Step-by-step instructions for making a wreath on your head with your own hands. How to weave a wreath of artificial and field flowers. Weave flower wreaths on the head

The tradition of weaving various wreaths and hats from fresh flowers has deep roots. Our ancestors from childhood owned this art and knew about the secrets that kept the freshness of plants and the shape of such decoration. Thanks to fashion trends, the tradition of wearing flower wreaths has been revived, and modern girls follow it with pleasure. It is easy to bring such natural beauty to life. Using the tutorial below, you will learn how to weave a flower wreath. Find out what rules to follow and what plants to use.

Basic weaving rules

For a flower wreath, choose only young buds that have just blossomed, then the finished product will remain beautiful and fresh longer. It is necessary to pick a lot of flowers that have long stems, because during work some of them may break. Do not be afraid to use a combination of those plants that at first glance seem incongruous, in a wreath they can look very original.

The choice of flowers for a wreath depends on the availability of specific plants, your tastes and desires. When summer comes, the first flowers used for weaving are dandelions. In addition to them, it is preferable to use plants that have a long, flexible, reliable and durable stem. It is convenient to use cornflowers, chamomile, clover and other wildflowers. You can use tree leaves, a variety of herbs and fruits of mountain ash, viburnum. The more diverse and more you collect the bouquet, the more beautiful the decoration will be.

  • Put together three flower stems, start weaving like a regular pigtail.
  • When the first curl is ready, weave the next one in the middle and make the second coil. This principle of weaving must be repeated until the wreath reaches the desired size for the girth of the head.
  • If you are making an accessory from artificial flowers, then at the end you can decorate it with ribbons, weave a variety of decorative elements: beads, beaded threads and other materials.
  • Flowers need to be stacked very tightly to each other so that the product does not fall apart and looks magnificent.

There is another way to weave:

  • Fold in a bunch a few buds with long stems.
  • Insert new ones into the resulting base, wrapping them around the stems so that each new flower fixes the stem of the previous one. Plants need to be applied tightly to each other, which will help hide the base and protruding short tips.
  • When the wreath of the desired size is made, connect the sides into a circle with a strong thread, blade of grass, bast, ribbon.

You can weave a wreath with a ready-made base:

  • Prepare a hoop on which the buds will wind.
  • You can glue artificial plants to it.
  • Make the base from several different plants, wire, willow branches, fixing them in a ring.
  • The main thing is to use more buds, lush or small, so that the base is not visible.
  • Traditionally, the finished product is decorated in the center with multi-colored ribbons that flow beautifully along the girl's back.

From what it is possible to weave wreaths

A wreath was traditionally considered an adornment of Slavic women. It was a ring woven from branches, herbs, flowers, which was worn on the head. The wreath existed even in ancient Greece, where they were awarded to heroes, winners of competitions, warriors. Products were hung at the entrance to protect themselves from the evil thoughts of people, evil spirits. Making a wreath is a whole ritual, which in most cases was done by girls. Previously, this process implied a certain weaving time, shape, size, composition.

From dandelions

Many children love to weave dandelion wreaths. This is a fascinating, interesting activity, as a result of which you will get a wonderful decoration. It can be used for a themed photo shoot or as an ordinary accessory during outdoor recreation. Dandelions in the decoration look very beautiful, bright, thanks to the lush yellow bud. A wreath can be neat and small, or voluminous and large.

From wild flowers

Weaving a wreath, skullcaps from wild flowers is a fascinating old pastime. A lot of legends and traditions are associated with this subject. Wildflowers look especially attractive: the finished product looks magnificent, voluminous. Additionally, various leaves and blades of grass are woven into it. Having mastered the creation of an accessory, you can decorate your head or a child’s head with it during outdoor recreation, on the holiday of Ivan Kupala, in honor of another folk festival.

From artificial flowers

Wreaths, headbands, crowns (crown) made of artificial flower compositions have long become popular, crowning the heads of models at fashion shows, pages of glossy magazines. In combination with open shoes, a light dress, soft make-up, this accessory will perfectly complement a gentle girlish look. It is better to choose a hairstyle for such an ornament as natural as possible: a careless low bun, a voluminous braid, slightly curled loose hair. Such accessories are especially relevant when creating a wedding image.

Laurel wreath

Laurel is a tree or shrub native to the Mediterranean countries that was sacred to the cult of the sun god Apollo. The evergreen plant was endowed with many symbolic meanings, was considered an emblem of triumph, victory, glory, protection, peace, immortality, purification. Wreaths of leaves and twigs of laurel crowned the winners of music, poetry competitions, sports competitions. After this tradition spread to any winner.

How to make a wreath on the head: a master class

Do you want to learn how to weave a beautiful wreath of flowers? The following master class on making this fragrant decoration will help you. You can choose to weave a variety of fresh or artificial flowers. This tutorial shows how to make a natural daisy decoration. For manufacturing you will need:

  • scissors;
  • flowers.

Step by step instructions:

  • We cut off the tips of the flowers, leaving the stem at least 12-18 cm long.
  • We put two flowers crosswise, as in the picture.

  • We wrap the stem of the upper bud around the stem of the lower one, making a hook. We lay the stem of the second flower, which needs to be pulled down a little, along the first.
  • We continue to weave in the sequence described in the previous step. We lay the buds closer to each other.

  • To complete the product, we put the ends of the wreath together, tie them with soft tree bark, a blade of grass or a piece of thread. Then we cut off too long stems. In conclusion, hide all the tips in weaving.

Video: do-it-yourself wedding wreath on your head

One wedding wreath of natural flowers will instantly transform the image of any bride for the better. A fragrant, sophisticated, original accessory will harmoniously complement a simple veil or replace it. Flowers are a feminine adornment, as if specially created by nature itself for young brides. If earlier it was important to decorate complex hairstyles with buds that hamper movement and make you worry about the safety of the entire structure, now this has been replaced with a wreath, which is convenient. How to weave such a decoration for the bride, see the video below.

The tradition of weaving wreaths of fresh flowers appeared a long time ago. Our ancestors mastered this skill to perfection. They also knew many secrets that helped them keep the freshness of the flowers and the shape of the finished decoration for a long time.

The tradition of weaving wreaths of fresh flowers appeared a long time ago.

The tradition of wearing flower wreaths has begun to revive again in recent years. Using our master class, you will learn how to weave wreaths with your own hands and find out which flowers are best to use.

Variants of weaving from natural flowers

There are dozens of different ways to weave wreaths. Let's talk about the most popular of them:

  • From flowers with a long stem. To weave a wreath, you need to select suitable flowers with long stems. First you need to take a few of the largest flowers and put them in one bunch, which will serve as the basis. Then new flowers should be added to the folded bunch, wrapping their stems around the prepared base in such a way that each subsequent flower fixes the stem of the previous one. Flowers should be woven close to each other so that they cover the base of the wreath and the protruding ends of already woven flowers. These ends must be hidden in existing weaves so that they do not spoil the appearance of the finished product. The length of the wreath must be adjusted during its fitting. When it fits, the weaving ends, and its edges are fastened together with a strong thread, matched to the tone of the base of the wreath. Instead of a thread, you can use strong grass, tying it into a knot, or you can fix the product with a bast (a thin strip from the bark of a tree).
  • The "pigtail" method. This option is considered the easiest. Take a bunch of flowers, divide it into three equal parts and start weaving. After a few curls, add new flowers. Continue weaving, stacking the flowers as tightly as possible. If you decide to weave a wreath of flowers with a thick and hard stem (for example, water lilies or water lilies), this option will be optimal.
  • With ready base. You will need to prepare the base for the wreath. It can be a hoop on which flowers will be attached. They must be braided onto the hoop so that each subsequent flower holds the previous one. The size of the base is determined individually for each person based on the circumference of the head. Another variation of this method is weaving a wreath with a wire base. Most often this method is used by florists.

Composition of different flowers

Necessary materials:

  • Wire ordinary and decorative;
  • Secateurs or knife;
  • Tape tape (this is a special floral tape with which you can "extend the life" of fresh flowers);
  • Flowers (in our example, spray roses, several different types of carnations and eucalyptus are involved).

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. First, wrap the wire with teip tape.
  2. Bend the tape to the size of the head, do the same with its ends so that they cannot be injured. You can also make a wreath with special ribbon inserts that can be used to adjust it.
  3. Trim the flowers and form small bunches by combining them with herbs. Wrap the bundles with teip tape.
  4. Start creating a wreath. Secure the finished bundles to the wire base with tape. For reliability, wrap the base with decorative wire.
  5. Weaving a wreath, alternate spray roses with carnations. Place flowers only on the outside of the wreath base.
  6. When you reach the middle, mark the center of the wreath with larger and more open roses. Then return to the usual weaving technique with small flowers.
  7. The first version of a beautiful wreath is ready.

Unusual wreath of roses, carnations and eucalyptus (step by step photos)

Materials required for work

Illustration for point 1

Illustration for point 2

Illustration for point 2

Illustration for point 3

Illustration for paragraph 4

Illustration for paragraph 5

Illustration for paragraph 6

Finished wreath

From small flowers

Necessary materials:

  • Flowers;
  • Ribbons;
  • green wire;
  • Nippers or scissors.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Determine the size of the product by measuring the circumference of the head with a wire. Cut off the desired length, leaving a small allowance (3 centimeters will be enough).
  2. Make small loops on both sides of the wire.
  3. Choose flowers for your wreath. Trim their stems to the same length (about 5 centimeters).
  4. Sort the flowers by size into three piles (large, medium and small). The largest ones must be fixed in the center of the wreath, half-opened and medium ones are placed after them, and small and unopened buds are placed along the edges. Such a wreath will look very light and airy. If you take only large flowers, the product will look too massive and sloppy.
  5. Attach the flower to the main wire and wind its stalk with the second piece of wire. The larger the flowers, the more securely they need to be fixed.
  6. After making a few turns, attach the next flower. Continue weaving the wreath until all the flowers are in place. If they are too small, you can combine them into small bundles before attaching to the base.
  7. When there are a few centimeters left until the end of the weave, start applying flowers in the opposite direction. Try to make this transition as invisible as possible.
  8. In order for the wreath to hold tight and look more interesting, thread the ribbons into the previously made loops and tie them. The wreath is ready.

Useful information: A wreath of fresh flowers is a very beautiful decoration, but, unfortunately, short-lived. To prolong its life, keep the wreath in a cool place. Spray the petals regularly with water from a spray bottle.

Photo gallery: Making decoration from small wild flowers

Illustration for point 2

Illustration for point 3

Illustration for paragraph 5

Illustration for paragraph 7

This is what the finished product should look like.

Wreath with satin ribbon

Necessary materials:

  • Flowers (English roses, buttercups, various herbs and berries, jasmine, greens);
  • Narrow satin ribbon;
  • floral tape;
  • Thick wire;
  • Scissors or nippers.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Prepare flowers. Shorten their stems to 4 centimeters. Grass and small flowers can be trimmed a little more.
  2. Cut a 70 cm strip from the satin ribbon. This should be enough to create a wreath and tie a bow. Excess pieces can be trimmed later.
  3. So that the wreath has a neat appearance, and the technical parts are not visible to others, turn the first flowers inside the base. Attach them to the base and wrap tightly with floral tape on top.
  4. After you have fixed the first few flowers on the base, attach the rest to the outside of the wreath. Alternate flowers with herbs, berry branches and greens.
  5. Watch the length of the product, because if you make the wreath too long, it will be difficult to disassemble it. You will run the risk of damaging the desired buds that are already fixed.
  6. When you reach the end, fasten the edges harder, and cut off the excess pieces of wire and floral tape. Adjust all the buds so that they fit one to the other.

Manufacturing master class

You will need such materials for work

Illustration for point 1

Illustration for point 3

Illustration for paragraph 4

Illustration for paragraph 4

Illustration for paragraph 6

Product options

The original wreath will emphasize the beauty of its owner

Decoration for girls from bouquets

Necessary materials:

  • Several types of flowers;
  • Green satin or silk ribbon;
  • Scissors or nippers.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. First you need to create the basis of your decoration. To do this, twist the wire into a circle. The base should be loose on the head, because after you attach the flowers to it, the wreath will be narrower and heavier. With the wrong size, it can put a lot of pressure on the head or, conversely, subside.
  2. Next, wrap the wire joints with colored tape and tighten it as tight as possible.
  3. Divide the flowers into bunches, one bud at a time, begin to attach them to the base. So it will be easier for you to work, and the crown with the tape will not be overloaded.
  4. To keep all the flowers firmly, you need to make small bouquets of them. Tie them tightly with several ribbons, and cut the edges short.
  5. Make about 15 small bouquets. Start attaching them to the base of the wreath.
  6. Fasten the resulting bouquets from the outside, tightly wrapping their edges with tape. You need to do this until you reach the end of the wire and completely fill the base with flowers.

An example of creation in the photo

Illustration for point 1

Illustration for point 2

Illustration for point 3

Illustration for paragraph 4

Illustration for paragraph 5

This wreath can be used for various photo shoots.

Other variations from fresh flowers

Beautiful wreath with blue flowers and spikelets

Such a wreath can be made from carnations of any color and size.

Elegant wreath looks very gentle and neat

Such a wreath will serve as a harmonious addition to the image of the bride.

The simplest wreath that many of us wove as children

An unusual wreath of different wild flowers will be a real decoration for little ladies.

You can even weave such a voluminous wreath from field daisies!

Most often, decorative wreaths are woven from different types of roses.

From artificial flowers

Artificial flower wreaths are even easier to make than live ones. It has another significant plus - such a wreath will last you much longer.

Standard option

Necessary materials:

  • Artificial flowers, leaves, twigs;
  • Scissors;
  • Wire (wrapped with cloth);
  • Green floral tape.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Prepare artificial flowers for work. You can take a bouquet and cut flowers from it, or buy single flowers. Flowers are best cut with part of the stalk, so they will better be attached to the wreath.
  2. Take a piece of wire or a flexible twig and measure the circumference of your head to determine the correct diameter for the wreath. When trying on, leave a space between the wire and the head with a volume of about two fingers. Cut off the excess pieces of the base.
  3. Fold the edges of the base overlap and tightly rewind them with the prepared floral tape.
  4. After that, take the first flower, secure it with the same tape. The following artificial flowers should be attached in the same way.
  5. Gradually pull the ribbon forward and weave flowers, leaves and berries alternately into the wreath. Fasten them as tightly as possible to each other so that there are no gaps.
  6. When you fill the entire base, tightly tie the edges of the tape, and cut off the excess pieces. The advantage of floral tape is that its edges can be easily fastened with an adhesive backing.

Stages of needlework in the photo

Necessary materials

Illustration for point 2

Illustration for point 3

Illustration for paragraph 4

Illustration for paragraph 5

Illustration for paragraph 6

Such a wreath is very easy to weave even for a beginner.

From flowers with beads

Necessary materials:

  • Flowers (ideally - decorative paper roses with a stem);
  • Artificial berries or leaves;
  • Turquoise wire with a diameter of 0.8 centimeters;
  • Scissors;
  • floral tape;
  • beads for decoration;
  • Glue "Moment".

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Unwind the wire, wind flowers and berries on it, directing their edges to the end.
  2. Next, continue to fasten the flowers, only with “tails” in the opposite direction, from the edge of the wire. String some beads.
  3. Please note that the length of the wreath should be approximately 50 centimeters.
  4. Fasten the strung beads at a short distance, alternating them with the main decoration.
  5. Bend the ends of the wire so that you get a loop.
  6. Cut the satin ribbon in half (you should get two 30 cm pieces). Thread it through the loop and secure with a knot or superglue.

Necessary materials

Illustration for point 1

Illustration for point 2

Illustration for paragraph 4

Illustration for paragraph 4

Illustration for paragraph 5

Illustration for paragraph 6

This wreath looks very gentle and neat.

With sprigs of lavender and rosebuds

Necessary materials:

  • Wire;
  • Floral or simple tape;
  • Scissors;
  • Flowers of different shades (it is better to choose roses);
  • Sprigs of dusty miller and lavender (several bunches);
  • Artificial rose buds.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Take the wire, twist a circle of the desired diameter out of it.
  2. Then wrap the resulting bezel with colored tape (green is best).
  3. Take the prepared flowers and cut their stems to the desired size, leaving about 3-4 centimeters of free edge.
  4. Start weaving a wreath. Attach the flowers to the base with tape. When applying a flower, wrap the stem with tape in one turn, and then add the next buds.
  5. In the same way, fill the entire base of your wreath, alternating bunches of lavender with flowers. For this option, we used several different shades of roses. To make the product more original, alternate tones or make it in a “rainbow” style.
  6. After securing all the flowers at the base of the wreath, rewind the edge with tape.
  7. Congratulations, your wreath is ready!

Photo guide: Making a flower arrangement

Illustration for point 1

Illustration for point 2

Illustration for point 3

Illustration for point 3

Illustration for paragraph 4

Illustration for paragraph 4

Illustration for paragraph 4

Illustration for paragraph 6

With the help of such a wreath you can complement any look.

Other ideas

Gentle pink color will emphasize your beauty

Artificial daisies look just as good as real ones

Such a wreath can be worn even for a wedding.

Artificial wildflowers will never wither

You can find artificial roses in any color

A thin wreath of multi-colored artificial flowers looks very elegant

Video: How to make a beautiful wreath with your own hands?

To make a beautiful wreath with your own hands, just follow the step-by-step instructions you like, suggested in our article. The final result depends on the material you choose and, of course, your imagination. In any case, the product will be original and unique. Do not be afraid to try and experiment, and you will succeed!

In Slavic culture, a wreath of fresh flowers on the head had a very deep sacred meaning. From ancient times to the present day, during the “riot” of flowers, Slavic girls decorated their heads with wreaths of fresh flowers for a variety of reasons. What were these occasions and what is the meaning of the wreath on the head?

A wreath in Ancient Rus' is one of the most important women's jewelry. During the holidays, he was the main attribute in the girl's outfit. Depending on the chosen colors, the wreath carried a certain message that helped her to realize what she wanted. For example, the wreath of Hope. It was woven from cornflowers and field poppies. The wreath of Hope was worn by young unmarried girls who wanted to quickly attract their cherished groom. If the girl already has a chosen one, but he still did not dare to send matchmakers, the girl would weave a wreath with her own hands and put it on the guy's head, thereby making it clear that she was not indifferent to him.

Pagan holiday Kupalo

On the night of Kupala (not the modern Ivan Kupala, namely the pagan one), one of the most significant rites of this celebration has been preserved to this day. Young Slavs jumped with the young men over the fire, wove wreaths of fresh flowers, and then lowered them into the water. As a rule, wreaths on Kupalo were woven from fragrant herbs and forest flowers, and bright colored ribbons served as an additional decoration. Each girl tried to make her wreath the most beautiful and elegant. Unfortunately, after Christianity appeared in Rus', Kupala was renamed the Christian holiday of Ivan Kupala, and the date of its celebration was also postponed. The ancient Slavic holiday Kupalo fell on the day of the solstice, but now it is celebrated on a completely different day, which is why it has lost its Vedic content.

Wreath of Love

All the girls who were already 13 years old, but who were not yet married, wove a wreath of Love on their heads from fresh flowers. The composition of this wreath usually includes chamomile, between the flowers of which apples and cherries are often placed, and a blooming bunch of viburnum was fixed above the brow itself. To emphasize not only their beauty, but also their intelligence, young Slavs wove hop tendrils into the wreath of Love from fresh flowers.

Other types of flower wreaths

Wreath of the Maiden: it was made mainly from chamomile and cornflower, occasionally adding other flowers that combined with the main ones.

Wreath of Devotion: There is a wreath of devotion for married women and engaged girls. The base of the wreath consists of cornflowers, and between them, as a rule, blooming lovage was woven. When the girl gave birth to her first child, she wove a wreath of roses, decorated with green leaves.

Wreath of Separation: This wreath was woven if the boy and girl were to be separated for a long time. Its base consisted of primrose - a symbol of fragility, as well as heather, which in the language of flowers means hopelessness and loneliness.

In ancient times, there was a pagan rite of weaving a wreath on the head at the very end of summer, when the last flowers had faded. From the last sheaf, the girls wove a wreath to their taste, at the same time guessing at the betrothed and guessing their future. This wreath was put on the head of the most beautiful unmarried girl in the settlement, and she, accompanied by fellow villagers who sing and dance around her, carries this wreath to her village. This ceremony is a sign that the season of harvesting and field work has finally come to an end.

The meaning of ribbons in a wreath of fresh flowers on the head

Ribbons were decorated with wreaths, both made from flowers and made from branches. Over time, the decoration of the wreath with ribbons was preserved only as an element of the national costume of Ukrainian women. Each color of the ribbon had its own special meaning:

  • Green means beauty and youth;
  • Yellow means the color of the sun;
  • Orange symbolizes bread;
  • Pink color is a symbol of prosperity;
  • Blue represents the sky and water;
  • Purple means wisdom;
  • Raspberry color is a symbol of sincerity and sincerity;
  • Brown is the color of the earth-nurse.

What flower meant what?

In addition to ribbons, flowers in a wreath also had their own meaning. The most correct wreath on the head was considered the wreath in which 12 flowering herbs were woven, each of which had its own meaning, and in itself was a talisman. Each of the flowers symbolized:

  • Chamomile - girlish purity;
  • Hops - mind, cunning, intricacy;
  • Cornflower and lovage - fidelity;
  • Vini and apple flowers - devotion, maternal care;
  • Immortelle - health;
  • Kalina - beauty and health;
  • Periwinkle - life and immortality of the human soul;
  • Millennium - insubordination;
  • Poppy - sadness for those who died in battles;
  • Pivonia and mallow - faith, love, hope.

Interesting fact: according to old legends, the girl who wove a wreath on her head from natural flowers on Apple Savior will definitely get married next year!

Master class - weaving wreaths.

How to weave a wreath should know any girl, girl, woman. This fascinating activity dates back to the mists of time, and weaving technology is passed down from generation to generation from mother to daughter.

Wreath: history, traditions

Choosing colors and preparing for weaving

The choice of flowers for a wreath depends on your taste, the availability of flowers, the desire to make a wreath to match the color of the outfit, as well as the choice of weaving method. The very first floral decorations at the onset of the summer season are wreaths woven from dandelion flowers. For weaving, flowers are preferred, in which the stem is long and flexible, while also being strong. It is very convenient to use chamomile, cornflowers, clover and other wild flowers for these purposes. Beautifully look white wreaths, consisting of inflorescences of porridge. In addition to flowers for a wreath, you can use various herbs, tree leaves and even rowan fruits. The more and more varied you get a bouquet of flowers and herbs, the more magnificent and beautiful your decoration will come out. Keep in mind that the wreath will fade a little after weaving, respectively, it will slightly decrease in size, so do not be afraid to overdo it with the number of flowers. Wreaths with flowers of contrasting shades look very elegant.

In preparation for work, lay out the picked flowers in the order in which you would like to see them on the wreath. This will simplify the process of choosing colors in the process of creating jewelry.

Weaving techniques

There are several techniques for weaving flower wreaths.

1. Weaving a wreath of flowers with long stems. In order to weave a wreath in this way, you need to select suitable flowers that will have long stems. First, we take some of the longest and largest flowers and put them together in a long bunch - this is how we get the basis for the wreath. Next, add new flowers to the resulting bunch, wrapping their stems around the prepared base so that each new flower fixes the stem of the previous flower. All flowers are woven close to each other, thereby covering the base of the wreath and the protruding tips of already woven flowers. These tips should be tucked into the existing weaves on the inside of the wreath, so that they do not spoil the appearance of the decoration.

The length of the weave is measured while trying on the wreath on the head. If the dimensions suit you, then you need to finish weaving and connect the sides into a single circle. To do this, you can use a strong thread, which will match the color of the base of the wreath in color. You can also use a suitable strong grass, tying it into a knot. Or fix the weaving with a bast (a thin strip torn from the bark of a tree).

2. Weaving a wreath using the "pigtail" method. This is an easier way to weave wreaths. It only requires braiding skills. Put three flowers together or divide a small bunch of flowers into three identical parts and start weaving a pigtail out of them. After one or two curls, put a new flower in the braid. Continue weaving by putting the flowers closer together. If you want to weave a wreath of flowers that have a thick, fleshy or hard stem (for example, water lilies or water lilies), this weaving option is the most suitable. For a wreath of such flowers, you need to weave a braid of grass into which the necessary flowers will be invested.

3. Weaving a wreath with a finished base. To start working in this weaving technique, you need to prepare a base - a hoop, on which, subsequently, prepared flowers will be wound. Such a base can be twisted from one or more flowers, fastening them into a ring with a strong thread, grass or bast, and you can also use bright ribbons for this purpose, which will later decorate the finished wreath. The size of the base is determined by the size of the head. Flowers are woven onto a hoop, with each subsequent flower holding the previous one.

4. Weaving a wreath with a base in the form of a wire. Often this method of weaving is used by florists.

Hats can also be made from grass and leaves, which will be a good protection from the sun's rays in the midday heat, and can also be a great addition to a carnival costume.

1. You can make a hat from tree leaves. It is better to use leaves that do not fade for a long time, for example, birch or poplar leaves. Using grass, weave the leaves into a long chain, which then needs to be fixed into a ring equal to the size of the head. Next, using the same grass, you need to lay our green chain in the form of a spiral, reducing the diameter of the circle so that you get a hat.

2. Also, a hat can be made from large leaves of burdock (burdock). To do this, the stems of several large burdock leaves are fastened together with a string or blade of grass. From the grass you need to weave a wreath according to the size of the head. We tie burdock leaves to this wreath, fixing them with long blades of grass. In order for the sheet not to tear, holes in it (for threading a blade of grass) must be made on both sides of the central vein. Thus, a hat is obtained that will hold firmly on the head.

Unfortunately, the life of a wreath of flowers and herbs is short-lived, and it quickly fades. Periodic humidification from a spray bottle and a cool room will be able to extend it for a short time. But by taking beautiful photographs, you can give this work of art a long life in your memories.

Which of us did not decorate ourselves with a wreath of dandelions in childhood? Weaving dandelion wreaths was part of the mandatory summer entertainment program for every self-respecting girl: older sisters and girlfriends passed on the knowledge of how to weave a wreath of dandelions to the younger ones, and they, in turn, taught the next rising generations. Bright sunny yellow dandelions are the most successful flowers for weaving wreaths, because they retain their beautiful appearance for quite a long time even without water, and besides, they have long and elastic stems. In addition, you can decorate yourself with such a wreath on. In our article, we will share knowledge on how to make a dandelion wreath.

How to weave a wreath of dandelions?

First of all, you need to be patient, have a good mood and a bouquet of long-stemmed dandelions. To make the wreath lush and elegant, dandelions should be blooming and fresh, with large heads. Below is a master class on weaving a wreath, guided by which you can weave a wreath from both dandelions and any other flowers.

  1. Let's start weaving a wreath with two dandelions, crossing them at an angle of ninety degrees. To start the wreath, it is better to choose large dandelions with thick, long stems.
  2. We bend the stem of the upper dandelion and circle it around the lower one so that it is to the right of the bud. We direct the stem so that it overlaps the base of the bud.
  3. We repeat step two as many times as necessary, weaving in all subsequent dandelions, until the wreath reaches the required length. In order for the wreath to come out beautiful and lush, like a crown, you need to weave the flowers tightly, pressing them firmly against each other. Do not forget to try on a wreath from time to time in order to stop weaving in time.
  4. Having reached the required length of the wreath, we proceed to connect its ends. This is a very important operation, because its beauty and durability depend on how carefully the wreath is fixed. In order for the wreath to come out neat, you must first tuck in all the protruding ends of the stems. To fix the ends, take the beginning and end of the wreath in our hands, and turn the flowers away from us. Take a new dandelion and attach it to the beginning of work. Let's start the dandelion stem behind the first flower and circle around until the stem is short. Let's repeat this operation with the next dandelion, from the place where the previous one ended.
  5. Continue fixing the wreath until all free dandelion stems are securely fastened to the wreath. The stem of the last connecting dandelion must be securely fastened. To do this, we introduce it into the middle of the bundle of stems.

You can also weave a wreath of dandelions in a simpler way, according to the “pigtail” principle. Dandelions for such a wreath may have shorter stems than in the first version, but they must be blooming and fresh, because the appearance of the floral decoration depends on this.