Positive test one week after medication. What does a positive test result after a pharmaceutical abortion mean. Life after an abortion

Pregnancy after medical abortion: key points

Medical abortion is the termination of pregnancy with the help of drugs. It is very popular, as it does not require direct intervention in the uterus, surgical manipulations. Everything happens in a relaxed home environment.

What you need to know

1. To have an abortion, you need to find a clinic offering such a procedure. She is always paid. The cost varies from 5000 to 8000 rubles on average. The price includes two ultrasound examinations, a doctor's consultation and medications.

2. You can terminate a pregnancy in this way only up to 6 weeks. In this case, the period is considered from the first day of the last menstruation. That is, no more than two weeks after the onset of a delay in menstruation should pass. The decision on the possibility of carrying out this procedure is made by the doctor on the basis of ultrasound.

3. It is possible only in the absence of inflammatory diseases of the small pelvis and uterine pregnancy.

4. Pregnancy after medical abortion can occur almost immediately, so it is necessary to find good contraception if the child is not yet planned. You can install an intrauterine device immediately after a miscarriage. By this time, the cervical canal will be a little ajar, as in the days of menstruation, the installation procedure will be easy.
Another option is to start taking oral contraceptives in order not to get pregnant immediately after a medical abortion.
And finally, there is still barrier contraception (condoms) and spermicides (local contraception). They can be used at any time and it will not affect the body hormonally.

5. It should be remembered that periods after medical abortion come at their usual time. That is, after 28-35 days. If a delay has begun, you should not wait, you need to take a pregnancy test. And if menstruation is delayed for 2 or more weeks, you need to contact a gynecologist. Apparently, the hormonal imbalance caused by taking the abortion drug is to blame. There may be a lack of progesterone. In such cases, a preparation containing this hormone can be used to “call menstruation”. If the test turned out to be positive, that is, an unwanted pregnancy reappeared after medical termination of pregnancy? It should be taken into account that in this case, an abortion performed both with the help of pills and surgically is a huge stress for the body, a blow to it. If you read medical studies, you can make sure that women who apparently do not know that it is possible to get pregnant immediately after a medical abortion, and who decide to undergo this procedure again, put themselves at risk. At least heavy bleeding, which can only be stopped by cleaning the uterus. As a maximum - infertility, menstrual irregularities, neoplasms in the uterine cavity and mammary glands. After all, they are also hormonally determined. That is why reliable contraception is so important.

6. If, after a medical abortion, the pregnancy remained, that is, continued to develop, then, unfortunately, the plan will have to be completed. The fact is that there is a high probability of violations in the formation of organs and systems in the embryo after taking mifepristone, a drug that doctors use to cause miscarriage.

7. A few days after the abortion, gynecologists recommend that a woman do an ultrasound scan. This study is necessary to detect possible remaining embryonic tissue in the uterus. She is the source of inflammation. And it must be removed. In about 5-8% of cases, such a complication is possible. And the woman is given a vacuum aspiration to clean out the uterus.
If no embryonic tissue is found in the uterus, you can “relax”, everything went well.

8. When can I start planning a pregnancy after a medical abortion so that the risk of complications is minimal? Doctors usually recommend waiting 2-3 cycles for "hormonal levels to recover." At the same time, at this time, you can take tests, undergo an examination, and get vaccinated if necessary.


Pregnancy after abortion

When is a new pregnancy possible after an abortion and how is health restored after this intervention? This question worries any woman who, for one reason or another, is faced with the need to terminate a pregnancy.

Unfortunately, there are much more abortions every year in Russia than children are born, and termination of pregnancy negatively affects the reproductive health of women who have undergone this operation. Everyone has heard about the consequences that an abortion can lead to, but often women do not know what to expect after this procedure in the near future.

If you have had a mini-abortion or if you have had a medical abortion, in the first days after it, there will be spotting, similar to menstruation. A pregnancy test after an abortion does not become negative immediately, but within a few days, the chorionic gonadotropin produced by the fetus will still remain in your body for some time. Signs of pregnancy, such as nausea, early toxicosis, disappear quickly enough. If you had an abortion after a missed pregnancy, you may not feel a difference in your condition at all, since usually the symptoms that you will soon become a mother disappear when the baby fades, as well as bright stripes on a pregnancy test. This happens even before you have time to learn about the misfortune that has happened.

Re-pregnancy immediately after medical abortion and mini-abortion (vacuum) is possible already in the next cycle, but it is not recommended, because the body needs time to recover from the stress that this intervention is. By rushing, you endanger the life of the unborn child.

Immediately after an abortion, pregnancy can be threatening, especially if there was curettage, because during the operation, the inner lining of the uterus, the endometrium, is damaged. Of course, it recovers, but it is better if several cycles pass, and you will be completely sure that the abortion went without consequences for you. It is noted that ectopic pregnancy after an abortion occurs more often than in women who have not undergone this operation. This happens precisely because of changes in the genital organs and the inferiority of the endometrium.

The sudden termination of pregnancy, which had previously developed normally, is difficult to tolerate by the hormonal system of a woman. The transferred stress can lead to endocrine disorders and difficulties in conceiving and bearing a child in the future, there is miscarriage, miscarriages. This is also facilitated by the inevitable damage to the cervix during abortion, many women develop isthmic-cervical insufficiency after repeated abortions. An inferior cervix in subsequent pregnancies after 16-18 weeks is not able to bear the pressure of the amniotic sac on it and begins to open, it is very difficult to bear a child.

However, despite all this, it must be remembered that pregnancy after an abortion is quite possible after a month. The menstrual cycle is restored immediately, only a month passes and you can have a full ovulation, life without contraception can lead to conception. The likelihood of pregnancy after an abortion is the same as without it, this intervention is not a method of contraception.

During the first cycle after the operation, gynecologists categorically do not recommend sexual intercourse, and planning a pregnancy after an abortion is recommended no earlier than after 3-6 months. If you still have a pregnancy after an abortion earlier than these terms, this is not a reason to interrupt it. You just need to contact the gynecologist as early as possible to make sure that it is proceeding normally.


Pregnancy test shows 2! stripes after an abortion.

yes. the body has not rebuilt. In the instructions for the test, everything is well described about this !!!


the hormonal background has not yet recovered (it takes 6 months to recover), so the test shows

Debora 01:38

Maybe, if it’s drug-induced, then maybe not everything worked out, check in 2 weeks, you’ll find out everything, don’t worry, everything will be fine!

the abortion was done, but the level of hormones remained. It takes time for him to normalize.

Judita 07:28

Of course it can. There are still pregnancy hormones in the body. In a week or two, repeat the test. I think there will be a treasured one stripe.

This is the result of a hormonal failure, after a while everything will return to normal


because the amount of the hCG hormone has not decreased in the body. and indeed, after an abortion, the body recovers for a long time. My sister did it half a year ago. still struggling with hormones. Yes, and she got fat, she barely loses extra pounds ...

a week after the abortion, everything will go back to normal, if not, go to the doctor

Inessa 16:14

SO!!! DON'T PANIC!!! You still have pregnancy hormone in your body, let it get out of your body! And check with the test in about 1.5 - 2 weeks. My sister-in-law had such a situation. Time passed and the test showed a negative result!

after an abortion, the level of hCG in the urine is still high, and can last up to several weeks, this is the norm


The doctors should have told you that for some time, a week or two, pregnancy tests could be positive.


To determine pregnancy, many women use rapid tests. They are affordable, easy to use, and most importantly, you get immediate results. At an affordable price, they can be purchased not only in the pharmacy chain, but also in shopping centers.

Can there be a positive test after an abortion?

Tests of the latest generation, already on the first day of delayed menstruation, can show a reliable result. For such a test analysis, a little morning urine is enough, into which the test strip is lowered to a certain level.

If 2 lines appear on the strip, this means that there is a pregnancy, if there is one line, the result is negative.

A pregnancy test detects the hormone chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the urine, which is produced in the body of a pregnant woman. This hormone plays an important role in determining the sex of the child.

Many women wonder why a pregnancy test after an abortion shows a positive result?

There can be several answers to this question:

  • After an artificial termination of pregnancy, the production of hCG decreases, but rather slowly. In the blood of a woman, the content of hCG is still high.
  • Another reason for a positive test may be that a piece of the fetus remains in the uterus.
  • The test shows a false positive result, which may be due to various reasons: the woman is on a diet, takes drugs with hCG such as pregnyl, her kidneys are sick and protein is excreted in the urine.

In this case, for a more accurate study, it is necessary to do a pregnancy test after an abortion several times, with an interval of 2-3 days, using tests from different manufacturers.

If the test is positive this time as well, immediately consult a doctor, because without outside help in this case the problem cannot be solved.

Examinations after an abortion

Complications after an abortion can be of a different nature. Possible pathogenic infection, inflammation, allergic reaction.

There is a possibility of late complications, which include hormonal disruptions in the body, chronic diseases, mental and psychological abnormalities.

Therefore, after any abortion, it is necessary to undergo a course of examination, which is prescribed by a doctor.

As a rule, examinations after an abortion include:

  • Wide range of analyzes
  • Ultrasound
  • Cardiogram

Based on the results of tests (urine, smears, blood), a gynecologist-endocrinologist may prescribe oral contraceptives to prevent unwanted pregnancy in the future.

In addition, hormonal preparations restore the disturbed background, normalize the work of the reproductive system of the woman's body. By itself, pregnancy rebuilds the body, and abortion disrupts this restructuring.

It is to correct the proper functioning of the body that hormonal drugs are prescribed.

Ultrasound of the pelvis is a mandatory stage of the examination. This examination allows you to identify all kinds of negative deviations and changes in the plane of the uterus and ovaries.

Excellent additional measures to restore the body of a woman after an abortion are physiotherapeutic and restorative measures and procedures. Such measures can be: massage, manual therapy, hydrotherapy.

A good way to restore the psychological state is to consult a psychotherapist. This allows you to minimize the negative consequences of abortion, it is easier to survive sometimes a crisis.

2 weeks after the abortion procedure, an additional examination is performed. The doctor must make sure that the restoration of body functions is proceeding normally. First of all, the condition of the cervix is ​​checked. It should "close" by this time.

You can engage in outdoor activities, physical activity and water sports, sex, take baths only after the cervix returns to its natural state.

It is necessary to conduct an examination for the absence of fetal remains in the uterus. Sometimes additional cleaning is required. And it is always necessary to follow all the recommendations and prescriptions of the doctor.

With these methods, all sorts of complications can be avoided. In addition, it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene of the genital organs: change pads in a timely manner, wash regularly. Do not forget that after an abortion it is better to rest for a couple of days, get enough sleep, drink plenty of fluids, eat well.

When can you get pregnant again after an abortion?

It should be remembered that after an abortion, in the absence of precautions and protection, a woman can become pregnant. Usually, if a woman does not have any complications after the intervention, then after 2 weeks there is a real opportunity to become pregnant.

However, after an abortion, not all women can immediately become pregnant. Outside interference negatively affects the function of the female body.

Abortion is a kind of trauma. And it takes time to recover. Many people can get pregnant immediately after an abortion, but carrying a child, surviving the entire period of pregnancy normally is a completely different matter.

So it is best to let the body get stronger after an abortion. It is best if it is a period of not less than 2-3 months. Until then, it is best to use oral contraceptives during this period. In the modern world, there is a wide variety of birth control pills, and a gynecologist will help with advice.


Positive pregnancy test after abortion

To determine pregnancy, most women use rapid tests. They have many advantages, the main of which are:

  • availability;
  • fast results and their accuracy;
  • acceptability in terms of price.

Positive pregnancy test

The latest generation tests show a reliable result from the first day of delayed menstrual bleeding. To carry them out, you need a little morning urine, into which the strip is lowered to the indicated level.

Pregnancy leads to fundamental changes that affect primarily the hormonal sphere. In the tissues of the ovary, a corpus luteum is formed, while progesterone is synthesized, thanks to which the fetus is preserved.

The placenta is also involved in the synthesis of hormones. It produces three varieties of them:

  • placental lactogen, thanks to which the vital activity of the placenta is maintained;
  • prolactin;
  • chorionic gonadotropin (or hCG), which plays a leading role in the complex mechanism of the formation of the baby's sex.

The principle of operation of all test strips is based on the reaction between the indicator substance and this hormone.

1. During an abortion, a fetal egg is removed from the uterine cavity and placenta. And since the synthesis of hCG is directly related to the function of the placenta, its removal leads to a decrease in the level of the hormone. This process proceeds quite slowly, as a result, for some time after the abortion, two strips remain. Sometimes gonadotropin ceases to be determined 24 hours after the removal of the fetus, in other cases, a positive result persists even after several weeks. This can happen while maintaining even a small piece of the fetal egg in the uterus.

2. Sometimes the reason is the low sensitivity of the test used - in this case, we can talk about false positive data.

3. The result cannot be interpreted unambiguously, since it is influenced by some extraneous factors:

  • taking medications, one of the components of which is hCG;
  • special diet;
  • renal pathologies leading to the appearance of protein in the urine - it can distort the result.

Considering the above factors, pregnancy test after abortion it is recommended to carry out several times using strips from different manufacturers.

4. The reason for a positive result is often an ectopic pregnancy, during which the fetus is fixed and begins to develop outside the uterine cavity: in the fallopian tube or ovary.

5. The preservation of two strips is sometimes due to an abortion by vacuum aspiration (the so-called mini-abortion), which is considered the safest, but not very reliable: after it, embryonic membranes often remain, which continue to synthesize hCG. The result is a positive test result.

6. The source of the synthesis of chorionic gonadotropin can be an ectopic pregnancy, in which the fetus is localized in the abdominal cavity.

7. There are also cases when the fetus does not die as a result of an abortion. Its preservation in the uterine cavity causes the appearance of two stripes.

8. Two strips after an abortion may persist in the case when it was carried out in a medical way. In this case, antiprogestogens are used, the action of which is based on increased contraction of the uterus and simultaneous relaxation of its cervix. When using the drug method, the probability of preserving the membranes and particles of the fetal egg is quite high.

What to do?

More relevant is the question “What can not be done?”

Do not try to solve the problem yourself. The only rational solution is to immediately contact a specialist, since some of the reasons for a positive result (for example, an ectopic pregnancy) pose a threat to the life of a woman.


What does a positive test mean after an abortion. Causes

Mechanism of action variety of pregnancy tests It consists in the interaction of the indicator substance with the hormone chorionic gonadotropin (CG), which plays a role in shaping the sex of the unborn child.

Often women can not understand in connection with which a positive test appears after an abortion in the absence of an embryo in the uterus. Indeed, during an abortion, the ovum and placenta are removed from the uterine cavity, and since the production of chorionic gonadotropin depends on the activity of the placenta, after its removal, the level of hormones in the blood and urine begins to fall, but this decrease occurs slowly. Therefore, immediately and some time after the abortion, the test indicates pregnancy - the concentration of gonadotropin in the blood is still quite high, which is the reason for the positive test result.

What does a positive pregnancy test after an abortion mean?

Chorionic gonadotropin should cease to be determined on the very first day after the abortion, and when this is not the case, it is quite possible that a small piece of the fetal egg remains in the uterine cavity. There are times when positive pregnancy test is a false positive: not all tests have the same sensitivity.

Reasons for a positive test after an abortion

The result may depend on the diet, taking drugs, with inclusions of hCG, the same rot, kidney disease, when there is a protein in the urine that distorts the result of the reaction. Therefore, the study is recommended to be carried out several times with three-day intervals and test strips from various manufacturers.

Ectopic localization of the fetus- another positive test after an abortion, while the remaining membranes of the embryo still produce hCG, which determines a positive result.

Naturally, the test after a medical abortion can also be positive and for the same reasons as after a surgical one.

If, after an abortion, the test is positive, but menstruation is still absent, the causes of it may be such conditions of the body that it is unrealistic to cope with on your own. Only a doctor has the right to make the necessary decision on further actions and an assessment of your health, after conducting a full examination. A pregnancy test after any abortion is simply an excellent “helper” for a woman, which will allow her to build a number of assumptions and suspicions about events occurring in the genitals and, as a result, based on these assumptions, go to the doctor anyway.

The most interesting news


Why is the test positive after an abortion? | Question #26

Irina had a mini-abortion 2 weeks ago, the test result was positive, the ultrasound showed that there is no fetal egg in the uterus, but clots are present. An ectopic pregnancy was excluded at the 1st examination. Yesterday I had an abortion again, today I'm doing a test and again it's positive. (22.08.12)

Anastasia Starovoitova (gynecologist) Irina, most likely, in your situation, a positive test result should be assessed as a false positive. Blood clots in combination with small remnants of the ovum could give a positive test before the second curettage. Now that the uterine cavity is empty, the test should gradually become negative. (03.09.12)

it took exactly two weeks after the abortion, the test shows two strips, the chest still aches, after the abortion there were spotting discharges and only meager menstruation, the stomach does not hurt. at the reception they said that everything is fine, only the uterus has not yet contracted. (24.11.12)

Anastasia Starovoitova (gynecologist) Vera, if during the examination your doctor said that everything is in order and the pregnancy is completely removed, then a positive test result can be associated with the presence of a residual concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood. Gradually, the test should become negative. (25.11.12)

Karinamne 2 months ago did a curettage from a frozen pregnancy, yesterday she made a test, he had a positive strip, both bright red began to feel sick and tired 3 days ago, the day before yesterday a rash appeared on her palms and almost disappeared today, and yesterday she anointed a slightly brownish mucus 2 times and this morning a drop , what could it be? who knows, I can’t go to the doctor yet, I’m still working without days off and they don’t let me go, they fine me, help me, it’s very scary (12/28/12)

Anastasia Starovoitova (gynecologist) Karina, if after scraping you had unprotected sex, then a positive test result speaks in favor of pregnancy, and spotting may be a sign of a threatened miscarriage. As soon as you have the opportunity - visit a gynecologist and do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs. (28.12.12)

Karina What should I do before going to the doctor so as not to lose the child, because I still have a week, how will I not be able to see him, holidays and work? (30.12.12)

Anastasia Starovoitova (gynecologist) Karina, you must first confirm the presence of a uterine pregnancy and do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs. Only after that it will be possible to talk about the hormonal support of this pregnancy. You can currently take folic acid and vitamin E. (12/30/12)

Natasha did a mini-abortion, after the test was positive, the doctor said that the pregnancy did not correspond to the 4-5 week period according to the ultrasound transvagin. (06.03.13)

Anastasia Starovoitova (gynecologist) Natasha, in the absence of any complaints, you should repeat the ultrasound of the pelvic organs in a few days. (06.03.13)

natashaNow I have strong feelings of tone !!! What can be connected (07.03.13)

Anastasia Starovoitova (gynecologist) Natasha, perhaps this feeling is a harbinger of menstruation, and possibly a sign of pregnancy, including an ectopic one. (07.03.13)

natasha The diagnosis is minor hematometry in the uterus, the question is how can I get rid of it? By curettage or antibiotics and what? (12.03.13)

Anastasia Starovoitova (gynecologist) Natasha, your attending gynecologist should have told you what steps to take to remove blood from the uterine cavity. In some cases, conservative treatment has a good effect, while in others, it is impossible to do without curettage. (12.03.13)

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Application of pregnancy test | positive after abortion

After an abortion, the test can give a positive reaction even if the ovum is removed. How is this possible and why?

Positive test after abortion. Is it possible?

Many women in a panic are looking for an explanation for the fact that after an abortion, the test indicates the presence of a fetus. Indeed, many do not understand how two stripes can appear on the test if the fetus is no longer there. But the fact is that the level of hormones present in a woman's body during pregnancy, after the removal of the fetus, begins to decline, but rather slowly. And a test after an abortion can indicate the presence of pregnancy for quite a long time (up to several weeks after surgery). And although ideally, the amount of hormones should begin to decrease already in the first days after the operation, in practice there are a number of reasons why this process is delayed.

Why does a post-abortion test indicate pregnancy?

  1. With the remains of particles of the fetal egg in the uterine cavity. Fetal tissues can provoke further production of human chorionic gonadotropin (CG), a hormone that signals pregnancy.
  2. Not all tests are equally sensitive, and therefore, for an objective result, it is worth using tests from different manufacturers.
  3. The results of the test can be affected by diets, or kidney disease, in which the composition of the urine changes, and as a result, a pregnancy test after an abortion may show a positive result.
  4. Taking hormonal medications containing human chorionic gonadotropin, respectively, will increase its level in the blood.
  5. With the development of the fetus not in the uterine cavity, but in one of the fallopian tubes, the complete removal of the embryo is almost impossible, and its remains provoke the continuation of hormone production.
  6. In the case of an inferior abortion, when the fetus does not die. In this case, the woman remains pregnant.

To obtain reliable data, it is recommended to apply the test several times at intervals of three days. The fact that after an abortion the test shows the presence of pregnancy may signal the presence of serious health problems. Both after surgical and after medical abortion, the likelihood of complications is equally high. Therefore, if there are alarming results, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo a thorough examination. After all, it is precisely the timely identified complications that will help not only maintain the health of a woman, but also ensure the possibility of motherhood in the future.

Abortion is the termination of pregnancy artificially as a result of a miscarriage, the use of special pharmacological preparations, or with the help of surgery.

After an abortion, the woman's body continues to maintain a state of readiness for pregnancy for some time.

About whether the test can be positive after an abortion and how much after a medical abortion the test will be positive, we will tell in this article.

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  • Operating principle
  • What to do?

Do I need to take a pregnancy test after an abortion?

For some time after the termination of pregnancy, the amount of pregnancy hormones in the woman's body continues to remain at a fairly high level. That is why after an abortion the test is positive. Made in the first 1-2 days after the cessation of gestation, it will certainly show a positive result.

The test should be carried out with a difference of 1-2 days. How long after an abortion will the test be positive? Normally, on the third day, chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) should be almost completely eliminated from the body.

A normal reaction is considered if a few days after the procedure, the test gives a weakly positive result, that is, the second strip appears pale and indistinct.

If, after medical termination of pregnancy, the test is positive and the strips on the test, made again 1-3 days after the intervention, become brighter, then you need to contact a gynecologist. A similar symptom may indicate a hormonal failure or the preservation of the fetal egg in the uterus.

The principle of operation of the test for the presence of gestation lies in special substances - antibodies to chorionic gonadotropin. When they react with a pregnant woman's urine, a chemical reaction occurs that causes a colored line to appear on the test.

The test is considered positive when, depending on its type, two stripes, a plus sign or an inscription appear on it. Please read the instructions carefully before testing.

If after an abortion the test shows two stripes, remember that on the first day a positive pregnancy test is in the order of things.

How does gestational age affect results?

The test results are affected not only by the term of interrupted gestation, but also by the method of abortion:

The longer the gestational age for an abortion, the longer the chance of getting a positive pregnancy test result.

After a surgical abortion, the gynecologist must prescribe hormone-containing drugs to the woman to normalize the hormonal background.

Positive test after abortion

Even after medical abortion in the early stages, a pregnancy test may show a positive or weakly positive result. Before the control ultrasound after the intervention, a test can be performed every 1-2 days to follow the result in dynamics.

Normally, the second strip should become less bright, which will indicate a systematic decrease in chorionic gonadotropin in the blood and urine.

If interruption of gestation is carried out for a sufficiently long period, especially with the help of curettage, then a high level of hCG can persist for up to 3-4 weeks. If for a long time the test result remains the same positive, then it is worth donating blood for chorionic gonadotropin in the antenatal clinic.

Why does the test show two lines?

Often, women start to panic if, after an abortion, the test shows two stripes. They think that pregnancy has come again once after medical termination of pregnancy, the test is positive. According to many, after the fetus is removed from the uterus, no signs of pregnancy should appear in any way. However, this is not entirely true.

After the removal of the placenta, on which the production of hCG directly depends, the amount of the hormone in biological fluids decreases, but this process occurs rather slowly.

A woman's body cannot immediately correct its own hormonal levels immediately after interruption of gestation, including after medical abortion.

Especially for a long time, a high content of chorionic gonadotropin is observed after curettage of the uterus.

Sometimes a decrease in hCG does not occur even a few weeks after the intervention, it may be that a week after the abortion, the test is positive. This situation may arise as a result of an incomplete abortion. In this case, particles of the fetal egg or placenta remain in the uterine cavity. At the same time, the body continues to actively produce the hormone of pregnancy.

In some cases, after a medical abortion, the test is positive, and the result may turn out to be false positive due to the following reasons:

  • low quality test;
  • taking drugs containing hCG;
  • kidney disease, in which protein is excreted in the urine;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • the presence of tumor, inflammatory and infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • pathological processes during pregnancy: hydatidiform mole, chorionic epithelioma of the uterus.

If, after an abortion, the test shows 2 strips for more than 10 days, while you experience cramping pains in the lower abdomen and nausea, which are accompanied by brownish or bloody discharge, seek medical help immediately. Such a condition may indicate the preservation of gestation products in the uterine cavity.

It is not necessary to conduct a test in the first two days after an abortion. What will the test after an abortion show during this period? It is highly likely that the result of the study will be positive. You can check the content of chorionic gonadotropin 2-3 days after the intervention.

If the test shows a positive result after an abortion, do not panic. Retest in 1-2 days. The appearance of a pale strip means a weakly positive result.

This indicates a gradual decrease in the amount of hCG in the body. For a more accurate result, you should use several test strips from different manufacturers.

If the strip appears more clearly, you should consult a doctor to exclude the preservation of gestational products in the uterine cavity. In this case, curettage of the endometrium of the uterus may be necessary.

In some cases, the control ultrasound after the procedure does not show any abnormalities, but the level of chorionic gonadotropin does not drop. This indicates a hormonal imbalance. To correct it, the doctor prescribes hormone-containing drugs.

After an abortion, the amount of hCG in the biological fluids of a woman for several days or even weeks, if the interruption of gestation was carried out at a later date, remains at a high level. And if after an abortion the test shows pregnancy in this case, this does not indicate any pathologies.

However, if you are not only worried about two test strips after an abortion, but also feeling unwell or any other alarming symptoms, consult a doctor to rule out the possibility of an incomplete abortion or hormonal imbalance.

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Positive pregnancy test after abortion: what does it mean?

home › After an abortion › Positive pregnancy test after an abortion: what can it mean?

It is not uncommon for women who have had an abortion to take a pregnancy test. Sometimes the result is positive, and this plunges many into a state of panic. What is the reason for keeping two stripes?

The principle of the test

To determine pregnancy, most women use rapid tests. They have many advantages, the main of which are:

  • availability;
  • ease of use;
  • fast results and their accuracy;
  • acceptability in terms of price.

Positive pregnancy test

The latest generation tests show a reliable result from the first day of delayed menstrual bleeding. To carry them out, you need a little morning urine, into which the strip is lowered to the indicated level.

Pregnancy leads to fundamental changes that affect primarily the hormonal sphere. In the tissues of the ovary, a corpus luteum is formed, while progesterone is synthesized, thanks to which the fetus is preserved.

The placenta is also involved in the synthesis of hormones. It produces three varieties of them:

  • placental lactogen, thanks to which the vital activity of the placenta is maintained;
  • prolactin;
  • chorionic gonadotropin (or hCG), which plays a leading role in the complex mechanism of the formation of the baby's sex.

The principle of operation of all test strips is based on the reaction between the indicator substance and this hormone.

1. During an abortion, a fetal egg is removed from the uterine cavity and placenta. And since the synthesis of hCG is directly related to the function of the placenta, its removal leads to a decrease in the level of the hormone. This process proceeds quite slowly, as a result, for some time after the abortion, two strips remain. Sometimes gonadotropin ceases to be determined 24 hours after the removal of the fetus, in other cases, a positive result persists even after several weeks. This can happen while maintaining even a small piece of the fetal egg in the uterus.

2. Sometimes the reason is the low sensitivity of the test used - in this case, we can talk about false positive data.

3. The result cannot be interpreted unambiguously, since it is influenced by some extraneous factors:

  • taking medications, one of the components of which is hCG;
  • special diet;
  • renal pathologies leading to the appearance of protein in the urine - it can distort the result.

Given these factors, it is recommended that a pregnancy test after an abortion be performed several times using strips from various manufacturers.

4. The reason for a positive result is often an ectopic pregnancy, during which the fetus is fixed and begins to develop outside the uterine cavity: in the fallopian tube or ovary.

5. The preservation of two strips is sometimes due to an abortion by vacuum aspiration (the so-called mini-abortion), which is considered the safest, but not very reliable: after it, embryonic membranes often remain, which continue to synthesize hCG. The result is a positive test result.

6. The source of the synthesis of chorionic gonadotropin can be an ectopic pregnancy, in which the fetus is localized in the abdominal cavity.

7. There are also cases when the fetus does not die as a result of an abortion. Its preservation in the uterine cavity causes the appearance of two stripes.

8. Two strips after an abortion can be preserved if it was carried out by medication. In this case, antiprogestogens are used, the action of which is based on increased contraction of the uterus and simultaneous relaxation of its cervix. When using the drug method, the probability of preserving the membranes and particles of the fetal egg is quite high.

Do not try to solve the problem yourself. The only rational solution is to immediately contact a specialist, since some of the reasons for a positive result (for example, an ectopic pregnancy) pose a threat to the life of a woman.

After abortion After abortion


After an abortion, the test shows pregnancy, is it possible

Abortion is an artificial termination of pregnancy. The procedure is carried out medically or surgically for up to twenty-two weeks. With the onset of pregnancy, physiological changes begin to occur. In order for it to proceed without complications, various hormones support it. Termination of pregnancy leads to hormonal imbalance. It takes several weeks for the body to recover. Why can there be a positive test after an abortion? Is there a need to do it at home?

Test features

Before you understand why the test remains positive after an abortion, you need to understand its principle of action. Using a rapid test is the most popular method for diagnosing pregnancy. It has a lot of advantages in the form of:

  • availability;
  • ease of use;
  • instant results at home;
  • accuracy;
  • acceptability in terms of cost.

A new generation test is able to show an accurate answer from the first day of a delay in menstruation. To get a result, you need to collect some urine and lower the strip to a certain line. Then wait a few minutes.

Pregnancy leads to significant changes, affecting primarily the hormonal background. In the tissues of the ovary, the corpus luteum begins to form, which synthesizes progesterone. Thanks to this hormone, the fetus remains and develops in the uterus.

The placenta also takes part in the synthesis of hormones. Thanks to it, the production of:

  • placental lactogen (due to its content, the vital activity of the placenta is maintained);
  • prolactin;
  • chorionic gonadotropin.

The principle of operation of the test strips is based on the response of the level of hCG in the urine, which begins to grow from the first days of the attachment of the embryo to the uterus. HCG in the urine is determined 10-14 days after the conception of the child. In the blood, the hormone can be detected 7-10 days after fertilization.

Reasons for a positive test after an abortion

After an abortion, the test shows pregnancy for some reasons:

    • During an abortion, the fetal egg is removed from the uterine cavity and placenta. Synthesis of hCG occurs as a result of the work of the placenta. When it is eliminated, the level of the hormone gradually decreases. This process is slow, so two lines can be seen on the test within one to four weeks. Each time the second strip will fade, and then completely disappear. It is believed that the level of hCG after an abortion completely decreases after one to two months. In rare situations, gonadotropin ceases to be determined after one or two days.
    • The test may be of low sensitivity, resulting in false positives. In some cases, the second strip acts as a reagent. But at the same time, it does not appear immediately and has a gray color.
  • The result cannot be interpreted unambiguously, since it can be influenced by factors in the form of:
    • the use of drugs, which include hCG;
    • specialized diet;
    • pathology associated with the kidneys (for example, urine may contain a protein that leads to a distortion of the final result).

Based on the above factors, it is advised to carry out a test to determine pregnancy after an abortion several times using strips from different manufacturers.

  • The test may be positive if the girl has an ectopic pregnancy. In such situations, the fetus begins to grow outside the uterus in the tubes or ovary.
  • Two lines on the test can be seen after performing a vacuum abortion. This technique in practice is considered the safest, but is not reliable. Often after the procedure, the presence of germinal membranes that continue to synthesize the hormone is likely. In such a situation, it is customary to speak of an incomplete abortion.
  • Perhaps after the procedure, the embryo remained in the uterus and develops further. Such a case is a medical error.
  • Two strips may remain after a medical abortion. During this procedure, antiprogesterone drugs are used, the action of which is aimed at contracting the uterus and relaxing its cervix. You should definitely do a test after a medical abortion, as there is a high probability of the preservation of the membranes and particles of the embryo.
  • After an abortion, the test may be positive if the woman has a new pregnancy. This happens immediately in the first cycle, if the girl was not protected during intercourse.

Unfortunately, many women do not realize that after an abortion, their body resumes the ability to conceive after ten to fifteen days.

What measures to take with a positive test?

If the pregnancy test showed two strips, then do not hesitate to visit the doctor. To do this, it is worth passing an examination, which includes:
  • Ultrasound examination of the uterus and its appendages. This method will allow you to see if there are any particles of the fetus. If they were found, then a second abortion will have to be performed.
  • Urinalysis for the presence of protein. Protein can distort the true result and indicate the presence of an infection or inflammatory process.
  • Blood test for hCG level. It must be tracked in dynamics. If there is no pregnancy, then gradually every two to three days the hormone will fall. If hCG keeps or grows, this indicates a new pregnancy, which is not yet visible on ultrasound.

New menstrual cycle and periods

Many women after an abortion are interested in how many days menstruation will go. The onset of menstruation depends on what type of abortion was performed. Usually the day of the procedure indicates the first day of the menstrual cycle.

If a woman has had a medical abortion, her period may start 2-4 weeks after the procedure. Bleeding may go a little earlier or later than this period, but this should not disturb the patient.

If a curettage or mini-abortion was performed, then menstrual bleeding will go in 4-6 weeks. The first menstruation may begin as usual, but additional symptoms are observed in the form of soreness, profuse discharge, or, conversely, they may be scarce.

It is necessary to consult a specialist if the monthly delay is more than 4 weeks.

Life after an abortion

After an abortion, you should give up sexual activity for one to two weeks. Often at this time, the patient has spotting. The duration and abundance can be different depending on the type of abortion and the individual characteristics of the organism.

When resuming sexual activity, any suitable method of contraception should be chosen, because the opportunity for a woman to become pregnant again occurs in one to three weeks. Within three to six months, it is worth abandoning the planning of the baby, as the body needs to rest.

The best method of contraception is the use of birth control pills. They have a high level of protection against unwanted conception. If the patient does not plan to have children in the near future, then you can put an intrauterine device, use hormonal implants or injections on medroxyprogesterone acetate.

Patient reviews about a positive test

Often, girls during the test experience when, after an abortion, not one, but two strips appear. After reading numerous reviews, women claim that the level of hCG remains for another month. To put aside all worries, it is better to visit a doctor for a follow-up examination in ten to twenty days.

In some women, hCG drops already on the first or second day. This is possible if a frozen pregnancy was detected and the fetus stopped functioning long before the abortion.

In other women, the level of the hormone lasts up to five weeks, causing a delay in menstruation. But doctors urge girls not to worry about this, since menstruation can begin only after six weeks.

To avoid a new pregnancy, you need to use contraceptive methods. It is worth remembering that interrupted sexual intercourse is not a way to protect against unwanted pregnancy.

Complications after an abortion

After the procedure, adverse effects may occur in the form of:
  • Uterine bleeding. Pathology is extremely rare in those women who suffer from poor blood clotting. There is usually a slight discharge for a few weeks after the procedure. Here, everything happens the other way around. Moreover, this situation leads to a real threat to life. To prevent heavy bleeding, the specialist will give several injections with oxytocin.
  • Accumulations of blood clots in the uterus. This process occurs due to the strong compression of the cervix after an abortion. This can lead to the development of an infection, so you should immediately consult a doctor. These clots may be the remains of the ovum and membranes. As a result, the test at home shows a positive result. The first signal that clots are accumulating in the uterus is the instant disappearance of bleeding after an abortion, as well as the occurrence of pain in the abdomen.
  • Inflammatory processes in the uterus. Such a pathology occurs if microbes have entered. To prevent this from happening, doctors are insured and prescribe antibiotics. The signs of the inflammatory process include fever, fever and pain in the abdomen.
  • Infertility. This happens extremely rarely. Perhaps after an abortion with scraping.

Some prohibitions after an abortion

So that a woman does not have complications, and the recovery process goes faster, it is worth following a few recommendations in the form:

  • cessation of sexual activity for one to two weeks;
  • refusal to use tampons (it is better to stock up on pads for this time);
  • refusal to douche;
  • refusal of a bath, visits to saunas, baths and pools (it is enough to take a shower and wash yourself for several weeks);
  • refusal to exercise or carry heavy objects;
  • refusal to take drugs, which include acetylsalicylic acid.
There are situations when you should consult a doctor:
  • with a positive test four to five weeks after the abortion;
  • when the temperature rises from 38 degrees;
  • in the absence of menstruation for more than six weeks;
  • in the presence of pain in the abdomen;
  • in the presence of large blood clots.


positive after abortion

For many, the birth of a baby is happiness, albeit sometimes unexpected. But there are situations when a woman is forced to abandon this child and have an abortion. Moreover, you can decide on such a step only at a very early date, up to 12 weeks.

To make sure that the abortion went as expected, the girls do a test the very next day. And they are very surprised if it turns out to be positive. Why might this be the result? To answer the question, it is worth considering the principle of operation of pregnancy tests.

Hormonal changes

When conception occurs, changes immediately begin in the female body that contribute to the successful bearing of the child. In particular, a completely different amount of hormones is produced. The ovaries produce progesterone, which is actually responsible for the maintenance and safety of pregnancy. The placenta synthesizes several hormones at once:

  1. Placental lactogen. He is responsible for maintaining the life of the placenta directly.
  2. Chorionic gonadotropin (common abbreviation for hCG). It is this hormone that is responsible for the formation of gender in the fetus.
  3. Prolactin.

After the fetus and placenta are removed from the uterus, the body stops producing hormones in such quantities. But this does not happen at all immediately, as many women think. And since any modern home test reacts precisely to the concentration of hCG in the urine, there is nothing to be surprised that the next day after vacuum aspiration or medical termination of pregnancy it will be positive.

If you have several tests done after an abortion that turn out to be positive, then you need to urgently consult a doctor. After all, HCG continues to be produced, even if a small particle of the embryo remains.

Reasons for positive tests

If a woman takes a pregnancy test after an abortion, then it is likely that it will be positive. This is often scary, and makes you wonder if the procedure was successful. Let's try to figure out why this result can be. In what situations is it necessary to consult a doctor.

Within normal limits

When is two strips on the test (positive) the norm? In the first two days after the procedure. The fact is that the concentration of hCG cannot quickly decrease, so the test will respond to it. Moreover, the amount of the hormone will depend on how long the pregnancy was terminated (the later the term, the longer the positive result will be).

But there are other reasons why such an outcome is possible. First, it is a false positive test. After all, no one gives a 100% guarantee that even the most expensive products will be of high quality and show true information. There is also no such confidence in low sensitive ones. Especially when you consider that the indicator is influenced by factors such as:

  • Dieting.
  • Taking drugs containing gonadotropin (Pregnil).
  • Kidney problem. These include diseases, the symptom of which is the presence of protein in the urine. It is he who provokes the distortion of the indicator.

Do not ignore the option of re-pregnancy. Indeed, after the procedure, the birth of a new life is possible already in this cycle, and not in a few months, as girls sometimes suggest. Therefore, in order to definitely not have suspicions in favor of a new pregnancy, avoid sexual intercourse for the first 3 weeks.

To make sure the result is correct, do 3-4 tests with an interval of a couple of days. It is advisable to use the products of different companies.

Serious problems

In many cases, the first and even the second test after an abortion with a positive result does not cause serious concern for the doctor. But if after some time the chorionic gonadotropin does not disappear from the blood, then an additional examination is necessary. After all, this may indicate that particles of the embryo remained in the uterus, that is, an incomplete abortion was performed. Which means you have to clean it up again.

Vacuum aspiration, as well as a pharmacist, are today considered the least dangerous for women's health. But as statistics show, they are more often incomplete. Therefore, women who decide to take such a step should be especially careful.

Why else can there be a positive test:

  1. The synthesis of chorionic gonadotropin continues if there was not a uterine, but an ectopic pregnancy, that is, the fetus began to develop in the abdominal cavity.
  2. An ectopic pregnancy, when the fetus is attached to the fallopian tube or to the ovary.
  3. Sometimes the fetus, especially after a medical abortion, does not die and continues to develop further.

In pharmacological abortion, antiprogestogens are used, the task of which is to increase the contraction of the uterus, and at the same time relax its neck. As a result, in many cases, several particles, or even the entire fetal egg, is preserved.

It is impossible to exclude a medical error, due to which the embryo continues to develop further in the uterus.

Further actions

What to do if you see a positive test after an abortion? Firstly, you should not make assumptions based on the results of only one test - you need to do it at least 3 times, and even then not every day, but with a short time interval. Secondly, be sure to consult a gynecologist and undergo an examination. But in any case, do not draw your own conclusions.

Since it is necessary to find out exactly why the hCG hormone continues to be produced by the body, it is necessary:

  1. Pass an examination on a gynecological chair.
  2. Make an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. Since it is in the presence of a fetal egg that there will be a positive test, you need to find out where it attached. You may have had an ectopic pregnancy.

A positive test is just a reason to suspect a problem. Only a specialist should clarify it.

Some women, having undergone a medical or surgical abortion, try to make sure that the pregnancy is terminated using a pharmacy test. At the same time, the results of an express test often frighten patients, because often a home analysis shows two colored strips, which indicate pregnancy instructions according to the instructions. We will try to find out in which case two strips on a pregnancy test after an abortion is the norm, and when you should immediately consult a doctor.


Why does the test show two stripes after an abortion?

The pregnancy test is based on the interaction of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine of a pregnant woman and a dye reagent applied to the test strip. Chorionic gonadotropin or hCG is produced in the body in two cases - in a pregnant woman and in the formation of a malignant tumor. Therefore, a positive test after an abortion naturally scares a woman.

When the egg and sperm merge, the process of cell division occurs, and after 7 days a real living organism is formed, covered with a shell. The shell cells begin to actively produce hCG. After implantation in the wall of the uterus, these cells turn into chorions - villi, through which metabolic processes are carried out between the fetus and the mother's body. HCG also supports the functioning of the corpus luteum, which produces progesterone in large quantities. The concentration required to detect the hormone using a test strip, chorionic gonadotropin reaches by the end of the first week after conception.

Abortion does not lead to an abrupt cessation of hCG production. That is why the first 1-2 days after the termination of pregnancy, two strips on the test are not considered an anomaly. In two days, the fetal egg completely leaves the uterine cavity, so hCG ceases to stand out. If a woman at this time conducts a pregnancy test and continues to see a positive result, you should immediately consult a doctor, since this is most likely a sign of a pathological process.

The reasons why a pregnancy test shows two stripes after an abortion may be as follows:

  • After a pharmacological abortion or vacuum aspiration, there is a high probability that the particles of the fetal membrane are not completely shed and continue to be inside the uterus. If the patient does not consult a doctor in a timely manner, this can lead to inflammatory processes, the formation of neoplasms and other unpleasant consequences;
  • Exacerbation of kidney failure due to abortion gives a high protein content in the urine, which also distorts the test results. Women suffering from renal pathology should additionally visit a urologist;
  • Taking hormonal contraceptives, which include human chorionic gonadotropin, can also cause a positive pregnancy test. If the patient is prescribed hormone therapy after an abortion, the composition of the drugs taken should be studied;
  • An ectopic (in the adnexa) or ectopic (in the abdominal cavity) pregnancy may be accompanied by the release of a small amount of hCG. In this case, the test usually shows a dim, barely noticeable second strip;
  • In rare cases, two strips may indicate the preservation of pregnancy (this happens with vacuum aspiration and with medical abortion if the dosage of the drug was incorrectly calculated);
  • Long gestational age at the time of termination: the higher the period, the longer hCG will have a high concentration;
  • Sometimes the content of hCG in the body occurs with choriocarcinoma (pathological growth of the chorion and the introduction of its cells into neighboring organs, for example, the bladder, and mutations in cancer cells);
  • Uterine cancer also shows a high concentration of hCG in a non-pregnant woman. HCG is produced by the germ cells of any malignant tumor, so this hormone is considered a kind of oncomarker for cancer detection.


If the pregnancy test shows two strips after an abortion, you should wait 3-4 days and repeat the study. During this time, the remains of the fetal egg must be completely removed from the uterine cavity, which leads to a drop in the level of hCG in the blood and urine. If the second test also gives a positive result, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Equipped with the latest diagnostic equipment and cooperates with leading medical laboratories in the country. This allows us to quickly and accurately determine the real level of hCG in the blood of a woman and identify the true cause of the formation of the hormone after an abortion.

It is not uncommon for women who have had an abortion to take a pregnancy test. Sometimes the result is positive, and this plunges many into a state of panic. What is the reason for keeping two stripes?

The principle of the test

To determine pregnancy, most women use rapid tests. They have many advantages, the main of which are:

  • availability;
  • ease of use;
  • fast results and their accuracy;
  • acceptability in terms of price.

The latest generation tests show a reliable result from the first day of delayed menstrual bleeding. To carry them out, you need a little morning urine, into which the strip is lowered to the indicated level.

Pregnancy leads to fundamental changes that affect primarily the hormonal sphere. In the tissues of the ovary, a corpus luteum is formed, while progesterone is synthesized, thanks to which the fetus is preserved.

The placenta is also involved in the synthesis of hormones. It produces three varieties of them:

  • placental lactogen, thanks to which the vital activity of the placenta is maintained;
  • prolactin;
  • chorionic gonadotropin (or hCG), which plays a leading role in the complex mechanism of the formation of the baby's sex.

The principle of operation of all test strips is based on the reaction between the indicator substance and this hormone.

Why do two stripes remain after an abortion?

Positive after abortion- the phenomenon is not quite normal. Many women think so. Why is this happening?

1. During an abortion, a fetal egg is removed from the uterine cavity and placenta. And since the synthesis of hCG is directly related to the function of the placenta, its removal leads to a decrease in the level of the hormone. This process proceeds quite slowly, as a result, for some time after the abortion, two strips remain. Sometimes gonadotropin ceases to be determined 24 hours after the removal of the fetus, in other cases, a positive result persists even after several weeks. This can happen while maintaining even a small piece of the fetal egg in the uterus.

2. Sometimes the reason is the low sensitivity of the test used - in this case, we can talk about false positive data.

3. The result cannot be interpreted unambiguously, since it is influenced by some extraneous factors:

  • taking medications, one of the components of which is hCG;
  • special diet;
  • renal pathologies leading to the appearance of protein in the urine - it can distort the result.

Considering the above factors, pregnancy test after abortion it is recommended to carry out several times using strips from different manufacturers.

4. The reason for a positive result is often an ectopic pregnancy, during which the fetus is fixed and begins to develop outside the uterine cavity: in the fallopian tube or ovary.

5. The preservation of two strips is sometimes due to an abortion by vacuum aspiration (the so-called mini-abortion), which is considered the safest, but not very reliable: after it, embryonic membranes often remain, which continue to synthesize hCG. The result is a positive test result.

6. The source of the synthesis of chorionic gonadotropin can be an ectopic pregnancy, in which the fetus is localized in the abdominal cavity.

7. There are also cases when the fetus does not die as a result of an abortion. Its preservation in the uterine cavity causes the appearance of two stripes.

8. Two strips after an abortion may persist in the case when it was carried out in a medical way. In this case, antiprogestogens are used, the action of which is based on increased contraction of the uterus and simultaneous relaxation of its cervix. When using the drug method, the probability of preserving the membranes and particles of the fetal egg is quite high.

What to do?

More relevant is the question “What can not be done?”

Do not try to solve the problem yourself. The only rational solution is to immediately contact a specialist, since some of the reasons for a positive result (for example, an ectopic pregnancy) pose a threat to the life of a woman.

For many, the birth of a baby is happiness, albeit sometimes unexpected. But there are situations when a woman is forced to abandon this child and have an abortion. Moreover, you can decide on such a step only at a very early date, up to 12 weeks.

To make sure that the abortion went as expected, the girls do a test the very next day. And they are very surprised if it turns out to be positive. Why might this be the result? To answer the question, it is worth considering the principle of operation of pregnancy tests.

Hormonal changes

When conception occurs, changes immediately begin in the female body that contribute to the successful bearing of the child. In particular, a completely different amount of hormones is produced. The ovaries produce progesterone, which is actually responsible for the maintenance and safety of pregnancy. The placenta synthesizes several hormones at once:

  1. Placental lactogen. He is responsible for maintaining the life of the placenta directly.
  2. Chorionic gonadotropin (common abbreviation for hCG). It is this hormone that is responsible for the formation of gender in the fetus.
  3. Prolactin.

After the fetus and placenta are removed from the uterus, the body stops producing hormones in such quantities. But this does not happen at all immediately, as many women think. And since any modern home test reacts precisely to the concentration of hCG in the urine, there is nothing to be surprised that the next day after vacuum aspiration or medical termination of pregnancy it will be positive.

If you have several tests done after an abortion that turn out to be positive, then you need to urgently consult a doctor. After all, HCG continues to be produced, even if a small particle of the embryo remains.

Reasons for positive tests

If a woman takes a pregnancy test after an abortion, then it is likely that it will be positive. This is often scary, and makes you wonder if the procedure was successful. Let's try to figure out why this result can be. In what situations is it necessary to consult a doctor.

Within normal limits

When is two strips on the test (positive) the norm? In the first two days after the procedure. The fact is that the concentration of hCG cannot quickly decrease, so the test will respond to it. Moreover, the amount of the hormone will depend on how long the pregnancy was terminated (the later the term, the longer the positive result will be).

But there are other reasons why such an outcome is possible. First, it is a false positive test. After all, no one gives a 100% guarantee that even the most expensive products will be of high quality and show true information. There is also no such confidence in low sensitive ones. Especially when you consider that the indicator is influenced by factors such as:

  • Dieting.
  • Taking drugs containing gonadotropin (Pregnil).
  • Kidney problem. These include diseases, the symptom of which is the presence of protein in the urine. It is he who provokes the distortion of the indicator.

Do not ignore the option of re-pregnancy. Indeed, after the procedure, the birth of a new life is possible already in this cycle, and not in a few months, as girls sometimes suggest. Therefore, in order to definitely not have suspicions in favor of a new pregnancy, avoid sexual intercourse for the first 3 weeks.

To make sure the result is correct, do 3-4 tests with an interval of a couple of days. It is advisable to use the products of different companies.

Serious problems

In many cases, the first and even the second test after an abortion with a positive result does not cause serious concern for the doctor. But if after some time the chorionic gonadotropin does not disappear from the blood, then an additional examination is necessary. After all, this may indicate that particles of the embryo remained in the uterus, that is, an incomplete abortion was performed. Which means you have to clean it up again.

Vacuum aspiration, as well as a pharmacist, are today considered the least dangerous for women's health. But as statistics show, they are more often incomplete. Therefore, women who decide to take such a step should be especially careful.

Why else can there be a positive test:

  1. The synthesis of chorionic gonadotropin continues if there was not a uterine, but an ectopic pregnancy, that is, the fetus began to develop in the abdominal cavity.
  2. An ectopic pregnancy, when the fetus is attached to the fallopian tube or to the ovary.
  3. Sometimes the fetus, especially after a medical abortion, does not die and continues to develop further.

In pharmacological abortion, antiprogestogens are used, the task of which is to increase the contraction of the uterus, and at the same time relax its neck. As a result, in many cases, several particles, or even the entire fetal egg, is preserved.

It is impossible to exclude a medical error, due to which the embryo continues to develop further in the uterus.

Further actions

What to do if you see a positive test after an abortion? Firstly, you should not make assumptions based on the results of only one test - you need to do it at least 3 times, and even then not every day, but with a short time interval. Secondly, be sure to consult a gynecologist and undergo an examination. But in any case, do not draw your own conclusions.

Since it is necessary to find out exactly why the hCG hormone continues to be produced by the body, it is necessary:

  1. Pass an examination on a gynecological chair.
  2. Make an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. Since it is in the presence of a fetal egg that there will be a positive test, you need to find out where it attached. You may have had an ectopic pregnancy.

A positive test is just a reason to suspect a problem. Only a specialist should clarify it.