Unnecessary wedding gifts. What to give for a wedding: original and inexpensive gifts

A wedding for a couple is an ocean of tenderness, a sea of ​​passion and magical dreams that never end! And you can't argue with that. But for parents, relatives, friends and invitees, this day is an opportunity to express their feelings, emotions and with the help of a gift. But what to give to the newlyweds for the wedding? So I want to move away from the classics and customs, to present something important, meaningful, necessary and, of course, creative. Here are the options, and they are endless!

Gift ideas from parents

Parents are the closest people in the world. They know their adult child very well and wish him only the best. More precisely, both of them, the resulting pair. And therefore, they are not only worried about the marriage being held at the level, making the dreams of the young come true, but also about a special gift.

A great idea performed by dad and mom, other relatives can be an inexpensive gift, presented from the heart. And the most important thing here is the feelings of the young, who know and understand how parents try to conquer, charm and delight their couple!

Relatives can present:
In a word, parents do not stint on a useful and expensive gift. But the original and, at the same time, a fantasy wedding gift can be expected from relatives and friends. On this day, not only the groom's younger sister, but also the best bridesmaid will want to present an interesting mini-gift. Your wedding day is the best day for it!

Gifts from friends and relatives

Thinking about what gift to present to a friend for a wedding, many want to split in two, so that "both smart and beautiful." Probably, important wedding gifts are still the prerogative of parents, and something kind, cheerful, bright can be presented to the witness and the whole company of friends. The main thing is memorable! And then the ordeals begin, it is impossible to fork.

A great way out is to get your best friends together and discuss the delivery, having studied the list of alleged gifts. In this case, everyone will be able to choose the gift that he likes. And in the aggregate, young people will receive a significant monetary surprise, comic symbolic gifts, and those that will represent a dream come true. Cool, isn't it?!

Cute gifts for conservatives who keep up with the times

Attention! When choosing a gift for the young, preference should be given to trusted TMs, brands, and companies. So everyone can buy not only a quality item as a gift, but also get a guarantee. There will be nothing to worry about, and the newlyweds will definitely be satisfied!

This is how you can congratulate the young to those who do not recognize funny gifts or expensive trifles.

A little humor and soul - as an addition to the main present

And innovative friends can take a different path and make sure that their gifts leave an eternal and good memory. Non-standard and cool will look:

Gifts intended purely for him or her will look cool and funny.

In addition to the main gift, young people are given an “auxiliary kit” for family life.


  • a seedling of any tree (for better effect, you can give out a weed with a root);
  • constructor or brick (as building materials for the house);
  • a head of cabbage (as a hint that babies are found in cabbage).
And for the young wife:
  • the first present is a watering can (she will have to take care of her husband's seedling until he grows up);
  • the second - a set of rags (to clean the house that the husband will stand);
  • the third - sliders and a nipple (to feed and nurse a baby).

Money as a classic of the genre with an unusual presentation

Gift money is the most common option. And all because it has a number of undeniable advantages. This is also an opportunity to acquire what a young family needs, and afford the vacation that they dreamed of, and postpone it in order to fulfill the dream of the whole family in the future.

At the same time, both a friend and a brother will make sure that the money is presented uniquely, and not just in an envelope or in a chocolate box.

Funding can be:

  1. present in a chest like a treasure. At the same time, banknotes must be placed at the very bottom, and the packaging should be filled with chocolate candies-coins, beads, dry flowers;
  2. packed in a special candy. You can buy it in a souvenir shop or make it yourself. And a dear person, having unfolded it, will see a solid amount !;
  3. bury somewhere near the location of the celebration. And let the young go through a whole quest in search of their gift.
At the time of donating money, you can voice such positive parting words: Of course, happiness is not about money!
And what it is - no one knows ...
But if the money is in hand,
Then this “tone” raises!
I wish that in the family
The wallet was shared
To have money in himself
Collected more.

Let them not buy happiness
But I want to wish you
To be able to spend money
And they were able to multiply!

To the kind white stork
I brought you a child,
We give what is in the envelope,
For pacifiers and diapers!
There are many adventures in life
Both funny and sad.
Let there be no life without money
And rustling cabbage!
We give you a gift
From longing and boredom.
Let these finances warm
Young hands!

And video ideas:

When choosing a symbolic, practical or creative gift, you should think carefully about what idea and meaning you want to convey with it. Think and ... listen to your own heart! More is not needed!

Briefly about the important, or without forgetting about the packaging

It's good to get a cool gift! But it is even better to receive a unique gift in the original packaging, which itself will be a fabulous miracle.

The best idea is to have a professional help you select a box, basket or other item to pack. But cardboard isn't everything. It is important to pay attention to:

  • design paper. Monochrome or multicolored colors - everything will depend on your personal preference, as well as the style and color scheme of the celebration;
  • decorative elements. It can be an inscription, chipboards and cuttings symbolizing a special day;
  • decorations in the form of ribbons, fresh flowers.

In a word, packaging should fascinate and attract attention, arouse interest. This is how you can charm the young, who will open your gift, presented from the bottom of their hearts, with trepidation and tenderness.

A wedding is a key, and sometimes a turning point, moment in the life of every couple in love. This is not an easy day - this is the birthday of a new family. Preparation for the celebration took a lot of time and required patience and material investments. Dresses and bouquets, choice of theme and venue, decoration of the car and selection of wedding accessories - everything is thought out to the smallest detail. And now there is fun and laughter ahead, funny congratulations and strict parting words, shouts: “Bitter!”, And unusual contests. “Oh, the wedding sang and walked ...”

Stop... Gifts! It is foolish to say that newlyweds do not expect presents. Of course, they welcome every guest. But gifts create a special atmosphere at the wedding. And they can spoil not only the mood, but the whole holiday. Therefore, we learn how to choose the right gifts for the newlyweds for the wedding.

Young people presented guests with personal handkerchiefs and towels.

They generously gave and parents. The mother-in-law with the father-in-law received boots and a short fur coat from the groom. And the father-in-law with the mother-in-law from the bride received a belt and a painted scarf.

Young people delighted each other with gifts. The groom received an embroidered shirt from his beloved. The girl, as a dowry, brought to the family bed linen, and tablecloths, and napkins, and towels, which she began to prepare for the wedding from an early age. The groom, in turn, provided wedding dresses for the bride and gave his beloved a carved chest filled with jewelry.

What gift to give for a wedding: rules and recommendations

Today, choosing a gift for a wedding, we attach little importance to its symbolism. Of course, the easiest way is to stop at, but even in this case, you will have to follow the golden rules. Remember, wedding gifts for newlyweds should be special - the newlyweds should remember it.

If you decide to give a solid gift, but are afraid to make a mistake with the choice of model, design, color, it is better to purchase a gift certificate as a wedding present for the newlyweds, which will allow the newlyweds to make their own choice.

If you find it difficult to choose a traditional and useful gift, check out the ideas that we have collected for you in the article.

How to choose funny wedding gifts for newlyweds?

First of all, focus on your financial situation. You don't have to go into debt to pay a large sum of money. You will not surprise anyone, and the feeling of annoyance will be present for a long time.

The amount of money that is usually given for a wedding will depend on many factors. This is influenced by the status of a young family, and the region where the wedding is celebrated, and the scale of the wedding ceremony.

In a large metropolis, a gift of 1000 rubles will look ridiculous, but for a small town or village this is quite an acceptable amount. A well-to-do family that has been able to afford a luxurious wedding does not expect monetary rewards from the guests to recoup the costs. Therefore, you should not try to surprise rich relatives with your money envelope.

Try to avoid boring and trivial handings of money. There are many original ideas on how to give newlyweds money for a wedding.

These can be money carpets or paintings, a money tree or a bouquet, a jar of greens or a chest of coins.

Choose the appropriate option in our article.

It is not necessary that a gift of money for a wedding should be in the form of banknotes, you can put money into an account and give the young people a bank card. Or purchase a gold bar or rare coins for the allocated amount. It seems that they didn’t give money, but at the same time they made a good contribution to the family budget.

How to choose original and inexpensive gifts for newlyweds: a budget gift for a wedding?

Situations in life are different. You were invited to a wedding, and personal income does not allow you to choose a solid gift, this is not a reason to refuse young people.

Most weddings take place at the end of summer or autumn, and situations are not uncommon when three or four couples decide to tie their destinies in marriage at the same time. Do not cast lots on which of your friends or relatives to go to the wedding.

Many will say that a wedding is an expense not only for the young, but also for the guests. Of course, you need to choose a new dress, accessories, do your hair, and then what to do with the gift?

In order not to lose face at the wedding, heed the following tips.

First of all, we take originality. Prepare an anthem for the future family or come up with an original script for a mini-play. Such a spectacle will leave an indelible impression.

If you know how to draw, prepare an original cartoon or a portrait of young people. Prepare a wedding collage as a gift.

Do you know the scrapbooking technique, are you able to create masterpieces with knitting needles or crochet, do you have a hammer, chisel and other carpentry tools gathering dust on your shelves? Turn on your imagination and start creating. Do-it-yourself gifts for the newlyweds at the wedding will always be the most unique and unforgettable.

And, of course, the easiest way to save money is to buy a gift together with friends.

Don't be afraid to experiment. Let your inexpensive wedding gift become a memento in the newly created family. Young people will definitely thank the guest in return.

And do not forget about the words of congratulations, which should not be a banal quatrain, but come from the heart.

Make it easier for guests to make a choice: it is only necessary to make a list of desired gifts (wish list) and send it to all guests along with an invitation. But if there is no list, guests can only rely on themselves.

Consider the most interesting options.

1. The only gift for which repetition is not a problem remains envelope with money. In Russia, for some time now there has been a custom to give money in an envelope. Why not? The newlyweds will be able to decide for themselves what to spend the "capital" on, and the guests will save time looking for the best gift. But the envelope with the money raises several questions.

First of all − how much to donate? Of course, there is no upper limit. However, it is worth noting that the lower bar (acceptable, first of all, for not the closest relatives and friends) is still indicated: one or two large bills (5000 rubles, 100 dollars, 100 euros, etc.).

How to make the wedding fun and memorable for a long time, see the project "My wedding is better!" on "Home". We know almost everything about weddings!

The second point that worries donors − how to present an envelope with money to the newlyweds? Often the wedding program includes a ceremony of presenting gifts to the newlyweds personally. In this case, there is an opportunity to show originality and give the newlyweds, for example "photo album with a view of the future", where bills are inserted instead of photographs. Another way to give money to the newlyweds, maybe "prosperity lane", that is, bills carefully taped or stapled together, slowly pulled out of an envelope or, perhaps, a cylinder. If there is no gift giving ceremony in the program, and all the gifts are collected by either parents or witnesses, or a special table for gifts can be organized, you should not let your envelope get lost among the others, just leave it for the newlyweds in an envelope, in addition to money, a message-card with a personal wish.

2. If an envelope with money seems banal, you should pay attention to gift certificates.. Today, you can get a gift certificate not only in most stores, but also in restaurants, beauty salons, hotels, etc. It is enough to remember where the newlyweds like to go or dream to be, and the gift will develop by itself. The only drawback of gift cards and gift certificates is their small size. In this case, it is worth showing imagination in the choice of packaging. A gift card or certificate can be hidden in an impressive box or glued to a canvas and framed. If you want to have some fun, you can close the gift card in a locker cell, for example, at the train station, and present the newlyweds at the wedding with step-by-step instructions on how to find a gift.

3 . In the event that the newlyweds plan to go on a honeymoon immediately after the wedding, and the exact coordinates are known, guests can present a surprise gift. It will not be difficult to contact the hotel where the bride and groom decided to stay, and pay in advance for spa treatments, excursions or a romantic dinner at the hotel restaurant. Since you can’t come to the wedding empty-handed, in this case, there is an opportunity to bring a little “fake gift” to the celebration: a huge box of confetti, fluff, a suitcase closed with a code, with old or completely out of size things, etc. The main thing is not to forget to leave a postcard, business card or your own photo inside, so that the newlyweds immediately understand who the author of such a strange gift is. And only during the honeymoon, when the gifts of the other guests are left at home, the newlyweds will suddenly receive a really unexpected, but especially pleasant surprise from you.

4. An interesting option for those who are not ready to significantly spend money on a gift may be the way “not quality, but quantity”. A Taiwanese wedding tradition requires the bride and groom to exchange 12 gifts in succession. And the set is not limited to flowers and fruits. Among the gifts can be jewelry, clothing, and goldfish. Having adopted the Taiwanese experience, guests invited to a Russian wedding can prepare several small gifts, combining them with one idea.

5. If the desire to make a gift from those that are often repeated does not leave, it is worth considering how to make yours. gift to the best among equals. For example, a bedding set can be decorated with embroidered initials of the newlyweds. Household appliances should choose non-banal colors. Crockery - non-classical design. Furniture should be bought together with other guests, so that the choice is not guided by price, but by quality and model. Figurines, photographs, photo frames and other little things should still be left in the store. Newlyweds for many happy years of their future life together will find time and reason to acquire interior accents.

Perhaps many of the friends of our site, seeing the title of the article, will exclaim: “Why reinvent the wheel? Why donatesomething original for a wedding? Young people need to be given money. Let me disagree with you. Even if the newlyweds hint exclusively at such a present, fantasy is the place here. For example, make an envelope with your own hands, and even money will become an original present!

Have you been invited to a wedding? The first thought that visits all the fair sex: "What to wear?". Then there is the question of the gift. What should be guided by when choosing it? The main criterion is degree of relationship/proximity newlyweds towards you. There are much more options for gifts for a brother or niece than, say, for a colleague, whom you may see more often than the relatives mentioned above, but you know much worse, and therefore you can accidentally offend with a present. Therefore, be careful when choosing it. The same rule applies to wedding toasts. If you are new to the groom and / or bride, it is better to limit yourself to standard wishes like “health, eternal love and unearthly happiness.”

A guest cannot find a better field for a flight of fancy than a couple's hobby, especially if you fundamentally do not want to give money. But then a thorough interrogation of all people close to the bride and groom will have to be carried out on the subject of their old dream.

Even a set of tea can be a gift if your newlywed friends are connoisseurs of this drink. Give something they can't buy for themselves. Each of us has such things that we have been dreaming about for a long time, but sometimes there is no money to buy them, sometimes we feel sorry for them. I was at a wedding where the bride and groom were fond of aquariums. Even their acquaintance was served by a rare goldfish, which they did not share in a specialized store. Close friends presented the couple with a large aquarium and the necessary accessories for it. The guys knew that the lovers had long dreamed of such a purchase.

At another wedding, friends gave the newlyweds as a present ... bicycles: the groom with a blue frame, the bride with a pink one. The newlyweds thought about this purchase, but did not decide on it, so their friends came up with a similar idea. The friends tied the bikes with a common bow and wished the bride and groom to go on only together.

When going to a wedding, evaluate relevance your gift. If the figure of the bride is far from ideal, then it is hardly worth presenting a certificate to the fitness center as a present to the young. You should not choose, for example, a sofa for a gift, if you know that the couple does not have their own housing, and they are moving from apartment to apartment. And, of course, your gift should be addressed to the family, and not just to the tastes of the bride or groom.

Choose and give gifts from the bottom of your heart. What makes a gift expensive is not its value, but your sincere feelings. If you are very worried about the material value of your present, then you should know: according to etiquette, the present should “pay back” the money spent on you as a guest in a restaurant. In other words, estimate how much the banquet cost for the young couple, divide by the number of guests. The amount received must be equal in value to your gift.

How to become financially free, you will learn from articles "Attracting money into your life" on the website "Sunshine Hands". If you have an idea, but financially it is difficult for you to realize it alone, attract mutual friends, relatives of the young. You will definitely find support, and the newlyweds will remember your present for a long time.

Don't forget to pack your wedding present. Even such a trifle as gift paper creates an atmosphere of joy, fun, and the importance of the event. Give the young a holiday, because it's their day! How to wrap a gift

Money as a wedding gift

If you opted for money, then buy a wedding photo album and fill out each of them
page in banknotes
. Instead of an album, you can use a photo frame for these purposes. Arrange the money beautifully under glass or make a collage - next to each bill, write its purpose. For example: “To my wife for a new fur coat”, “To my husband to buy hooks”. An original wedding gift would also be this option: write on the inside of the cardboard, which serves as the basis of the frame, a wish for the young. Do not talk about it, let them see your congratulations themselves when they get the money.

At one wedding, I saw how the newlyweds were presented with a "long ruble" - it was a very original wedding gift. Friends of the couple carefully glued bills of different denominations together with adhesive tape. It turned out a ribbon of money.

At another wedding, the guests presented a basket of cabbage to the young, and each leaf was transferred with money. Friends wished the couple a speedy replenishment of offspring.

At a celebration in honor of my brother's wedding, the couple's friends built an "ATM" from a cardboard box for the original delivery of a cash gift. They put money inside. Separately, the guys made a bank card for the “ATM” and presented it in a separate envelope along with a pin code. The pin code was the date of the wedding of the young.

Buy several large postcards of various subjects (wedding, congratulations on a newborn - a girl and a boy, New Year, etc.), fasten them together with a stapler. At the bottom of each postcard, attach envelopes with money in the same way. Give a present with comic wishes.

Another original wedding gift is a bouquet of money. You will need champagne corks, toothpicks, rubber bands for money and stems (from fresh or artificial flowers). For banknotes, twist the corners inward with a toothpick, drag
bills in half with an elastic band and fix on the cork in several tiers. The bud is ready. Carefully, using double-sided tape, attach the stem to it.
If desired, make several of these flowers, decorate them with bows, ribbons - like ordinary bouquets. You can make an umbrella out of banknotes. To do this, sew envelopes on the dome of an ordinary umbrella, and put money in them. Decorate each envelope with suns. Wish the young people that their family always had good weather.

Does fantasy require a banquet? Point her...into the pillow. Order a pillow with a picture of a happy couple in a photo studio, and instead of a filler, use money and, for example, rose petals. Or put money in a jar and roll it up with a lid. Stick a message on the jar that you can only open it after the birth of your first child.

What else can you give for an original wedding?

Have you decided to donate money? I myself do not like to present them as a present.

Firstly, I know from my own experience, even if you say to give money, since you have a specific goal, that is, you save up for some thing, gift bills are spent for some reason on other things.

Secondly, the gift contains the warmth of the giver, leaves a memory of him, which cannot be said about money. Therefore, I am for "non-monetary" gifts. Of course, if the newlyweds themselves do not strongly say the opposite. Then choose one of the options suggested in the previous paragraph of the article.

A couple of years ago, I attended the wedding of a cousin of a childhood friend and was surprised by the present that was presented to the young by close relatives. Immediately after the registry office, the mother of the bride announced that guests and newlyweds were getting on buses and following the car parents. The unsuspecting newlyweds were in for a surprise - a flight in a hot air balloon. While the lovers enjoyed each other's company at a height of 200 m above the ground instead of traditional skiing, the guests indulged in earthly pleasures.
Especially for them, tables were laid right on the forest lawn.. To say what pleasure the guests and young people received means to say nothing. That's why
show originality! Instead of flying in a balloon, you can give young people a day in a sauna or a SPA center (after the wedding fuss and preparation for the event, such gifts will be very relevant), a visit to the water park, tickets to a concert of your favorite artist ...

This gift was given to my close friend. She and her husband are big fans of a famous Russian rock band. Friends bought the couple tickets for the best seats for her next concert in Moscow, supplementing the gift with train tickets and hotel reservations. Three years have passed since the wedding, and the girlfriend is still talking about that trip with sparkling eyes.

At the wedding of my relative, a witness and a witness presented a two-hour ride on white horses. The photo session of the newlyweds turned out to be wonderful, not to mention the amount of positive and pleasure that they received.

Another original wedding gift is fireworks directly at the event itself, but you should know for sure that the young people did not order it themselves. As an option, salute from butterflies. I witnessed a similar gift at one wedding. The guest, who presented this present, so intrigued the young people with a congratulatory speech that they could hardly wait for it to end to open the box. From there, butterflies flew out.

You can try another option, but for this all guests must try and there must be an organizer. Order butterflies according to the number of guests, "pack" each one in a box. The guests should surround the newlyweds as they dance the first dance and release the butterflies at the end. Bright emotions are guaranteed.

As a present for newlyweds, gift certificates are perfect (furniture store, household appliances, dishes).
Tie the certificate with a bow or pack it in a box filled with dried flowers. Accompany the gift with a basket where you put champagne / wine, sweets, a large candle, two glasses. Or give the youngsters a wall calendar. To do this, you will need joint photographs of the couple, make a collage of them, and place a calendar for the year next to it, just let it start from the date of the wedding.

In one gift shop, I once saw a very beautiful antique chest. Give a similar present to the young, fill it with useful little things that will be useful to every young family - a couple of mugs (order them in photo studio, with pictures of young people), cookery books, containers for storing kitchen utensils, a set of bed linen.

You can also donate a set of books by famous authors Rashid Kirranov and Anastasia Gai.

My close friend told me how at one of the weddings where she walked, the young people were presented with a caricature from their photographs.
The bride was depicted in a chic fur coat, and the groom was driving an expensive car. The congratulations were also original. First, a girl came out with a camera, she asked the young people to smile so that she could take a picture. After the photo session, the girl said that she needed a minute to develop the photo. At this time, a young man with a caricature came out to her. The gift was very much appreciated by both the newlyweds and the guests.

You can put portraits of young people in any work of art (to your or their taste, if you know), decorating the picture with an original frame.

A very good, original gift for a wedding - a ticket to warm countries. And for her, order the newlyweds T-shirts with the inscription JUST MARRIED. They will definitely appreciate this present!

Surprise the young with the performance of artists. My brother's friend gave him a violinist's performance for his wedding. A friend found out in advance which songs the bride and groom like, and ordered the musician to perform excerpts from them. Young appreciated the surprise. If you have a similar idea, but you don't know where to find an artist (not necessarily a musician, it could be a clown, a dance group), contact a holiday agency. Perhaps there you will be offered a more original idea.

What to give for a wedding original and inexpensive?

The present must be chosen with soul, because this is the first brick in the construction of a new family. Therefore, its material value is not the most important indicator, the main thing is your good feelings and the desire for happiness for the newlyweds. And for this, it is not necessary to give breakfast in Paris.

An original, but inexpensive wedding gift can be ... a horseshoe. Yes, a real horseshoe, made of any precious metal, and even better of blued steel (it was from this material that horseshoes were made in the old days). Put it in a beautiful box, accompanied by a greeting card.

If you can draw, buy a set of glasses and paint them, adding congratulations to each. The same can be done with cookware for CB ovens. There's plenty of room for creativity here!
Sketch pictures from family life that are associated with happy and important moments (pregnancy, childbirth, wedding anniversaries).
Accompany such a gift with cookery books containing recipes for cooking in microwave ovens.

An excellent option for an inexpensive gift for a wedding, but at the same time original, will be a certificate for a photo studio. And you can present the newlyweds with a photo book with their best pictures. Connect the relatives of the bride and groom. Start a photobook with their childhood and school photos, then post their adult and together photos. Sign each picture, find funny pictures on the Internet that match the general theme. Hang coins on the cover of the book as a symbol of a rich and happy family life.

Check out the following options for inexpensive wedding gifts:

- a set of bath towels. Can be presented in two colors, blue and pink (for the bride and groom);

- a set of bathrobes for the bride and groom. If you find, replace them with kimonos;

- barbecue sets, and to them a hammock, a badminton set, a volleyball, playing cards, a cooler bag. In general, everything you need for outdoor recreation;

- good quality air mattress. Don't be surprised by this idea, but an air mattress is a great thing to
put the guests to bed. Comment on your present from this point of view. Young people will definitely appreciate;

- breakfast table in bed You can also pick up fabric napkins, Turku and several types of fragrant

- original congratulations. Record it on video, accompanied by music, and ask the presenter to turn it on

- bouquet. Optional flowers. To make life sweet for the young, present a bouquet of sweets. It can be ordered in a specialized salon or made by yourself. Even an ordinary wicker basket or a beautiful gift box filled with sweets will do as such a present. Alternatively, a bag of chocolate money. They are easy to find on sale or order at a pastry shop.

Are you still thinking what to give an original wedding present? Do not hesitate - one of the proposed options will certainly be the most desired gift for the newlyweds. After all, the most important thing is your sincere desire to bring them joy. Believe me, even if you present only a subscription to their favorite magazine, but do it with a pure heart, the newlyweds will definitely remember your present. By the way, this is an idea, right?

Sincerely, Oksana Chistyakova.

Receiving a wedding invitation from friends, the girls immediately begin to think about what to wear to the celebration, and then ask themselves the question: “What to give?”. Guys first of all see the upcoming event as an opportunity to have fun, and then think about what to buy as a gift. Of course, everyone wants to give something that, if it does not cause crazy delight, then at least please the recipients. The cost of gifts can be any, and not always an expensive present causes more emotions than an inexpensive, but welcome surprise.

Generous gifts for friends

You can give expensive gifts not only alone, but also together. A group of friends going to a friend's wedding can pool their finances and buy the groom a car, a boat, a motorcycle, or a summer cottage outside the city. For a wedding, you can give your girlfriend an expensive and memorable piece of jewelry, a certificate for a fur and leather salon, or a trip for two to the sea coast. If the newlyweds live separately from their parents, then they can buy everything that has a place in the household: refrigerators, washing machines and dishwashers, air conditioners, furniture, interior items.

There is nothing wrong with asking friends in advance what exactly they want to receive for the wedding. It is possible that they dream of a home theater, a large TV, a freezer, a home brewery or a shower cabin. Knowing the needs of the newlyweds, it is easier to please the chosen gift.

Inexpensive wedding gifts for friends

Among not very expensive gifts, items of small household appliances are in the lead. It is quite appropriate for a friend to give an electric meat grinder, a mixer with a rotating bowl, a food processor, a slow cooker, a double boiler, an air grill or a bread machine for a wedding. All these items will facilitate the work of the young wife and brighten up her everyday life with pleasant memories of the wedding and the friends who gave them.

So that a loving husband always brings coffee to his wife in bed, a friend can buy a coffee maker and coffee grinder. A very pleasant gift for a newly-made spouse will be a robot vacuum cleaner, it will save him from boring household chores and free up some time for passive relaxation. Donating a vacuum cleaner can be accompanied by a suitable congratulatory message that makes guests smile.

The list of useful wedding gifts includes blankets, pillows, blankets, beautiful bedspreads, towels and bathrobes - paired items, according to signs, are considered a good sign. Every home always needs dishes, so any sets, dinner sets, sets of pots or pans will come in handy. If the newlyweds are going to do repairs in the apartment, then a friend is allowed to give a good electric drill or a certificate to a building materials store for a wedding.

Original wedding gifts

An excellent original gift, from which not only friends, but also guests will be delighted - a table or tea set with photographs of the newlyweds. Instead of photographs, you can use their family name, created from the initials. Such dishes, no doubt, will become the most beloved in the house. A little playful, but useful gift for a wedding to friends - an inflatable bed, handing it over, you can hint that now there is always a place to spend the night in their house.

joke gifts

Cool trinkets cannot be called independent gifts, but it is good to complement the main gift with them, creating a cheerful atmosphere at the time of giving. Such additions include gift medals, technical passports of the bride and groom, diplomas of the newlyweds, humorous door signs, cups and wedding-themed figurines.

Bed linen is a very useful gift, but it can also be made playful if you choose the appropriate pattern, for example, depicting the bodies of a man and a woman. You can amuse the newlyweds with funny t-shirts with thematic inscriptions and their photos. It is quite possible that in these T-shirts they will meet guests on the second day of the wedding.