First miscarriage: possible consequences. How to distinguish between menstruation and early miscarriage

Early miscarriage is a common occurrence. According to statistics, every fourth pregnancy ends in spontaneous termination. What is the reason for this condition and how to prevent the threat of miscarriage? You will find the answer in this article.

Early miscarriage: causes

An early miscarriage in gynecology is a condition in which a woman loses a child for up to 12 weeks. Experts note that almost 60% of spontaneous abortions are caused by chromosomal mutations in the fetus. If a certain anomaly appears during the development of the embryo, the woman's body in most cases gets rid of non-viable offspring itself.

Genetic defects can be inherited or develop spontaneously. It is impossible to prevent such a miscarriage, but the risk of developing mutations can be eliminated even before conception, protecting the woman from the negative effects of teratogenic factors.

Common reasons for miscarriage:

  • Hormonal disruptions. Habitual miscarriages at an early stage can provoke hormonal imbalances, in particular, an increased concentration of male sex hormones that prevent the production of progesterone (pregnancy hormone). In this case, a properly selected course of hormonal drugs will help eliminate the problem.
  • The influence of the Rh factor. If the embryo receives a positive Rh factor from the father, then the body of a woman with a negative Rh perceives it as a foreign object that needs to be disposed of. As a result of the Rhesus conflict, spontaneous abortion occurs. A course of immunomodulatory therapy will help to correct the situation. Treatment is carried out at the stage of pregnancy planning.
  • Of particular danger to the embryo are sexually transmitted infections. Infection of the fetus with pathogens of syphilis, gonorrhea, toxoplasmosis, herpes or chlamydia causes damage to the membranes and provokes a miscarriage. Many pathologies can proceed secretly, therefore, even at the stage of pregnancy planning, the expectant mother must undergo a medical examination, which allows timely elimination of foci of infection in the body.
  • No less dangerous are chronic inflammatory diseases of internal organs and general infections, accompanied by intoxication of the body. This list includes rubella, pneumonia, pyelonephritis, viral hepatitis. Even a banal flu or a sore throat pose a serious threat to the fetus.
  • Taking certain medications. The cause of spontaneous abortion in early pregnancy can be some drugs - antidepressants, retinoids, NSAIDs or antifungals. When planning conception, this moment must be taken into account.
  • Lifestyle. Improper, unbalanced diet, excessive consumption of caffeinated drinks, bad habits (smoking, alcohol) are risk factors that provoke an early miscarriage.
  • The negative impact of regular stress, psycho-emotional overstrain, deep personal experiences should also be taken into account. Experts recommend adjusting the lifestyle even before conception and try to protect the woman as much as possible from the effects of any adverse situations and strong nervous shocks.

In addition, the cause of miscarriage in early pregnancy can be chronic diseases of the female genital area, previous abortions, congenital anomalies in the development of the genital organs, obesity, and the age factor. It is noted that after 40 years the risk of abortion increases several times.

How does a miscarriage happen?

The process of abortion develops gradually, over several hours or even days. With timely seeking medical help, a woman can still be helped. How does a miscarriage happen? In its development, spontaneous abortion goes through several stages.

  1. Risk of miscarriage. A woman develops slight bloody discharge, complaints of pulling pains in the lower back and suprapubic region. On examination, hypertonicity of the uterus is revealed. Even a slight release of blood is a dangerous sign that requires immediate medical attention. At this stage, it is still possible to stop spontaneous abortion.
  2. A miscarriage that has begun is manifested by similar symptoms, which gradually increase and become more pronounced. A fragmentary detachment of the fetal egg begins, a partial opening of the cervical canal occurs. But even at this stage, a woman can still be helped under the condition of emergency hospitalization in a hospital.
  3. Miscarriage in progress - there are cramping pains in the lower abdomen, the embryo is completely separated from the endometrium, but still remains in the uterine cavity. Abundant bleeding begins, which indicates the final death of the embryo. The external and internal os of the uterus open, in the lumen of the cervix or vagina, upon examination, the elements of the fetal egg are determined.
  4. incomplete abortion. This condition is characterized by pain in the lower abdomen, in the lower back, profuse bleeding. Elements of the fetal egg remain in the uterine cavity. Large blood loss is accompanied by dizziness, weakness, drop in blood pressure, fainting.
  5. A complete spontaneous abortion is said to occur after the complete release of all parts of the embryo. After the uterus is cleansed, it contracts, returning to its previous shape and size. All associated symptoms (pain, bleeding) disappear, the woman does not need further therapy, but remains under medical supervision.

But far from always, fragments of the fetal egg completely come out of the uterus. In this case, the woman will have to go through the curettage procedure, otherwise the remains of the embryo will begin to decompose in the uterine cavity and become a source of infection. The spread of pathogenic microorganisms threatens with dangerous complications and severe inflammatory processes. The operation in this case is necessary, otherwise there is a direct threat to the health and life of the woman.

Consequences of a miscarriage

Spontaneous abortion at an early stage can be accompanied by a number of complications.

  • Injury to the endometrium during curettage of the uterus can later lead to the development of endometritis.
  • Significant blood loss during uterine bleeding often causes posthemorrhagic anemia, accompanied by constant weakness, pallor, dizziness, and decreased performance.
  • Hormonal imbalances after a spontaneous abortion can cause repeated miscarriages, which reduce the chance of carrying a normally developing pregnancy.
  • Psychological problems. A miscarriage during a long-awaited pregnancy is a strong emotional shock for a woman. Many couples go through a difficult situation that destroys hopes for the birth of an heir. At this stage, the woman and her husband need the help of a psychologist to come to terms with the loss and continue trying to find a happy, full-fledged family.

If, after a miscarriage, the temperature rises sharply to high values, chills, severe weakness, purulent discharge from the vagina, pain in the pelvic area appear, you should urgently consult a doctor. Similar signs indicate infection of the body and the development of a severe inflammatory process.

A few weeks after a complete abortion, an analysis of the level of HCH is necessary. If it does not decrease, there is a risk of developing a dangerous complication - cystic drift. Pathology is characterized by the growth of chorionic villi into fluid-filled blisters. The consequence of this condition may be infertility, intrauterine infections, or the development of malignant choriocarcinoma.


Diagnostic methods

How is threatened early pregnancy termination diagnosed? If a threat of miscarriage is suspected, the doctor conducts a gynecological examination, takes into account the patient's complaints and data from laboratory and instrumental research methods.

During the survey, the obstetrician-gynecologist finds out the date of the last menstruation, draws attention to the presence and influence of adverse factors - occupational hazards, recently transferred infectious diseases, in the treatment of which certain groups of medicines were used, and other nuances. Next, the doctor assesses the general condition of the woman and the nature of the pain syndrome.

During a vaginal examination, the gynecologist finds out whether the uterus is in good shape, whether its size corresponds to the declared gestational age, and also pays attention to the condition of the cervix and the volume of vaginal discharge. In addition to routine blood and urine tests, laboratory tests are performed to determine the level of progesterone and to detect the hormone chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), the presence of which may indicate an ectopic pregnancy.

A special role in terms of diagnosis is given to ultrasound (transvaginal ultrasound). This method is the "gold standard" to determine the threat of early miscarriage. If it is impossible to conduct it, they resort to the procedure of transabdominal scanning. Using this method, it is possible to determine the cessation of the cardiac activity of the embryo or the complete absence of the fetal egg.

Therapy Methods

When anxiety symptoms appear, it is important not to panic. You need to contact your obstetrician-gynecologist as soon as possible for examination and treatment.

Treatment in a hospital

The first recommendations to a woman are the exclusion of any physical exertion and adherence to bed rest. Usually a woman is placed in a hospital to maintain pregnancy. In especially severe cases, the patient is forbidden to get out of bed.

In order to maintain pregnancy, doctors prescribe to a woman drugs containing gestagens (female sex hormones) that block uterine contractions. With the threat of bleeding, tronexamic acid is used. Antispasmodics will help relieve pain - no-shpa, drotaverine, rectal suppositories with papaverine. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe injections of vitamins, droppers with magnesia.

When hormonal deficiency is detected, the therapy includes drugs with progesterone - utrogestan or duphaston. In the presence of a Rh conflict, a woman needs to take medications that eliminate the threat of rejection of the fetal egg. After the ultrasound, the doctor may recommend suturing the cervix. This procedure allows you to leave the fetal egg inside the female womb.


Surgical intervention is resorted to at the following stages: spontaneous miscarriage in the course, incomplete abortion or massive bleeding. The purpose of such an intervention is to remove the remnants of the embryo and restore full hemostasis. The procedure is done under anesthesia using a vacuum aspirator or by means of mechanical curettage (scraping) of the walls of the uterus.

If the patient is admitted to the hospital with a complete abortion, they do not resort to surgical intervention, limiting themselves to monitoring the woman's condition. In the future, in almost 85% of women who have had an early spontaneous abortion, subsequent pregnancy develops normally.

Treatment at home

If the threat of miscarriage is insignificant, a woman can stay at home, provided that all medical recommendations are carefully followed. The main ones are:

  • exclusion of physical activity;
  • correct daily routine;
  • good nutrition - the basis of the diet is fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs, dairy products, dietary meat;
  • walks in the fresh air before going to bed;
  • a ban on taking hot baths - you should wash yourself in the shower.

On the advice of a doctor, you can take folic acid, vitamin B6, or special vitamin complexes for pregnant women. In the process of treatment, it is important to avoid negative thoughts and stressful situations. Relatives and relatives at this time should surround the pregnant woman with attention and care.

Prevention of miscarriage

Before planning a pregnancy, every woman is advised to undergo a complete medical examination and consult with a geneticist. It is very important at the stage of preparation for the upcoming conception to exclude the influence of any teratogenic factors. Doctors recommend:

  • give up bad habits, taking large doses of caffeine;
  • exclude work in hazardous industries;
  • maintain physical activity;
  • Healthy food;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • treat chronic diseases in advance and eliminate foci of infection;

Additionally, you can take special vitamin complexes designed to prepare a woman's body for conception.

Menstruation is not the most pleasant period for a woman, but most of all, its beginning upsets those who passionately dream of becoming pregnant. However, bleeding is not always due to the usual procedure for endometrial rejection, sometimes it accompanies the termination of a barely begun pregnancy. You can find out for sure whether a miscarriage or menstruation provoked spotting. There are several methods for this.

Menstruation and miscarriage are different physiological processes, but they are accompanied by similar symptoms.

Menstrual bleeding is part of the natural female cycle. Every month, the body prepares for the conception of a child, this process is controlled by hormones. The internal cavity of the uterus is lined with a special one designed to secure the fetal egg and subsequent nutrition of the embryo. If fertilization of the egg does not occur (or there was no ovulation), the endometrium dies and is removed from the uterus along with the remnants of small blood vessels formed during the cycle. Outwardly, it looks like bloody discharge from the vagina, and is often accompanied by pain. This process is called menstruation (or menstruation).

Miscarriage is a term that refers to the spontaneous termination of pregnancy at an early stage (up to 22 weeks). If conception has occurred recently, then outwardly the rejection of the fetus is almost no different from ordinary menstruation.

It is also accompanied by pain and bleeding. The fertilized egg is still too small to be seen among the blood and clots.

Miscarriage occurs for various reasons, for successful conception and gestation, they must be identified and eliminated.

There are practically no visual differences between early miscarriage and menstruation, but there are still methods for recognizing them.

Difference between miscarriage and menstruation

External signs by which the true cause of bleeding can be assumed are rather arbitrary:

  1. A delay in menstruation can be caused by both the onset of pregnancy and hormonal failure.
  2. Bleeding in case of miscarriage is longer and more abundant.
  3. An unusual color or smell of blood, the presence of clots may indicate that a miscarriage has occurred. During menstruation, these signs are not observed.
  4. Menstruation from miscarriage differ in the nature of pain. With spontaneous abortion, discomfort can resemble contractions, give to the lower back. Menstruation is often accompanied.

Such symptoms do not allow you to reliably determine whether menstruation or miscarriage caused spotting. Other methods will be required for an accurate clarification.

How to know if you've had a miscarriage

By external symptoms, it is almost impossible to distinguish spontaneous abortion from menstruation, especially if it occurred at a very early date. Ultrasound examination in this case is also uninformative - for the device, these processes look the same. The size of the fetal egg in this period is still too small and does not allow it to be seen.

Determination of whether a miscarriage or menstruation caused bleeding is available thanks to the development of laboratory diagnostics.

There is a sign that allows you to find out with a high degree of certainty whether there was a pregnancy. It is indicated by the presence in the blood and urine of a woman of a special hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).

It is on its detection that the action of all tests is based - the second strip appears if a sufficient concentration of this substance is present in the urine.

The hCG hormone begins to be produced about a week after the implantation of a fertilized egg in the endometrium, its content in the blood rises rapidly up to 11-12 weeks, and then begins to decline. A high concentration of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood and urine of a woman persists for several days after a miscarriage. This is what distinguishes it from menstruation.

Therefore, the most affordable way to recognize an early miscarriage is to take a pregnancy test. When the bleeding is just menstruation, only one line will appear. And if it is caused by spontaneous abortion, the second one will be clearly or faintly visible.

A more reliable method is to determine hCG using a special blood test. A reliable result can be obtained approximately within a week after the onset of bleeding. After a miscarriage, the level of the hormone decreases, and after a few days it is already difficult to detect.

If your period is late, it makes sense to do the test right away. Modern means determine the "interesting position" on the first day of the delay. With a positive result, in the event of the onset of bleeding, it will be clear that the cause is not in menstruation. Knowing this, you can seek medical help in a timely manner.

Besides, one way to recognize conception is to keep a graph of indicators. In the case of fertilization of the egg, the value increases markedly, which also makes it possible to distinguish with some degree of certainty an interrupted pregnancy from menstruation in the event of bleeding.

Symptoms and causes of early miscarriage

According to statistics, every woman during her life at least once suffers an early miscarriage, mistaking it for normal menstruation. The symptoms and signs of these processes are almost identical. The reasons for the termination of a barely begun pregnancy are different:

  • infectious and inflammatory diseases (gynecological or general);
  • hormonal disorders;
  • Rhesus conflict and other immunological factors;
  • stress;
  • improper fixation of the embryo in the uterus;
  • taking medications, including herbal ones;
  • genetic abnormalities in the development of the fetus;
  • bad habits, malnutrition, coffee abuse;
  • sexual contact, trauma;
  • intoxication;
  • being overweight or underweight;
  • insufficient recovery of the uterus and the body as a whole after a previous birth, abortion or miscarriage.

Fetal rejection in the first weeks after conception usually does not pose a threat to health, but there are exceptions.

No delay

If the menstruation began exactly on time, with a high degree of probability there is no talk of spontaneous abortion. You can understand that bleeding is the beginning of a miscarriage by a number of signs:

  • severe cramping pains radiating to the lower back;
  • brown color of blood, abundance;
  • positive pregnancy test.

In this case, even if the bleeding began without delay, you should consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and the necessary medical attention.

During menstruation

The loss of the fetus can pass like a regular period. It is especially difficult to feel the difference if the menstruation is heavy, painful and accompanied by the release of blood clots every time.

At the slightest suspicion of other causes of bleeding, you should consult a doctor. A miscarriage (even at a very early stage) is a danger to a woman's reproductive health and requires rehabilitation under the supervision of a specialist.

What to do when symptoms appear

If a woman is sure that she is pregnant, or assumes this with a high degree of probability, she needs to be especially attentive to the symptoms. Spontaneous abortion does not happen instantly, this process takes some time. Therefore, if at the first signs (pain, bleeding) you go to a medical facility, there is a chance to save the embryo.

In addition, with the threat of fetal loss, it is very important to follow the following recommendations:

  • avoid physical activity, heavy lifting;
  • if possible, observe bed rest;
  • refuse sexual contact;
  • keep calm, avoid stress.

As a rule, if there is a threat of fetal rejection, hospitalization is recommended. In a hospital setting, the necessary examinations will be promptly carried out and measures taken to prevent miscarriage. If the pregnancy cannot be maintained, the doctor will be able to monitor the condition of the woman from fragments of the fetus and endometrium.

At home, these particles can remain inside and lead to serious inflammation - this is possible with spontaneous abortion.

Recovery after a miscarriage: how to survive it

If a miscarriage was diagnosed in the early stages of pregnancy, this is not a sentence. Most women after a spontaneous abortion successfully recover, retain the ability to endure and give birth to healthy children. This is possible under the guidance of an experienced doctor.

Rehabilitation includes:

  1. Careful examination, identification and treatment of diseases that could lead to miscarriage. This applies to diseases of the reproductive system, and to general health problems.
  2. Strict control of their own condition by a woman. If unusual vaginal discharge occurs during and after treatment, as well as other symptoms, you should not postpone a visit to the gynecologist.
  3. Establishing a proper lifestyle, regime of work and rest, physical activity.
  4. Proper and balanced nutrition.
  5. Calm and positive attitude. Confidence in success is very important.

Health resort treatment in special medical institutions will be of great benefit for restoring health and reproductive function.

Early miscarriage is a common occurrence, but this is no reason to ignore the problem. It is necessary to find out what is the cause of spontaneous abortion, and eliminate it. An experienced gynecologist can help with this.

The spontaneous loss of an embryo or fetus during the first 24 weeks of pregnancy is called miscarriage (spontaneous abortion). Miscarriages occur most often due to abnormalities in the development of the fetus, which significantly reduce the chances of its survival in the future. Spontaneous abortion is a common process, and in 30% of women it usually occurs before they even realize that they are pregnant. How do you know if a miscarriage has occurred? How should one react in such a case?

How do you know if a miscarriage has occurred?

If you have any worrisome symptoms or feel unwell, see your doctor as soon as possible. Every effort must be made to save the child, because he can help find out the cause of spontaneous abortion and make it clear what anomaly is present in the fetus. Also, look out for the following signs of a miscarriage:

The main signs of a miscarriage

vaginal bleeding. Most often, miscarriages begin with. It may be weak, but heavy bleeding occurs more often. But at the same time, vaginal bleeding does not necessarily indicate a loss of pregnancy. On average, 1 in 4 women experience spotting in the first trimester of pregnancy, and not all of them experience spontaneous abortion.

Spasmodic pain. After vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain may occur. Most often, it is pulling, of varying intensity, and is felt in the pelvic region or in the lower back. In some cases, the pain may be constant cramping and accompanied by bleeding. If these two symptoms are present, there is a high chance that a miscarriage has actually occurred.

What to do if a miscarriage occurs?

In the event of a miscarriage, there will be bleeding for some time along with spasms. During this time, you can use sanitary pads, but not a tampon. Don't worry if bleeding or spasms get worse; this usually happens when the body is trying to expel the products of conception, i.e. fetal tissue and placenta. These products of conception may also include blood clots or have a grayish appearance. You can take an over-the-counter pain reliever such as acetaminophen to relieve pain.

Could it be something else?

Sometimes pain and bleeding are signs of a molar pregnancy. Whatever the cause, it is important to seek medical attention.

How can you be sure it's really a miscarriage?

A miscarriage can also be discovered by a consulting physician during a routine prenatal visit. Suspicion may arise if the size of the uterus is small or if the fetal heart is not audible after the middle of the first trimester. Sometimes vaginal bleeding or abdominal pain occurs weeks after the fetus stops developing—this is called a missed pregnancy or delayed miscarriage.

A miscarriage is confirmed by an ultrasound or blood test. If your doctor suspects that a miscarriage may have occurred, he will refer you for these tests.

What should I do if I think I'm losing a child?

If unusual symptoms occur, such as vaginal bleeding or abdominal cramps, it is important to seek immediate medical attention. It will determine if the bleeding is from the uterus or cervix. In addition, they are tested in the blood serum to determine whether the amount of the hormone is increasing or decreasing. Tests are repeated two to three days later to compare hCG levels.

Ultrasound can rule out another cause of vaginal bleeding and spasm—an ectopic (ectopic) pregnancy. If, despite the absence of visible problems, bleeding continues, a second ultrasound is performed after 7 weeks.

After seven weeks of pregnancy, the chances of a normal pregnancy increase if an embryo with a normal heart rhythm is found on ultrasound. Although the chances of miscarriage are reduced, you may need further testing if bleeding continues. If the new ultrasound shows an embryo of normal size, but there is no heartbeat, then the baby did not survive.

On the other hand, if the size of the fetus and the amniotic sac are small according to the ultrasound results and the heart rhythm is not heard, you may have miscalculated the timing of pregnancy, and the fetus is simply not as old as you thought. In any case, to get a definitive diagnosis, the doctor may order repeat blood tests and an ultrasound in the next couple of weeks.

Bed rest: if there is a threat of termination of pregnancy, consulting specialists recommend bed rest. While there is no evidence to support this theory, bed rest is believed to reduce the chance of miscarriage. For this purpose and for constant monitoring, a woman may also be asked to lie down for preservation in a maternity hospital or pathology department. In addition, the doctor may suggest abstaining from sexual activity if bleeding or cramps are observed. There is usually no relationship between intercourse and miscarriage, but it's best to be careful.

Women who are Rh negative need an injection of anti-Rh immunoglobulin in case of bleeding that lasts for 2-3 days. The fact is that if a positive Rh factor was transmitted from the father to the unborn child, then the mother's immune cells can attack his red cells, which is called Rh sensitization. In addition to the threat of late miscarriage and stillbirth at a later date, this also creates the risk of developing serious pathologies in the child after childbirth. Immunoglobulin is not needed if the child's father is also Rh negative. Also, there is usually no risk and no need for an injection if this is the first pregnancy (the blood has not yet mixed before birth and the corresponding antibodies have not yet developed in the mother). Although, for example, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that all Rh-negative mothers, regardless of the blood type of the fetus, receive anti-Rh immunoglobulin at about 28 weeks of pregnancy and again shortly after delivery.

What happens after a miscarriage?

After a miscarriage, slight cramps are felt in the abdomen, similar to those observed during menstruation (menstruation). Usually these sensations persist for a day or two and are followed by light bleeding for a week. Spasms are observed even after the release of the products of conception. To control bleeding and pain, use sanitary pads along with an over-the-counter oral pain reliever such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Avoid using tampons, swimming, vaginal treatments, sex, and douching during this time.

You need to see a doctor immediately or go to the emergency room if you have any signs of infection (such as fever, pain, and foul-smelling vaginal discharge), abdominal pain, or excessive bleeding (using one or more pads per hour) . With heavy bleeding, there is a chance of fainting, dizziness and weakness, so seek help as soon as possible.

What about future pregnancy?

Miscarriages are quite common. One spontaneous loss of a fetus does not mean that something is wrong with you or your partner, but worrying about future pregnancies is understandable.

When should you try to conceive again?

After a miscarriage, it usually takes 4-6 weeks for the body to normalize. It doesn't matter if everything went naturally or the tissues were helped out with drugs, you need to wait before planning a child again.

Recover emotionally from loss

Women usually take longer to emotionally recover from a miscarriage, even if they are ready to physically have a baby.

Everyone has a different way of recovering from a loss. Discuss your feelings with your partner and decide if you want to wait or try again. During this period, you can also seek help from a support group.

In addition, contact a consulting doctor, who can then recommend a psychologist for you.

If you must explain the termination to your other children, first think about how to talk about the incident yourself, and then explain it to them.

Tests that a doctor can prescribe after a miscarriage

Depending on what the doctor thinks is appropriate, he may order a blood test and genetic tests after two or three

Spontaneous abortion in the first 20 weeks. A miscarriage can last for several days or even weeks.

The most dangerous and serious symptom of a miscarriage is vaginal bleeding. It can be both strong, plentiful, and barely noticeable, insignificant. The blood can go constantly or with small interruptions. The color of blood secretions is scarlet, brownish or brown. Sometimes the temperature rises.
However, it must be said that blood is sometimes observed during the normal course of pregnancy, so it is possible to diagnose a miscarriage with greater accuracy if the bleeding is accompanied by pain.
The pain appears in the lower abdomen, in the pelvic organs or in the lower back. It is the pain against the background of bleeding that is almost the surest sign of a miscarriage. The pain can be pulling and sharp, or it can be weak, aching. The duration of pain can vary from a few hours to a week or more from the onset of bleeding.

In addition to pain and bleeding, a miscarriage may cause blood clots and grayish fetal tissue.

Is it really impossible to do without blood and pain?

However, there are no rules without exceptions. Rarely, but still there are cases when a woman practically does not feel pain. Sometimes a miscarriage lasts only two days, during which there is a so-called “daub”, as during menstruation, but with lumps of blood.

That is, a miscarriage passes like a regular period. But more often still passes with bleeding and pain.

What to do with a miscarriage?

No drug can stop a miscarriage. If you don't have the common symptoms of a miscarriage - heavy bleeding, fever, weakness, or other signs of complications - you can let your body deal with the miscarriage on its own. This usually takes several days. By the way, with a negative Rh factor, it is necessary to inoculate Rh antibodies to avoid problems in the future.

If there is heavy bleeding, sharp pulling pains, and all this lasts for more than one day, doctors usually recommend curettage of the uterine cavity in order to completely clear it and thereby avoid complications.

Since 15-20% of pregnancies end unsuccessfully in the early stages, you should know what kind of discharge occurs during a miscarriage. It is not uncommon for a woman to not even realize that she has lost a child. The blood-containing discharge that accompanies a miscarriage is mistaken for menstrual flow, as time converges. Signs that signal the likelihood of an involuntarily terminated pregnancy allow you to pay attention to health and make an appointment with a doctor to save the fetus.

miscarriage or menstruation

It is not easy to distinguish the loss of a child from menstruation, since the nature of the discharge depends on the health of the woman, her lifestyle. Menstrual bleeding that begins on time makes you think that fertilization did not occur. But pay attention to the calendar: if there was a delay of only a couple of days, this may not indicate an irregular cycle, but a spontaneous abortion. During such periods, a woman suffers from pain more than usual.

If a spontaneous abortion occurs, the menstrual cycle is delayed, lengthened, the volume and color of the discharge changes. On closer examination, elements of the fetal egg are found.

It is possible to distinguish a fetal egg from other secretions by density and size. The appearance of a large muco-blood clot may indicate an interrupted pregnancy.

Women rarely pay attention to this, so at home it is almost impossible to understand that a miscarriage has occurred.

If menstruation does not come on time, while unusual pains are noted in the lower third of the abdomen, in the lumbar region, a spontaneous abortion is likely to occur. In a situation where a woman regularly suffers from pain during menstruation, it will be quite difficult to recognize a spontaneous miscarriage.

Determine exactly what is happening by one of two methods:

  • hCG analysis.

With an ultrasound examination, the doctor sees if a fertilized egg is present in the uterus, checks the heartbeat, and controls the degree of development of the embryo. The gynecologist will tell you exactly if there is a high probability of losing the fetus. Ultrasound allows you to assess the condition of the cervix and the organ itself.

The first days after fertilization, the egg is so small that even ultrasound will not give accurate information. A blood test for chorionic gonadotropin comes to the rescue. This is the name of the hormone produced by the female body during childbearing. If a miscarriage occurs, the level of hCG in the blood remains for 5-7 days. The concentration of hCG with a threat of miscarriage or an abortion that has begun will be lower than it should be at this stage of pregnancy.

If the gynecological examination showed that the cervix is ​​open, the pregnancy cannot be saved. With a closed cervix and a live embryo (according to ultrasound), there is a chance of maintaining pregnancy. For this, hormone therapy, antispasmodics and other drugs are prescribed.


For a barely born fetus, the most dangerous period is the time when menstruation was supposed to be, that is, 2-3 weeks of development. A miscarriage at such an early date goes unnoticed, without specific sensations. The first sign is spotting, which differs slightly from menstrual flow.

Typical symptoms:

  1. pain in the lower back, sacrum, coccyx;
  2. cramps in the lower third of the abdomen;
  3. discharge that occurs after a slight delay in menstruation;
  4. the appearance of blood clots and mucus.

It happens that bleeding does not open during a frozen pregnancy. The woman does not notice discharge, she is not tormented by pain, rejection does not occur. The condition is life-threatening, as there is a high risk of infection of the uterus. The fading of the fetus in the mother's womb is associated with a high probability of blood poisoning. Timely made ultrasound allows you to diagnose the condition and take timely measures.

Fetal rejection during a missed pregnancy can occur, but this rarely happens, symptoms:

  • spasms, sharp pain in the lower third of the abdomen;
  • elevated temperature;
  • heavy bleeding.

The volume and color of discharge during a missed pregnancy varies.

Threat of abortion

In a situation where there is a high probability of rejection of the fetus, but this did not happen, there is a threat of miscarriage. The diagnosis is made with an increased tone of the uterus. Against the background of a delay in menstruation, pulling pains in the lower abdomen appear. There are no hemorrhages. The development of bleeding indicates a miscarriage that has begun and requires a different approach to treatment.

Discharge during miscarriage

Uterine bleeding is the most dangerous symptom of a miscarriage. Allocations are weak at first, then intensify. If you visit a doctor at this time, there is a chance to save the fetus.

The deterioration of the condition occurs without prerequisites, suddenly, many factors can provoke a miscarriage. Observing pieces of tissue in such menstrual flow, it is urgent to visit a doctor.

Practice shows that in 80% of cases, the death of the fetus occurs long before the removal of its particles from the female body. For this reason, pieces of tissue, elements of the fruiting egg can be observed, that is, the uterus is cleared gradually. If complete rejection occurs, a grayish bubble is found among the blood-containing secretions. Rarely fix white particles. Pain and bleeding stop 2-3 days after cleansing the body.

If the uterus has been cleaned without drugs and medical procedures, you will not have to be treated. If the ultrasound showed that elements of the fetus and placenta remained in the body, these tissues are urgently removed to avoid infection.

After a spontaneous abortion, menstruation is expected in 1-1.5 months.

If a miscarriage provoked by the unpreparedness of the body for pregnancy occurred at 7-8 weeks of gestation, an egg similar in size to a quail is found in the secretions. The fruit is gray in color with reddish veins.

If rejection occurred at 8-12 weeks, the discharge contains a formed egg, close in size to a chicken, somewhat elongated. The fruit is flesh-colored, with veins.

At an even later date, the fetus leaves the uterus with fragments of the placenta.


A miscarriage indicates that the body is not ready to bear a fetus. But pathology does not put an end to motherhood. Supportive therapy, regular visits to an experienced gynecologist and attention to the body allow a woman to know the joy of having a baby, even in a difficult case.

Risk factors:

  1. emotional stress;
  2. anomalies in the development of the genital organs;
  3. previous abortions and miscarriages;
  4. hormonal disbalance;
  5. pathology of the hemostasis system;
  6. infections;
  7. diseases of the uterus and appendages;
  8. malformations of the fetus.

The beginning of pregnancy is a difficult period for the female body, various factors cause a sharp reaction that provokes rejection of the fetus. Being pregnant and surviving an abortion without complications, one or more children can be easily carried in the future. Knowing in advance what kind of discharge women have with spontaneous miscarriage, the expectant mother can determine that there is a cause for concern.

Do not be afraid!

Rejection of the fetus in the early stages shows that something is wrong with the body. There is no reason to be upset: if the fetus survived, development would most likely go wrong, and the child was born with abnormalities or died during childbirth. Early miscarriage is an evolutionary mechanism that allows strong individuals to survive.

It is important to understand in time that what happened is not menstruation, but the discharge accompanying the miscarriage. This makes a woman take care of her health and exclude such a situation in the future. Once realizing that a miscarriage occurred in the early stages, the expectant mother is more attentive to herself, carefully monitors the symptoms, controls the discharge, knowing what to expect, what to fear, and what signals the normal course of pregnancy.

Summing up

Noting the changes taking place in the body, the changing nature of the discharge, visit a doctor. In the early stages of pregnancy, even if the body is not ready for this, it can be saved. If there are gynecological or hormonal diseases and preservation is impossible, do not panic - rejection of a non-viable fetus does not mean that it will not be possible to give birth in the future.

If a woman has had a natural abortion, plan a new pregnancy in advance. In this case, they register with a gynecologist, regularly undergo examinations and take tests, and strictly follow the prescribed drug support program. This minimizes the risks and allows you to endure and give birth to a healthy baby. You can plan a new pregnancy 3-6 months after the miscarriage and the treatment.