Copper hair color for brown eyes. What hair color suits brown eyes

In order for the appearance to look harmonious, it is important that everything in it is successfully combined. For example, it is necessary that the chosen hair color matches the girl’s eye color as best as possible, then she will definitely look really very beautiful. Here we will talk about what hair color is most successful for brown eyes.

Hair color for brown eyes

According to statistics, there are many more brown-eyed ladies than everyone else, so they will probably be interested in knowing what hair color for brown eyes will look best on them, because many women throughout their lives are looking for a successful combination for themselves.

Brown eyes are very beautiful, they literally emanate warmth and even some kind of affection. This color is rich and deep. In order for all the positive features to be successfully reflected in the image, the hair color must meet several criteria, which will be discussed later.

Blonde hair

Previously, brown-eyed blondes were considered, roughly speaking, a misunderstanding of nature, because this made the girl’s appearance look very unexpected and unusual. However, it was precisely because of its unusualness that it became attractive. Although it is worth noting that not every brown-eyed lady decides to change her appearance so radically, because this is quite a risky step.

Most brown-eyed young ladies also have dark eyebrows, and these, in combination with curls of light shades, will not always look absolutely harmonious, and what’s worse, can make the face too rough. In addition, the roots will grow too quickly, which will clearly spoil the appearance of the blonde. Therefore, if you want to make a light hair color for brown eyes, then it is not recommended to choose ashen shades of blonde. The most successful start on the path to blonde will be light brown shades, with which, if necessary, you should adjust the color of the eyebrows so that the contrast is not so obvious.

Dark hair

With brunettes things are simpler, dark eyes absolutely suit them, it’s even useless to argue with that. Thanks to him, they look even more vibrant, mysterious, and interesting. This combination is natural and looks natural, it was invented by nature and therefore this option is ideal when choosing a color.

Hair color for brown eyes in this case involves many dark shades. It is worth starting from how dark the color of your own eyes and eyebrows is. The richer and deeper it is, the richer you can choose the color of your hair.

A spectacular chocolate shade looks incomparable on brown-eyed girls and most advantageously emphasizes the mystery of dark eyes.

Red hair

Red-haired and brown-eyed ladies have both an unusual and extremely stylish appearance. A huge plus for this type of brown-eyed person is the choice; all shades of copper and red suit them perfectly. True, before you finally decide to dye it in a similar color, you need to make sure that there are no various types of imperfections on the skin, because with red hair they will become more obvious.

Light red hair color for brown eyes should be softer and lighter. And almost black eyes need to take a closer look at shades such as fiery, cherry, dark copper.

How to choose hair color based on the shade of brown eyes?

Despite the common name of the color, brown can have completely different shades that are not similar to each other. Therefore, this should also be taken into account when choosing the color of your hair. The more carefully the combination is thought out, the better the girl will look.

Amber eyes

They are quite light, so their owners are not recommended to dye their curls too dark. Against the background of a deep, too saturated color, bright sunny eyes will simply get lost, fade, and absolutely no one will notice their beauty.

Hair color for brown eyes is an amber shade, you can choose among warm tones, such as caramel and those close to it. Even with red hair, those with amber eyes will look good.

Dark brown eyes

A beautiful, very deep color is incredibly attractive and completely self-sufficient, so you can dye your curls black, chestnut and other colors close in the spectrum. This option will be the most natural, harmonious, and at the same time very bright.

Hair color for dark brown eyes will depend on the color type. Therefore, the choice between blue black or chocolate will depend on him. But it is important to remember about the shade of the eyebrows and the quality of the facial skin.

Brown-green eyes

An extremely mysterious and even magical color is considered a chameleon, since it can change slightly under different lighting conditions.

It is very important to correctly emphasize the expressiveness of this shade. Therefore, it is recommended to use hair color for the brown eyes of chameleons with a transition to chocolate, dark red, and tones close to them.

How to choose hair color for brown eyes?

The above points for choosing the best hair color will not be complete if we ignore other, no less important characteristics. It is difficult to achieve complete agreement with all recommendations, so it is worth starting from common features that coincide in appearance.

Color of the skin

An exotic dark skin tone can be achieved through solar treatments, or you can be born with it. Girls lucky enough to be born with a “natural tan” should give preference to black or chestnut with an amber tint. Light, almost imperceptible highlighting, which will help add softness to the image, will not hurt either.

Smooth, milky skin looks fresh and even against the background of honey curls. And for those who want darker hair, it is recommended to dye it to the color of café au lait, but not darker. Very deep ones will look out of place.

Fiery red shades are suitable only for those girls who have a powder-colored face. At the same time, if capillary networks on light skin are too noticeable, then in combination with red hair color they will give the girl a sickly appearance.

Face shape

Not many people know, but even the shape of your face affects what hair color you should choose for yourself, so it’s worth familiarizing yourself with the basic rules of choice.

Owners of an ideal oval face shape can suit a lot, both in terms of hair color and in terms of haircuts and styling. Here you can not be afraid to experiment and follow your personal preferences.

To make a square face visually narrower, the shades should be dark; they will help make the face shape visually closer to ideal.

The sharp features of a triangular face will look good framed by red shades.

As for chubby ladies, in principle they can choose any color they like. The exception is those with rounded cheeks; they can be hidden with dark shades.

Eyebrow color

Hair color for brown eyes depends on another very important characteristic, which has already been mentioned more than once above, namely the shade of the eyebrows.

Everything here is quite simple, it is desirable that the eyebrows are close in color to the hair. For example, light eyebrows framed by dark strands will look faded, and the face of their owner will seem to be erased. However, when you really want to experiment, you can always tint your eyebrows in the desired shade, it’s worth remembering.

When a natural brunette goes blonde, her eyebrows really stand out against her white curls. Many people like this contrast, but makeup artists note that it is best not to do such experiments.

Sunny redhead will perfectly complement those with black or chestnut eyebrows, because the image will certainly look good.

In addition, naturalness is in fashion today, so it is worth smoothing out the color contrast between hair and eyebrows and making it more natural.

If you really want to dye your curls in a shade that is not quite suitable, then you need to think about tinting your eyebrows. To make eyebrows darker, many resort to tattooing, but it is done for a long time, so this method is too radical. It is best to resort to regular dyeing or get a biotattoo with henna.

If we talk about lightening eyebrows, then these can only be done using lightening with paint.

When choosing a hair color for brown eyes, you need to take into account absolutely all the nuances that exist in your appearance, because the end result should be a harmonious, natural image.

In the video below you will see not only a beautiful hair color, but also makeup suitable for girls with brown eyes. You shouldn’t limit yourself to one shade when coloring from two or more tones is in fashion.

Brown eye color- the most common on our planet. However, brown shades are as diverse as the skin color of their owners. Therefore, every brown-eyed woman is truly unique. To highlight your individuality, woman with brown eyes it is very important to carefully choose hair colors based on skin tone.

This combination of eye and skin tones is called the “Mediterranean type.” I remember colorful Greek women, temperamental Italians, passionate Spanish beauties. Dark tones suit brown-eyed dark-skinned women best. But to select color nuances, you need to take a more careful approach to studying the shades of your eyes and skin.

As you know, there are four so-called color types: winter, summer, spring and autumn. Among the owners brown eyes and dark skin Most of all, “winters” are dark eyes with bright white whites, naturally dark hair and skin with a cold bluish tint. Lips often have a purple tint. These bright women will also suit bright, but always cool shades:

  • blue-black, plum, eggplant;
  • dark chocolate, chocolate, dark chestnut;
  • burgundy, mahogany, garnet, etc.;

When thinking through an image, you should take into account not only the color, but also the length of the hair. The more natural the shade, the longer the hair can be.

Winter color types with dark skin should avoid any warm shades: copper, caramel, golden.

The owner of light brown eyes with a hazel, graphite tint, dark skin with an ashy tint and dark brown natural hair most likely belongs to the summer color type. These girls will also suit cool shades of hair, but less saturated and lighter in tone:

  • milk chocolate, dark graphite
  • brown, medium chestnut
  • rosewood, etc.

Another combination of “brown eyes - dark skin” may look like this: tea or cognac eye color, olive skin, bright chestnut or dark brown natural hair with a reddish or golden tint. This is a warm autumn type. When choosing a hair color, autumn girls should be guided by the following.

  • hair tone from dark brown to dark blond;
  • shades of brown, copper golden;
  • Too bright shades should be avoided; it is better to choose muted, calm ones.

In all cases, an interesting solution would be bronzing or color highlighting - this method of coloring traditionally adds volume to the hairstyle, adding charm and subtlety to the image. When choosing a shade for your strands, follow the same principles as when choosing the main shade: for winter women, you can style bright strands; for summer and autumn, you can prefer more natural tints.

How to choose hair color for girls with brown eyes and fair skin

Combination brown eyes and fair skin It is less common, although it is still quite common among Central European women.

In this case, it is also necessary to remember about color types. Most often, fair-skinned, brown-eyed girls belong to the summer color type, but representatives of all others are also often found.

So: brown eyes with a gray tint, pinkish-gray skin tone or ivory skin, natural hair color from dark to light brown - this is a noble summer color type. And women of this type should be as natural as possible when choosing hair color. No red, red shades - these colors will give a sick look. It is better to choose cool shades of light brown and chestnut tones: graphite, ash, pinkish brown. Highlighting is also a great option for brown-eyed summer girls. But when choosing the shade of the strands, take into account your natural color, since summer does not tolerate excessive contrast, that is, the difference between the main color and the strands should be no more than two tones. And, of course, when choosing the color of the strands, the same rules apply as when choosing the main color.

The winter color type of a brown-eyed woman with fair skin is a vamp! Her image is full of drama - deep dark brown eyes with perfect icy whites, very light porcelain skin, pale or with blush.

All shades of black will suit such bright women, blue-black will be especially good. Also, cool shades of dark brown will perfectly fit into the image of a femme fatale. You can also try light tones of cool, ashy shades. In any case, the colors should be bright, saturated, but not flashy - this is the prerogative of dark-skinned “winters”. Highlighting in this case is also not the best option, although some women may find the bright contrast of blue-black and platinum strands suitable. Strictly avoid any red shades - it will look strange and unnatural, in addition, it can give an unpleasant tint to the skin and simplify the whole look.

A rare, but very effective, bright option is the brown-eyed “autumn”. Brown eyes in this case are amber, tea, greenish-brown, cognac or dark brown, the skin is very light in warm beige and peach shades, often with freckles, and the hair is of various varieties of red - from copper to gold.

When choosing hair dye, girls with an autumn color type need to pay attention to all sorts of red options, of which dye manufacturers offer a great variety. This includes bright red copper, calmer amber and cognac shades, and, of course, various options for golden tones. Framed by such hair, the skin will glow, freckles will shade it very beautifully and softly, and the eyes will shine.

Any cold shades should be avoided: graphite, ashen, pink colors will make the skin sallow, and the freckles on it will look dirty, or vice versa - too red. Also, do not dye your hair too dark or too light.

Is it possible to dye your hair light shades if you have brown eyes?

For girls with fair skin, light shades, definitely fit. These can be soft golden, amber, honey colors. Light-skinned girls of the “summer” color type can afford ash blonde. But still, blonde hair and brown eyed woman- a controversial option. Of course, there are many examples of successful transformations of brown-eyed women into blondes, but, nevertheless, before deciding to bleach, owners of brown eyes should try on a wig of the desired color, or use a look selection program, of which the Internet now offers a great variety.

What else should brown-eyed women consider when choosing hair color?

In addition to skin tone and shade, there are some other factors to consider when choosing hair color.

Your natural hair color

Only contrasting “winters” can afford to change their basic hair tone by more than 4 tones in one direction or another (that is, lighten or darken). On soft summer and autumn girls, such sudden changes may look unnatural.

Eyebrow and eyelash color and eye makeup

The difference between eyebrow color and hair color should ideally not differ by more than 1-2 tones. In the case of black eyebrows, you should definitely not paint in light colors, or you will have to lighten your eyebrows. But it would still be better to choose dark shades. If the eyebrows are naturally light, then it is advisable to keep the hair in the same tone, or dye it. An exception may be fair-skinned girls in winter - it is permissible for them to dye their hair in light shades with black eyebrows. You can’t overdo it with eye makeup, since brown eyes themselves are very bright and noticeable, and too intense makeup will look flashy and vulgar.

Face shape, hair length and structure

As already mentioned, more natural shades are more suitable for long hair. The same recommendation also applies to wavy and curly hair. Short hair can be dyed brighter, however, if the hair is straight, then it will look good in the long version.

You should also keep in mind that brown eyes and a round face in the case of dark hair will look better with a short haircut, and if you have a long face, then it is better to grow your hair.

In any case, whatever your color type, before you decide to radically change your image, it makes sense to make sure that the chosen color suits you. In the store, ask the consultant for a palette and critically evaluate your reflection. If you are in doubt, it is better to postpone the transformation. However, you can try different tinting options. In this case, even if the choice is unsuccessful, it will be easy to change everything - the toning agent will quickly be washed off, and the hair will remain intact. After all, in addition to the color and length of hair, its health is of great importance - shine, silkiness, elasticity. Healthy, well-groomed hair itself is good in any color, and you already know how to choose the right color for your brown eyes.

In order for the appearance to look harmonious, it is important that everything in it is successfully combined.

For example, it is necessary that the chosen hair color matches the girl’s eye color as best as possible, then she will definitely look really very beautiful.

Here we will talk about what hair color is most successful for brown eyes.

Hair color for brown eyes

According to statistics, there are many more brown-eyed ladies than everyone else, so they will probably be interested in knowing what hair color for brown eyes will look best on them, because many women throughout their lives are looking for a successful combination for themselves.

Brown eyes are very beautiful, they literally emanate warmth and even some kind of affection. This color is rich and deep. In order for all the positive features to be successfully reflected in the image, the hair color must meet several criteria, which will be discussed later.

Blonde hair

Previously, brown-eyed blondes were considered, roughly speaking, a misunderstanding of nature, because this made the girl’s appearance look very unexpected and unusual. However, it was precisely because of its unusualness that it became attractive. Although it is worth noting that not every brown-eyed lady decides to change her appearance so radically, because this is quite a risky step.

Most brown-eyed young ladies also have dark eyebrows, and these, in combination with curls of light shades, will not always look absolutely harmonious, and what’s worse, can make the face too rough. In addition, the roots will grow too quickly, which will clearly spoil the appearance of the blonde. Therefore, if you want to make a light hair color for brown eyes, then it is not recommended to choose ashen shades of blonde. The most successful start on the path to blonde will be light brown shades, with which, if necessary, you should adjust the color of the eyebrows so that the contrast is not so obvious.

Dark hair

With brunettes things are simpler, dark eyes absolutely suit them, it’s even useless to argue with that. Thanks to him, they look even more vibrant, mysterious, and interesting. This combination is natural and looks natural, it was invented by nature and therefore this option is ideal when choosing a color.

Hair color for brown eyes in this case involves many dark shades. It is worth starting from how dark the color of your own eyes and eyebrows is. The richer and deeper it is, the richer you can choose the color of your hair.

A spectacular chocolate shade looks incomparable on brown-eyed girls and most advantageously emphasizes the mystery of dark eyes.

Red hair

Red-haired and brown-eyed ladies have both an unusual and extremely stylish appearance. A huge plus for this type of brown-eyed person is the choice; all shades of copper and red suit them perfectly. True, before you finally decide to dye it in a similar color, you need to make sure that there are no various types of imperfections on the skin, because with red hair they will become more obvious.

Light red hair color for brown eyes should be softer and lighter. And almost black eyes need to take a closer look at shades such as fiery, cherry, dark copper.

How to choose hair color based on the shade of brown eyes?

Despite the common name of the color, brown can have completely different shades that are not similar to each other. Therefore, this should also be taken into account when choosing the color of your hair. The more carefully the combination is thought out, the better the girl will look.

Amber eyes

They are quite light, so their owners are not recommended to dye their curls too dark. Against the background of a deep, too saturated color, bright sunny eyes will simply get lost, fade, and absolutely no one will notice their beauty.

Hair color for brown eyes is an amber shade, you can choose among warm tones, such as caramel and those close to it. Even with red hair, those with amber eyes will look good.

Dark brown eyes

A beautiful, very deep color is incredibly attractive and completely self-sufficient, so you can dye your curls black, chestnut and other colors close in the spectrum. This option will be the most natural, harmonious, and at the same time very bright.

Hair color for dark brown eyes will depend on the color type. Therefore, the choice between blue black or chocolate will depend on him. But it is important to remember about the shade of the eyebrows and the quality of the facial skin.

Brown-green eyes

An extremely mysterious and even magical color is considered a chameleon, since it can change slightly under different lighting conditions.

It is very important to correctly emphasize the expressiveness of this shade. Therefore, it is recommended to use hair color for the brown eyes of chameleons with a transition to chocolate, dark red, and tones close to them.

How to choose hair color for brown eyes?

The above points for choosing the best hair color will not be complete if we ignore other, no less important characteristics. It is difficult to achieve complete agreement with all recommendations, so it is worth starting from common features that coincide in appearance.

Color of the skin

An exotic dark skin tone can be achieved through solar treatments, or you can be born with it. Girls lucky enough to be born with a “natural tan” should give preference to black or chestnut with an amber tint. Light, almost imperceptible highlighting, which will help add softness to the image, will not hurt either.

Smooth, milky skin looks fresh and even against the background of honey curls. And for those who want darker hair, it is recommended to dye it to the color of café au lait, but not darker. Very deep ones will look out of place.

Fiery red shades are suitable only for those girls who have a powder-colored face. At the same time, if capillary networks on light skin are too noticeable, then in combination with red hair color they will give the girl a sickly appearance.

Face shape

Not many people know, but even the shape of your face affects what hair color you should choose for yourself, so it’s worth familiarizing yourself with the basic rules of choice.

Owners of an ideal oval face shape can suit a lot, both in terms of hair color and in terms of haircuts and styling. Here you can not be afraid to experiment and follow your personal preferences.

To make a square face visually narrower, the shades should be dark; they will help make the face shape visually closer to ideal.

The sharp features of a triangular face will look good framed by red shades.

As for chubby ladies, in principle they can choose any color they like. The exception is those with rounded cheeks; they can be hidden with dark shades.

It's no secret that many girls are unhappy with the natural color of their hair. The easiest way to solve this problem is coloring. The main thing in this case is to choose a color that matches the color of your eyes and skin. Then you will get an attractive and harmonious image. In this article we will find out which hair color is suitable for brown eyes, we will provide photos for clarity, and also find out which coloring option is the most acceptable in this case.

What hair color is suitable for brown eyes?

Brown color is one of the most successful eye colors, as almost any shade of curls matches it. However, in order for the image to be harmonious, it is also important to take into account skin color.

medium caramel shade

Brown eyes and dark skin

This skin tone is characterized by dark brown eyes and black hair. As a rule, such an appearance is bright in itself and does not require any adjustments. If you decide to change your hair color, then choose chocolate shades. In this case, they will harmonize not only with eye color, but also with skin tone. Note that shades of chocolate can be any, from dark to milk. In addition, chestnut color and its variants are suitable for brown eyes and dark skin. Honey, caramel and reddish shades are also acceptable.

You should know that to change your look it is not at all necessary to dye all your curls. It is enough to change the color of one or several strands.

Note that in this case, light shades of curls should be avoided. However, if you wish, you can do highlights, but completely bleaching your hair is not recommended.

dark chocolate shade

dark chocolate shade

Brown eyes and fair skin

Those with brown eyes and fair skin most often have naturally red or light brown hair. In this case, if you want to change your hair color, then you should pay attention to amber, golden and copper shades. In addition, colors such as hazelnut, caramel and milk chocolate are acceptable.

You should know that in this case you need to avoid cold shades. These include eggplant, ash and black.

medium brown shade with highlights

bronzing style coloring

Creative hair shades

If classic hair colors are not for you, then you can choose bold, creative shades of curls. In this case, you should also pay attention not only to eye color, but also to skin tone.

For girls with fair skin and brown eyes, a bright red or burgundy color is suitable. If you have a dark epidermis, but really want hair of this particular color, then you can also afford it, but only in a “diluted” form. You can “mute” this shade with strands of cognac or coffee color. To make them, it is best to use a coloring technique such as highlighting. It is with its help that you will achieve the desired size and alternation of strands.

Another bold shade that girls with dark skin and brown eyes can afford is plum.

If you choose creative hair colors, then in addition to eye and skin color, you should think about whether you are ready to attract attention? If you are a modest person by nature, then this color of curls is unlikely to suit you. It's better to stick to classic hair shades.

burgundy shade

dark cherry shade

Fashionable color options

Whatever hair color you choose for brown eyes, you will find photos of different options in our article, the main thing is to choose a dyeing method that does not cause severe harm to your hair. The most suitable and fashionable option for this season is ombre. With its help, you can “refresh” your image without radically changing it. In addition, this dyeing technique practically does not injure the curls, which means that they will not need to be restored for a long time after the procedure.

To perform this type of coloring, you can use both contrasting shades and shades that are close to each other. Note that this season's ombre allows you to change both the color of the tips, and it will be a classic ombre, and the color of the roots, and it will be a reverse ombre.

two-tone coloring

In addition, colored ombre is now very popular. In this case, the color of the roots remains natural, and the ends are painted in a creative shade. Note that for this type of painting, as a rule, paint that is not very resistant is chosen. This means that, firstly, you do not injure your curls, and secondly, you can often experiment with your look. The fact is that such dye will be washed off from the strands in about 2 months, which means you can repeat the dyeing, but choose a different color for this.

coloring in shading style

As for the complete coloring of curls, it is recommended to do it only if there is no need to carry out preliminary lightening. Brunettes most often need this procedure. The fact is that the natural dark pigment is very difficult to paint over, so the curls should first be bleached and only then dyed in the desired color. You should know that this procedure greatly injures the strands and will be difficult to restore. That is why it is better for brunettes to refuse full coloring.

honey shade

caramel shade

chestnut shade

light shade in the style of bronding

nutty shade

Burgudni (wine shade)

nutty shade

golden brown shade

Hair color for brown eyes, the photo confirms this, can be different, as we have already discussed in our article. We have provided you with different shade options that will highlight not only the beauty of your eyes, but will also suit your skin tone. We hope that with the help of our advice you will be able to choose the right option for yourself.

Hair color is one of the main components of an ideal female image. That is why it is necessary to choose it correctly according to your skin tone and eye color. If you have brown eyes, you need to choose your hair color especially carefully, since the wrong shade can turn even the cutest features of a brown-eyed beauty into angular and unattractive ones.

Blonde hair color for brown eyes

A natural blonde with brown eyes is a rare phenomenon in nature, but this combination looks simply amazing. If you want to dye your hair light, choose a delicate natural blonde and a more golden shade to match your brown eyes. This will help you highlight the beauty of your eyes without creating too obvious a contrast with your dark eyebrows.

Dark brown fashionistas of the fair sex should abandon the classic platinum blonde. This hair color looks unnatural on them. A cool light shade of hair is also not the best choice for brown eyes, because it looks very inharmonious with them.

An excellent option for brown eyes is warm beige and sandy hair colors. Only in this case should you have a non-contrasting appearance and carefully ensure that your roots do not grow too much before the next painting.

Dark hair color for brown eyes

Black, chestnut, chocolate and other dark hair colors are the most natural combination with green-brown or light hazel or eyes. All shades of dark are suitable:

  • fair-skinned women;
  • with autumn color type;
  • with tanned olive skin.

Chocolate and dark brown hair colors are also suitable for those with dark brown eyes. It looks good on any hair length, and also if it is diluted with light strands. The only exception is for dark-skinned ladies, as it will make their facial features dull.

Rich always suits brown-eyed beauties. But this color scheme looks a little banal and is ideal only for those women to whom it was gifted by nature. It is best to use this color scheme as a temporary change for those who often experiment with their own style.

If your eye color is close to sand color, then you should do a bronzer. A beautiful combination of light and dark chocolate tones will highlight your brown eyes, making them more expressive!

Red hair color for brown eyes

When owners of brown eyes choose which hair color is best for dyeing, most of them do not pay attention to red shades. But this combination looks extremely attractive and stylish! For brown-eyed women, there are practically no restrictions in choosing a red color. They accept the widest range - from light honey to deep copper-red.

True, you should make sure that you have a beautiful and healthy skin color, because if there are obvious freckles, blood vessels or irritation on your face, then red hair will make them even more obvious and the beauty of brown eyes will simply fade.

For golden-brown eyes, the best option is bright red shades. If you have hazel eyes, you shouldn't dye your hair too dark a red color, as it will make your eyes look expressionless. Choose:

  • reddish-golden flowers;
  • caramel shades;
  • amber colors.

If you have light brown eyes, you don't have to choose a solid red hair color. You can safely do highlighting or coloring. This coloring will further highlight your look and add volume to your curls. It suits brown eyes best with light caramel and reddish-honey shades.