Planning 2 pregnancy where to start. Planning a second pregnancy is easy and hassle-free. weight and conception

Until recently, it seemed to you that pregnancy, childbirth and the first months with a baby turned you into an exhausted, deflated ball. But time passes, forces return, and I want to relive everything again. From this moment, the planning of the second pregnancy begins.

When is the best time to have a second child? It is believed that the ideal time is 2-5 years after the first pregnancy.

This is due to hormonal changes in the body. In addition, the first pregnancy and breastfeeding lead to a deficiency of vitamins and minerals in a woman's body. And it takes time to restore balance.

Due to hypovitaminosis, hair can fall out, nails can peel off, and the skin can peel and crack. However, this is not the most important thing. For the development of the child, again, vitamins and minerals are needed. As a result, the woman's body will lose them, which can lead to even greater problems. As a result, the risk of miscarriage increases. Or the baby can be born weak and with a small weight.

While the first child is very small, asking for arms, and you are forced to carry a stroller, it is undesirable to become pregnant. After all, lifting weights over three kilograms (and the child weighs much more) is contraindicated for a pregnant woman: this is fraught with miscarriage.

If you are going to get pregnant after 2-5 years, these are the optimal dates. The body "remembers" the first pregnancy, there are good chances that the birth will be faster and easier.

If you are planning a second child after 7 years or more, the body has time to “forget” about the first pregnancy and childbirth. There is nothing wrong with this, but be prepared for the fact that you will have to give birth as long and difficult as the first time.

But, of course, if you become pregnant earlier than two years later, and even earlier than a year later, this does not mean that you need to terminate the pregnancy. Millions of women have given birth to healthy babies. And you will succeed too.

Important nuances

There are many factors to consider when deciding when to plan for a second baby.
Do not rush to conceive if the first child was born by caesarean section. In this case, it is imperative to examine the condition of the scar on the uterus, which must heal, otherwise there is a possibility that it will disperse. It is optimal to become pregnant 2-3 years after cesarean.

It is also advisable not to rush to conceive a second child if you have been treated with antibiotics or other potent drugs. This is additional stress for the body, which requires longer term d for recovery.

Boy? Girl?

Many mothers notice a trend: if you conceived in the first year and a half after the birth of your first child, then the second baby will be of the same sex. That is, if the firstborn was a girl, then in a year and a half or two years you will give birth to a second. The same applies to boys. If the planning of the second child begins in two years, then it is highly likely that the children will be of different sexes. However, doctors do not confirm this version. The only way that has a scientific explanation is planning the sex of the child by ovulation.

Firstborn reaction

We must not forget that the appearance of a second child is a responsibility and stress not only for you, but also for your first child. He may not understand why another child should appear in your life. And even blame yourself for the fact that he does something wrong and they want to replace him with another.

He definitely needs to be explained that they will not love him less, that he is not to blame for anything at all, and this, on the contrary, is a great joy. Your first baby should understand that he is also responsible for his brother or sister, that he can take care of him, and in the future, the children will be able to walk and play together.

When planning a second child, you need to not delay talking with the first baby so that he can mentally prepare for this. The more time he has, the easier it will be for him to accept this situation. In addition, this can be a good reason to develop independence if your first child is already at least 3-4 years old.

Planning stages

A prepared and planned pregnancy will be very different from a spontaneous one. Naturally, for the better. How to start planning a second pregnancy?

Wanting a child does not mean having such an opportunity.

Which doctors to go to

Preparing for a second pregnancy should begin with a visit to the doctors.

  • If you have chronic diseases, visit a specialized doctor, achieve remission.
  • If you are taking hormonal drugs (for example, for thyroid diseases), visit your endocrinologist and say that you are planning a child. He will adjust the dose.
  • Heal your teeth.
  • Visit a therapist, take general blood tests and urine. They'll tell you if there's inflammation in the body. It is important to be cured before pregnancy. After all, a pregnant woman should not use most drugs. Yes, and there will simply be little time for treatment.
  • A visit to the gynecologist is mandatory even if you feel well. Indeed, even a slight dysbiosis of the vagina (violation of the microflora) or erosion can lead to pregnancy pathologies.
  • Often women should "drink" preparations containing vitamins and folic acid. But you need to consult your doctor about this.
  • It is important for a husband to visit an andrologist or urologist.

weight and conception

When planning a second pregnancy, pay attention to yours. If it differs greatly from the norm (in one direction or another), this is a negative factor. Because both excess and lack of fat in the body affects the hormonal balance.

Sometimes the only answer to the question "how to conceive a child?" It's about "losing weight". Obesity should be tackled gradually, carefully and in advance. Since extreme diets and excessive intense training again lead to hormonal disruptions.

The ideal weight for conception is not a “model” weight at all. Lack of fat mass is very harmful, it can lead to a lack of ovulation and even to amenorrhea (absence of menstruation).

Nutrition should be healthy and balanced. You should eat more fruits, vegetables, steam and stews, rich in vitamins, minerals, trace elements.

What to give up

Here's what conscientious moms refuse:

  • Alcohol
  • "Unhealthy" foods: fried, smoked, fast food. Read the labels: even innocent products like yogurt or cookies can contain many harmful artificial additives.
  • Smoking.
  • To conceive a child, you need to give up hormonal contraceptives. It will take at least 3 months to restore reproductive function.

This last point does not apply when a doctor prescribes COCs for pregnancy. Sometimes women come to the gynecologist with the question: "How to quickly get pregnant with a second child?". And the doctor, after examining the hormonal profile, can prescribe contraceptives for a short time. Immediately after their cancellation, the probability of conception increases (the so-called rebound effect).

Your partner will also need some restrictions, as he also contributes to whether you can quickly become pregnant with a second child. The future father should not drink alcohol, as well as go to the bath or sauna. An andrologist may recommend taking medications to improve sperm quality.

First and second - is there a difference

Planning for the second time should be approached as thoroughly as when planning the first pregnancy. Now a woman already knows how to get pregnant, what changes occur in her body. But keep in mind that the second pregnancy is different from the first.

  • It usually proceeds more easily (although, of course, there are exceptions). The body "remembers" the process of gestation and childbirth, it is easier to adapt to changes.
  • Varicose veins (if you have this problem) will get worse.
  • You will feel fetal movements about a month earlier.
  • The fetus is located slightly lower than with the first child. This relieves heartburn, but sometimes leads to frequent urination.
  • You will most likely need a bandage, even if you didn't wear one during your first pregnancy.
  • Childbirth is faster. But the pain usually doesn't get any better.

Psychological readiness

It is necessary to plan the second pregnancy as carefully as the first, and often even more responsibly approach this issue. Along with the physiological health of the mother, her psychological state plays an important role. For example, if there were any complications during the first pregnancy, then it is quite difficult to decide on the second one. After all, it is not easy to experience the fear of losing a child again. Family relationships are also important. It is much easier to prepare for a second pregnancy when you have a trusting relationship with your husband, when he supports, cares and also wishes for the baby to appear.

If the first pregnancy was easy, then this does not mean that the second should be left to chance. There will always be a difference. And if the first pregnancy was difficult, then the second, on the contrary, can pass in one breath. When deciding to conceive a second child, one should not forget that two children are already a double responsibility: both psychological and material. Therefore, the issue must be taken very seriously.

Pregnancy is the ideal time for the flowering of the feminine in any woman. A pregnant woman is always beautiful. Personally, I am against abortion, but for family planning. It allows you to foresee a lot, and avoid unpleasant moments during the bearing of a child and in the first time after his birth.

Planning allows you to carefully prepare for replenishment in the family. If it already has one child, most spouses sooner or later have the question of when to go for the second. Society demands one thing, one's own inner voice suggests the second, doctors' opinions express the third. How to navigate a woman? First of all, the psychological and physiological factors of the spouses' readiness for the birth of another baby are important. Let's weigh everything together.

Medical factors

The reproductive function of a woman, as you know, is restored immediately after the end of breastfeeding, and it happens that before (hence the considerable number of unplanned pregnancies!). World Health Organization experts have calculated that A woman needs at least 30 months to fully recover from a normal birth. During this time, the muscular tissue of the walls of the uterus and the hormonal background are restored. Pregnancy, which occurred after 12 months after childbirth, according to doctors, is too early, because the woman's body is still fairly exhausted.

Pregnancy that occurs at this time can be problematic, and the consequences for the health of the baby can be negative. If the uterine tissues have not fully recovered, miscarriage is possible, and the risk of miscarriages in the early stages increases. Uteroplacental blood flow can be seriously affected, which means that the risk of fetal hypoxia increases significantly. During pregnancy, which occurred before the woman's body has recovered, there may be problems with the attachment of the location of the placenta. There is a high risk of giving birth to a small fetus and the occurrence of anemia in pregnant women.

If the first child was born by caesarean section, the doctor recommends a three-year break. Pregnancy that occurs earlier than this period can lead to uterine rupture along the scar, and this is a direct threat to the woman's life and an almost one hundred percent probability of fetal death against the background of uterine divergence along the scar and internal bleeding.

When planning a second pregnancy, it is advisable to undergo a medical examination for the viability of the scar. It should not have niches, refinements. The parameters are determined by ultrasound. The thickness of the scar itself does not mean anything. As doctors assure, scars - both thick and thin, are torn equally quickly.

I carried my youngest son with a uterine scar only 6 mm thick. Initially, not a single doctor believed in the success of this event in the early stages. All 9 months I was supported by the understanding of the main thing - the scar was wealthy. It is also difficult to judge the number of caesarean sections. Official medicine assures that it is safe to endure and give birth surgically to two babies.

Optimistic doctors calmly look at the third pregnancy after two caesarean. My personal experience is four caesarean sections. Without complications. With big and healthy kids. I read somewhere that doctors can perform up to seven operations, but this was practiced only in Western clinics. Russian maternity hospitals treat the third caesarean with caution. What can we say about the next!

If a lot of time has passed after the first birth, it is difficult for a woman to decide on a second pregnancy. And given that the first birth now often occurs at 30 years old, the second often falls on 35-40 years. At this age, the main difficulty lies not even in the difficulty of bearing a child, but in the ability to simply conceive it, since the reproductive function of a woman (fertility level), starting from the age of 35, is rapidly fading away. A woman's ovaries develop their resource gradually, there are less and less eggs in them, and not every cycle is already accompanied by ovulation. In addition, at this age, the lady has already acquired chronic diseases that can have a negative impact on the bearing of the fetus and the process of childbirth.

However, the modern level of medicine allows a woman to endure and give birth to a completely healthy child even at the age of 45. And the screening studies carried out by all pregnant women make it possible with a very high degree of probability to establish the risks of having a child with genetic pathologies. Methods of invasive diagnostics only refine this result up to 99.9%.

In late pregnancy, believe me, there are many advantages. A woman is more calm, she is confident in her future and already knows how to deal with babies. It is difficult to knock her out of her usual rhythm with life's difficulties, and, as a rule, she already knows exactly what she wants from life.

The general rule: if a woman is healthy, feels good, then problems with conceiving and bearing a child should not arise either at 30 or at 45 years old.

Psychological aspects

Consider the age difference between children. The optimal difference is 5-6 years.

A number of psychologists believe that the weather is easier to find a common language, and there is a great deal of truth in this. But the one-year-old baby is still in dire need of knowledge of the world, and he intends to do this through a familiar communication channel - constant contact with his mother. He needs to show and tell everything, explain and interpret. Everything that happens around, he associates primarily with his mother. It can be difficult for a parent to give the right amount of attention and time to both the first child - the explorer of the world, and the second - the baby, who physiologically needs the constant presence of the mother.

The weather usually does not make a difference between themselves, they have the same daily routine, the same toys. Often they, like twins, say "we" instead of "I". On the one hand, it is easier for a mother, on the other hand, it is much more difficult, because each of the babies can get sick, and then it will be almost impossible to share personal time between the crumbs.

Two year olds are extremely jealous, and can very painfully accept the fact that a brother or sister is born in their life. Reasonable arguments of adults about a future family member in their 2 years old are not yet able to fully accept and realize. He has emotions that are still hard to put into words. Therefore, the strong stress that the baby will receive when a brother or sister appears accumulates inside the baby and can cause serious psychological disorders.

Three-year-olds, and this is the age of the first age crisis, are generally quite irreconcilable. They already know how to compete uncompromisingly and fiercely for the attention of their mother and father. If grandmothers come to help in care and upbringing, this only complicates the situation - the first baby - the three-year-old begins to clearly feel like the second. This is unacceptable for him.

Children at the age of 4 can already adequately understand the significance of a significant event that happened in the family. They are already able to take care and the issue of mother's belonging to someone is already closed for them - they know for sure that their parents love and appreciate them.

From the age of five and older, children perfectly understand causal relationships, and are able to correctly understand your explanations about the imminent appearance of a second child in the family. However, the greater the difference, the stronger the younger baby will perceive a brother or sister as another parent. Yes, and joint leisure for children, if it is, it will by no means become interesting for both. The guys have very different interests.

My opinion on this matter is unequivocal - you can’t turn an older child into a nanny for a baby. It is one thing to provide one-time assistance: to give powder or bring a pacifier, it is another thing to instruct the child to occupy almost all the leisure time of the youngest.

The older child should have his own life. He has a right to it. Consider his interests when planning the birth of a second or subsequent baby.

In the following video, you will hear about the most common mistakes parents make when they decide to have a second child.

How to inform an older child about pregnancy?

In any case, it is necessary to inform the first child about the upcoming appearance of a brother or sister. It is criminal to keep silent about the reasons why the mother's belly has noticeably rounded. The kid, regardless of age, is already a full member of the family, and must remain so, no matter what happens. In a conversation, the child needs to present information about the upcoming replenishment in an extremely positive way. Emphasize how great it is to be the elder and take care of the baby!

How to help an older child accept a second baby?

  • Combine two things. While feeding the younger child, you can tell fairy tales to the older one. You can ask an older child to help with the housework: load diapers into the washing machine, for example. My son (3 years old) loves to wash diapers with me, and is happy to serve baby cream and clean diapers. The older toddler feels needed and important, almost an adult man. Don't let him get older!
  • Don't shame your older child if for some reason he allows open manifestations of jealousy towards the baby. Do not appeal to his conscience - it is useless.
  • Do not force the elder to show love and care towards the younger. Brotherly and sisterly feelings always come. But not always exactly at the time when you need it. Understand that everything happens in a timely manner.

In the next video, the famous pediatrician Komarovsky considers questions about the first child's jealousy of the newborn.

When is the second child to be born?

There is no exact timeline for the birth of a second child. It's up to you to decide. If you feel your physical and psychological readiness for the birth of another baby, go ahead and with a song! Consider your financial options. Create a "safety cushion" as much as possible. And remember, if God gave a child, He will give a child too! I never understood how this truth "works", but it really works, and there are always funds for a crumb.

The decision to have a second child should be made taking into account the psychological climate in the family.

Remember that never a child strengthened marriages that are on the verge of collapse. The opinion that another child will unite the family is wrong from the very beginning. If you really want a second child, and there are conflicts and difficulties in the family, go for it, because a woman's biological clock is ticking every year! But be prepared that you will have to educate him alone.

Never let anyone manipulate you. The decision to have another baby is your own business! Neither mother, nor mother-in-law, nor girlfriends, nor relatives have the right to put pressure on you, reproaching that you are not in a hurry with a second baby or, on the contrary, are pregnant again when no one expected it. In the end, planning is in the hands of man, and a new life, whatever one may say, is in the hands of divine providence.

How to avoid childish jealousy at the birth of a second baby, see the following videos.

Be sure to watch the next program, in which psychologist Natalia Kholodenko, using examples, tells how to behave in a given situation with two children.

And about what mistakes parents often make, as a result of which children become enemies, see the next video.

Many parents dream of big family, therefore, after a while after the birth of the first child, they begin to think about the second. But the mother's body must gain strength for subsequent pregnancy. This process takes a certain amount of time.

  • Recovery of the body

    Making a decision about a second pregnancy is not easy for every woman. After giving birth, it takes time for the body to recover. The following factors play a significant role:

    • Moral mood.
    • material stability.
    • Firstborn preparation.
    • Restoration of the hormonal background.

    Pregnancy leaves an imprint on maternal health. After labor, the body recovers for several months. If the birth was carried out by caesarean section, then this period may be even longer. In addition, by the time of re-conception, the scar from the operation should be completely healed. This is determined by the gynecologist as part of a routine examination.

    ADVICE! If the first child was born after 25 years, then the second conception does not need to be delayed. Experts note that subsequent pregnancy is better no later than 4 years later.

    Recovery period largely depends on the duration of breastfeeding. Some mothers can only breastfeed for the first few months. And in others, the lactation period is seamlessly carried out up to 1.5–2 years.

    After stopping feeding, it is necessary to restore menstrual cycle. Prolactin produced during breastfeeding blocks, making conception impossible. For this reason, there are no periods during this period.

    The first menstruation is usually painful and heavy. Many women have significant cycle disorders. More often, hormonal background recovers on its own. But sometimes you may need the help of qualified specialists.

    In some women, during the first pregnancy, exacerbate chronic diseases. After childbirth, they do not disappear, continuing to progress. To facilitate the course of the next pregnancy, it is desirable to get rid of any ailments.

    REFERENCE! Some birth injuries can become a serious problem before a second pregnancy.

    Optimal age difference between children

    When determining the age difference between children, one should start from how comfortable they will be with each other. Psychologists note that the smaller the age gap between children, the stronger their relationship will be. Moreover, it speeds up adaptation to society.

    A woman must consider how difficult it will be for her to cope with two children. In advance, you need to think about a kindergarten for the first child. You may need help from relatives.

    The optimal age difference is 4 years. After the birth of the second child, the first-born will be largely independent. At this point, he is already able to understand many things.

    The only negative is the likelihood of developing jealous feelings. older kid will receive less attention. This may affect the relationship to a brother or sister.

    Difference over 5 years considered too large. In this case, there will be a spread of interests. There may be conflict between children. On the other hand, the older child in this period is already able to help his parents.

    An age difference of 1–2 years is considered favorable for establishing a warm relationship between children. But a woman is not always ready for such an early re-pregnancy. By this time, the body does not have time to recover for many. And also there may be difficulties in raising children, as they will require the same amount of attention.

    ON A NOTE! According to statistics, secondary births are faster and not as painful as the first ones.

    What is the best age to have a second child?

    The desire to conceive a second child can occur at any age. But it must be taken into account that over time functioning of the reproductive system getting worse. The maximum age for second fertilization depends on the following indicators:

    • The desire to have a third or fourth child in the future.
    • The health status of the parents.
    • Material base.

    Woman's childbearing period begins with the first day of menstruation and ends with the onset of menopause. Usually, the suppression of the processes of the sexual sphere occurs in the interval from 45 to 50 years, but there are exceptions to this rule.

    If a couple is planning a second and subsequent child, then the pregnancy must take place before the age of 35.

    The fact is that in a later period of life, there is a high probability of developing various deviations that can affect fertility and adversely affect the development of the child.

    IMPORTANT! In the absence of a desire to re-conceive, it is worth taking care of protection measures. These include taking oral contraceptives, using condoms or spirals.

    Second pregnancy- the same quivering and responsible process as the first. The only difference is that the woman has a lot of experience behind her. It will help to avoid possible mistakes during pregnancy and childbirth.

Usually, the difficulties of pregnancy and childbirth are forgotten very quickly, and only the smile of a beloved baby remains.

When parents get used to their new status, they think about repeating their feat, planning a second child.

It is difficult to name the exact ideal time for a second pregnancy, because it depends on many factors . The age of the expectant mother, the presence or absence of chronic diseases, the course of the first pregnancy and childbirth play a role.

One thing can be said with certainty: each pregnancy will be different from the previous one, because all babies have different characters, and the mother’s body can react to them in different ways.

The scientists came to the conclusion that give birth to a second child no earlier than two years after the first . Otherwise, no matter how the first-born is brought up, and no matter how much he is taught, he will not be distinguished by an outstanding mind. The more parents work with a child under two years old, the better he will show himself when he goes to school. And with the birth of a second baby, the firstborn will be given quite a bit of time, which will not benefit his development.

The best time for a second pregnancy will be determined by the body of the expectant mother. Carrying a child is a very serious test for any woman, so you need to make sure that you are psychologically ready to repeat this period.

Women's psyche must fully adapt to the new way of life, to the new status of mother. All the difficulties of the postpartum period should also be left behind. But psychological readiness does not mean the readiness of the whole organism as a whole.

In order to bear a healthy baby, female reproductive system should fully recover from previous births. Be prepared for the fact that this will take a lot of time.

Doctors say that you should not torture your body again until it passes 2 years after first birth . Doctors recommend increasing the interval to three or more years if the first pregnancy for the mother turned out to be difficult.

It's important to have time heal and heal the uterine suture. This is necessary so that during the "interesting position" the uterus can stretch without the threat of rupture of the seam and termination of pregnancy.

If you are breastfeeding your first child, then after the end of lactation, at least another six months should pass. It will be quite problematic. Although ... everything is possible, if you really want to.

A long break between two pregnancies is also not worth doing. Experts have proven that children have fewer communication barriers if the difference between them does not exceed 4-5 years . In addition, the body eventually forgets what happens to it during the bearing of the baby, however, like the mother herself. Do you want to be ready for everything in advance?

Oksana Pryadko, reproductive specialist: “From the point of view of medicine, it is advisable to plan a second pregnancy 2-3 years after the first. The body of a woman is completely restored during this period, the scar on the uterus heals. As practice shows, and psychologically just by this time a woman is ready to become a mother for the second time. If you postpone pregnancy for longer, you need to remember about age, about the elasticity of the pelvic bones and about the age difference between children.

Of course, every woman decides for herself when she is ready for a second pregnancy. If her first one was successful and easy, then I want to give birth to a second baby as soon as possible. But, sometimes, you look at these little tomboys - and you postpone the conception of the second one for an indefinite time.

Decide already, calculate your strength, prepare a place in your heart for the second baby - then the best time will come for the second pregnancy!

No matter how difficult the first pregnancy was, no matter how many complaints from young mothers came: about toxicosis, heartburn, pain, fatigue, it seemed what a terrible state pregnancy was, but very little time passes - six months, a year, the first-born grows up a little and mom thinks about second. Yes Yes! Again about this terrible state of health, which they are ready to experience again and again! These women are amazing creatures.

When is the best time to have a second baby?

The first question that may arise when planning a second pregnancy is? Experts recommend not to rush to re-pregnancy, ideally, after the birth of the first child, at least two to three years should pass. During this period of time, the weakened body of the mother after the first pregnancy and childbirth is able to fully recover. In addition, postponing your next pregnancy for several years will benefit not only your body, but also your first child, because then you can extend the period of breastfeeding your baby, which will undoubtedly have a positive effect on his health. While with the onset of a new pregnancy, it is more difficult to continue breastfeeding: the body has to “work on two fronts” - to spend energy on the development of a new life and maintain the proper composition of milk. As a result, it may turn out that the mother will be left with nothing: the older child will independently refuse to breastfeed due to the fact that the milk has become tasteless, while the unborn child may suffer from a lack of essential substances, which may result in hypotrophy. Mommy herself can acquire a whole range of diseases, one of which is anemia.

In addition, when observing pregnant women who give birth in the summer, doctors managed to find out that during repeated pregnancy, women suffer toxicosis not only in the first half of pregnancy, but also in the second, and iron deficiency is also likely. In late pregnancy, there may be a threat of miscarriage or premature birth. And since the pregnancy period does not always go well, the babies are born weakened and underweight. That is why it is better not to rush with repeated births.

If the interval between the first birth and the second, on the contrary, is large and is more than ten years, then in fact the second pregnancy can be called the first. For such a long period of time, the body has already forgotten all the skills of childbearing. And in most cases, the general state of health of the mother at the age is no longer as good as before. Therefore, there is a high risk of pregnancy with unpredictable consequences. Often, women over the age of 35 also have gynecological problems, such as uterine fibroids, endometriosis, and others, which can also affect the course of a second pregnancy.

Experienced Mom

Many doctors note the fact that mothers who give birth again are much more responsible and disciplined than primiparas. They do not need to be regularly reminded of the obligatory observance of the correct daily regimen, nutrition, rest, they independently follow diets, spend a lot of time outdoors, regularly visit a doctor, pass all the necessary tests on time and undergo examinations on time. Women who give birth again are psychologically ready for changes during pregnancy. It is during re-pregnancy that mothers become more liberated, are not shy about their interesting position and gladly show their belly to others.

Moms with experience are much less nervous and afraid during pregnancy. In addition, the experience gained during the first pregnancy helps the mother better navigate during the second pregnancy, better feel and understand the unborn baby.

Features of repeated pregnancy

Re-pregnancy is quite problematic for a long time to hide from the rest. Since the abdominal muscles, as well as the ligaments that hold the uterus in place during the first pregnancy, are stretched, during a second pregnancy, your stomach will increase before your eyes. That is why it is recommended for a future mother during a second pregnancy to wear a prenatal bandage from the 20th week, which will relieve the load on the spine and legs. For many women with re-pregnancy, a prenatal bandage is a mandatory attribute not only at work, but also at home, during the period of rest and rest.

Another feature of repeated pregnancy is that the first movements of the fetus, giving birth to mothers, I feel already at the 18th week of pregnancy, since mothers who have given birth again already know what exactly to listen to, while primiparous mothers can confuse the movement of the fetus with peristalsis intestines.

If during the first pregnancy a woman had toxicosis, it is possible that during the second pregnancy the symptoms of toxicosis will increase. In addition, if during the first pregnancy you were diagnosed with “high blood pressure”, “protein in the urine”, you were tormented by edema, then during a second pregnancy you need to regularly take blood and urine tests, measure blood pressure, follow diets and monitor possible excessive weight gain, observe the salt and water regime. And of course, it is necessary to warn the doctor observing you about past problems, he will help you avoid them, tell you what to do, that the pregnancy went smoothly.

During the first pregnancy, the bottom of the uterus, or, as they say, the stomach, descends about two weeks before childbirth, i.e. the child prepares for the final stage in advance, then with a second pregnancy it is more difficult to notice the lowering of the abdomen: the baby's head is pressed against the pubic joint of the mother already directly during childbirth.

The cervix during repeated pregnancy may be shorter. But only a doctor can determine this, and the doctor must also check how tightly it is closed. Closure of the cervix must be complete in any pregnancy, no matter what the number is.

If during the first pregnancy there was a Rh-conflict, then subsequent pregnancies will make you bother. After the first pregnancy, antibodies remain in the mother's blood that tend to destroy the erythrocytes of the fetus and can develop hemolytic disease of the child. To avoid this, you need to go to a specialized hospital for examination and for further observation even before conception. Mothers will have to take a monthly blood test for antibodies, use ultrasound to monitor the amount of amniotic fluid (there should not be polyhydramnios) and the size of the placenta, which should not be thickened. All these problems can be solved if you know about them in advance.

Most importantly, if a woman knows in advance about possible complications during pregnancy, she is less nervous, and in any case, this has a positive effect on the course of a second pregnancy. But the expectant mother needs to be nervous and worry as little as possible.

Often in women, the second pregnancy is much easier than the first. This fact can be explained by the fact that children are of different sexes: it was found that in women expecting boys - toxicosis, for example, is less common. Sometimes children from different fathers behave differently.

Some mothers are convinced that the first pregnancy is always "walking", while the second, on the contrary, is a couple of weeks shorter. But this is only a delusion. Childbirth occurs at the same time as before.

Re-pregnancy after caesarean section

If your first baby was born as a result of a caesarean section, mom should think about re-pregnancy no earlier than a year later: it is necessary to allow the scars on the uterus to heal. However, if you want a second baby, then you should not delay a second pregnancy: it is believed that over time, the scar loses its strength and elasticity. The optimal difference between the first and second pregnancy should be 2-3 years, but preferably no more than 5 years.

It is the strength of the scar on the uterus after cesarean section that will become the main problem of repeated pregnancy. Even before conception, the expectant mother needs to undergo an ultrasound examination, which can objectively assess the condition of the scar.

The scar tissue from a caesarean section is different from the inner layer of the uterus, the myometrium. As a result, if the place of attachment of a fertilized egg becomes on the anterior wall of the uterus, close to the scar, then theoretically this can lead to various unpleasant consequences, for example, to subsequent placental insufficiency. But only theoretically: the placenta is an organ with great compensatory capabilities. For example, she can "grow" another additional share, which will provide the fetus with everything necessary. Therefore, if the problem is only in the scar, then the placenta will cope with it. In addition, a pregnant mother can always count on the help of doctors who, during each visit to the antenatal clinic, will do appropriate examinations: ultrasound fetal biometry and placentometry, in which case any deviation will be immediately noticed. The mother herself also needs to monitor her well-being, it is especially worth paying attention to the painful movements of the fetus, which are often associated with the divergence of the scar. However, even a very difficult pregnancy in a hospital, doctors will be able to "hold out" until the moment of functional maturity of the fetus.

The time when, after a caesarean section, a woman was categorically forbidden to give birth in the future, is left behind. Now it is not uncommon for cases when, with the help of a cesarean, not only the second baby, but even the fifth, is born. As they say, the main thing would be desire, but you can cope with difficulties.

Preparing an older child for a new family member

In addition to preparing for the upcoming happy event of the mother herself, the spouses need to prepare in advance for the appearance of a new family member and an older child. This is a rather crucial moment that needs to be approached wisely. It is necessary to prepare the child for the appearance of a brother or sister gradually throughout the pregnancy, the most important thing in the process of preparation is to make it clear to the child that he is still loved. This moment is very important for the older child, he should not feel that with the advent of the little one in the family, he will be loved less. If the child feels this, then the appearance of the baby will be the same long-awaited event for him as for the parents themselves.

The course of pregnancy is inherent in the genetic program of the female body. But, fortunately, modern doctors have learned to interfere with certain aspects of this program. If your doctor has information about the first pregnancy, and ideally he led it himself, he will help prevent possible problems during a second pregnancy, which means only one thing that you will have a healthy baby very soon.

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