Peeling with natural fruit acids. How does fruit peeling for the face work and what are its beneficial properties? The most effective fruit acids

Fruit peeling is a simple cosmetic procedure that gives a healthy complexion to the skin. At all times, young ladies wanted to be attractive. You can preserve beauty and youth if you constantly take care of your skin, and fruit peeling can also help in this.

Today, women, to take care of their skin, use both various cosmetic products and homemade recipes. One of the most common folk remedies that many beauties choose is fruit peeling at home for the face. This procedure is important for any woman, because with age, irreversible physiological processes occur with the skin. This is one of the most effective methods of cleansing the top layer of the skin. When it is carried out, the updated cells are not affected, but only the stratum corneum is removed.

The whole peeling process is based on the action of alpha hydroxy acids (ANA-acids) or, more simply, fruit acids. They are obtained not only from fruits. So, glycolic acid, which is used in cosmetology, is extracted from sugar cane. Lactic acid perfectly nourishes and moisturizes, tartaric and malic acid increase skin elasticity, and citric acid helps to produce collagen.

This procedure did not appear in modern cosmetology, its use has been known since antiquity. Even in Rus', women used masks to improve the condition of their facial skin with fermented milk products, fruits and vegetables. In ancient Egypt, the sovereigns took baths with milk, washed themselves with wine and made masks from various fruits.

Components used for masks
Having studied the characteristics of the skin and its problem areas, you can choose the perfect ingredients that are right for you. And if you already know what works well for your skin, then immediately read the recipes. However, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the rules for using recipes, which are described below.

Glycolic peeling

This tool quickly penetrates into the pores and well, evenly moisturizes the entire face. Green grapes and sugar cane are rich in glycolic acid.

Let's figure out how to prepare one of the options for glycolic peeling (with grapes).

You will need: a handful of grapes, mineral water, gentle baby soap, cotton pads.

How to prepare and use:

  • Grind the grapes with a blender into porridge;
  • Wash your face with soap and water;
  • Feel free to apply the grape mixture on your face;
  • After about 15 minutes, wash it off with mineral water and soap;
  • Then apply a cream on your face, preferably a moisturizer.

This procedure assists in cleansing the skin before cosmetic procedures, reduces pigmentation and the number of blackheads, fights fine wrinkles and irregularities.

Important! If you notice tingling and slight itching, then it is better to wash off the mask earlier so as not to get irritation.

This peeling is suitable for all ages and for all skin types.

wine peeling

This procedure will help remove toxins and fight pigmentation.

Classic recipe

You will need: dry red wine, cleansing scrub, tonic, cream.


  • To begin with, completely cleanse your face of cosmetics, dirt. It is good to use a scrub for this.
  • Then, apply the toner to your skin with cotton pads.
  • If you are just trying this recipe, then apply the wine on your face for no more than 1 or 2 minutes. For better distribution, use cotton swabs or a cosmetic brush.
  • Then wash with plain warm water.

    If after the first time you did not notice any discomfort, then you can safely keep the wine on your face for 5 or even 10 minutes.

  • As a final touch, to fix the effect, apply a cream on your face (it should not be greasy!).

It is best to use this classic recipe no more than 1 time in 4 days.

Wine peeling with oils

This option is softer than the classic.

Ingredients: a glass of dry red wine, 10 drops of jojoba oil, 10 drops of grape seed oil, 1 tsp. liquid honey.


  • Mix all ingredients. If honey is not liquid enough, then it can be heated in a water bath (just remember to cool it before adding to the mixture).
  • When the mixture is completely ready, soak a piece of gauze in it and place it on your face.
  • Hold for 10 minutes, 2-3 times you can dip the cheesecloth into the wine mass again to refresh it.
  • Walk for another hour with the remnants of wine on your face, without washing off.
  • After that, soak a washcloth in warm water and wipe your face with it.

This procedure will make the face soft, remove keratinized, dead skin, and normalize lipid metabolism of cells.

Lemon peeling

It has a brightening effect when used together with a wine peel. Helps cleanse pores, restore normal complexion and remove traces of pigmentation.

With orange and lemon

Ingredients: orange, lemon, 1 sachet of gelatin.

  • Squeeze juice from orange and lemon.
  • Stir and pour in the gelatin.
  • Put the mixture in a water bath and stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved.
  • Leave on face for approximately 10 minutes.
  • Then wash with warm water.

Lemon with sugar

You will need: 2 tsp. sugar, lemon juice.


  • So much lemon juice should be added to sugar to make a mass similar to sour cream.

    Sugar should not completely dissolve!

  • The finished mixture can be applied to the face, for this it is convenient to use a cosmetic brush. Pay special attention to problem areas.
  • Wash off the mask with water after 15 minutes.

If you apply this peeling constantly, it will help remove freckles and age spots.

With olive oil

Ingredients: lemon juice, olive oil (in equal proportions).

What to do:

  • Mix lemon juice with olive oil.
  • Leave the mass for about 15 minutes.
  • Then rinse.

Such a peeling will wonderfully soothe the skin, saturating it with useful vitamins.

Peeling with lemon juice

You will need: 2-3 tbsp. olive oil, rosehip oil, 1 tsp. lemon juice.

How to prepare and apply:

  • Stir the oils and add lemon juice to them.
  • Apply the warm mixture on your face for 5-7 minutes.

Apple peeling

The product contains up to 15% malic acid. Suitable for reducing skin redness and signs of aging. Such peeling is very useful, regardless of the time of year and age.

Classic recipe

This recipe is for patient beauties, because it has been preparing for a whole week. But the effect is amazing!

Ingredients: apple cider vinegar (preferably homemade), cool boiled water, cloves, lavender (in equal proportions).

How to cook:

  • Dilute vinegar with water (1 to 8).
  • To the resulting mixture, add cloves and lavender (half a teaspoon of dried flowers per 1 cup).
  • Pour the mixture into a bottle and close tightly. It will need to be infused for 7 days, shaking occasionally (store in the refrigerator).
  • When the composition is ready, it must be filtered and only its aqueous part should be used for peeling.

How to use:

Important! Due to the special composition of the classic apple peel, it can only be used as a compress.

After peeling, you need to wash yourself with a terry towel dipped in water and apply a moisturizer to your face.

Do not worry if the skin after the procedure is slightly red, it means that you did everything right! The redness will subside soon.

A simple apple peel recipe

If you do not want to bother with preparation for a long time, then there is a simple apple peel recipe that can be used immediately after preparation.

Ingredients: 2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar, 500 ml of boiled water.


  • Dissolve vinegar in water.
  • We use the mixture in the form of compresses.

The recipe is very simple, but this does not detract from its effectiveness. Such peeling will help get rid of dead cells, keratinized skin, soften the face and refresh it. In addition, such a simple recipe will saturate the surface of the face with beta-carotene, amino acids, vitamins and pectin.

Fruit and berry peeling scrubs

Consider a few more ways that will help refresh your face and remove dead skin layers.

Scrub pineapple with papaya

You will need: pineapple and papaya (2 to 1), 2 tbsp. honey.


  • Mix pre-shredded pineapple and papaya with honey.
  • Keep on the face for no more than 10 minutes.
  • Wash after.

Such a scrub will make the face absolutely smooth.

Exotic scrub

You will need: banana, kiwi, pineapple (the same amount).

Method of preparation and use:

  • Combine all fruits in a blender.
  • Apply the resulting fruit mass on your face for 15 minutes.
  • Wash afterwards.

Such a scrub will perfectly align the face, removing all unnecessary.

Berry mask

Ingredients: 1 apple, bunch of grapes.


  • Make apple puree.
  • Mix it with the juice and pulp of the grapes.
  • Apply to the face in a circular motion (it is recommended to “beat” the mixture on the face with lightly clapping movements of the hand).
  • Leave the mask on for 10-15 minutes.

This recipe helps to tighten the skin on the face and make it supple.

Strawberry Facial Cocktail

Chop strawberries.

For dry skin: mix with olive oil.

For oily skin: with kefir.

Apply with massaging movements on the face, and rinse after 10 minutes. Strawberries help moisturize and nourish the skin of the face.

sour berries

Ingredients: a mixture of sour berries, oatmeal.


  • Boil oatmeal.
  • Then mix it with sour berries (mashed potatoes).
  • Hold for a quarter of an hour.
  • Used to cleanse and nourish the face.

Mask with red currant and grapes

For this recipe you will need: 1 cup ripe berries, 1/2 cup sour grapes.

Method of preparation and use:

  • Mash the components in separate containers and mix the resulting juice.
  • Apply the mask on the face for 7-12 minutes.

Necessary skin care after cleansing

  • After the procedure, it is better not to go outside for several hours.
  • After the end of the complex of procedures in the salon, it is better not to go to the sauna for a month.
  • When using the products at home, do not visit the sauna for several days, due to a more gentle effect.
  • During the week, it is not recommended to use alcohol-based products and other masks.


One of the main contraindications is personal intolerance to the ingredients, pregnancy and lactation, age up to 15 years, open wounds, allergies and herpes.

Contraindications when using certain types of peeling:

  1. Glycolic - in the presence of warts;
  2. Lemon - for dryness and irritation;
  3. Wine - for problems with blood clotting.
  4. Apple - skin diseases.

Recommendations when preparing components for peeling

If the necessary components are not available, they can be replaced with similar composition. Apples are replaced with cherries or strawberries. Orange juice is replaced by grapes. Banana can be replaced with oatmeal with berries. In a mixture with citrus fruits, you can add cucumber juice to improve the whitening effect.

Peeling with fruit acids, which is carried out at home, will help every woman to get healthy, radiant and supple skin.

The effect of peeling on the skin

  1. Peeling, i.e. exfoliation, gently rids the skin of dead cells and saturates it with acids that are found in fruits.
  2. Helps in the fight against mimic wrinkles.
  3. Solves teenage problems in the form of oily skin, acne and blackheads.
  4. Helps moisturize the skin.
  5. Removes acne marks.
  6. Returns elasticity and firmness.

And as you know, fruit acids effectively, with enlarged pores, with acne, moisturize and nourish the skin of the face.

Basic rules for peeling at home

In beauty salons, peeling procedures are selected taking into account the characteristics of each client. For the best effect, several types of peeling can be used. This procedure is not cheap, and to obtain the result, it is necessary to carry out several such procedures.

A simpler and safer method is to peel with fruit acids at home. The most important thing is to perform the peeling in the correct sequence. Before the procedure, you need to prepare and clean the face. For dry skin, it is enough to peel once a week, for oily skin - up to three times.

Main conditions:

  • do not use this procedure in the hot season, the optimal time for its application is the period from late autumn to early spring;
  • check the body's reaction to this mixture, for this, apply a small amount of the composition to the inside of the hand;
  • diligently study the problems of the skin for the correct choice of components;
  • prepare the necessary ingredients before use so that they do not lose their beneficial properties.

The main stages of the procedure

Let's consider, sequentially, all stages of peeling

Facial cleansing

Before the procedure, make-up is removed with a make-up remover. After that, it is advisable to rinse your face with warm water to remove any remaining makeup.

Application to the skin

The product is applied to the face in circular motions with a brush, excluding the area around the eyes and lips. Especially carefully peeling is applied to problem areas of the skin.


After the procedure, the mixture is gently washed off the face with water. You can blot your skin with paper towels. Rinse your face with sage decoction.

Fruit acid peel is a chemical peel that uses fruit acids to rejuvenate and reduce oiliness. Its feature is the ability to penetrate deep into the skin of the patient, up to the dermis.

Synthetic acids are used for cleaning. Most often, the standard composition includes the following of them:

Fruit peeling is rightfully considered one of the safest types of peeling, because it is a superficial procedure that does not violate the patient's usual lifestyle.

The varieties include the following:

  • glycolic;
  • dairy;
  • grape;
  • apple;
  • lemon;
  • wine.

A bit of history

Today it is generally accepted that fruit peeling is an innovation, but in reality, everything is a little different. This type of peeling originated thousands of years ago and was used in ancient Rome. At that time, women made procedures for themselves from grape and lemon juice, sour milk, etc. It is also reliably known that Queen Cleopatra took baths from milk and often washed her face with sour wine.

Photo: facial cleansing with fruit acids

He was also known in ancient Rus'. So, our ancestors made various maxi from dairy products and berries. Modern cosmetology uses AHA acids, discovered a little over twenty years ago.

The fashion went from the United States, where this procedure was done for medicinal purposes. With the advent of some time, scientists realized that such peels are good for the general condition of the skin and began to be used for cosmetic purposes.

How is the procedure

Photo: before and after cleaning the face with fruit acids
  1. Ten to fourteen days before the peeling, preparation is carried out. This stage helps to remove the keratinized layer of cells, which can prevent the penetration of the necessary substances into the deep layers of the dermis.
  2. Immediately before the procedure, all makeup is removed.
  3. The patient is placed on a special, comfortable couch, where his face is cleaned.
  4. Then a gel containing a composition of fruit acids is applied. At this point, a person may feel a slight burning sensation and tingling - this is a normal reaction.
  5. After some time, the gel is washed off.
  6. A moisturizing and soothing (cooling) agent is applied to the skin.


1. Purpose: fight against aging skin, pigmentation and wrinkles.

  • Percentage of acids: varies from 25 to 50.
  • Scrub exposure time: no more than one minute.
  • Number of procedures: 10.

2. Purpose: fight against oily skin, post-acne, age spots.

  • Scrub exposure time: one to two minutes.
  • Number of procedures: 15.
  • Frequency: two to three times a week.

3. Purpose: care for the skin of the back and shoulders.

  • Percentage of acids: from 25 to 50.
  • Scrub exposure time: up to seven minutes.
  • Number of procedures: 20.
  • Frequency: once a week.

Fruit peeling of the face is not a traumatic procedure, however, experts still give several recommendations that it is advisable to follow:

The composition of the applied gel is discussed with the patient in advance. Vitamins A and C are often added to it. As a rule, peeling based on fruit acids is done for about a month and a half at regular intervals and, accordingly, the higher the concentration of acids, the more noticeable the results will be, but at the same time, the number of side effects increases and increases the risk of complications.


Indications for use are the following factors:


Contraindications are the following factors:

  • skin diseases in an active state;
  • tendency to scarring;
  • especially sensitive skin;
  • neoplasms on the skin;
  • tendency to post-traumatic pigmentation;
  • allergy to the components of the composition;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • newly acquired tan.

Video: Facial skin cleansing with fruit acids


Peeling allows you to achieve the following results:

  • get rid of the first signs of aging;
  • restore lost skin elasticity;
  • get rid of scars;
  • normalize the work of the sebaceous glands and, thereby, reduce the fat content of the skin;
  • cleanse pores;
  • get rid of acne and pimples;
  • lighten hyperpigmented areas of the skin.

Cosmetics Jansen

Janssen Cosmeceutical is a German brand, often sold exclusively in salons. Most often, professional cosmetologists work on it, who praise alginate masks suitable for all skin types. This company has long established itself and always carefully works out the formulas for its products.

As a result, their cosmetics contain only the highest quality ingredients, and each of their cosmetic products is aimed at solving one, narrowly focused problem, which allows the most effective ingredients to be concentrated in it.

Here are some Jansen products:

  • Sebo-Control Mask.

It is a cleanser and moisturizer that relieves irritation. Promotes the synthesis of sebum, gives a feeling of freshness and renewal. The mask contains: yeast proteins, aloe, panthenol, tea tree oil, kaolin and biotin. Cost: 250 rubles.

Photo: mask that narrows the pores
  • Regenerating mask "Rich Energy Mask".

The mask saturates the skin with energy and eliminates signs of stress, fatigue, dryness. Gives the face a fresh look, heals and rejuvenates the skin, promotes regeneration processes. The mask contains: shea butter, avocado, sunflower, panthenol, vitamins A and E. Price : 250 rubles.

Photo: energizing regenerating mask
  • Enzyme peeling "Janssen Enzym Peel".

This is a very superficial and mild peeling, excellent for removing enlarged pores, age spots, oily skin and the effects of acne. Cost: 1800 rubles.

Holy Land Products

Fruit peels Holyland are characterized by their natural ingredients. This company uses sugarcane, apples, needles, blueberries and papaya as raw materials.

Thus, users of this line of cosmetics can avoid unwanted side effects associated with skin reactions to various synthetic products.

As a result, it has an effective and gentle effect on the patient's skin cells.

Here are some Holy Land products:

1. ALPHA COMPLEX Rapid Exfoliator is a superficial peel. It is great for all skin types and provides immediate results. The concentration of fruit acids in this peeling reaches 3.8%.

Photo: ALPHA COMPLEX for superficial peeling

It evens out the skin of the face, cleanses and reduces pores, moisturizes the epidermis, smoothes superficial wrinkles, synthesizes the production of elastin and collagen. Cost: 2500 rubles.

2. Lactolan Peeling Cream is an enzymatic and superficial peeling suitable for all skin types except for skin with inflammatory processes. It effectively fights the keratinized layer of cells, eliminates hyperkeratosis, removes comedones, evens out the skin surface, reduces peeling and starts regeneration processes.

Photo: cream for enzymatic and superficial peeling

This peeling contains: 80% specially processed whey, milk proteins, lactic acid, calcium, cheese extracts and kaolin. Cost: 1650 rubles.

3. ALPHA-BETA &RETINOLPreppingLotion - based on salicylic and ascorbic acids. Serves to exfoliate dead skin cells, narrow pores, reduce swelling, smooth the skin and improve metabolism. The composition also includes: lactic, citric, glycolic, malic, tartaric acids.

Photo: facial peeling lotion

Cost: 2200 rubles.

Company Secrets lan

Secrets of lan is a Chinese manufacturer that also occupies a high position in the production of fruit peels for the face. It is characterized by a gentle, but at the same time, an effective method of dealing with skin problems. Serves to increase skin elasticity, stimulates collagen production and increases the rate of skin cell renewal.

Here are some of the Secrets lan products:

1. Rejuvenating face and body peeling “Seahorse”. Stimulates regeneration and metabolic processes, improves blood circulation, nourishes and moisturizes the skin, improves its elasticity and evens out its overall relief. The composition of this peeling includes: liquid propolis, seahorse extract, propanediol, glycerol, glycolic acid.

Photo: Sekrety lan products

Cost: 150 rubles.

2. Regenerating face and body peeling "Placental». Serves for delicate cleansing of the skin, removal of the keratinized layer of cells and promotes the growth of new ones. Evens out the relief, nourishes and moisturizes the skin, and with prolonged use removes small scars after scratches and burns. Returns the natural whiteness and elasticity of the skin. It contains: glycerol, sheep placenta extract, malic, polyacrylic, glycolic acids, vitamin C and triethanolamine.

Photo: placental regenerating cream

Cost: 130 rubles.

3. "Vitamin peeling for body and face Fruit". It consists of five acids: malic, glycolic, citric, polyacrylic and aminoacetic. They have a different mechanism of action and provide cleansing of pores, skin smoothing, renewal of skin epithelial cells and acceleration of metabolic processes. This peel is suitable for all skin types.

Price : 130 rubles.

Fruit peeling at home

Like any other type of peeling, fruit peeling is best done in specialized salons under the supervision of specialists, but if you still choose the method of conducting the procedure yourself, then you must follow a strict algorithm of actions.

  1. Before peeling, the skin must be cleansed. To do this, you can use a cleansing film or tonic. If none of this was at hand, you need to wash with warm water.
  2. After that, a peeling scrub is applied. It should be applied in slow and gentle circular motions, avoiding areas around the eyes. For this procedure, you can use a special brush or sponge.
  3. The scrub is washed off with cool water.
  4. Directly the mass with which the peeling itself will be carried out must be prepared before use. You don't have to prepare it ahead of time. Most often, tropical fruits are used for this: pineapple, papaya, grapes, lemon, apples.
  5. After the mass is ready, you need to test it on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin (for example, on the wrist). If the solution does not cause an allergic reaction, then peeling can be started.
  6. The peeling procedure consists in a gradual increase in the concentration of acids. Start with 5%, then increase to 10%.
  7. After cleansing, a nourishing face mask is applied to the skin.
Attention! It should be remembered that only sparing procedures can be carried out at home, hard procedures are carried out exclusively in cosmetic clinics, under the supervision of specialists.

Video: Facial cleansing at home


Here are some recipes for creating fruit peel mass at home.

  • Orange

This type of recipe will help you improve the condition of the skin, make it smoother and more elastic. To prepare the mass, you will need the following:

  • the pulp of one orange;
  • coffee grounds;
  • a tablespoon of honey.

All of the above ingredients must be thoroughly mixed, and then applied to the face in a circular motion. It is recommended to gently massage the skin for one to two minutes. The mixture itself is left on the face for five minutes, and then washed off with warm water.

  • Apricot

You will need the following ingredients:

  • three pieces of ripe apricots;
  • one tablespoon of honey;
  • coffee grounds.

Apricots are peeled, the pits are removed. In the future, it is mixed with coffee grounds and honey. The scrub is applied with massaging movements and left on the skin of the face for up to three minutes. Afterwards, it is washed off with warm water.

  • Lactic

To prepare it, you will need the following:

  • fifty grams of kefir;
  • vitamin A capsules (one piece).

A capsule is added to kefir and everything is mixed well. This mixture is applied to the skin in the form of layers (there should be at least six of them). In this case, each previously applied layer should have time to dry before you apply the next one.

After the mask has been applied and a dried crust has formed, it is necessary to roll it up with the help of circular movements with your fingers, moving along the massage lines. It is very important that while doing this your hands are moist, but in no case, not wet.

It is important to remember that peeling with fruit acids is designed for an effect that manifests itself within a few days, but by no means instantly. Gradually, the complexion improves, the skin tightens, elasticity returns.

Video: Natural berry or fruit peeling at home


The price varies greatly depending on the cosmetic clinic and the chosen specialist. The average cost is about 2500 rubles, but you can find services for 500 rubles and 6000 rubles. Here is an approximate pricing of clinics.

The peeling procedure at home has been known for a long time. As peeling agents, a variety of agents are used, which differ in composition and the presence of active substances. For example, peelings with fruit acids are popular, which have proven themselves on the positive side, in addition, they can also be used at home.

Fruit cleansing of the skin allows you to remove keratinized microparticles of the epidermis, and a properly performed procedure relieves the face of such an unpleasant phenomenon as fresh acne and their traces. It effectively removes fine wrinkles, improves the color and structure of the face, tightens pores and increases the activity of oxygen metabolism.

How to properly carry out fruit peeling and what fruit acids can be used at home?

Main types of fruit acids

Peeling treatment with fruit acids is ideal for all skin types. After such cleansing, the work of the sebaceous glands is stabilized, the skin tone improves, the likelihood of developing inflammations such as acne and black spots decreases, and it also treats acne. After its application, wrinkles are noticeably reduced, age spots disappear.

For fruit peels, the following types of acids are used:

  • Apple (natural or synthetic).
  • Dairy (all dairy products).
  • Lemon (citrus and pineapple).
  • Wine (wine and grapes).
  • Glycolic (sugar cane, sugar beet).

Varieties of fruit peeling include:

  • Lactic.
  • Glycolic.
  • Apple.
  • pyruvic.
  • Citric.

Each of these procedures differs in individual action:

  1. Apple and wine - brighten the skin and increase its elasticity.
  2. Lemon - activates the production of collagen.
  3. Milk - is a natural moisturizer, visibly brightens the skin and gives it an even color.
  4. Glycolic - not only perfectly exfoliates dead particles of the epidermis, which is typical of all peels, the epidermis, but due to the minimum size of its molecule, it is able to penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin, thereby helping to even out uneven areas of the skin in places where scars and post-scars are present.

Indications for the procedure

The fruit procedure is one of the varieties of chemical peeling, and according to the depth of its effect, it is considered superficial, that is, its action affects the surface layer of the epidermis. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account such an important fact that all these acids at a low pH can also be medium peels, especially glucolic, so you need to pay attention to the proportions of pH with a concentration indicator. The fact is, the higher the percentage of concentration, the higher the pH should be, otherwise you can burn the skin.

Peelings with natural fruit acids are perfect for women with oily, dry and aging skin, pale complexion, owners of freckles and age spots. Acids stimulate the production of collagen, due to which the brightness of wrinkles is reduced. An important advantage of fruit acids is their versatility.

Indications for facial cleansing with fruit acids are:

  • Tired looking skin.
  • Pigmentation.
  • Small wrinkles.
  • Acne.
  • Enlarged pores.
  • Increased dryness.
  • Problematic or oily skin.
  • Decreased elasticity or firmness of the skin.
  • Comedones.
  • Stretch marks.

Regular home peelings with the use of fruit acids help to improve the general condition of the skin, give it a beautiful healthy look, the skin becomes even and velvety.

However, in order to maximize the effect, it is necessary to carefully select cleansers for home use and observe the accuracy of their formulation.

Contraindications for the procedure

Fruit peeling should not be done if at least one of the following factors is present:

  • Inflammation of the skin.
  • Couperose.
  • allergic phenomena.
  • Herpes with exacerbation.
  • Blood pathologies.
  • Hypersensitive skin.
  • Skin damage.
  • Infections.
  • vascular network.
  • Diabetes.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Fresh tan.

For those women whose skin is characterized by increased dryness, it is better to use peeling with lactic acid. After each cleansing, it is necessary to use nourishing creams and regenerating creams with aloe, as well as alginate or special healing masks that will speed up the process of epidermis recovery.

Preparation for peeling

Like any peeling performed outside the beauty salon, the procedure with the use of fruit acids requires advance preparation, which removes dead cells that can hinder the effect of the fruit procedure.

Do not ignore this stage, considering it an unimportant part. Agree, if the skin is carefully prepared for the future procedure, then the effectiveness of the result from it will be higher. So where do you start?

A week before the planned action, try not to injure the skin with any cleansing, give up scrubs, avoid sunbathing. It is also necessary to protect the face from accidental microscopic injuries, since the presence of any cracks or cuts on the face is completely undesirable, they can cause inflammation.


When the skin of the face is prepared, you can proceed to the procedure.

The cleaning itself is performed in the following sequence:

  • First of all, do an allergy test.
  • Remove make-up and impurities.
  • Apply a peeling substance with fruit acids to clean face skin. Perhaps at this stage there will be a slight tingling and burning sensation, which is a natural reaction of the skin to acidic substances.
  • The peeling mixture is kept for a certain time, according to the instructions.
  • Apply neutralizer and hold for 1 minute.
  • Then it is thoroughly washed off with clean cool water.
  • A cream with a moisturizing and soothing effect is applied to the face. In addition, the peeling procedure can be extended with a serum with a mask, taking into account the type of skin.

Do not forget that at home, fruit-acid cleaning can only be performed with the composition of which does not have an increased aggressive effect. Of course, the effect of them will not be as strong as those performed in beauty salons, but they are completely harmless, and the risk of undesirable consequences is minimal. In this case, the final result will be exactly the same as from the salon procedure, but not the first time, but after 3-4 procedures.

Post-peel care

Home procedures for cleansing the face with fruit acids, although they are considered mild, and their action is gentle, after they are carried out, a number of rules must be observed, because such a peeling to some extent destroys the upper layer of the epidermis. Usually, after it, a slight redness is observed on the face, which is considered normal, which quickly passes.

The first days after the procedure, it is imperative to avoid stressful situations, such as sunlight, and trips to the solarium, which is fraught with the appearance of age spots. If you use decorative cosmetics, then choose only hypoallergenic or with a soft structure. Let the skin of the face rest, breathe and absorb useful substances as much as possible.

Also, in the post-peeling period, scrubs and other products with abrasive particles that can damage the epidermis should not be used. An excellent option would be the use of post-peeling products with acids with a low percentage of the acid that was present in the peeling. This approach is explained by the fact that such an amount of this acid is quite enough for it to dissolve exfoliated skin particles without any damage, as well as to prolong the effect of the peeling procedure and contribute to comfortable healing of the epidermis.

Possible complications after peeling

Peeling procedure with fruit acids is one of the most popular types of facial cleansing. When used correctly, it does not cause negative consequences at all, however, in some cases, redness of the skin, peeling, itching discomfort and a feeling of “tightness” of the skin can be observed, which is a normal phenomenon that quickly passes.

Although such a peeling is distinguished by a gentle and gentle effect, however, after its application, the risk of the formation of age spots increases several times. Therefore, it is better to use it in autumn and winter. In order to avoid burns, it is impossible to increase the concentration of the peeling mixture above that indicated in the recipe and the time it is kept on the face. Do not forget that the result of the procedure does not appear immediately, and if you overdo it, you risk waking up in the morning with severe redness and damaged skin.

Peeling at home

For home use, it is necessary to select superficial fruit peels, this will be enough to get a positive result. The use of fruit peels with a higher content of acids can lead to burns of the epidermis, they are made only in salons.

Also, do not forget that the peeling mixture should not be applied around the eyes, unless it is indicated in the instructions, as there are peeling products for the skin around the eyes. If this is the first procedure for you, then the time should not be more than three minutes, but the duration of the next one can be increased by a couple of minutes. In the event that pre-peeling preparation was not performed, then you should not keep peeling for more than 1 minute for the first time.

How often can you exfoliate

Each woman has an individual skin type, so the frequency of fruit-acid should be carried out taking into account this important nuance and according to the information indicated in the instructions.

Also an important point is the age of the woman and the individual characteristics of the condition of her facial skin. The optimal frequency for peeling with fruit acids is once a week. However, for oily skin, the procedure can be done 2 times a week, but for dry skin - 1 time in 14 days.

To become the owner of a healthy, young, glowing skin from within these days is not difficult at all. Certain cosmetic procedures are so effective and easy to carry out that they can be easily carried out not only in the salon, but also at home. The most popular is peeling with fruit acids. Its distinctive features are a minimum of contraindications and side effects, the ability to eliminate fine wrinkles, improve the structure and color of the skin.

general information

Procedures of this kind involve the use of fruit acids, which are naturally found in berries and fruits, and they owe their official name to them.

Hundreds of centuries ago in Rome, Greece, Egypt and even in Rus', juices and pomace were used to maintain youth through lotions, masks and even baths.

Depending on the type and intensity of modern preparations used, peeling with fruit acids can be either superficial or medium.

At the same time, most experts still agree that such an intervention can be considered the most gentle and delicate, as well as very effective at the same time.

The main types of acids

There are several types of fruit acids, each of which has certain characteristics and purposes.

So, it is customary to allocate drugs based on:

  • Citric acid. Extracted from citrus fruits and pineapples. It is used infrequently and not in its pure form, it has excellent disinfecting and brightening properties.
  • Malic acid. It is found naturally in tomatoes and, of course, apples. Actively promotes the stimulation of internal regenerating processes and strong exfoliation of the skin.
  • Glycolic acid. Found in cane and green grapes. Due to the minimum size of the molecules of the substance, it easily penetrates into the pores and is absorbed almost in full. Reviews of experts contain information that peeling with glycol elements is indicated in the fight against increased pigmentation.
  • Tartaric acid. The source is fermented wines, various grape varieties and even oranges. It helps to replenish the lack of moisture, eliminate dead cells through pronounced peeling and deeply moisturize the skin.
  • lactic acid. Contrary to popular belief, it is found not only in dairy products, but also in apples, blueberries, other fruits and even vegetables. It is used most often, characterized by maximum hydration of the dermis.

Fruit peeling has quite a lot of different indications, among which, first of all, it should be noted:

  • Pale, unhealthy complexion, gray skin tone.
  • Heterogeneous structure of the skin, tuberosity.
  • Reduced tone of the dermis, prevention of the appearance and development of ptosis.
  • The first, shallow mimic wrinkles.
  • Acne rash.

In cosmetology, fruit peels are mainly used for face and neck skin care. They are chosen by girls over the age of 25.

Procedures involving superficial effects are good as a preventive measure, median methods are more relevant for the treatment of moderate problems.

Operating principle

At its core, any chemical peel (all fruit peels belong to this type) is a slight burn of the skin, through which the removal of the upper layer of the dermis, moisturizing and launching its protective functions (recovery, collagen production, normalization of blood circulation processes) is achieved.

Main stages

Peeling with fruit acids refers to procedures, the positive result of which is formed only after visiting several cosmetic sessions.

Their exact number is determined by a specialist, but on average, the course of treatment and rejuvenation is about 8 - 10 peels with an interval of 7 to 14 days.

If you want to take such a course, it is recommended to visit a specialist in advance for a consultation. At this stage, the cosmetologist will tell you about contraindications and possible negative consequences of exposure, determine the type of facial skin and existing problems, the type of AHA acids needed and their allowable concentration.

It would be useful to clarify with a specialist and the need for preliminary training. In most cases, face peeling is carried out after a week of application of creams with a low content of fruit acids.

The session itself lasts approximately 30 minutes. During this time, the specialist manages to carry out a preliminary cleansing of the skin from external impurities and makeup, treat problem areas with the selected composition, withstand the required amount of time for therapeutic exposure, neutralize it, wash off the remnants of the drug and apply a soothing mask.

Rehabilitation is carried out at home and is very easy to carry out. So, the skin will need to be moisturized regularly.

The easiest way to do this is with thermal water purchased at a pharmacy. Do not forget about oily ointments that promote skin regeneration and nutrition. Most often, Panthenol, Bepanthen and Solcoseryl are used for these purposes.

We should not forget about protecting the skin from the sun's rays with the help of cosmetics with a high protection factor.

Peeling based on AHA acids is tolerated quite easily by most patients. In the process of performing the manipulations, severe pain is not felt, a slight burning sensation is considered a rare reaction, which passes rather quickly and does not cause any inconvenience.

At the same time, one should not forget that side effects may well appear after the procedure. Thus, patient reviews indicate the frequent manifestation of redness of the skin, swelling, itching and burning, mild pain, a feeling of tightness and peeling.

In some cases, more pronounced negative reactions (burns, allergies) can be observed, but this happens extremely rarely.


The use of AHAs for cosmetic purposes is very safe and useful, but must be done wisely. To do this, it is mandatory to adhere to the list of basic contraindications, which includes the following items:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • A sharp decrease in immunity, accompanied by an exacerbation of chronic diseases, viral infections and other manifestations of a similar nature.
  • Oncology, diabetes.
  • Individual intolerance to the components in the preparation for peeling.
  • Hypersensitivity of the skin, tendency to scarring, severe sunburn.
  • Open wounds, herpes, active inflammatory processes on the skin of the face or body.

Fruit peeling therapy is considered quite an expensive pleasure, and the reviews of many patients confirm this statement.

On average, the minimum price of a session starts from 2,000 rubles, but in the end it can be four or five thousand. The final amount usually depends on factors such as:

  • The type and concentration of the drug used.
  • The experience and qualifications of a specialist, the pricing policy of a salon or a medical clinic.
  • The size of the problem area and the complexity of the problem.

Fruit peeling at home can be performed superficially, or as a replenishment and cleansing of the middle layer of the skin.

First of all, you need to decide on the purpose of the procedure, if you just need to get rid of acne or acne, then we use a superficial scrub, but if the problem is wrinkles, then we need a deep homemade fruit peeling of the face.

Step-by-step instructions: how to do peeling yourself

First you need to cleanse your face, this can be done with ordinary soap and water, or by wiping the pores with a cotton swab with lotion. Next, prepare yourself a mixture for the procedure.

There are several proven recipes that you can easily make at home fruit face scrub:

  1. Honey and pineapple. A little exotic won't hurt us. We cut off a few slices of pineapple (approximately 200 grams without peel), rub and mix with two tablespoons of natural, slightly heated honey. If our mixture turned out to be somewhat watery, then you can add a little crushed oatmeal to it. Keep the mask on the face for 10 minutes;
  2. orange and coffee. The first method refers to gentle means, the same recipe is more like a median peeling. Its basis - antioxidants, which are contained in coffee, help get rid of wrinkles, give the face a healthy and bright color. Mix the pulp of half of the fruit with a spoonful of ground natural (not instant!) Coffee, add one spoonful of heated honey, mix until smooth and apply on a clean face. Leave for 10-15 minutes, then carefully wash your face (do not use water, something softer is better, say, herbal decoction). Lemon peeling can be done in the same way, simply by replacing the main component;
  3. Grape mask. Grapes are very useful for children and pregnant women, their fruits contain a lot of sugar, which is so important for normal life, and the seeds help with many chronic diseases. In addition, this is a popular procedure, since fruit grape peeling is very simple to make. You only need 5-8 berries. We knead them into gruel and wipe the face. You can mix the fruits with oatmeal or green tea (1:1). Keep on the face for 10 to 15 minutes;
  4. kiwi banana. Exotic fruits are one of the best sources of skin-friendly acids. The pulp of one kiwi and banana should be mixed and applied evenly on the dermis, hold for 10 minutes;
  5. Well cleanse and rejuvenate the skin without surgery strawberry peeling. We knead 4 berries, mix with a spoonful of honey and apply on the face, wash off after 15 minutes. This is a great recipe for a fruit peel on mature sensitive skin or body.

In addition, at home, you can use special ready-made mixtures with which fruit chemical peeling is easier and more pleasant.

You can buy ready-made fruit peeling either in a specialized store or order it on the official website of the manufacturer. Before applying the mixture on your face, try to watch a video on the topic and purchase special tools: a spatula, sponges, napkins, an eye patch, sticks.

A blend of exotic fruits for skin beauty.


  • 200 g pineapple
  • 1 kiwi fruit
  • 1 banana.

Peel the fruit, beat the banana with a mixer and add chopped kiwi and pineapple. This mixture is applied to cleansed skin for 15 minutes. After the end of the session, wash your face with cool water.

Orange peel.


  • orange,
  • natural honey,
  • coffee grounds.

The fruit pulp of the fruit is mixed with the rest of the components until a homogeneous mass is obtained. When applying the mixture on the face, it is recommended to carry out a light massage. Peeling should be kept for no more than 5 minutes. The acids contained in the orange make the skin supple, velvety and very soft.

Lemon peel.

To create this mixture, we need a small amount of lemon juice, rosehip oil and olive oil. To prepare the mask, you need to take these ingredients in a 1: 1 ratio and add a little lemon juice.

The resulting mass must be heated, but not brought to a hot state. A warm composition is applied to the face with a swab. After 5-7 minutes, the face must be rinsed with water.


What is the effect of fruit peeling on the skin of the face?

Thanks to fruit acids, dead cells are exfoliated, which interfere with the physiological processes occurring in the skin. After the procedure, the skin becomes fresh, soft and velvety.

How many procedures do you need to do to get a good effect?

It all depends on the skin and the problems that need to be addressed. Most often, patients are prescribed 6-10 procedures. Break between peels 7-10 days.

Peeling with fruit acids is recognized as one of the most common cosmetic procedures. Such a safe manipulation helps to effectively cleanse the skin of the face and provide it with the necessary moisture. You can do the procedure both in the salon and at home.

Features of fruit peeling

The procedure using fruit acids has been used for a long time. So, even in the days of Ancient Egypt, women used lemon and grape juice as a mask. If we talk about modernity, then about 20 years ago AHA acids were discovered, popularly known as fruit. Peeling using such substances was first used for treatment. Subsequently, it became known that it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. At the same time, tone improves, wrinkles decrease, and pigmentation brightens.

Peeling with acids allows you to weaken the bonds between dead skin cells, so that they are easily exfoliated. This treatment is ideal for really dry skin. After applying a special composition, new cells are regenerated, the skin is saturated with moisture and elasticity is increased. Acids cleanse the sebaceous glands, which helps reduce the likelihood of acne and comedones. In addition, there is a normalization of fat balance. If you regularly peel with fruit acids, the effect of any creams and lotions will improve significantly.

Indications and contraindications

At the fruit peel There are several main indications:

In order for such a procedure not to lead to negative consequences, it is important make sure there are no contraindications. They are commonly referred to as:

  • recent hair removal in any way;
  • the use of exfoliating scrubs and products based on retinol;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • herpetic eruptions;
  • warts;
  • allergic reaction to acids;
  • various damage to the skin;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • recent sunburn;
  • burns.

If you want to try fruit peeling, be sure to take into account the characteristics of the skin. This is the only way to find the components that are best suited for you.

If you want to achieve excellent results, then be sure to combine several varieties. Naturally, it is better to entrust their choice to an experienced cosmetologist.

Features of the procedure

As a rule, the course of peeling with fruit acids includes at least 5-7 procedures, between which there is a break for one week. The result depends on the concentration of the substance. If it is high, then exfoliation will be really noticeable, however, minor discomfort may occur during the procedure. In the first sessions, the minimum ratio of components is usually applied. Over time, it is gradually increased, achieving the desired effect.

Facial peeling carried out in several stages.

  1. First, the specialist prepares a container for mixing the components, as well as cotton pads, a special brush and a towel.
  2. Next comes a thorough cleansing of the face. For these purposes, a tonic or gel is used.
  3. Then the master prepares the mixture. It must be done immediately before application, since substances can quickly lose their properties.
  4. During the procedure, the composition is applied to the face, avoiding areas around the eyes.
  5. To wash off the substance, only cool water is used.
  6. After the procedure, the face is gently wiped with a towel. You can also apply a soothing mask or wipe the skin with a decoction based on oak bark or sage.

Within 3 weeks after the procedure, the likelihood of developing age spots. To avoid this, you must regularly use sunscreen with SPF-30. Other creams and tonics are selected individually. To do this, the cosmetologist must take into account the acids used, as well as the type and condition of the skin. The client is obliged to follow all the recommendations in order to consolidate the result and avoid complications.

If you want to do the procedure yourself, still consult a beautician. The specialist will help determine the type of skin, take into account all the individual characteristics, on the basis of which he will recommend the composition.

In any case, first of all, you need to do a test. This will require the minimum concentration of the drug which is applied to the skin. Naturally, if you are allergic to any component, you will have to refuse peeling.

If there was no negative reaction during the test, you can start preparing for the procedure. We are talking about the preparation of the composition. For the first sessions, a concentration of no more than 5% is required. Subsequently, it can be increased up to 10%. It is important to take into account the fact that fruit peels provide a gradual effect, that is, the final result will be noticeable after 2-3 days.

Today, in any pharmacy, you can find special preparations designed for independent acid peeling. The advantage of such products is the optimal concentration of substances. If desired, you can make a mixture with your own hands using simple products. The result is a very efficient and more gentle remedy.

  • Pomegranate peeling will require pomegranate seeds, lemon juice and honey in a ratio of 2:1:1. The ingredients are ground with a blender, and then rubbed into the steamed skin of the face. After 10 minutes, the mixture is removed with a special cosmetic tissue.
  • The sugar-lemon composition provides an exfoliating and whitening effect. To perform the procedure, it is enough to dip a cotton pad in lemon juice, and then pour a little sugar on it. After that, you need to rub the skin of the face for 3-5 minutes. Next, it is recommended to apply a soothing mask.
  • To prepare an orange peel, you need 2 tbsp. l. zest and 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal. The components are crushed and poured with a small amount of warm milk. The mixture is gently rubbed into the face and left for 5-7 minutes.
  • For pineapple peeling, you will need 150 g of pineapple pulp, 2 tbsp. l. honey and 1 tsp. oatmeal. The components are mixed and applied to the face. After 10 minutes, this agent is washed off.
  • Grape peeling can be prepared using 3 tbsp. l. ripe grapes and 1 tsp. oatmeal. The crushed components are kept on the skin for 7-10 minutes.

Fruit peel helps improve the condition of the skin, restore its smoothness, as well as remove acne and blackheads. This procedure is recommended to be performed in the salon, but if you wish, you can do the peeling yourself.

Peeling with fruit acids