Paper piano. Lesson diagram of an origami piano made of paper. Origami diagram: Piano made from a piece of paper

Good day, my Cookies and just guests of my diary! I'm posting MK for Scrap studio Butterfly and at your request. Finally found the time to tell you how to do paper piano box. Get ready, there will be a lot of photos. I tried to film in as much detail as possible, so that even a beginner could make a piano. Now you will see how simply and quickly you can create such an interior element.

So. Actually, for the piano we need a minimum of materials: Thick cardboard, at least 220 g/cm, size A2, a pencil (I usually don’t use it, this is for clarity), a ruler of at least 30 cm, paper glue (I used moment crystal), stationery or a breadboard knife (not a necessary element at all, you can get by with scissors). You will decorate the piano according to your own wishes. I used a white Mr. Painter stamp pad, dies, and a homemade flower. One more recommendation. First, try your hand at regular notebook sheets, this will help you get better and adjust this model to suit you. It’s much easier to take apart the notebook template and then trace it, and besides, it will remain as a keepsake for you :)

Let's get started! We draw such a template with a width of 13 cm without allowances. The shape of the piano lid, as well as its length (everything after the number 5.5), is taken arbitrarily.

We crease the lines and bend them as I did, and also cut out triangles at the allowances at the bend points for convenience.
Next, we cut out the side wall of the piano and the base for the lid. The height of the side wall is 3 cm.
Don’t be surprised that my sidewall “sticks out”. My notebook template was altered during the modeling process. Subsequently, I carefully cut off these 0.5 cm with a breadboard knife.

Glue the side wall leaving a small allowance. We will need it to form a beautiful side wall. Once glued it should look something like this:

Using this master class as a basis, you will make an unusual piano from candies with your own hands - an alternative to a sweet bouquet of flowers.

The original design of a box with chocolate dessert will not take much time, but will definitely delight the recipient of the gift. You can take a delicious gift to a concert or theater, or give it to a teacher, doctor, boyfriend or girlfriend. The fate of the candy piano is predictable - they will first admire it, and then they will eat it with pleasure with tea or coffee!

Preparation of materials and tools for decoration

To make a sweet piano you will need:

  • candies in a rectangular box;
  • flat portioned sweets or chocolates - at least 14 pieces;
  • two or three colors;
  • black velvet self-adhesive paper;
  • white self-adhesive paper;
  • double sided tape;
  • decorative leaves, beads and other decorative elements at your discretion;
  • satin ribbons;
  • glue gun;
  • stapler;
  • knitting needle or skewer

Step-by-step technique for turning candy into a piano

The box chosen for the step-by-step master class has cardboard inserts. They are convenient to use in further decoration. You can take any other box of chocolates, then the final decor of the piano will be slightly different.

Wrap a rectangular box of candies with corrugated paper.

In order for the paper to be easily removed, it should not be fixed to the box itself; it is better to secure it in strips using a stapler.

The selected box has only one flat (cardboard) side, so it is better to place it with the candies facing down. Glue a rectangle slightly larger in width onto the top of the base so that you get an overhang on one side of 1-1.5 cm. First stretch the edge a little, forming waves.

Place the previously removed cardboard insert on one side (if there is one) over the wrapped box.

Decorate the resulting side folds with ribbon.

The base of the piano with candies is ready. To make flowers, it is better to use Italian-made paper; it is thick, with tight folds, due to which it holds its shape well. The Russian one is thin and has practically no folds, so it doesn’t stretch well and breaks quickly; the quality of the product made from it is much worse.

To make a rose, cut the crepe paper into rectangles. The smaller the rectangle, the smaller the flower.

Stretch the rectangle in the middle and twist the edges with a thin knitting needle or wooden skewer, forming rose petals.

There will be no sweets inside in this color option, like in or in. Twist the first petal into a tube and attach all the other petals to it using hot glue.

Decorate the bottom of the flower with ready-made leaves or make them from corrugated paper.

In order to make a bud, you need narrow strips, 1.5-2 cm wide and about 7-10 cm long, twisted in the center.

From paper scraps, form a ball of the required diameter and wrap it with the prepared strips, laying them with the twist up.

Decorate the bottom of the bud in the same way as on open flowers. Determine the number of flowers and buds at your discretion, taking into account the overall dimensions of the candy piano.

To make piano keys, secure two portioned candies with double-sided tape; they will act as steps for the black keys.

It is better to wrap confectionery products without a solid wrapper in cling film to prevent them from unfolding.

Apply double-sided tape to secure the first white row of keys.

Wrap piano key candies in self-adhesive black and white paper.

There should be at least seven keys in the bottom row and five in the top (one act). Glue a row of white keys onto the base of a candy cane piano. Place a piece of double-sided tape on each black key.

Attach the keys in a certain sequence, as shown in the photo.

Create a composition of flowers and leaves at your discretion. Glue everything with hot glue.

When working with hot glue, the main thing is not to melt the chocolate, so do not heat the gun to the maximum, the glue should be barely warm. Add ribbons, beads, rhinestones, decorative hearts.

At the final stage of the step-by-step master class, inspect the hand-made candy piano and remove all the glue threads, if any remain.

Additionally, you can make a stand for the piano. Beautiful packaging, will give the gift a finished look.

A master class on making a bouquet of sweets in the shape of a piano was prepared specifically for the online magazine “Women’s Hobbies”. See what else you can do with your own hands in this section. Having mastered it, you will not only get rid of problems with flowers, but also earn extra money.

Piano - many people used to have a piano in their home. Now it has given way to a synthesizer, and it doesn’t take up much space, and it will play the music for you. But the piano remains an instrument on which you can play anything or almost everything. It is also better to start learning to play with the piano. Making a piano out of paper is quite simple if you follow the simple instructions in the picture diagram.

Origami scheme: Piano from a piece of paper

(Click on the image to enlarge the image)

Fold the sheet in half.

2. Fold it in half again and unfold it to get a crease.

3. Press the sides of the rectangle to the center fold.

4. Turn out the "pockets" indicated by the white arrows.

5. Straighten them.

6. Fold the white part of the figure along the line marked with a dotted line.

7. Bend it half in the opposite direction.

9. Lower the bent part in the direction of the arrow.

10. It remains only to draw the keys - the paper piano is ready!

Be patient, my dears! It takes approximately 20 hours of work to make a piano. Maybe you will be able to go faster on the beaten path. The main thing is that it is pleasant and joyful for you to create, and you will definitely admire the result. So, let's begin:

Everything we need can be prepared immediately, or gradually as we work:

* a sheet of cardboard or thick paper to match the color of the future piano (in this MK the piano is white, you can make it in any color);
* cardboard 2mm wide (I used a piece of passport) for keys 54x12mm;
* quilling paper:

  • white 330x3 mm (1 pack);
  • white 300x1.5 mm (15 stripes);
  • black 300x1.5 mm (5 stripes);
  • white 300x10 mm (6 stripes);
  • red 300x1.5 mm (54mm);
  • gold domes 330x3 mm (21 mm - 7 mm for three pedals);

*gold silk threads;
*stick (toothpick).

So, the size of the piano is 6x9 cm

STEP 1. Make a template based on the drawing, it will be very helpful in your work. Using the template, cut out the same shape from cardboard - the bottom of the piano body. For convenience, mark the top lightly with a simple pencil...

STEP 2. Strengthen the bottom of the bottom.
15 strips 3 mm wide, cut in half...

Roll rolls with a diameter of 8 mm...

Stick them on the corners first...

Then evenly along the entire perimeter (I used 29 rolls).

STEP 3. Work on the top.
Take 33 strips of 3mm width and cut them in half. Roll the rolls to a diameter of 9 mm...

And give them the shape of a drop.

Now glue the ends of the strips to the parts, at the same time pressing the top of the part, removing the roundness.

This is how it should turn out.
Take 2 more strips of paper 3mm wide, make 4 pieces of 12 cm each, twist 4 rolls with a diameter of 7 mm and give them the shape of a drop.

STEP 4. Assembling the walls of the piano body.
Long side: Glue this way...

19 parts with a diameter of 9 mm and 2 parts with a diameter of 7 mm.

Small side: Glue together 11 pieces of 9mm diameter and 2 pieces of 7mm diameter.
Front wall: glue 13 pieces together.
Back wall: glue 19 parts together.

Glue the remaining 6 parts with a diameter of 9 mm together in threes.

To ensure that the keys are the same size, make two simple templates - two small strips of cardboard 11 mm wide for white keys and 7 mm wide for black keys.

White keys.
Fold a strip of white paper 1.5 mm along the edges of the template 11 mm 4 times (in unfolded form there are 4 fold points), cut it and remove it from the template. One strip of white paper makes 5 keys. A total of 36 white keys are required.
Do the same for the black keys, bending around the 7 mm template 5 times with a strip of 1.5 mm black paper. One strip makes 6 keys. We need 25 black keys.

Glue the ends of all white and black keys.

A piece of white cardboard (from mat) 54x12 mm will serve as a base for the keys.

Glue the white keys evenly and tightly.

Glue a strip of red paper along the edge of the white keys, it will serve as velvet

Now glue the black keys evenly in a certain order, but glue them not in the same way as the white ones, but on the edge.

Glue the finished keyboard into place, retreating 3 mm from the edges. After this, it doesn’t hurt to put the work under a small press for a while until it dries completely.

Now you can glue all the walls of the case except the back wall.

Glue carefully, evenly and tightly.

From strips of paper 10 mm wide, roll 6 rolls with a diameter of 9 mm. Glue them behind the front wall of the piano.

Trace the template onto cardboard. Measure 6 cm as in the picture and draw a straight line. On three sides, step back 4 mm inward and outline.

Cut out the inner shape and cut along the line. It turned out two parts.

On a rectangular piece, make a 2 mm indent along the long side and, using a knife, carefully so as not to cut through, draw a fold line.

Stepping back 1 cm from that line, draw another fold line.

Cut off the corners...

And glue this part to the six rolls and the bottom.

On the figured part, cut out a corner approximately 5x5 mm.
Using scissors, make small, frequent cuts on two opposite sides.

Insert a gold thread into the outer cut and wind the “strings”.

Glue this string blank into the body of the piano.

It's time to put the back wall in its place.

Take the template, step back 3 cm from the front edge, outline the silhouette of the lid on thin paper (tracing paper or a piece of paper for notes).

Insert a piece of paper into the file. Secure with needles along the inner corners, without going beyond the design, otherwise the lid may turn out to be very large. Secure a strip of 3 mm paper around the perimeter.

Cut out a rectangle of paper 6 cm x 6 mm. Draw a fold line along the middle.

Apply glue to one side inside the fold and glue it to the lid.

Take the pieces you set aside earlier and glue them onto the rolls on both sides of the piano.

STEP 10. Music stand.
From seven halves of strips of 1.5 mm white paper, roll 7 rolls and let them unravel to a diameter of 10 mm. Give them the shape of a drop and secure with glue. Glue them together to make half a daisy. On the reverse side, apply a little glue to those vulnerable places that may fall out.

Make cuts on both sides with scissors...

And glue the music stand, it should move freely.

STEP 11.
From half a strip 3 mm wide, roll it into a roll and glue it into the corner.

Cut a thin stick out of a toothpick...

Cut it to size to fit inside, paint it the color of the piano, and glue it back into place in the corner.

Glue the lid to the piano.

On another toothpick, wind a 1.5 mm strip of paper just 2-3 turns, carefully remove it from the toothpick, cut off the excess, fix it with glue, glue it on the square from the 3 mm strip ...

Now glue it to the lid in the place where the stick will rest

From six whole strips of paper 3 mm wide, roll 6 fairly tight rolls, securing the ends with glue. Using a specially sharpened stick (I have a pencil), squeeze out cones of the same size from the rolls ...

Here 13 mm...

Coat the inside thoroughly with glue and let it dry.

Then glue two together.

From half of the strips of 3 mm paper, twist the rolls with such a hole that you can insert the legs into them, putting them on glue.

Take half a strip of 3mm paper. Fold half of this strip already with an "accordion" of 12 mm, then wrap this "accordion" with the remaining strip.
From a strip of gold paper 3 mm, cut out 3 pedals 7 mm long and paste them into the middle of the accordion.

Make drops from 5-6 halves of 1.5 mm strips of paper, giving them the desired shape. Assemble and glue to size. Glue the part to the pedals.

Glue this entire device to the bottom of the piano, defining the middle.

Glue the legs. Please note that you need to glue another roll to the back leg.

And here is the result. Belenky. Chamomile.

Oh! What is that there?

The baby is 4 times smaller than its relatives.

Everything is relative:))). When closed there is less glue cap.

Last tour.

Thank you, dear ones, for watching to the end.