Subcutaneous tick in a dog: symptoms and treatment. Demodicosis or subcutaneous tick in dogs: home treatment, symptoms and visual photos

Is self-medication justified?

Demodicosis or glandular disease is a common disease in dogs caused by the subcutaneous mite Demodex canis. Almost all animals and people can be carriers of this insect. It is quite simple to cure a dog from a subcutaneous tick, but for a long time - a whole range of medications will be required for a positive result.

The course of treatment involves the neutralization of the causative agent of the disease and the elimination of the consequences of demodicosis. The ultimate goal: to restore the immunity of the animal and the integrity of its skin, as well as rid the dog's body of hormonal complications.

The treatment process is quite long and lasts at least two to three months.

So what and how to treat subcutaneous ticks in dogs?

Stronghold or Advocate preparations can be applied to the skin for the treatment of glandular disease.

Chlorophos should not be used to disinfect animal hair. Due to the presence of phosphorus compounds in it, which are poisonous, it can cause unpleasant and painful complications.

In parallel, to reduce the effect of staphylococcal microflora on the pet's body, it is recommended to administer antistaphylococcal drugs - antibiotics.

To strengthen the hair follicles, sulfur-containing preparations should be added to the dog's food. Also, their liniments Amitraz and Cyclone can be rubbed into the skin areas affected by the mite.

If the dog's skin immunity is suppressed and an increased content of corticosteroids is observed, it is recommended to add a few drops of a 5% iodine solution with the addition of Chloditan to her food.

In case of iron gland disease, the dog develops areas of baldness, which, in order to alleviate itching and irritation, must be treated with sea buckthorn oil with Pichtoin and vitamin A.

During treatment, the dog must be combed to remove dead skin particles that will form during the peeling process. Also, the dog's body is treated daily with antiseptics - Fukortsin or salicylic acid solution.

Due to the use of antibiotics in an animal, adverse liver dysfunctions may occur. To prevent this from happening, we can recommend the use of hepatoprotectors: Heptral, LIV-52, Karsil.

It is important to carry out the prevention of demodicosis, especially in pregnant females, giving them, a week before the offspring, Ivomek. This will prevent infection of the puppies.

Traditional medicine will also help

If you find a subcutaneous tick in dogs, home treatment or folk remedies can be quite effective.

  • A decoction of wormwood with honey is often used, which is given to the dog to drink half a glass approximately every two to three hours.

  • You can prepare an ointment from the roots of celandine, which is poured with refined sunflower oil. The composition should be simmered at a temperature of 40-50? C for several hours and filtered. Before the procedure, you can add sour cream. The ointment is rubbed into the animal's scalp, ears and instilled into the nose.

  • You can also make masks from pureed sour apples, grated juniper berries or elecampane roots.

But it should be borne in mind that folk remedies are, of course, gentle means of combating ticks, but are much less effective than medications, as a result of which treatment can be delayed. So the final choice is yours!

If the subcutaneous tick has been sitting for a long time, the following symptoms of malaise develop in dogs:

  • weakness;
  • anemia;
  • formation of secondary complications and pathologies.

If you find these symptoms in your pet, you should immediately go to the veterinarian for diagnosis. After all, the treatment of subcutaneous ticks in dogs is the more effective the earlier the visit to the doctor occurred. The neglected state of the animal guarantees long-term treatment with the risk of developing various complications.

Types of subcutaneous mites

  • external;
  • subcutaneous;
  • intradermal.

External and subcutaneous insects attack dogs from the external environment. Intradermal varieties of itching are in the body of a pet during his life and begin to act actively only under certain conditions.

Ticks of this species prefer to live in hair follicles and sebaceous glands. The impetus for the development of the disease can be:

  • physical or mental shock,
  • decreased immunity;
  • decrease in the activity of the course of metabolic processes in the dog's body.

Methods of diagnosis and treatment

The doctor, in order to identify a subcutaneous tick in a dog, prescribes a series of examinations. A complete diagnosis of the animal will allow:

  • identify the root cause of the disease;
  • determine the severity of the lesion;
  • choose the optimal treatment regimen.

To protect yourself from a tick-borne type of disease, you need to seek medical help when you detect the first symptoms of malaise in your pet.

For a more accurate diagnosis, a fragment of the epithelium taken from a dog is examined under a microscope. To do this, the dog is injected with painkillers. After that, the doctor makes an incision and takes a scraping. This analysis gives an idea of ​​the extent of the damage.

Also, in order to finally make an accurate diagnosis, the specialist prescribes a urine and blood test. In addition, the pet's feces are examined, and the material is also sown to determine the presence or absence of a tick under the skin.

What to do in order to cure a dog depends on the form of the course of the disease. Due to the specific life cycle of the tick, treating a pet can take several months. Especially if the violations have gone too far.

The subcutaneous tick has a drug treatment. In this case, the veterinarian prescribes hypoallergenic food to the animal. This approach can be called the traditional treatment regimen for subcutaneous mites in pets.

Medical treatment

  • acaricidal agents (for example, zinc-sulfur ointment, Amitan or Akarabor). Such a medicine reduces the vital activity of an insect that has managed to get under the skin. As a result of taking these drugs, itching loses the ability to actively reproduce;
  • for aseptic treatment of the skin surface, a solution of salicylic acid or Fukortsin is used;

To stimulate the immune system, the veterinarian prescribes the intake of mineral supplements and vitamins, as well as fatty acids to the animal. In this case, doctors recommend using Maxidin, Advocate and Fosprenil as immunomodulators.

You need to know that for breeds such as Sheltie, Bobtail and Collie, as well as their crossbreeds, it is forbidden to use drugs that have Ivermectin in their composition.

Folk methods of treatment

Dog breeders often ask the question "how to treat types of subcutaneous mites in dogs without taking medication?". For these purposes, the following folk remedies are suitable:

  • infusion of celandine roots. The roots of the plant are poured with sunflower oil. The components are taken in a 1:1 ratio. After that, the solution is heated for 3-4 hours at a temperature of 50 degrees. Then it is filtered and applied to the parts of the body affected by the insect. The mixture is applied every day;
  • sour juniper berries and apples. They need to be rubbed well, after which the mixture is smeared on the affected skin;
  • garlic infusion. The garlic is crushed and poured with almond oil. The component is taken in a ratio of 1:2. The resulting solution should be infused in the dark for 2-4 days. After that, the agent is applied to the skin, which has obvious signs of the disease. However, it is worth knowing that garlic in large proportions is toxic to dogs, and almond oil leads to dry skin;

  • liquid sour cream or kefir. Black sulfur should be added to the dairy product. The components are mixed in a ratio of 3:1. The resulting product should be infused for three hours. The mixture is applied to the skin once a day. In large quantities, sulfur can cause burning and cracking of the skin;
  • Birch tar. It is applied to problem areas of the skin.

To wash your pet, you can use tar soap.

It is worth noting that any folk remedies should be used only after consulting a doctor. However, their effectiveness is possible only at the initial stage of infection. They allow you to create an unfavorable habitat for ticks, which can lead to a deterioration in the health of the dog. Therefore, you need to carefully choose a folk remedy for treating a dog, having previously familiarized yourself with its side effects.

Please note that the waste products excreted by the subcutaneous mite in dogs are strong allergens that cause severe itching, painful sores and hair loss. As a rule, the animal can get sick from May to September, as the disease is seasonal. Most often, demodicosis occurs in dogs aged from six months to two years. Sick animals provoke the development of pathology, and the tick is transmitted at the time of direct contact with them through the eyes, ears, muzzle and hygiene items. Small puppies often become infected from the mother. In addition, demodicosis in a dog can be detected due to malnutrition of the animal, surgery, or past infectious diseases. Prolonged antibiotic therapy, the presence of worms and even rickets can contribute to the activation of the tick.

Generalized subcutaneous tick in dogs occurs after 2 years of age and accounts for 10% of all cases of infection. In this case, characteristic symptoms are observed in several parts of the body, including the limbs. The disease, as a rule, affects such breeds as pit bull, dachshund, bulldog, beagle and some others. Generalized demodicosis is more severe than localized, and its development depends on factors such as the presence of endocrine diseases, weakened immunity, and genetic predisposition.

Symptoms of the disease

The owner of the animal can detect demodicosis only at the second stage of its development, since it is difficult to diagnose the primary signs of a subcutaneous tick in dogs due to their ambiguity. So, the main symptoms of the disease that can be seen:

  • dog's unwillingness to communicate with the owner, her irritability;
  • poor appetite;
  • the dog itches badly and tears the skin to the blood;
  • baldness of certain parts of the body is observed, redness appears, the affected areas are covered with pityriasis scales;
  • the dog is shaking with chills, because her thermoregulation process is disturbed;
  • ulcers appear, which subsequently burst and smell bad;
  • if appropriate measures are not taken in time, a fungal or bacterial infection may join demodicosis, as a result of which the dog will lose weight and may die from blood poisoning or exhaustion.

Diagnosis of the disease

Only a veterinarian can identify a subcutaneous tick in a dog. To understand when to seek professional help, you need to carefully monitor your pet. The initial stage of demodicosis, as a rule, resembles a common skin dermatitis, so it is worth paying attention to how your dog smells. If a fetid odor emanates from it, it is worth sounding the alarm.

Diagnosis of the disease is not difficult. First of all, an analysis is carried out for demodicosis, which is a microscopic examination of pustules taken from the affected area. If there is an infection, the result will show it clearly. In order to properly analyze for demodicosis, it is necessary to take the material for research from the deep skin layers by scraping with a special tool. For these purposes, hair follicles from lesions are also suitable. To exclude the presence of other diseases, blood is taken from the dog for examination, since demodicosis most often manifests itself as a secondary pathology. In 50% of cases, a subcutaneous tick is the first sign of a weakening of the protective functions of the animal's body.

However, only drug treatment for demodicosis is not enough. It should be done to strengthen the dog's immune system, as well as to eliminate skin atony and hormonal abnormalities. To do this, you can use not only medical products, but also homemade recipes that will help supply the animal's body with the necessary vitamins and minerals. In addition, it is important to properly care for your pet and carry out hygienic manipulations.

It is worth noting that some medications for subcutaneous ticks in dogs can cause adverse reactions because they are toxic. Therefore, it is necessary to give the pet other medicines at the same time, the action of which is aimed at protecting the liver and restoring the strength of the animal. These include drugs such as Heptral, Karsil and LIV-52. The main treatment involves the elimination of the causative agent of demodicosis and the consequences of its vital activity. The ultimate goal is to restore the integrity of the dog's skin, its immunity and the normalization of hormonal levels. The course of therapy, as a rule, takes a long time - about 2-3 months.

Medicines for demodicosis

Drops of "Stronghold" or "Lawyer" can be applied to the lesions. In order to reduce the staphylococcal effect on the dog's body, antibiotics are often prescribed, and to strengthen the hair follicles, it is recommended to give the pet preparations containing sulfur. And their liniments, such as "Cyclone" and "Amitraz", are recommended to be rubbed into the skin affected by demodicosis. If the animal has reduced immunity and an increased amount of corticosteroids, a couple of drops of iodine solution (5%), as well as Chloditan, should be added to the feed.

To eliminate itching and redness, veterinarians advise lubricating the lesions with sea buckthorn oil with vitamin A or Pihtoin. Be sure to brush your dog regularly as bits of the affected skin will die off and flake off during treatment. You should also carry out antiseptic treatment of the dog's body every day with a solution of salicylic acid or "Fukortsin". If the dog is expecting puppies, then before the offspring appears (about a week in advance), it is necessary to carry out prophylaxis with the Ivomek preparation to prevent infection of the babies.

Treatment Shampoo

Shampoo "Doctor" has antipruritic, deodorizing and antiseborrheic properties. It quickly relieves inflammation, prevents the formation of acne, saturates tissues with oxygen, normalizes the production of subcutaneous fat, and also has an antifungal and antimicrobial effect against yeast-like fungi and staphylococci.

Shampoo "Doctor" is very easy to use. It should be used one hour before applying medication to the affected areas. Rub the shampoo until a rich foam forms, then rinse with running water and repeat the procedure again. After 10 minutes after repeated application, the foam must be thoroughly washed off. Depending on the rate of skin secretion, it is recommended to use shampoo at intervals of two to three days.

If you use such a product for a long time, the dog's skin may begin to peel off. In this case, the animal should be shown to the veterinarian. Contraindication of the drug is the increased sensitivity of the pet to its components.

Folk medicine for pet health

Do not know how to get rid of a subcutaneous tick in a dog? Perhaps folk recipes will help you. However, before using them, you must definitely consult a veterinarian and get his approval. So, what can be done to save the animal from torment:

  • You can prepare a healing decoction of wormwood and honey, which should be given to the animal as a drink, 1/2 cup every two hours.
  • A good result is shown by an ointment made from celandine roots. Raw materials should be poured with refined vegetable oil, simmered over low heat for several hours and carefully filtered. It is recommended to add a little sour cream to the composition, after which you can rub it into the affected areas of the skin, and also bury it in your ears.
  • Masks made from pureed juniper, elecampane roots or sour apples will be useful.

Do not forget that folk remedies are not as effective as drug treatment, although they are more gentle. In any case, the veterinarian must, of course, have the final say.

Are sick dogs dangerous to humans?

It is the same with dogs: a person cannot infect them, since they have different types of demodectic mites. However, in any case, close contact with a sick animal should be avoided, because, as they say, God protects the safe.

Disease prevention

The subcutaneous tick in a dog, the symptoms and treatment of which we examined in the framework of our article, is a rather serious problem that can even lead to the death of the animal. In order to avoid the development of pathology, it is necessary to take good care of your pet, constantly strengthen its health and prevent the possibility of infection with demodicosis from other dogs. To wash the animal, use products that are specially designed for this. So you can strengthen the hair follicles and prevent the tick from getting under the skin. Veterinarians advise rubbing sulfur-containing ointments into the dog's body, as well as adding a little iodine solution to drinking water.

Spring is a wonderful time to walk your dog in the park or forest. However, so that such a walk is not overshadowed by a tick bite, you need to know how to protect your dog from this trouble. Take care of your four-legged friend and visit the veterinarian regularly. Let your furry pet feel free and run wherever he wants.

It is one of the most dangerous parasites that can threaten the life of our four-legged friend. This is indeed an extremely undesirable guest on the dog's body, moreover, it is often found in our area, which makes the threat of its penetration into the dog's personal space very high.

What a subcutaneous tick looks like in dogs, what dangerous diseases it carries, as well as the main ways to cure a dog with demodicosis - all this can be found in our review.

How it looks under a microscope.

So, these include:

  • very severe itching;
  • redness of the skin in the affected areas with the appearance of wounds and ulcers;
  • characteristic putrid smell that exude scratches;
  • nervousness of the dog, sometimes turning into aggression;
  • general weakness;
  • fever, bouts of hyperactivity, followed by an apathetic state;
  • hair loss;
  • excessive sweating of the dog;
  • fever with chills.

Such unpleasant sensations can be experienced by our four-legged friend. And here the entire responsibility for its future fate falls on the shoulders of people. However, more on that later.

Now about the forms of the disease:

  1. The scaly form of demodicosis is considered the easiest.
    Usually it is accompanied by skin lesions of a local nature in the areas of the head and paws. There is moderate redness with the appearance of peeling and separation of the upper layers of the affected epidermis in the form of flakes. Shedding is also possible, but usually, despite brittleness, it is insignificant.
  2. Pustular form of the disease.
    This is a severe course of the disease, which is characterized by severe inflammation of the affected areas of the skin with the appearance of nodules, as well as total baldness of these areas with clearly visible ulcers on the surface of the skin. The animal is greatly weakened, the body is depleted with a quite possible subsequent death.

Treatment Methods

Now let's move on to methods of treating a subcutaneous tick in a dog, or rather, its pathogenic activity. Symptoms and treatment for a subcutaneous tick in a dog are interconnected, which is inevitable. After all, the course of this disease is characterized by very unpleasant manifestations that require relief in the first place.

So, what should be done if the dog is sick, and how is it customary to treat subcutaneous ticks in dogs?

We systematize the treatment process, dividing it into several main areas, namely:

Let's go through some of the points listed. Of course, first of all, the dog is given the help that consists in stopping the lesions of the skin.

Means for external use.

The most commonly used drugs are:

  • amitrazine;
  • amidel-gel;
  • mitaban;
  • ivermectin;
  • hemitraz;
  • ivomek;
  • stomozan.

Further, it is imperative to proceed to the stimulation of the animal's immune system. This is an extremely important factor in the eventual recovery, and is also responsible for reducing the chances of recurrence of the disease, which happens quite often in predisposed dogs.

This will help us with medications such as:

In the event of background concomitant infectious diseases with manifestations of symptoms of inflammatory processes, antibiotics are used.

To maintain such an important organ, which is the liver, firstly, a sparing diet is prescribed. We limit the supply of fatty meats to the animal, giving preference to poultry meat, such as chicken or turkey. You should also, if possible, refuse to use purchased feed, or at least reduce the daily rate to a minimum.

Good day, dear reader! We often go to visit my wife's brother. Our children love to play together, run around and of course throw a stick to their dog. They have a handsome man, German Shepherd breed, everyone who sees him immediately asks for puppies.

But a couple of months ago, Kim was simply unrecognizable. Arriving at them, the bald spot near his eyes immediately rushed. The owners thought maybe it was some kind of allergic reaction, as he does not tolerate various medications quite well. But after all the measures taken, the area of ​​baldness only became larger.

Then they did not pull and turned to the veterinarian, where they diagnosed it as a subcutaneous tick. The doctor conducted all the tests and prescribed the appropriate treatment. Now the dog is fine. In this article, you will learn: how to treat a subcutaneous tick in a dog, the main treatment regimens, what methods can be used to protect a pet.

Treatment of demodicosis until complete healing

Demodicosis is an invasive disease caused by a microscopic mite. It is characterized by dermatitis, local alopecia. Accompanied by pustular, papular rashes on the skin, and immunodeficiency. Demodex mite is localized not only on the skin, but also tends to penetrate the subcutaneous tissue and even the lymphatic system.

There are the following variants of demodicosis:

  • squamous (scaly) - the formation of bran-like scales of copper-red color on the scalp and limbs;
  • pustular - the formation of vesicles on the skin filled with pus;
  • generalized - simultaneous manifestation of the first and second forms of the disease with damage to significant areas of the skin.

The most common and dangerous disease is demodicosis. At the initial stage, the signs of infection do not manifest themselves very strongly and are almost invisible.

The increased activity of the Demodex mite is the main cause of the appearance of demodicosis. The causative agent of the disease is so small that it can only be seen under a microscope. There are a huge number of varieties of Demodex - scientists have counted as many as 140 species!

It is worth noting that a person cannot become infected from pets, including dogs. In the same way as he will not be able to transfer the "human" tick to his pet.

Note that only adult mites corrode the upper layer of the skin, while young individuals feed on dead cells.

Some scientists claim that the Demodex mite is an integral part of the normal flora of any living creature. That is, the tick lives on the skin of any dog, but not every time it causes such a complex and dangerous disease. There is an opinion that demodicosis is transmitted from mother to puppy, that is, it is inherited.

According to the research of another group of scientists, demodexes are not so friendly "neighbors" for dogs. And only eight percent of dogs have it, therefore, the sources of infection are other sick dogs. Thus, we can talk about two points of view about the ways of infection of domestic dogs:

  1. The first is that contacts with an infected animal are potentially dangerous and lead to demodicosis.
  2. The second is that an animal can get sick even without contact with a tick carrier, subject to a sharp and severe decrease in immunity.
Choosing the right treatment is very important. To set the required course of medication, veterinarians first determine the form of the disease. There are three of them in total.

The first form is focal (local). This is the easiest and most harmless degree. The disease proceeds as follows - several small scaly skin areas appear. They are located completely randomly. And their number reaches an average of three to five.

In the event that the pet does not feel severe ailments, successful self-treatment is possible. However, almost always it can lead to subsequent deterioration of the dog's well-being. Therefore, we still recommend contacting a veterinarian.

Generalized demodicosis is the second form of the disease. It differs from focal by greater damage to the dog's skin.

In addition to the skin, internal organs can also be affected. Peeling hairless areas in their number exceed five pieces, their boundaries are constantly expanding, and the skin acquires an extremely unpleasant odor. This form of demodicosis without timely and competent treatment can lead to the death of the dog, as the animal's immune system is severely damaged.

And the last third form of the disease is called juvenile. It is inherent more for individuals under the age of one year. In this case, we can talk about the hereditary predisposition of the dog. Then veterinarians recommend treating not only the puppy, but also his mother.

Introduction to therapy: main rules and control of the result

Treatment of generalized demodicosis is a long process, difficult to predict and requires great patience from the dog owner. In each specific case of the disease, an individual approach is important, since there is no specific scheme for getting rid of a tick that helps absolutely all pets.

In any case, to begin with, differential diagnosis is carried out, excluding the following diseases: true food allergy, lichen, sarcoptic mange, siphunculatosis, dermatitis. The principle of therapy stands on two pillars: the complete destruction of the tick population and the elimination of all predisposing factors (poor maintenance, weak immunity, improper feeding, etc.)

Again, there are at least two points of view on the possibility of a complete recovery of a pet:

  • The first is pessimistic. No matter how you treat the dog, the disease will return. The owner can only alleviate the course of the disease and prevent its possible recurrence.
  • The second is more optimistic. You can completely get rid of the disease if you strictly follow all the doctor's instructions.

Treatment, of course, is complex and consists of several types of drugs of various directions. If a bacterial infection is added to demodicosis, then in 90 percent of cases, a sick dog is prescribed antibiotics. In addition, local processing is applied.

Also, to maintain the functioning of the liver, injections of ivomek and its analogues are used.

Please note that analogues must be without vitamins! To strengthen the immune system, the pet is prescribed immunostimulants. A diet low in B vitamins and protein is very important during the treatment period.

The owner must also provide comfortable living conditions for the dog - it must be a dry room, without drafts and moisture. All this can adversely affect the treatment and cause a relapse.

After the course of treatment, prophylaxis must be continued for another two weeks after the complete disappearance of all symptoms of the disease.

Thus, a pet is considered healthy if there has not been a single recurrence of the disease for eight months after the illness. Scraping of the epithelium is taken three times. Analysis in all three cases should show a negative result. In addition, veterinarians often advise taking a blood or urine biochemistry test to determine the general condition of the dog.

This is necessary, since the treatment occurs with the use of strong medications that affect the liver and other internal organs. Treatment of demodicosis in dogs is a very long and, frankly, expensive process. Therefore, it should be remembered that the best treatment is prevention. Take care of your pet's health today.

If you see the first signs of the disease, do not delay and rather run to a good, proven veterinary clinic.

After all, wasted time can be bad for your pet's health. And even lead to death. During treatment, to achieve maximum effect, you will need:

Given the insidiousness of demodicosis, the main strategy is not to relax and not stop there!

  • a control deep skin scraping is required every 3-4 weeks from the start of treatment;
  • we continue treatment until we receive three consecutive negative results of bacterioscopy for the presence of ticks, regardless of the visible improvement in the appearance and condition of the dog.

The difficulty of getting rid of a tick with acaricidal external agents is associated with their vital activity not only on the skin, but also in the subcutaneous tissue, and in the lymph nodes, where the ointment cannot penetrate, therefore, in many cases, one has to resort to complex treatment (ointments, injections and tablets).

Specific drugs

Amitraz. It ranks first in terms of effectiveness in defeating demodicosis in dogs. Principle of treatment and dosage:

  1. Long-haired dogs are shorn short and washed with a keratolytic shampoo containing sulfur;
  2. The drug is diluted with warm water according to the instructions, the animal is bathed in the resulting solution, allowing it to dry naturally or dried with a hair dryer (you cannot use a towel for drying);
  3. Only a new solution is used each time;
  4. The treatment is repeated every 10-14 days until three consecutive negative results are obtained from skin scrapings (in most cases, 6 treatments should suffice).

A chronic course may require a longer course of treatment with high doses of amitraz, but in this case there is a possibility of side effects in the form of poisoning, depression of the nervous system, a decrease in body temperature, an increase in blood sugar, in addition, there have been deaths among Chihuahuas .

In the absence of a therapeutic effect from the use of the usual dose, it is increased by two, sometimes three times, and the number of treatments is adjusted to 1 time per week.

All decisions to change the dosage should only be made by a specialist. It is desirable to carry out the treatment in a clinic setting in order to immediately resuscitate the animal if necessary.

Amitraz is prescribed with extreme caution:

  • dogs with diabetes;
  • puppies under 4 months old;
  • animals with pronounced pyoderma, the presence of drainage channels (purulent fistulas) - treatment with amitraz in this case is possible only after a course of antibiotics.

Ivermectin. It can be put in second place in terms of the effectiveness of therapy. For treatment, both the injection form of the drug for subcutaneous administration (approximate dose 0.4 mg / kg) and in the form of tablets (approximate dose 0.6 mg / kg 1 time per day) are used.

On average, the duration of treatment is about 5-6 weeks, after which there is a significant improvement in the general condition of the animal.

Avermectin preparations are usually prescribed to those dogs that do not have a positive trend from treatment with amitraz. Unfortunately, long-term use of drugs in high doses in almost 100% of cases causes a hepatotoxic effect, which should not be forgotten.

Therefore, the course of therapy is accompanied by monitoring the state of the liver and taking hepatoprotectors to minimize the risk of developing hepatitis.


  • not recommended for use in puppies under 6 months of age;
  • it is forbidden to use collies and its crossbreeds, bobtails (these breeds have a high degree of penetration of the active substance of the drug into the central nervous system and its accumulation there, which significantly increases the toxic effect on the body).

Phosphorus organic compounds. In the recent past, organophosphorus preparations (chlorophos, ronnel, etc.) were used to combat demodicosis, but recently more and more veterinarians refuse this method of treatment due to the high toxic effect of these drugs.

Nevertheless, the relatively safe cythioate belongs to the same group.

The drug is available in the form of tablets and is designed to get rid of fleas, but it also perfectly destroys adults (sexually mature) ticks. Restrictions on the use of cythiotate:

  1. Absolute contraindication for use in Greykhanuds (there is a possibility of developing muscle tremors and increased excitability);
  2. It is impossible for pregnant bitches, malnourished animals;
  3. Dogs after stress;
  4. With anemia.

Apply twice a week for 45 days (10 mg/kg).

Treatment regimens

As mentioned above, there is no single scheme for getting rid of subcutaneous ticks and all appointments should be made by a professional. In extreme cases (for example, when there is no way to see a specialist), the most common treatment options can be considered.

They are not a dogma, and even more so a guide to action for self-treatment.

Treatment with this drug is carried out against the background of dietary feeding, the use of hepatoprotectors and vitamin therapy. After a course of antibiotics, a course of Procolin is indicated. Please note that the treatment of demodicosis with folk remedies is not practiced in veterinary medicine; highly effective medicines are always required against ticks.
Source: ";"

How to treat a subcutaneous tick in a dog - at home

Every dog ​​has subcutaneous mites (another name is demodexes), but they do not always manifest themselves. What provokes the development of the disease? What are the signs and how to cure a subcutaneous tick in a dog? More about this in the material below.

Important! Demodicosis is not contagious to other dogs and humans and is not transmitted from sick animals to healthy ones.

  1. Scaly (another name is squamous);
  2. Pustular (another name is pyodemodecosis) - may be the result of a scaly form or an independent disease.

According to statistics, the disease often develops in young pets under 2 years of age (juvenile demodicosis), since it is during this period that the animal's immunity has not yet been strengthened. Attention! In terms of prevalence, the disease can be localized (local) and generalized (general).

Symptoms and Diagnosis

  • Scaly demodicosis is the mildest form. Rounded bald patches appear on the dog's body (usually on the muzzle and paws). The skin in these areas turns a little red, may become coarse and cracked.
  • With pustular demodicosis, the skin swells, pustules form on it (their color can be yellowish, brown-red or even black), from which pus is released. If an infection joins the disease, pyoderma occurs, which leads to the formation of ulcers. The skin itches a lot, becomes wrinkled, moist, thick, and smells unpleasant.

First of all, the skin on the head (ears, muzzle, eyebrows) and paws of the animal is affected. Symptoms of a subcutaneous tick in dogs with a localized form are 4-5 lesions (no more), and their diameter does not exceed 2.5 cm. In other cases, demodicosis is generalized.

In order to make a diagnosis, the veterinarian examines the animal, then conducts a deep scraping from the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin (the upper layers of the epithelium are removed with a scalpel until blood appears and placed on a glass slide).

The resulting tissue is examined under a microscope. Subcutaneous mite in dogs: a photo of the affected areas reflects the foci of hair loss.

To assess the general condition of the animal and identify the underlying diseases, a blood test (biochemical and general), urine and feces analysis, and, if necessary, an ultrasound examination are prescribed.

How to take care of your dog at home

Treatment of demodicosis is a long process. Even 1-2 years after the onset of remission, the animal is not considered healthy, since with any weakening of the immune system, the disease begins to manifest itself again. The most difficult to treat is the generalized form, since in this case a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin is affected.

Advocate gives a good effect. It can be used both during the treatment of any form of demodicosis, and in the spring and autumn months to prevent recurrence of the disease. Important! Collies, bobtails, shelties and any of their crossbreeds, drugs containing ivermectin are strictly prohibited.

Folk remedies

As an addition to the traditional scheme, the treatment of demodicosis in dogs with folk remedies is allowed. Here are some recipes:

  • Celandine roots are poured with sunflower oil in a ratio of 1: 1, then heated for 3-4 hours at a temperature of 50 degrees and filtered. The mixture is applied to the mite-affected areas of the skin once a day.
  • Sour apples or juniper berries are ground, and then applied to problem areas.
  • To wash a dog suffering from demodicosis, use tar soap. Birch tar can be applied to the affected skin.

Attention! The use of folk remedies must be agreed with the doctor who observes the pet.


This disease is not contagious to humans and dogs. Demodicosis is not dangerous for animals with strong immunity, but if the pet is weakened, or his mother suffered from such an ailment, it is likely that the subcutaneous tick will manifest itself.
Source: ""

Subcutaneous tick in dogs - demodicosis

A manifestation of demodicosis is skin dermatitis, hyperkeratosis (thickening of the stratum corneum of the epithelium), damage to the tissues of internal organs, and general exhaustion of the body. There are recorded cases of diagnosing the disease in 2-month-old puppies, but most often infection with a subcutaneous tick occurs in young dogs - from six months to two years of age.

The so-called "juvenile" demodicosis most often infects individuals of the following breeds:

  1. German Shepherds;
  2. Boxers;
  3. Chihuahua;
  4. Pit Bull Terriers;
  5. Pugs;
  6. Collie;
  7. Afghan hounds.

Tick ​​damage can be localized, that is, only one part of the body is affected, or generalized - when the tick spreads through various tissues and organs. Given the varying degrees of damage, there is no single prognosis for a cure.

With a localized form, the lesion is present on only one part of the body, but there may be several sites.

This type of disease is benign in nature and the main symptom is hyperemia of the skin in the limbs or muzzle. If the disease is accompanied by an infection of bacterial origin, then the formation of suppuration or the appearance of dry skin areas is possible.

With this degree of disease, the prognosis is quite favorable. In 90% of cases, a sudden remission occurs for a period of three weeks to two months, regardless of which therapy is used. In other cases, demodicosis in dogs develops into a more complex - generalized form.

There are breeds that are prone to this particular form of subcutaneous mite damage:

  • boxer;
  • dachshund;
  • shih tzu;
  • dalmatian;
  • shar-pei.

There are a number of factors that contribute to the fact that the localized form of the disease flows into a generalized one:

  1. genetic predisposition;
  2. The state of the immune system;
  3. The presence of diseases associated with the endocrine system. (Cushing's syndrome, oncology, etc.)
In this situation, the prognosis is difficult to give, often there are relapses of the disease.

Only in 50% of cases, dogs recover without the use of special therapy. But only on condition that the secondary infection is suppressed by immune mechanisms. Subcutaneous ticks are more common in pets with reduced body resistance to infections; the following breeds are at risk:

  • dwarf pinschers;
  • chihuahua;
  • toy terriers;
  • taxes;
  • boxers, etc.

Varieties of the disease and signs of manifestation

  1. Scaly demodicosis - the main symptom of the disease - peeling of the skin surface. In this case, the risk of pathogenic bacteria entering the affected areas increases, which causes a strong inflammatory process.
  2. Pustular demodicosis - small compacted nodules are observed on the skin - pustules, their size does not exceed 3-4 mm. A purulent exudate with a putrid odor is released from the pustules.
  3. Bloody-purulent discharge dries up on the skin of the pet, forming brown crusts. This type of disease requires long-term therapy.

  4. Often, dogs develop both forms of the disease at the same time, in which case the animal loses its appetite, since the tick is most often localized on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

In most cases, the subcutaneous mite first affects the dog's head area - eyebrows, lips, cheeks, then the neck, paw joints suffer, in the case of a generalized form, other parts of the body are also affected.

The answer is no, and you shouldn't even try to do it. Ticks penetrate the hair follicles and glands, and there are a great many of them on the animal's body.

Every dog ​​owner should know what to do and how to behave in this case:

  1. Firstly, you should not try to treat your pet yourself, since even an experienced veterinarian is not so easy to diagnose a subcutaneous tick. Therefore, as soon as the lesions were detected, it is necessary to immediately deliver the animal to the clinic.
  2. Secondly, it is necessary to make the task easier for the specialist by preparing a detailed history - gender, age of the pet, from what and when he was vaccinated, what illnesses he suffered, whether there are allergic reactions.
  3. Thirdly, before visiting the clinic, you should not use any external agents, trying to eliminate the symptoms of the disease - itching, pain, etc. Since the doctor, first of all, takes an analysis - scraping from the affected areas.

After the received material is carefully studied.

Treatment Method

For the treatment of the disease, complex conservative therapy is prescribed, which has two directions:

It is recommended to treat the affected areas with antiseptic preparations - Fucorcin (Castellani solution), Furacilin or salicylic acid solution, and then apply external acaricidal agents - Amitan, Amitraz, Ivermectin, Akarabor.

You should not treat your beloved pet on your own, since demodicosis has similar symptoms that accompany another disease - otodectosis.

Carrying out therapy that does not correspond to the disease, you can not only not achieve positive dynamics, but also significantly harm your pet.