Papa roses from trolls. peppa pig party at the rosette peppa trolls and daddy pig make cookies from play to trolls peppa pig. Cartoon "Trolls": the names of the main characters

If you are wondering how to draw a Rose in stages, then you have fallen under the spell of this heroine. In the lesson you will learn how to draw a princess and learn a lot of interesting things about her.

Rose is a princess, and at the same time the main ringleader and sing of the fabulous world of trolls. She is able to sing and dance in any situation, without losing her presence of mind even at a difficult moment. Always cheerful, mobile Rose is a real hymn to invincible optimism, readiness to help friends in trouble. At first glance, she may seem frivolous, but the princess has the courage to embark on a dangerous adventure to save her people. In addition, she got a serious and doubtful Tsvetan as her companion, who has yet to be taught the ability to have fun.

To draw a Rose with a pencil, just use our detailed lesson. With a little practice, you can decorate any surface with the image of a restless princess.

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Rosette is a troll, the daughter of a fearless father, the Pink King, her heart is filled with courage, confidence, optimism. She is so charming and sweet that she falls in love with herself from the first minutes of her appearance. The trolls and Poppy meet during their daring escape from the lair of the creepy Bergens during their celebration of Troll Day. Residents of the city of Bergen Town and friends of Poppy are old enemies, because their main delicacy is trolls. Having saved both his daughter Rose and the trolls for the first time, the Pink King showed his brave act to the princess that a troll will never leave a troll in trouble.

The character of the troll Roses

The mischievous and cheerful troll Rosochka energizes and positively energizes everyone around her. Open and bright, not at all afraid of failure. On the contrary, she sings songs to them, and the thickened clouds disperse by themselves in a miraculous way. From the failures encountered, Rose from the trolls does not cry, but only becomes more fun.

The appearance and skills of the princess

Troll Rose is a bright heroine. Her amazing crimson hair looks amazing against the background of ruddy cheeks with sparkles. A blue short dress is complemented by a floral headband in her hair. The appearance of the Troll Rose is a mirror of her character. Lightness, openness and cheerfulness are the main features of the princess's appearance. Crimson miracle hair is not only a decoration for the troll Poppy, but also magical helpers. The princess easily controls them, changing color, lengthening their length and shape. In a series of events, the magic hair saves Rosette from certain death more than once. They cover and disguise it from terrible Bergens, save it from dizzying falls from a height.

Poppy's actions

Trolls and Rosette are true friends. The princess sings and plays with them, arranges cheerful hugs every hour and tries to cheer and please everyone. The princess decides to come to the aid of her friends immediately. Faced with a problem that cannot be solved by songs and incendiary dances, the troll Rose does not despair, but confidently steps towards a meeting with the Bergens. Her main feat is an adventurous road to rescue her comrades from their clutches. On her way there are various obstacles, heroes and events. But a strong faith in a good end, the strength of a cheerful character help to cope with all the difficulties to the sound of her cheerful singing.

Rose's friends

For a princess, friends and family are the most important things. Making a new acquaintance is not the slightest difficulty for Rosochka Troll. Even the gloomy and serious Tsvetan, who at first does not perceive the serene behavior of Rosochka, falls under her spell. Together with him, they set off on a risky road, in order to save the kidnapped trolls. Nine old friends of Yummy happily sing along with the princess and participate in the hourly hugs organized by her. Interesting Facts about Poppy Troll:

  • Laughing in the face of failure.
  • Loves songs and dances. The more often, the better.
  • Hugs - yes, yes, and yes again. He hugs his friends every hour.
  • She loves to be around kids.
  • Favorite hobby - scrapbooking, bright postcards made by hand. The presence of colorful flowers, and especially sparkles, is a must.
  • Knows how to unite and make strong friendships.
  • Born leader.

And let Rosochka be naive and serene, but her kind and open heart can work wonders. Her self-confidence can only be envied, and a radiant smile gives optimism to everyone around. Having gone through a series of incredible adventures, the troll Poppy will not only be able to save the kidnapped friends, but also stop further enmity between them and Bergen Town.

In 2016, an incredibly colorful and funny cartoon from Dreamworks - "Trolls" was released. His brave and diverse characters with a peculiar sense of humor were very fond of not only children, but also parents. Dreaming of learning more about their new pets, many have come across the fact that in the Russian and Ukrainian translations the names of the trolls from the cartoon have been changed (often beyond recognition). Let's figure out who is called in the cartoon "Trolls" both in the original version and in translation.

The plot of the trolls

Before you know the names of the trolls, it is worth remembering what the cartoon is about.

The fairy-tale world is inhabited by slightly ugly sad creatures - Bergens. They all unconditionally believe that the only way to find happiness is to eat a troll, since these creatures radiate a continuous positive.

In order to have unhindered access to the next "dose" of happiness, the Bergens have kept this people in captivity for many years. But one day, the colorful charms manage to escape.

Twenty years have passed since then, during which the trolls successfully hide from their enemies and have fun. Over the years, a new generation of young and optimistic grows up, who, forgetting about the danger, arrange too bright a celebration and inadvertently give away their location. They are attacked, many of them are captured and soon to be eaten.

The daughter of the King decides to go to the rescue of his subjects, but she is poorly versed in the world around her and is forced to ask the most gloomy and unsociable troll for help.

Together they will have to go through a lot of adventures, take a different look at their lives, and also bring peace and happiness not only to their people, but also to the Bergens.

Cartoon "Trolls": the names of the main characters

Despite the variety of characters, the plot is centered on two completely different trolls: Princess Rose and the gloomy, unsociable pessimist Tsvetan.

As it often happens, the Russian version of the names of these characters is quite noticeably different from the original. In it, the mischievous scrapbooking artist is called Poppy, which translates as "Poppy". By the way, in the Ukrainian translation, this heroine was called “Machok”. It remains unclear why the princess of the trolls with pink hair is named after a plant whose main color is red.

The hero in love with her with obvious signs of paranoia (who nevertheless turns out to be right) is called Tsvetan. At the same time, in the original, this faded troll is called Branch (branch, stem). Most likely, translators into Russian gave the character this name for euphony. Since the gray, almost colorless troll, called Tsvetan, looks rather paradoxical. As for the Ukrainian translation, here the name of the hero is close to the original - Pagin.

Names of friends and relatives of Rose

At the time when the trolls escaped from captivity, they were ruled by the bold and mischievous Pink King, who is the father of Poppy. Over time, from a brave warrior, he turned into a good-natured old man, giving the reins of government to his daughter. In the original, he was called King Peppy (King Vigorous or Vigorous King), and in Ukrainian translation - King Peppі.

Among Rozochka's friends, the first one should be called DJ Sounds, who always gives out incendiary melodies. In the original, this heroine was called DJ Suki (this is the name Suki that came from the Japanese language).

Another close friend of the Princess is Almond (originally Mandy Sparkledust - Mandy Sparkledust), who creates all the bright decorations in the city of trolls.

Also Rosochka's girlfriends are 2 stylish beauties Satinka and Sinelka, whose hair is always intertwined. In the original, their names are Satin (Atlas or Satin) and Chenille (Chinel).

The last of the girlfriends of the main character of the cartoon, who is worth mentioning, is Dancer, who in the English version is called Moxie Dewdrop (Moxie Dewdrop).

Having considered the names of the trolls, Rosochka's girlfriends, it is worth moving on to her friends. The most brilliant of them in the literal sense is the Diamond. In addition to the fact that his body is completely covered with sparkles, he is also a convinced nudist. In the original, his name is Guy Diamond (Diamond Guy).

Another extraordinary character is Zdorovyak, inseparable from a worm named Druzhok. Together they are a rather unusual friendly alliance. In English, this character is called Biggie (Big, Large), and his pet is Mr. Dinkles (Mr Dinkles).

Cooper looks rather unusual (in the original Cooper - Cooper). He looks more like a hippie giraffe than a normal troll.

Another bright personality is Poplar flying on his skateboard beetle. In his case, the translation of the name is strikingly different from the original version, in which the character's name is Aspen Heitz (Aspen Ayts).

And Fluffy (in English Fuzzbert - Pushinkobert) is generally a complete mystery, since it consists of a mop of green hair, from which two bare feet stick out.

An attentive person will notice that the names of Rosochka's friends do not have their Ukrainian counterparts. The fact is that in the Ukrainian box office there was a less extensive promotional campaign before the premiere than in Russia. For this reason, many names of trolls in Ukrainian remained unknown to the general public.

Names of secondary characters

Not all trolls were given names, although almost every character is a bright personality.

Among the episodic heroes whose names are known, it is worth noting Tsvetan's grandmother - Tsvetunya (Grandma Rosiepuff - Grandmother Rosie Fluffy). Also artist Harper and some others whose Russian and Ukrainian names-analogues do not have enough information: Cookie Sugarloaf, Cloud Guy, Tunnel Troll, Vinny the Phone, Captain Starfunkle, Spider, etc.

Negative characters

Considering the names of trolls from the cartoon "Trolls", one cannot fail to mention the negative representatives of this species. Fortunately, he is only one - this is the Brook.

In peacetime, he was everyone's favorite and was considered a role model. Being an adherent of Zen philosophy, Brook was able to resolve any conflicts. However, when trouble came, it was he who became the one who betrayed his people and all his principles for the sake of his own salvation.

In the original, this character is called Creek (Stream). And in the Ukrainian translation it was called - Ruchay, very similar to a rough tracing paper from the Russian word "stream". A rather strange choice, given that in Ukrainian there are nouns “struk” and “dzherelo” quite suitable for the name of the character.

Cartoon "Trolls": the names of the characters from the Bergen race

Among the Bergens, first of all, it is worth highlighting their King - Cartilage Sr., as well as his son - Prince (later King) Cartilage.

In this case, the name was literally translated from English - Gristle (Cartilage), both in Russian and in Ukrainian versions.

It is also worth mentioning the servant Tikhonya, who was in love with the Prince, who was hiding under the name of Lady Shine-Sparkle. It was she who helped Cartilage feel happiness, and also risked her life to save the trolls.

In the original, this heroine has a completely ordinary (for the English-speaking world) name. And her pseudonym Lady Glitter Sparkles (Lady Brilliant Sparks) was translated almost verbatim, with minor adjustments. In the Ukrainian version, the name of the heroine was not changed at all, calling her Bridget and Lady Syaivo-Blisk.

It is worth mentioning the evil Cook, who uses trolls to gain power over the Bergens, who are thirsty for happiness. In the Ukrainian translation, she was called the Cooker, and in the original, this disgusting heroine was called Chef (Chef).

Having analyzed the names of the trolls from the cartoon of the same name (as well as their translation for Russian and Ukrainian dubbing), it is worth noting that the translators in both cases were very creative in their work. If in the Ukrainian translation they tried to preserve the original idea in the names of the cartoon characters as much as possible, then in Russian they tried to adapt them to their liking. Interestingly, both translations turned out to be very interesting and original in their own way.