Right now, the focus is on three areas:
  • eco-style (one of its subspecies can be called rustic style);
  • minimalism;
  • eclecticism and futurism.
Eco-style gift wrapping involves the use of natural materials - natural shades, various textures, nothing artificial. Kraft paper packaging with a bow made of ordinary twine or twine looks good in this style; quite often, gifts are tied with unbleached linen or cotton.

Minimalist motifs are always strict and restrained. Here one should be guided by one idea - the simpler the better. Here, the minimum number of decorative elements is welcomed - for example, a gift can be wrapped in plain white paper, and a special small element from cutting or an ordinary elegant tag can be used as a decor.

Futuristic and eclectic notes will appeal to those who prefer to combine several styles into one - there can be a fanciful complex bow made of satin ribbons and the simplest kraft paper as packaging, or vice versa, in a complex figured box covered with natural fabric, for decor be attached with a decorative pin.

So, what should be the design of gifts so that it is fashionable and beautiful? Unusual, stylish and neat.

Original handmade boxes

The easiest and at the same time spectacular way to pack a gift in an unusual way is to make a cardboard box for it. How to make a gift box in four easy steps?

Another option for a homemade box:


Or this option:

Templates for her:

Maybe make a pyramid?

Scheme for the pyramid:

By the way, a do-it-yourself gift box can be of any shape - why not sweetie? Especially if the gift is not too big or oblong.

For the manufacture of this package will be required?

  • Colored cardboard.
  • Ruler and pencil.
  • Scissors, stationery cutter.
  • Template (can be printed or redrawn).
  • Glue.
  • Ribbon or harsh thread.

You can also make a gift box with your own hands in the shape of a piece of cake. Almost everyone loves sweets, and a piece of cake looks extravagant and cute at the same time.

To make a piece of cardboard cake, you need to prepare:

  • thick colored paper or thin cardboard;
  • ruler and pencil;
  • glue.
Production will take no more than half an hour. First you need to transfer the template to the desired colored paper - it is better to make the top brown or pink (in the color of the glaze), and the bottom can be any. By the way, you can make a bright cake, for example, in purple or pink colors - unusual and cool! Choose any cap: with a wavy edge or with a straight one, and the base:

The box is made of two fragments, the lower part should be smaller (literally a couple of millimeters in each direction). We cut out the blanks and transfer them to colored cardboard.

We make a scoring (we draw along the ruler along all the folds with a knitting needle until grooves form - this will make the folds smoother).
We glue the blanks according to allowances and dry well. Our box is ready, now it's up to the small - you need to decorate it.

For example, you can make a light paper rose and tie it with twine.

This option is easier to manufacture. No removable cover. You just need to print (or draw by hand) this template on a beautiful cardboard, where marked - cut, where the dotted lines - bend, where it says glue - glue, and you're done!

How to make an origami box? You need to stock up on a ruler and a pencil, pick up two beautiful square sheets of paper (I use scrapbooking paper), and you will also need scissors. By the way, the box can also be used for your own needs - I have paper clips stored on my table.

We pack beautifully

We already know how to make boxes, now we need to understand how to beautifully pack a gift with our own hands. Of course, you can leave the gift as it is (or arrange presents in gift boxes, which is also good), or you can think about how to arrange a gift and come up with something special.

Let's look at how to wrap a gift in paper so that it looks really stylish and does not give the impression of sloppiness. Pay attention to the choice of paper - you can choose plain light or dark paper, you can choose natural wrapping paper (kraft), or you can purchase several sheets or rolls of beautiful paper with a print from a scrapbooking store.

See how to wrap a gift in an original way. Try a new way that attracts attention - your gift will look very, very unusual!

How to

  1. Packaging should be neat - the cuts of paper or fabric should be even, and no traces of glue, tape or paper clips should be visible.
  2. It should completely hide the present, then you can make a surprise and give the hero of the occasion not only your present, but also a few exciting minutes of guessing and guessing what is hidden inside.
  3. Do not forget about the decor and name card - such details are always striking.

How classic gift wrapping is made:

It was a classic type of packaging, and now there will be an original gift package for a man or a woman - in the form of a Christmas tree.

We will need:

  • packaging - it can be wrapping paper, fabric or film;
  • glue (for fabric) or double-sided tape (for paper);
  • sharp scissors;
  • a variety of decor - ribbons, cutting, feathers, butterflies.
To make a pigtail, you will need a lot of decorative paper. So, we consider: we will need to completely wrap the box (width and allowances), and in length we will need to take 1.5 measures of the length of the gift and 2 of its height. By the way, you can not fix the Christmas tree, but collect it in a kind of ponytail, then it’s better to take the length of your gift and multiply it by 2.5 - then you’ll definitely have enough.

As a practice, try wrapping any small box with a piece of newspaper or plain paper - this way you will understand how to lay the folds, where to lay the tape and practice a little.

In this way, you can make packaging for anything - it can be a large box of chocolates and an ordinary book, a cosmetics set or a plush toy.

We tie bows


Another simple and effective bow

  1. We fold the bow according to the photo instructions and pull it with a thread.
  2. We tie the box with a ribbon, put our bow on top of the knot and tie another ribbon bow on top of it. See photo master class:

Or this paper version:

Here is a satin ribbon decor option:

The box can also be decorated with flowers made of plain paper or corrugated paper (an ordinary napkin is also suitable), see MK:

Various packaging options

Have you thought about what should be different packaging for New Year's gifts? And how to make the packaging of wedding gifts interesting and atypical? How can you build beautiful cardboard bonbonnieres or miniature boxes? If you have craft paper and twine, then you don’t have to worry - look at the selection of photos.

How to wrap a gift in other ways? Paper for gift wrapping can play a major role - for example, the decoration of New Year's gifts, made in red, white and green colors will bring the spirit of Christmas miracles, and the combination of blue and brown is well suited for a gift for a man!

Ready for a wedding or birthday present? Gift wrapping ideas for different holidays - for the new year you can make something multi-colored, and for an original wedding decoration of gifts, it would be useful to stock up on silver or gold dust, it will make a bright box with a gift truly magical.

Do you want to pack unusually? Pack it in craft and use the original stamps (they can be cut from a regular eraser). Simply stamp the craft paper or craft paper box with the stamp you created - the white ink looks amazingly stylish on the craft.

Use the diagrams and templates below to fold the boxes with your own hands (by the way, you can make invitations for a birthday or a wedding with your own hands from the same cardboard).

Any gift will look more spectacular if it is wrapped in beautiful gift paper. You can do this by contacting a store representative in the gift department or by following simple steps yourself. In this article, we will take a detailed look at how to pack a box.

Tools and accessories

The easiest way to make a beautiful and memorable gift is to pack a ready-made box in stylish wrapping paper. To do this, you will need the following tools and accessories:

  • roll with gift paper;
  • spectacular decorative cords and ribbons;
  • ordinary scissors (you can use small manicure ones);
  • clear double sided tape.

You can also either make or purchase a ready-made bow to decorate the middle of your ribbon on a gift. But how to pack a box if it is square or rectangular? How to calculate the right amount of wrapping paper?

How to take accurate measurements of packaging material?

So, take the source material in which you will pack your box, lay it out on a flat surface and put your square or rectangular gift in the center.

Attention! Before wrapping the box in gift paper, you should initially rehearse on a regular newspaper or a small piece of wallpaper. Thus, you will understand how correctly you calculated the size of the paper, and also see possible shortcomings when working with adhesive tape.

Next, on the right or left side (meaning the vertically placed edges of the paper) of the festive wrapper, fold one edge and glue a small strip of double-sided tape to it. Then fold the second edge and small pieces of paper placed horizontally, remove the protection from the tape and gently smooth the ends. It will turn out that large sections of the wrapper will be fixed with tape.

How to pack a box in paper: fold the edges and glue them

At the next stage, we advise you to turn the box over with the glued sides down and bend the corners on the sides of the box (it should turn out like when wrapping chocolates). Then stick adhesive tape on a free area of ​​paper and lean it against the end of the product.

Smooth the ends with your hand. Repeat the same on the opposite side of your box. A festive wrapper for a standard rectangular container is ready. Now you know how to properly pack a box in beautiful gift paper.

How to decorate a gift wrapped in paper?

There are many options for decorating a paper-wrapped box. For example, you can take a small strip (about 5-8 cm) and wrap it right in the middle of your gift. And carefully fasten the ends with tape. And then once again walk along this strip, which should have a color different from the wrapper, with decorative ribbons and cords. On top of them, you can also stick butterflies, flowers, rhinestones and bows as desired. As an alternative, you can take a beautiful braid or ribbon and decorate the corners of the box with it. And you can not be limited to only a ribbon of one color, the more there are, the better.

Packing the box in double-sided gift paper

Not sure how to wrap a box beautifully using double-sided gift paper? Start by choosing a side. For example, if your wrapper contains a brighter and more faded pastel colored side, it would be best to place the former inside and leave the latter on top of the gift.

Moreover, for a greater effect, you can leave a small allowance in width (the brightest part of the paper is best suited for this), bend it along the line and smooth it.

After that, wrap the box in the above way. However, unlike the previous option, you will no longer need to cut out an additional strip to create a special contrast in the center of the gift. Here's how to wrap a box beautifully using holiday decor and double-sided paper.

Recall that instead of it, you will already have a fold from the inside of your wrapper. Then it remains only to supplement the design with festive ribbons. You can also use white lace, braid and other small decorative elements.

How to pack a round or oval box?

The gift wrapping process will get a little more complicated if your box is round or oval. How to pack the box in gift paper in this case? First you need to measure your gift in height. Then cut off one strip of holiday wrapping, which should be about 2-5 cm wider than the height of the box.

After that, turn the container on its side and wrap it with paper around the entire perimeter. However, do not forget to leave an allowance of 1 cm for the bottom and 1-2 cm for the top. In this case, it is necessary to first remove the cover of the box.

The next step in our step-by-step instructions, codenamed "How to Pack a Box," is to carefully glue the ends of the paper together. And then cut out a circle or an oval from the wrapper, the size of which will be slightly smaller than the diameter of the bottom of the box. Next, glue the cut out circle to the bottom of your package so that the paper allowance is not visible.

Next, take the lid and cut out a circle slightly larger than its size. And then glue this circle on top, creating spectacular decorative folds on the sides. After that, cut a small strip of paper that will exceed the height of the lid by about 1 cm.

Glue it flush with the top of your lid, and the resulting allowance should be tucked inward. The top of the packed round or oval box can be decorated with ribbons and other decor. By the way, it is much more convenient to wrap such gifts in corrugated paper. And knowing how to pack a gift box in corrugated paper, you can easily wrap a round or oval container.

A few tricks for the right gift wrapping

When making a gift of any shape and size, you should know certain tricks that will help facilitate the process and give your product a special zest. For example, if you prefer ordinary colorless paper on a thick basis, then it must be supplemented with a bright stroke. So, a large and bright flower or a bow can play its role.

Themed gifts are best complemented with appropriate decor items. So, New Year's presents can be decorated with small Christmas trees, snowmen or snowflakes. Gifts for children are best packaged in the form of a large candy, which will cheer up little lovers of sweets.

In a word, connect your imagination, and your efforts on the topic will not be in vain. After all, now you know how to pack a gift box. Surely they will have the desired effect on the person being presented and will be appreciated.

Love to give gifts? Then you have to pack them often. Of course, it's easier to buy a holiday package for the box and put it with the rest of the gifts. But most of all, gifts with original packaging that you can make yourself will be remembered.

How to gift wrap a standard size box

To pack a gift of a regular size, you do not need special skills. If you strictly follow the step-by-step instructions, you will wrap it quickly.

Prepare the following materials and tools:

  • wrapping paper;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • scissors.


  • Calculate the size of paper you need to use for packaging. This can be done using this formula. The width of a sheet of paper will be equal to the sum of the length and height of the box, which you multiply by 1.5. To determine the length, measure twice the width and height of the box, add them together, then add 4 cm to the total.
  • Arrange the gift on the back of the paper according to the size. Glue a strip of adhesive tape on top of the cardboard along the entire length. Remove the protective layer from it.

  • Fold the short edge of the paper onto the cardboard. Press the tape in place so that the package fits snugly against the cardboard. Press the fold lines with your fingers.

  • Fold up the opposite edge of the paper by 2 cm. Glue the tape along the fold line, remove the tape.

Pull the package tightly around the present, fold the paper over the lid of the box and glue its edge, as shown in the photo.

  • Now wrap the sides of the package. To do this, first fold the paper from above, iron all the folds formed. Stick tape on top.

  • Alternately fix the corners of the paper on the cardboard.

  • On the sides of the triangle that turned out, apply double-sided tape.

  • Then press the triangle firmly against the box. Repeat all steps with the other side.

  • Decorate the top with a bow and packing tape.

How to wrap a round box in gift paper

Round-shaped gifts are quite problematic to pack, but possible. With the next method of decorating the box, you use a minimum of paper and decor.

For round packaging you will need:

  • patterned paper;
  • hole punch, scissors, stapler;
  • glue gun;
  • cardboard circle;
  • ribbon or twine.


  • Measure the box height and diameter. In size, cut out a rectangle whose height will correspond to the height of the gift, multiplied by 1.5; and the length of the figure is the diameter. Cut the paper into strips no more than 3 cm wide.

  • From one narrow edge of the strip, make one hole with a hole punch. Glue the other side of them onto the cardboard in a circle. You have a round fan of stripes. Wait for the glue to dry.

  • Place the gift in the center of the figure. Cut the ribbon and thread it through the holes in the strips. To do this, gradually bend the strips to the middle of the circle, tightly tightening the tape.

  • When you put the last strip through, tie a knot in the ribbon. So you collect all the blanks together, and they will not fall apart. Cut off the excess tape. Hide the knot with a bow, which is made from the remnants of the ribbon.

How to wrap a long box in gift paper

Narrow and long gifts can be wrapped like standard ones, but it is much more interesting to wrap them in the form of a large candy.

Packing materials:

  • corrugated paper;
  • scissors, transparent tape;
  • decorative tape.

  • Cut the colored paper into a long rectangle where its length is twice the length of the box. The height of the figure will be twice the sum of the width and height of the gift. Add 3 cm to it for allowances.

  • Place the gift in the center of the parchment and wrap it around. Fix the paper cut on the cardboard with transparent tape.
  • Pull the paper together with a piece of decorative tape on each side. If desired, make curls with the sharp edge of the scissors.

  • Cut off the excess parchment along the edges of the package.

  • Decorate the top of the gift with any decor.

How to gift wrap a custom size box

Sometimes presents have a non-standard shape. Their packaging is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. Take:

  • two types of wrapping paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • decor.


  • Wrap a non-standard gift in thin parchment. You can do without this action, but this way you will smooth out the corners of the box. Cut off a small piece of wrapping paper depending on the size of the box. Place the box on one end. Tape on this side.

  • Wrap the box around with paper. On one side, press the edges of the package and lightly iron the folds. Wrap the edge several times towards the center and fix with glue.

  • Press down firmly on the packaging so that the adhesive is completely cured.

  • Fold the other side of the package in the same way, but at a right angle to the other edge of the package. So you get a three-dimensional triangle.

  • Decorate the packaging with any decor.

Giving gifts is an art. It is easy to learn if you follow such simple master classes. Now your presentations will always be original and will be remembered among many others.

See the video for three more ways to pack the box: