How to make love to get pregnant. When and how often to have sex to get pregnant


Avoid unprotected intercourse, and if you do, be sure to take anti-pregnancy medications. These drugs include mifepristone-72, pastinor. Both drugs can have a number of side effects that may adversely affect your future, already desired pregnancy. Taking such drugs is appropriate only immediately after sexual intercourse, then the activity of the drug is significantly reduced.

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Love each other and give each other joy, then the pregnancy will be desired by both partners.

Contraception is a protection against unwanted pregnancy and a way to preserve the health of a woman for the birth of a healthy baby in the future. There are many methods of preventing pregnancy in modern medicine. Which one to choose?


The physiological method of contraception does not have any side effects and consequences. Having chosen it, refrain from sex in the period from the 11th to the 18th day of the menstrual cycle (conditionally the cycle is 28 days) or use other means of contraception at this time. The “dangerous” period is considered to be the time 3 days after ovulation and 5 days before it. To clarify the time of ovulation, measure the rectal body temperature. You need to do this in the morning at the same time. To do this, without leaving the bed, insert the thermometer into the rectum to a depth of 3-4 cm and hold for 5-6 minutes. Record the indicators, and then build a temperature curve (put the days of the cycle horizontally, thermometer readings - vertically, connect the dots). The time of ovulation will correspond to a temperature drop of 0.2-0.5 degrees, followed by a rise of 0.7-1.0 degrees. All these changes are recorded after ovulation only after 1-2 days. By specifying your ovulation day, you can determine the “dangerous” period.

Barrier contraceptives that prevent sperm from entering the uterus include vaginal diaphragms (dome-shaped devices with a flexible rim made of latex) and cervical caps. They come in different sizes - which one suits you, ask your gynecologist. And the most common barrier means - a condom - use at first, until you have had time to consult a doctor about a permanent method of contraception. By the way, never lubricate the condom for better glide with fat-based creams, including baby creams, as well as petroleum jelly, animal and vegetable oils! Use spermicides—water-based formulations that break down the coat of spermatozoa—such as nonoxynol creams—to moisturize.

Hormonal - the most reliable method of contraception. Modern hormonal drugs are highly effective and safe. They do not disrupt metabolic processes, do not lead to an increase in body weight, compensate for hormonal deficiency and have additional healing properties. Do not buy a hormonal drug on the advice of friends or acquaintances - only a doctor should prescribe it to you, taking into account all contraindications. There are contraceptives with a low content of hormones, which have practically no side effects with a high degree of protection. If you are a mother, ask your doctor to choose just such a drug for you. Do not forget about the main requirement of hormonal contraception - the regular intake of pills. Set a "reminder" on your mobile phone for this.

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Most couples are afraid of having anal sex, despite the theoretical training. In the human anus there are nerve endings that are directly connected to the muscles of the small pelvis. During orgasm, it contracts in a certain rhythm. Therefore, a lady with proper anal sex has the opportunity to get strong sexual satisfaction. It’s just worth making some wrong movement and that’s all: instead of pleasure, a woman experiences painful or unpleasant sensations.

Many people ask: what are the dangers of anal caresses without a condom? The answer is simple: intestinal infections and sexually transmitted diseases. As a rule, a large number of microbes are located in the anus. When you have anal sex without a condom, you run the risk of letting these microbes into the penis cavity, they will begin to develop there, the microorganisms will progress. Therefore, it is so important to use protection - condoms.

It requires careful preparation in order to enjoy this type of sex. The partner must be gentle and attentive. The partner at the first stage is recommended to slowly insert his finger, making rotational movements. You can do this during intercourse. A small one can also become an assistant. The lady should feel how the muscles gradually relax. For complete physical relaxation, long stimulation of the anus is required - no need to rush, be careful! In addition, mental attitude is also important.

As mentioned earlier, when engaging in such sex, you must use condoms. The lady runs the risk of getting microtrauma in the form of scuffs and cracks. In addition, the use of a condom will protect against sexually transmitted diseases. The partner runs the risk of catching E. coli by engaging in unprotected intercourse, and this will cause inflammation of the urethra. So anal sex without a condom is not allowed, otherwise the consequences of such sex will lead to serious problems!

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Modern men and women are usually well acquainted with contraceptive methods, but what to do in the opposite situation, when a couple wants to have children, but for some reason it does not work out. Do not panic ahead of time and immediately run to the doctor. If both you and your partner are healthy, the long-awaited moment will certainly come. And to speed it up, you can take a few recommendations into service and then put them into practice.


For a high probability, you should know exactly the day of your ovulation. As a rule, in women, it falls on the 12-14th day after the first day of the cycle. However, and 7 days before ovulation, as well as 7 days after it. Some are completely sure that only on the days of ovulation, but the opinion is not entirely true. Some manage to conceive a child during the days of menstruation.

You can recognize ovulation by some signs: a few days before it, there is heaviness in the lower abdomen, sexual desire intensifies, and daily discharge becomes transparent or disappears. You can also determine the onset of ovulation using a test. Currently, many pharmacies sell such a test.

For conception to occur, the microflora of intimate places must be favorable. It is necessary for some time not to use deodorants for the intimate area, artificial lubricants, scented pads, and also not. Such funds can disrupt the natural PH balance, as a result of which the likelihood of conception will decrease significantly.

In order to have sex, it is best to have sex no more than 3 times a week, since it is not always possible to determine the exact day of ovulation, and spermatozoa are viable from 3 to 7 days. But with daily sex, the quality of sperm changes. Prolonged abstinence, which exceeds 7 days, also affects spermatozoa, worsening their quality. It is advisable to have sex before ovulation and start from the 7th day of the cycle.

There are various poses for those who want to. Such positions allow the spermatozoa to penetrate deeper into the vagina and stay in it longer. The best position is the traditional (missionary) position, but this can be improved by placing a pillow under the woman's buttocks. But in the Cowgirl position, when the woman is on top, it is not recommended to have sex for conception, because in this case the sperm flows out and does not have time to reach its destination.

To get pregnant, lie down with your legs up for about 30 minutes after having sex, and take a shower later. If you can get into the Candle Pose, it can help a lot. The point of such acrobatics is to keep the sperm in the vagina for as long as possible.

Many couples think about how to have sex, make every effort to achieve the desired goal - conception. However, they often forget about pleasure and pleasure, and therefore the process of their sexual intercourse is more like mechanical movements than sex of people who love each other. You should not "get hung up" on this, because because of this, the chances of conceiving a child will only decrease. Relax and try to give each other the pleasure of this process.

Scientists were able to prove that a strong and vibrant male orgasm has a great impact on the quality of sperm. The female orgasm also plays a big role in the baby, although for now this is just a guess and not a scientific fact. Love each other, and may the happiest and most beautiful child be born from your love.

A conscious and modern woman understands that unwanted pregnancies and abortions can bring many problems for emotional and physical health. Therefore, more and more preference is given to medicinal methods of contraception.

Why sometimes it happens like this: at a time when you are not ready to become a mother in any way, you just have to look at a man - pregnancy occurs. And when you really want a baby to appear, you just don’t do it - and you calculate ovulation, and sex almost by the hour, but there is still no result! Some kind of law is at work. It's a shame!

So my husband and I decided to plan a pregnancy. We approached this matter seriously - both were checked by doctors (everything was fine, as it turned out), they threw aside all bad habits, we eat only environmentally friendly products, we go to the gym twice a week and once to the pool. We try to spend the rest of our free time in bed. It's been four months and I'm done! Maybe something is wrong?

What is needed for conception?

I know from my anatomy course that it takes one egg and one sperm to conceive a child. But besides this, a few more conditions must be met. This is, firstly, the egg must be viable. Secondly, active viable spermatozoa in large quantities. Thirdly, the meeting of the egg and sperm must occur within 36 hours after ovulation of the egg (fertility period).

The life of a spermatozoon is approximately five days(after ejaculation, spermatozoa do not die for so long when they enter the female genital organs). Therefore, to the two days of the life of the egg, we add five days of the life of the sperm - we get seven days of full fertility (the ability to fertilize).

How often should you try to conceive

Trying should never be abandoned - try and try! But you have to do it wisely.

Making love to get pregnant, subject to availability "dangerous" days. That is, in order to conceive a child, four to five days before ovulation, you must activate your sexuality. And continue to actively make love to get pregnant for about a week.

Some couples let things take their course, some think that having sex once a week is enough. But it's not. Sex is like a sport: the more training, the stronger the athlete, and his technique is better honed. If training stops, the skill is lost. But on the other hand, overvoltage will also not lead to anything good. Everything should be in moderation.

In a man, the volume of sperm with each intercourse decreases along with the number of healthy, viable and motile spermatozoa. It takes time for them to recover. That's why you don't have to make love three times a day to get pregnant.

But this does not apply to the day when ovulation occurs. Making love on ovulation day You need at least two times - in the morning and in the evening. days after ovulation is the perfect time to conceive.

In order to have several ways - you can do it, count on the calendar, do an ultrasound.

How many times a week do you have to have sex to conceive a child?

We found out that a woman is ready to conceive a child within a week of her menstrual cycle. A man, of course, is always ready. But he also needs a little time to prepare. In the male genital organs, the right amount of healthy mobile spermatozoa should be produced. The ideal time for this is one or two days. Then the sperm concentration will increase, as will the chance of successful fertilization.

That is, it turns out that the optimal number of sex sessions is four to seven times a week during the female cycle. But during the period of fertility, it is better to increase activity.

It is known that "boy" spermatozoa (those that carry the Y chromosome) are less viable, but faster. That's why they "escape" in the first place. With frequent intercourse, when the supply of sperm comes to an end, there are more less mobile "female" spermatozoa (those that carry the X chromosome). They are more viable.

Don't forget about sports - at the time when fertility ends, continue training to conceive a child.

Pregnancy planning is a crucial step in the life of every woman. This is a period of complete psychological and physical readiness to become a mother. In the hope of conceiving a child, many devote themselves entirely to this idea - they begin to lead a healthy lifestyle, abandon their old habits.

At this stage, women also resort to many methods and calculations, scheduling, drug treatments, trying to calculate the most favorable time for conception. In many women's forums, quite often you can stumble upon a question like: "How often to have sex to get pregnant?" or " How many sexual acts per day contribute to conception?". In this article we will try to answer all the questions.

Do the chances of pregnancy increase if you have sex often?

So, first you should debunk the myth that the number of sexual acts affects the quality, or vice versa. Some couples abstain from sexual relations for a long time, believing that in this way their chances of conceiving a child will increase. Some people have sex several times a day. But this tactic only works five times out of a hundred. Both methods are extreme and not suitable for everyone. The bottom line is the rule of the "golden mean". It takes about two to three days for a man to regain sperm count and activity, and it's reasonable to schedule sexual intercourse every three days. Sperm reproduction increases and, accordingly, the chances of getting pregnant increase.

Some stories of women about how they got pregnant, having sex several times a day, baffle many. If you have been resorting to this technique for quite a long time, but there is no result, then you should try another option. Moreover, such a sexual life soon turns into a routine, into an everyday duty, and the partners no longer feel the former pleasure. The consequences can be very negative and affect your family life as a whole.

Tip: If you are seriously thinking about conceiving a child, the first right thing to do is to visit a doctor. Checking the health status of a man and a woman will help create more optimal conditions for conceiving a child.

Basic examinations, as a rule, include: taking a blood and urine test, ultrasound examinations of the pelvic organs, checking the body for the presence of sexually transmitted infections and semen analysis.

The best time to conceive

The period of ovulation is considered the most favorable time for conceiving a child. It occurs approximately on the 10-14th day of the menstrual cycle. But you should not rely entirely on general statistics, because for each woman this process is purely individual. For example, for some, ovulation occurs as early as the fifth day of the cycle.

To quickly calculate the estimated date of ovulation, many women use the Internet calendar. You should also do an ovulation test. It will help confirm the accuracy of your calculations.

It is important to know that ovulation is the process of the release of an egg into the abdominal cavity and it lasts only a few minutes. Such an egg is capable of fertilization within 24 hours. In some cases, the onset of the ovulation period can be physically felt: jumps in basal temperature, an increase in mucous secretions.

Pregnancy planning and calculation of the menstrual cycle

When planning a pregnancy, an important criterion is the calculation of the menstrual cycle. For most women, it usually lasts 25-28 days. In some cases - 20, and sometimes 35-40. The most common calendar will help you calculate the exact number of days of the menstrual cycle, in which you mark the start date of menstruation and the date it ends. This is very important, because on the basis of the menstrual cycle, the most favorable days for conception are calculated, or, conversely, “safe days”.

To conclude, here are some simple and effective tips for successful conception that you can follow daily:

  • giving up bad habits (alcohol, drugs);
  • refusal of oral and other methods of contraception. If you are taking medications that you need, but they can harm the egg, ask your doctor to prescribe a safer course of treatment;
  • sleep at least 8 hours a day. Your body will thank you for it;
  • make time for outdoor walks;
  • eat regularly and properly;
  • reduce the level of stress on the abdominal press, if any.

Pregnancy planning is a very important stage on the way to conceiving a child and should be taken with great responsibility. Remember that each organism is inherently unique and don't get too carried away with applying other people's methods to your own practice. Initially, the right decision would be a visit to the doctor, and an individual method of pregnancy planning.

Many couples are wondering how often and at what time to have sex in order to bring the moment of conception of the baby as close as possible. These are absolutely true questions, because if you have sex without falling into the period of ovulation, most likely the pregnancy will not occur. Let's say you already know when you are ovulating (this can be determined by measuring basal temperature or using ovulation tests). How often do you need to have sex during this period to get pregnant?

Some couples, wanting to conceive a child, go out of their way to have sex every day of the cycle. They are guided by the desire not to miss ovulation. Sometimes it works. But if this sex marathon drags on for several months, and there is still no result, the partners will probably be exhausted and tired of sex. Useless, tiresome, unpleasant sex. Overalls for newborns of high quality, look at our website.

There are two tactics that determine how often to have sex to get pregnant. Let's call these tactics "what if you're lucky" and tactics "ready to fight." How often you will have to have sex depends on what tactics you choose and whether there is a factor of male infertility (in particular, the number of active spermatozoa in seminal fluid).

Tactics "what if you're lucky"

Determining ovulation for many women is terrifying. They become annoyed at having to take their basal body temperature every morning, write for ovulation tests, examine their secretions for signs of fertility.

For these women, the “what if you get lucky” tactic is more suitable in relation to sex, the purpose of which is pregnancy. The tactic is as follows: instead of having sex during ovulation, you need to have it regularly, at least 3-4 times a week. Someday, yes, you will fall into a period favorable for conception.

Tactics "ready for battle!"

If timing your ovulation is easy for you and you prefer to focus on trying to conceive during your most fertile period, this tactic is for you. However, in order to maintain the quality of sperm at the required level, and, of course, just for your own pleasure, you need to have sex not only during the period of ovulation, in order to distract from the mission of conceiving a child.

During ovulation, it is better to have sex every day, but only if the quantity and quality of sperm is normal. Once you have determined when you ovulate from your basal temperature chart, be sure to have sex for three days before ovulation and on the first day of ovulation too. With a special desire, you can have sex the day after ovulation.

If the amount of quality sperm is below normal, the general recommendation is to have sex every other day at the time of ovulation. That is, if on Monday you noticed heavy discharge and did an ovulation test, and it turned out to be positive. In this case, be sure to have sex on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and skip Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. A day without sex will help restore the quality of sperm, which will increase your chance of getting pregnant.

For a family that wants to have a child, the topic of conception becomes the most relevant and interesting. Despite the abundance of all kinds of information about conception, the moment of the origin of life is still largely a mystery, which often leads to the emergence of the most ridiculous myths about the physiology of the natural onset of conception.

How often to have sex

There is an opinion that conception depends on the frequency of sex. That is, in order for pregnancy to come as soon as possible, you need more often have sex. The origin of this popular myth is explained quite simply: since conception occurs as a result of intimate relationships, people try to logically connect these two facts. In fact, there is no relationship between the frequency of intimate relationships and the likelihood of conception.

Directly for fertilization, one sexual intercourse is enough; most likely conception during ovulation(release of a mature egg from the ovary), which usually corresponds to the middle of a regular menstrual cycle (12-16th day from the first day of the previous menstruation with a cycle of 24 to 32 days).

The only marital factor that actually increases the likelihood of conception is the regularity of intimacy with the same partner; however, the rhythm of the sexual life of spouses can be individual and definitely does not affect the likelihood of conception.

Prolonged abstinence

Prolonged abstinence increases the chances of conception. According to this recommendation, you need to "save energy" for conception. However, even here there is no connection between the frequency of intimate life and an increase in the likelihood of conception. The positive effect of long-term abstinence in order to increase the chances of conception seems completely doubtful: artificial long-term abstinence from sex in the presence of sexual desire is fraught with the development of venous congestion in the vessels of the small pelvis in both spouses, and this can lead to varicose veins of the pelvis and the appearance of chronic pelvic pain, and there is also a possibility of infertility.

Sex only during ovulation

For successful conception you need to have sex only at ovulation. In this advice, as they say, truth and fiction are mixed: on the one hand, the probability of conception during the period of ovulation is really maximum, on the other hand, it is completely incomprehensible why marital duties should not be performed on less “happy” days? Apparently, here again comes into force the fear, natural for a person, to waste energy in vain, “not to save up” the necessary potential until the cherished day “X”.

Despite some truth about the high probability conception at ovulation, the advice is by no means correct. Firstly, the date of ovulation can shift significantly closer to the beginning or end of the cycle, and not occur exactly in its middle, even with quite regular menstruation. Such schedule changes can be caused by stress, climate change, physical activity, a recent illness, or simply small hormonal fluctuations that are normal in a healthy woman. Thus, the middle of the cycle is just the most frequent, but by no means obligatory time for the maturation of the egg and its release from the ovary.

There is no method that allows you to accurately fix the moment of release of a mature egg from the ovary: even ultrasound, which is considered the standard of diagnosis in this area, still allows for the possibility of an error in determining the moment of ovulation. Home methods, such as ovulation tests or measuring basal temperature, will also not give a 100% guarantee that ovulation has occurred. And this means that by incorrectly calculating the date of ovulation and having sex only these days, the spouses do not increase at all, but, on the contrary, reduce the chances of conceiving a child in this menstrual cycle. After all, the egg lives only 24 hours, and if it does not meet with the sperm, then pregnancy will not occur. With regular intimacy, longer-lived spermatozoa (up to 1 - 1.5 weeks) can wait until the moment of ovulation and fertilize the egg.

Secondly, sometimes it happens that as a result of small hormonal changes in one cycle, ovulation occurs in both ovaries - i.e. two eggs ripen and are ready for fertilization at once; at the same time, the interval between adjacent ovulations can be extended within 7–10 days. Obviously, in this scenario of the cycle, the advice to have sex only on the days of the expected ovulation (day 12-16) also turns out to be losing and only reduces the chances of an early pregnancy. With poliovulation, pregnancy is possible even at this time - after all, the second egg can ovulate just at this time, when the first one has already died. However, this information should not be used as a guide to action - sex during menstruation often causes inflammation of the genital organs, because when the uterine mucosa is rejected during menstruation, the organ inside is a wound surface, and penetration of microbes into the uterus can easily lead to inflammation.

Orgasm and conception

No orgasm - no conception. The authors of this myth are convinced that for pregnancy to occur during sex future mom must certainly get a sexual discharge - an orgasm. This method of conception planning is justified as follows: during orgasm, the vaginal environment becomes alkaline, which greatly facilitates the movement of spermatozoa to the egg. And since the speed of movement of spermatozoa largely depends chance of conception(the life span of both germ cells is limited, and they literally need to have time to meet), the chances of conception increase dramatically. There is certainly logic in such reasoning; however, one should not place too high hopes on this relationship. The main factor on which the possibility of conception depends is the onset of ovulation; if this has not already happened, the “sprinting abilities” of the spermatozoa will in no way accelerate the onset of conception.

Nutrition and chances of conception

The chances of conception depend on nutrition. This idea cannot be called absolutely wrong - the diet of future parents really has a significant impact on health in general, and on the reproductive sphere in particular, on which the possibility of conception depends. That is why the couple who applied for a consultation with a doctor are first of all recommended to review their diet and follow a balanced diet. However, unfortunately, many people misunderstand this recommendation and begin to strengthen the diet in the direction of increasing the calorie content of food. It is believed that for health future parents it is useful to eat "for two", preferring foods with an abundance of proteins and fats of animal origin. This opinion is wrong - and not only in relation to the period of pregnancy planning: such a rich diet is extremely unfavorable for health.

High-calorie nutrition is appropriate only for excessive physical exertion; in other cases, it inevitably leads to an increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood and its deposition on the walls of blood vessels with the formation of atherosclerotic plaques that narrow the lumen of the vessels. Excess intake of cholesterol in the body is a high risk factor for the development of obesity, hypertension (persistent increase in blood pressure), disorders of the heart, liver and kidneys. Such nutrition also has a sharp negative effect on the work of the reproductive system, both for women and men.

However, the very idea of ​​dietary modification before conception really relevant - especially for the future dad. Family planners recommend that men a few weeks before X-day reduce their intake of fatty and spicy foods, starchy foods, and also try to exclude creamy sauces, mayonnaise, fast food and canned food from their daily diet, as they can reduce male potency and sperm activity. The likelihood of conception is increased by seafood, low-fat varieties of fish and meat, greens, nuts, legumes, fruits and berries. The predominance of these products in the diet contribute to an increase in the sexual activity of a man and a decrease in the viscosity of sperm, stimulate spermatogenesis (the formation of spermatozoa in the testicles), and positively affect the speed of spermatozoa movement. It is from these male factors that the likelihood of pregnancy depends.

Horizontal position

For the onset of conception, the expectant mother must lie down in horizontal position after intercourse. This myth has a large number of modifications and clarifications. For example, many are convinced that conception is possible only in the missionary position (a position in which the woman lies on her back and the man is on top). Others argue that for a successful conception, a woman must remain in a horizontal position for at least several minutes (and according to some versions, at least an hour!) Finally, there is a recommendation to lie on your back, raise your legs up, do a “birch” after intercourse, i.e., lying on your back, raise your pelvis and stretch your legs up - a very popular method, which is discussed with might and main on maternal forums on the Internet. Despite such various variations, the essence of all these tricks comes down to one thing: so that after intercourse, the sperm does not flow out of the vagina.

Sperm is a kind of environment that is optimal for maintaining the “fighting qualities” of spermatozoa, and it consists of spermatozoa and seminal fluid. Seminal fluid is necessary for the transport of spermatozoa through the spermatic cords and their release into the vagina at the time of ejaculation (ejaculation). However, once inside the vagina, male sex cells are no longer so dependent on seminal fluid; immediately after ejaculation, they rush into the cervical canal, and the seminal fluid remains in the vagina. Thus, leakage or retention of seminal fluid in the vagina does not affect the likelihood of conception. The posture of a woman also does not affect the advancement of spermatozoa towards the egg, so it makes no sense to lie or stand in the “birch” for a long time after intimacy.

How long do spermatozoa live

Many people think that a sperm cell is capable of fertilizing an egg in just a few hours. In fact, this is not so: the minimum life span of a healthy male reproductive cell is 24 hours, and some spermatozoa can live for more than a week! The difference in sperm lifespan is not accidental; they are divided into two types - X and Y, on which the sex of the unborn child depends. Spermatozoa with a "charge" Y (contain the sex chromosome Y) at conception determine the male sex of the embryo, and those containing the X chromosome lay the formation of the female. It is important to note that the spermatozoa of these groups differ not only in genetic factors that later determine the sex of the embryo, but also in physical properties. Many years of research in the field of embryology and genetics have shown that these types of spermatozoa differ in size, shape, speed of movement and resistance to adverse environmental factors.

Future boys - spermatozoa Y - are small in size and equipped with a longer "tail", which allows them to develop a significant speed of movement. Thus, group Y spermatozoa are very mobile and active, which, under other favorable conditions, gives them significant advantages for fertilization. However, spermatozoa with a Y charge also have disadvantages - they are not resistant to aggressive environmental conditions (high and low acidity, temperature changes). Another disadvantage of "spermatozoa-boys" is a low life expectancy. Even if they enter the most favorable environment immediately after ejaculation, Y-spermatozoa live on average no more than 24 hours. In contrast, group X spermatozoa, which are larger and, as a result, less mobile, adapt much better to external adverse conditions and retain the ability to fertilize, sometimes up to 1–1.5 weeks! Medical studies even describe cases of “preservation” of spermatozoa X in the fornix of the vagina for the period of menstruation and subsequent conception at the beginning of the next menstrual cycle. By the way, this is one of the reasons explaining the possibility of conception during menstruation - X-spermatozoa can just wait for ovulation! Therefore, the opinion that the age of the spermatozoon is determined by several hours is absolutely unfounded. Unlike the egg, whose life after ovulation on average lasts no more than 24 hours.

Fertilization of the egg

Fertilize an egg may be several spermatozoa. According to this version, the probability of conception is similar to applying for a grant on a competitive basis. This is partly true, since the path of spermatozoa to the egg consists of continuous trials and obstacles (the acidic environment of the vagina, the viscous secret in the cervical canal, and finally, two fallopian tubes, only one of which contains a mature egg). In this sense, it can indeed be considered that the future participant in fertilization is revealed in the process of a competition for survival, in which, of course, the strongest wins. However, in the process of fertilization itself, only one spermatozoon always participates - even if several male germ cells moved simultaneously to the egg during the selection process.

The shell of the head of the sperm contains a special substance - an enzyme that can dissolve the shell of the egg. As soon as one of the spermatozoa reaches the target and touches the egg, its shell at the point of contact dissolves; this effect lasts for a fraction of a second, during which the sperm is inside the egg, after which it again becomes impenetrable, and the rest of the sperm - "applicants" are left with nothing. Immediately after the connection of the sperm and the egg, their nuclei merge and exchange genetic information - this is the laying of a new DNA for the unborn child. Even in the case of multiple pregnancy, only one sperm fertilizes one egg.

Identical twins are obtained as a result of the division of an already fertilized egg into two equal halves - this is due to a genetic failure and can be inherited; such twins are always of the same sex and are like two peas in a pod. Another variant of multiple pregnancy - fraternal twins - is formed as a result of poliovulation (simultaneous maturation of several eggs at once in one or different ovaries); here the reason often lies in the hormonal imbalance. Fraternal twins may be heterosexual; they are very similar or completely different from each other, just like children from the same family who were born at different times. However, in this case, there is only one sperm for each egg.