Congratulations on the 60th anniversary in your own words. Festive portal jubilee-en-bis.rf - everything for your anniversary. your guests will ask you to repeat the anniversary encore! Anniversary in verse and prose

Dear hero of the day, congratulations on your 60th birthday! Health to you, love, good luck, kindness! Be happy! We wish you to believe in your own strength, stand firmly on your feet, constantly move forward. And may good luck accompany you not only in your career, but also in your personal life!

I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary! On your 60th birthday, I want to wish you an unbridled desire to love and appreciate every happy moment that life brings you! Let such moments last for a lifetime and will always please you! I wish you the best health in the world! Let no obstacles stand in the way, because there is still so much to do! May every moment in life bring only happiness, only sincere spiritual laughter and good luck! I wish you love like the sea, I wish you such happiness that would capture you and never let go! Congratulations on your 60th birthday! Happiness and warmth to you!

My dear hero of the day! Once upon a time, you looked with some embarrassment at those who celebrate their big anniversary. It seemed to you that he was 60, this is an elderly and respected person, he deserved the right to rest ... And now this number unexpectedly crept up to you - 60! And you are still young at heart and full of strength and energy, you are ready to move mountains on your way, your soul sings, and your heart is full of love for loved ones. So 60 is not that scary and not much for such an active person as you. I wish you not to lose optimism and vigor, let health not fail, and loved ones always delight with their love. Happy anniversary, dear!

Our dear man, we hasten to congratulate you on a wonderful round date, on your anniversary, on your sixtieth birthday! On this significant day, we wish you omnipotence, power and career growth, but with all this, we wish you not to turn up your nose and not forget your friends! May this anniversary be far from the last in your life!

Today I would like to congratulate a wonderful person, with a kind soul and heart, on his anniversary! You are already sixty years old, but your soul is not more than twenty! After all, that spark in your eyes that glow reflects your rich inner world! Let your life turn into a bright journey.

Congratulations on your 60th birthday to a wonderful man, a wonderful father and husband, a dear grandfather and a valuable employee! We wish you sparkling happiness, true prosperity, sincere love and fulfillment of all desires!

Dear hero of the day! Congratulations on your anniversary! As the American writer Edward Bock wrote: “The real life of a person begins at fifty. During these years, a person masters what true achievements are based on, acquires what can be given to others, learns what can be taught, clears what can be built on. May your true achievements help your loved ones, and your wise advice be useful to friends and grandchildren!

Dear hero of the day, just a good person, today we would like to congratulate you on your sixtieth birthday! I would like to tell you that life, although not easy, but you are worthy of going your own way, overcoming all obstacles and obstacles! So go on, and know that many look up to you.

The most golden birthday boy, with all my heart we congratulate you on the same golden date, on your 60th birthday! May your house be a full bowl, may there be peace and prosperity in it, may your loved ones always be there. We wish you today to receive welcome guests, receive wonderful gifts, listen to kind and sincere congratulations!

On this such a beautiful day, I first of all want to congratulate you, dear hero of the day, on the sixtieth anniversary of your life. Let everything in your life turn out exactly the way you want it, the way you plan it yourself. May neither sadness, nor bitterness, nor disappointment meet on your road. And every day will be bright and bright.

Today I am glad to congratulate the best man on his anniversary. You will not be given sixty years in any century, well, forty maximum. Because you are always positive, energetic and cheerful. So God bless you with good health and inspiration every day.

Congratulations on your sixtieth birthday! We can say with confidence that we came to the anniversary of a man with a generous soul, in whose eyes a sparkle sparkles and these eyes are always cheerful, kind. You are an energetic, fearless person, and not only in moments of danger, but in general, in life, i.e. never passing. We wish you good health, fulfillment of your plans, peace and prosperity, faith in yourself, hope for a worthy future and, of course, love. We want to be courageous, strong, reliable. Only with such a set of qualities will your family feel completely safe next to you as behind a stone wall. And so that life does not pass by a solid gray cloud - bright events, positive, emotions, joy, beauty!

Our dear hero of the day! Fate gave you a close-knit family, devoted friends, the years, adding, left only pure, sincere relationships, and the hardships of fate did not obscure the beauty and taste of life. Love, sincerity and purity in the soul have been carried through the years, everything unnecessary has been eliminated, and only the real thing that is needed for simple human happiness remains. There is something to look back at, there is something to remember, there is something to live with. Years pass, only bright moments remain in the kaleidoscope of Life. We wish that all life seemed like a holiday, and problems and minor troubles were not noticed at all. Health to you, our dear hero of the day, and longevity!

On the day of a wonderful anniversary and celebration in honor of the 60th birthday, I sincerely and with admiration want to congratulate you! I have known you for a very long time, your life path passed before my eyes! You have always fascinated me with your optimism, perseverance, ability to overcome difficulties and achieve the desired result! And, at the same time, you have always been and remain an open, friendly, sympathetic person, to whom people are always drawn. You find a common language with relatives, friends and subordinates, regardless of their age and position. You are young at heart and soul, and this is wonderful! I wish you health, happiness and new achievements!

Dear sixty-year-old hero of the day (just a fifteen-year-old captain!) We understand everything very well, and your joyful smile will by no means hide from us some kind of cunning flashing in your eyes. Consider this an official warning: if, starting tomorrow, you hope to somehow reduce the accuracy, intensity and regularity of communication with us, do not even think about it! There are very few people like you on this ball, and therefore we appreciate and love you very much! Continue to give us the joy of communicating with you, do not let us miss a single opportunity to receive wise advice and valuable guidance from you, wash us with a generous stream of your experience and knowledge. Happy anniversary, dear! Happy birthday!

I always knew you were an amazing woman! Kind, beautiful, sympathetic, with a flexible mind and wonderful charm. And today I see that you still know a secret secret that any representative of the fair sex would like to possess. Many sages and wizards tried to comprehend this secret, and fate revealed it to the most worthy - you. What is this secret? This is the secret of eternal youth. And most importantly, it not only helps you stay in great physical shape, but also allows you to always remain a young soul. I wish that your relatives and loved ones always appreciate what kind of woman is next to them!

Dear our man! You are the closest and beloved, the most caring and restless. For your attention and care, God has already rewarded you: he gave you a wonderful family, a tender loving wife, children who respect you, wonderful grandchildren. You are not deprived of friends, each of which is ready to do everything for you. It seemed to God that this was not enough, and he also endowed you with a good job - most importantly, it brings you pleasure, and not just money, although the latter is very important. So let's all thank God that he did not leave such a good person in a difficult moment that he led you through life - let him continue to do this in the future. And we just wish you good, good health!

Sixty years is a time when all anxieties and troubles are behind. I wish the hero of the day to enjoy the fruits of his working career for forty long years and rejoice at the successes of his children and the wet pants of his grandchildren, and then successfully retire to a well-deserved pension.

I would like to honestly say to the hero of the day, - It was not easy to work with you, moreover, it was hard! But, if I chose a companion for a long journey, I would choose you. So, I'm ready to endure another forty years. I wish you a cheerful mood and good fellow travelers in life! Happy Anniversary, Happy 60th Anniversary!

There are such concepts over which time has no power - duty, professionalism, responsibility, the spirit of creation. And all this applies to you. Respect is not yet subject to years. Please accept our sincere respect and wishes to remain what you have been for us all these years, the person you want to follow and work with. Happy Anniversary, Happy 60th Anniversary!

Dear grandfather! You are 60 today, which means there are many reasons to rejoice! Ahead of a new stage of life - a well-deserved rest. Children have matured, grandchildren are growing up, which means that you will not be bored. We wish you good health, good spirits and just human happiness. May every day bring a lot of joy. We love you very much and will always be there for you!

On this day, puddles are knee-deep for you, on this day all the nightingales in the neighborhood sing, on this day it is easy and fun to live in this world, when it is clear that your friends are real, that children will provide you with a happy life, that grandchildren will give you a second youth! The day you turn 60 is so important, so you are a happy person! Happy anniversary!

6:0. It is with this score that you win everything you want. No one can compare with you and your success. Winning against fate "in the dry" - this is the talent that only you fully possess. Thank you for your life optimism and spiritual responsiveness. Happy holiday: happiness, health and all that you have not yet achieved, but you will definitely achieve!

60 years old comes to this cozy house infrequently, we want this anniversary birthday to bring you only wonderful, kind memories, so that you are surrounded by loyal friends who have been by your side all your life and have never betrayed you, we wish that your health does not fail, but my heart throbbed in my chest like a fiery engine!

(Name), I sincerely want to congratulate you on your anniversary. May this important date bring you a lot of good luck and open up new opportunities for you. May joy and happiness always accompany you, and failures bypass you. Happy holiday to you!

In this funny and funny birthday card, we are congratulated on the birthday of the snake Gorynych. At the same time, each of the heads has its own character and sexual orientation and tells only its birthday greetings in verse.

This mega cool postcard can be sent to your mobile, or free of charge to an email address in a beautiful design here:

Dear Petr Sergeevich! Please accept our congratulations on your 60th anniversary and wishes for excellent and good health, which would allow you to celebrate many more anniversaries. Kindness and light in life, sunny smiles of relatives, warming with their warmth and giving happiness. Wealth and financial prosperity. Be always also collected, smart and young at heart. We want to give you the following lines of a festive poem.

My dear friend! Finally, congratulations on your 60th birthday! Accept congratulations and wishes - heroic health, biblical longevity, angelic patience and spiritual youth! May a holiday and prosperity always live in your house, relatives and friends support, may quarrels and troubles bypass and the sun shines every day! I give you these poetic lines on the day of the anniversary.

Vyacheslav, old friend! The 60th birthday for a man is a serious date. So let's celebrate your anniversary seriously and thoroughly! I would like to wish you good inexhaustible health and longevity, the care of loved ones and warmth in the family. Let sorrows and worries not annoy you, everything conceived and desired turns out, and life will be harmonious and bright. Happy anniversary, friend (choose congratulations to a friend), be happy! I would like to give you these lines.

More regiments are on the attack

And become presidents

Chase old age with its fear,

Your journey is far from over!

For six dozen there is experience,

The look is sharp and the soul and the mind,

We wish you good health

Live in joy and bright thoughts!

There are many anniversaries in the world,

They serve as milestones in fate.

Your anniversary is more important than many of them,

After all, today you are 60!

I wish you happiness in full measure,

So that his supply does not run out,

Accept all trials with faith

And appreciate your life every hour!

Grandmother | Grandpa | woman | Colleague man | For the boss | boss

Cool man | woman | sister | Brother | Father-in-law | mothers-in-law

Mother-in-law | Father-in-law | By profession | SMS | Toast to woman | Toast to a man

Congratulations to the boss in prose

We can say with confidence that we came to the anniversary of a man with a generous soul, in whose eyes a sparkle sparkles and these eyes are always cheerful, kind. You are an energetic, fearless person, and not only in moments of danger, but in general, in life, i.e. never passing. We wish you good health, fulfillment of your plans, peace and prosperity, faith in yourself, hope for a worthy future and, of course, love. We want to be courageous, strong, reliable. Only with such a set of qualities will your family feel completely safe next to you as behind a stone wall. And so that life does not pass by a solid gray cloud - bright events, positive, emotions, joy, beauty!

Wishes for the 60th anniversary in the prose "anniversaries"

So you have a retirement age, and let someone say that only old age lies ahead! But I will answer this that one of the most beautiful ages is ahead, the age of wisdom, the age when you begin to truly enjoy life, and may this age last for you as long as possible!

Today is an important event for all of us! Today is your anniversary! On your 60th birthday, we wish you good spirits and optimism, a lot of joy, well-being, faithful and reliable friends. And also - great love, which always makes us happier, and the world - kinder!

Do not believe those who say that life is over at 60. At 60, all the fun begins. After all, even dessert at the table is eaten at the very end. And I wish you take your time to enjoy your dessert. With that sense of self-worth and understanding of life, which young people simply do not have!

Please accept my sincere wishes for your 60th birthday! It is difficult to wish for those people who have everything! I'm talking about you - you are young at heart and good-looking, you have a wonderful and wonderful family, you are wise and successful in business! You are loved and respected, and many want to be like you. And yet I have one wish: I really want it to be like this forever, and therefore I sincerely wish you good health and longevity!

For him

On this significant day, let me wish you a slight memory failure. Yes, yes, forget about the numbers, because does it really matter how old you are? What matters is how you feel! I wish you youth in your soul and in your heart!

Childhood is a light, cheerful stream, youth is a fast, noisy mountain river, maturity is a large and wide molasses on the plain. You are 60 and now you have an ocean in front of you, the ocean of life is its ultimate goal. And I would like to wish that your ocean is always calm, and there are no storms and hardships on it!

Someone thinks that life is over at 60, but you and I know that this is not at all the case! At the age of 60, the most interesting begins, we begin to really feel the taste of life, and we understand how it should be enjoyed! Therefore, on your anniversary, I would like to wish you never lose your taste for life, and may the smile never leave your face!

When you are young, inexperienced and stupid, sometimes it seems that life is over at 60. But when you are 60 you realize that at 60 life is just beginning. The main thing is not to lose good spirits and interest in life! What I, first of all, wish you, be cheerful, cheerful and know how to be surprised at life!

Do not believe the one who says that at 60 life is over, this is by no means the case, but at the same time do not believe the one who says that life is just beginning, he is flattering. You just know that as long as there is a taste for life, nothing is over, therefore, save it, and happy 60th birthday to you!

Anniversary in verse and prose

Dimitrovgrad poet and writer, veteran of the Great Patriotic War, honorary citizen of the city Yevgeny Larin will celebrate his 85th birthday this weekend.

The title of the collection: Happy 60th birthday to a man in his own words. May your path to happiness be easy, and may true love be your companion.

Be yourself, be happy, and let everything else happen only for your benefit.

I wish you unearthly happiness and kiss you hard!

I wish you all the very best and the best! May there always be positive and joy in your life! I wish you great success in your studies and on the personal front! Let luck and success become your faithful companions in life, and there will always be close people with whom you can share your happiness!

My dear person, I wish you a happy birthday! I wish you happy days and a sea of ​​positive feelings, life

My own brother! May the strength of the spirit, will and body do not leave you for many years, and let the road of life give only those trials that will make you stronger.

I wish you a bright, inspirational life and the key to victory is never let go, do not lose heart, and happiness will always protect you!

Wine in a glass should be drunk while it plays. As long as one lives, one must live, there are no two lives...

Let your life be bright, interesting, cheerful, prosperous. Good luck to you, brother.

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on your birthday. May you always meet reliable friends on your way, and may health be your faithful friend and the joy of every day will never leave.

Goethe said: "In every artist a certain amount of courage is expressed, without which no talent can be conceived." For our brave talents!

Be smart and brave like Achilles, strong like Hercules, and let all these qualities help you to be a real support for your loved ones.

Happy birthday, godfather, congratulations today from the bottom of our hearts! May all the flowers give you their fragrance, may each ray warm your heart, and may each bird sing the funniest songs to you on this birthday! We wish you peace, light, sun! Happy birthday!

Congratulations brother! I want your life to be amazing!

I wish you presentations and climaxes, Mercedes and delicacies, high and great life!

May unfading, ardent love always live in your soul, which will never go unanswered! I wish you to remain as soft and sensitive, affectionate, cheerful and cheerful! Happy holiday!

I wish you great happiness and luck. May success and good luck always be your inseparable companions. And any life difficulties were fleeting and instantly overcome.

You have a wonderful combination of humility and kindness, coupled with a strong leadership base. I wish you to reach the desired heights and accurately hit all the goals!

Our beloved man, happy birthday! Today you are 14 years old and your whole life with millions of opportunities is on your doorstep! Let your dreams come true, joy to you and a lot of impressions. Do not rush to grow up, enjoy carelessness and ease, explore the unknown. Happiness to you!

I wish that a holiday of fun and family warmth always reigned in your house. May your family and friends always be there, and never let you lose heart. Happy birthday!

Among the many wishes, words of kindness and sincere parting words compiled today in your honor, remember the important thing - the happiness of being born, the greatest event, dispose of this wealth correctly!

Happy birthday brother. I wish you strength, intelligence, creativity, talent, charisma, determination, perseverance and patience.

I wish you great wealth, a queen and faithful servants, the main thing is that the crown does not press and is not great.

I wish that this birthday will become for you one of the many intermediate starts, each of which will lead to new achievements and victories, and the finish line for you will always be only on the distant horizon.

On your birthday, it is customary to wish what all people on the planet dream of. Everyone wants to be healthy - and I wish you good health for years to come from the bottom of my heart. Everyone wants to be loved, and I wish you this with all my heart. I want to always see you joyful, warmed by mutual love, with a happy gleam in your eyes.

You are like a brother to me, you are the best! And there are few of them in the world. Be yourself - reach and create!

I wish you reasonable optimism, ambitious desires, and good health. You are like a brother to me, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!

My dear person. Never despair and do not know disappointments, breathe in the air of happiness with full breasts. Happy birthday!

I will bring you coffee in bed with a bouquet of field daisies, together we will remember how young we were! Our children will come running, kiss you, give you their gifts! And I will be happy to see the joy in your eyes! My dear, gentle! Congratulations on your birthday!

You have everything you need to be happy! And today is a great day to make happiness itself yours! Happy birthday!

One and only. May you always like your own reflection in the mirror, your smile will be cheerful and radiate self-confidence and only happiness. I wish you success, fun, joy and laughter in life, my dear.

Strength, courage, humor and honesty are the essential qualities of a real man and they are all combined in you.

Dear woman, happy birthday. Let your beauty remain ideal, sincere - the kindness of the soul and happy - the beating of your heart.

Dear and wonderful person, I congratulate you on the day of jam, I wish you less expenses in life and more super-luck.

You are like a bratello to me, let you always manage to achieve what you need and at the same time with minimal effort.

Stay responsive, original, reliable, the best. Let health, luck, joy, true love be your life companions.

I wish you that your dreams come true, that only bright moments of life are remembered. May your career growth be successful and favorable in all endeavors. I want to wish you a happy birthday, all the best to you!

I congratulate you on your birthday and wish from the bottom of my heart impeccable success, unhindered activity, impeccable luck and endless happiness in life.

I wish you presentations and climaxes, Mercedes and delicacies, high and great life! Happy 60th birthday to a man in your own words.

I wish you to achieve great success and give love to your family.

May there be no place for any sorrows and disappointments in your life. I wish that all your brightest dreams come true, and give you a lot of joy and kindness. May every moment of your life be filled with the warmth and closeness of your loved ones. I wish all your undertakings to be crowned with breathtaking success!

A few years ago, when we celebrated your birthday, you promised to throw a cool party on the occasion of your 60th Anniversary. And now we can safely say that you have achieved your goal, you have organized a wonderful holiday. I want to wish you a great mood on this special day! I have no doubt that you will be able to achieve great results in the further cases that you are now developing. You belong to the type of men who never stand in one place, who develop, who strive for more. Although you have already achieved significant results, you do not even think about stopping. I wish you health, happiness, love and all the most positive and bright. Your life should be filled with joyful moments and happy events. Happy Anniversary to you!

Today I want to congratulate our dear Anniversary and wish him everything that a person needs for a happy life. For men, happiness has its own characteristics, so I wish you exactly what you are thinking about right now. You are turning 60 years old, but at the same time you look so young that many are surprised when they find out about your age. I want to wish you a great mood, a lot of positive emotions, a lot of joyful moments. May this special day go exactly the way you want. May your family always look forward to seeing you after work, may your grandchildren delight you with their successes. Surely, they take an example from you, they want to be like you, so don't let them down. Even if you don't let them down. I wish you a great day, a cool and fun holiday. May health always be strong, and happiness endless.

I want to sincerely congratulate you on your Anniversary! You turn 60 today. Just imagine what a significant part of your life you have lived. Of course, this is a small reason for sadness, but at the same time look back at the past. You managed to achieve tremendous success, managed to do everything that you dreamed about when you were just a teenager. You can be proud of yourself, and we certainly admire you. In our world there should be many responsible and purposeful men like you. I wish you to spend your holiday today so that later there is something to remember. We promise that we will have fun to the fullest, because such an Anniversary must certainly be fun and interesting. I wish you a great day, a sea of ​​positive emotions and positive energy. You have always had a perky character, so have fun and relax.

A few months ago, you promised that you would celebrate your Anniversary in a big way. You kept your word and made a cool holiday. In general, I want to note that you always do exactly what you promise. You know how to keep your word, always help your neighbors, support you in any situation. All this speaks of the qualities of a real man. I want to congratulate you on your Anniversary and wish you everything that you yourself dream of. Let no anxieties and troubles bother you, let there be no conflicts in your life. In 60 years of your life, you have managed to achieve significant results. But this is not the limit! You still have a whole life ahead of you, which will be no less rich and beautiful. Let everything in your life be the way you want it to be. Never be sad and don't worry, because you have such an army of support.

Today we will celebrate the Anniversary of one wonderful person, who for many of us is an important person. Although it is worth noting that not just for many, but for everyone. You have played a special role in the life of every guest who came today to congratulate you. We all appreciate everything you do for us. We sincerely wish you health, happiness and success in all your endeavors. Today you turn 60 years old. It would seem that the most difficult years are behind you, you managed to do everything you dreamed about. But you don’t even think of stopping at the achieved level, because there are still so many unknown things in the world. I wish you to achieve all those goals that you now set for yourself. I wish you great success, which you will share with us. We still have a lot to learn from you, so we will follow your example in everything. Happy anniversary!

I want to congratulate you, our dear hero of the day, on your special holiday. First of all, I want to say that you look great. You are turning 60 years old, but at the same time I can safely say that it is impossible to determine this. I want to wish you a great mood, because on such a wonderful holiday it should not be otherwise. Never rest on your laurels, because you have great potential. You can achieve anything you want, you just have to want it. Although I think that you have already seen this for 60 years. I wish you good health, our dear hero of the day. May prosperity always reign in your family, there will be complete mutual understanding. You are a wonderful family man, a real man who is worth being equal to. May your holiday be as fun as possible.

Our today's hero of the day is a person worth emulating. You belong to the category of men who never back down, do not stop there, do not like to expand on the topics of their personal lives. We really look at you with admiration because we understand that we all need to learn from you. I want to wish you a great mood, because you will have a cool holiday today. At 60, you can set a real example of how to have fun. I want to wish you good health, a lot of joy, a lot of happiness and love. Your family is your support, and you are your family's protector. I wish you never be sad, because you already know how to deal with problems. Stay always the way you are now. Our world needs such wonderful men.

The holiday that you usually celebrate on a grand scale has come. Today is your 60th anniversary. I want to sincerely congratulate you, and also wish you all the most wonderful things that can be. You have had fruitful and productive years. For sixty years, you have achieved tremendous success in your work, climbed the career ladder, you built a family, got grandchildren and granddaughters. I think that now is the time to enjoy being with your family, but working in such an incredible mode is absolutely not necessary. I want you to learn how to relax. You really do not know how to spend time on yourself, because you want to devote all the time to work. I wish you good health, well-being and many reasons for joy. You still need to raise great-grandchildren, so gain strength. I wish you a great mood on this significant day!

I want to sincerely congratulate our dear hero of the day on his sixtieth birthday. First of all, I want to say that for me you are a model of a person who knows how to achieve his own. We all know what a difficult life you had, how hard you worked. We know how many times you had to start from scratch, but you did it! I want there to be no more trials in your life, so that you can devote yourself to your family, which has supported you in recent years, which gave you strength when something did not work out. On the day of your Anniversary, I want to wish you only everything that you yourself dream of. Just don't dream of a job, because you've already achieved everything that millions of people can dream of. I wish you a wonderful holiday, a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bpositive and joy. May everything be wonderful for you.

On this wonderful day, I want to congratulate one very important person for me on his Jubilee. You know how much I love you. You know that I will never tire of thanking you for all the help you have given me, for your support and advice. I want to congratulate you on your sixtieth birthday and also wish you good health. I look at you and understand that for complete happiness you lack only good health. Therefore, I really want your well-being to improve soon so that you can enjoy every day of your bright and interesting life. But it is work that affects your health, so we all want to wish you to devote more time to yourself and your family. You have already established your work, so there is nowhere to run and hurry. I wish you only the very best.

I want to congratulate our dear hero of the day on his sixtieth birthday! I know how long you have been waiting for this holiday, because you wanted to gather all your relatives and friends. But at the same time, sadness is still felt in your voice. I want to tell you right away that in no case should you pay attention to age. These are just some numbers that do not play any decisive role in your life. You started working when you were a teenager. And after all, everyone said that you should not do this, that due to your age you will not succeed, but it did! You have become an incredibly successful person with a wealth of experience behind him. I want to wish you continued success, although I want you to spend more time with your family. The work will wait, trust us. I wish you to spend your Anniversary fun so that every moment is remembered.

Our dear hero of the day, I do not have enough words to express all our respect towards you. When a person enters such a serious age, I want to wish only good health. In the long sixty years you have managed to achieve everything that you dreamed of in your youth. Already at the age of twenty you knew what you needed from life, and now you are already content with all this. We can say that everything was done right by you, and now it's time to just enjoy all these benefits. I want to wish you on the day of your Anniversary only everything that you are now dreaming of. Just don't let it be related to work, because all your thoughts are now at work. Better spend time with your family, walk more often, travel, play with your grandchildren, because they need your communication. I wish you a great mood, a lot of joy and positive!

I want to sincerely congratulate you on your Anniversary! 60 years is a significant date that should certainly be celebrated on a grand scale. I have known you for many years, so first of all I want to wish you patience. I know how much you love to set difficult goals for yourself, and then gradually achieve them, surprising everyone around you. I don’t know if you need it now, but I believe that now is the time for you to spend it with your family and friends. It was these people who over the past years have supported you, given you strength and set you up for the best outcome of the event. I think you should thank them now. I wish you a wonderful mood! Today is such a wonderful holiday, so try to remember every moment. And from tomorrow you will not work in the same mode as before.

A few years ago we celebrated your fiftieth Anniversary, and then you had fun until the morning. Let's see how the holiday goes today, although I already see that you have all that fighting festive mood. I want to congratulate you on your sixtieth Anniversary and wish you all that you need to feel happy. You have already achieved a lot, but there are some important points left. For example, your health! It is good health that I want to wish you, because with such a rhythm of life it is impossible to stock up on health. I want the smile to never leave your face, so that you learn how to spend time with your own benefit. Start running in the morning, but not only to work, but just for yourself. You will see that your health will improve, and your relatives will simply stop recognizing you, in a good way, of course.