New Year's table games for the whole family. Children's competitions and games for a family holiday

For most people in our country, the New Year is a family holiday. Therefore, it is traditionally held at home or visiting relatives. So that the celebration does not turn into a banal feast, it is important not only to feed the guests deliciously, but also to entertain them well.

Competitions for the New Year in the family circle are an interesting and very exciting event. Contests will help diversify the holiday and distract everyone from the TV. It is New Year's competitions in the family circle that are ways to make the holiday unforgettable.

And if you have children, then you can spend New Year's Eve on, which will entertain both children and adults.

Competition "Elephant"

Perfect for a large and close company. This competition requires one presenter, who must secretly name an animal for each player. All participants, having received the name of the animal, stand in a circle and hold hands. The host takes turns calling the animal. The one who was named should sit down sharply. The essence of this competition-raffle is that the host calls each player the same animal - an elephant calf. They won’t be able to sit down together, but they won’t be able to stay on their feet either: you can’t tear your hands apart. It will turn out to be a fun and funny raffle contest that always evokes positive emotions, laughter and a smile from the players.

To find out how to have fun in the New Year in the family circle, it is enough to prepare several contests for relatives and friends. During this New Year's game, participants must quickly melt ice cubes from the freezer in their hands. The one who does it faster wins. The game is not very suitable for small children. In order for all participants to be able to warm up quickly, it is necessary to prepare containers with warm water in advance.

Competition "Announcements"

For this New Year's competition, preliminary preparation is required. We'll have to start making special cards. On each you need to write objects (glove, blotter, machine gun, country name). Participants of the competition dismantle the cards and must make an announcement. The text must include the word from the card. The winner will be the author of the most interesting and unexpected announcement. Explain to the guests that the competition must be approached creatively.

Perfect for a large company with many children. There are two teams participating in the competition. One person from the team becomes a Christmas tree, and other team members must decorate this Christmas tree for speed. As decorations, prepare a toy and tinsel in advance. To secure all the items on the Christmas tree, clothespins are suitable.

Competition "Wardrobe with clothes"

The scenario of the New Year in the family is not only numerous gifts and a delicious feast. Surprise your loved ones by offering them such a contest. It is necessary to divide the players into pairs, prepare a set of clothes for each pair in advance. In a pair, a person is selected who is blindfolded. He must take out the clothes prepared for a particular couple from the bag and dress his teammate by touch. The winner will be the pair that completes the task faster and better. To make this New Year's contest even more fun and funny, prepare some unusual and funny outfits for each couple.

The scenario for the New Year in the family circle does not have to be stunning, like the scenario of a Hollywood movie. The main thing is to approach the preparation with all your heart. This competition will help cheer the whole company. Give each participant a lot of newspapers. Now, on command, you need to start sculpting a round snowball from newspapers. The host marks one minute, and the winner is the participant who, after the time has elapsed, makes the biggest snowball from the newspaper. When you go for a walk outside, you can repeat the competition, only making snowballs from the real New Year's snow.

Competition "Secret Name"

This New Year's competition is good because it can entertain the whole family and guests throughout the festive New Year's Eve. At the very beginning of the evening, each guest must attach a card with the name of a plant, animal or object on their back. Everyone will be able to see the person's new name, except for the person himself. Of course, during the evening someone may try to guess their New Year's name. To do this, he can ask leading questions, but in no case peep! Other participants can only answer “yes” or “no” to questions. The winner of the contest is the one who guesses their name first. That player is eliminated, but play continues until the last name guessed.

The competition is suitable for a company that includes people of all ages. This competition is for attentiveness and memory. The facilitator divides the participants into two teams. The first team must remember what is hanging on the tree and in what order. Then the host asks the team to leave the room and takes off some kind of toy, something on the Christmas tree is swapped. The returning team should notice all the changes. The same is done with the second team. Don't forget to count your points. The winner is the team that guessed the most changes during the whole game.

Competitions for the New Year in the family circle are a great vacation and fun time together. Make the holiday memorable, bright and intriguing!
And you can also have a good time watching in the circle of your closest people.
Happy New Year!

Ksenia Skvortsova | 07/24/2015 | 1452

Ksenia Skvortsova 24.07.2015 1452

Planning a celebration in the circle of loved ones? Invite the audience to play one of these exciting games.

The secret of a successful family holiday is not only a generously laid table, but also a fun pastime. To make the holiday leave only pleasant impressions for all guests, young and old, organize exciting entertainment.

We have several ideas that guarantee positive emotions and smiles.

1. "White Elephant"

"White Elephant" is a great idea for holidays like New Year, Christmas, Easter, etc., when the whole family gathers for a celebration. To prepare a gift for everyone is, frankly, not cheap. The way out is this game!

The rules are simple: each guest is required to bring a small, carefully wrapped gift (so no one can guess what's inside). All gifts are put in one place, then the order in which the participants will choose gifts is determined with the help of lots, and the game begins.

The participant pulls out the gift he likes, without trying to determine what is inside, reveals it to the touch and shows it to the others. The next participant can either pull out a new gift or pick up the one they liked from the previous person.

To make the game fair, you can limit the number of times that one gift can change hands. As an option, at the end of the game, make a small surprise and announce that the first participant has the right to exchange a gift with anyone.

2. "Hot potato" with a camera

We all remember the children's game called "Hot Potato". The task of the players is to quickly pass the ball to someone else. And if the ball in this game is replaced by a digital camera, the game will give you not only laughter, but also funny pictures for the family archive.

Set a timer on the camera, then pass it around. All participants must hold the camera at face level.

The one on whom the “bird flew out” lost. A prerequisite is to look at the resulting photo and not delete it at least until the end of the game.

3. Dramatization of a fairy tale

Choose any well-known children's fairy tale with a sufficient number of acting characters, distribute roles and ... proceed to dramatization without rehearsal!

4. "Hat"

This game requires one leader and an even number of participants (from 2 to infinity). Initially, on small pieces of paper, all participants write down the names of real or literary characters and put them all in a hat.

The participants are divided into two groups. The task is to explain to your team the maximum number of names in a limited time (20, 30, 40 seconds).

In this case, it is prohibited:

  • Show the word with gestures.
  • Use single-root words and word forms.
  • Use the translation of the word in another language.
  • Use rhymes and consonant words.

If children are involved in the game, you can simplify it by taking any nouns instead of characters.

Games for the whole family: games for home, for family leisure, holidays, entertainment, for family reunification and recreation, educational games for adults and children, flippers, family win-win lottery.

Games for the whole family

In this article you will find:

  1. Games for the whole family with words.
  2. Educational games for the whole family for children's holidays, hiking, entertainment, family leisure.
  3. Family win-win lottery.

Games for the whole family unite, make bright and memorable holidays and family evenings, cheer up and develop abilities, promote the development of creativity, the ability to control one's behavior, rejoice and empathize with each other.

Section 1. Games for the whole family: games with words.

In this section you will find word games for the whole family that do not require visual material. They allow you to introduce children to letters, teach them to select words with a certain letter, and build sentences. And in the game of shifters, language abilities and ingenuity develop, children get acquainted with stable expressions of the Russian language.

Cablegram (family game for adults and children from 5-6 years old who know letters).

You can play this game on a walk, on the road, at home. You will need paper and a pencil.

How to play:

Step 1. Write on a piece of paper in a column the name (child, grandmother, your name, dog's name, etc.). You can also write just a word. The word must be 5 or more letters long.

Step 2 Together with the children, come up with your own interpretation of this word, i.e. a sentence in which the words begin with the letters of the given word and follow in order.

Example 1

G - Giant

R - robot

W - hat

A - chieftain

The proposal turned out like this: "A giant robot is looking for a chieftain's hat."

Another version of the same name: "A loud roar frightened the walking artist." Or: “The robbers said to the inspector: “The sixth was arrested.” Or: "The goose lay down, depicting the skin of an antelope."

Example 2

C - Sergey

B - in the evening

T - solid

A is an apricot.

The result was a sentence: "Sergey ate a hard apricot in the evening."

The sentence must make sense, although elements of fantasy or humor are allowed.

Find a surprise (treasure)

You can play this game with the whole family (parents come up with a task). For kids, the task will be in pictures, for older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren - in the form of cards with words (“table”, “on the window”, “in the closet”).

Step 1. Hide your surprises discreetly from children in different places of the apartment.

For older children (who are learning to read or can already read), lay out the path clues in words or short phrases. For example, a hint for children 5-7 years old - the word “window” is written in large letters on the note. So, you need to look for the next path sign on some window in the apartment. For children from 7 years old, the hint may be different: "Look on the window." Or a hint in the form of a riddle, a rebus, a “guess the missing word” task.

Step 2 The child is looking for a surprise either according to the plan or according to the path signs (they found a note on the table with the word “window”, went to look at the windows. On the window in the kitchen they found the hint “wardrobe”. We went around different closets at home and found the hint “sofa”. On the sofa under pillow found a surprise.

Step 3 The child will definitely receive his surprise (calendar, small toy, leaflet with a picture, etc.), even if he needs help on the way.

This game is very interesting for children and they are happy to read the words and learn to use the plan.

Find and name.

We are looking for objects in the room that have "Sasha's letter" (that is, the letter C), mother's letter, and so on. We name objects in turn in a circle (all players take turns picking up words with one given letter


Santa's gifts

(Fairies, Sorceresses or any other fairy-tale hero)

The game develops memory. In it, you can name any imaginary gifts, the most fantastic.

Sit in a circle. The first player, for example, dad, starts the phrase: “Santa Claus (or any other character) gave me ...” and adds a specific gift, for example, paints.

The second player, for example, a child, repeats after the first: “Santa Claus gave paints to Dad” and continues the phrase: “And he gave me skates.”

The third player repeats what the first and second said and adds his own, for example: “Father Frost gave paints to Dad. He gave Dima skates. And he gave me a bag of happiness.

And so they repeat until in a circle, until someone makes a mistake. The task is not to make a mistake until the last!

A game of turnaround.

Game for adults and children of school age. The task of the players is to unravel the well-known expressions said in reverse. For each guessed expression, the player receives one chip. The one who guessed the most shifters wins. He is awarded a medal. The rest of the players are also awarded, but with a diploma for participating in the game.

Here are our favorite shifters that we played last New Year's holidays both in the family, and with colleagues at work, and with friends.

First, give the players some examples of shifters and their clues, and then start a fun game of riddles:

Section 2. Games for the whole family: educational games.

Games for the whole family from this section develop attention, imagination, arbitrariness of behavior, creativity, social skills, attention.

If I were king

The game develops the imagination.

Before the game arrange with the children where you can take things for her (from the nursery, or only from the living room, etc.). And say that the rule of the game is that after use, all things will need to be put in their places.

Step 1. The first team starts (select it by lot). They say: “If I were (hereinafter referred to as the role, for example, king), then I would have (hereinafter referred to as 5 items, for example, throne, crown, servants, palace, mantle).

Step 2 The other team, in the 3-5 minutes they have allocated, must quickly find these things in the room. For example, a scarf can become a mantle. If a chair is draped with a veil, then there will be a throne. At the signal, the preparations are over.

Step 3 The second team presents to the first what she came up with. And the first evaluates. Then the teams change places and the game is repeated.

For the game, you can take on different roles: professions (doctor, captain of the ship), fairy-tale characters (Cinderella, King, Pinocchio, etc.)

At the end of the whole game, all things are laid out in their places.

Package with a gift.

This game can be played by the whole family or a friendly company. And the more participants in it, the better.

This game develops a very valuable moral quality of a person is the ability to share with others and the ability to keep a given word and rules, the ability to rejoice in the success of another person and not perceive it as a personal defeat.

Prepare before the game:

First. Package. Take a little surprise and wrap it in paper. Secure with adhesive tape (transparent adhesive tape). Then wrap again in a layer of paper and fasten with tape again. And so on until you get a bundle of many layers of paper. Fasten the layers so that you can easily unfold them during the game.

Second. Surprises for each player (picture, calendar, candy, nuts or something else).

How to play:

Stand or sit in a circle. You can play together with your child. And you can in a large circle of acquaintances and friends. Turn on the music and pass the bundle to each other in a circle to the music.

When the music stops (you can either appoint someone, for example, a grandmother, "responsible for the music" or pre-record the music with pauses), the bundle stops. The player who has it in his hands unties it. And then passes the bundle with a surprise in a circle. The bundle becomes lighter and lighter, and no one knows when the layers will run out and the prize will finally show.

With each step, the child finds it harder and harder to hand over the bundle, and one does not want to give it away! But you have to share, because the rule of the game is to pass it on as soon as the music starts.

At the end of the game, the last player - "lucky" - unfolds the bundle and gets a surprise! But all players must also receive a little surprise so that the children can rejoice together.

Traffic light.

Mark with a rope or a line on the floor two lines - the starting line and the line for the traffic light. One person in this game will be the traffic light. We choose him by counting.

The players stand at the starting line, and the traffic light stands on the other side of the room with its back to the players.

The task of the players is to quietly approach the "traffic light" and touch it. The game ends when everyone has touched the traffic light.

How to play:

The traffic light counts to 10: “One, two, three, four, five” and suddenly quickly and unexpectedly says: “Red light”, immediately turning to the players. Players must freeze in place at this signal. If the traffic light notices that one of the players continues to move, he sends him back to the starting line.

You can confuse players by changing the pace of the score, making pauses.

The game teaches children to control their behavior, to control their movements.

Magic melody.

This game - experimentation will be interesting for children of any age and adults. Take glasses or glasses. It is better to find a set of identical glasses or glasses (6-12 pieces), but if there is no set, then you can take the same cans or the same glass bottles.

Pour water into the bowl so that it is at a different level in each vessel. Show your child how to get a sound, for example, by gently tapping a glass (glass) with a spoon. Let the children experiment. Let them try to understand in which vessels a higher or lower sound is produced. You can also use drum sticks.

Try playing different tunes on this unusual crockery musical instrument.

It's me!

This game can be played both indoors and outdoors during the summer. The minimum number of players is 4 people.

Everyone stand in a circle. Or sit in a circle on chairs. One player (we choose him according to the counting rhyme) is the driver. He names two other players, for example: "Mom and Dasha". At these words, mother and Dasha should change places with each other, that is, mother should sit on Dasha's place, and Dasha - on mother's. At the same time, the host tries to be the first to take someone else's place - either mom's or Dashino. Who was left without a place - leads in the next game.

The game develops attention and speed of reaction.

Section 3. Win-win lottery in verse.

For family holidays, a win-win lottery in verse is good, which unites adults and children and always causes delight and laughter. Each player in a circle pulls out a note in which his winnings are written. If an adult pulls out, then he reads the note himself. If a child, then his parent reads the note (even the smallest children participate in our lotteries).

There are a lot of options for a win-win lottery with children - here is our family version, which everyone really liked and has already been used many times in different variations :). In the lottery, we always include not only valuable prizes, but also humorous and unexpected surprises. Prizes are awarded by leading lotteries. Players are NOT warned that there are empty tickets or surprise moments in the lottery.

The fun win-win lottery has another plus - this game can also be used in families with people with disabilities (this is important for us). And they will feel in this game on an equal footing with everyone, which is great :).

Notes - descriptions of win-win lottery prizes.

If you love chocolate
You will be extremely happy.
And if you don't love it, it doesn't matter.
Mom will eat it then! (small chocolate bar)

To whom is soap, to whom candy wrapper,
And you got a bow! (hairpin - bow)

So that I can always with friends
You taste sweet tea
On holiday with congratulations

Get this mug! (disposable mug or toy cup)

To have a beautiful hairstyle
You are given this hairbrush! (comb)

Quiet! Attention! Sensation of the century!
Hey trumpeters! Play rush!
Look at this man!
He is now .. (pause) lost! (no prize)

To become a great mathematician
You just need this notebook. (notebook)

I don't want to be greedy!
I will give you a candle! (candle)

Well, you are just great!
You for this - a cucumber! (cucumber)

Would you like a flashlight?
And you got just a ball! (balloon)

There is no better prize in the world -
You candy box (empty box)

A souvenir for your kind eyes!
And this is ... (Fairy tales)

Do not think you are angry with us - a lemon will come in handy on the farm! (lemon)

Here's a ticket, so a ticket, don't rummage in the rooms,
Consider that there is no gain - cry and calm down. (Handkerchief).

You and your companion will never be lost!
Of any guests home hungry will not come! (disposable spoon)

There is no better win
Than a plastic bag (New Year's package).

For good people, we do not feel sorry for anything,
Get a cool jump rope as soon as possible. (Rope)

Do you want to be strong like a genie,
Get a vitamin. (Carrot).

Dear you my friend, get some candy
Just don’t eat it yourself, treat a neighbor. (A large chocolate candy to give to a neighbor sitting next to her at the table)

You and your companion never lose heart!
Rub any place with it in a hot bath! (washcloth)

And here is the fork! Get it, honey! (disposable plug)

Stretch out your hand! Get an onion head! (onion)

The mood will be better! You get a cookie (a pack of cookies)

Here is your lucky ticket, hold your pencil tight. (Pencil)

Your winnings are quite rare,
You are happy, there is no doubt.
You got not three sweets,
And ... three pieces of paper from sweets !!! (three wrappers)

Happiness is in your hands.
You got potatoes!

Comrade! Believe, hope and wait!
Your win is ahead! (Nothing)

Don't be bored today! Get delicious tea! (tea)

Draw a better cloud. Here is a little blue pen (ballpoint pen)

In order for the jar to be full, you need a lid (a lid for a jar)

They wanted to win a piano, but got a calendar. (calendar)

Get the main prize - this is a small surprise (something valuable, the main gift of the lottery).

And not empty, and not dense! The win is a fork of cabbage! (head of cabbage)

Lucky for you! Hug the neighbor on the right! (no prize)

Take, my friend, this coin and joyfully walk around the world! (coin 1 ruble).

To be clean and beautiful
Get that soap (soap)

We are not afraid of all diets,
If we have candy (candy)

You worried a lot.
But there is no loss!
Beets fell on your ticket
To make a vinaigrette.

Have fun games and harmony and peace in the family! I really want to believe that games for the whole family described in this article will bring many joyful bright minutes into your life! I wish you success in their implementation!


"Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

A selection for a fun adult company for your feast. Suitable for children and the whole family, a fun adult company and pensioners!

Many quizzes with questions and answers, contests, quests for adults and children on the subject pigs. There is a culinary quiz, about Peppa pig, an intellectual one, an acting competition with Winnie and Piglet, a pig test, a funny christology, a quiz of proverbs, films, interesting questions about pigs, wild boars, piglets, etc. all on the theme of the symbol of the year - the pig.

10 fun competitions for adults and children. Everyone is connected in one way or another with the dog's new year. "Dog Fight", "Guess What?", "Dog Song", "True Friends", "Snoops", "Ragged Boot", "Snowman or Dogman", "Like Cat and Dog", "Multi-Remote", " Dog Professions.

If you need a warm-up after a hearty feast, then the host holds competitions on stage: “Baby Boom”, “Dance with a Balloon”, “Balloon Football”, “Rhino”; competitions with clothespins: "Christmas tree No. 1 and No. 2", "Daredevils"; contests with sweets: “For me and for you”, “For a candy”; paper competitions: "Drawing", "Dorysulki"; competitions with mittens.

Three multiple choice quizzes for adults or high school students about Santa Claus, countries, cities, famous people, historical facts and myths.

Eight unusual entertainments for adult guests: "New Year's Treat", "New Year's Wish", "New Year's Song or Poetry", "Christmas Tree", "New Year's Gift", "Snow Maiden", "Guess the Melody", "Dances of Heroes".

We offer 10 fun competitions to hold in a cafe or at home using alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks that are on the table, for example: "The Last Hero".

Comic contests associated with close contact. It could be kissing, hugging, or close contact. Acceptable for couples, or lovers.

Sweets and chocolates are the best accessories for fun New Year's entertainment. Sweets go to the winners!

At a corporate party, you can play games using toilet paper. It turns out very fun!

Funny entertainment with cotton balls or paper snowflakes. You can spend with colleagues or in the family circle.

Fun games for adults that guests will remember forever!

Your choice: "Mandarin", "Contest of wishes", "New Year's wish", "Blind a woman", "Dance with a ball", "Variety star", "Situations", "Chain", "Sharp shooter", "Masquerade" .

The cure for boredom: the best contests-games on New Year's Eve: "Alarm Clock", "Decorate the Christmas Tree", "Lottery", "Understand Me", "Five Clothespins".

At home, we have fun with new contests and tasks for family and guests: “Song, pour over the edge”, “Compliment”, “Mouth of olives”, “Symbol of the year”.

Contests about the most important characters of the New Year's holiday: D. Moroz and the Snow Maiden, as well as everything related to them: "Gifts from Santa Claus", "Compliments for the Snow Maiden", "Make a dream woman out of snow", "Alphabet", "Fool -Snow Maiden", "Santa Claus", "Santa Claus and sclerosis".

Comic contests for adults on the NG of the Rooster: "Cock on a Stick", "Decorate the Christmas Tree", "Lady from the Snow", "Song of the Year", "Masquerade", "Contest with Clothespins", "Neon Show", "Golden Eggs".

We offer 5 comic contests for the year of the monkey: "The symbol of the year is the monkey", "Monkey's tail", "Monkey tricks", "Smile", "Funny banana".

Five playful contests related to the year of the goat: "Kochanchiki", "Nickname", "Milk the goat", "Bell", "Drawings with a goat".

Questions with answers on horse topics, from books, fairy tales, life.

New Year's competitions for children

Collection of entertainment for kids. For matinees, at a holiday near the Christmas tree, at home, in the kindergarten, at school.

We offer fresh games for children for the year of the pig. Entertainment can be included in any festive New Year's program, fun at the Christmas tree, in a recreation center, at home, at school or in kindergarten.

Interesting home competitions: "New Year's chain", "Pass the orange", "Snowflake", "Dress up the Christmas tree", "Snowman", "Homework".

Quiz "You are the coolest of all", competitions "Christmas tree for speed", "Santa Claus blindly", "Snow intuition", "Snowball", "Fashion show".

Good competitions for children indoors: "Snowball", "New Year's Song", "Tangerine Slices", "Snowflakes from Matches", "Snowmen".

Competitions for first-graders and second-graders: “Guess”, “Cinderella”, “Cabbage Prize”, “Harvest”, from Masha and the Bear, “Slippers”.

If there are a lot of children at the holiday, contests are needed that will not leave anyone unattended: “Elephant”, “Announcement Contest”, “Centipede”, “Growing Round Dance”, “Helpers of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden”.

At home for families with children, you can hold such entertainments: “Clothes closet”, “What is in my name for you?”, “Piano”, “Friendliest of all”, “Ice competition”, “Guess who?”.

If you want to arrange a holiday in a thematic style, then by the year of the snake we recommend contests: “Tongues”, “Snake Dance”, “Feed the snake”, “Find the snake”, “What does the snake eat”.

Games for the New Year

Cheerful children's games for holding at the New Year's holiday: "Who is Baba-Yaga", "Chop the Christmas tree", "Find the Christmas tree", "Mom's hands", "Twister", "New Year's lottery".

Nine comic games for an adult company: "Who is who?", "Competition for the best drawing", "More eloquent than Pushkin", "Forfeits", "Bartenders' competition", games with cards: Blitz Fairy Tale, Word Dance, Crossword, Twister ...

Unusual options for games for the family in the home circle: "Gift", "Electric Impulse", "Eyes Closed", "Quiz", "New Year's Summer".

The year of the dog is coming, and we have prepared for you fun activities with children so as not to be bored at the holiday. Suitable for both kindergarten and school.

Seven interesting ideas for seeing off the Year of the Goat and meeting the Monkey: “Know the Goat”, “Pantomime”, “Dog and Monkey”, “Samovar”, “Fairy Bazaar”, “Entering the New Year”.

Riddles for the New Year

25 dog riddles: bone, kennel, puppy, cat, dog, wolf, muzzle, leash, dachshund, husky, poodle, diver, tail, scent, etc.

Children's puzzles about forest animals and pets, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, a snowman, a Christmas tree, New Year's items: icicles, cones, mittens, fairy tale characters and more.

Funny riddles with answers for a noisy company of adult guests. About: champagne, Coca-Cola, Olivier, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Christmas tree, corporate party, tinsel, etc.

In continuation of the previous page, adult riddles with clues about pyrotechnics, hangovers, ice, alcohol, confetti, etc. are collected.

In the year of the rooster, riddles about: a cockerel and a chicken, chickens, eggs, feathers, a nest, New Year, a scallop, as well as comic riddles-fables and a trick will be relevant.

In the year of the goat, riddles for children about a goat, horns, kids, milk, a bell, grass, wolves will come in handy ...

Adult riddles for a fun company of jokers: about the year of the goat, more suitable for corporate gatherings.

Many riddles for the year of the snake for your holiday. Adults will love the hidden meaning and humor in the puzzles.

Children's collection of riddles on a dragon theme. In the new year with the symbol of the year “Dragon” will come in handy.

Natalia Kaptsova - expert in psychology and success

Reading time: 5 minutes


We invite you to consider several ideas for games and competitions for a family holiday and leisure, let's talk about what games and competitions you can come up with in the family circle that will be interesting for both children and adults, allowing everyone to play without exception. As you know, family cozy evenings bring all family members very close, so we suggest that you make such events and repeat them as often as possible.

Intellectual and educational games for the whole family, allowing you to get to know each other better and show your abilities

  • Game "Associations" for adults and children from 3 years old
    This is a very simple and at the same time developing game that requires both a large vocabulary and the ability to develop logic.
    Rules. The word is called, then the next participant selects the closest and logically appropriate association, from his point of view, to it. The association can be absolutely any and the originally conceived word can lead to absolutely unexpected turns of the logical chain.
    Example. The first hidden word is "toy". For the next participant, it is associated with a ball, the ball reminds of football, football about the field, the field about flowers, flowers about summer, summer about the sea, the sea about swimming. And so on. Words can be absolutely anything, both nouns and adjectives or verbs. This will make such a game for the whole family even more exciting and fun.
  • Kind family game "Wishes" for adults and children from 2.5 years old
    This game is very suitable for family holidays, and especially for the New Year.
    Rules. Family members sit at the table. Preferably so that everything is "mixed". For example, grandmothers sat next to their grandchildren, and parents sat next to their children. The essence of the game is that each player must wish something to the family member sitting to his right, which, in his opinion, he wants the most. The participant who thinks for a long time is eliminated.
    For example, if dad works a lot, then the child wants him to go to the sea together, and if the eldest son graduates from school this year, then you can wish him successful admission to the institute he dreamed of entering. The game brings family members closer together and helps to get to know each other better.
  • Creative and fun game "Fairy Tale" for adults and children from 10 years old
    Rules. All you need is a sheet of paper and a pen. The first participant writes the title sentence of the fairy tale and folds a sheet of paper, passing it to the next one, so that he writes a continuation. And so in a circle. The main thing is that each subsequent participant does not see what the previous one wrote.
    Example. The first participant writes on the sheet “Once upon a time there were a grandfather and a woman”, passes it to the second, where he comes up with his own continuation of the fairy tale “and they flew to distant lands to save Vasilisa the Beautiful”, the next participant, not seeing what the previous ones wrote, continues “which turned out to be, later, the Humpbacked Skate." Options can be completely different and the most unpredictable. At the end, we unfold a cheerful fairy tale, read it and all together laugh at the abracadabra of family creativity.
  • Developing observation game "Search for the Lost" for adults and children from 3 years old
    This competition for the whole family develops attentiveness and visual memory of its participants.
    Rules. For props, you need a colored tablecloth and many small items. It can be lipstick tubes, small boxes, caps, ballpoint pens, teaspoons, matchboxes - in general, everything you find at home. The more varied the props, the better. All these utensils are laid out on a table, which is previously covered with a tablecloth, and the participants are seated around. The essence of the game is to remember all the items lying on the playing field and immediately notice the item that will disappear from the table.
    Example. The driver invites the players to carefully look at the table and try to remember many more items and how they are located. After that, everyone should close their eyes, and the driver removes from the table and hides one of the objects. At his command, the participants open their eyes and try to figure out which object has disappeared. The one who guesses becomes the leader.
  • Drawing contest "12 months" is suitable for adults and children from 7 years old
    This educational and fun competition is suitable for any family holiday. The competition reveals the ability to draw and will be interesting for both children and adults.
    Rules. The participants are divided into two teams. Each team is given 12 A4 sheets, colored pencils or felt-tip pens. The task is that after the agreed time, the teams must provide all 12 sheets, on each of which they will draw one of the 12 months of the year. The task of the teams is to guess which of the months is depicted in each drawing of the opponents.
    Example. As a hint, you can mark some events in the pictures that symbolize a particular month. For example, March is associated with March 8, April with Cosmonautics Day, and December with New Year's chores. And so on. The team that guessed the most drawings wins. Well, the second team can be awarded incentive prizes for intelligible images.

Mobile and energetic games and competitions for the whole family to play at home

  • Clockwork catch-up "Zhmurki" is suitable for adults and children from 3 years old
    This fun game is familiar to many of us since childhood. And until now, Zhmurki is one of the main children's entertainments at family holidays, in which adults will also take part with pleasure.
    Rules. The essence is very simple. First choose the driver. They blindfold him. The rest of the players stand around him facing the center. On a signal, the driver begins to catch the participants, and they run away and dodge him. The driver must guess the caught participant by touch, without untying his eyes. If he guesses, then the caught one becomes the driver. The winner is the one who was caught the least number of times or not caught at all.
    Example. It is better for the drivers to initially make one of the adults, so that he can show by his own example how you can play this game at home without destructive consequences. Children scatter in different directions within the same room, and a blindfolded participant tries to catch them by touch and, without peeping, determine who is caught.
  • A fun musical game "Masquerade" is suitable for adults and children from 6 years old
    Rules. From the props you need a large bag and a lot of different clothes. The clothes will be brighter, funnier and more unusual, the better. It can be underwear, national costumes, fur hats, stockings and tights, grandmother's leggings, mother's evening dress, and so on). All clothes are put in a bag, a host is chosen and he is also a DJ. The host turns on the music, to which all the other participants begin to dance and pass each other a bag of clothes. When the music is turned off, the participant who has the bag in his hands must randomly pull out a piece of clothing from it and put it on himself. The game continues until the bag is empty.
    Example. Music can stop at anyone, just as the thing that a participant takes out of a bag can be the most unusual. For example, a dad can get a daughter's swimsuit, and a grandmother can get a flamboyant mini skirt. In the end, everything will look very funny and colorful.

We hope that the listed entertainments will decorate or ordinary evening at home. After all, all these contests and games for the whole family, in addition to the fact that bring a good mood and a lot of fun to your house, even more will bring you closer, allow you to get to know each other better and even discover some new abilities.