Beautiful and funny congratulations on the fall (on the first day of autumn) - the history and date of the holiday. Congratulations on the first day of autumn Happy first day of autumn and good mood

Congratulations on the first day of autumn! I wish her every day to become truly unforgettable! Let dreams come true every day, and the rain washes away past hardships! May every moment of this beautiful autumn bring good luck and surround you with warmth! Remember this time with the most gentle, drunken harmony and sincerity!

On the first day of September, I congratulate you!
And let the summer is gone, but we should not be sad!
We will also be cheerful in autumn,
What we have gained - we will never forget!

Let the foliage now fly from the trees,
But it’s not about that let the head hurt!
I want us to love forever!
May we always be together!

Congratulations on the first day of autumn, our first teacher! For you, it will be a day of meeting with students. We wish you that this year they become smarter and more obedient. We wish you to remain as kind, patient and understanding as you have settled in our hearts forever. May your red pen be out of work this year!

For the first day of autumn
I want to raise a glass!
I will send a message
Don't run away!
Let's meet autumn
And let's celebrate this day!

Congratulations on the first day of autumn! I want her to be precious! Let autumn give you gold and rubies of fall leaves, silver of the first frosts on malachite grass and placers of diamond raindrops! May this beautiful, magical time come true all the most cherished dreams and desires!

My dear first grader! I congratulate you on the First of September! May you remember this day for the rest of your life! You will remember the first textbooks, the kind and smart teacher, to whom you carried the bouquet with such pride. The first, most important lesson will always remain in your memory. There will be many more, so I wish you success in your studies!

On the first day of September
I am a message to you
Send to your smartphone
With a banal congratulations!
Let autumn only please
And life only indulges!

Summer is over and it's time to get back to school!
Learn "my name is", protractor and amoeba,
About tangent, cotangent and Gibraltar,
To put everything on the altar for study!

Let the first day of autumn give a start to success.
Don't let your summer vacation get in the way.
Let the granites of science be candy,
And never give up!

Yesterday summer gently spent us,
Today, autumn has gilded everything around.
And all the beautiful nature became brighter,
The autumn adversity will not disturb us.

I congratulate you on the first autumn day,
I wish you a golden mood.
Let autumn give you colorful gifts,
And the days of your fate will immediately become bright.

Today we see off summer
We meet autumn with its harvest!
Autumn comes not only with rain -
With fruits, berries, mushrooms!

We prepare baskets and tueski,
We will send congratulations to our closest friends.
Here is a call from the door of each school ...
The first day of autumn is a fun holiday!

Congratulations on the first day of autumn. Long live the time of charm of the eyes and nostalgia for the soul. May this autumn draw your happiness with bright colors, may your heart bask in the rays of the autumn sun, may the wind of good changes blow for you.

Beauty came today autumn
She won't ask us for anything.
Only gold will decorate everything around,
Greet her with joy, friend.

Congratulations on the first day of autumn
In my soul I have colors, I wish gold.
Let there be a light wind, leaf fall,
And I'm extremely happy and overjoyed.

Congratulations on the autumn approach,
I wish you golden success.
Let the fall of the leaves calm you down
There will be many surprises.

A yellow leaf flies calmly,
And in the sky a crane's cry is heard.
Calm down and relax, smile,
Charge yourself with the energy of autumn nature.

Congratulations on the autumn season
I wish you mushroom rains.
And let joy hasten with them,
Good luck with gilding will also fly.

I wish your relationship to get rich,
For joy, let the time not be stingy.
Fun and happiness to you, and great luck,
And in autumn you will soon find peace of mind.

Goodbye, summer whispered
Dry herbs, shaking the first gray hair,
I love you like an autumn ray
Congratulations on the first day of autumn.

Don't be sad about the past summer
A new autumn will begin the countdown
And flowers of belated love
Let him bring it to your doorstep.

Goodbye, I'll tell the summer
Hello golden autumn
Today is your first day
With a slight sadness, I meet.

Don't rush, I beg you
Waking us up in the morning with rain
You rejoice in the harvest
And give us some warmth.

Your first day of autumn
Let it be bright and clean
Will fall on my palms
Let your first yellow leaf.

Today we said goodbye to summer
The autumn time has come.
The kids all gathered for school
A little colder than the wind.

Hello golden autumn
So that you are warm, gentle,
We kindly ask you
Because we need you too.

The first day of autumn has arrived
Foliage swirls in the breeze
And a ray of sunshine shone
In a crystal clear stream.

The hot summer is already over
And autumn knocked on the door.
We won't be there until dawn
Walk with you, my friend, now.

Still reminiscent of summer
Such a great day
And let me remain unanswered
But I send you my congratulations!

The autumn time has come
And the leaf fall will spin,
With you, my dear, never
I won't be able to say goodbye!

Let them fly like a whirlwind of the year
And autumn drives winter,
We'll always be together,
And nothing separates us!

Autumn begins with a beautiful golden season, when the bright azure of the sky does not yet remind of the approaching cold weather and the withering of nature. The first day of autumn is considered a holiday for all students who begin the next stage on the way to their goal in September. It is no coincidence that it is very interpreted as a time to take stock, make plans and start implementing new projects. The beauty of nature sets you in a philosophical mood, forcing you to re-evaluate yourself and your place in the world.

Each season of the year has its own unique beauty and mystery, this is especially true for autumn, which either conquers the heart with the high azure of heaven, or brings sadness with lingering rains and leaden clouds. Traditionally, the beginning of autumn coincides with the harvest of a new crop, so the treats on the table are varied and generous. Self-grown flowers become an obligatory decoration of the house, which are usually given to relatives and friends, congratulating them on the end of summer.

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Today is the first day of autumn
His nature expected -
After all, he will give inspiration,
Which is so much for a poet.

And every autumn day
Gives a special occasion in life -
For sincere contemplation,
Arranging the fly wire.

May this autumn be good
Cozy and incredibly bright!
Let the mood be cheerful
And waiting for autumn gifts!

The autumn day has come
A yellowing leaf fell to the ground.
Flowers bloom, as if from the last strength,
The gusts of wind sleepily heed.

Let the fire make you happy
Gives a smile, a lot of impressions.
How nice that the heat is over,
Love autumn without a doubt.

I wish you endless warmth
Let the mind be instantly filled with light.
Sorrow-longing with water flowed away.
Love will cover you like a blanket.

The trees are slowly turning red
They seem to be embarrassed about something.
Let adversity dispel everything
Firebirds - autumn feather!

It's time to meet autumn
Forget the heat and summer
And notice the first yellow leaf
Take it home and save it in a book.

Peace crept into the heart,
Close to the soul is autumn melancholy.
Let there be complete inspiration
The rhythm of the heart beats in the temples.

Consciousness let it require a fire
Flowers blazing like the late dawn.
Walk more often between the trees of the boulevard,
May your best friends be around!

Autumn breathes fire of colors,
Let evil thoughts burn in her fire.
May the first day be very happy
May joy bring you and me.

Cat's graceful gait
And with a fresh breeze,
Sad, red-fiery beauty
It's time for early autumn.

Autumn has come, yellow-red time,
Let the color of fire warm the soul.
The orange bonfire came into its own,
The wind blows along the edges.

The fog falls, gray and thick,
It swirls over water and over bushes.
Let this autumn be golden
Let love last forever between us.

Old - young
Happy autumn day!
Rich days!

mutual feelings,
strong friendship,
Strong nerves
Life - without cold!

Today is the autumn debut!
The beginning of a new rigmarole.
And from the branches the birds sing to us
(The ones that haven't left yet)

The weather has been given a new tone.
Within this bouquet -
Foliage, winds, rains bud,
A little bit in shade - Indian summer ...

So that the gold of autumn leaves
Lyrically invaded your life;
We wish you selfless friendship,
Souls of wonderful magnetism!

Fall is here according to the calendar! The first day of autumn marks the end of the most life-affirming time of the year. Although the trees still delight us with their green foliage, autumn has already walked over some of them with its brush. Soon we will have to admire the riot of colors of the autumn season! The first of September is a special date for every schoolchild and student: it is on this day that the long summer holidays end and the new school year begins.
Autumn day is not at all a reason for sadness. Take a look around - for sure, a lot of interesting things are happening around you. Find a reason for joy, and your cherished desire will certainly come true! May this autumn be happy for you! And even if one of you does not love her, accept her, and she will love you back!
Congratulate the people dearest to you on the First day of autumn - the beginning of autumn. Here you will find beautiful aphorisms about autumn, original congratulations with colorful cards and good wishes in verse and prose.

Autumn is the last, most delightful smile of the year!

Autumn is like a fairy tale
Incomparable to anything!
I wish this autumn
Leave a memory for everyone!

Golden foliage rustles underfoot.
Red summer sang and said goodbye to us.
Congratulations on the first day of autumn!
Let happiness fall on you in whole bunches!

It's up to you to decide what this fall will be for you:
sad sometimes or eyes charm!

Now autumn has come, and the leaves are circling.
And it became sad, and the soul cries.
But this weather is nothing more...
Happy New Year and less worries!
Side by side - happiness, close by - good luck
And many pleasant surprises to boot!

Smile and think:
"What a beautiful autumn!
How much light and colors
How good are the bunches of mountain ash!"
Let go of all the bad
Breathe without resentment and anger
And accepting the inevitable
Feel how you want to live...

Say goodbye to summer today
The autumn time has come.
The kids all gathered for school
A little colder than the wind.
Well, hello, Golden Autumn!
So that you are warm, gentle -
We kindly ask you...
After all, we need you too!

Not autumn is to blame for our sadness,
but only the absence of spring in the soul ...

Merry August passed in a hurry,
Carefree, carefree and playful.
The summer rock and roll has died down for a long time,
And autumn motives sound again.
Their music is soulful and simple,
They have the smoothness of intoxicating harmonies.
They have sonorous overflows of beauty
Born in a unique ring...
(Dime Smiles)

Autumn sedately ascends to the throne.
Well, today is her first step!
Happiness, good luck to you this season!
Loyalty, love, let them keep your hearth!

The trees are slowly turning red
They seem to be embarrassed about something.
Let adversity dispel everything
Firebirds - autumn feather!

Autumn, a bright time, drives summer from the yard!

Did not have time to meet the summer,
And his trail is gone.
Dressed in a raincoat
Autumn has penetrated us in the rear!

Her first day walking
And the rain knocks on the window
But he won't scare us
We are not afraid of anyone!

Congratulations on Autumn!
And there is no reason to be sad...
I wish you to live positively
And read Pushkin more often!

And he is a great genius with us,
And fall in love with my heart.
No wonder a bouquet of poems
He devoted autumn days!

The first day of autumn is almost summer
But his warm song has already been sung,
The nights are cold and the dawn is fresh
The nightingale's trills are no more.
I congratulate you on the beginning of autumn,
I wish you good mood!
May your dream come true in autumn
All earthly blessings to you, good luck and kindness!

Congratulations on the first day of autumn!
I wish you autumn impressions!
Let the colors of autumn delight the eye.
Pleasant feelings will visit you!
Let the foliage circle in a waltz, falling,
Infecting you with joy at the same moment!
Let the mood be wonderful
And in my heart - everything is calm and clear!

Golden autumn listen to the silence ...
The sky with a rare blue clears the soul.

So ended the hot summer, attractive and exciting. It has been replaced by autumn. But there is no sadness and bad weather in the soul, it is possible to rejoice and enjoy life as before. The golden beauty of autumn, dressing the trees in crimson-golden dresses, surprises with its romantic atmosphere. Congratulations on the first day of autumn, which turns out to be so similar to summer! Dear friends, I wish you not to be afraid of worsening weather conditions, because the most important thing is what is happening in your heart and soul! Try to live with a positive, so that everything goes perfectly! Live brightly even in late autumn! May autumn be happy for you, the weather is wonderful, and your mood is excellent!

"Goodbye," summer whispered,
Dry herbs shaking the first gray hair.
I congratulate you with a golden ray
Happy First Day of Hasty Autumn!
Don't be sad about the past summer
A new autumn will begin the countdown...
And flowers of belated love
Let him bring it to your doorstep!

Notes of sadness touched the soul.
There is no trace of summer left.
Autumn gave an apple and a pear.
Tall stacks smell sweet of hay.
Congratulations on the beginning of autumn!
And I wish you happiness, family warmth!
I wish you a gentle velvety season,
Success and health, good luck and kindness!

Autumn is the only season that teaches.

I hasten today with autumn greetings!
And it's not bad at all that summer is over:
Soon nature will dress in gold,
And the weather will become, like a lady, capricious ...
But this is not a reason to be sad and sad:
Everything is for the best - life goes on!

Autumn is coming. Congratulations!
Let it add sparkle to your eyes!
Let the sun gently touch the soul!
Happiness smile let you hurry!

Autumn is a precious time!
Fading colors are wonderful!
Come out into the world from your yard,
Look - the moments are interesting!

Autumn is a moment for inspiration!

It seems that the summer was quite recently, but now it is already in the past. It was replaced by autumn, dressed in a crimson-golden cloak. Now you need to defend yourself from rain, cold snap and strong winds, proving the resilience of the rear. I would like to congratulate you on the beginning of autumn and wish you successful completion of the tests, despite the numerous "buts". Please try to keep spring and summer in your soul, even if autumn is outside the window! Do not lose heart for no reason, believe only in the best and live positively! Let every day bring a share of happiness and romance, give the opportunity to enjoy poetry and other types of creativity! Spend time not in depression, but with maximum benefit for a good mood! I know that everything will turn out the way you would like. Let autumn not become an obstacle on the way to such a cherished happiness!

This is the end of the season
Holidays, holidays.
Don't be sad! That's the law
And the natural cycle!
You see it the other way around:
Autumn? ‒ Great!
So it's New Year's Eve
Women's Day and Easter!

autumn beauty
Amazes the look!
May spring dreams
They will visit the soul!
Autumn begins.
Happy First Day!
Let life move on
Joyful way!

The first breath of autumn is just happiness
after a hot and sultry summer!

Fragrant flowers in bulk
Finally, Summer will wave ...
Happy first day of colorful autumn
I hasten to congratulate at dawn!
Let it be cooler outside
But there is no need to feel sorry for Leta.
Only the best lies ahead...
And swirling leaf fall!

Summer has come and gone.
Golden autumn has arrived!
Cobwebs are silvering outside the window,
The leaves in the yard were covered in powder.
Today I want to wish you
Happiness, magic and inspiration!
Let this fall surprise you
Forget about the past without regret!
May your dreams come true this autumn
And let her coolness not scare!
Happy first day of autumn to you!
Sad, no need to be sad!

The summer time is leaving.
Autumn is coming today
each other year times
They change in variety.
But let the soul not mope,
After all, our region is beautiful in autumn.
And you can admire for a long time
How Autumn paints the forest with a brush.
And enjoy the riot of colors
Arouse interest in art.
Let autumn inspire
And only wonderful moments!

Autumn is a time of reflection, hands in pockets,
warm blanket, amusing needlework, interesting films
and books, delicious tea and pleasant melancholy...

Autumn has arrived! She walked without sleep and rest, hoping only for the best. Despite the fact that the warm weather persists, spring and summer are behind us. Rainy days are ahead of us when you want to stay at home and, wrapped in a warm blanket, drink hot chocolate or coffee. My beloved little man, I sincerely congratulate you on the First Day of Autumn, which has already arrived! Please don't think that soon the naughty wind will pluck the last leaves from the trees, because before that we will have time to admire their bright outfit. Do not be sad because of the weather, because life is operated by the state of the soul. Let bad weather not spoil your mood, and let the positive spirit last as long as possible! And let everything turn out perfect for you this time of the year! Accept sincere congratulations on the beginning of autumn, because she, too, has prepared pleasant surprises and wants to please with something special! Remember: you will be happy this fall!

Saying goodbye in autumn
Happy summer, let the soul
Meets September
Again, don't rush!
May the first day of autumn
Will bring joy!
Let the song ask
Let your heart sing!

fiery firebird,
dissecting the blue,
Knocking on our window
Gold autumn!
We congratulate you
Happy first day of autumn!
We sincerely wish
Bright impressions!

It's good that there is autumn: it is gentle
and gently prepares us for the cold!

Red-haired beast autumn
Glows bright gold.
Congratulations on your arrival
This wonderful time!
The heart becomes sensitive
Thoughts take flight.
May the fulfillment of all plans
Autumn will bring with it!

The first fallen leaf is circling in the wind.
I'll gather a bright bouquet in a handful.
And a thin yellow leaf pressed with a finger
On my palms so transparently clean,
That touching faces, yellow warmth
All my sorrows were immediately taken away.
And now in an envelope an eagle flies to you,
And in a hurry to congratulate you on the Autumn Day!

Congratulations on the autumn season!
Let her make you happy!
Let the birds flock somewhere
Well, in your soul - spring sings!
Let this autumn smile brightly
In your home - peace reigns and harmony!
Let it be an autumn gift for you
A sudden waterfall of love will come!

September is such a month when you don’t understand who is more stupid:
the one that is still in sandals, or the one that is already in boots.

Summer is gone and gone until next year. The weather should get worse: rain, sleet, lower air temperature. But don't worry, dear friend! Autumn will certainly surprise you with beautiful leaves and silver cobwebs, a special atmosphere. You will feel refined romance and intimate nostalgia, you will be able to understand how amazing the autumn time can be. I want to wish happiness and joy, autumn magic with a touch of nostalgia. Let autumn bring only the best emotions, allow you to find inspiration and the opportunity to express all the amazing feelings in literary works. Even in the most rainy weather, do not think about the bad. After all, happiness does not depend on the street weather, but on the state of the soul and heart. Dear little man, I would like to wish you intimate feelings, real happiness and faith that the future will be amazing! Please accept my most sincere congratulations on the First Day of Autumn!

☸ ڿڰۣ-

They say that autumn is a time of wisdom, prudence and common sense. Perhaps there is some truth in this, because the first day of autumn is also a day of knowledge, because it is with the beginning of this time of the year that a new stage of study opens up for schoolchildren and students. Officially, the first day of autumn, namely September 1, was approved back in 1984 by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. This year, by the way, served as the so-called starting point for festive events and solemn rulers. For some, the first day of autumn is a new stage in knowledge, while for others it is associated with endless longing for summer. In any case, you need to meet the first day of autumn cheerfully and with a good mood, because rainy days are ahead of us, mountains of leaves under our feet, a slightly warming sun and a gloomy sky. Agree, there is something special, exciting and unique in this.

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The hot summer has passed
Goodbye and gone
Autumn put on gold
And knocking on our window!

hello golden autumn
We are happy for you, believe me
And meeting your first day,
Let's open the door wide open!

We congratulate all our friends
With the first, autumn day,
We wish you all the best,
Live brightly, with a spark! ,


Autumn is golden, autumn is a darling!
The leaves on the chestnut trees rustle in the night...
Smile at us, gentle, beautiful capital!
We'll sit in the park, just keep quiet.

The first day of autumn is warm and beautiful,
We are not sad yet: winter is far away,
The sun is still gentle, the breeze is not strong ...
But it's already getting dark.


Autumn will spin us in a gentle waltz,
Schoolchildren will go to their class today,
It's time for us to wake up from the hot summer,
In the light coolness, plunge with love,

And on this very first day of autumn,
We wish you new revelations,
May nature give you a moment of bliss,
And only perfection reigns in the soul.


Oh, the leaf flies yellow,
The sun hides in the forest
But there's no point in being sad
If autumn is on the nose!

So she came, and what?
You're moping, wait a minute
After all, with fine weather
Summer is ahead again.

So the first day of autumn
You are happier to meet
And in a good mood
Accept Indian summer!


Let's bake a big pie from apples,
And we'll ask you "Don't leave" for the summer.
Comes cautiously to the threshold
It's not summer anymore, but it's not autumn yet.

And the cranes chirp in the blue,
And soon all the trees will shed their leaves,
And hoarfrost steps on the grass
It's not summer anymore, but it's not autumn yet.

Say goodbye to the summer, warm and alive
With warmth and sun, dressed in greenery
And we will meet among the yellowing grass
It's not autumn yet, but it's not summer anymore.


September bright fine day,
The last one left, already on the threshold
Winter will knock. And it will be again
Fallen leaves to drive on the roads.
First autumn day today
And it seems not summer and I don’t know:
Outside the sun, light, beauty
And the kids run to school for a lesson.
Beautiful skirts, bows, jackets,
Accept congratulations today and you.


Changes in nature
brought nostalgia,
As if autumn brings sadness
By their appearance.

And in the soul is not visible like
No sadness, no longing -
golden season
And you can congratulate him.

Well, let them go
Summer hot days
We wave to them
And let's go to the barbecue!


There is no despondency and sadness,
No rain, no gold leaves
Birds did not fly to a warm land,
And you can't see the winter in the distance.

The first day of autumn is still summer,
No heat, but blue from the sky,
The forest is still dressed in greenery,
On this wonderful day - we are with you!

Let the summer stay with us
From him we take ourselves warmly,
And the soul rejoices and laughs,
And full of love!


You will find your happiness today
After all, we are now meeting autumn.
And if life was free
We fix it in the fall.

You will find your dream, it's over,
And it will be strong forever.
Congratulations on the first day of autumn
And I wish you much happiness.


Congratulations on the autumn approach,
I wish you golden success.
Let the fall of the leaves calm you down
There will be many surprises.

A yellow leaf flies calmly,
And in the sky a crane's cry is heard.
Calm down and relax, smile,
Charge yourself with the energy of autumn nature.


Today autumn knocked on our window,
And children with flowers go to school,
Some are happy, others don't care
New "exploits" at school are waiting for them.

We also congratulate the parents,
On this beautiful autumn day
We wish them all a lot of patience,
May happiness flow into your home in a stream.


Beauty came today autumn
She won't ask us for anything.
Only gold will decorate everything around,
Greet her with joy, friend.

Congratulations on the first day of autumn
In my soul I have colors, I wish gold.
Let there be a light wind, leaf fall,
And I'm extremely happy and overjoyed.


Fall has come! First day of September!
Congratulations to everyone on the start of your studies!
We wish you all in educational works
Only success, without difficulties!

Let it be hard sometimes
And before the session, cramming the night,
And then with your smart head
Soon you will have to glorify the country!

I think the geniuses were very fond of when
The holidays are coming to an end again
So folks, happy first day of September!
Let's learn everything without sorrow!