How to sew pants at the waist. How to give flared jeans a new life. How to sew jeans along the side seams with your own hands

How to sew jeans?

Jeans can confidently be called the most versatile item of clothing. We wear them in winter and summer, during work and during leisure hours. It's comfortable and stylish... as long as the jeans fit you well. What to do if your jeans are a little too big? In this article we will talk about how to sew jeans. Videos on this topic can be easily found on Youtube, as well as on this page.

We offer you instructions for sewing jeans. You will need:

  • centimeter,
  • ruler,
  • scissors,
  • tailor's pins,
  • needle and thread,
  • sewing machine.

Important points

Before we talk about how to sew jeans, let's focus on some important nuances. This is somewhat more difficult than, and here's why:

  1. The main problem is the finishing seams, which are made on jeans with contrasting thread. Their color and texture are difficult to reproduce accurately enough. However, if you choose matching threads, the difference will not be too noticeable.
  2. Jeans are usually made of thick material, and the seams on them are very thick. If your home sewing machine is not designed to withstand this kind of load, you will have to stitch some areas by hand.
  3. For the same reason, sometimes you shouldn’t copy a denim lock seam. You can get by with imitation.
  4. And finally, it’s worth taking on this difficult task if you’re going to make jeans up one size, or at least two sizes. Only then will the result be worth your efforts.

How to sew jeans into a waistband

So you bought new jeans and they fit great on your hips but are too big in the waistband. This problem affects women more often than men, and is associated with the characteristics of the female figure. Usually in such cases the jeans bulge at the back. Therefore, we will stitch them along the back seam.

Step 1

Put on your jeans and use a measuring tape to measure your volume where the waistband is located. Now take off your jeans and measure the length of your waistband. Divide the difference between the two measurements by two. We have to move the middle seam by this amount.

Step 2

Open the belt loop located at the back and the belt on both sides of it by 7-8 cm in each direction. Carefully open the crotch seam a few centimeters to the right and left of the middle. Open the middle seam, smooth it and pin it, pointing it perpendicular to the fabric cut. Set aside the distance obtained in the first step from the old seam. Using chalk and a ruler, draw a tangent to the pattern area of ​​the opened middle seam.

Step 3

Sew the jeans halves along the new middle seam. Trim the fabric at a distance of 1 cm from the seam and finish the cut with a zigzag stitch. Iron the seam allowance and place a double finishing stitch along the right side. Fold the crotch seam back over and topstitch along the right side.

Step 4

Now let's take care of the belt. Place it on the top edge of the jeans and place marks where the waistband touches the middle seam. Trim off any excess fabric (don't forget the seam allowance!). Place the halves of the belt right sides together and stitch. Press the seam allowances open and stitch the waistband to the top edge on the right side. If necessary, add a finishing stitch. It is better to hem the belt from the inside out by hand using a hidden seam. Sew the belt loop again - it will cover the seam on the waistband.

How to sew jeans in the hips

This need may arise if you suddenly lost weight, but do not want to part with your favorite jeans. Sewing jeans at the hips can be even easier than at the waist, because the side seams are not always decorative, which means your the interference will be less noticeable.

The operating technology is the same as described above. Only now you will have to rip off the belt on the right and left and make two seams instead of one. In addition, the rivets located on the pockets may interfere with your use. In this case, you will have to take the fabric from the back halves into the seam and use hand stitches in the most inconvenient places. Try to disguise the seams on the waistband under the side loops. And if you do everything carefully, the result will please you.

How to sew jeans in the legs

Jeans almost never go out of fashion. But their shape can change from season to season. Narrow models are popular now. So if you want to stay on trend, you can remake last year's pair.

Put your jeans on inside out and arm yourself with a pack of tailor's pins. standing in front mirror, pin the fabric on both sides on one of the legs from the inside. Remove the jeans and draw a seam line so that it is even. Using pins and tailor's chalk, copy the line onto the second leg, also on the inside. Baste the seams and try on the jeans.

If you are happy with everything, you can proceed to sewing the seams. Before this, you need to rip out the hem of the trouser legs, and after stitching the trouser legs, fold and hem the jeans again.

Today, wide flared jeans are gradually going out of fashion, and many people are wondering how to narrow the bottom of jeans at home in order to give them a second wind and turn them into a fashionable style again. The tapering procedure itself depends not only on the style and style of the trousers, but also on the fabric from which they are made. Today we will tell you how to turn wide jeans into skinny ones simply, quickly and without additional costs.

How to make jeans narrower at the bottom?

Updating your wardrobe and narrowing your jeans to create fashionable leggings or stylish skinnies is not difficult, you just need a little patience and perseverance.

To work you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Sewing machine with threads matching the color of the trousers.
  • Pins.
  • Needle and thread (any color).
  • Overlock or overlock foot for machine.
  • Tailor's scissors.
  • Chalk or quality soap.
  • Ruler or measuring tape.
  • Iron.

There are several ways to solve the problem, the main thing is to do everything carefully and carefully so as not to spoil the thing.

Method number 1. Simple

Jeans should be sewn along the inner seams of the trousers, since finishing stitches run along the outer side seams.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Spread out the bottom of the trouser legs, as the model of the new jeans includes tapering at the bottom.
  2. Iron and steam the seams at the bottom of the trousers so that creases are not visible.
  3. Turn your jeans inside out.
  4. Put the product on yourself and measure the places where you need to sew it. Using pins, pin the trouser legs along the line of the future inseam.
  5. Look carefully to see if the length and width are right for you, and whether there is any discomfort when walking or sitting. If you are happy with everything, then take off your jeans.
  6. Lay the product on a flat surface and straighten out all the folds and irregularities.
  7. Use sewing chalk or soap to draw lines along the pinned marks, and baste along the line using an overlock stitch or a needle-first stitch.
  8. Try on the product again, make changes and eliminate defects. If the trousers are longer than you need, you should first shorten them and then sew them in.
  9. Remove the trousers and mark new lines with chalk, leaving a 1.5 cm seam allowance from the stitching line.
  10. Trim off excess fabric with scissors.
  11. Using a serger, overcast the seam allowances on the side of the front halves of the trouser legs. The threads must match the color of the fabric.
  12. Iron the finished seams onto the back halves of the legs. For this purpose, you can use a special sleeve, which is attached to the ironing board. You can also use a homemade pillow.
  13. Sew the product along the marked lines. Try to connect the old and new seam smoothly, without a noticeable transition between them.
  14. Align the bottom cuts on the trouser legs, mark with chalk allowances along the bottom of 3-4 cm.
  15. Select threads for the bottom of the trousers that match the color of the finishing stitching.
  16. Fold the bottom along the chalk line, sew on the front side with finishing threads on a machine (stitch width 0.4 cm).
  17. After finishing the bottom of the trousers, iron the finishing stitch using a sleeve block or pad.
  18. Remove any excess thread you used to baste the stitching. Turn the jeans inside out and try them on. If they fit perfectly and the result satisfies you, iron them and wear fashionable and stylish trousers that will be the envy of everyone.

Important! To make the finishing stitch more dense and expressive, thread two spools of the same color into the top thread. Place a thread in the shuttle that matches the color of the fabric - there should be a single thread.

Method number 2. We use old skinny jeans

This method practically repeats the entire procedure of method No. 1, with the only difference being that old narrow trousers are placed on top of the wide trousers, which fit perfectly to the figure. Then new seams are marked for the relatively narrow model. After this, the lines are swept away and the jeans are tried on. If you are happy with everything, then start sewing by cutting off the excess fabric and processing the allowances on the overlocker.

Or maybe it's time to use the pants in a different way, without wasting time on sewing and hemming them? Think about it, because we offer many interesting ideas, with detailed master classes!

Method No. 3. Using a pattern

This method is the most difficult, since to perform it you need to rip wide jeans and skinny ones that fit in size into patterns. However, this method will help achieve maximum and high-quality results.

The essence of this method: the pattern of skinny jeans is completely transferred to the fabric of wide trousers, then the pattern is marked with chalk on the fabric and additional seam allowances are made. After this, you should cut off the excess fabric and stitch the pattern.

To ensure that your pants remain durable, practical and beautiful longer, and you don’t spend a lot of time caring for them, read the recommendations about. You won't have any problems caring for your denim items!

Additional decor

If you want to not only narrow your jeans yourself, but also make an original designer item out of an ordinary wardrobe item, you can insert a strip of leather, suede or lace into the side seam. For this:

  1. Turn the jeans inside out and measure the areas that need to be sewn in on both sides of the legs.
  2. Remove the jeans and draw seam lines according to the marks.
  3. After stitching the legs, draw lines along which to trim off the excess, making seam allowances of 1-1.5 cm, cut off the excess fabric.
  4. Cut a strip from any fabric you like.
  5. The pattern is a triangle with a base of 5-10 cm and a height equal to the distance from the narrowing point to the bottom of the trouser legs.
  6. Insert strips of fabric into the legs and stitch them together.
  7. Process the bottom of the trousers.

How to taper jeans at the bottom at home without a sewing machine?

Fashion dictates its terms, so many people are now trying to look beautiful, stylish, youthful. If you want to make your jeans skinny at the bottom, but you don't have the skills to work with a sewing machine, then you can use a simple method of folding excess fabric on the legs.

This option for narrowing your trousers will take you no more than two minutes if you proceed as follows:

  1. Put on your pants and stand in front of the mirror.
  2. Pull one leg to the desired width with one hand.
  3. Holding the trouser leg with the fingers of one hand, fold the excess fabric to the right or left, as convenient for you, with the other hand.
  4. Fold the bottom of the trouser leg once, securing the folded fabric. You can wrap the bottom twice if the length allows.
  5. Evaluate the result - if this width satisfies you, then do the same manipulations with the other leg.
  6. Experiment with the height of the trousers and their width until you are completely satisfied with the result.

How to narrow jeans to size at home?

There can be many reasons why we want to change our wardrobe. Here are just a few of them:

  • Often purchased clothes do not fit the figure as desired, since any item of clothing is cut and sewn according to certain standards. And if your trousers are a little too big, you can cut them down a size to make them look perfect.
  • The human figure is prone to change, and when clothes become too big, you can alter them to continue wearing your favorite item.

We will tell you further about how to sew trousers one size smaller. But before you radically change the look of your pants, check out the ones for different body types.

Reducing the waist of trousers

First of all, you need to decide where the product needs to be sutured. After all, in addition to the style, it is necessary to determine the purpose of adjusting the size. For example, if straight-cut jeans of medium width become too big at the waist, then the following algorithm should be applied:

  1. Turn the product inside out.
  2. Step back from the middle seam at the back 7 cm in both directions, and open the belt at this distance.
  3. Open the crotch seam approximately 8 cm.
  4. Open the middle seam.
  5. On the wrong side, mark the sewing points with pins and draw lines with chalk.
  6. Sew along the marked lines. If necessary, duplicate the seam with a double stitch.
  7. Trim the excess fabric on the waistband and sew it on.

We can safely say that fashion changes almost daily. But not everyone can keep up with its trends, because a rare wallet can handle it. However, this problem can be solved simply by using your hands. This article will tell you how to sew in trousers and turn them into fashionable new pants.

Sewing flared trousers: preparation

First of all, let's figure out which bottoms are flared (after all, no one wears pants of this style anymore), and make them classic. To do this, you need to turn the product inside out and lay it out on a flat surface. Next, you need to decide on the width of the trouser leg itself. This is important, because this is exactly the width of the bottom of the trousers. The next step: you need to use sewing chalk (or a thin soap) to draw lines on the wrong side of the trouser leg, which indicate the location of the seam. This must be done carefully, evenly and as accurately as possible. Further along this line, the trouser legs are pinned or simply swept away. The unnecessary edge of the trousers is cut off about a centimeter from the seam.

Working on a typewriter

Now about how to sew trousers on a sewing machine. First of all, you need to sew a line along the drawn line, setting the stitch length as desired. Next you need to wrap the seam allowance. This can be done in different ways:

  1. The seams can be laid out and wrapped each separately, or they can be folded and processed together, it depends on the style of the trousers and the thickness of the fabric.
  2. As for the overlocker itself, if there is no such device, you can do it with a regular sewing machine. And here again there are two simple options for how to do this:
  • using a special one that is found in all new machines;
  • using a zigzag stitch, while setting the smallest step width.

The last, no less important stage is to iron the finished product. After steaming, the chalk line will disappear. The pants are ready!

Making tight trousers

Today, pants that are narrower at the bottom are fashionable. Of course, you can buy them, but you can do something more cunning - create such beauty with your own hands. Now we will talk about how to sew in trousers at the bottom and make them tapered. To do everything correctly, you need to perform several very simple steps, similar to the previous ones:

  1. First of all, you need to open the hem of the bottom so that you can work with the entire length of the pant leg.
  2. At this stage, it is important to decide how many centimeters the trousers will be sutured, because the method of suturing depends on this.
  3. If you need to narrow your pants just a little, you can do this only on one side - the outer or inner, depending on where it is easier to work with the seam (sometimes on one side it is decorative, and it is very difficult to imitate it at home).
  4. The principle of operation is the same as described above: you need to turn the product inside out, draw a seam line with soap (on one side), fasten the legs (with pins or basting), cut off excess fabric, stitch, and wrap the edges.
  5. To ensure that trousers that are tapered down to a significant width are not distorted, it is necessary to sew them in on both sides. The principle of operation is similar, however, lines are drawn near both seams, internal and external, and always at an equal distance. This is important, because otherwise the pants will look ugly.
  6. Bottom hem. You can lay a line or in the same place. However, today somewhat cropped trousers (on the bone) are in fashion, why not make your skinny trousers just like that?
  7. The last stage is ironing the product.

Belt: method one

Information on how to sew in trousers at the waist by a couple of centimeters will also be very useful. First of all, you definitely need to decide how much you need to reduce the product. Then you need to cut off the waistband on the sides so as to make small darts (their size depends on how many cm the product will be reduced by). The bottom of the darts will go into the side seams. The next step: we outline the darts and sew them with a machine stitch. As for the belt, it needs to be cut on the sides, excess fabric cut off, stitched along short sections and sewn to the product along the old lines.

Belt: method two

Is it possible to repair trousers if the item needs to be sewn down a couple of sizes? Of course! To do this, you need to undo the belt at the very beginning. They need to be sewn along the side seams along the entire length of the legs from the very top to the bottom (symmetrically on both sides). This is done as described above. If you want to significantly reduce the waist of your trousers, you will also need to sew them in along the back seam. As for the belt, excess fabric is cut off from it, and it is sewn along the upper edge of the trousers in its old place. The product is ready!

Simple rules

And now about the fact that for any repair of trousers there are certain rules:

  1. One thing to keep in mind is that there are different styles of trousers, not all of them can be altered the way you want, and not all of them will end up looking good.
  2. When cutting, you need to use ordinary household soap, this way you won’t need to wash the product, because the lines can be easily removed by steaming with an iron.
  3. If you need to baste, it is better to do it exclusively with white threads, regardless of the color of the pants. They do not shed because they are not colored.
  4. There is no need to despair if you don’t have an overlock machine at home; for this you can use the overlock foot that comes with every sewing machine, or simply work in a zigzag manner.
  5. When hemming trousers (especially denim ones), you need to remember that the stitching should be laid with the same stitch length as on other decorative seams.
  6. At the end, you must iron the product.

2015-10-20 Maria Novikova

What do you know about jeans? What types of jeans do you have in your wardrobe? Jeans styles are completely different, ranging from classic to . The inventor of jeans gave the world a unique attribute that destroyed class differences and surpassed himself. In this article you will learn how to make flared jeans from old jeans with your own hands and shorten the jeans while maintaining the signature hem.

If you've changed your mind about converting your jeans into flares, then make jeans out of old ones.

Lay out the trouser legs on a flat surface and draw defining lines. To do this, measure the circumference of your leg around the knee, taking into account the freedom of movement of your leg. The resulting value will be the width of the trouser legs in the knee area. Apply it to your jeans by calculating: from the total size of the trouser leg (at knee level), subtract the resulting value (knee circumference). Divide the difference in half: set aside one amount from the crotch seam and the other from the side seam.

Do the same with the second leg. With such an accurate calculation, you will not have any asymmetry or distortion of the seams. Connect the resulting points to the bottom, hip line (along the side seam) and the middle seam (along the crotch).

Pin and machine stitch along the lines.

Mark an allowance of 1.5 cm from the stitching, cut off the excess with scissors.

Overlock the edges with an overlocker:

Press seam allowances.

What to do if your jeans become too big? In this case, the information contained in the articles will be useful to you: and.

Laying arrows

To give flared jeans a classic look, you can make arrows. In this case, these will be stitched arrows to knee level in front and behind. To do this, fold the trouser legs so that the side and crotch seams on the trouser legs match. Secure the seams with pins and press the pant legs in the centers to knee level.

Secure the arrows with machine stitching 0.1 - 0.2 cm from the edge with threads in the color of the finishing stitches.

If your jeans need repairs, then articles will come to the rescue:, and

Processing the bottom of jeans

Set aside 1.5 cm from the stitching (the width of the hem).

Cut along the marked line.

Iron the resulting seam allowance of 1.5 cm inward:

Then fold the cuff along the fold with the allowances inward and fix it with an iron again. This will give you a cuff that resembles a border.

Line up the hem of the jeans to the desired length; no allowance needs to be added to the hem.

Now use the resulting cuff to edge the bottom so that the cut of the bottom of the jeans is inside the cuff.

Attention! Do not confuse the cuffs when connecting: the left cuff with the left leg, the right cuff with the right leg.

Machine stitch with threads matching the color of the finishing stitches, clearly along the line of the old stitch, line to line.

Remove the basting threads and iron the bottom.

As you can see, converting old jeans into bell-bottom jeans is not a difficult task. Most often, the difficulty lies in the lack of information. Flared jeans are back in fashion and have become classics, and the classic style, as we know, never goes out of fashion. So think about remaking your old jeans and use my tutorial. What else you can make from old jeans with your own hands, read my articles: and.

P.S. I'd love to see your comments!


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Always yours, Maria Novikova!

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Right now, place an order for a personal pattern or consultation on sewing and cutting clothes. Including consultation on the choice of fabric, style and personal image.

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One of the most effective ways to reduce the size of jeans is to sew them. You can have denim trousers altered at a clothing repair shop, but this method will be more expensive.

Sewing jeans at home is quite difficult without some experience. This is due to the complex cut of the trousers. However, if you have a sewing machine and minimal skills in working with it, you can still do this.

You should start downsizing from the legs. You need to open the seam in those places where the jeans need to be lowered. During fitting, you should note the required width of the leg using safety pins or a couple of basting stitches.

To ensure an even stitch on a sewing machine, the seams should be basted first.

To sew jeans legs, you need to select threads of the same color and thickness that are used to sew all the outer seams of the trousers, and thread them into the sewing machine. As a rule, the stitching on jeans is double, and so that the stitched areas do not differ from the rest of the seams, it is necessary to reproduce it.

To reduce the waist of jeans, you need to sew them in from the sides, first removing the waistband. After the operation, the belt should also be shortened and returned to its original place.

If the denim trousers have become too big in the hips, then you will need to additionally undo the stitching that goes through the buttocks.

Ways to skinny jeans

  • More details

How to make denim pants smaller at home using other methods

If you only need to reduce your jeans by one size, you can try doing this by washing them at a high temperature. First, the trousers need to be soaked in hot water, washed by setting the washing machine lever to 60–90 degrees, and wrung out at high speed. It is better to dry jeans in a horizontal position on a fabric that absorbs moisture.

Washed jeans will shrink, but, unfortunately, the effect will not last long; after one or two days of wear, they will stretch back to their previous size.

In this case, the trousers will have to be washed quite often. Despite the fairly high density of the fabric, due to constant washing they can take on a slightly shabby appearance and lose color saturation.

So that your denim pants don’t have to be sewn in or washed to holes, you can just gain a little weight