Sugaring beauty salons. The benefits of sugar hair removal. The advantage of salon conditions

In pursuit of ideal velvety skin, a woman uses all available means: a razor, an electric or photoepilator, depilatory creams, wax and much more. Some of these procedures are effective, but quite painful, others do not retain the results of the work done for very long. That is why Moscow (sugaring is especially popular here) is filled with a lot of salons where sugar hair removal is carried out. Sugaring, in addition to cleansing the skin of unnecessary vegetation, has a pleasant bonus - it acts like a scrub and exfoliates dead skin cells.

What is sugaring? Prices, procedure, results.

Sugaring is the oldest cosmetic procedure, which is the safest method of hair removal. It is hypoallergenic and does not cause skin irritation, so repeated treatment of the same areas of the body with sugar paste is possible. The advantages of sugaring include: penetration of sugar paste into the hair follicle, environmental friendliness and hygiene of the procedure, and the ability to remove the shortest hairs. The effect of the procedure is noticeable within 3-4 weeks. If you decide to undergo sugaring, then the prices of our specialists will delight you with their affordable prices. Moreover, you can compare them with the cost of services in other salons by typing “sugaring prices Moscow” into any search engine.

Why is it better to perform sugar depilation in a salon?

Our beauty salon performs sugaring only with the help of trained and certified professionals. They master the technique of painless, fast and effective sugar hair removal. Sugaring is the core specialization of our masters, so they know the direction, angle and intensity of hair removal for an effective and painless result. Moscow provides great opportunities in this regard; sugaring here is done using manual techniques and combines pastes of different density levels.

Hand sugaring is just a stone's throw away!

Modern people have long realized that smooth hands are no longer a luxury, but an urgent necessity in life, so sugar depilation of hands has become the norm for many of them. Professional care does not take much time - only 20-30 minutes and you can enjoy the smoothness and velvety of your skin. Hand sugaring is the least painful and most effective when the hair length is 5 mm. Delicate and professional, it painlessly removes unnecessary hair, takes care of your skin, makes it soft and silky. By deciding to have your hands sugared in our salon, you will receive a high-quality service taking into account your skin and hair type.

Sugaring of armpits: features of the procedure

The armpits are an extremely sensitive area and prone to irritation, so any hair removal here is quite problematic. Sugaring of the armpits in this sense is a way out of the situation. In addition, this procedure lasts no more than 20 minutes. But the most important argument in favor of sugar depilation is that it guarantees smooth and snow-white skin for three weeks. Remember that armpit sugaring is a reliable and safe way to remove unwanted hair.

Sugaring bikini area

Intimate sugaring is becoming increasingly popular. Salons (Moscow is a clear confirmation of this) vying with each other to offer this procedure, which is relatively painless compared to the “waxing” procedure. Sugaring the deep bikini area is a delicate process and takes about 40 minutes:

  1. First, the skin is cleansed with tonic.
  2. Sugaring of the bikini area then involves applying sugar paste against hair growth in order to lift it.
  3. After the sugar paste dries, it is removed with an instant movement in the direction of hair growth.
  4. After depilation, the paste is washed off with water or lotion, and a moisturizer is applied to the treated areas.

Sugaring of the deep bikini area removes hairs along with the bulb, so the results of the procedure are noticeable for a long time. High-quality sugaring, the prices of which are determined by the area of ​​the skin area being treated, allows you to avoid the effect of ingrown hairs. Since such epilation of the bikini area is performed without heating the sugar mass, the procedure eliminates the occurrence of burns and dilation of blood vessels. Sugaring of the bikini area gives good results even with hair lengths of 2 mm or more. When you have visited a beauty salon where sugaring was performed in the bikini area, refrain from visiting the sauna, bathhouse or swimming pool for a week. Do not forget that intimate sugaring, the prices of which depend on the design you choose, is a real art, accessible only to professional masters.

Now it has become fashionable to give sugaring to friends or colleagues. Buying sugaring in Moscow inexpensively and a gift certificate for such a service is quite simple. If you have some kind of joyful event coming up, treat yourself and order sugaring. In Moscow you can have it done inexpensively in our salon.

Smooth skin is pleasant and beautiful, but not everyone has been given this smoothness by nature.

For this reason, you have to make some efforts to make your skin the way you want.

There are several ways to do this, and one of the most effective, but not too painful, is sugaring, or Persian hair removal.

What is sugaring?

The word "sugaring" comes from the English "sugar", which means sugar. That is, deep bikini sugaring is hair removal using sugar in the bikini area.

More precisely, hair removal is carried out using caramel, that is, melted sugar mass. The method is based on such a property as its ability to stick to the surface, enveloping all the smallest particles, in our case, hairs.

Caramel is used for sugaring.

The sugaring procedure is far from new. Ancient Egypt is considered its homeland. It became widespread thanks to Persian beauties. That is why the second name is “Persian hair removal”.

In Persia, having body hair was considered indecent, so hair removal procedures were very common. Sugaring gave excellent results.

It must be said that the technology of hair removal using a sweet sugar mass is quite simple and has not undergone changes throughout its history.

Below are photos before and after sugaring:

Sugaring bikini area
Sugaring of armpits
Sugaring of the entire back

Hand epilation
Facial hair removal with sugar
Leg depilation

Products for the procedure

The product used to remove hair is sugar paste.

Standard composition of sugar paste:

  • Sugar,
  • Water,
  • Lemon acid.


To prepare a hair removal paste, you need to make a thick sugar syrup and heat it until it changes color. To do this, take 10 tablespoons of sugar, half a lemon, a tablespoon of water..

Sugar, water and juice from half a lemon are placed in a saucepan and put on fire. The mixture gradually heats up, while it must be constantly stirred.

The syrup should simmer for 7-10 minutes until its color changes. As soon as you see that the color has turned light caramel, you should immediately remove the mixture from the heat, because this is a signal of readiness. Then it is poured into another container.

The consistency of the paste is very important. If you overcook it, it will be hard and will not stretch. Undercooked sugar paste is too liquid, so it will simply spread over the body, but will not be able to stick to the hairs enough for them to be pulled out. Use the prepared paste for hair removal when it cools down.

Correct advice:

  • To make sugaring more comfortable, first of all you need to choose a comfortable position;
  • Do not leave the paste on the skin too long, otherwise you may not get the desired effect;
  • hair removal attempt on one area can be repeated no more than 3 times;
  • For the first two days after the procedure, you should not visit the pool, sauna, bathhouse, or sports clubs in order to avoid excessive sweating and possible infection in the pores enlarged after manipulation.

Other means

In beauty salons where sugaring is practiced, they can use the same method of preparing the paste. However, today various professional products are produced. They can be used for hair removal both at home and in a salon.

Of course, they will cost more than the classic composition, but there is no need to fuss, the consistency will always be as it should be, and you can also choose the composition taking into account the characteristics of your hairs.

Choose a product specifically for your skin and hair type.

If the procedure is carried out by a master in a salon, then he decides which composition to choose, which additives included in different products are necessary in a particular case. If you buy your own sugaring product in a store or salon, then you need to pay attention to the recommendations for skin and hair types. For example, for oily or dry skin, for fine or coarse hair, for light or dark hair.

Application of sugaring in the deep bikini area

Sugar hair removal is suitable for absolutely any area of ​​the skin, including the deep bikini area.

After this procedure, the skin in this area becomes smooth and silky, thanks to which the feeling of purity and freedom is maintained for a long time.

You can do deep bikini hair removal with sugaring both in the salon and on your own at home, because the rules for its implementation are quite simple. Some people don’t want to bother with preparing pasta, others don’t want to cause themselves pain, then they turn to professionals. Some, in general, prefer to trust only specialists to carry out even the most minimal procedures.

However, not every girl or woman is ready to trust the master so much that she goes to a salon for deep bikini hair removal. Some people are simply embarrassed, because you need to not only undress, but also completely open your intimate area.

On a note!
To remove hair in the perineal area, only hard sugar paste is used, which captures coarse hair well.
A paste cooked at home, the so-called “self-cooker”, may be too liquid and will not fix the hair well enough, or it may be too thick, which will also make the procedure long and not effective enough.


Regardless of where sugaring is to be carried out, it is worth preparing a little for it. It is known that any hair removal procedure is easier and better when the skin has been gently peeled.

A day or two before epilation, you need to cleanse the skin with a gentle scrub.. This simple procedure will remove the thin top layer of skin that contains dead cells. Sugar paste will be able to penetrate deeper into the hair follicle and remove it more efficiently.

On the day you want to epilate, do not apply anything to the skin other than the products used immediately before and after the procedure.

How does this happen

Hair removal in the bikini area occurs within 30-40 minutes.

It all starts with treating the skin with a disinfectant.

This can be a special lotion or tonic; chlorhexidine is often used at home.

The entire area where hair is to be removed is treated, and it is done in the direction opposite to the hair growth, so they are immediately lifted, which improves the final result. After this, the surface of the skin is powdered with talc or powder.

The hair removal paste should be at approximately room temperature. Take a small piece of the prepared paste (about the size of a walnut) and roll it into a ball. During the kneading process, the sugar paste loses its transparency and becomes almost white.

The ball is applied to the skin and the composition is rubbed into a small area. This is done against the hair growth, then the hairs rise and are better covered by the removal composition.

To ensure maximum hair capture, run your fingers over the treated area, pressing the paste. Then, with a sharp movement, the applied composition is torn off.

This movement should be in the direction opposite to the application of the sugar mass, that is, in the direction of hair growth. The sharper the movements, the less painful the procedure. So, capturing small areas of the skin, the composition is applied to it and torn off, removing hairs from the roots.

After the procedure is completed, the remaining sugar can be easily removed with plain water. The skin surface is treated with hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine or special post-depilatory agents. After this, a moisturizing and nourishing cream or oil is applied.

Step by step guide:

  • put disposable gloves on your hands;
  • Take a comfortable position. For example, place one foot on a chair;
  • take a small piece of paste in your hands and knead it with your fingers until you obtain a homogeneous elastic soft mass;
  • Apply the resulting “toffee” to a small area of ​​skin opposite the hair growth;
  • wait 15-20 seconds, then with a lightning-fast movement, tear off in the direction of hair growth;
  • Rinse off the remaining mass with cool water;
  • Apply moisturizer to your entire bikini area.

After the procedure

Recommendations are usually the same for all types of hair removal:

  • For one or two days you should refrain from visiting a bathhouse or sauna, as well as from intense physical activity (that is, from anything that causes profuse sweating) to exclude the possibility of infection getting into the disturbed skin pores.
  • Also, you don’t need to sunbathe for a day or two.

Experts also recommend that anyone who regularly epilates massage the skin in these areas with a washcloth while taking a shower or bath. In this way, possible ingrown hairs are prevented, although this happens quite rarely with sugaring.

How often to resort to sugaring, each woman decides based on her feelings. On average, the procedure is completed in 4-6 weeks.

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Advantages and disadvantages

The effect of sugaring is similar to the results of waxing. However, sugar hair removal is considered less painful, and the smoothness of the skin after it lasts longer than after hair removal with wax.

The smoothness of the skin after sugaring lasts longer than after waxing.

Advantages of sugaring

  • The procedure is not traumatic: the top layer of skin is not damaged, the absence of heating during the procedure allows you to avoid vasodilation (and therefore bruises) and burns. The skin remains simply smooth and irritation is very rare.
  • Sugar paste penetrates the hair follicle, which allows you to remove hairs more efficiently and do this with their minimum length (from 2 mm).
  • After the sugaring procedure, the newly growing hairs are not deformed, that is, there is practically no such nuisance as ingrown hairs.
  • Epilation is carried out with a completely natural composition, which is easily washed off with plain water.
  • Low allergenic risk of the procedure.
  • The full effect, that is, completely smooth skin, lasts from 20 days.
  • The procedure does not damage living skin cells, but effectively removes dead particles. This leads to a general improvement in the condition of the skin in the epilation area.
  • With regular sugaring, the hair follicle weakens, and the hairs grow weaker and thinner each time.
  • The simplicity of the sugar hair removal technology itself and the low cost of the paste components make sugaring accessible at home.

Disadvantages of the procedure

  • Pain (although it is much less than with waxing).
  • With the help of sugaring, it can be difficult to remove hairs that are accustomed to shaving. They become very hard and “sit” firmly in the skin. It is recommended to do waxing 2-3 times before switching to sugaring.

There are practically no contraindications for the sugar hair removal procedure, except perhaps intolerance to the substances included in the paste, noticeable damage to the skin or general poor health. Patients with diabetes should definitely consult an endocrinologist.

What to do with pain

The most painful epilation is waxing. If you have already undergone this procedure, then sugaring is not scary for you, you will be able to endure it calmly.

However, many people note significant pain during sugaring.

Pain sensations are always individual, and, as a rule, with each subsequent procedure they become less and less. There are also simple tips to help sensitive people cope with pain.

What reduces pain:

  • Good skin tension during execution,
  • Carrying out the procedure in the first week after the end of menstruation,
  • Application of special products: Emla creams, Anestol, Ane stop gel, Lidocaine spray,
  • Take painkillers orally 30-40 minutes before the procedure.

When deciding to use painkillers, you need to weigh the scope of their side effects; it is quite possible that after reading the instructions in detail, you will have the will to endure a little.

At home or in the salon?
It is usually recommended to visit a specialist at least once in order to follow the entire technology of the process from start to finish, understand your feelings, get professional advice, and then successfully repeat the procedure at home.

How much does sugar hair removal cost?

If deep bikini sugaring is performed at home, then the price includes only the cost of purchasing the components of the sugar paste and skin treatment products. As a rule, these are very minor expenses.

In clinics and salons that provide body care services, sugaring will cost much more. For example, in St. Petersburg, epilation of a deep bikini in this way costs from 1000 to 2500 rubles, in Moscow from 1400 to 3000 rubles.

Try it once and you will always use this hair removal!

Prices for sugaring in Russia are approximately the same as for waxing; in beauty salons in Europe they are slightly higher, by about 10-20%. The cost of sugar hair removal depends very much on the salon or clinic, as well as on the class of the master who performs the procedure. Beginners can do sugaring very inexpensively in order to gain practice and attract clients.

In general, the majority of those who have tried the sugaring procedure subsequently prefer to do hair removal this way.


And sugaring has become in demand for a number of reasons. It has a number of advantages over similar procedures, while it is devoid of their disadvantages.

Benefits of sugaring

Sugaring is natural hair removal. The sugar-based paste does not contain dyes or any synthetic materials. This makes the procedure hypoallergenic and safe for everyone. Girls with delicate skin can forever forget about itching and irritation, redness after shaving and other unpleasant consequences of hair removal.

It is worth noting that hair removal with sugar in Moscow It is carried out quite professionally, so it is completely painless, and the effect is long-lasting. Within a month there will not be even a hint of hair on your skin. It is also important that sugaring allows you to pull out hair according to its growth, and not against it, which prevents the possibility of the hair shaft growing into the skin.

Sugaring, unlike shaving or plucking with tweezers, allows you to remove dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. This makes it healthier, more beautiful, smoother. This means that after epilation with sugar you will not need to go for peeling. Savings are obvious!

How much does sugaring cost in Moscow salons?

The procedure for removing hair with sugar is quite simple, so many are surprised at how much sugaring costs in a salon. But it is important to understand that the price also depends on the materials used. But sugar-based paste can be quite expensive, because it contains a lot of natural substances. Also valuable is the work of the master, who evenly applies the mixture to the surface to be epilated and then removes the hair. And it is precisely thanks to two factors: the quality of materials and the skill of cosmetologists sugaring salons in Moscow are popular.

Are there any contraindications for sugaring?

Unlike wax strips, shaving and other hair removal methods, sugaring has no contraindications at all. It is perfect even for girls with delicate, damaged skin. The only wish for the procedure is clean skin and hair longer than five millimeters. Experts recommend not exposing the epilated area to direct sunlight for a day after sugaring.

In any case, you should consult a specialist before the procedure, and it is better to carry out hair removal with him rather than at home. This way you will definitely get only pleasant sensations from sugaring, touching smooth skin devoid of any hair.

Speaking about the cost of the procedure, it should be noted that it may vary, it depends on the location of hair removal, the area of ​​the treated area and other factors

Sugar is the white “death”, the “killer” of the figure. Every woman tries to reduce the consumption of such a coveted but harmful product. But... the power of the “enemy” can be used to special advantage!

Studio "El-L" performs "soft" hair removal SUGARING. Instead of traditional “hard” wax, the master will apply a sugar “cocktail” to your body, which will not only completely remove excess hair, but also renew and rejuvenate your skin.


Sugar hair removal Sugaring is not a figment of the imagination of modern cosmetologists. She was popular among noble women of ancient Egypt, who devoted all their time to the struggle for “long-lasting” youth and beauty. They found a magical recipe for a mixture that not only removed excess “thickets” from the bodies of beauties, but also made the skin sparkle with freshness and health. Noble Egyptian women even delighted their men by decorating their pristine intimate corners with intricate paintings.

Now the forgotten secret of the East is experiencing a rebirth. Our capital was one of the first to revive the art of hair removal, sugaring (Moscow has always been famous for its progressive “thinking” in all aspects of fashion and beauty). Closed studios for the wives of officials were the first to master the method, but now the secret “weapon” of Egyptian women has become available to a wide range of the public.

“WE DO SUGARING” – beauty salons actively offer such a useful procedure to their clients. Let's figure out WHAT IS THIS AND HOW IS IT MADE?

GET TO KNOW BIGGER sugar hair removal SUGARING

What is sugaring?

Sugar hair removal Sugaring (from the English word “shuga” - sugar) belongs to the category of radical methods of destroying the “gun” on your body. The hair is removed along with the follicle, which allows you to enjoy smooth, unencumbered skin for 2-3 weeks.

Paste composition

A viscous paste consisting of cane and fruit sugar, lemon juice and water is applied to the body. It contains only natural ingredients with an impeccable “eco-reputation”, without fragrances, carcinogens and other chemicals.

How is the procedure performed?

The master slightly warms up and thoroughly kneads the sugar paste, then applies the mixture to the client’s prepared skin and covers it with a strip of linen cloth. A couple of minutes to set, and then ONCE... AND DONE. The hair has been removed from the roots, but THAT'S NOT ALL!

In the process of applying the paste and during hair removal, dead epidermal cells are removed. Sugar is an excellent scrub, and the small particles in the sweet “cocktail” gently take care of the beauty and health of your skin.

How is the procedure tolerated?

Sugaring has a fairly mild “temper” compared to traditional waxing, so you will get

  1. Minimal discomfort during and after the procedure
  2. No allergic reactions to the paste

To reduce pain, before hair removal, apply an analgesic cream to the body, and then wash the area with a mineral soothing tonic. Within half an hour there will be no trace of the “torture” left on the skin.

What is the effect of sugaring?

After performing sugar hair removal, you will get an impressive result׃

  1. Skin will be softened and refreshed
  2. Unwanted hairs will “leave” you for a long time (2-3 weeks)

The newly emerging hair on the body will be thin and weak, so subsequent procedures will go “with a bang” and will not require special moral preparation for the “torment”.

Where can you do sugaring?

Sugar hair removal is carried out on ANY AREA OF THE BODY

  • Traditional directions: sugaring of hands and feet
  • “Touches” for the perfect look ׃ sugaring on the face, chest and stomach
  • Grooming of especially delicate areas, sugaring of armpits and bikini

Immediately after the procedure, you can decorate this place with a “live” picture: how to make a glitter tattoo and you can read on our website in the corresponding section.

Conditions for sugaring

An important factor influencing the effectiveness of sugaring hair removal is hair length. In order to completely get rid of everything unnecessary, you will have to grow your hair by 4-5 mm. This will make it possible to firmly pick up the hairs in the sugar paste and accurately pull them out by the roots. Ours was chosen for a reason, and here’s why...


    • Ingrown hair problem

WAX EPILATION removes hair in the direction of its growth. Some of the hairs break during the process. New “sprouts” are not able to break through the roughened upper layer of the epidermis, so ingrown hairs appear. Under this type is a very risky undertaking.

EPILATION SUGARING removes hair according to its growth. This significantly reduces the percentage of defects (breaking, tearing). Scrub paste cleanses the skin of dead “armor”.

    • Test by fire

WAX EPILATION is most effective when applying hot wax. Often, “postoperative torment” is complicated by receiving... a first-degree burn.

EPILATION SUGARING is performed with warm sugar paste (your body temperature), so getting a burn on even thin skin is EXCLUDED. Already half an hour after the procedure, you can apply it to the treated area of ​​skin.

    • Allergic reactions

WAXING can cause allergies, as women are often sensitive to one of the components of the wax.

EPILATION SUGARING uses a paste made from natural ingredients that every person eats (with the exception of those who suffer from diabetes). ALLERGIC REACTIONS ARE EXCLUDED. Even when doing this, you do not run the risk of irritating such delicate skin.


“Buy sugar paste and do hair removal without problems at home!” - advertisements sound on websites selling homemade cosmetics.

BUT IN ACTUALITY... you have to waste the paste, torture the same area of ​​the body again and again, getting rid of stubborn hairs. As a result, the jar is almost empty, and the extra “thicket” lives and lives on its feet.

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