Round face contouring. in the center of the nose. Straight line along the entire nose. Proper contouring of the diamond-shaped and pear-shaped face

Thanks to facial contouring, every girl can feel like a famous beauty on the Hollywood red carpet. After all, the makeup technique, which was available only to professional makeup artists, is now widely used by ordinary girls. Facial contouring, as you can see from the photos before and after the procedure, is easy to perform even without experience, but with the knowledge of some secrets.

In order to correctly contour the face, it is necessary to determine the type of face , because the correct application of sculpting agents depends on this.

Facial contouring can occur according to 2 schemes. In the first scheme, a girl can use cream-based cosmetics, in the second scheme, dry (powdery) products are used. At the same time, you do not need to buy expensive products, you can use 2-3 tones of one powder.

This procedure is carried out thanks to the play of color and light. . Thanks to facial contouring, the procedure, which is very simple step by step, transforms a woman when compared before and after makeup (look at the photo) .

The sequence of actions when performing this type of makeup:

  • We determine the type of face (one of the common shapes: oval, circle, etc.).

  • We select cosmetics to be used. Basis of means, tone, quality.

  • We apply makeup according to the type of face.

  • Shade well and paint the eyes, lips.

Contouring procedurei facebefore and after makeup seems incredible, because it can replace plastic surgery. Thanks to color and shadows, you can hide imperfections and beautify, draw attention to the best parts of the face. This is especially noticeable in the photographs before and after the procedure.

Sculpting different face types

In accordance with the type of girl's face, the technology of applying cosmetics will change. This is due to the fact that each type of face has its own individual positive features that need to be highlighted and emphasized.

Shape: circle and square

round faces endow their owners with beautiful soft, smooth lines, which makes them more gentle, sweet, even a little childish.

Square faces when sculpting, you need to stretch and narrow as much as possible. But to get the expected result, you need to be more careful with the means for modulation, apply them smoothly, softly, with rounded movements, without using clear straight lines.

Facial contouring, it's not complicated procedure, if you know all the steps step by step, then the result before and after will be stunning.

How to sculpt a round and square face:

  • Apply dark tones in a semicircle, from the ears to the cheeks and from the temples to the forehead, so that the shadow approaches the center of the face, but does not touch the lips, nose or eyes. This will visually stretch the face and make it narrower. This effect will give age, but at the same time make the face more feminine.

  • Light tones need to give relief, they need to be applied:

  • in the center of the nose. Straight line along the entire nose.

  • Under the eyes. Especially if the girl has bags or bruises in this area of ​​​​the face.

  • From the end of the arrow of the eyes (outer kut) to the mouth, along near the wings of the nose.

  • Under the lower lip, in order to give more volume to the lips.

  • Above the bridge of the nose, apply in a small circle.

  • Apply in dark tones to the sides of the nose to lighten it and reduce its size. Outline the chin with straight lines to give shadow and hide the second chin, if necessary.

If a girl has a round and massive chin, you can apply a little light cosmetic product in its center, shade it well. This will visually reduce the chin and stretch it.

Shape: oval, triangle

Facial contouring, a step-by-step before and after procedure for oval and triangular faces, is less difficult than with other face shapes. Since they are close to the ideal of beauty, you just need to focus on the merits of facial features. It is easiest to assess the merits of personal photographs.

Highlighters should be applied in the center of the face (under the eyes, on the nose, under the lower lip, in the center of the chin). And with sculptures to give shadows, to take away the contour of the face on the sides and on the neck. You need to apply shadows on the neck along the center, in straight lines.

The main secrets of modeling for all face shapes are:

  • Facial features that need to be reduced or hidden need to be hidden with shadows.

  • Features that emphasize the beauty of a girl should be highlighted with highlighters.

  • All cosmetic products used for modeling should be well shaded.

Facial contouring is not a complicated procedure, if you think through your actions step by step, see the result before and after makeup. Don't forget to experiment, and don't lose your individuality.

One of the main fashion trends in makeup is contouring or, as it is also called, face sculpting. How to use this technique correctly, and what is required for this? In the publication, we will talk about what face sculpting with dry correctors is, and what differences it has from correction with fatty means.

What are correctors

Concealers are special cosmetics that can be used to retouch the face and create contour lines. If you choose the right tools, the result will be of the highest quality and will look natural. Such cosmetics can be a replacement for many others that are used in the process of applying makeup. The corrector palette is a universal option that helps to make the make-up complete and harmonious, as well as hide imperfections on the skin.

How is correction different from sculpting?

In general, the terms correction and sculpting are called synonyms, but they have certain differences. Correction is rather the creation of chiaroscuro on the face or the darkening of certain areas to change the shape of the face. This is relevant if you need to visually shorten the nose or narrow the oval of the face, etc.

Sculpting also includes such actions, but it is done more often in order to visually emphasize the natural lines on the face and make them clearer. This technique became popular in the 70s of the last century.

Use dark and light shade correctors to highlight facial features, as well as to retouch imperfections. With the help of light tones, you can reflect the light and highlight something, while dark correctors help, on the contrary, to hide and obscure. Thus, you can change the oval of the face and retouch its features. However, this technique is not simple, so it takes time and practice to master it.

Dry and oily contouring

There are two main ways to do facial contouring. This is face sculpting with dry or oily correctors:

Fundamentals of Sculpting

The most important element of high-quality facial contouring is harmoniously matched colors. You need to find your own shades of proofreaders, both light and dark, that will perfectly match your skin tone. It is important that the makeup is not too dark or too light. In addition, in no case should you use dark shades that will look earthy on the face, and make it unnatural and unhealthy.

It is important to choose high-quality tools for make-up. For example, for modeling with dry correctors, you need to take large beveled brushes (blush brushes, etc.). There should be different brushes for each shade corrector.

Contouring should be done in daylight whenever possible, even if you need to prepare for an evening out. This is painstaking work that should not be rushed. In addition, it is important that you clearly see how the lines of light and shade on the face will look after you have applied them. You can experiment and take a few photos so that you can see the result in the pictures if you are going to create an image for a photo shoot.

Scheme for applying correctors of light and dark tones face will look like this:

Areas of dark color below the chin area, as shown in the diagram, will help visually reduce the double chin, as well as emphasize the thin line of the neck. If you want to make the forehead area visually smaller, apply a dark tone at the top, at the hairline. Retouching with dark correctors on the outside of the bridge of the nose and at the tip of the nose will help make it visually narrower.

This is what it looks like contouring principle for girls with different face shapes:

Face sculpting technique

For contouring, you need a base. Get rid of color irregularities, even out tone and remove bruises under the eyes, if possible, eliminate minor imperfections on the skin. To do this, be sure to apply a light moisturizer to the face and neck, and then create a base with foundation. But in no case do not overdo it with the toner! It should be quite a bit, as a base for further contouring. In the course of creating makeup, you can use a fashionable tool - concealer, which masks imperfections on the face, especially in the area under the eyes.

So, prepare your brushes and palette of correctors, and then proceed to the process:

  1. First, lighten the area under the eyes. Apply a little light corrector in the form of a triangle with a brush in this place. If you are the owner of clear nasolabial folds, they also need to be lightened. All this will help to visually emphasize the cheekbones and make the eye section larger.
  2. Then apply a light corrector on the back of the nose. The thinner this line is, the narrower the nose will look.
  3. Highlight the forehead area. If you have a low forehead, the skin only needs to be lightened. But if your forehead is high, then you need to first apply a light-colored corrector in the form of a triangle in the middle of this area and even above the eyebrow arches, and then darken the area under the hairline.
  4. To highlight the cheekbones, apply a strip of light shade corrector under them.
  5. Highlight the area on the chin where the light will fall. Don't touch the bottom edge.
  6. Using a light corrector, apply two narrow parallel strips to the checkmark area above the upper lip, visually lifting it. You can also highlight the contour of the lips with a light tone, so they will appear larger.
  7. Apply a light shade under the eyebrows, visually lifting them.
  8. Darken the cheekbones, lifting the lines up so that they tend to the temples.
  9. Circle the general outline of the face with a dark color.
  10. Take a narrow brush and draw dark lines on the back of the nose, as if circling its tip.

How to blend corrector correctly

General rules for using the corrector:

  1. You can do shading with a sponge or brush, on which you need to gain tone. Start with lighter areas, such as under the eyes, and rub the product. Then you need to shade the dark areas on the cheekbones, stretching the contour first up in one direction, and then down in the other. In no case should you do it randomly! It is important to use smooth soft strokes down and up.
  2. Dark areas in the forehead, as a rule, are shaded first up to the hairline, and then down to the middle of the forehead.
  3. The most difficult area is the nose. You need to start rubbing with a light one, moving up to the bridge of the nose, and then down to the tip of the nose. Blend the dark stripes on the back down to the wings. The tip of the nose is shaded to the right and left.
  4. Powder your face using a large brush with light strokes.
  5. As a final step, apply a small amount of highlighter to the inner corner of the eye, on the area above the cheekbones and temples, on the checkmark above the lip and in the area under the eyebrows.
  6. Apply blush to your cheekbones.

Oily corrective facial contouring products are applied in the same way.

Remember that make-up helps to change the face and emphasize your winning sides, hiding flaws. Contouring helps make natural beauty more visible. The main thing is to learn how to perform all actions carefully and choose shades that suit you perfectly. Keep in mind that skin tones of correctives are chosen based on your own skin tone.

Facial contouring: video

Watch a video on how to do a simple everyday face contouring:

Let's look at a few tips on how to apply corrective products so that the result of makeup looks natural and not dirty:

  1. Always apply the product to cleansed skin or foundation after it dries. Before using correctors, apply foundation, and then wait about ten minutes. Only then can you start contouring.
  2. Do not overdo it! In no case should you apply more funds than necessary. A positive effect and a beautiful correction will be obtained only if you follow the measure.
  3. To hide obvious and conspicuous flaws, it is better to choose dense means.
  4. After treating problem areas, blend them with a brush. However, sometimes fingers can be used as well. So you can evenly distribute the corrector on the skin. If the product is not dense and very crumbly, choose fluffy brushes.

Choosing a corrective composition

You need to select a corrector for each girl individually. Just because a particular tool works for someone doesn't mean it will work for you.

First of all, pay attention to the type of skin. This is one of the most important criteria for determining the appropriate texture of the product. If the areas to be corrected have uneven skin, inflamed areas, acne marks or fresh rashes, then this is the case when dry corrective compositions are perfect. Wax products on relief areas will not lie flat and can only emphasize the presence of flaws. Therefore, give preference to dry textures, apply them on top of the powder, with light movements, when the makeup is already finished. Bold correction is more suitable for processing before taking a photo or video.

Dry correctives are the best option if your skin is oily, shiny and shows enlarged pores that will only absorb liquid formulations. If you have a dry skin type, then you need to choose correctors with a greasy soft texture.

highlighting features

Often, when a face has already been tone and chiaroscuro created using contouring, it looks too matte, it lacks the colors of life and natural healthy volume. Light highlighting of just a few areas on the face can instantly refresh the make-up, making it harmonious and natural.

If we talk about how fashionable it is, then the use of a highlighter has been relevant for many seasons in a row. Paying attention to fashion shows and photos of models, you will notice that sometimes makeup artists apply highlighter to the entire face. For everyday life, this option is too radical, and in no case should it be used.

Remember that you should never highlight with a highlighter those areas that you usually hide. For example, if you have a diamond-shaped face, then highlighting the upper cheekbones will only aggravate the situation.

Highlighter can be applied:

  • pointwise in the area of ​​the nose;
  • from above to the region of the upper lip;
  • in moderation in the center of the chin.

For high-quality makeup, you need to choose the right highlighter. If you have an oily skin type but want to lighten up your face in a natural and natural way, choose a good dry or loose formula.

Useful tips for applying highlighter, see the video:


To date, there are a huge number of different cosmetics and techniques for giving the face the desired shape. We examined the basics of contouring, sculpting the face with dry correctors, the features of using correctors and highlighters in makeup. Now you can independently at home give your face the perfect shape, hide flaws and emphasize dignity.

Few of us can boast of ideal facial features - either the forehead is too wide, then the nose is long, then the chin is heavy, but if all of the above is included, then, as men say, “hug and cry.” However, with some knowledge, you can very easily create the desired traits. Of course, it will take time and skill, but the game is worth the candle.

So, what is contouring or what is it also called sculpting? This is nothing more than using light and dark powder, foundation, bronzer or highlighter on certain parts of the face to create a visual illusion. At the same time, we darken those parts that we want to make invisible, and we highlight those parts of the face that should, on the contrary, stand out.

The only advice - if you are the owner of oily or mixed skin, then it is better to choose powders and foundations with a matte effect, highlighters and bronzers with a shimmering effect are not for you!

How to understand which areas to darken and which ones to highlight for you? It's very simple - first determine the type of your face. To do this, comb your hair back and go to the mirror.

Elongated face type

You have a long face;
The chin line is slightly rounded;
The hairline is rounded

Square face type

The forehead, cheekbones and jaw line are about the same width;

Rectangular face type

You have a long face;
You have a wide jaw and a square jaw line;
The forehead, cheekbones and jaw line are about the same width;
The hairline is straight, without rounding

Rules for contouring an elongated, square and rectangular face type:

Highlight the forehead and chin area to make your face more expressive and darken the areas around the edges to make it appear narrower.

Rhomboid face type

High cheekbones are the widest part of your face;
The lines of the forehead and chin gradually narrow;

Rules for contouring a diamond-shaped face:

Since the cheekbones are the widest part of your face, you need to darken them to balance with the rest of the face, and highlight the forehead and chin area!

Heart shaped face type

Your face is elongated rather than broad;
The forehead is the widest part of your face;
The jaw is the narrowest part of your face

Rules for contouring the type of face in the shape of a heart:

You need to highlight the area under the eyes, forehead and chin and darken the cheekbones and the side of the forehead.

Triangular face type

Your face is elongated rather than broad;
The forehead is the narrowest part of your face;
The jaw is the widest part of your face

Rules for contouring a triangular face type:

Highlight the area under the eyes to create the illusion of high cheekbones, the forehead area to make it wider, and the chin. Darken the sides of the face to make the face narrower.

round face type

Your face is almost the same in length and width;
The chin line is rounded;
Cheekbones are the widest part of your face;
The hairline is rounded

Rules for contouring a round face type:

Due to the fact that your face is too round, you need to make it more textured. Do not be afraid to darken the temples, cheekbones and sides of the face. Highlight the forehead and chin areas, this will help the face become more pointed.

Facial contouring- This is a special technique for applying makeup, the purpose of which is to visually smooth out imperfections in appearance. With its help, you can correct the shape of the nose, if it is imperfect, the line of the cheekbones, as well as shape the contours of the face. The use of different textures, as well as certain colors and shades, creates the appearance of shadows, with the help of which the face takes on the desired shape and shape.

Contouring products should be in the arsenal of cosmetics not only for owners of a round face, blurry contours or an irregularly shaped nose: any girl with their help can independently create a unique, perfect image, emphasizing certain features. You can buy these funds at a very reasonable price. In any case, their cost will justify itself.

Step-by-step instruction

So what do you need for face contouring and a magical makeover? Indispensable will be the facial contouring palette, which usually contains about 6 shades of corrective, designed to create the perfect skin tone. Shades range from light cream to rich coffee. The texture of the product is usually dry, which makes it easier to blend and apply even at home. In addition, you will need blush - dry or in the form of a spray, concealer, bronzer, loose powder, eye shadow, as well as contouring brushes and sponges for even application.

Facial contouring - step by step instructions

The first step is not related to the application of funds: it is to choose the right color that perfectly matches the skin tone. Care must be taken to ensure that it looks as natural as possible and does not create a bright eye-catching spot on the skin when applied.

Another important point: contouring cosmetics should not contain shimmering particles or shine. This is completely inappropriate in the process of creating an ideal image.

Now, actually, about the technique and features of makeup for contouring the face. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • application to the face base foundation and a small amount of matting powder;
  • correction of the forehead area, namely, the contouring of its lateral parts and the line running along the hair growth;
  • nose contouring, which will make it more elegant and chiseled and less large. In order to visually narrow a wide nose, you need to draw two thin vertical lines with a dark shade of corrector or powder on its sides. They should pass between the tips of the nostrils. The lines should be gently shaded on the sides of the nose until they become smooth and invisible. On the center of the nose, apply a layer of powder of a light shade and blend.
    To correct the nose of a triangular shape, you need to shade the wings of the nose with dark powder, and apply a light tone on the sides of the bridge of the nose.
    A contouring kit will also be useful in order to visually shorten the nose. To do this, you need to darken the wings of the nose and its tip, and apply a light strip in the center, blend.
    If there is such a flaw as a crooked or injured nose, then the contouring scheme in this case will be as follows: applying a dark shade of corrective agent on the sides of the nose, drawing a straight line in the center of the nose with a light shade, shading the lines until they are soft and smooth;
  • cheekbone contouring. In order to determine how correctly and on which zones to apply a corrective agent, you can put a brush handle or even your index finger on the cheekbones. Along this "diagonal" the line drawn to highlight them will pass. You can use the help in the form of photos and videos to have an idea of ​​​​the correct application of corrective agents on the cheekbones. A scheme or a contouring lesson will replace expensive consultations with a makeup artist.
    So, starting from the top, from the ear area, you need to draw a contour along the line of the cheekbones to about the middle of the cheek. Extending the lines below is not worth it, otherwise they will turn out to be rough, not elegant. This "diagonal" must be shaded with special care from side to side, and not to the bottom of the face.

By face type:

Pay attention to the scheme based on the type of face.

Round face contouring

Owners of a round face are interested in how to correct its characteristic features: wide cheekbones, a chin with a blurry contour line, almost the same width and height of the face. If you act in stages and carefully, then it is quite possible to visually correct these shortcomings. A feature of the correction of this type of face is the use of several different shades of funds.

First of all, you need to create the most even base tone of the face with the help of a tonal foundation and powder. Next, using the contouring palette, draw a few vertical lines - the darkest on the cheeks and sides of the nose, light - on the tip of the nose and the line of the chin. This will visually lengthen the face.

To remove excessive roundness of the cheeks, you need to take a blush of brown tones and apply them diagonally from the top of the cheekbones towards the bottom.


Here are some video instructions for facial contouring for clarity.

In addition, contouring can be done by yourself at home. Actually, there is nothing difficult in creating the perfect image. Correcting minor facial imperfections with cosmetics is a great way to enjoy your looks without worrying about imperfections.

IN modern world a lot depends on appearance, but not all girls are confident in their beauty. Many go to drastic steps, like plastic surgery or injections in certain parts of the face.

But now you can do without surgical interventions and other procedures that can lead to irreversible processes.

There is a special technique that visually obscures all external imperfections - this is facial contouring. With the help of cosmetics, you can remove the visible cons of the shape of the nose, the lines of the cheekbones or the blurry contour of the face.

Facial contouring benefits and how it works

Thanks to contouring, all visual imperfections will disappear

Main benefits of contouring is:

  • Perfect face without expensive plastic surgeries;
  • Using technology at home (for more details, see: face contouring, step-by-step instructions, photos);
  • Perhaps self-study (video and photo lessons);
  • Inexpensive cost of cosmetics.

Face contouring very easy to apply. With the help of special cosmetics, some areas on the face are darkened, while others are lightened.

There are two facial contouring techniques:

Dry - suitable for beginners.

Wet technique for advanced users.

First you need draw the required oval, then use dark tones to shade the area that needs to be reduced, and use light tones to highlight the area that you want to increase.

Thus, you can get plump lips, a small nose, expressive cheekbones and visually reduce fine wrinkles.

There are two facial contouring techniques:

Dry - suitable for beginners , as it is easier to blend on the face. For dry equipment is used:

  • compact or loose powder;

  • dense blush - very suitable for lightening / darkening, depending on the color palette, you need to match the skin color;

  • shimmer - powdery powder with shimmering particles;

  • shimmer - a decorative tool for lightening certain areas;

  • brushes.

Wet technique for advanced users . Suitable for this technique:

  • liquid tonal foundations of natural tones;

  • concealer - a way to smooth out age spots, acne, facial wrinkles, dark circles under the eyes, can be dark / light tones, in the form of a pencil;

  • liquid base to mask some areas;

  • bronzer - a mineral cosmetic product for darkening the skin, it is matte and reflective;

  • highlighter - a creamy cosmetic product for brightening the necessary areas of the face, correcting fine wrinkles.

At home, you can contour the oval of the face only with the help of bronzer and highlighter, you still need to purchase special brushes, sponges.

Necessary tools for contouring

To perform a structured make-up, you must purchase brushes, sponges and other tools:

  • Beauty blender - on the one hand, a pointed device for applying cosmetics in hard-to-reach places, on the other hand, the end is ideal for shading;

  • Kabuki - this tool is suitable for smoothing out various tones. It is a wide brush with a flat cut;

  • Brush with a rounded cut - suitable for applying makeup;

  • Brush with an inclined cut - with its help it is easy to apply tones on the wings of the nose and cheekbones;

  • Large brush (dome) - for blending powder.

The main assistant in facial contouring - bronzer

bronzer may be powder and cream base. With its help, it is easy to give the skin a fresh appearance, create a natural make-up. But do not overdo it too much, as it may turn out that the face is tanned, but the neck, décolleté, and other parts of the body remain white.

To give the skin a natural light tan, it is desirable apply bronzer on the nose, top of the cheekbones, chin, lower jaw, upper forehead of the root zone.

Choosing a bronzer for contouring:

  1. In order to obtain an unobtrusive make-up, the bronzer is used two tones darker than the skin;

  2. For dark skin, a bronzer of honey, red-yellow or terracotta color is suitable;

  3. Medium skin needs a golden color or rose gold;

  4. Light skin is recommended honey, peach, beige or pink;

  5. Owners of snow-white skin should abandon the bronzer, only blush and highlighter of cold shades are suitable for contouring;

  6. Be sure to test the product on the skin before buying;

  7. If the skin is considered oily, you must carefully approach the choice of bronzer or, in general, refuse. Since its shimmering particles will add more oily sheen.

Bronzer can be powder or cream based.

With its help, it is easy to give the skin a fresh appearance, create a natural make-up.

Choosing a Skin Contouring Palette

Today, there is a large assortment of palettes on the shelves of shopping centers, you need to approach the choice responsibly so as not to be mistaken in your preferences for colors. The palette consists of: blush, dark/light bronzers, highlighters.

  • To make the makeup natural, you can not use reddish or orange shades;
  • The dimmer (bronzer) is the main component of the palette, it should be two tones darker than the skin without mother-of-pearl. Completely matte tone will look perfect on the skin;
  • Highlighter should be chosen with small shines and a tone lighter than your skin. So, it will give the appearance of naturalness.

Facial contouring: step by step instructions with photos at home

Stages of structuring :

  1. At the beginning of contouring, it is necessary to wipe the face with cosmetics;
  2. For owners of dry skin, it is advisable to apply a moisturizer, and for girls with oily skin, clean the appearance with a liquid from oily sheen;
  3. The next stage, masking freckles, pimples, dark circles under the eyes - concealer;
  4. Apply foundation;
  5. Apply powder;
  6. The next step, contouring is done based on the type of face.

Contouring rules depending on the shape of the face

Depending on the shape of the face, contouring occurs according to different rules.

Before starting the procedure, you need to determine what type of person you belong to. This will help step-by-step instructions for contouring the face for a specific shape (with photos).

Heart type. In this type, the top of the oval looks more than a chin, so it is necessary to darken the whiskey with a bronzer.

Thus, it will turn out to equalize the shape. Contouring with dark tones in the lower area is not allowed, as the balance of the oval can be shifted.

In order to lengthen the nose, you need to apply a bronzer on its sides. Then it will turn out to soften the angularity, and to make the nose a little raised, you need to apply a bronzer under its tip.

After working with the bronzer, take the highlighter and apply it along the nose line, under the eyes and chin.

It is better to leave the forehead unchanged, as the highlighter can whiten the upper part of the face too much, as if to make it heavier. Shade everything well so that there are no rough transitions.

contouring ends with blush. On top of the bronzer, apply blush with a slight slope to the chin to preserve the natural lines of the oval.

Square shape. In working with such a face, it is necessary soften the chin. A dark color should be applied to the temples, on the forehead near the root zone of the hair.

Then, starting from the middle of the ear, walk along the cheekbones, but do not touch the chin. The nose needs to be enlarged.

The next stage of contouring, highlighter. Highlight the middle of the forehead, chin, as well as areas under the eyes. But to keep the face natural, don't use too much highlighter.

Blush should be applied from the edge of the cheekbone down to the nose until it crosses with the point where the eye begins. This method of applying blush will add a rounded line to a square face.

Oval type. Owners of this type need to focus on reducing or increasing the desired area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe oval.

They usually have a dominant nose, so the bronzer is applied to half the bridge of the nose and the sides.

You need to darken the cheekbones above the corners of the mouth, creating a triangle.

Thus, the "horse effect" can be excluded. For visual expansion of the face, highlighter is applied over the lip(minimal application) and on the chin.

The forehead also needs to be minimally bleached. Blush applied with clear movements from the wings of the nose to the upper point of the ear.

Triangular shape. Since the chin is the narrowest area, it is necessary to darken it to balance the entire oval. And also it is worth applying a bronzer on the forehead according to hair growth.

This will reduce its width, but the eyes, on the contrary, do not need to be darkened, because with such an oval they are already very noticeable.

Necessarily whiten nose wing with highlighter, the area under the eyes with the continuation of the line under the nose.

Slightly lighten the superciliary areas, chin. Apply a light blush on the cheekbones.

Important to remember!

Before starting the procedure, you need to determine what type of person you belong to.

Extended type. Correction occurs by darkening the lower part of the chin, the area from temple to temple along the hairline. Such a dark edging will slightly expand, and also measure the face. It is also necessary put bronzer on the eyes to look away from the chin and forehead.

Slightly darken the cheekbones and nose so as not to prolong it. Highlighter minimally apply only in the area under the eyes, between the eyebrows, and also on the bridge of the nose. To slightly shorten the chin, draw a lightening line under the lip along the entire width.

You can not overdo it with the highlighter, as you can lengthen the oval even more. The goal is to balance the look. Blush should be applied with a wide line towards the nose.

round shape . When contouring this type, it is necessary to darken large areas with a bronzer. In this case, it is important to highlight the cheeks with a dark tone, without touching the forehead and chin, this will visually narrow the appearance.

Then, with a highlighter, draw a line along the entire bridge of the nose from the middle of the forehead, lighten the top of the cheeks, and make a triangle on the chin.

This contouring will give a slightly elongated appearance. Apply minimal blush just above the cheekbones, in some cases, you can refuse to apply blush.

Depending on the certain type and forms of appearance, professional cosmetologists perform individual face contouring in each case. Step-by-step instructions with photos for a home make-up will help you make an unmistakable make-up and decide on the choice of shades.

1. Categorically Do not use liquid foundations and loose powders at the same time.. Since the result will be clear boundaries of shades that cannot be shaded;

2. After removing the excess corrector, it is necessary to apply transparent powder;

3. You can contour your face with only foundation and bronzer;

4. Dry skin should be moisturized, apply special cosmetics as a base layer;

5. If you have to take pictures, you need to remember that highlighter has a reflective effect. Therefore, do not strongly lighten the convex parts of the face in order to avoid illuminated areas of the skin in the photographs;

6. In case of sweating under the nose, it is necessary to apply a matte highlighter on the nasolabial triangle.

Today, every girl, thanks to step-by-step instructions and photos on facial contouring, can look irresistible.

Dear women, be always beautiful!