How to return shoes of inadequate quality. How to return shoes to the store

In the end, everyone has such a situation - an unsuccessfully perfect purchase. Often these are defective shoes. Naturally, the question of how to return low-quality shoes worries many. In order to do this correctly, it is necessary to study in detail the law that protects the rights of the consumer. You can do this, or by downloading the provisions of the law to your computer.

Returning shoes of inadequate quality is actually not very difficult. You can simply come to the store, describe the shortcomings of the goods and demand a refund. But there is no guarantee that the store employees will immediately agree to all your requirements and statements. But what if the marriage was discovered in the process of using shoes? After all, the store often does not want to accept new things back, and what can we say about a used product. You can return a defective product by writing a claim addressed to the store manager.

The rules of the law on consumer rights establish two grounds for writing a request for a return:

  • return guarantee;
  • product quality assurance.

The first point assumes the possibility of receiving money back or exchanging the product for another, provided that it has not been used, payment documents and packaging (as well as the preservation of all components) within two weeks from the date of purchase. The second option makes it possible to write a claim to the store or a statement to the authorities controlling it (for example, to Rospotrebnadzor) during the warranty period established by the seller or manufacturer. Each case has its own characteristics and nuances.

Therefore, the best option would be to contact experienced lawyers who have daily practice in relation to consumer-seller problems. On our website, this can be done for free using the feedback window.

In order to make it easier for yourself to return money for a purchase in the presence of a marriage and save time and money, you must follow some rules:

  • pay attention to all possible places of manifestation of marriage when buying a product;
  • save payment documents, packaging materials, accessories included in the package;
  • study the sample, which should be in the store, in the corner of the buyer, about the rules for warranty service of low-quality shoes;
  • make sure that the defects in the product are not your fault, as a quality examination will be carried out and the seller will try to leave you to blame in the marriage so as not to incur losses, and if he succeeds, you will again lose your money, and will not achieve justice;
  • keep in mind that the legal warranty period for shoe production is equivalent to a month, and sellers sometimes shorten it on their own;
  • you have the right to return your money back for a low-quality product, and not just exchange a low-quality pair for a similar one;
  • if the seller refuses to return your money back, keep in mind that you can complain to Rospotrebnadzor, Roskomnadzor, the court, the prosecutor's office, etc.;
  • carefully study the sample claim to the seller before writing it. This gives a guarantee that he will not have the opportunity to refuse to accept you.
  • and so on.

In these articles you will find not only a lot of interesting things, but also samples of claims and complaints, the rules for writing them and the relevant legislation.

Can't be returned

Before arguing with the seller and running to look for a sample of statements and claims to various authorities, spending money on lawyers still needs to carefully study consumer protection law. In addition, you can contact lawyers and lawyers completely free of charge by leaving a request on our website.

The law clearly prescribes a list of goods that are not subject to return (and even if there is no marriage), and also indicates that if the defects of the goods appeared due to the fault of the consumer himself, such goods cannot be returned in any cases.

So, for shoes, a refusal to receive money back or exchange goods for another (even with an additional payment) will be in the following cases:

  • when defects appear as a result of wearing out of season;
  • in the presence of burns, cuts, traces of paint, etc. on shoes;
  • in case of misuse (for example, you went fishing or hunting in sandals and there they broke);
  • improper maintenance of the goods (washing, drying, chemical treatment). Maybe you decided to warm up your boots on the stove, and the sole has melted, then no law can help you;
  • the presence of traces of repairs carried out on their own, you can only change the heels on the heels and even then without causing harm to the shoes.

In general, carefully study the legislation, in case of problems and questions, seek advice from experienced professionals. Write in the feedback form about what interests you and get a full answer from experienced lawyers.

When people buy something, they want to know about their rights and money-back guarantees. Of course, provided that the seller has provided a product that does not meet the quality or parameters necessary for the buyer. However, if we are usually well aware of the warranty periods of equipment and the availability of service centers, then everything is much more complicated with shoes. Is it possible to return an unsuitable pair of shoes or boots? What are the return terms and conditions? Let's figure it out.

Can I return shoes to the store?

By law, people are allowed to turn in low-quality or unsuitable goods. Shoes are by no means an exception. Yes, there are some conditions that need to be met, but usually it is not difficult to comply with them.

Conditions for returning shoes

  • Try to collect everything that was given to you upon purchase: a box, a receipt, spare insoles, etc. But if you have lost something, do not despair - there will be chances to save the situation. The main thing is to confirm that you bought the shoes exactly where you are returning them.
  • New shoes must be returned within 14 days. This is the norm established by the state, the store has no right to change it. Thus, 2 weeks is the maximum time for reflection in relation to meeting your expectations of style, size and color.
  • Treat the purchased pair of shoes with care and do not expose them to harmful mechanical stress. If you damage it through your own fault, then, of course, the store may refuse to return the money and exchange.

How to return shoes to the store?

When we talk about a 14-day return period, we mean shoes that just didn't fit. That is, you changed your mind about wearing it and want to return it safe and sound. But there is another situation: the shoes turned out to be unusable, with a manufacturer's defect, or they failed during the warranty period. This question is solved in a different way. Let's consider these two situations separately.

Return of shoes of inadequate quality

If you have identified a marriage after the purchase, try to find the box, the receipt (if not, you need witnesses to the purchase) and the warranty card for the shoes. Also bring your passport or any identification document. This will allow you to compensate for the costs even after a little wear of the shoes. Beforehand, of course, it is useful for yourself to make sure that it is not damaged as a result of improper operation. If the seller does not dispute the poor quality of the goods, you get any of four possibilities:

  1. Full refund.
  2. Shoe exchange.
  3. Partial refund as for shoes of lower quality.
  4. Elimination of defects at the expense of the store.

If the seller refuses to recognize the poor quality of the shoes or blames the buyer for defects, their rights can be defended in court. An examination may also be required.

Advice: Conduct an examination only when you are completely sure that the manufacturer is to blame.

Return of shoes of good quality

When the shoes just turned out to be unsuitable, they can also be returned or exchanged. For example, it turned out a mismatch in size or it is simply uncomfortable. Pay special attention to the preservation of the presentation. If there are no complaints against him, there is a good chance to defend his rights.

You can return such shoes in exchange for another, more suitable one (the difference in price is reimbursed). Also, the seller has the right to ask for the box back (if it was), a sales receipt, or, again, if it is lost, testimonies.

Terms of return of shoes to the store

Good quality shoes are returned within 14 days of purchase. When it comes to low-quality shoes, it all depends on the terms of the warranty. This is what will be discussed now.

Shoe Warranty

Do you ask the seller what is the warranty on the shoes? As we will now see, it is worth doing this, especially if you are dealing with a solid company store.

Warranty period for shoes

The warranty period (as opposed to the expectation test period mentioned above) is set by the seller. Usually it is at least 30-45 days, but a lot depends on the GOST for a specific type of footwear: children's - from 30, and model - from 60-90 days. The material of manufacture also plays a role.

Please note that in the case of seasonal shoes, the starting date of the season is the starting point, and when buying all-season shoes, the date of sale. The seasonality of shoes in Russia should be taken into account. The start date of the season may vary by region and may not coincide with the calendar framework of the time of year.

What is covered by the footwear warranty?

The guarantee extends not only to footwear, but also to accessories. For example, damage to a buckle, zipper, heel not through the fault of the buyer is also the basis for material claims against the seller.

What can the buyer expect under the warranty period?

The buyer himself decides which method of compensation to choose if the fault of the store (seller) is proved. Return with payment of the cost of goods or exchange is possible. This situation, however, has its own subtleties:

  • You can claim compensation for damages caused to you as a result of the sale of low-quality shoes.
  • When the goods are bought on credit, the seller is obliged to compensate not only the money paid, but also any costs associated with the loan (fee for its provision, interest, etc.).
  • If the price of the shoes has increased on the date of the claim, the difference can be claimed.

When can shoes be returned?

If you put on summer shoes in the cold, played football in shoes, the shoes may not be accepted back. It is expected that you properly looked after it and followed the basic rules of operation. It is not allowed to return shoes with obvious mechanical damage: with burns, rips and cuts. Also, claims are not accepted if the buyer contacted the shoe repair shop before returning the purchased pair to the store. The exception is the replacement of heels.

How to write a claim for illegal actions of sellers?

In some cases, you will encounter the fact that sellers do not want to fulfill their duties. Then you can write a complaint about their actions.

Advice: may be required beforehand. This will help to avoid unnecessary waste later and to understand whether you are entitled to compensation for the goods. It is also helpful to know consumer law and refer to it when talking to a seller.

If your efforts to verbally resolve the problem did not lead to anything good, proceed in the following order:

  1. Indicate the addressee of the claim (for example, the head of OOO "Botinok", address: Moscow, etc.). In a similar order, indicate your data - name, address.
  2. Indicate the circumstances of the case: where, when and for how much the goods were purchased, what defect was discovered, how the seller acted, etc. You can mention the available documents confirming the purchase, and any circumstances relevant to the case.

Advice: refer to the law when presenting.

  1. Specify clearly your requirements for fixing the problem: refund, exchange, etc.
  2. Specify the list of attached documents.
  3. At the end - date and signature.

The claim is made in duplicate - for you and the seller. It is worth noting that this is the accepted procedure, but there are no “iron” requirements for compiling this document. If that doesn't work, then file a lawsuit. However, keep in mind that an expert opinion on the quality of shoes may be required.

Important: if the seller refuses to accept a written claim, send him a letter with notification. A copy of the receipt for such a letter is sufficient grounds for the court to consider the seller notified.

  • Since returning or exchanging shoes can be difficult, it's no surprise that many choose to take the purchase seriously. Therefore, the majority prefers to go to branded stores, rather than buying shoes of dubious quality in a second-hand shop or on the market.
  • As can be seen from the above, a check should be required from the seller. And we often forget about it.
  • Before buying, find out for yourself what you expect from the quality, the desired type of shoes. After informing the seller about your wishes, ask how the store fulfills the warranty obligations.


Let's look at a few common questions.

Can I return if the warranty period has expired?

Yes, but no later than 2 years from the date of purchase. Then you need to be able to prove that the identified deficiencies were already upon receipt of the goods.

Can I return shoes if they rub?

Yes, for this you need to follow the algorithm of actions described above in the "Returning Shoes of Good Quality" section. Most likely, the reason is not a manufacturing defect, but an incorrectly chosen size, so it is better to return such a pair of shoes as soon as possible, within 14 days from the date of purchase. It is likely that the seller will check whether the original appearance is preserved.

Advice: it is better to walk around the house or apartment in new shoes first, and not immediately go out into the street in them. Otherwise, it is difficult to return it as a new one, and it is almost impossible to present it as a factory defect.

Can I return used shoes to the store?

This is quite difficult to do if you cannot prove the presence of a factory defect. But each situation is individual, you can talk about it with a lawyer who knows the consumer protection law well.

When does the winter footwear warranty start?

Since there is a distinction according to climatic zones, we will consider the issue using the example of the capital. The warranty for winter boots usually starts on November 1st. For spring - from April 1, for summer - from June 1, for autumn - from September 1.

As our review shows, fighting for a refund or exchange of shoes for a more suitable one is a completely normal and affordable process. Another thing is that you need to keep in mind the regulations provided for by law and be able to put yourself in the place of the seller. It is also more often advisable to make financial claims to the store in the case of expensive shoes. The sale of goods in stores such as Second Hand or on sales often takes place according to its own, purely individual, laws.

Everyone has probably been in a situation where buying new shoes in the end does not bring joy. Trying it on under the praise of sellers, you miss a lot of important points - the convenience of the shoe, the quality of the product, or just some kind of boot turns out to be cramped. Disappointment, as a rule, overtakes at home when the money is paid and it seems that nothing can be done. However, do not despair - the law is on the side of buyers!

If for some reason after the purchase you decide to return the shoes to the store, you need to discard the feeling of false shame and try to do it as soon as possible. After all, according to the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" you have a limited period - 14 days. You must return the money or make a replacement for another product. The most important thing when returning:
  • have on hand purchased shoes of the proper type;
  • sales receipt for the purchase;
  • a guarantee check (in the case of the discovery of a marriage);
  • passport;
  • invest within 14 days.
Before returning, first make sure that the shoes are clean, because. the seller may also, in accordance with the Law, refuse you due to the non-marketable appearance of the product. In addition, the pair of returned shoes must be unworn. If the shoes are returned due to marriage, then the buyer has the right to return the goods of inadequate quality according to the law within a two-year period. Therefore, the appearance of the shoes may become imperfect in the process of wearing, but the store is obliged to return the money to you if the manufacturer's defect is proven. If the seller is ready to immediately make concessions and the marriage is obvious, a refund is made within 10 days. If the seller refuses to accept defective / proper quality shoes within the period specified by law, be sure to contact the management of the shoe center. Many of the stores, especially large and reputable ones, value their reputation, so they meet the needs of customers quite often. If, nevertheless, an unreasonable refusal was received when returning the shoes, write a written claim in two copies, on one, be sure to require a mark of its acceptance. The presence of a claim will facilitate further proceedings. A claim is drawn up in any form addressed to the store director, indicating all the nuances and their requirements. Be sure to refer to the relevant articles of the law.

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The next step is to contact the Consumer Protection Service. To do this, first prepare a written appeal of the above sample and attach the necessary documents. It may be necessary to prove the inadequate quality of shoes by examination. If its warranty period has not expired, the seller pays for the examination, otherwise an independent assessment is worth a personal investment. In the future, if your case is recognized, all costs will be reimbursed by the seller. The result of the examination can also be challenged in court. When you have the conclusion of the examination in your hands, go back to the seller and hand it over along with the claim. Important: do not forget to indicate the amount of compensation for your expenses in the application. The last step may be the buyer's appeal to the court. However, such drastic measures are extremely rare. Tip: make it a rule to keep all purchase receipts and warranty cards, in the future this will facilitate any proceedings related to the purchased product.

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RF legislation allows citizens to hold back the seller within 14 days of their purchase. In this regard, the laws have a number of nuances, which are very important to take into account if you want to return this or that product.

Many citizens are wondering - "Is it possible to return shoes within?". It is not difficult to answer it if we turn to the provisions of the current legislation and consider them in more detail.

In order to make it easier for all citizens who are interested in these issues to analyze it, our resource presents today's material, which details the procedure for returning shoes back to the store and all its features.

Return of shoes - the legal right of the buyer

Footwear is a non-food product, the return of which is determined by the law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights". According to its provisions, shoes can be returned in two operational states: worn and unworn. In this paragraph of the article, we will pay more attention to the procedure for returning goods that have not yet been used.

First, it is important to understand that all citizens have the right to return unworn shoes within 14 days after purchase (the day of purchase is not taken into account) in the following circumstances:

  • the purchased item did not fit in size, style and other characteristics;
  • the buyer no longer needs the purchased product;
  • or in the purchased shoes were identified or properties that were not specified by the seller when selling it.

At the same time, it is possible to return unworn shoes for the previously indicated reasons if they:

  1. not used for its intended purpose;
  2. retained the presentation;
  3. has factory labels.

In addition, the buyer must have a receipt or other proof of purchase of products in a particular store. The latter can be video footage from surveillance cameras in the store, testimony of sellers or witnesses.

It is important to note that, subject to the previously specified circumstances, the buyer has the right to:

  • get the amount back, moreover, in full;
  • exchange shoes for another one corresponding to the price category of the returned product;
  • exchange shoes for another with a surcharge or, on the contrary, with the receipt of part of the funds back.

Do not forget - the above standards must be observed by all stores and organizations that officially sell shoes. Otherwise, the buyer has every right to influence the seller by contacting higher authorities: the Prosecutor's Office, the Court and the like.

Return of used shoes

Returning worn shoes is a more difficult question ...

As you can see, the procedure for returning unworn shoes is a simple process both from the point of view of legislation and from the point of view of an ordinary man in the street. But a similar event with an already used product has more nuances.

Firstly, it is worth noting that it is possible to return already worn shoes only if, during its operation, the buyer revealed defects in the purchased products or properties that were not previously specified by the seller.

In such circumstances, the preservation of the presentation, tags and similar things is not required. The presence of defects or properties identified during the operation of the shoes, which were not specified by the sellers when selling products, allows the buyer to restore his rights in one of the following ways:

  1. return all paid funds back in full;
  2. exchange shoes for a similar or similar format with an additional payment/receiving a part of the funds back;
    require the seller to eliminate existing defects in shoes at his expense;
  3. get a part of the cost of low-quality products back, while keeping it for yourself.

It is important to note that the buyer has every right to return the shoes in this way if the defects appeared through no fault of his own and were not eliminated by him before contacting the store with a return. Otherwise, the seller has every right to refuse.

An important nuance in the return of used shoes is the fact that it can only be carried out within the warranty period established by the seller. In most cases, it is from 30 to 45 days after the start of the season, which is designed for the use of purchased shoes, while the period should not be less than the guarantee established by the manufacturer of the product (if any).

So, the winter season begins on November 1 of each year, the spring season on April 1, the summer season on June 1, and the autumn season on September 1. At the same time, the law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" regulates that in the absence of a guarantee established by the seller, the default warranty period becomes 2 years and is counted from the date of purchase of the product.

The procedure for filing a claim with the seller

Shoe return: under warranty

Having identified the possibility and necessity to return the shoes to the seller, the buyer may well restore his rights. For this, two main conditions must be met:

  • firstly, to determine compliance with the return norms stipulated earlier in relation to a specific situation;
  • and secondly, to present relevant claims to the seller within the time limits established by law.

The procedure for submitting claims to the store is as follows:

  • First of all, the buyer must formalize his requirements in documentary form. The claim is drawn up on A4 paper, either in writing or in printed form. The text of the document must include the following information:
  1. the name of the store where the claim is sent;
  2. buyer's contact details;
  3. the essence of the claim: the subject of the return and its reason;
  4. requirements for the seller indicating how the buyer wants to solve the problem (get the funds back, etc.);
  5. information about the evidence attached to the document (receipt, filming from a surveillance camera, etc.);
  6. date of delivery of the document to the seller.
  • It is important to issue a claim in two original copies: one of which will remain with the seller, and the other with the buyer.
  • After drawing up the document, you will have to personally visit the store and hand over the claim to authorized persons. At this stage, both copies of the paper must be signed by both parties to the dispute. It is also advisable to have with you a photocopy of the receipt or copies of other evidence of the purchase of shoes in a particular place and a warranty card (if available).

Having submitted a claim to the seller, the buyer can only wait for its consideration. The store is given 7 working days for this event, not counting the day the claim is submitted, after which the seller undertakes to either reject the return application, referring to the norms of the law, or confirm and carry out the return, or appoint an independent one.

The latter must be carried out within 20 days after the consideration of the claim and the seller is obliged to notify the buyer of its results. Do not forget that if the seller violates the procedure for returning shoes, the buyer has every right to assert his rights through higher authorities.

Quite weighty reasons for applying to Rospotrebnadzor, or the Court are:

  • violation by the seller of the terms for returning the goods or considering the claim;
  • unreasonable refusal to carry out the return procedure;
  • other actions of the seller that in one way or another violate the norms of the current legislation.

When deciding to protect rights through, for example, the court, it is advisable for the buyer to consult with a professional lawyer and act according to his advice. This is the only way to significantly increase the chances of trouble-free and quick solution of the problem.

The nuances of returning shoes

Returning shoes is easy if you have a receipt!

Summarizing today's material, it would not be superfluous to note the basic nuances of the shoe return procedure. Observing them, each buyer not only significantly increases the chances of returning the goods to the seller, but also guarantees him the legality of this event. So, the list of main features is as follows:

  • First, never try to deceive the seller and return the shoes that were damaged due to your fault. In such a situation, the buyer will not only not be able to return the goods, but also increases the risk of being attracted to some.
  • Secondly, it is necessary to submit a claim for a refund not to ordinary sellers, but to authorized persons of the store - the general manager or director. Only the latter are endowed with the rights that are necessary to review this document and make further decisions.
  • And thirdly, when contacting a store about returning shoes, never give the seller the original receipt, warranty card and other documents. It is important to understand that an unscrupulous organization can simply destroy them, after which the return of products will be impossible. It would be much more correct to provide notarized or simple photocopies and copies of the necessary papers.

In general, returning shoes to the store is not such a complicated procedure. The main thing in the process of its implementation is to act in accordance with the information provided earlier and the current legislation of the Russian Federation. We hope that today's article has answered your questions. Good luck with your rights!

Opinion of a legal expert:

The legislator gives the consumer time to exchange or return the goods - 14 days, not counting the day of purchase. Some sellers use this loophole for their own purposes. They try to refuse to exchange goods on the day of purchase, offering to come tomorrow. It means that the day of purchase in this case, as if, is excluded. This is wrong, they are breaking the law.

The fact is that the return period begins for the buyer, but not for the seller. For him, it is an obligation to take back the goods, and not the right to accept or not. The legislator does not limit this obligation in time. And the buyer has this right, which he has the right to use within the specified time frame. The substitution of concepts to the detriment of the rights of citizens is unacceptable. We recommend our readers not to succumb to various tricks that limit your rights.

Rationale: Part 1 of Art. 25 of the Law of the Russian Federation of February 7, 1992 N 2300-1.

How to return or exchange goods to the store, the video will tell:

There are situations when buying shoes ends with the fact that, having come home and tried on a new thing again, you clearly understand that they are too tight, or not as comfortable as it seemed in the store. What to do in this case? Returning an item is generally not that complicated, as consumers are protected by law and stores generally don't try to challenge shoe exchanges or cash backs. You just need to figure out how to behave in such a situation.

If we turn directly to the legislation, then in accordance with Article 18, paragraph 1 of the Law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", the buyer, who found flaws in the purchased goods, can:

  1. Replace with a product of the same brand, changing, for example, the size;
  2. Change the brand and model, while recalculating the new cost;
  3. Demand a refund for the inadequate quality of the goods;
  4. Demand to resolve the issue of damage to the goods on the spot by the seller or a third party, as well as to reimburse their expenses, if any;
  5. Refuse the purchase and demand an immediate refund of the funds spent on the purchase. In this case, the goods are returned to the seller.
  6. If the purchase is in doubt, the buyer has the right to replace a similar product, if suddenly the original version did not suit the buyer in terms of shape, dimensions, equipment, colors or size.
  7. The exchange can be made within two weeks, excluding the day of purchase;
  8. A return can be made if the product has not been used for its intended purpose, its appearance has not been changed, and the buyer can present documents confirming the purchase in the form of a receipt. If there is no cash document, then this does not exclude a return, since the testimony of witnesses who were present at the time of purchase may be taken into account.
  9. If the replacement of the goods is not possible due to the absence of a similar request by the buyer on the day, then it is possible to refuse the purchase by demanding a full refund from the seller. Refunds by law must occur no more than three business days from the date of application.

Features of returning goods that do not meet the personal preferences of the buyer

Often people, not knowing their rights, or simply because of natural modesty, do not turn to the seller with a request for an exchange, continuing to wear shoes that do not meet the requirements that the buyer was counting on. This position is incorrect, since the buyer has every right to get acquainted with the goods, and within two weeks to exchange or return the money spent on the purchase.

If the store communicates with an incompetent employee who categorically refuses to accept the client's request, then a claim should be sent to the name of the manager. If the case is completely neglected and the requirements are ignored, then you can send your complaint about the store to the consumer protection organization, attaching all the necessary documents confirming the purchase of the goods, as well as a copy of the appeal that was drawn up in the store.

Procedure for returning such products back to the store

It is worth dwelling in more detail on how to behave in a situation where the shoes simply did not fit for any reason:

  • The first step is to pack the shoes back into the box with all the extra accessories that came with the purchase (this can be heels, straps, shoe care products, etc.).
  • Next, you will need to take an identity document and a receipt with you, although the store does not have the right to refuse without it, but its presence will significantly save time.
  • It is worth immediately preparing for the fact that the seller in the store may enter into controversy, trying to refuse to return the goods. This happens for a number of reasons, in this case you need to clearly stand on your position that the buyer has to make a return within 14 days, and the actions of refusal by the seller are absolutely illegal.
  • It is important to know that not only shoes purchased for cash are subject to return, but also goods purchased on credit. In this case, of course, the procedure itself is more complicated, but not for the buyer, but for the seller, since he will need to perform a series of manipulations to terminate the contract with the bank. The most important thing is that the shoes are not worn, and the tags or labels are in their original form.
  • If the marriage was noticed after some time in the process of wearing shoes, and there is a manufacturer's warranty, then in this case the buyer also has the right to return. There are times when shoes were bought on sale, then the warranty period begins to count from the moment the season starts. If there is a misunderstanding with the seller, then in this case you can contact the Consumer Protection Organization to clarify this information so as not to be unfounded.
  • The return application must be made in 2 copies, it is important to note the date of purchase, the defects found, the cost of the goods, as well as the requirement for the seller to return the full cost. The first copy remains in the store, and the second remains with the buyer.
  • Often, in disputable situations, the store conducts an examination, which should reveal how defects were formed on the product. The buyer has the right to carry out such a procedure independently. In the event that the buyer turns out to be right, the store will be obliged to compensate for the cost of the examination services.
  • An extreme measure in resolving the issue may be an appeal to the courts, in the event that the dispute cannot be resolved in another way. If the court decides in his favor, the seller will be obliged to reimburse not only the cost of the goods, but also return the money to the plaintiff for the paid state duty, as well as pay a penalty in the amount of one percent of the price of the goods.

What should I do if the seller refuses to accept the purchased product back?

Usually, sellers, knowing the norms of the law, try to resolve the conflict without resorting to resolving the issue in court. However, it is not always possible to resolve everything peacefully.

If, however, it was not possible to come to a common denominator, then it is further possible to apply the following procedure:

  1. Contact the consumer protection organization in your area. Experienced specialists will be required to explain the rights of the buyer, as well as provide legal assistance in resolving the issue of returning the goods to the store. If this step did not have any result, and the situation remained unchanged, then only an extreme measure of conflict resolution remains.
  2. The last instance that can help resolve the issue of returning goods is the court. It is best to resort to the help of a lawyer whose knowledge and qualifications allow you to correctly draw up a statement of claim and win the case. As a rule, the store, having received a claim, tries to resolve the situation before the court decides, offering the buyer the best option. This happens because in 99 cases out of 100, the court takes the side of the consumer. The most important point is the timely appeal to the seller with a request for a refund or exchange of goods. Once again, it is worth recalling that the terms specified in the legislation are no more than 14 days. Also, in a lawsuit, you can demand not only the cost of the goods, but also the costs associated with paying for the work of a lawyer, compensation for moral damage and additional payments for deferred payment, which is charged at a rate of 1% of the value of the goods.

In conclusion, I would like to note once again that you should not experience inconvenience when replacing shoes that you did not like, or when there are doubts about the quality of the goods. It must be clearly understood that the law is on the side of the consumer, and any store must comply with the law. The main thing when returning is to remember the time frame, to have documents confirming the payment for the goods, and also to maintain the integrity of the goods so that the seller has no reason to refuse the buyer to return.