Crafts on a military theme from different materials. Craft on a military theme from different materials Craft about the war to make from paper

The Victory Day of our people in the Great Patriotic War, which we celebrate on May 9, is celebrated especially touchingly and solemnly. There are not many living witnesses of those terrible times left. Therefore, the younger generation is in a hurry to congratulate war veterans and wholeheartedly give them souvenirs and crafts made by themselves.

Schools and kindergartens hold various events that introduce children to the history of those times, as well as show films and read books about the war. In memory of those who fought for the freedom of their native land, and for those who survived in this war, children make handicrafts and postcards, and also give them to veterans with feelings of gratitude and respect.

In this collection, we present master classes - how to make crafts for May 9 with your own hands with step-by-step photos. These crafts for Victory Day can be made with children for exhibitions at school and kindergarten, or as a gift for grandfather and veterans.

DIY crafts for May 9 - master classes

The younger generation strives to express gratitude to everyone who did not feel sorry for themselves, who miraculously survived and remembers their military exploits and military merits of their comrades. Older people will be very pleased to receive crafts that contain holiday symbols - these can be St. George ribbons or orders from them, doves of peace, carnations, eternal flame or stars, as well as tanks or planes.

Be sure to congratulate your family members on Victory Day. Children love to listen to stories about the past and probably know about the soldiers who went to the front, as well as about their exploits. When these children grow up, they will tell about these feats to the next generations, but for now they put their effort and love into small crafts.

Children of primary preschool age can be offered to create flat postcards in the form of an application. Postcards can be:

  1. festive fireworks over the Kremlin;
  2. composition with a star and young foliage or with a St. George ribbon;
  3. a soldier's helmet among the branches of a blossoming apple tree.

If the child is still too small, then adults should help him and cut out the necessary details of the application, after which the child will stick them on the craft.

Very popular are crafts depicting various flowers: carnations, tulips, daisies or roses. Such a gift can be made not only in the form of a paper application, but also by designing, painting, origami or plasticineography.

The voluminous red star, which symbolizes the victory of the Red Army, looks especially solemn. High school students will be able to cope with such crafts as a plasticine or cardboard tank. Plasticine is a very affordable material, but it allows you to realize any idea. Airplanes, cannons and other military equipment are made from plasticine, the finished craft is decorated with colored foil or painted from a spray can.

For kids, the dove of peace has been an unchanging favorite craft for many years. Thousands of small messengers made of paper, plasticine or salt dough fly into the hands of veterans on Victory Day, symbolizing peace and kindness.

In this master class, I will show several options - how to do it yourself with step-by-step photos and videos. Carnations are most often presented as crafts for Victory Day to veterans, as well as for grandparents' birthdays. Carnations are beautiful decorative flowers that delight our eyes in parks, squares and home lawns.

On Victory Day, solemn parades dedicated to the next anniversary of the end of the Great Patriotic War will be held in all the main squares of the country. Someone will go to the Parade with the whole family to enjoy the majestic spectacle, someone will watch the events unfold at the TV.

How to make a St. George ribbon using the kanzashi technique

St. George's ribbon is the central symbol of the important holiday of Victory Day. Each participant in the Immortal Regiment Parade or procession must have such a striped path; the planned celebrations will be held in every city on May 9th.

To make a memorable gift for Victory Day, study the given master class. It tells and shows how to make postcards by May 9 with your own hands in different ways. This is a great activity for elementary school. As part of patriotic education, such crafts are especially relevant. You can hold an extracurricular event, arrange a postcard contest, and also engage schoolchildren in a labor lesson with such important creativity. see here.

In this master class, I will show several options for how to make a paper star with your own hands with step by step photos. Such a five-pointed symbol may be relevant now. For example, a red star is perfect as a gift for grandfather and veterans. See how to do it here.

Here is a master class - how to make a tank for May 9 with your own hands from plasticine with step-by-step photographs. Such a do-it-yourself children's craft for Victory Day will be a great gift for grandfather or dad. You can easily and simply do it by following our master class. See how to do it here.

The famous black and orange combination, symbolizing the endless flame and smoke from it, is known to the modern generation as the St. George ribbon. This is a symbol of victory, which is customary to give to real heroes, brave warriors who distinguished themselves in battle, since the time of Queen Catherine. Today, everyone can try on such an order.

Old people and children, young people are different generations, but they are united by a single will to win, pride in the feat accomplished by ordinary soldiers of the Red Army. The usual striped fragment is also gradually undergoing evolution. This happens thanks to the irrepressible creative imagination of craftswomen working in the kanzashi technique.

Among the traditional details with which it is customary to decorate postcards for war veterans, the most commonly used ones can be distinguished: a red star, a St. George ribbon, a spikelet, carnations, and so on. Each of these memorable signs carries an important semantic load, they are not chosen by chance.

The teacher will have to tell the pupils about why Victory Day is so important for us, what all these commemorative signs mean. And it will be interesting for children to create such greeting cards for grandfathers and dads with their own hands.

Every year, veterans leave us for another world, so it is very important to preserve this holy tradition of honoring Victory Day in the future and remembering our history. This holiday and preparation for it makes us feel proud of our heroes and our country, as well as feelings of inviolability and unity of our people.

One of the greatest holidays that affects each of us is approaching - Victory Day. There are fewer and fewer veterans and children of the war over the years ... So do not miss the opportunity to say “thank you” to them while they are with us.

The younger generation should definitely be introduced to the historical significance of this day, as well as to the exploits of the participants in the war. This can be done, among other things, by joint efforts creating beautiful themed crafts for Victory Day on May 9 with your own hands from various materials using different techniques.

Children's crafts for the holiday can be very different, because the child's imagination has no boundaries. Most often, the creative process revolves around the traditional symbolism of the holiday, which includes the eternal flame, the red star, bouquets of carnations, St. George ribbons, figurines of soldiers, tanks, aircraft and other military equipment. You can use any of these characters or a combination of them as the basis.

We bring to your attention simple ideas and master classes for holiday crafts that you can create with your child.

Perhaps one of the classic options for crafts by May 9 for schoolchildren is rightfully considered a postcard with carnations. A postcard is the simplest and most extensive field for imagination, and flowers are the main symbol of attention and an indispensable attribute of the holiday. By combining these two elements, you can get a very correct and relevant gift for Victory Day.

To create this craft you will need:

  • a sheet of cardboard;
  • pencils or markers;
  • a sheet of red corrugated paper;
  • a sheet of green paper;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue.

The procedure looks like this:

  1. Cut out circles of the required diameter from red paper (depending on what size of carnation you want to get). Fold them as shown in the first image.
  2. Make multiple small incisions along the outer edge, and a deeper incision in the center.
  3. Carefully unfold the flower without spreading the petals.
  4. Drop a drop of glue into the center of the workpiece and fold the future flower in half, pressing lightly. Glue must be used in moderation so that the craft looks neat
  5. Cut out the stem and leaves from green paper.
  6. Arrange a bouquet of carnations on a sheet of cardboard.

Finally, you can attach a St. George ribbon at the base of the bouquet. Do not forget to beautifully sign the postcard!

Quilling Cardboard Tank

The quilling technique consists in creating all kinds of compositions by twisting paper or cardboard elements. A cardboard model of a tank made in this technique as a craft by May 9 in elementary school will be within the power of every student.

All you need to make it:

  • green corrugated cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • quilling tool.

Course of action:

  1. Cut strips of cardboard 1 cm and 2 cm wide.
  2. Twist the strips with a special tool into a kind of rolls. Glue the edges. The result should be 1 large wheel, 4 slightly smaller wheels and 4 very small ones.
  3. Form the tracks of the tank. One track row consists of 2 large wheels and 2 small ones.
  4. The muzzle of the tank will be green paper rolled into a tube.
  5. The tank hatch is the same large wheel made in paragraph 2.
  6. Attach all the details to the square base.
  7. Be sure to complete the tank with domestic symbols of that time - a red star and a red flag made of colored paper.

You can invite children to independently come up with a model of a domestic tank and design it at their own discretion. The main thing is that the work should be fun!

Modular origami "Eternal Flame"

The eternal flame symbolizes the eternal memory of the soldiers who died heroically during the Great Patriotic War. Therefore, the craft "Eternal Flame" by May 9 will be very handy.

For origami you will need triangular modules:

  • 35 red;
  • 60 orange;
  • 105 yellow.

The size of each of the modules is 1/32 of an A4 sheet or a little more.

To make modular origami with your own hands for Victory Day, first of all, let's focus on how to properly make paper modules for it. This is done in the following sequence, as shown in the picture:

Now let's start the process of arranging modules into a single harmonious composition:

  1. Collect the first two rows (30 modules each) in a chain, combining them into a ring.
  2. Next, we assemble the first beam of the star: the first row consists of 6 yellow modules, the second row of 5, etc. Similarly, we make the other 4 beams.
  3. Then let's start assembling the flame from the red modules. We collect them in 3 rows (9 modules each), which we then turn out.

On a note: So that the structure does not accidentally fall apart, the modules can be glued together. And when the glue dries, add 8 more red modules on top to simulate flames.

Pasta is on the move

Pasta will always be found in the kitchen of any hostess. From pasta of various shapes, you can also make wonderful crafts for Victory Day with your own hands. Don't believe? Prepare everything you need and quickly call your student for help!

You will need:

  • sheets of cardboard in black and white;
  • pasta in the form of bows and rings;
  • corks from juice or soda;
  • green brush for creativity;
  • George Ribbon;
  • printout of front pictures;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • glue Moment and PVA;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • gouache and brush.

Stage 1 - a panel of pasta cloves

  1. With a utility knife, carefully cut the pasta bows in half. Decorate them with red or white gouache, depending on the desired color of carnations.
  2. Take corks, respectively, red or white. Glue to them "Moment" our petals in three rows. To create one flower, you need about 22 petals (that is, 11 bows). Glue the petals of the third row in a chaotic manner to create volume and make the carnation more realistic.
  3. Cut the brush with scissors twice in half - this is the future flower stem.
  4. On a black sheet of cardboard, place the printed front-line photos, the resulting carnations, stems and the St. George ribbon.

Stage 2 - inscription

  1. Decorate pasta rings with white and red paint.
  2. On a white sheet of cardboard, draw the number 9 and cut it out. Also cut strips with rounded ends 4 cm long and 0.7 cm wide to create the word "may".
  3. On the number 9, smeared with PVA glue, stick the rings: red on the bottom, white on the top. Stick only red rings on the word "May".
  4. You can make a dove of peace like this: draw a dove on white cardboard and attach a pasta-bow a la spread wings to it.

Stage 3 - final

Put the composition together. Frame it if you like. The original gift is ready!

We create beautiful crafts at home and in kindergarten

The day is approaching when the whole country celebrates a great holiday - Victory Day, which has become a symbol of the heroism and invincibility of our people. Veterans paid a high price for today's peacetime, many of them are no longer with us. It is very important not to forget this and to try to convey to the younger generation the majesty of the feat of the soldiers of the Soviet Union.

Do-it-yourself crafts with children by May 9 can be a good opportunity to tell kids in an accessible way about the significance of this Great Day, instilling in them a sense of pride, patriotism and respect for veterans. All materials for making crafts are affordable and simple, and therefore give great scope for imagination, development of imagination, accuracy and patience. Let's start creating soon!

Salt dough is a great and completely safe alternative to plasticine. It is especially great that the child himself can both prepare the source material for creativity, and take part in the creation of crafts by May 9 from salt dough. In addition, modeling develops fine motor skills of the hands and contributes to the development of perseverance and concentration.

The most popular salt dough recipe for modeling:

1 st. extra salt + 1 tbsp. flour + 5 tablespoons of sunflower oil + water. To give the dough a certain color, add a little gouache or natural juice (for example, beetroot, carrot, spinach) to it.

A small designer can be offered to make a real order, a medal or a fridge magnet with the image of carnations, eternal flame, St. George's ribbon out of salt dough. After finishing work, dry the product in natural conditions or in the oven. Variations of crafts by May 9 in kindergarten may look something like this:

Paper is the most affordable and easiest craft material for kids of all ages. From colored paper, you can make bright and durable flat or voluminous crafts for Victory Day in kindergarten. The presented master class reflects both the joy of victory and the bitterness of loss: the white flowers of the apple tree and the blazing red color of the star.

The execution technique is mixed. Petals and leaves are made using the origami technique from circles, and the star is made using the technique of rolling into a ball.

  • colored cardboard (golden color);
  • tinted paper (red, yellow, white);
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue.

Work order:

  1. Crumple the red tinted paper well. Tear off small pieces from it and roll balls out of them.
  2. Fold the piece of cardboard in half. On the outer part of the blank, draw a star with the number 9 inside and write the word "may".
  3. Glue the rolled red balls along the contours of the picture.
  4. To make apple blossom, cut out 5 circles with a diameter of 3.5 cm from white paper.
  5. Fold the circles in half, bend the corner from the bottom, glue it and open the petal.
  6. Cut a circle a little smaller - 2.5 cm in diameter. Glue 5 petals on it with an overlap.
  7. Decorate the center of the flower with yellow rolled balls.
  8. Complete the composition.

The craft is ready!

Crafts from natural materials

For a kindergarten or as a gift to a veteran grandfather, you can also make a festive panel. To make crafts for Victory Day from natural material, you can use all kinds of forest gifts: twigs, cones, pebbles, dry and fresh flowers.

So, we need:

  • whatman;
  • paints;
  • flowers;
  • leaflets;
  • scotch;
  • glue.

To get started, draw a red star, a flame and a clear sky on a piece of paper as symbols of military action, victory and peace. Then invite the baby to decorate the craft with flowers. This task will be feasible even for a 2-year-old (with your help, of course)!

A few more do-it-yourself crafts for Victory Day for the children of the senior group of the kindergarten for inspiration:

It's not the gift that's important, it's the attention

Thus, to create DIY crafts by May 9, you can use quite diverse materials:

  • paper and cardboard;
  • pasta and cereals;
  • salt dough and plasticine;
  • natural materials and much more.

Manufacturing techniques can also be very different:

  • drawing;
  • application;
  • modeling;
  • quilling;
  • weaving;
  • embroidery, etc.

To please a person, sometimes it is not necessary to buy an expensive gift. A memorable present can be made from available materials that are always at hand.

Children's crafts for Victory Day can become an element of patriotic education. Dear mothers, have you already told your little ones about the exploits of their great-grandparents? Even if close relatives who fought are no longer alive, you can make a craft and give it to any of the veterans at the festive parade on May 9! Be sure to take the baby to the monument to the fallen soldiers in your city and honor their memory with a moment of silence.

Paper crafts by May 9

With the approach of the great holiday of Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War, a number of preschool and school educational institutions, as well as many young mothers, for educational and educational purposes, begin to make themed children's crafts by May 9th.

Children's crafts by May 9 is not only a way to instill in the younger generation respect and love for veterans, patriotism and deep gratitude for the exploits of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who made it possible for each of us to live under a peaceful sky above our heads. But they are also amazing, touching little masterpieces of arts and crafts that can be a great gift for war veterans.

In this article, the Site news portal has prepared for you several simple master classes on making themed crafts by May 9 from paper, cardboard and other improvised materials.

So let's get creative...

DIY paper carnations

The traditional flowers that are usually given to our dear veterans are, of course, bright red carnations. Try with your children to make paper bouquets of carnations that will delight veterans for more than one day or even a week, such flowers can stand for years.

To make paper carnations, you will need two colors of corrugated paper (green and red), wire, glue and scissors.

You can use green electrical tape to drape the carnation stem.

If your child is still too young to make such flowers, then you can try to make a simpler paper bouquet.

To make it, you will need paper cupcake baskets, you can buy them in any supermarket and decorative wire.

Make a small hole in the middle of the cupcake basket with a piece of paper through which you thread the decorative wire.

Tie one knot inside the future flower, and the other outside.

Do-it-yourself eternal flame from paper

Such a paper craft by May 9 can become the design of a concert hall, an exhibition or a school class for Victory Day.

From a thick sheet of colored paper (you can use colored cardboard), fold a three-dimensional star.

Make a small hole in the center of the star and place a piece of red paper in it.

Do-it-yourself aircraft

DIY paper tank

To make a paper tank, you will need cardboard toilet paper rolls, any paper (you can use colored paper too), silver decorative paper (if not, you can make a foil tank caterpillar), and a straw for cocktails.

Do-it-yourself tank from washcloths for washing dishes

This craft is sure to please young children, because it is easy to do, but it looks very colorful. To make a washcloth tank, you will need washcloths, glue, scissors, and a baby juice tube.

Depending on which washcloths you choose as a material, in this color and size you will get tanks.

Be sure to decorate the finished tank with a red star.


Another surprisingly beautiful and interesting craft for May 9, Victory Day, can be considered paintings made using the extrusion technique.

Choose any postcard or picture you like on the theme of the holiday, transfer it with tracing paper to a white sheet of paper and cut out some details with a sharp knife or nail scissors. Attach the finished white composition to a sheet of colored paper, then the drawing will be visible more clearly.

Do-it-yourself orders of military glory

This craft is made in the applique technique. You can make a wide variety of medals, any shapes and colors.

DIY crafts for May 9- part of the patriotic education of preschoolers, they can be performed at home with parents, older sisters, and brothers, in kindergarten in a team with other children. As a rule, in kindergarten, pupils are offered the simplest ideas, for example, a three-dimensional star or a few carnations tied with a ribbon. pupils of elementary grades also perform, a school exhibition is organized especially for the created works. At school, children already have enough skills to work with various materials, so they can make compositions.

Performing with young children DIY crafts for May 9, photo guided by a master class, you introduce the children to the history of the country, its tragic and heroic stories, explain to them the significance of this holiday, so that from early childhood they do not perceive Victory Day as entertainment and celebration, but put great meaning into this national holiday. In addition to children, craftswomen are also busy with creativity on the eve of the holiday, for example, they can make beautiful brooches using the St. George ribbon.

DIY crafts for May 9

Of course, the most popular option is to perform for the holiday, which you can give to your grandmother. If veterans live on your street, you and your children can congratulate them and bow low for their courage and self-sacrifice in the struggle for the Motherland.

The postcard picture can be made by the children of the older group of the kindergarten, we will use mixed media, which involves working with different materials, as well as a different approach. In this case, we need thick cardboard for the base, for example, gray or light blue, as well as white and yellow colored paper, in addition, you can use red colored paper or red napkins. In progress crafts by May 9 do-it-yourself master will use scissors, a pencil and PVA glue. For a child, glue must be poured into a small container, for example, into an iron lid and provided with a brush to work with.

Our postcard will consist of two parts: a red star and snow-white flowers that resemble apple blossoms. For the red star, we will use paper lumps, and we will make the petals using the origami technique. Do not worry that origami is too difficult for a child, because in this case we only need to make a few folds to make a curved petal.

With your fingers, you need to cut off pieces of a red napkin and roll balls out of it. We recommend that you pre-roll a lot of balls and put them in a bowl, then stick them along the contour.

If the child will make a postcard, then the cardboard should be folded in half and decorate the front side. With a pencil, you need to draw the outline of a star, and inside it is the number "9", next to the word "May". On this contour it is necessary to stick red lumps, dipping them with the lower part in glue. While the glue dries, you can do the petals, for each you need to cut a circle 2.5 cm in diameter. Each flower will consist of five petals, and at least three of these flowers will be needed to decorate the postcard.

DIY postcard for May 9 can also be decorated with carnations, which are a symbol of the holiday. In this article, we will also tell you how to make a carnation flower using napkins, paper or corrugation.

For apple color, we need to fold one circle in half, and from the bottom we bend the corner inward and glue it, now when you open the petal, it will have a curved shape. The petals must be glued overlapping, and the core should be decorated with yellow balls.

Craft "Tank" by May 9 with your own hands

Ideas on how to make do-it-yourself voluminous crafts by May 9 that can become part of the composition. You can make a three-dimensional star and make an eternal flame, you can make an airplane by printing templates on a printer and then gluing them together, or using corrugated cardboard, you can get a real tank. When you and your children do similar crafts, you can tell them about military equipment. Especially such creativity will be interesting to boys who are always interested in military subjects.

To create a tank, we will use the quilling technique, but we will not create small elements, but only large ones using corrugated cardboard. A student of an elementary school can cope with a similar task, and working with corrugated cardboard is a pleasure. To make the tank look realistic, we will choose dark green or gray cardboard. In the process of work, we need a pencil, ruler, scissors, glue. For quilling, a special tool may also come in handy, but if it is not at hand, then you can use a toothpick.

The cardboard must be cut into strips: you will need one strip 2 cm wide, and 10 strips 1 cm wide. All prepared strips must be twisted into a spiral, and the ends fixed with glue. As a result, we got wheels for our tank (rollers). One row of rollers on each side will consist of five such spiral wheels, which must be glued together and wrapped in black paper.

A large spiral will be used as a tower, and you also need to twist the tube, which will serve as a muzzle. To assemble the tank, you need to glue all the details on a cardboard square: first the tracks, on top - a tank turret with a muzzle. Then it remains to glue additional elements, and draw a star on the tower.

Now you are ready do-it-yourself tank by May 9, if you want it to become part of the composition, then you can make camouflage for it, put small trees and tin soldiers next to it. Preschoolers can try to mold from plasticine.

DIY crafts for May 9

The St. George's Ribbon is one of the main symbols of the Victory Day, so when creating it, children will definitely use it. In order not to have to glue the striped ribbon from separate strips of paper, you can go for a little trick and print the ribbon template on the printer, then cut it out and glue it. You can also find a ribbon bow template that can be used to decorate a postcard for a veteran.

The card can be decorated with red carnations, which are created using corrugated paper. Ready-made flowers are glued to a cardboard base on one side, and the second remains lush, which allows you to create voluminous crafts. In addition to corrugations, napkins can also be used to create carnation buds.

Depending on the size of the flower, we need to cut circles of the required diameter from the corrugation, and then fold the circles so that as a result only a sector of a different eighth of the circle remains. You can see more details on how to fold a circle in the picture.

To do crafts by May 9 with your own hands, we need to get a voluminous flower, therefore, from the edge to the center, we need to make a lot of cuts, as we do "grass" for children's applications. Then the elements should be unfolded and the fluffy tips straightened. In the center of each circle, you need to drop a little glue, and then fold it in half.

From green colored paper, it is necessary to cut out the sepals and stalk with leaves. Form an application on cardboard: glue a red bud, stalk and sepal. From below, all flowers should be tied with a bow, which should be glued over the stems. In addition, the child can draw green stems with a felt-tip pen and write a congratulatory inscription.

Do-it-yourself voluminous crafts for May 9

For the smallest, you can offer to perform very simple do-it-yourself children's crafts for May 9. It is difficult for pupils of the younger group of the kindergarten to work with scissors, so we have prepared an original idea for them - a three-dimensional star, which should be decorated with paints.

For crafts, we need a template, which in duplicate must be printed on a printer. Each star will consist of two halves. Rays are separated on the star - they should be painted in orange and black, alternating them, as shown in the master class.

At the end, it is necessary to bend the blanks along the fold lines, this step can be started after the paint has dried. The two halves should be glued together with PVA glue.

If there is no template, and for the application or composition for the competition it is necessary to make a three-dimensional star, you can use another idea to create it. To do this, you need to use colored paper, on which with a pencil draw the outline of a six-pointed star. We will use one extra ray to make the asterisk voluminous. The resulting workpiece must be bent to determine the fold lines that separate the rays, then bend all the rays to the center to get clear fold lines.

Between the two beams, an incision should be made to the middle of the workpiece, put one beam on top of the other and glued. Now you have a star with a voluminous central part, and its rays should be glued onto a cardboard base when creating an application.

Do-it-yourself original crafts for May 9

If you are wondering which original crafts for May 9 with your own hands a real craftswoman can make, then you should, first of all, pay attention to the St. George ribbon, because with its help you can get a beautiful brooch using the kanzashi technique.

For the Victory Day parade, it is customary to attach a St. George ribbon to a pin on a jacket or blouse, but you can make a beautiful flower, as when working with satin ribbons. You can add the colors of the Russian flag to such a brooch, make it multi-layered. Your friends will be delighted if you present them with such a gift on the occasion of a national holiday.

Even those craftswomen who are not familiar with the kanzashi technique can do DIY crafts by May 9, video will tell you in detail how to properly form the petals. When working with ribbons, it is very important to process the edges with a lighter so that the threads do not crumble. To work, place a candle on the table, first cut the tape into squares, then process its edges with fire, holding the cut with tweezers so as not to burn yourself. The finished brooch can be glued onto a pin.

By the Day of the Great Victory on May 9, there are many options to express your respect and gratitude to the Heroes of the Great Patriotic War, your pride in your Motherland, and patriotism. We bring to your attention various techniques for making fakes, which will be a wonderful gift or decoration for May 9th.

On a postcard, a poster in the form of an application, you can depict festive and military attributes (). For decoration, you can use colored paper, sequins (sequins), threads. For the background of the application, a printout or a newspaper clipping with an article about the surrender of Nazi Germany, about the victory of the USSR, military poems or songs with notes may be suitable. Origami crafts always impress with their visual complexity, but in reality everything is simpler than it seems. By May 9, any work can be decorated with stars, as well as whole modules of paper triangles.

triangular module

To create an element, fold the sheet in half lengthwise, then in half widthwise. Turn the workpiece over, bend the corners so that you get a triangle (see picture), bend it in half. The element has 2 corners and 2 “pockets”, thanks to which these modules can be assembled into a complex structure. To do this, insert the corners of one part into the “pockets” of the other. For the strength of the fake, the joints are fixed with glue.

Asterisk element

Cut the paper into 1x26 cm strips. Take one strip, loop one end, tighten slightly. Next, with a long “tail”, wrap the workpiece several times so that you get a regular pentagon. Hide the tip under the strip. Now you need to press on each side of the pentagon so as to form the star itself. Of the many such stars, you can lay out any picture with a mosaic, they will greatly decorate the festive fake.

Crafts made in technology look very beautiful. Having created a texture with twisted strips of paper, they can be painted over with a spray gun, for example, with gold paint and decorated with a St. George ribbon. Facing is an easy way to create an original three-dimensional image. You will need corrugated (crepe) paper. Without unrolling the roll, cut off 1 cm from the edge, you will get a long strip that needs to be cut into squares. Apply each square with the center to the non-writing end of the ballpoint pen refill, wrap the refill with your fingers into a tube, moisten the edge with glue and attach to the contour drawing or coloring (clearly in the video at the bottom of the article). Bead lovers can prepare a festive bead craft. It can be either a wicker work or a picture strewn with multi-colored beads.

To perform work in the isothreading technique, you will need a solid base, strong threads and a needle. The drawing is applied to cardboard. Holes are pierced along the contour, into which threads will be threaded in the future.

The basis of the isothreading technique is the ability to perform circular and angular filling. Numerous schemes for isothread are presented on the net.

A two-layer picture, a vytnanka, is also very relevant for Victory Day. It is very convenient in its manufacture to choose a two-color picture. In this case, copy it onto the top sheet, cut out areas of the same color with a blade or a clerical knife and put a sheet of a contrasting color on the bottom. Painting dishes or glass with stained glass paints () is a good way to prepare a unique work for Victory Day! Crafts made of clay, plasticine or salt dough are an option for both kids and sculptors. Difficulty depends on your experience and qualifications.

Salt dough crafts

Cross-stitch, satin stitch, beads, and, in principle, in any way, is a great way to congratulate everyone on the Great Victory. Decorations from ribbons using the kanzashi technique () using the St. George ribbon are more relevant than ever on May 9th.