Crafts from modules for children. Origami from circuit modules

The fashion for making figurines out of paper, however, as well as drawing on it, did not come immediately. At first, paper was used exclusively for writing, and only after some time the options for its use expanded. Modular origami first appeared in China, its essence is to create three-dimensional crafts from triangular paper modules. This is an activity that will appeal to both representatives of the analytical mindset - adherents of the exact sciences, and creative people.

Here are master classes on how to make various crafts using the modular origami technique with step-by-step photographs, assembly diagrams and instructions.

The word origami comes from the "connection" of two separate Japanese words - "ori", which means "folded" and "kami", which translates as paper. In addition, the word "kami" in Japanese has a second meaning, namely "deity". From the point of view of the Japanese, paper is indeed endowed with almost divine power, because by folding it you can get an infinite number of designs.

Modular origami for beginners

Instructions on how to fold modules

Modular origami tulip assembly diagram step by step instructions

The tulip is a very beautiful flower. They are pleased to admire not only in spring, but all year round. Tulips made using the modular origami technique will not wither and will delight the eye all the time.

To assemble a flower bud, you will need 105 triangular modules of the same color. It is recommended to carry out modules in the size of 1/32 sheet of A4 format.

Each of the 3 rows of the bud should contain 15 modules.

Having closed the modules into a ring, you should turn the craft so that the triangles look outward with the short side.

The fourth and fifth rows will also contain 15 modules.

Flower petals begin to form in the sixth row. This series will already consist of 12 modules. A gap follows every 4 modules. Next, for every 4 modules, you should put on 3 modules, then 2 and 1 on top. Thus, you get 3 petals.

To make a stem using the modular origami technique, you can use a straw, and you can also make a stem from triangular modules. The number of green modules will depend on the height of the vase in which the tulips will stand. For a small vase, 20-30 modules are enough, for a high 40-50.

Collecting tulips from triangular modules of various colors, you can get an original bouquet.

Rose in Modular Origami technique

Modular origami has a long history and came to us from ancient China, and originally origami was used in rituals. Then, later, the art of origami went beyond religion and moved into the upper class. Previously, only high strata of society could engage in such art, because paper was an expensive material, the ability to fold a figure out of paper was considered a sign of refined manners and good taste. To date, modular origami has become very popular, because, like any other activity, it is very exciting. And most importantly, it turns out a very beautiful result of your long and painstaking work. This origami technique is different from the classic version. Classical origami is made from a single sheet of paper, while modular origami is assembled from several parts, which in turn are made up of small pieces of paper. And you can assemble a huge number of different compositions from modular origami. These are the simplest, designed for beginners, and very complex, which the most patient masters of modular origami can complete. And in this article, we have provided you with several origami options with step-by-step instructions. These are schemes that even beginners can complete, and most importantly, it will be possible to connect children's figures to the assembly process. A modular origami figurine is a great gift for family and friends, or an interior decoration made by yourself.

Module Assembly Diagram

Let's first figure out how to assemble the origami module. To do this, we need an A4 sheet, it needs to be cut into 32 equal rectangles. We take such a leaf and fold it in half, we get a rectangle. Next, bend it again so that we get a guide in the middle. We take the leaf horizontally and pull the upper corners to the bend in the middle of the workpiece. Thus, we will get a corner on top, and free tails of the sheet below. We bend these ponytails up from the back side, and then we straighten and bend the protruding corners inward, and again we raise the ponytails to the top. We get a triangle. We fold such a triangle in half with curved tails inward. Now we have a finished module.

Easter cake

For Easter, you can assemble a very beautiful Easter cake from a modular origami. It is made quite simply, but it looks beautiful. In the description below, let's see a step-by-step instruction and a master class from us, in order to make it easier for you to make a modular origami craft.

To make this cookie you will need:

  • 300 yellow or orange modules
  • 124 white pieces

Modules are taken in size 37 × 53 centimeters (this is equal to 1/32 of an A4 sheet).


  1. We add the orange modules 30 in a row (long side up), so we collect three rows in a row.
  2. Then we continue to collect, thus, up to 10 rows.
  3. We turn out the part and our pass is ready.
  4. Next, we do the dressing. We also attach white modules 30 in a row. So we do 3 rows.
  5. 14-row - we assemble so that 20 modules are obtained in a row.
  6. 15th row - we reduce to 14 pieces. This is the last row.
  7. It remains only to decorate the Easter cake with multi-colored paper cuts, or with beautiful beads. Such Easter cake will decorate any interior for a holiday, and will also be a wonderful gift for family and friends.


For beginners, it will be useful to make a very simple fish with step-by-step instructions. In this master class, you will learn how to add and subtract modules in a row. This way you will understand the main principle of assembling all modular origami. And now let's move on to a detailed description of the craft.

You will need:

  • 24 blue modules
  • 17 white modules


  1. We start the 1st and 2nd rows with 1 white module, and we attach two blue modules to it with free edges outward. All modules are attached with the long side up.
  2. 3rd row. We put on 3 blue modules. Two are fastened along the edges, clinging to only one pocket, and the third module is attached to both pockets, respectively, to two corners of the previous module.
  3. 4th row. As in the rows before, we fasten two modules along the edges to one pocket, free outward. Thus, we attach 4 modules.
  4. 5th row. We put on 5 white modules in the same way.
  5. 6th row. We put on 6 white modules.
  6. 7th row. On this row, we go to decrease and fasten 5 blue modules. The extreme corners of the 6th row are left free. This will be our fins.
  7. 8th row. We fix 4 modules. So that the extreme corners do not turn out to be superfluous and do not stick out, we fasten the module in such a way that 2 extreme corners go into one pocket, and there will be one corner in the other pocket. We do this only with the extreme corners, we fix the central ones as usual.
  8. 9th row - We put on 3 modules according to the principle of the previous rows.
  9. 10th row - We put on 2 modules.
  10. 11th row - We put on only one module in the center, 2 free corners remain along the edges.
  11. 12th row - We begin to mount the white modules. There are 2 in this row.
  12. 13th row - Fasten 3 white modules in the same way as the 3rd and 4th rows. Straighten the modules to make a ponytail. Next, you can make the eye of the fish so that it is more realistic.

blue dragon

When you have a lot of free time, you can start assembling a beautiful blue dragon from origami modules. It will take quite a lot of time, but the result will please you. Such a dragon will be a good gift or a beautiful decoration for your interior. In order to make this mythical handsome man, let's proceed to the description below with detailed instructions.

You will need:

  • 158 white modules
  • 262 blue
  • 2 black

Modules are made in size 1/32 from A4 sheet


  1. We make the body. We take blue modules and fasten them with white modules, but we fasten the white ones with the reverse side. There are 3 blue modules, we put 2 white ones on them on the central corners so that the extreme ones remain free. Thus, we make 120 rows (60 blue and 60 white).
  2. Turn the workpiece over to you with the side from which you started, we make a tail. We insert 1 white module into the central 2 pockets, then 2 blue ones with the long side down, so the blue module should fall into the white pocket with one corner, and with the other corner into the pocket of the previous blue one. Similarly, we perform 6 rows (3 white, 3 blue). In the 7th row we fasten the blue module in the same way as the white ones, then 2 blue ones as usual. We turn the craft with the lower modules up, then we continue to fasten the modules (1 blue, 2 blue) in the same order with the long side up 2 rows. We fasten one blue module with corners to the outermost pockets, in the same way you need to attach 6 more modules (long side up).
  3. We make "openings". We take the module with the long side down and insert it into the pocket with only one corner, and the second corner should be outside, so we attach 2 modules. Then we take the white module and put it on the free corners of the two modules. Next, we make rows of white modules.
  4. 2nd row - 2 modules
  5. 3rd row - 3 modules
  6. 4th row - 4 modules
  7. 5th row - 3 modules
  8. 6th row - 2 modules
  9. 7th row - 1 tail module is ready.
  10. We make the head with the short side of the modules up. The first row - 2 blue modules.
  11. 2nd row - 3 modules
  12. 3rd row - 2 modules, so the two extreme corners remain free.
  13. 4th row is also 3 modules
  14. 5th row - we put on 2 white modules on the extreme corners, and in the middle in the usual way we put on 2 blue modules
  15. 6th row - 3 blue pieces
  16. 7th row - we fasten 2 white modules along the edges, leaving free pockets outside
  17. 8th row - we fasten two black modules with the long side up to the corners of one white and one blue module, on both sides. In the middle we fasten one blue with the short side up.
  18. 9th row - we attach two white modules to the extreme corners of the black modules, and then we attach 2 blue modules to the corners remaining in the middle.
  19. 10th row - 3 blue modules.
  20. We make horns. We fasten the blue module to the most extreme corner of the previous row on both sides. We attach the next module to the outer corner of the module so that the empty pocket is on the side of the center. Then we fasten one module in the usual way 4 rows in a row. We do the second side in a similar way.
  21. You got 3 modules in the center of the head, on the 2 extreme we attach white modules with the long side up. There should be 3 white pieces on each side. And in the center we fix the blue module. The head is ready.
  22. We make the right paws. We put two more on one blue module (long side up). We put on the next row 3 modules, then 2. The last row is 3 white modules with the short side up. At the beginning of the workpiece, insert another module on the right side. The left paws are made in a similar way, only the last module is inserted on the left side.
  23. We form the body of the dragon and fix it with glue. Then glue the legs and head. The dragon is ready!


A beautiful and original gift for February 23 will be a do-it-yourself airplane made from modular origami. Below is a detailed description with step-by-step instructions for this interesting and simple craft. Let's move on to the execution of the aircraft following the instructions of our master class.

You will need:

  • 18 blue modules
  • 71 yellow modules


  1. Assembly begins with the fuselage.
  2. 1st row - 2 blue modules
  3. 2nd row - 3 yellow modules, then all yellow modules go with the long side up
  4. 3rd row - 4 modules. Further, up to the 9th row, we alternate the number of modules of 3 pieces and 4 pieces each.
  5. 10th row - 3 modules, cut in the usual way - we put the side modules on 3 corners, and the middle module, as usual, on 2 corners.
  6. 11th row - 2 modules, extreme corners remain free
  7. 12th row - 2 modules, we fasten one module to 3 corners of the 11th and 10th rows, we fasten the second module in the same way.
  8. 13th row - we fasten 1 module to 4 free corners, while fixing it with glue. We attach 4 more pieces (one at a time) to the glued module. Then we put on 4 more blue modules with the short side up, so we get the tail of the plane.
  9. We make a wing. We take one blue module, and we attach 12 yellow modules to it one at a time (the corner of the blue module should look towards the left hand). So we make 2 wings. We insert additional modules into the 2nd, 6th and 7th modules (long side up), one corner of such blanks should remain free. Do this with both wings.
  10. Chassis. We attach 1 to 2 blue modules, free corners remain at the edges. Next, we attach the last module to 4 corners, so we close all the free corners. In a similar way, we perform the second workpiece. We fasten the chassis to the 2nd corners of the modules, which we fixed on the wings of the 6th and 7th rows. We connect 2 wings together and fasten them to the fuselage with free corners, inserting the corners into the base of the aircraft. If it doesn't work out, glue will always come to the rescue.

In the world of needlework, there are a lot of ideas, the implementation of which allows you to make simple crafts for the New Year or for another holiday to please yourself and your loved ones. Modular origami for beginners is a very interesting activity. A person can learn how to create small figures from modules quite quickly, it's easy. There are simple schemes on the Internet, the description of which will allow you to make a rooster out of paper, a temple, a flower, etc.

Using this technique, even from white paper, you can step by step create products of incredible beauty. New Year's pictures and patterns, a variety of animals - you can't count everything. For beginners, it is better to take something light, from a small number of modules, for example, from 20.

Modular origami for beginners is a very interesting activity

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. There is an option to purchase separate paper for modular origami in the stationery store. But for assembling a rooster, plain colored paper is also suitable, however, it is thinner. It is recommended to use yellow material.
  2. A square sheet of paper is folded in half. The resulting side strip should be folded and cut along the fold line.
  3. The paper is then folded in half to form a rectangle.
  4. It is important to ensure that the top and bottom edges match. The fold line should be ironed.
  5. After that, the sheet unfolds. The square is folded again, only this time on the other side.
  6. The paper is folded vertically, that is, from left to right.
  7. After the fold is made, the leaf unfolds. If everything was done correctly, then there should be a cross in the center of the sheet.
  8. The upper right corner is applied to the lower left corner. Then a fold is made. The action is repeated, but only on the other side.
  9. The right bottom side of the paper with the crease is folded towards the center. The resulting square is folded into a rhombus. In this method, triangular leaf shapes should not be obtained. If the figures of triangles were formed, this means that the needleworker did not follow the plan correctly.
  10. The corners of the figure must be collected towards the middle. The top corner is adjusted to itself. Next is the fold. Three other folds are folded back.
  11. The top corner of the square rises up along the fold line. The other two folds fold inward.
  12. The upper edges of the sheet are folded inward. You need to straighten them out.
  13. The outer edges of the resulting diamond are folded in the center. The right fold folds towards the left.

At the last stage, the figure is flipped, and the top corner of the bottom layer is folded to the top corner.

Gallery: modular origami (25 photos)

Modular origami for beginners: swan (video)

Herringbone using modular origami: step by step instructions

Such a three-dimensional creation, like a paper Christmas tree, can decorate pictures, stands or wooden decorative boards.

So, detailed technique:

  1. The Christmas tree should be made of green paper. You can use both colored and plain paper. If the choice fell on the usual one, then you should use paints so that the material acquires a green tint.
  2. Collect the Christmas tree should be from a square sheet. Fold lines are made in height, width and diagonals. The paper unfolds.
  3. Then the basic model of the figure is formed - a triangle. A fold line is outlined in the figure. The right side turns towards her.
  4. Next, use the fold line so that the right corner of the figure is centered on the base of the triangle.
  5. All corners are wrapped.
  6. Then you need to use scissors so that the Christmas tree then becomes voluminous. Three cuts should be made on the right and on the left side.

Such a three-dimensional creation, like a paper Christmas tree, can decorate pictures, stands or wooden decorative boards.

At the last stage, the resulting segments are bent to the sides.

Small human figurine: a simple description and diagram

For each detail of the little man, you can use paper of different colors, for example, make the top yellow and the pants blue. But to simplify the task, it is better to use a single-color material. A pencil is not needed to create a little man.

  1. So, the square material is bent in half, then the side corners of the figure are bent.
  2. A zipper fold should be made at the bottom of the sheet. The corner drops at the top. Then the figure is flipped.
  3. The corner is slightly bent. You do not need to bend it too much, just slightly outline the fold line.
  4. After that, you need to carefully flatten the "pockets" of the resulting figure, bending the resulting triangle.
  5. One half of the product is bent back.
  6. The corner is pulled up, part of the paper is pulled out. An elongated figure is an almost finished little man.
  7. After pulling the shape up, only the "nose" of the triangle should remain visible.
  8. The corner bends inward, and the man's head rises up.
  9. The remaining upper corners are bent inward on each side.

For each detail of the little man, you can use paper of different colors.

At the end, the arms and head of the little man should be glued to the body.

Tips for those who are engaged in modular origami

  • By connecting several origami with a thread, you can decorate a room with this. Lots of ideas! For example, you can hang crafts on a nail by the door. It looks very nice, especially if the origami is multi-colored.
  • A beginner who wants to improve his skill can experiment with different materials and colors.
  • Thread origami through the thread must be very careful not to damage the paper.
  • In such work, it is recommended to use thin paper designed specifically for modular origami. Why? It is thinner and easier to work with. Although people who fold paper very intensively can tear it, but if everything is done carefully, then the craft turns out to be very beautiful.
  • Origami is a great gift. By the new year, you can make a Christmas tree, and by February 23 - a tank.
  • There is an alternative material for creating modular origami - this is foil. From it, crafts are more durable, besides, they are shiny.
  • In order to follow an environmental plan for preserving the environment, you can use not new, but recycled paper.
  • If a person plans to donate origami, then the last step of its completion is recommended not to be done in advance, but before delivery. So the craft will not look "rumpled".

To create a beautiful craft, the main thing is to make smooth edges. That is why it is not recommended to use poor quality material. If the sheet is torn, then elegant origami will not work.

How to make modular origami in the shape of a heart?

  1. Take a sheet of square paper. The colored side is turned upside down. The top left corner folds towards the center. The edges should be evenly attached to each other.
  2. The action is repeated with a different angle. As a result, the material should have several fold lines. There is no need to unfold the leaf after this.
  3. The bottom of the material is folded towards the center.
  4. Then the leaf is completely straightened and turned over to the other side. If before that everything was done correctly, then a bulge should form in the center of the sheet.
  5. Next is a horizontal fold.
  6. The sheet is turned over again.
  7. The two edges of the paper are folded towards the center. The edges of the shape should touch.

Hi all. Today I want to upload a beautiful collection of modular origami crafts. To help folk craftsmen in modular origami - both for mothers who want to please their children, and for leaders of children's art circles. I must honestly admit that I myself am not fond of this modular design - this requires a separate time in the day, and with two jobs this is hardly possible. But I am fascinated by voluminous paper crafts. And so in this article, I want to help you find NEW IDEAS for your next modular work.

If BEGINNERS came across this article, then for you I will give you a paper module assembly scheme and the principle of connecting modules to each other (this will be a little lower in the same article).

So, for those who are thinking about the question “What else can be done from modules?” we are starting a review of the cutest paper sculpting crafts.

modular origami

CRAFTS from modules of ONE COLOR.

Usually crafts are made from special colored office paper. It is denser, the module is STRONG, keeps its shape well. The paper is not glossy, rough, does not slip out of the grooves.

Office colored paper for printing are sold in sets - one color in a pack. For example yellow - 100 or 200 sheets. They can be cut into squares and then in the evenings make blank modules. If you are a novice modular origami master, then you will not risk spending money on several packs of different colors at once. And so you will start creating with one color of paper. Here's an idea for crafting ONE COLOR modules. These are characters (giraffe, chicken, duckling, squirrel) of small size - just the kind that do not need very many modules. And that means you will FAST get the result and pleasure. You need to start small - so as not to disgust yourself with an overwhelming task.

And the easiest way to start your experiments in modular origami is with simple WHITE crafts from thin office paper. And for example, to collect such a lamb. For horns, you don’t need a lot of colored paper, and the one that is contained in a regular school set is enough.

How to calculate the number of modules for crafts from her photo . Let's take this lamb as an example. We count the number of modules visible in the photo. And multiply by three. And minus 15 percent of the resulting amount. This will be the approximate number of blanks for crafts. Check it out - and write in the comments if this formula works in your case.

Here is a pink paper craft - FLAMINGO. beautiful tender bird made of paper modules. In our special article you will also find examples of bird crafts using the same technique.



It is convenient to buy colored paper of the same color and plain white office paper. And then you can already make crafts that will be zonal painted in contrasting zones (the white breast of a green frog, the white apron of a black penguin, the zones of the muzzle, ears and breast of a fox). Here's what you can do with modular origami.

modular origami



At the bottom, when you have accumulated leftover paper in different colors, it will be convenient for you to share bright multi-color crafts. The brightest crafts are, of course, BIRDS. Feathers can be of different colors - the play of plumage defies our imagination.

Even a duck can be multi-colored - after all, its wings also shimmer with shades of gray, blue, green, blue.

Make a parrot - it can be small, it can be bigger.

Peacocks, firebirds and swans are GORGEOUS BIRDS with magnificent tails.

For beginners, I do not advise you to take on a bulky project - make a small swan to start. Here's one. It won't require many hours of work from you - and you will get pleasure for a small labor contribution.

Modular origami crafts


Here I found a cute kitty craft. Based on a simple round assembly of modules, you can make this beautiful cat. Glue ears, eyes, paws, nose and mustache - just like paper applications. And of course you need some colored paper for one circular row (in the middle of the calculation) - to get the cat's collar.

Mice are also an ordinary circular assembly, only we fill the central hole at the end of the work with a lump of pink paper - imitating a spout.

You can make the cat bigger. Or it will be a MOM-CAT who will teach a KITTEN-BABY to catch cunning white mice. Wow, and a fun game will begin here - there will be no time for cartoons.


From modular origami.

Cute stupid puppies, loyal dogs, reliable fighting dogs are the dream of every child. If you can't get a live dog just yet, make a modular one out of origami triangles.

The smaller the modules you use, the more even and solid the craft will seem - the smaller the module, the less roughness. And the toy will look like a living thing. Here it wags its tails and rushes to your arms.

modular origami


If you have pink paper left, you can make more of these cute hares with ears using the flat assembly technique.

And here is the craft bunny in a vest and with a watch - a character from Alice in Wonderland. Very small and therefore quick to make crafts. You can think about how to continue this series and try to sketch a visual sketch in a draft Hatter(also mini size), Alice, Queen, round Trulya-la and Tralya-la. And of course the famous blue caterpillar smoking a hookah on a tall mushroom cap. And the main cutie of Wonderland - Cheshire cat.

Will you take it? Dare? I challenge your skillful hands and design brains. I really want to see Carroll characters in the comments to this article.

Oh my god, my ears, my ponytail - how late I am. The duchess will be furious.


From modular origami


I specially publish here such small crafts - because it is miniature assemblies that have great charm. In modular origami, large crafts look bulky and clumsy (like large fur toys from Soviet childhood - heavy gargars). But small crafts they look more cute (as well as fur toys - the smaller, the more cute).

Therefore, do not aim at large projects. Choose small jewelry designs. Do not make modular heffalumps - this already looks not like art, but like clumsy rough work. For some reason, this is the effect. But it's for the best, no need to waste paper.

Here is a cute parrot and little tiny modules. Nyashny and cute.

And here is a hedgehog who dreams of becoming a butterfly. Look at its proportion in relation to the coin next to it.

And here is a tiny dinosaur with a flower around its neck. He believes so much in a miracle, he is so eager to learn about this world and find friends in it. Maybe he will meet a butterfly hedgehog and befriend him. They have similar souls - childish, dreamy and open to new things.

Your children will enjoy playing with these toys.

And here are the cute puppies. Kids in funny costumes. These cutie crumbs will become your daughter's favorite dolls. They will have to create a whole world for them - modular origami beds, an armchair and tables.


From modular origami


Easy-to-make crafts of just a SMALL SIZE are food. Watermelon slices are easy to make. This is a straight linear flat assembly - row by row, like assembling a mosaic in a kindergarten.

But round fruits are also collected simply in a circle, as in the usual schemes for beginners. We will show them below.

But paper cakes - a simple and easy modular origami craft that you can do with your children in school art circles.

At the top, you can roll a cherry from a lump of paper napkin soaked in PVA glue - we sculpt a ball from such a soaked napkin, dry it and paint it with gouache (sprinkle it with hairspray on top to fix the gouache).

The cream can be two-layer - that is, two-color.

And to store all this beauty, you can assemble a shelf in several tiers. Although the shelf can be made of cardboard without using modules.

You can create any origami yummy.

Assembly diagram


Here is a diagram showing how to fold the paper to get the correct module. The size of the leaflet can be any, but the ratio of its sides should be 2X3.

That is, it can be leaves 4 by 6 cm, maybe 6 by 9 cm, or 8 by 12 cm, and so on.

Modules can be stacked by laying them on the short side, or laying them out on the long side.

Below we see the modules lying on the short side - and 2 legs of two modules drive into the leg of the third module. According to this principle, they are attached to each other.

Depending on the method of adhesion, they give a different pattern of the canvas.

FLAT crafts

from modular origami.

For starters, simple flat crafts are suitable for you, here you need to collect everything like a mosaic - on the same plane of the table. It can be a LADYBUG craft or a BUTTERFLY craft.

Craft FISH - assembly diagrams can be found on the Internet.

But what kind of flat crafts-MANDALS can be made with your own hands and hung on the window.

These are the beautiful ideas you can bring to life - out of paper, patience and perseverance. Beauty is the work of human hands and inspiration from nature. Everything has already been created before us, look around, find what makes you feel beautiful and put it in paper modules.

Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site ""
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There are several types of paper origami modules, but triangles are the most popular. Only they allow you to create a wide variety of models based on the same "building" unit. The imagination of origamists is not limited by anything - flowers, animals, vases and architectural objects can be folded from miniature triangles, ranging in size from a human palm to two meters or more.

What is a triangular module

The element is based on a rectangle, ranging in size from 1/4 to 1/36 of a landscape sheet (A4 format). Ready-made modules are connected due to protruding "corners" and deep "pockets", according to the principle of a plug connector. The snug fit of the parts ensures the strength of the structure, but for greater reliability it is better to additionally “put” them on glue.

Before making triangles for modular origami, you need to cut rectangular blanks of a certain size. It is permissible to use several "calibers" at the same time: a larger one for the main volumes and a smaller one for an elegant decor. You can divide the sheet into modules based on the basic form of the "Door". For the most running element 1/16 you will need:

  1. Fold the sheet in half lengthwise.
  2. To uncover.
  3. Fold each half to the center line.
  4. Open the workpiece and repeat the same steps in the transverse direction. As a result, the sheet will be divided into 16 parts, 7.4x5.3 cm in size.

Getting 1/32 is somewhat more difficult. Sheet A4 is first divided transversely along the central axis, and then each half is folded four times. It turns out twice as many bands as in the previous case. For the longitudinal direction of action are the same as for module marking 1/16. As a result, rectangles are formed, 5.3x3.7 cm in size. It is best to cut the blanks with a clerical knife, placing a board, fiberboard or a special mock-up rug under the sheet.

You can get 1/32 rectangles in another way:

Triangle module

Folding a triangular part from a rectangular blank will not be difficult. The only “but” is that there will be a lot of such elements, on average, about 1000 pieces per figure 25–30 cm high. Experienced craftsmen advise, as far as possible, to replenish stocks of parts while doing other things. For example, while watching your favorite series or walking with a child. After some training, you can add triangles without even looking.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • We place the original rectangle with the long side towards us.
  • Fold in half from top to bottom (this is important, because the free edge should “look” at us). We bend the workpiece in half across to designate its middle. We reveal.
  • Lower the right and left edges down, aligning them in the center. We turn over.
  • We bend the outer corners of the workpiece.
  • We tuck the lower part to the line of the base of the triangle.
  • We fold the figure in half "valley".

As a result, we get classic triangles for modular origami:

There are several types of connections for modular elements. They depend:

  • from the choice of the side by which one part is connected to another;
  • from the relative position of the "corner" and "pocket".

The ABC of modular business:

    1. The triangular module has two short sides opposite the 60° angles and one long side opposite the straight one. In the figure, they are designated, respectively, SSN and SDS.
    2. Connection on the short sides (KSN).
    3. The same, but on long (DSN).
    4. "Snake" when modular elements are connected one to one.
    5. Classic connection "two long sides and one short".
    6. "All short."

Three models in the technique of modular origami

Novice craftsmen are not always familiar with the subtleties of "paper art". The main thing when assembling origami from triangle modules, as in other types of needlework: embroidery, weaving or knitting, is not to rush and clearly follow the pattern at each stage. Then the work will immediately turn out to be neat and durable, without requiring alterations. There are other significant points:

  1. The modules must be folded very precisely, otherwise the product will be skewed and sloppy. The smaller the size of the assembly elements, the thinner the paper is chosen for them.
  2. If the "pockets" are difficult to open, you can use a toothpick.
  3. It is better to start acquaintance with modular origami with light models, gradually moving on to more complex ones.
  4. Gluing the elements of the product will help to keep it for a long time and protect it from destruction when dropped.
  5. Finished work should be covered with a transparent varnish for wood. This is a good protection against dust and fading, as well as the ability to do wet cleaning.


A good model for those who are just starting to get acquainted with the technique of folding origami from small triangles. For her, you need only 106 blue modules and 24 pink ones.

Scheme "Owls":

Assembly is carried out on the long sides. The 1st row consists of 16 blue elements. Starting from the 2nd, add pink details for the "shirt-front" of the owl (12 + 4).

The total number of elements in each row is the same. But the ratio of colors is different.

3rd row: 10 blue and 5 pink parts.

4th row: 8 blue and 6 pink.

Having collected the owl, we make its characteristic "ears". They consist of 3 parts that are attached to the last row, according to the same principle as the rest. Then we glue the bird's eyes and nose from the pink modular element.

"Owl" of bright fabulous color will decorate the house for Halloween or other themed holiday. It will also look spectacular in the nursery.

Chinese mini dragon

Following the principle of gradual complication of models, after a super-simple owl, you can just move on to the symbol of the water element, popular in the east. The dragon in China has long been associated with the cult of fertility, not a single rain-causing ritual could do without its images. In addition, this mythical character denoted belonging to the upper strata of society. His images were allowed to decorate the clothes of only the aristocracy, while the common people, such a "liberty" was not available.

In order to make a mini dragon, you will need 515 1/16 paper origami triangles:

  • 251 blue (C),
  • 264 yellow (W).


We start with the head. The scheme of its assembly:

We move from the "chin" up.

Row Number of modules
1 3 C
2 4 C
3 3 C
4 4 C
5 5 C
6 4 C
7 1 S+1 F+1 S+1 F+1 S
8 6 C
9 5 C
10 6 C

We assemble from top to bottom. Having completed the 10th row, we make spikes crowning the dragon's head. We collect them symmetrically according to the scheme, making a pass in the middle. We turn the figure over and slightly bend - the head is almost ready. Cut out a forked tongue from red paper and glue it in the center of the last row from the inside.

dragon torso

The flexible body of the mythical animal is a chain of yellow and blue details. At the beginning there are three of them: S + F + S. To the first yellow detail in the next row, add two more, putting on each corner.

Then we repeat the initial arrangement of the triangles again and continue like this until we have about 88 rows. The body will require 176 blue and 262 yellow elements. After completing the assembly, two blue fastening modules are added to the head from the back near the eyes.

We make 4 paws from 5 blue parts. We attach the blanks to the body at the fulcrum. We pre-bend it, like a roller coaster.

The mini dragon is ready!


This is one of the most beautiful and sought after models. An origami swan made from modular triangles easily transforms into an elegant vase for dried flowers, although it is magnificent on its own.

For the two-color model presented in the following video tutorial, you will need 1522 modules, 1/32 in size:

  • 1322 whites,
  • 180 pink.

Historical reference

Modular origami most often means precisely figures from small triangles. However, there are also kusudama balls and polyhedrons from the so-called "Sonobe modules." Both varieties are native to Japan. Kusudama - a paper ball of several sections sewn or glued together, known since the Middle Ages. It was filled with aromatic herbs that released healing essential oils and hung around the house to protect against infectious diseases, as well as create a calming atmosphere.

Modular polyhedrons in the form of a specially curved parallelogram were developed in the 1960s by Japanese origami artist Mitsunobu Sonobe and named after him. The master, most likely, borrowed the idea from his predecessor Hayato Okhoko, who in 1734 first described and presented a scheme of a three-dimensional cube from several identical elements.

Origami from triangular modules is an invention of Chinese masters. Its origins are not exactly known, but the Western world had to get acquainted with this unique technique under very sad circumstances. In 1993, 286 illegal immigrants from China arrived in the United States aboard the cargo ship Golden Venture. The "new homeland" met them unkindly. When the ship ran aground near New York's Rockaway Beach, the passengers tried to swim to the Promised Land, and 10 of them drowned. The rest of the illegal immigrants were arrested by the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) and scattered in prisons in different parts of America.

While waiting for an answer to their asylum request, Chinese prisoners whiled away the time with national types of needlework, including origami, which is called “zhezhi” in pinyin. In the process of work, illegal immigrants invented triangular modules, creating large-scale figures from them: vases, swans, pineapples and ships. Instead of ordinary paper, the covers of old magazines and newspapers were used. Later, when the technique became widespread, Chinese banknotes were often taken for modular elements.

The modular origami sculptures were donated by prisoners to those who supported them or sold them to raise funds for legal services. Some of them are presented at the Freedom Flight traveling exhibition organized by the American Immigration Center.

What other origami triangles are

Triangular modules are the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to the origami technique. But there are other elements with a similar name, with which it is desirable to get acquainted, so as not to get confused in concepts.

"Double Triangle"

Chinese origami modules are sometimes confused with the popular basic figure, which has nothing to do with them. "Double Triangle" or "Water Bomb" is used in classic Japanese papermaking, as the basis for many well-known models. Among them are "Fish", "Frog", "Rabbit" and so on.

The basic origami triangle is formed according to the following scheme:

soldier's letter

The famous "front triangles" that soldiers sent from the front line during the Great Patriotic War, surprisingly, are also made using the origami technique. This method made it possible to do without an envelope - the address was written on the outside of the sheet, and the message on the inside. At the same time, the letter was not crumpled and torn, each of its lines was saved for loved ones who were looking forward to the news.

Soldiers' triangles gave joy, served as the best evidence that their author is alive. But letters in real envelopes were sent only by official authorities, announcing death or missing. In order to feel the atmosphere of those years and preserve the memory of the heroic deed of the people in the fight against German Nazism, “Soldier Origami Triangles” are often made for Victory Day.