My friend pedro. My friend pedro Games my friend pedro 4

Experience the drive of My Friend Pedro 2: Arena in memory of the best shooting game My Friend Pedro with banana killer. It was a game about a talking banana, prompting you to shoot enemies with dual pistols, slowing down the pace of movement in the spirit of the matrix.

Welcome to the new game "My Friend Pedro: Arena" (MFP Arena) to play online with the same heroes, but in a different concept of a fast paced shooting game. The controls in the game are very simple, banana killer offers them to learn in the easiest level of training.

Movement buttons - WASD or arrow keys. By bouncing off the walls you can jump to higher levels. Aiming and shooting is done with the mouse, and holding down the spacebar can slow down time. R - reload.

How to play My Friend Pedro 2

Kill enemies, keep an eye on the life bar and ammo - they are not infinite, but can be replenished with trophies. Walk around the level, collect first-aid kits and new weapons from the dead.

At the end of the level, you can spend earned coupons on purchases, but if you die, you will have to buy again.

This game has everything from the original shooter "", but you will have to play in the new survival battle mode. Ready to test yourself?

Then try playing My Friend Pedro 2 with a special slow kill skill and a mission to defeat hundreds of enemies! Your invisible banana friend is still with you and ready to fight!

Welcome to My Friend Pedro Game: Play the craziest rpg action shooting game ever! According to the plot, the player's best friend is Pedro's banana, which is already strange, you see. But one day, Pedro really appears out of nowhere, warns of danger and teaches how to slow down time. Use this secret to get more supplies, weapons, hidden abilities and skills.

This is the first version of the online game "My Friend Pedro", where an ordinary guy under the guidance of an imaginary friend - banana Pedro becomes a killer, gets involved in a cool showdown of bandits and acts cooler than the heroes of the film "The Matrix"! Ready to play? There will be a sea of ​​blood, crazy parkour and whole crowds of enemies!

How to play

  1. Navigate with buttons.
  2. Aim, shoot with your mouse.
  3. Reload - "R".
  4. Change weapons - with the number keys.
  5. Slow down time - space.

The release of the free online game "My Friend Pedro" (MFP) proved to be very successful and continued with a series of shooting games for boys of all ages available on mobile.

The very first game is shorter than the others, with no alternative control scheme other than WASD. But the stunning special effects of shooting and jumping in slow motion, the possibility of "looting" (taking weapons from enemies), unusual bosses and funny details more than compensate for the inconvenience. This game is not for everyone, but if you like a mix of weapons, super powers and talking fruits - My Friend Pedro will not disappoint!

My friend Pedro- online shooter-style game, the playing time of which is not more than an hour. Doing a test before publishing on the site, I got so carried away that I went through it all. What I advise you to do, my friends! I give one hundred percent - you will not regret it, such games are really rare. There are a lot of representatives of this genre on the net, but only selected copies become real hits. At the time of publication of the game, My Friend Pedro was new, and has not gained any popularity yet, except on import sites. But I am absolutely sure that this action will have a lot of fans, because it is really high quality and interesting.


At first, it offers a little training in English, which you should not bother with, you can just press “CLICK”. Do you know who Pedro is? You will laugh, but this is a banana, a friend of monkeys and Africans. Accordingly, there is no plot, but it is not needed, the bet is made on the performance itself and graphics, which are very good for this format and size (less than 4 megabytes).

The main character's task is to go his way to the end, destroying the bandits who meet along the way. From weapons there are pistols, machine guns and a shotgun. Of the special skills - time dilation, such as in Max Payne. And at the end, a real joke: the main character acquires angel wings, you go up to the sky, and there you kill the big boss in the form of a game developer, it looks at least funny.

Here you can play the online game for free - My Friend Pedro, the original name is My Friend Pedro. This game has been played 24786 times and is rated 4.3 out of 5, voted by 40 people.

  • Platform: Web browser (PC only)
  • Technology: FLASH. Requires Flash Player to work
  • Ability to play in full screen

How to play?

Before the start of active hostilities, you are invited to undergo a short training. It will help you master the skills of slowing down time, jumping, rolling and shooting. From time to time, hints will continue to appear, so there will be no questions about how to overcome the next obstacle. Remember that rivals, although not very smart, can defeat you if they surround you and launch a simultaneous attack on all fronts. Only with the right use of slow mo, you can take full control of the situation and change the course of the battle. And, of course, acrobatic actions will also play a positive role in your victories. The storyline in My Friend Pedro will unfold in parallel with the gameplay, as it happened in the favorite toy Max Payne. In general, associations with this game will haunt players for a long time, for example, similar elements of game locations, weapons and sound effects from slowing down time. However, the idea around the character of Pedro and his combat exploits will also not leave indifferent gamers who are interested in high-quality action toys in 2D style.